Introduction - ICP DAS

Introduction - ICP DAS

Introduction - ICP DAS

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Table of Contents<strong>Introduction</strong>1.1. Industrial Communication & Networking Products1-1-1Multi-port Serial Cards2.1. Overview2.2. Serial communication Cards2.3. Applications2-1-12-2-12-3-1Programmable Device Servers (Serial-to-Ethernet)3.1. Overview3-1-13.2. PDS(M)-700(D) & PPDS(M)-700(D)-MTCP Programmable Device Servers 3-2-13.3. DS-700 Serial-to Ethernet Device Servers3-3-13.4. PPDS-700-IP67 Programmable Device Servers 3-4-13.5. PDS-800 Programmable Device Servers 3-5-13.6. Programmable Serial-to-Fiber Device Server 3-6-13.7. Tiny Serial-to-Ethernet Device Server and Modbus Gateway 3-7-13.8. μPAC-7186EX(D)-MTCP Modbus to Ethernet Gateway 3-8-1Converters, Repeaters and Hubs4.1. RS-485 Network Configuration4-1-14.2. RS-422/485 Repeaters4-2-14.3. RS-485 Star Wiring Hub 4-3-14.4. RS-232/RS-422/485 Converters 4-4-14.5. Intelligent Communication Controllers 4-5-14.6. USB to RS-232/422/485 Converters 4-6-14.7. RS-232/422/485 to Fiber Optic Converter 4-7-1Fieldbus Solutions5.1. Overview5-1-15.2. CAN bus <strong>Introduction</strong> & Products 5-2-15.3. CANopen <strong>Introduction</strong> & Products 5-3-15.4. DeviceNet <strong>Introduction</strong> & Products 5-4-15.5. J1939 <strong>Introduction</strong> & Products 5-5-15.6. PROFIBUS <strong>Introduction</strong> & Products 5-6-15.7. HART <strong>Introduction</strong> & Products 5-7-15.8. EtherNet/IP <strong>Introduction</strong> & Products 5-8-15.9. BACnet <strong>Introduction</strong> & Products 5-9-1Ethernet Switches6.1. Overview6.2. Product Showcase6-1-16-2-1Accessories7.1. Cables7-1-17.2. Power Supplies7-2-17.3. Terminal Boards & Connector 7-3-17.4. Hub 7-4-1Related Products8.1. Wireless Networking Solutions8-1-1

<strong>Introduction</strong>1.1 Industrial Communication & Networking ProductsP1-1-1‧RS-485 Bus Repeater, Converter and Hub‧USB to RS-232/422/485/CAN bus Converters‧Multi-port RS-232/422/485 Communication Cards‧Programmable Serial to Ethernet Device Server‧Ethernet Switch‧Fieldbus in Industrial AutomationP1-1-1P1-1-2P1-1-2P1-1-2P1-1-2P1-1-3

<strong>Introduction</strong>11.1. Industrial Communication & Networking Products<strong>Introduction</strong> Industrial Communication n & Networking ProductsandNetworking Solutions1ducFCF<strong>Introduction</strong>RS-485 Bus Repeater, Converter and Hub Chapter 4RS-485 is an electrical specification of a two-wire, half-duplex, multipointserial communications channel. Since it uses a differential balanced line overtwisted pair (like RS-422), it can span relatively long distances (up to 4,000feet (1,200 m)). RS-485 is widely used in the computer automation systems,such as building automation, machine automation and factory automationsetc. Used for low cost low-speed data communications, it requires minimalwiring, and shares the wiring among several nodes.<strong>ICP</strong> <strong>DAS</strong> provides total solutions on RS-485 bus, such as addressable RS-485to RS-232/422 converter, RS-485 repeater, RS-232 to RS-485 converter, USBto RS-485 converter, RS-232/422/485 to fiber optic converter and RS-485Hub… etc.1-1-1<strong>ICP</strong> <strong>DAS</strong> CO., LTDProfessional Provider of High Quality Industrial Computer Products and Data Acquisition Systems

Industrial Communication & Networking Products Catalog<strong>Introduction</strong>USB to RS-232/422/485/CAN bus Converters Chapter 4Universal Serial Bus (USB) is designed to allow many peripherals to beconnected by using a single standard interface socket, and to improve theplug-and-play capabilities by hot swapping. In brief, devices can beconnected and/or disconnected without rebooting the computer or turningoff the device.Currently USB ports are standard interface to external devices on manycomputers. By using <strong>ICP</strong> <strong>DAS</strong> USB converters, users can access industrialRS-232/422/485 serial devices and CAN bus devices through the existing USBports easily.<strong>Introduction</strong>Multi-port RS-232/422/485 Communication Cards Chapter 2The VXC series card features Universal PCI (3.3 V and 5 V) or PCI Expressinterface, provides multiple RS-232 or RS-422/485 communication ports andoffers 128-byte hardware FIFO for each port. The VXC series card enablesuser to install additional communication ports on PCs, and supports 32- and64-bit Windows 7/Vista/2003/XP. Users can select a specified COM portnumber manually by setting COM-Selector (DIP switch), or let the driver tochoose an available number automatically.It’s the best choice for time-critical and reliable communications and controlsin industrial environments, like communication with PLC, FAB machine, meter,console management of devices, laboratory instruments and Modem link, etc.<strong>Introduction</strong>Programmable Serial to Ethernet Device Server Chapter 3Programmable Device Server (PDS) is Serial-Device to Ethernet gateway. Itconnects RS-232/422/485 serial devices, such as PLC, bar code reader, RFIDreader, meters and motion controllers… etc., to Ethernet that usually is theexisting network in office and factory.VxComm Driver creates virtual COM ports on 32- and 64-bit Windows7/Vista/2003/XP and maps them to physical serial ports on PDS remotely.User's serial programs need only to change to the virtual COM port to get theaccess of serial devices that are allocated in the Internet or Ethernet networkvia the PDS.<strong>Introduction</strong>Ethernet Switch Chapter 6Ethernet is an ideal medium to transport large volumes of data, at fast speed,across great distances. Previously, multiple networks carrying specificprotocols were installed side by side to carry out unique tasks. This inevitablyled to project costs increasing as additional fiber optic or copper cables wereinstalled to deal with the increasing volume of data. Using Ethernet, a singlefiber optic cable can carry multiple protocols.A switch, like a hub, has to forward and receive packets from one network ordevice to another. The switch forwards all packets, but if this is the case itshall have similar behavior to a hub. It becomes more intelligent if the switchonly forwards packets which needs to travel from one network or device toanother.1<strong>Introduction</strong> Industrial Communication n Local & Networking Communication ProductsandNetworking Solutions1ducFCFWebsite: http://www.icpdas.com E-mail: service@icpdas.com 1-1-2

<strong>Introduction</strong>1<strong>Introduction</strong> Industrial Communication n & Networking ProductsandNetworking Solutions1ucCcCCF<strong>Introduction</strong>Fieldbus in Industrial Automation Chapter 5Fieldbus is an industrial network system for real-time distributed control. It is a way to connect instrumentsin a manufacturing plant. Fieldbus works on a network structure which typically allows daisy-chain, star,ring, branch, and tree network topologies. Fieldbus reduces both the length and the number of cablesrequired. Fieldbus has many major advantages to all applications of automation. The technology of fieldbusis mature and well accepted in various fields in markets. <strong>ICP</strong> <strong>DAS</strong> has focused on these fieldbus productsfor several years and offers various fieldbus solutions in different industrial applications, covering theentire scope of process and manufacturing automation: CAN bus, CANopen, DeviceNet, J1939, PROFIBUS,HART, EtherNet/IP and BACnet applications<strong>ICP</strong> <strong>DAS</strong>’s Fieldbus Development Services group has been involved in the design and development ofindustrial Fieldbus and industrial Ethernet products for our customers for several years. We have theexpertise to bring these bring these fieldbus products to your system. As the members of the CiA, ODVAand PI, we have the various latest Fieldbus and industrial Ethernet development tool and understand thedetails of all the steps required to bring the products to your need.Solutions for Fieldbus and industrial EthernetIn order to solve various communication problems in different Fieldbus and industrial Ethernet applications,<strong>ICP</strong> <strong>DAS</strong> provides converters, gateways, PC based, and PAC based solutions of Fieldbus and industrialEthernet for users. Users can choose corresponding solutions depending on various field applications.PC-based solutions PAC solutions Converter solutions Gateway solutions1-1-3<strong>ICP</strong> <strong>DAS</strong> CO., LTDProfessional Provider of High Quality Industrial Computer Products and Data Acquisition Systems

Multi-port Serial Cards2.1 OverviewP2-1-12.2 Serial Communication CardsP2-2-12.3 ApplicationsP2-3-1

Overview22.1. OverviewMulti-port Serial Cards Overview1Meter<strong>Introduction</strong>OverviewThe VXC multi-port serial card enables user to increase additional communication ports on PCs. It’s the on-top-of-thelistchoice while you are managing to connect lots of outer devices through your PC; every VXC card ensures yousmooth communication in both time-critical applications and industrial fields. With simply a VXC card, it has never beenthat easy to integrate a PC with lots of devices, such as PLCs, FAB machines, meters, controller devices, laboratoryinstruments, modems, card readers, serial printers, RFID readers, bar code readers, sensors, etc.<strong>Introduction</strong>FeaturesCOM-SelectorPLCFAB MachineVXCCardModemPACEach VXC/VEX card is equipped with a COM-Selector (DIP switch) for the COM port number selection. It supports twoselection modes: Auto- and Manual-mode. The Auto-mode is the default setting (DIP switch is set as 0), and theuncertain COM port number will be assigned automatically by OS. The COM port number can be different after the PCreboot, and then may cause failures of an automation system. The Manual-mode of the COM-selector (DIP switch isset as 1 ~ 255) can force the card to use user-defined COM port number and eliminates the Auto-mode issues above.It's an important and innovative feature of the VXC family.The Manual-mode of the COM-Selector provides the following advantages:◆ Simplifies the COM port number selection without configuration utility.◆ Specifies the COM port number directly, regardless of which PCI slot is plugged in.◆ Avoids the confusion of uncertain COM port number that other PnP COM port devices use.◆ Easy to replace a broken card just with the same DIP switch setting.Easy COM PortSelection by DIP switchESD ProtectionCFOverviewThe VXC cards offer TVS diode ESD protection technology, protectingyour system from being damaged by the high potential voltages.Under normal operating conditions, the TVS diode presents highimpedance (appears as an open circuit) to the protected component.When the voltage is beyond the limits, the TVS diode avalanchesproviding a low impedance path for the transient current. As a result,the transient current is diverted away from the protected componentsand shunted through the TVS diode. The device returns to a highimpedance state after the transient threat passed.Z inTransientCurrentCFrame GroundTVSDiodePROTECTEDCIRCUIT2-1-1<strong>ICP</strong> <strong>DAS</strong> CO., LTDProfessional Provider of High Quality Industrial Computer Products and Data Acquisition Systems

Industrial Communication & Networking Products CatalogSelf-TunerThe VXC card is equipped with a “Self-Tuner” chip tocontrol the sending/receiving direction of RS-485 portsautomatically.Without the help of Self-Tuner, users need to enableRS-485 transmitter before sending, and disable thetransmitter after finishing sending. The timing toenable and disable transmitter (direction control) is themajor issue on many communication problems, and it isvery difficult to debug.The built-in Self-Tuner on VXC cards effectively gets ridof this direction control issue and also simplifiessoftware programming for communication applications.IsolationSome VXC cards offer photo isolation to protect yourcomputer and equipment against damages in harshenvironment.Photo coupler is a devicethat uses a short optical13transmission path totransfer a signal between 2 4elements of a circuit,typically a transmitter and aPhoto Coupler Operationreceiver. This keeping themelectrically isolated — since the signal goes from anelectrical signal to an optical signal, the electricalcontact along the path is broken.It can help cutting down on ground loops, commonmode voltages and block voltage spikes, provideelectrical isolation, and offer significant protection fromserious over-voltage conditions in one circuit affectingthe other.Hardware FIFO up to 128 bytesFIFO stands for "First In, First Out", an abstraction inways of organizing and manipulating data relative totime and prioritization. FIFO is used for buffering andflow control while data come from hardware tosoftware. When using hardware FIFO (buffer), a littledelay on software or operating system will not lost dataat all.Software gets datain dynamic timing.Hardware puts datain fixed speed.VXC Cards are equipped with 16- or 128-byte hardwareFIFO for each port. Large hardware FIFO is useful toprevent data lost when your system works on heavyloading, and even helpful while you are running on amulti-task operating system, such as Windows, Linux…etc.COM port buffer up to 128 KBThe VXC card driver for Windows features an up to 128KB buffer for each port (default is 4 KB). It’s practicalfor large file transmission.Short Card DesignThe “Short Card” design is suitable for compact-sizedcomputer, especially for IPC (Industrial PersonalComputer) and servers.Universal PCI (3.3 V and 5 V)The Universal PCI card works with both new 3.3 V PCIbus that has been widely-used in servers, andtraditional 5 V PCI bus. The universal PCI interface willbe the standard for every card from <strong>ICP</strong> <strong>DAS</strong> in the nearfuture.PCI ExpressPCI Express (PCIe) is a computer expansion busstandard. A key difference between PCIe and earlier PCbuses is a topology based on point-to-point serial links,rather than a shared parallel bus architecture. Conceptually,the PCIe bus can be thought of as a 'high-speedserial replacement' of the older PCI/PCI-X bus.Various AccessoriesThere are a lot of optional accessories for the VXCcards, such as RS-232 cables and daughter boards.These tools make wiring much easily than ever.DB-9 CableDB-9 CableDB-37 ConnectorDB-9 Daughter BoardDB-37 to 4-port DB-9 CableDB-9 Connector2Multi-port Serial Cards Overview Overview1CFWebsite: http://www.icpdas.com E-mail: service@icpdas.com 2-1-2

Overview2<strong>Introduction</strong>Wiring Note for RS-232 and RS-422/485 DevicesRS-232 WiringMulti-port Serial Cards Overview1DTE (Computer)1. DCD2. RxD3. TxD4. DTR5. GND6. DSR7. RTS8. CTS9. RIFGNDNote:1. For 3-wire RS-232 connections, it is recommended to short unused signals such as RTS/CTS and DTR/DSR, sincesome system may still check the CTS and DSR status.2. FGND is the frame ground that soldered to DB-9 metal shield.RS-485 Wiring2-wire RS-485 Wiring9-wire RS-232 Connection (DB-9)RS-485 MasterDATA+(B)DATA-(A)GNDFGND2-wire Only DeviceDCE (Modem)1. DCD2. TxD3. RxD4. DSR5. GND6. DTR7. CTS8. RTS9. RIFGNDDevice 1 Device 2Device 3DATA+(B)DATA-(A)GNDFGNDDATA+(B)DATA-(A)GNDFGNDDATA+(B)DATA-(A)GNDFGNDTwisted Pair Wiring plus GroundDeviceRxDTxDGNDRTSCTSDTRDSRFGND3-wire RS-232 Connection(Shorts unused signals RTS/CTS, DTR/DSR)RS-422 Wiring4-wire RS-422 WiringRS-422 MasterTxD+(B)TxD-(A)RxD+(B)RxD-(A)GNDFGNDDeviceTxDRxDGNDCTSRTSDSRDTRFGNDRS-422 DeviceRxD+(B)RxD-(A)TxD+(B)TxD-(A)GNDFGNDNote:For RS-422/485 ports, you should connect all signal grounds of RS-422/485 devices together. This reduces commonmodevoltage between devices.CFOverview2-1-3<strong>ICP</strong> <strong>DAS</strong> CO., LTDProfessional Provider of High Quality Industrial Computer Products and Data Acquisition Systems

Industrial Communication & Networking Products Catalog<strong>Introduction</strong>Selection GuideModel NameVXC-112AUVXC-112iAUVXC-142AUVXC-142iAUVXC-182iUVXC-114UVXC-114iAUVXC-144UVXC-144iUVXC-118U-5wVXC-118iU-5wVXC-148U-5wVXC-148iU-5wVEX-112VEX-112iVEX-142VEX-142iVEX-114Model NameUniversal PCIVEX-114i Yes 4 -- 2.5 kV +/-4 kV 115.2 K 128 Female DB-37 2-2-3VEX-144VEX-144iVEX-118-5wVEX-118i-5wCOM-SelectorYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesPCI ExpressCOM-SelectorYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesRS-23222--144--88--RS-23222--4--88RS-422/485--221--44--88RS-422/485--22-44--Self-Tuner Isolation--YesYesYes--YesYes--YesYes-2.5 kV-2.5 kV2.5 kV-2.5 kV-2.5 kV-2.5 kV-2.5 kVSelf-Tuner Isolation--YesYes-YesYes--2.5 kV-2.5 kV--2.5 kV-ESDProtection--+/-4 kV+/-4 kVESDProtectionMax. Speed(bps)115.2 K115.2 K115.2 K115.2 KMax. Speed(bps)FIFO Size(bytes)128+/-4 kV 115.2 K 128--+/-4 kV115.2 K115.2 K115.2 K128128128128+/-4 kV 115.2 K 128--+/-4 kV115.2 K115.2 K115.2 K128128256+/-4 kV 115.2 K 256--+/-4 kV115.2 K115.2 K115.2 K256256FIFO Size(bytes)128+/-4 kV 115.2 K 128--+/-4 kV-115.2 K115.2 K115.2 K115.2 K128128128128128256- 2.5 kV +/-4 kV 115.2 K 256ConnectorMale DB-9Male DB-9Male DB-9Male DB-9Male DB-9Female DB-37Female DB-37Female DB-37Female DB-37Female DB-62Female DB-62Female DB-62Female DB-62ConnectorMale DB-9Male DB-9Male DB-9Male DB-9Female DB-37Female DB-37Female DB-37Female DB-62Female DB-62Page2-2-12-2-12-2-52-2-52-2-92-2-32-2-32-2-72-2-7CallCallCallCallPage2-2-12-2-12-2-52-2-52-2-32-2-72-2-7CallCall2Multi-port Serial Cards Overview Overview1CFVEX-148-5wYes-8Yes--115.2 K256Female DB-62CallVEX-148i-5wYes-8Yes2.5 kV+/-4 kV115.2 K256Female DB-62CallWebsite: http://www.icpdas.com E-mail: service@icpdas.com 2-1-4

Serial Communication Cards22.2. Serial Communication CardsMulti-port Serial Cards Serial Communication Cards2VXC-112AU/VXC-112iAUVEX-112/VEX-112i<strong>Introduction</strong>Serial Communication Card with 2 RS-232 portsThe VXC-112/VEX-112 series communication card provides 2 RS-232 serialports. Each port equips a 128-byte hardware FIFO, offers speed up to 115200bps and can work for half-duplex or full-duplex communication.Users can select a specified COM port number manually by settingCOM-Selector (DIP switch), or let the driver choose an available numberautomatically. The driver provides a maximum of 128 KB software buffer foreach COM port under Windows. It's practical for large file transmission.In harsh industrial environments, the onboard ESD protection componentdiverts the potentially damaging charge away from sensitive circuit andprotects the computer and equipment from being damaged by high potentialvoltage.The serial communication card are designed for use with intelligent deviceslike bar code reader, serial printers, intelligent sensors, instrumentationequipment, computers and almost any device with an RS-232 port.Hardware SpecificationsFeaturesBuilt-in COM-SelectorShort Card DesignProvides 2 RS-232 ports2500 Vrms Isolation for i versions+/-4 kV ESD Protection for i versionsSupports 3.3 V/5 V PCI bus for VXC seriesSupports PCI Express bus for VEX series128-byte Hardware FIFO for Each Port128 KB Software Buffer (max.) for Each Port Under WindowsRoHS compliant with no HalogenApplications‧Industrial Machinery‧Building Automation‧Restaurant Appliances‧Laboratory Equipment & Research‧Industrial CommunicationSoftware‧Driver for 32-bit and 64-bit Windows XP/2003/Vista/7‧Driver for LinuxCFVXC-112/VEX-112 SeriesModelsCommunication PortCOM1, COM2UARTBaud RateData BitStop BitParityFIFOIsolatedGeneralBus TypeCOM-SelectorConnectorPower ConsumptionOperating TemperatureStorage TemperatureHumidityDimensions (L x W x D)VXC-112AUVXC-112iAURS-232 (TxD, RxD, RTS, CTS, DTR, DSR, DCD, RI, GND)16C950 compatible50 ~ 115200 bps5, 6, 7, 81, 1.5, 2None, Even, Odd, Mark, SpaceInternal 128 bytes-2500 VrmsUniversal PCI, 3.3 V/5 V, 33 MHz, 32-bit, Plug and PlayYes (8-bit DIP switch)2 x DB-9 (Male)100 mA @ 5 V480 mA @ 5 V0 °C ~ +50 °C-20 °C ~ +70 °C0 ~ 90% RH, non-condensing134 mm x 90 mm x 22 mmVEX-112VEX-112i-2500 VrmsPCI Express x1, Plug and Play120 mA @ 5 V440 mA @ 5 V109 mm x 94 mm x 22 mm2-2-1<strong>ICP</strong> <strong>DAS</strong> CO., LTDProfessional Provider of High Quality Industrial Computer Products and Data Acquisition Systems

Industrial Communication & Networking Products CatalogWiringDTE Device (Computer) DB9 DTE to DCE Connections DCE Device (Modem) DB9Pin# DB9 RS-232 Signal Names Signal DirectionPin# DB9 RS-232 Signal Names#1 Carrier Detector#2 Transmit Data#3 Receive Data#1 Carrier Detector#2 Receive Data#3 Transmit Data#4 Data Terminal Ready#5 Signal Ground/Common (SG)#6 Data Set Ready#7 Request to Send#8 Clear to Send#9 Ring IndicatorSoldered to DB9 Metal-Shield3-wire RS-232 WiringRS-232 MasterTxDRxDGNDFGNDDimensions (Unit: mm)VXC-112AU/VXC-112iAU1212218.410.5Pin Assignments134120.6122.1126.6DCDRxDTxDDTRGNDDSRRTSCTSRIFGNDRS-232 DeviceRxDTxDGNDFGND89.2VEX-112/VEX-112i12121.618.4#4 Data Set Ready#5 Signal Ground/Common (SG)#6 Data Terminal Ready#7 Clear to Send#8 Request to Send#9 Ring IndicatorSoldered to DB9 Metal-Shield10.510995.4Ordering Information98102DCDTxDRxDDSRGNDDTRCTSRTSRIFGND942Multi-port Serial Cards Serial Communication Cards2Pin AssignmentGNDDTRTxDRxDDCDTerminal No. Pin Assignment0509 RI0408 CTS0307 RTS0206 DSR01Male DB-9 ConnectorUniversal PCI , Serial Communication Card withVXC-112AU CR2 RS-232 ports (RoHS)Universal PCI , Serial Communication Card withVXC-112iAU CR2 Isolated RS-232 ports (RoHS)PCI Express, Serial Communication Card withVEX-112 CR2 RS-232 ports (RoHS)PCI Express, Serial Communication Card withVEX-112i CR2 Isolated RS-232 ports (RoHS)AccessoriesCA-0910F 9-Pin Female-Female D-Sub Cable 1 mCA-0915 9-Pin Male-Female D-Sub Cable, 1.5 mCA-PC09F 9-Pin Female D-Sub Connector with Plastic CoverI/O Connector Block with DIN-Rail Mounting andTwo 9-Pin Male Header.DN-09-2FIncludes CA-0910F x 2(9-Pin Female-Female D-Sub Cable 1 m)CFVXC-112/VEX-112 SeriesWebsite: http://www.icpdas.com E-mail: service@icpdas.com 2-2-2

Serial Communication Cards2FeaturesMulti-port Serial Cards Serial Communication Cards2CFVXC-114/VEX-114 SeriesVXC-114U/VXC-114iAUVEX-114/VEX-114i<strong>Introduction</strong>Serial Communication Card with 4 RS-232 portsThe VXC-114/VEX-114 series card provides 4 RS-232 serial ports. It equips a128-byte hardware FIFO for each port, offers speed up to 115200 bps andsupports full-duplex communication.Users can select a specified COM port number manually by setting DIP switch,or let the driver choose an available number automatically. The driverprovides a maximum of 128 KB software FIFO for each COM port underWindows. It's practical for large file transmission.In harsh industrial environments, the onboard ESD protection componentdiverts the potentially damaging charge away from sensitive circuit andprotects the computer and equipment from being damaged by high potentialvoltage.The serial communication card are designed for use with intelligent deviceslike bar code reader, serial printers, intelligent sensors, instrumentationequipment, computers and almost any device with an RS-232 port.Hardware SpecificationsBuilt-in COM-SelectorShort Card DesignProvides 4 RS-232 ports2500 Vrms Isolation for i version+/-4 kV ESD Protection for i versions128-byte Hardware FIFO for Each Port128 KB Software Buffer (max.) for Each COM Port Under WindowsSupports 3.3 V/5 V PCI bus for U versionsSupports PCI Express x 1 for VEX seriesRoHS compliant with no HalogenApplications‧Industrial Machinery‧Building Automation‧Restaurant Appliances‧Laboratory Equipment & Research‧Industrial CommunicationSoftware‧Driver for 32-bit and 64-bit Windows XP/2003/Vista/7‧Driver for LinuxModelsCommunication PortVXC-114U VXC-114iAU VEX-114 VEX-114iCOM1 ~ COM4RS-232 (TxD, RxD, RTS, CTS, DTR, DSR, DCD, RI, GND)UART16C950 compatibleBaud Rate50 ~ 115200 bpsData Bit5, 6, 7, 8Stop Bit1, 1.5, 2ParityNone, Even, Odd, Mark, SpaceFIFOInternal 128 bytesIsolated -2500 Vrms - 2500 VrmsGeneralBus TypeUniversal PCI, 3.3 V and 5 V, 33 MHz, 32-bit, Plug and Play PCI Express x1, Plug and PlayCOM-SelectorConnectorYes (8-bit DIP switch)DB-37 (Female)Power Consumption 120 mA @ 5 V880 mA @ 5 V 120 mA @ 5 V 880 mA @ 5 VOperating Temperature 0 °C ~ +50 °CStorage Temperature -20 °C ~ +70 °CHumidityDimensions (L x W x D)0 ~ 90% RH, non-condensing142 mm x 84 mm x 22 mm 133 mm x 93 mm x 22 mm 110 mm x 110 mm x 22 mm2-2-3<strong>ICP</strong> <strong>DAS</strong> CO., LTDProfessional Provider of High Quality Industrial Computer Products and Data Acquisition Systems

Industrial Communication & Networking Products CatalogWiringPin AssignmentsPin AssignmentN.C.01DCD302GND03CTS304RxD305RI406DTR407DSR408RTS409TxD410DCD211GND12CTS2 13RxD214RI1DTR1DSR1RTS115161718TxD1 19AccessoriesCA-4002CA-9-3715DDTE Device (Computer) DB-9 DTE to DCE Connections DCE Device (Modem) DB-9Pin# DB-9 RS-232 Signal Names Signal DirectionPin# DB-9 RS-232 Signal Names#1 Carrier Detector#2 Transmit Data#3 Receive Data#1 Carrier Detector#2 Receive Data#3 Transmit Data#4 Data Terminal Ready#5 Signal Ground/Common (SG)#6 Data Set Ready#7 Request to Send#8 Clear to Send#9 Ring IndicatorSoldered to DB-9 Metal ShieldTerminalNo.20 RI321 DTR322 DSR323 RTS324 TxD325 DCD426 GND27 CTS428 RxD429 RI230 DTR231 DSR232 RTS233 TxD234 DCD135 GND36 CTS137 RxD1RS-232 Female DB-37 ConnectorOrdering InformationDCDRxDTxDDTRGNDDSRRTSCTSRIFGNDPin AssignmentUniversal PCI, Serial Communication Card with 4 RS-232VXC-114U CRports (RoHS). Includes One CA-4002 ConnectorUniversal PCI, Serial Communication Card with 4 RS-232VXC-114U/D2 CR ports (RoHS). Includes One CA-9-3715D CableVEX-114 CRVEX-114/D2 CRVXC-114iAU CRPCI Express, Serial Communication Card with 4 RS-232ports (RoHS). Includes One CA-4002 ConnectorPCI Express, Serial Communication Card with 4 RS-232ports (RoHS). Includes One CA-9-3715D CableRS-232 ports (RoHS). Includes One CA-4002 ConnectorUniversal PCI, Serial Communication Card with 4 IsolatedVXC-114iAU/D2 CR RS-232 ports (RoHS). Includes One CA-9-3715D CableVEX-114i CRVEX-114i/D2 CRUniversal PCI, Serial Communication Card with 4 IsolatedPCI Express, Serial Communication Card with 4 IsolatedRS-232 ports (RoHS). Includes One CA-4002 ConnectorPCI Express, Serial Communication Card with 4 IsolatedRS-232 ports (RoHS). Includes One CA-9-3715D Cable37-Pin Male D-Sub Connector with Plastic CoverMale DB-37 to 4 Male DB-9 Cable, 1.5 mFor VXC Series (180°)Pin AssignmentGNDDTRTxDRxDDCD#4 Data Set Ready#5 Signal Ground/Common (SG)#6 Data Terminal Ready#7 Clear to Send#8 Request to Send#9 Ring IndicatorSoldered to DB-9 Metal ShieldTerminal0504030201No.Dimensions (Unit: mm)VXC-114U09 RI08 CTS07 RTS06 DSRRS-232 Female DB-37 to Male DB-9 Connector121VXC-114iAU2218.412110.5VEX-114/VEX-114i1251212218.410.5110.022 97.018.410.5142129.5131.0135.4122.4126.999.5103.9133120.9109.6DCDTxDRxDDSRGNDDTRCTSRTSRIFGNDPin Assignment82.191.783.292.82Multi-port Serial Cards Serial Communication Cards2CFVXC-114/VEX-114 SeriesWebsite: http://www.icpdas.com E-mail: service@icpdas.com 2-2-4

Serial Communication Cards2FeaturesMulti-port Serial Cards Serial Communication Cards2CFVXC-142/VEX-142 Series<strong>Introduction</strong>The VXC-142/VEX-142 series card provides two RS-422/RS-485 serialports and supports 3.3 V/5 V PCI bus. The VXC-142iAU/VEX-142i card alsosupports isolation voltage up to 2.5 kV. Each port can be configured as eitherRS-485 for half-duplex or RS-422 for full-duplex communication. It equips a128-byte hardware FIFO for each port, offers speed up to 115200 bps andsupports full-duplex communication.Users can select a specified COM port number manually by setting dip switch,or let the driver choose an available number automatically. The driverprovides a maximum of 128 KB software FIFO for each COM port underWindows. It's practical for large file transmission.In harsh industrial environments, the onboard ESD protection componentdiverts the potentially damaging charge away from sensitive circuit andprotects the computer and equipment from being damaged by high potentialvoltage.The serial communication card are designed for use with intelligent deviceslike bar code reader, serial printers, intelligent sensors, instrumentationequipment, computers and almost any device with an RS-232 port.Hardware SpecificationsModelsCommunication PortCOM1, COM2UARTBaud RateData BitStop BitParityFIFOIsolatedGeneralBus TypeVXC-142AU/VXC-142iAUVEX-142/VEX-142iSerial Communication Card with 2 RS-422/485 portsCOM-SelectorConnectorPower ConsumptionOperating TemperatureStorage TemperatureHumidityDimensions (L x W x D)RS-422/485RS-422RS-485VXC-142AUApplications‧Industrial Machinery‧Building Automation‧Restaurant Appliances‧Laboratory Equipment & Research‧Industrial CommunicationThe RS-422 and RS-485 cannot be used simultaneouslyTxD+, TxD-, RxD+, RxD-, RTS+, RTS-, CTS+, CTS-, GNDData+, Data-, GND (Automatic RS-485 Direction Control)16C950 compatible50 ~ 115200 bps5, 6, 7, 81, 1.5, 2None, Even, Odd, Mark, SpaceInternal 128 bytes-0 ~ 90% RH, non-condensing134 mm x 90 mm x 22 mmVXC-142iAUBuilt-in COM-SelectorShort Card DesignProvides 2 RS-422/485 ports2500 Vrms isolation for i version+/-4 kV ESD Protection for i version128-byte Hardware FIFO for Each PortSupports 3.3 V/5 V PCI bus for U versionsSupports PCI Express bus for VEX seriesRoHS compliant with no HalogenAutomatic RS-485 Direction ControlSoftware‧Driver for 32-bit and 64-bit Windows XP/2003/Vista/7‧Driver for LinuxVEX-142VEX-142i2500 Vrms -2500 VrmsUniversal PCI, 3.3 V and 5 V, 33 MHz, 32-bit,PCI Express x1, Plug and PlayPlug and PlayYes (8-bit DIP switch)2 x Male DB-9100 mA @ 5 V480 mA @ 5 V 120 mA @ 5 V440 mA @ 5 V0 °C ~ +50 °C-20 °C ~ +70 °C110 mm x 94 mm x 22 mm2-2-5<strong>ICP</strong> <strong>DAS</strong> CO., LTDProfessional Provider of High Quality Industrial Computer Products and Data Acquisition Systems

Industrial Communication & Networking Products CatalogWiring2-wire RS-485 WiringRS-485 MasterDATA+(B)DATA-(A)GNDFGND2-wire Only DeviceDimensions (Unit: mm)VXC-142AU/VXC-142iAU2212110.518.4Pin AssignmentsPin AssignmentGND/VEERxD-(A)RxD+(B)TxD+(B)/Data+(B)TxD-(A)/Data-(A)Device 1 Device 2Device 3DATA+(B)DATA-(A)GNDFGNDTerminal0504030201134120.6122.1126.6No.DATA+(B)DATA-(A)GNDFGND09 CTS-(A)08 CTS+(B)07 RTS+(B)06 RTS-(A)RS-422/485 Male DB-9 ConnectorTwisted Pair Wiring plus Ground89.289.6Pin AssignmentDATA+(B)DATA-(A)GNDFGNDVXC-142AU CR4-wire RS-422 WiringRS-422 MasterTxD+(B)TxD-(A)RxD+(B)RxD-(A)GNDFGNDOrdering InformationVXC-142iAU CRVEX-142 CRVEX-142i CRCA-0910FCA-0915VEX-142/VEX-142i121CA-PC09FDN-09-2F21.618.410.5Accessories1109799.5104RS-422 DeviceRxD+(B)RxD-(A)TxD+(B)TxD-(A)GNDFGNDUniversal PCI , Serial Communication Card with2 RS-422/485 ports (RoHS)Universal PCI , Serial Communication Card with2 Isolated RS-422/485 ports (RoHS)PCI Express, Serial Communication Card with2 RS-422/485 ports (RoHS)PCI Express, Serial Communication Card with2 Isolated RS-422/485 ports (RoHS)9-Pin Female-Female D-Sub Cable 1 m9-Pin Male-Female D-Sub Cable, 1.5 m9-Pin Female D-Sub Connector with Plastic CoverI/O Connector Block with DIN-Rail Mounting andTwo 9-Pin Male Header.Includes CA-0910F x 2(9-Pin Female-Female D-Sub Cable 1 m)942Multi-port Serial Cards Serial Communication Cards2CFVXC-142/VEX-142 SeriesWebsite: http://www.icpdas.com E-mail: service@icpdas.com 2-2-6

Serial Communication Cards2FeaturesMulti-port Serial Cards Serial Communication Cards2CFVXC-144/VEX-144 Series<strong>Introduction</strong>The VXC-144U/VEX-144 card provides 4 non-isolated RS-422/RS-485 serialports and the VXC-144iU/VEX-144i card provides 4 isolated RS-422/RS-485serial ports which withstand isolation voltage up to 3 kV. Each port can beconfigured as either RS-485 for half-duplex or RS-422 for full-duplexcommunication. It equips a 128-byte hardware FIFO for each port, offersspeed up to 115200 bps and long distance communication link.Users can select a specified COM port number manually by setting DIP switch,or let the driver choose an available number automatically. The driverprovides a maximum of 128 KB software FIFO for each COM port underWindows. It's practical for large file transmission.In harsh industrial environments, the onboard ESD protection componentdiverts the potentially damaging charge away from sensitive circuit andprotects the computer and equipment from being damaged by high potentialvoltage.The serial communication card are designed for use with intelligent deviceslike bar code reader, serial printers, intelligent sensors, instrumentationequipment, computers and almost any device with an RS-232 port.Hardware SpecificationsUARTBaud RateData BitStop BitParityFIFOIsolatedGeneralBus TypeVXC-144U/VXC-144iUVEX-144/VEX-144iModelsCommunication PortCOM1 ~ COM4Serial Communication Card with 4 RS-422/485 portsCOM-SelectorConnectorPower ConsumptionOperating TemperatureStorage TemperatureHumidityDimensions (L x W x D)RS-422/485RS-422RS-485VXC-144UThe RS-422 and RS-485 cannot be used simultaneouslyTxD+, TxD-, RxD+, RxD-, RTS+, RTS-, CTS+, CTS-, GNDData+, Data-, GND (Automatic RS-485 Direction Control)16C950 compatible50 ~ 115200 bps5, 6, 7, 81, 1.5, 2None, Even, Odd, Mark, SpaceInternal 128 bytes-Universal PCI, 3.3 V and 5 V, 33 MHz, 32-bit,Plug and Play mechanismYes (8-bit DIP switch)Female DB-37120 mA @ 5 V880 mA @ 5 V0 °C ~ +50 °C-20 °C ~ +70 °C0 ~ 90% RH, non-condensing142 mm x 84 mm x 22 mm 142 mm x 95 mm x 22 mmApplications‧Industrial Machinery‧Building Automation‧Restaurant Appliances‧Laboratory Equipment & Research‧Industrial CommunicationSoftware‧Driver for 32-bit and 64-bit Windows XP/2003/Vista/7‧Driver for LinuxVXC-144iU VEX-144 VEX-144i2500 VrmsProvides 4 RS-422/485 ports128-byte Hardware FIFO for Each PortBuilt-in COM-Selector2500 Vrms isolation for i version+/-4 kV ESD Protection for i versionShort Card DesignUp to 128 KB Software FIFO for Each COM Port Under WindowsSupports 3.3 V/5 V PCI Bus for U versionsSupports PCI Express x 1 for VEX seriesRoHS compliant with no HalogenAutomatic RS-485 Direction Control-PCI Express x1, Plug and Play120 mA @ 5 V114 mm x 101 mm x 22 mm2500 Vrms880 mA @ 5 V2-2-7<strong>ICP</strong> <strong>DAS</strong> CO., LTDProfessional Provider of High Quality Industrial Computer Products and Data Acquisition Systems

Industrial Communication & Networking Products CatalogPin AssignmentsPin AssignmentTerminalN.C.01TxD3-(A)/Data3-(A) 02GND/VEE303CTS3+(B)04TxD3+(B)/Data3+(B) 05CTS4-(A)06RxD4-(A)07RTS4-(A)08RTS4+(B)09RxD4+(B)10TxD2-(A)/Data2-(A) 11GND/VEE212CTS2+(B) 13TxD2+(B)/Data2+(B) 14CTS1-(A)RxD1-(A)RTS1-(A)RTS1+(B)15161718RxD1+(B) 1922Wiring2-wire RS-485 WiringRS-485 MasterDATA+(B)DATA-(A)GNDFGND2-wire Only DeviceNo.RS-422/485 Female DB-37 ConnectorDimensions (Unit: mm)VXC-144U142129.3Device 1 Device 2Device 3DATA+(B)DATA-(A)GNDFGNDDATA+(B)DATA-(A)GNDFGNDPin Assignment20 CTS3-(A)21 RxD3-(A)22 RTS3-(A)23 RTS3+(B)24 RxD3+(B)25 TxD4-(A)/Data4-(A)26 GND/VEE427 CTS4+(B)28 TxD4+(B)/Data+(B)29 CTS2-(A)30 RxD2-(A)31 RTS2-(A)32 RTS2+(B)33 RxD2+(B)34 TxD1-(A)/Data1-(A)35 GND/VEE136 CTS1+(B)37 TxD1+(B)/Data1+(B)Twisted Pair Wiring plus Ground22VXC-144iU142Pin AssignmentGND/VEERxD-(A)RxD+(B)TxD+(B)/Data+(B)TxD-(A)/Data-(A)Terminal0504030201No.09 CTS-(A)08 CTS+(B)07 RTS+(B)06 RTS-(A)Pin AssignmentRS-422/485 Female DB-37 to Male DB-9 ConnectorVEX-144/VEX-144i22114101.22Multi-port Serial Cards Serial Communication Cards212183.712193.594.6121100.3DATA+(B)DATA-(A)GNDFGND4-wire RS-422 WiringRS-422 MasterTxD+(B)TxD-(A)RxD+(B)RxD-(A)GNDFGNDRS-422 DeviceRxD+(B)RxD-(A)TxD+(B)TxD-(A)GNDFGND10.5 130.818.4135.310.518.4131.4135.810.518.4102.7107.2Ordering InformationUniversal PCI, Serial Communication Card with 4 RS-422/485VXC-144U CRports (RoHS). Includes One CA-4002 ConnectorUniversal PCI, Serial Communication Card with 4 IsolatedVXC-144iU CR RS-422/485 ports (RoHS)Includes One CA-4002 ConnectorVEX-144 CRVEX-144i CRPCI Express, Serial Communication Card with 4 RS-422/485ports (RoHS). Includes One CA-4002 ConnectorPCI Express, Serial Communication Card with 4 IsolatedRS-422/485 ports (RoHS)Includes One CA-4002 ConnectorAccessoriesCA-4002 37-Pin Male D-Sub Connector with Plastic CoverMale DB-37 to 4 Male DB-9 Cable, 1.5 mCA-9-3715DFor VXC Series (180°)CFVXC-144/VEX-144 SeriesWebsite: http://www.icpdas.com E-mail: service@icpdas.com 2-2-8

Serial Communication Cards2FeaturesMulti-port Serial Cards Serial Communication Cards2CFVXC-182 Series<strong>Introduction</strong>The VXC-182iU serial card provides two communication ports, one isRS-422/485 and the other is RS-232 port. RS-422/RS-485 serial ports canwithstand isolation voltage up to 2.5 kV. It can be configured as either RS-485for half-duplex or RS-422 for full-duplex communication, offers speed up to115200 bps and long distance communication link.Users can select a specified COM port number manually by setting DIP switch,or let the driver choose an available number automatically. The driverprovides a maximum of 128 KB software FIFO for each COM port underWindows. It's practical for large file transmission.In harsh industrial environments, the onboard ESD protection componentdiverts the potentially damaging charge away from sensitive circuit andprotects the computer and equipment from being damaged by high potentialvoltage.The serial communication card are designed for use with intelligent deviceslike bar code reader, serial printers, intelligent sensors, instrumentationequipment, computers and almost any device with an RS-232 port.Hardware SpecificationsCommunication PortCOM1COM2UARTBaud RateData BitStop BitParityFIFOGeneralBus TypeCOM-SelectorConnectorPower ConsumptionOperating TemperatureStorage TemperatureHumidityDimensions (L x W x D)VXC-182iUSerial Communication Card with1 Isolated RS-422/485 port and 1 RS-232 portRS-422/485RS-422RS-485Applications‧Industrial Machinery‧Building Automation‧Restaurant Appliances‧Laboratory Equipment & Research‧Industrial CommunicationRS-232 (TxD, RxD, RTS, CTS, DTR, DSR, DCD, RI, GND)16C950 compatible50 ~ 115200 bps5, 6, 7, 81, 1.5, 2None, Even, Odd, Mark, SpaceInternal 128 bytes0 ~ 90% RH, non-condensing134 mm x 90 mm x 22 mmSoftware‧Driver for 32-bit and 64-bit Windows XP/2003/Vista/7‧Driver for LinuxThe RS-422 and RS-485 cannot be used simultaneouslyTxD+, TxD-, RxD+, RxD-, RTS+, RTS-, CTS+, CTS-, GND (with 2.5 kV Isolation)Data+, Data-, GND (with 2.5 kV Isolation)Universal PCI, 3.3 V and 5 V, 33 MHz, 32-bit, Plug and Play mechanismYes (8-bit DIP switch)2 x DB-9 (Male)200 mA @ 5 V0 °C ~ +50 °C-20 °C ~ +70 °CBuilt-in COM-SelectorShort Card DesignProvides 1 isolated RS-422/485 port and 1 RS-232 Port+/-4 kV ESD Protection2500 Vrms Isolated RS-422/485 PortUp to 128 KB Software FIFO for Each COM Port Under WindowsSupports 3.3 V/5 V PCI bus, Plug and Play128-byte Hardware FIFO for Each PortRoHS compliant with no HalogenAutomatic RS-485 Direction Control2-2-9<strong>ICP</strong> <strong>DAS</strong> CO., LTDProfessional Provider of High Quality Industrial Computer Products and Data Acquisition Systems

Industrial Communication & Networking Products CatalogWiringDTE Device (Computer) DB9 DTE to DCE Connections DCE Device (Modem) DB9Pin# DB9 RS-232 Signal Names Signal DirectionPin# DB9 RS-232 Signal Names#1 Carrier Detector#2 Transmit Data#3 Receive Data#1 Carrier Detector#2 Receive Data#3 Transmit Data#4 Data Terminal Ready#5 Signal Ground/Common (SG)#6 Data Set Ready#7 Request to Send#8 Clear to Send#9 Ring IndicatorSoldered to DB9 Metal-Shield2-wire RS-485 WiringRS-485 MasterDATA+(B)DATA-(A)GNDFGND2-wire Only DevicePin AssignmentsPin AssignmentGND/VEERxD-(A)RxD+(B)TxD+(B)/Data+(B)TxD-(A)/Data-(A)Terminal0504030201No.Dimensions (Unit: mm)Pin Assignment09 CTS-(A)08 CTS+(B)07 RTS+(B)06 RTS-(A)COM1: RS-422/485 Male DB-9 Connector22DCDRxDTxDDTRGNDDSRRTSCTSRIFGNDDevice 1 Device 2Device 3DATA+(B)DATA-(A)GNDFGND134120.6DATA+(B)DATA-(A)GNDFGNDDATA+(B)DATA-(A)GNDFGNDTwisted Pair Wiring plus GroundPin AssignmentGNDDTRTxDRxDDCD#4 Data Set Ready#5 Signal Ground/Common (SG)#6 Data Terminal Ready#7 Clear to Send#8 Request to Send#9 Ring IndicatorSoldered to DB9 Metal-Shield4-wire RS-422 WiringRS-422 MasterTxD+(B)TxD-(A)RxD+(B)RxD-(A)GNDFGNDTerminal0504030201Ordering InformationNo.09 RI08 CTS07 RTS06 DSRCOM2: RS-232 Male DB-9 ConnectorDCDTxDRxDDSRGNDDTRCTSRTSRIFGNDRS-422 DeviceRxD+(B)RxD-(A)TxD+(B)TxD-(A)GNDFGNDPin AssignmentUniversal PCI Bus, Serial Communication Card with 1VXC-182iU CRIsolated RS-422/485 port and 1 RS-232 port (RoHS)2Multi-port Serial Cards Serial Communication Cards2Accessories12118.410.5122.1126.689.6CA-0910FCA-0915CA-090910CA-PC09FDN-09-2F9-Pin Female-Female D-Sub Cable 1 m9-Pin Male-Female D-Sub Cable, 1.5 m9-Pin Female D-Sub Cable for RS-422 Connector, 1 m9-Pin Female D-Sub Connector with Plastic CoverI/O Connector Block with DIN-Rail Mounting andTwo 9-Pin Male Header.Includes CA-0910F x 2(9-Pin Female-Female D-Sub Cable 1 m)CFVXC-182 SeriesWebsite: http://www.icpdas.com E-mail: service@icpdas.com 2-2-10

Applications2Multi-port Serial Cards Applications32.3. ApplicationsThe Administration System of Parking StructureThe POS (Point of Sale) SystemSerialPrinterCard ReaderBar CodeReaderCFVXC CardApplications2-3-1<strong>ICP</strong> <strong>DAS</strong> CO., LTDProfessional Provider of High Quality Industrial Computer Products and Data Acquisition System

ProgrammableDevice Server3.1 OverviewP3-1-13.2 PDS(M)-700(D) & PPDS(M)-700(D)-MTCP Programmable Device ServersP3-2-13.3 DS-700 Serial-to Ethernet Device ServersP3-3-13.4 PPDS-700-IP67 Programmable Device ServersP3-4-13.5 PDS-800 Programmable Device ServersP3-5-13.6 Programmable Serial-to-Fiber Device ServerP3-6-13.7 Tiny Serial-to-Ethernet Device Server and Modbus GatewayP3-7-13.8 μPAC-7186EX(D)-MTCP Modbus to Ethernet GatewayP3-8-1

Overview3Programmable Device Servers (Serial-to-Ethernet) Overview1CFOverview3.1. OverviewSerial Devices to Ethernet GatewayThe <strong>ICP</strong> <strong>DAS</strong> Programmable Device Server is designed to bring network connectivity to your serial devices.The programmable features allow developers to quickly build custom applications that turn “dull” serialdevices into “intelligent” devices right away without modifying their hardware or software configuration.With extensive experience accumulated over many years, a greatnumber of serial devices such as PLCs, bar code readers, RFID readers,meters and motion controllers, etc., have been widely used in variousapplications. As the advances in communication technologies in recentyears, continue to drive optimization of data accessibility and remoteoperation ability, a wide variety of industries have begun to feel theurge to upgrade their latency serial communications to Ethernetnetwork connections. The <strong>ICP</strong> <strong>DAS</strong> PDS series of products are your bestchoice for implementing this scenario in a robust, reliable and costeffectiveway.NS-208Control CenterEthernetThe VxComm Driver createsvirtual COM port(s) on WindowsNT 4.0/2000/XP/2003/Vista32PDS-700 PDS-700 PDS-700 PDS-700systems and maps them to theremote serial port(s) of thePDS/DS series. The user's serialclient programs need to only bechanged to the virtual COM portaccess the serial devices thatare allocated on the Internet orEthernet network via thePDS/DS series.Remote Kiosk Information Station Management3-1-1<strong>ICP</strong> <strong>DAS</strong> CO., LTDProfessional Provider of High Quality Industrial Computer Products and Data Acquisition Systems

Industrial Communication & Networking Products CatalogEasy Serial Device Networking with “transparency”The most intuitive and easiest way to remotely control serialdevices is to access those devices transparently via a networkwith no software modification required. The <strong>ICP</strong> <strong>DAS</strong> PDSproduct line offers two transparent applications:◆ Socket Connections:Using a TCP/IP socket connection, client programs canexchange information with specific PDS/DS serial ports andtalk to serial devices directly. For example, simply create asocket connection to the TCP/IP port 10001 (default) of thePDS/DS device and you can then access Port1 of the PDS/DSremotely. This is an OS-independent method and works well onmost OS (operating systems) that provide socket functions.◆ Virtual COM Ports:<strong>ICP</strong> <strong>DAS</strong> developed a specific function called "Virtual COM" thatsimulates PDS serial ports as fixed PC COM ports. Virtual COMports appear to the system and applications as real ports. Onceestablished, users can immediately enjoy the convenience thatnetworking provides.DynaCOM Technology<strong>ICP</strong> <strong>DAS</strong> Virtual COM also supports an exclusive function - Dynamic Virtual COM Mapping (DynaCOM); if the systemcan only access limited or fixed numbers of COM Ports, specific PDS serial ports can be dynamically assigned to thecorresponding COM port numbers.MeterI-7000Virtual COM3, COM4MeterI-7000I-7000Virtual COM3, COM4I-7000RS-232RS-232RS-485RS-485PDS-700PDS-700RS-485PDS-700RS-485NS-208PDS-700EthernetVirtual COM3, COM4I-7000Virtual COM3, COM4RS-485RS-485MeterI-7000MeterI-7000 I-7000PDS-700COM3COM4...PDS-700COM13COM14...PDS-700COM23COM24...3Programmable Device Servers (Serial-to-Ethernet) Overview Overview1CFDynaCOM use same virtual COM ports mapping to several PDS dynamicallyWebsite: http://www.icpdas.com E-mail: service@icpdas.com 3-1-2

Overview1Programmable Device Servers (Serial-to-Ethernet) Overview1Programmable Enhanced “Device Servers”The programmable features of the PDS series of products makes it possible to effectively implementexclusive protocols and exclusive communication mechanisms for complex PDS-based applications. Thisprovides the following advantages:◆ Effective network transmission:Place your customized software on the PDS to directly performprocesses locally. The effective data and information can beperiodically sent back to the PC based on a schedule that canbe planned in advance and the devices will work independentlyon-site, even when not connected to a network. Therefore, theDomain Knowledge Ideadesign of system can be much more flexible. This also reducesthe need to rely on the network, which is an inevitable factorQuestionPDS-700for conventional DS (Device Server) as it has to keep onSystem Integrator“talking” to the PC via the network to ensure the statusmaintains transparency.Value-Added Solutions◆ Previous development efforts can be duplicated:Along with serial devices, you can place your customized or value-added software on the PDS to implement anintelligent Ethernet controller. This controller can then be used in applications for future projects, dramatically reducingprogramming requirements. In addition, your value-added software is embedded in the PDS, so if a computer systemundergoes hardware replacement or upgrade, incompatibility issues don’t need to be considered, which thereforereduces system maintenance work.Programmable Protocol ConverterRFID ReaderPLCEthernetUnified ProtocolPDS-700MeterNS-208CFOverviewUnified ProtocolPDS-700Machine3-1-3<strong>ICP</strong> <strong>DAS</strong> CO., LTDProfessional Provider of High Quality Industrial Computer Products and Data Acquisition Systems

Industrial Communication & Networking Products CatalogVirtual I/O Highly Integrates On-Site MessagesI/O acquisition is very important when performing on-site integration, so,along with DCON utility provided by <strong>ICP</strong> <strong>DAS</strong>, the RS-485 of PDS is ableto be connected to I-7000 series products to offer abundant I/O modulesfor various purposes. For easier on-site integration operations, some PDSmodels also provide Digital I/O, which is also supported by the DCONutility, the EZ Data Logger or other DCON client programs.NS-208Data CenterData CenterNS-208EthernetEthernetDCON utilityInformation:◆ System Status◆ Warning Messages◆ Remove Duplicated MessagesSerial DevicesFitness Power Meter PLCs RFID Reaser Meter Barcode ReaderPDS-700PDS-700Digital I/OProgrammable Data Monitor, Filter and I/O ControlsD/OSerialD/I"Virtual I/O" is an extension of"Virtual COM" technology thatsimulates the PDS's digitalI/Os control as a virtual COMport (Port I/O) application onthe PC. You are now able toaccess the PDS's digital I/Osusing the DCON protocolthrough the virtual COM port.In addition, the DCON utilityand EZ Data Logger alsosupport control of the PDS'sdigital I/Os through the use of"Virtual I/O" technology, soyou can monitor PDS's digitalI/Os and complete the I/Osapplication in a convenientway.Local AlarmEngineer ResponsesPLCRaw Data:◆ Debug Messages◆ System Status◆ External Device Status◆ Waring & Event Messages◆ ...3Programmable Device Servers (Serial-to-Ethernet) Overview Overview1CFWebsite: http://www.icpdas.com E-mail: service@icpdas.com 3-1-4

Overview3Programmable Device Servers (Serial-to-Ethernet) Overview1ESD Protection and Frame GroundThe PDS series offers TVS diode ESD protectiontechnology with a frame ground design thatprotects your system from being damaged by highpotential voltages.Z inTransientCurrentCFrame GroundSelf-Tuner InsideTVSDiodeEasy Web ConfigurationPROTECTEDCIRCUITESD(Eelectro-Static Discharge)Earth GroundFrame GroundProvides a path for the ESDto the Earth GroundUnder normal operating conditions, the TVS diode presents high impedance (appears as an open circuit)to the protected component. If the voltage exceeds the limitation, the TVS diode avalanches, providing alow impedance path for the transient current. As a result, the transient current is diverted away from theprotected components and shunted through the TVS diode. The device returns to a high impedance stateafter the transient threat has passed.The PDS series is equipped with a “Self-Tuner” chip that automatically controls the sending/receivingdirection of the RS-485 ports.Without the presence of Self-Tuner, users need to enable the RS-485 transmitter before transmitting, anddisable the transmitter after the transmission is complete. The time required to enable and disable thetransmitter (direction control) is the major source of many communication issues, and it is very difficult todebug. The built-in Self-Tuner in the PDS effectively removes this direction control issue and also simplifiesthe software/firmware programming required for communication applications.The PDS also contains a built-in web server thatenables users to conveniently configure the PDS.A web browser, like IE or Firefox, can be used toconnect to the PDS to modify the configuration,such as: IP address, subnet mask, gateway, DHCPclient, UDP search, Web Server, Telnet Server,TCP ACK delay, Watchdog timeout, Master IP,Filter IP, COM port baud rate, data format andtransfer mode, etc.CFOverviewMaster IP and Filter IPThe PDS can use a master IP setting that allows aclient to configure the PDS and COM ports. Thisprevents the configuration of the PDS and COMports from being changed by other clients.The IP filter setting limits which client PCs areable to access the PDS module via specific IPaddresses. Connections from other clients will berejected by the PDS.◆ Change Setting◆ Access Ports◆ Access PortsMaster IPIP FilterConnections are rejected by PDS-700NS-208PDS-7003-1-5<strong>ICP</strong> <strong>DAS</strong> CO., LTDProfessional Provider of High Quality Industrial Computer Products and Data Acquisition Systems

Industrial Communication & Networking Products Catalog<strong>Introduction</strong>Selection GuideFeatures\Series PPDS PDS DS tDS tGWVirtual COMProgrammablePoEModbus GatewayMulti-clientRemarksSeriesPPDS-700-MTCPPPDSM-700-MTCPPPDS-700-IP67SeriesPDS-700PDSM-700PDS-8x1PDS-8x2PDS Series – Programmable Device ServerPDS-220FxSeriesDS-700tDS-700Comparison Table of Device Server and Modbus GatewayPPDS Series – Programmable Device Server and Modbus Gateway with PoEEthernet10/100 MYesYesYesYesYesProfessionalEthernet10/100 M, PoEEthernet10/100 M10/100 MEthernet SwitchDual 10/100 MEthernet100 Base-FX, FiberVirtual COMYesVirtual COMYesVirtual COMYesYesYes--YesPowerfulVirtual I/O-Virtual I/OYesVirtual I/OYes-ProgrammableYesProgrammableYesModbusYesModbus-CasingFire Retardant PlasticMetal- - IP67 Waterproof PlasticMulti-clientYes-Modbus-CasingFire Retardant PlasticCasingFire Retardant PlasticMetalFire Retardant PlasticDS, tDS & tGW Series – Non-Programmable Device Server and Modbus GatewayYes---YesIsolation for DS-715Yes-Yes--Cost-effective,Entry-level--YesYes-Cost-effective,Entry-levelRemarksIsolation for DS-7153Programmable Device Servers (Serial-to-Ethernet) Overview Overview1CF10/100 M, PoECost-effectivetGW-700- -YesWebsite: http://www.icpdas.com E-mail: service@icpdas.com 3-1-6

iProgrammable Device Servers33.2. PDS(M)-700(D) & PPDS(M)-700(D)-MTCP Programmable Device ServersProgrammable Device Servers (Serial-to-Ethernet) PDS(M)-700(D) & PPDS(M)-700(D)-MTCP PSeries20( D)/PPDS-720(D)-MTCP2ieCeCrieCFFPDS-720(D)PPDS-720(D)-MTCPProgrammable Device Server with 1 RS-232 port and 1 RS-485 portRS-232/RS-485FeaturesIncorporates serial devices in an Ethernet networkProvides Virtual COM for 32- and 64-bit Windows XP/2003/Vista/7Supports Modbus TCP to RTU/ASCII Gateway (for MTCP versions)Powerful programmable device server with lib and sample programsBuilt-in high performance MiniOS7 from <strong>ICP</strong> <strong>DAS</strong>Built-in watchdog timer suitable for use in harsh environmentsBuilt-in Self-Tuner on RS-485 Ports (automatic direction control)Supports +/- 4 kV ESD protection on serial portsPower reverse polarity protection and low power consumption10/100 Base-TX Ethernet, RJ-45 Port(Auto-negotiating, auto MDI/MDI-X, LED indicator)Supports PoE (Power over Ethernet, for PPDS versions)Built-in 7-Segment 5-digit LED display (for D versions)PDS-782-25/D6PDS-782D-25/D6Programmable Device Server with 7 RS-232 ports and 1 RS-485 portPDS(M)-700(D) SeriesPPDS(M)-700(D)-MTCP SeriesProgrammable Device Server with 1 RS-232 port and 1 RS-485 portSupports D/I, latched D/I and counter functions (for models with DIO)Supports Virtual I/O technology (for models with DIO)Supports IP filter for security controlSupports multi-client and data sharing functionPalm-size form factor with multiple serial ports and DIN-Rail mountingMade from fire retardant materials (UL94-V0 Level)RoHS compliant with no HalogenOEM/ODM service is available3-2-1<strong>ICP</strong> <strong>DAS</strong> CO., LTDProfessional Provider of High Quality Industrial Computer Products and Data Acquisition Systems

Industrial Communication & Networking Products Catalog<strong>Introduction</strong>The PDS-700/PPDS-700-MTCP series is a family of Programmable Device Servers, also known as "Serial-to-Ethernetgateway", that are designed for linking RS-232/422/485 devices to an Ethernet network. The user-friendly VxCommDriver/Utility allows users to easily turn the built-in COM ports of the PDS-700/PPDS-700-MTCP series into standardCOM ports on a PC. By virtue of its protocol independence, a small-core OS and high flexibility, thePDS-700/PPDS-700-MTCP series is able to meet the demands of every network-enabled application.The PDS-700/PPDS-700-MTCP series includes a powerful and reliable Xserver programming structure that allowsyou to quickly and easily build your robust Ethernet applications. The built-in, high-performance MiniOS7 boots thePDS-700/PPDS-700-MTCP up in just one second and gives you fastest responses.These modules also provide advanced features like data sharing and UDP flood attack protection as follows:Data Sharing with Multiple ClientsM0: Transparent Mode (Multi-echo)In transparent mode, the PDS sends data from a serialdevice to each client that is connected to the sameserial port of the PDS. Thus, each connected client hasa copy of the same data from the serial device.M1: Slave Mode (Single-echo)In slave mode, the PDS only sends data from a serialdevice to the client that requires the service. If thereare no requirements from the client, then data will notbe sent to the client. The PDS services each clientindividually when sharing data from the serial device,but the clients do not have a copy of the same data.UDP Flood Attack ProtectionA UDP flood attack is a denial-of-service (DoS) attackthat sends a large number of UDP packets to a remotehost. As a result, the affected system will be forced intoreplying to many packets, eventually causing the hostto be unreachable by other clients.The UDP function can be disabled on the PDS if thenetwork suffers a flood attack or receives a largenumbers of UDP packets from the network devices.This protects the PDS from UDP flood attacks.The PPDS-700-MTCP series features true IEEE 802.3af-compliant (classification, Class 1) Power over Ethernet(PoE) using a standard category 5 Ethernet cable to receive power from a PoE switch like the NS-205PSE. ThePPDS-700-MTCP also works as a Modbus/TCP to RTU/ASCII gateway that supports most SCADA/HMIcommunications based on the Modbus/TCP protocol.The removable onboard terminal block connector is designed for easy and robust wiring in industrial situations.ApplicationsFactory, Building and Home AutomationNS-208EthernetPDS-700(IP-1) Power Supply 7000 #01COM2COM1PC + VxComm...7000 #FFCOM3COM4Client ANS-205PSENS-208Single-BoardComputer (SBC)ApplicationsVCOM12VCOM13VCOM14VCOM15Multi-client sharinga data sourceEthernetClient BEthernetPPDS-700-MTCP(IP-n) 7000 #01 7000 #FFPoE...COM2COM1NS-208UDP BroadcastSerial DevicePDS-700Total 32TCP SocketsDeviceDeviceCOM254COM255Client CPDS-700DeviceDeviceDVB Carrier (Digital Video Broadcast)S75 DVB-SSatellite Data Receiver3Programmable Device Servers (Serial-to-Ethernet) PDS(M)-700(D) & PPDS(M)-700(D)-MTCP P PDS-720(D)/PPDS-720(D)-MTCPSeries2rieFCFWebsite: http://www.icpdas.com E-mail: service@icpdas.com 3-2-2

iProgrammable Device Servers3PDS(M)-700(D) & PPDS(M)-700(D)-MTCP Selection GuideProgrammable Device Servers (Serial-to-Ethernet) PDS(M)-700(D) & PPDS(M)-700(D)-MTCP PSeries20(2ieCeCrieCFFModel NamePDS-720(D)PPDS-720(D)-MTCPPDS(M)-721(D)PPDS(M)-721(D)-MTCPPDS(M)-732(D)PPDS(M)-732(D)-MTCPPDS(M)-734(D)PPDS(M)-734(D)-MTCPPDS(M)-742(D)PPDS(M)-742(D)-MTCPPDS(M)-743(D)PPDS(M)-743(D)-MTCPPDS(M)-752(D)PPDS(M)-752(D)-MTCPPDS(M)-755(D)PPDS(M)-755(D)-MTCPPDS(M)-762(D)PPDS(M)-762(D)-MTCPPDS(M)-782(D)PPDS(M)-782(D)-MTCPPDS-782(D)-25/D6RS-23211213341577RS-48511111114111RS-422/485COM15-wireRS-2325-wireRS-2325-wireRS-2325-wireRS-2325-wireRS-2325-wireRS-2325-wireRS-2325-wireRS-232Note:1. The D version modules have a built-in 7-Seg. LED Display.2. The M version modules use metal case.3. The PPDS-700-MTCP series modules support PoE (Power over Ethernet) and Modbus Gateway.---1-------DI/DO-6/74/44/4-4/4--1/2--EthernetCOM22-wireRS-4852-wireRS-4852-wireRS-4852-wireRS-4852-wireRS-4852-wireRS-4852-wireRS-4852-wireRS-485COM310/100 M5-wire 2-wireRS-232 RS-485-10/100 M5-wire 2-wireRS-232 RS-485-10/100 M10/100 M10/100 M10/100 M10/100 M10/100 M10/100 M10/100 M10/100 M5-wireRS-232RS-422/RS-4855-wireRS-2323-wireRS-2325-wireRS-2322-wireRS-4853-wireRS-2323-wireRS-232COM4----9-wireRS-2323-wireRS-2325-wireRS-2322-wireRS-4853-wireRS-2323-wireRS-232COM5------5-wireRS-2322-wireRS-4853-wireRS-2323-wireRS-232COM6--------3-wireRS-2323-wireRS-2325-wire 2-wire 3-wire 3-wire 3-wire 3-wireRS-232 RS-485 RS-232 RS-232 RS-232 RS-232COM7---------3-wireRS-2323-wireRS-232COM8---------3-wireRS-2323-wireRS-232D)/PPDS-720(D)-MTCP3-2-3<strong>ICP</strong> <strong>DAS</strong> CO., LTDProfessional Provider of High Quality Industrial Computer Products and Data Acquisition Systems

Industrial Communication & Networking Products CatalogSystem SpecificationsModelsPDS(M)-700(D) & PPDS(M)-700(D)-MTCP Series3CPUCPUSRAMFlash MemoryEEPROMBuilt-in Watchdog TimerCommunication InterfaceEthernetPoECOM Port FormatsData BitParityStop BitBaud RateLED Indicators5-digit 7 SegmentSystemPoEPowerProtectionRequired Supply VoltagePower ConsumptionMechanicalFlammabilityDimensions(W x H x D)InstallationEnvironmentOperating TemperatureStorage TemperatureHumidityPDS(M)-700(D) SeriesPPDS(M)-700(D)-MTCP SeriesD versions (LED display)OthersM versions (Metal case)OthersM versions (Metal case)OthersI/O SpecificationsModelsDigital OutputOutput TypeLoad VoltageLoad CurrentIsolated VoltageDigital InputInput TypeOff Voltage LevelOn Voltage LevelIsolated VoltageCountersCOM1 and COM2COM3 ~ COM8COM1 ~ COM8Max. CountMax. Input FrequencyMin. Pulse Width80186, 80 MHz or compatible512 KBFlash ROM: 512 KB;Erase unit is one sector (64 KB);100,000 erase/write cycles16 KB; Data retention: 40 years;1,000,000 erase/write cyclesYes10/100 Base-TX, RJ-45 port (Auto-negotiating, auto MDI/MDI-X, LED indicator)IEEE 802.3af (PPDS(M)-700(D)-MTCP series only)7, 85, 6, 7, 8None, Even, Odd, Mark, Space1, 2115200 bps max.Yes (D versions only)RedGreen (PPDS(M)-700(D)-MTCP series only)Power Reverse Polarity Protection+10 VDC ~ +30 VDC (non-regulated)PoE or +12 VDC ~ +48 VDC (non-regulated)2.9 W2.2 WMetal Fire Retardant Materials (UL94-V0 Level)Plastic Fire Retardant Materials (UL94-V0 Level)88 mm x 123 mm x 28 mm72 mm x 123 mm x 35 mmDIN-Rail or Wall mounting-25 °C ~ +75 °C-40 °C ~ +80 °C5 ~ 90% RH, non-condensingPDS(M)-700(D) & PPDS(M)-700(D)-MTCP SeriesOpen Collector (Sink/NPN)30 VDC, max.100 mA, max.Non-isolatedSource (Dry Type), Common Ground+1 V max.+3.5 ~ +30 VNon-isolated16-bit (65535)100 Hz5 msProgrammable Device Servers (Serial-to-Ethernet) PDS(M)-700(D) & PPDS(M)-700(D)-MTCP P PDS-720(D)/PPDS-720(D)-MTCPSeries2rieFCFWebsite: http://www.icpdas.com E-mail: service@icpdas.com 3-2-4

i23E11109Programmable Device Servers3Pin AssignmentsPDS(M)-700(D) & PPDS(M)-700(D)-MTCP SeriesPDS(M)-721(D) &PPDS(M)-721(D)-MTCPProgrammable Device Servers (Serial-to-Ethernet) PDS(M)-700(D) & PPDS(M)-700(D)-MTCP PSeries20( D)/PPDS-720(D)-MTCP2ieCeCrieCFF23 10RL5 COMRL5 NORL4 COMRL4 NORUNE1(PoE)RL3 COMRL3 NOIN5RL2 COMIN401RL2 NOIN3RL1 COMIN2RL1 NOIN1RL0 COMIN0RL0 NOIN.COMN/A(R)Vs+N/A(B)GND09PDS(M)-732(D) &PPDS(M)-732(D)-MTCPTerminalNo.PinAssignment23 DO322 DO2DO 21 DO120 DO019 DO.PWR18 GND17 DI316 DI2DI15 DI114 DI013 RxD312 TxD3COM311 RTS310 CTS3PDS(M)-752(D) &PPDS(M)-752(D)-MTCPTerminalNo.PinAssignment23 RxD522 TxD5COM521 RTS520 CTS519 GND18 RxD417 TxD4COM416 RTS415 CTS414 GND13 RxD312 TxD3COM311 RTS310 CTS323 10Sys.E1(PoE)0109PDS(M)-734(D) &PPDS(M)-734(D)-MTCPTerminalNo.PinAssignment23 DO322 DO2DO 21 DO120 DO019 DO.PWR18 GND17 DI316 DI2DI15 DI114 DI013 RxD3-12 RxD3+COM311 TxD3-/D3-10 TxD3+/D3+PDS(M)-755(D) &PPDS(M)-755(D)-MTCPTerminalNo.PinAssignment23 DATA+COM522 DATA-21 --20 --19 --18 --17 DATA+COM416 DATA-15 --14 --13 --12 --11 DATA+COM310 DATA-TerminalNo.E1PinAssignment01 CTS1Link/Act10/100M02 RTS1COM103 RxD104 TxD105 INIT*06 D2+COM207 D2-08 (R)+Vs09 (B)GNDPDS(M)-742(D) &PPDS(M)-742(D)-MTCPTerminalNo.PinAssignment23 DI422 DCD421 DTR420 DSR4COM4 19 CTS418 RTS417 TxD416 RxD415 GND414 GND313 RxD3COM3 12 TxD311 RTS310 CTS3PDS(M)-762(D) &PPDS(M)-762(D)-MTCPTerminalNo.PinAssignment23 DO0DO 22 DO121 DO.PWRDI 20 DI019 GND18COM6TxD617 RxD616COM5TxD515 RxD514 GND13 TxD4COM412 RxD411 TxD3COM310 RxD3TerminalNo.PinAssignment23 DI022 DI121 DI2DI20 DI319 DI418 DI517 DO.PWR16 DO015 DO1DO14 DO213 DO312 DO411 DO510 DO6PDS(M)-743(D) &PPDS(M)-743(D)-MTCPTerminalNo.PinAssignment23 DO322 DO2DO 21 DO120 DO019 DO.PWR18 GND17 DI316 DI2DI15 DI114 DI013 TxD3COM312 RxD311 TxD4COM410 RxD4PDS(M)-782(D) &PPDS(M)-782(D)-MTCPTerminalNo.PinAssignment23 TxD8COM822 RxD821COM7TxD720 RxD719 GND18 TxD6COM617 RxD616 TxD5COM515 RxD514 GND13 TxD4COM412 RxD411 TxD3COM310 RxD33-2-5<strong>ICP</strong> <strong>DAS</strong> CO., LTDProfessional Provider of High Quality Industrial Computer Products and Data Acquisition Systems

Industrial Communication & Networking Products CatalogPDS-782(D)-25/D6Pin AssignmentTerminalNo.Pin AssignmentPin AssignmentTerminalNo.Pin Assignment3N/A01N/A02COM8_GND03N/A04COM7_GND05N/A06COM6_GND07N/A08COM5_GND09N/A10COM4_GND11N/A12COM3_GND 13Wiring2-wire RS-485 WiringOutput TypeDrive RelayResistanceLoad+-25-Pin Male D-Sub ConnectorRS-485 MasterDATA+(B)DATA-(A)GNDFGND2-wire Only Device3-wire RS-232 WiringRS-232 MasterTxDRxDGNDFGND14 COM8_RxD15 COM8_TxD16 COM7_RxD17 COM7_TxD18 COM6_RxD19 COM6_TxD20 COM5_RxD21 COM5_TxD22 COM4_RxD23 COM4_TxD24 COM3_RxD25ShieldCOM3_TxDF.G.DO Command as 1 DO Command as 0Relay ONRelay Off+DO.PWR+DO.PWR--DOxDOxDO.GNDDO.GND+-Device 1 Device 2Device 3DATA+(B)DATA-(A)GNDFGNDRS-232 DeviceRxDTxDGNDFGNDDO.PWRDOxDO.GND+-DATA+(B)DATA-(A)GNDFGND+-DO.PWRDOxDO.GNDGND--TxDRxD--Twisted Pair Wiring plus Ground4-wire RS-422 WiringRS-422 MasterTxD+(B)TxD-(A)RxD+(B)RxD-(A)GNDFGNDDATA+(B)DATA-(A)GNDFGNDRS-422 DeviceRxD+(B)RxD-(A)TxD+(B)TxD-(A)GNDFGNDInput TypeRelayContactTTL/CMOSLogicOpenCollector050403020109 --08 --07 --06 --RS-232 Female DB-25 to Male DB-9 ConnectorLogic Level LowOnRelay CloseLogic GNDDI Value as 0 DI Value as 1Relay ONDIxGNDRelay OffVoltage < 1V Voltage > 3.5VDIxGNDOpen Collector OnDIxGNDRelay OpenLogic Level HighLogic GNDOffOpen Collector OffDIxGNDDIxGNDDIxGNDProgrammable Device Servers (Serial-to-Ethernet) PDS(M)-700(D) & PPDS(M)-700(D)-MTCP P PDS-720(D)/PPDS-720(D)-MTCPSeries2rieFCFWebsite: http://www.icpdas.com E-mail: service@icpdas.com 3-2-6

iProgrammable Device Servers3Dimensions (Unit: mm)PDS-720(D) & PPDS-720(D)-MTCP35.031.50Programmable Device Servers (Serial-to-Ethernet) PDS(M)-700(D) & PPDS(M)-700(D)-MTCP PSeries20(2ieCeCrieCFF1172.056.032.9Front View56.0Rear ViewPDS-721(D) & PPDS-721(D)-MTCPPDS-732(D) & PPDS-732(D)-MTCPPDS-734(D) & PPDS-734(D)-MTCPPDS-742(D) & PPDS-742(D)-MTCPPDS-743(D) & PPDS-743(D)-MTCP495659,2 3372Front View101,212311PDS-782(D)-25/D656.032.972.0Front ViewRight Side View56.0Rear View112.0116.0PDSM-700(D) & PPDSM-700(D)-MTCP Series4.5Top ViewBottom View35PDS-752(D) & PPDS-752(D)-MTCPPDS-755(D) & PPDS-755(D)-MTCPPDS-762(D) & PPDS-762(D)-MTCPPDS-782(D) & PPDS-782(D)-MTCPBottom ViewTop ViewBottom View353539.50Din-Rail Mounting BracketDin Rail Mount3539.50Din-Rail Mounting Bracket2-SCREWM3Side ViewWall Mount2-SCREWM331.50Side ViewD)/PPDS-720(D)-MTCP123.01011418.564988Left Side View Front View Right Side ViewTop View72102Rear View28.01Bottom View3-2-7<strong>ICP</strong> <strong>DAS</strong> CO., LTDProfessional Provider of High Quality Industrial Computer Products and Data Acquisition Systems

Industrial Communication & Networking Products CatalogOrdering InformationModels3PPoENote:1. PPDS(M)-700(D)-MTCP supports PoE and Modbus Gateway.2. D versions support 7-segment 5-digit LED display.3. M versions is equipped with metal case.AccessoriesGPSU06U-6 24 VDC/0.25 A, 6 W Power SupplyMDR-20-24 24 VDC/1 A, 24 W Power Supply with DIN-Rail MountingDIN-KA52F-48 48 VDC/0.52 A, 25 W Power Supply with Din-Rail MountingCA-0903CA-09109-Pin Female D-Sub and RS-232 Connector Cable, 30 cm Cable9-Pin Female D-Sub and 3-wire RS-232 Cable, 1 m CableCA-9-2505DNS-205 CRNS-205PSE CRPDSPDS M - 7D - MTCP CRProgrammableDevice ServerMMetalPDS- 7-720 DLEDDisplayDB-25 Male (D-Sub) to 6-port DB-9 Male (D-Sub) CableUnmanaged 5-port Industrial Ethernet Switch (RoHS)Modbus/TCPUnmanaged Ethernet Switch with 4 PoE Ports and 1 RJ-45 Uplink (RoHS)DCRPPDS-720 D -MTCP CRPDS M -721 DCRPPDS M -721 D -MTCP CRPDS M -732 DCRPPDS M -732 D -MTCP CRPDS M -734 DPPDS M -734 D -MTCP CRPDS M -742 DCRPPDS M -742 D -MTCP CRPDS M -743 DCRPPDS M -743 D -MTCP CRPDS M -752 DCRPPDS M -752 D -MTCP CRPDS M -755 DCRPPDS M -755 D -MTCP CRPDS M -762 DCRPPDS M -762 D -MTCP CRPDS M -782 DCRCRPPDS M -782 D -MTCP CRPDS-782 D -25/D6 CRRS-232RS-485RS-422/4851 RS-2321 RS-4851 RS-2321 RS-4852 RS-2321 RS-4851 RS-2321 RS-4851 RS-422/4853 RS-2321 RS-4853 RS-2321 RS-4854 RS-2321 RS-4851 RS-2324 RS-4855 RS-2321 RS-4857 RS-2321 RS-485IncludesCable1 CA-09101 CA-09101 CA-09101 CA-09101 CA-09101 CA-09101 CA-09101 CA-09101 CA-09101 CA-0910DN-09-2 I/O Connector Block with DIN-Rail Mounting and Two 9-Pin Male Header. Includes CA-0915 x 2 (9-Pin Male-Female D-Sub Cable 1.5 m)DN-09-2F I/O Connector Block with DIN-Rail Mounting and Two 9-Pin Male Header. Includes CA-0910F x 2 (9-Pin Female-Female D-Sub Cable 1.0 m)CRRoHS7 RS-2321 RS-485DI/DO-6/74/44/4-4/4--1/2--1 CA-09101 CA-9-2505DProgrammable Device Servers (Serial-to-Ethernet) PDS(M)-700(D) & PPDS(M)-700(D)-MTCP P PDS-720(D)/PPDS-720(D)-MTCPSeries2rieFCFWebsite: http://www.icpdas.com E-mail: service@icpdas.com 3-2-8

Serial-To-Ethernet Device Servers3Programmable Device Servers (Serial-to-Ethernet) DS-700 Series3CFDS-712/PPDS-712-MTCP3.3. DS-700 Serial-to Ethernet Device Servers<strong>Introduction</strong>The DS-700 is a series of Serial-to-Ethernet Device Servers that are designedfor linking RS-232/422/485 devices to an Ethernet network. By using theVxComm Driver/Utility, the built-in COM port of the DS-700 series can bevirtualized to a standard PC COM port in Windows. By virtue of its protocolindependence, a small size and flexibility, the DS-700 series meets thedemands of virtually any network-enabled application.The DS-712 is equipped with a male DB-9 connector and supports a 5-wireRS-232 port, while the DS-715 is equipped with a removable terminal blockconnector and supports a 4-wire RS-422 port or a 2-wire RS-485 port with2000 Vrms isolation.The DS-700 is a non-programmable device server, while the PPDS-700-MTCPis a programmable product. The PPDS-700-MTCP series features true IEEE802.3af-compliant (classification, Class 1) Power over Ethernet (PoE) using astandard category 5 Ethernet cable to receive power from a PoE switch likethe NS-205PSE. The PPDS-700-MTCP also works as a Modbus/TCP toModbus/RTU gateway that supports most SCADA/HMI communications basedon the Modbus/TCP protocol.NS-208NS-205PSEDS-712PPDS-712-MTCPSerial-to-Ethernet Device Server with 1 RS-232 portEthernetPDS-700(IP-1) Power Supply 7000 #01PoEApplicationsCOM2COM1PPDS-700-MTCP(IP-n) 7000 #01COM2COM1Factory, Building and Home Automation...PC + VxComm...7000 #FF7000 #FFCOM3COM4COM254COM255RS-232FeaturesIncorporate Serial Devices in an Ethernet network"Virtual COM" extends PC COM portsVirtual COM for 32-bit and 64-bit Windows XP/2003/Vista/7High Performance Device ServerWatchdog Timer suitable for use in harsh environmentsPower Reverse Polarity ProtectionSerial Port +/-4 kV ESD Protection CircuitRoHS Compliant with no HalogenBuilt-in High Performance MiniOS7 from <strong>ICP</strong> <strong>DAS</strong>10/100 Base-TX, RJ-45 Port(Auto-negotiating, auto MDI/MDI-X, LED indicator)PPDS-712-MTCP supports Modbus/TCP and Modbus/RTUPPDS-712-MTCP supports PoE (IEEE 802.3af, Class 1)Low power consumptionPalm-Size with DIN-Rail MountingMade from fire retardant materials (UL94-V0 Level) )Male DB-9 ConnectorSystem SpecificationsModelsCPUCPUSRAMFlash MemoryEEPROMBuilt-inWatchdog TimerCommunication InterfaceNonisolatedEthernetCOM Port FormatsData BitParityStop BitBaud RateLED IndicatorsL1L2L3PowerProtectionRequiredSupply VoltageDS-712Power Consumption 2.0 WMechanicalFlammabilityDimensionsInstallationEnvironmentOperatingTemperatureStorageTemperatureHumidityCOM180186, 80 MHz or compatible512 KBFlash ROM: 512 KB16 KB; Data retention: 40 yearsYesRS-232 (TxD, RxD, RTS, CTS, GND)10/100 Base-TX, RJ-45 port (Auto-negotiating,auto MDI/MDI-X, LED indicator)7, 8None, Even, Odd, Mark, Space1, 2115200 bps max.Run (Red)Link/Act (Red)10/100M (Orange)Power Reverse Polarity Protection+12 VDC ~ +48 VDC(non-regulated)Fire Retardant Materials (UL94-V0 Level)72 mm x 118 mm x 35 mm (W x H x D)DIN-Rail or Wall mounting-25 °C ~ +75 °C-40 °C ~ +80 °C5 ~ 90% RH, non-condensingPPDS-712-MTCPPoE - IEEE 802.3afPoE - GreenPoE or +12 VDC ~ +48 VDC(non-regulated)2.2 W3-3-1<strong>ICP</strong> <strong>DAS</strong> CO., LTDProfessional Provider of High Quality Industrial Computer Products and Data Acquisition Systems

23E1110L1L2L3923E1110L1L2L39Industrial Communication & Networking Products CatalogPin AssignmentsTerminalNo.E101 N/A02 N/A03 N/A04 N/A05 INIT*06 N/APinAssignment07 N/A08 (R)+Vs09 (B)GNDWiring3-wire RS-232 WiringRS-232 MasterTxDRxDGNDFGNDRL5 COMRL5 NORL4 COME1RL4 NORL3 COMCOM1(RS-232)RL3 NOIN501RL2 COMIN4RL2 NOIN3RL1 COMDS-712IN2RL1 NOIN1RL0 COMIN0RL0 NOIN.COMN/A(R)Vs+N/A(B)GND09RS-232 DeviceRxDTxDGNDFGNDCOM1(RS-232)RL5 COMRL5 NORL4 COMRL4 NORL3 COMRL3 NORL2 COMRL2 NORL1 COMRL1 NORL0 COMRL0 NON/AN/APPDS-712-MTCPIN5IN4IN3IN2IN1IN0IN.COM(R)Vs+(B)GNDE1(PoE) 0109PinAssignmentGND--TxDRxD--Terminal No.0504030201PinAssignment09 --08 CTS07 RTS06 --COM1: Male DB-9 Connector3Programmable Device Servers (Serial-to-Ethernet)Dimensions (Unit: mm)3556.0635.40118.0Top View56.03532.917239.50Front ViewRear ViewBottom ViewDin-Rail Mounting BracketOrdering InformationDS-712 CR Device Server with 1 RS-232 port (RoHS)PPDS-712-MTCP CR Programmable Device Server with PoE, Modbus/TCP and 1 RS-232 port (RoHS)AccessoriesGPSU06U-6 24 VDC/0.25 A, 6 W Power SupplyMDR-20-24 24 VDC/1 A, 24 W Power Supply with DIN-Rail MountingDIN-KA52F-48 48 VDC/0.52 A, 25 W Power Supply with Din-Rail MountingCA-09159-Pin Male-Female D-Sub Cable, 1.5 m CableNS-205 CR Unmanaged 5-port Industrial Ethernet Switch (RoHS)NS-205PSE CR Unmanaged Ethernet Switch with 4 PoE Ports and 1 RJ-45 Uplink (RoHS)I/O Connector Block with DIN-Rail Mounting and Two 9-Pin Male HeaderDN-09-2FIncludes CA-0910F x 2 (9-Pin Female-Female D-Sub Cable 1.0 m)2-SCREWM331.50Side View3DS-700 Series DS-712/PPDS-712-MTCPCFWebsite: http://www.icpdas.com E-mail: service@icpdas.com 3-3-2

Serial-To-Ethernet Device Servers3Programmable Device Servers (Serial-to-Ethernet)3DS-700 Series DS-715/PPDS-715-MTCPCFDS-715PPDS-715-MTCPSerial-to-Ethernet Device Server with 1 RS-422/RS-485 port<strong>Introduction</strong>The DS-700 is a series of Serial-to-Ethernet Device Servers that are designedfor linking RS-232/422/485 devices to an Ethernet network. By using theVxComm Driver/Utility, the built-in COM port of the DS-700 series can bevirtualized to a standard PC COM port in Windows. By virtue of its protocolindependence, a small size and flexibility, the DS-700 series meets thedemands of virtually any network-enabled application.The DS-712 is equipped with a male DB-9 connector and supports a 5-wireRS-232 port, while the DS-715 is equipped with a removable terminal blockconnector and supports a 4-wire RS-422 port or a 2-wire RS-485 port with2000 Vrms isolation.The DS-700 is a non-programmable device server, while the PPDS-700-MTCPis a programmable product. The PPDS-700-MTCP series features true IEEE802.3af-compliant (classification, Class 1) Power over Ethernet (PoE) using astandard category 5 Ethernet cable to receive power from a PoE switch likethe NS-205PSE. The PPDS-700-MTCP also works as a Modbus/TCP toModbus/RTU gateway that supports most SCADA/HMI communications basedon the Modbus/TCP protocol.NS-208PC + VxCommNS-205PSEEthernetPDS-700(IP-1) Power Supply 7000 #01PoEApplicationsCOM2COM1PPDS-700-MTCP(IP-n) 7000 #01COM2COM1Factory, Building and Home Automation......7000 #FF7000 #FFCOM3COM4COM254COM255RS-422/485FeaturesIncorporate Serial Devices in an Ethernet network"Virtual COM" extends PC COM portsVirtual COM for 32-bit and 64-bit Windows XP/2003/Vista/7High Performance Device ServerWatchdog Timer suitable for use in harsh environmentsPower Reverse Polarity ProtectionSerial Port +/-4 kV ESD Protection CircuitSelf-Tuner ASIC Controller on the RS-485 PortRoHS Compliant with no HalogenBuilt-in High Performance MiniOS7 from <strong>ICP</strong> <strong>DAS</strong>10/100 Base-TX, RJ-45 Port(Auto-negotiating, auto MDI/MDI-X, LED indicator)PPDS-715-MTCP supports Modbus/TCP and Modbus/RTUPPDS-715-MTCP supports PoE (IEEE 802.3af, Class 1)Low / power consumption ,Palm-Size with DIN-Rail MountingMade from fire retardant materials (UL94-V0 Level)System SpecificationsModelsCPUCPUSRAMFlash MemoryEEPROMBuilt-inWatchdog TimerCommunication InterfaceIsolated(2000 Vrms)EthernetCOM Port FormatsData BitParityStop BitBaud RateLED IndicatorsL1L2L3PowerProtectionRequiredSupply VoltageDS-715Power Consumption 2.0 WMechanicalFlammabilityDimensionsInstallationEnvironmentOperatingTemperatureStorageTemperatureHumidity80186, 80 MHz or compatible512 KBFlash ROM: 512 KB16 KB; Data retention: 40 yearsYes10/100 Base-TX, RJ-45 port (Auto-negotiating,auto MDI/MDI-X, LED indicator)7, 8None, Even, Odd, Mark, Space1, 2115200 bps max.Run (Red)Link/Act (Red)10/100M (Orange)Power Reverse Polarity Protection+12 VDC ~ +48 VDC(non-regulated)Fire Retardant Materials (UL94-V0 Level)72 mm x 124 mm x 35 mm (W x H x D)DIN-Rail or Wall mounting-25 °C ~ +75 °C-40 °C ~ +80 °C5 ~ 90% RH, non-condensingPPDS-715-MTCPRS-422 (TxD+, TxD-, RxD+, RxD-)COM1RS-485 (D2+,D2-)PoE - IEEE 802.3afPoE - GreenPoE or +12 VDC ~ +48 VDC(non-regulated)2.2 W3-3-3<strong>ICP</strong> <strong>DAS</strong> CO., LTDProfessional Provider of High Quality Industrial Computer Products and Data Acquisition Systems

23E1110L1L2L3923E1110L1L2L39Industrial Communication & Networking Products CatalogPin AssignmentsTerminalNo.12.4E101 N/A02 N/A03 N/A04 N/A05 INIT*06 N/APinAssignment07 N/A08 (R)+Vs09 (B)GNDWiring2-wire RS-485 WiringRS-485 MasterDATA+(B)DATA-(A)GNDFGND2-wire Only DeviceDimensions (Unit: mm)72Ordering InformationDS-715 CR56.0632.91Front View Rear View Bottom ViewDevice Server with 1 Isolated RS-422/RS-485 port (RoHS)PPDS-715-MTCP CR Programmable Device Server with PoE, Modbus/TCP and 1 Isolated RS-422/485 port (RoHS)AccessoriesGPSU06U-6MDR-20-24DIN-KA52F-48NS-205 CRNS-205PSE CR35.40F.G.56.024 VDC/0.25 A, 6 W Power SupplyRL5 COMRL5 NO124.024 VDC/1 A, 24 W Power Supply with DIN-Rail Mounting48 VDC/0.52 A, 25 W Power Supply with Din-Rail MountingUnmanaged 5-port Industrial Ethernet Switch (RoHS)RL4 COME1RL4 NOCOM1(RS-422/485)RL3 COMRL3 NOIN501RL2 COMIN4RL2 NOIN3RL1 COMDS-715Device 1 Device 2Device 3DATA+(B)DATA-(A)GNDFGNDIN2Top ViewUnmanaged Ethernet Switch with 4 PoE Ports and 1 RJ-45 Uplink (RoHS)RL1 NOIN1RL0 COMIN0RL0 NOIN.COMN/A(R)Vs+DATA+(B)DATA-(A)GNDFGNDN/A(B)GND09Rx-Rx-F.G.DATA+(B)DATA-(A)GNDFGNDTwisted Pair Wiring plus GroundRL5 COMRL5 NORL4 COME1(PoE)35RL4 NOCOM1(RS-422/485)RL3 COMRL3 NOIN501RL2 COMIN4RL2 NOIN3RL1 COMIN2RL1 NOIN1RL0 COMIN0RL0 NOPPDS-715-MTCPIN.COMN/A(R)Vs+N/A(B)GNDRx-094-wire RS-422 WiringRS-422 MasterTxD+(B)TxD-(A)RxD+(B)RxD-(A)GNDFGND3539.50Din-Rail Mounting BracketCOM1 (RS-422/485)F.G.Tx+/D+Rx+Tx-/D-RS-422 DeviceRxD+(B)RxD-(A)TxD+(B)TxD-(A)GNDFGND2-SCREWM331.50Side View3Programmable Device Servers (Serial-to-Ethernet) DS-700 Series DS-7153CFWebsite: http://www.icpdas.com E-mail: service@icpdas.com 3-3-4

Programmable Device Servers3Programmable Device Servers (Serial-to-Ethernet) PPDS-700-IP67 Series43.4. PPDS-700-IP67 Programmable Device ServersPPDS-741-IP67(/DIN)PPDS-742-IP67(/DIN)PPDS-743-IP67(/DIN)Programmable Device Server with 4 RS-232 or RS-485 ports, PoE and IP67 Casing<strong>Introduction</strong>RS-232/RS-485FeaturesIncorporate Serial Devices in an Ethernet network"Virtual COM" extends PC COM portsVirtual COM for 32-bit and 64-bit Windows XP/2003/Vista/7Powerful Programmable Device ServerWatchdog Timer suitable for use in harsh environmentsPower Reverse Polarity ProtectionSerial Port +/-4 kV ESD Protection CircuitSelf-Tuner ASIC Controller on the RS-485 PortLow power consumptionRoHS Compliant with no HalogenBuilt-in High Performance MiniOS7 from <strong>ICP</strong> <strong>DAS</strong>10/100 Base-TX Ethernet, RJ-45 Port(Auto-negotiating, auto MDI/MDI-X, LED indicator)Plastic Casing with IP67 WaterproofSupports PoE (IEEE 802.3af, Class 1)ODM Service is availableThe PPDS-700-IP67 series is a family of Programmable Device Servers, also known as "Serial-to-Ethernet gateway", that aredesigned for linking RS-232/422/485 devices to an Ethernet network. The user-friendly VxComm Driver/Utility allows users toeasily turn the built-in COM ports of the PPDS-700-IP67 series into standard COM ports on a PC. By virtue of its protocolindependence, a small-core OS and high flexibility, the PPDS-700-IP67 series is able to meet the demands of everynetwork-enabled application.The PPDS-700-IP67 series includes a powerful and reliable Xserver programming structure that allows you to design your robustEthernet applications in one day. The built-in, high-performance MiniOS7 boots the PPDS-700-IP67 up in just one second andgives you fastest responses.The PPDS-700-IP67 is a special design for the toughest applications. It can be directly mounted to any machine or convenientflat surface. The rugged packaging and IP67 connectors are rated to protect against water, oil, dust, vibration, and much more.The PPDS-700-IP67 supports PoE (Power over Ethernet) function that allows power and data to be carried over a single Ethernetcable, so a device can operate solely from the power it receives through the data cable. This innovation allows greater flexibilityin office design, higher efficiency in systems design, and faster turnaround time in set-up and implementation. When there is noPoE switch on site, the PPDS-700-IP67 accepts power input from a +12 VDC ~ +48 VDC adapter.When using PoE devices such as the PPDS-700-MTCP, PPDS-700-IP67 and PET-7000 (Ethernet I/O module with PoE), you canselect the <strong>ICP</strong> <strong>DAS</strong> "PoE" switch — "NS-205PSE" — as the power source. The NS-205PSE automatically detects whether theconnected devices are PoE devices or not. This mechanism ensures that the NS-205PSE will work with both PoE and non-PoEdevices simultaneously.As a power source for PoE devices, the NS-205PSE requires a power input ranging from +46 VDC ~ +55 VDC.PPDCCF DCPPDS-700-IP67(/DIN) SeriesApplicationsFactory, Building and Home Automation3-4-1<strong>ICP</strong> <strong>DAS</strong> CO., LTDProfessional Provider of High Quality Industrial Computer Products and Data Acquisition Systems

Industrial Communication & Networking Products CatalogSpecificationsModels PPDS-741-IP67(/DIN)PPDS-742-IP67(/DIN) PPDS-743-IP67(/DIN)CPUCPU80186, 80MHz or compatibleSRAM512 KBFlash MemoryFlash ROM: 512 KB; Erase unit is one sector (64 KB); 100,000 erase/write cyclesEEPROM16 KB; Data retention: 40 years; 1,000,000 erase/write cyclesWatchdog Timer YesCommunication InterfaceCOM15-wire RS-232COM2Isolated 2-wire RS-485COM3Isolated 2-wire RS-4855-wire RS-2325-wire RS-232COM4Isolated 2-wire RS-485Isolated 2-wire RS-4855-wire RS-232Ethernet10/100 Base-TX, RJ-45 - port (Auto-negotiating, Auto MDI/MDI-X, LED indicators),PoE (IEEE 802.3af, Class 1)COM Port FormatsData Bit5, 6, 7, 8ParityNone, Even, Odd, Mark, SpaceStop Bit 1, 2Baud Rate115200 bps max.LED IndicatorsSystemRed: SysGreen: Link/Act (E1)EthernetOrange: 10/100M (E1)Green: RxDCOM1 ~ COM4Orange: TxDPowerProtectionPower input reverse polarity protectionRequired Supply Voltage +12 VDC ~ +48 VDC (non-regulated) or PoE (IEEE 802.3af, Class 1)Power Consumption 2.2 WMechanicalFlammabilityFire Retardant Materials (UL94-V0 Level)Dimensions (W x H x D) 85 mm x 76 mm x 137 mm (89 mm x 90 mm x 138 mm for /DIN versions)InstallationWall mounting (DIN-Rail mounting for /DIN versions)EnvironmentOperating Temperature -10 °C ~ +60 °CStorage Temperature -10 °C ~ +60 °CHumidity100% RH for operating temperature -10 °C ~ +60 °CNote:5-wire RS-232: TxD, RxD, CTS, RTS, GNDIsolated 2-wire RS-485: DATA+, DATA-, GND; Self-tuner Inside; 2500 Vrms IsolationDimensions (Unit: mm)PPDS-741-IP67/PPDS-742-IP67/PPDS-743-IP6770.0Left Side View4.0118.5IP67 Ethernet Cap with Tether57,222,027,785.077.5Front View126.0137.04.0Cable Dia:Max. 7.0 mmMin. 5.5 mm43,328,676.059.5Right Side ViewIP67 Ethernet Plug27,8Rear ViewCable Dia:Max. 6.5 mmMin. 5.0 mmIP67 PWR Plug43,240,1Top ViewBottom View17,83Programmable Device Servers (Serial-to-Ethernet) PPDS-700-IP67 Series PPDS-700-IP67(/DIN) Series4CFWebsite: http://www.icpdas.com E-mail: service@icpdas.com 3-4-2

Programmable Device Servers3Pin AssignmentsPDS-741-IP67 PDS-742-IP67 PDS-743-IP67Programmable Device Servers (Serial-to-Ethernet) PPDS-700-IP67 Series4Pin12345678PPDS-741-IP67COM3:RS-485COM1:RS-232E1: Ethernet--RTSGNDTxDRxD--CTS--COM1 ~ COM4876543215-wire RS-232COM4:RS-485COM2:RS-4852-wire RS-485----GND--DATA+DATA-----F.G.Pin12345DC +12 ~ +48 VDC1 452 3GNDPPDS-742-IP67COM3:RS-232COM1:RS-232E1: EthernetNameF.G.--Init+VsGND+VsInitCOM4:RS-485COM2:RS-485SystemEthernetCOM1 ~ COM4LED IndicatorsRedGreenOrangeGreenOrangePPDS-743-IP67COM3:RS-232COM1:RS-232E1: EthernetCOM4:RS-232COM2:RS-485Sys.Link/Act (E1)10/100M (E1)RxDTxDPPDCCF DCPPDS-700-IP67(/DIN) SeriesOrdering InformationPPDS-741-IP67 CR Programmable Device Server with 1 RS-232 port, 3 RS-485 ports, PoE and IP67 Casing (RoHS)PPDS-741-IP67/DIN CR Programmable Device Server with 1 RS-232 port, 3 RS-485 ports, PoE, IP67 Casing and DIN-Rail Mounting (RoHS)PPDS-742-IP67 CR Programmable Device Server with 2 RS-232 ports, 2 RS-485 ports, PoE and IP67 Casing (RoHS)PPDS-742-IP67/DIN CR Programmable Device Server with 2 RS-232 ports, 2 RS-485 ports, PoE, IP67 Casing and DIN-Rail Mounting (RoHS)PPDS-743-IP67 CRPPDS-743-IP67/DIN CRProgrammable Device Server with 3 RS-232 ports, 1 RS-485 port, PoE and IP67 Casing (RoHS)Programmable Device Server with 3 RS-232 ports, 1 RS-485 port, PoE, IP67 Casing and DIN-Rail Mounting (RoHS)AccessoriesGPSU06U-624 VDC/0.25 A, 6 W Power SupplyMDR-20-2424 VDC/1 A, 24 W Power Supply with DIN-Rail MountingDIN-KA52F-4848 VDC/0.52 A, 25 W Power Supply with Din-Rail MountingNS-205 CRUnmanaged 5-port Industrial Ethernet Switch (RoHS)NS-205PSE CRUnmanaged Ethernet Switch with 4 PoE Ports and 1 RJ-45 Uplink (RoHS)3-4-3<strong>ICP</strong> <strong>DAS</strong> CO., LTDProfessional Provider of High Quality Industrial Computer Products and Data Acquisition Systems

Industrial Communication & Networking Products Catalog3.5 PDS-800 Programmable Device Server with I/O Expansion Slot(s)3<strong>Introduction</strong>Selection GuidePDS-811PDS-821PDS-842PDS-882Model NameOptional Serial ModulesI-8112iWI-8114WI-8114iWModel NameSlots1248CPU80186,80 MHz80186,80 MHzPXA270,520 MHzPXA270,520 MHzInterface9-wire RS-2329-wire RS-2325-wire RS-232RAM/Flash Disk512 KB/512 KB512 KB/512 KB64 MB/64 MB64 MB/64 MBPorts244Ethernet2-portEthernet Switch2-portEthernet SwitchDual 10/100 MEthernetDual 10/100 MEthernetFIFO128 Bytes128 Bytes128 BytesOperatingSystemMiniOS7MiniOS7LinuxLinuxIsolation2500 Vrms-2500 VrmsConsole Port3-wireRS-2323-wireRS-232DB-9RS-232DB-9RS-232Self-Tuner---(Optional)Max. Serial Ports481632ConnectorDB-9DB-37DB-37Page3-5-23-5-23-5-43-5-4Page3-5-63-5-83-5-8Programmable Device Servers (Serial-to-Ethernet) PDS-800 Programmable Device Servers Overview5CFI-8142iW4-wire RS-4222-wire RS-4854-wire RS-422I-8144iW 42-wire RS-4852128 Bytes 2500 Vrms Yes Terminal Block128 Bytes 2500 Vrms Yes Terminal Block3-5-103-5-10Website: http://www.icpdas.com E-mail: service@icpdas.com 3-5-1

Programmable Device Server with I/O Expansion Slot(s)3Programmable Device Servers (Serial-to-Ethernet) PDS-800 Programmable Device Servers5CFPDS-811/PDS-821PDS-811/PDS-821Programmable Device Server with I/O Expansion Slot(s)<strong>Introduction</strong>The PDS-811 and PDS-821 programmable device servers (PDS) are compact,modular, intelligent, rugged, and are designed for networking RS-232 andRS-422/485 serial devices to an Ethernet network. The PDS-811 has one I/Oexpansion slot, while PDS-821 has two I/O expansion slots that can be usedto attach various 2- or 4-port serial communication modules. Therefore, amaximum of 4 serial ports can be installed on the PDS-811 or a maximum of8 serial ports can be installed on the PDS-821.Note: There is no serial module built-in to the PDS-811or PDS-821 by default.The PDS-811 and PDS-821 controllers are equippedwith a 2-port 10/100 Base-TX Ethernet Switch that canbe used to connect two network segments. TheEthernet Switch processes and routes data on thedata-link layer (layer 2) of the OSI model to create adifferent collision domain per switch port. Using aswitch allows you to attain dedicated bandwidth onpoint-to-point connections with every computer, andtherefore run in full duplex mode with no collisions.Furthermore, the built-in 2-port Ethernet Switch on thePDS-811/821 enables network wiring to be simplifiedby cascading your Ethernet devices.The PDS-8x1 series contains a built-in operating system, the MiniOS7, whichoffers a stable and high performance environment that is similar to DOS. TheMiniOS7 can boot up the PDS-8x1 series within just one second, with theadded benefit of no virus problems and a small footprint. Furthermore, thePDS-8x1 series is designed for low power consumption, maintenanceelimination (no hard disk and no fan), and is constructed from fire retardantmaterials (UL94-V0 level) with a robust case.Applications‧Factory Automation‧Building Automation‧Home AutomationPDS-8x1NS-208PDS-8x1Daisy-ChainEthernetPDS-8x1EthernetFeaturesIncorporate Serial Devices in an Ethernet network"Virtual COM" extends PC COM portsVirtual COM for 32-bit and 64-bit Windows XP/2003/Vista/7Programmable Internet/Ethernet ControllerWatchdog Timer suitable for use in harsh environments2-port 10/100 Base-TX Ethernet Switch(Auto-negotiating, auto MDI/MDI-X, LED indicator)Power Reverse Polarity Protection3-wire RS-232 Console PortRS-232 TxD/RxD LED IndicatorsSystem Status LED IndicatorESD Protection and Frame Ground DesignRoHS Compliant with no HalogenBuilt-in High Performance MiniOS7 from <strong>ICP</strong> <strong>DAS</strong>( Low / power g consumption, g, / , )Made from fire retardant materials (UL94-V0 Level)System SpecificationsModelsCPUCPUSRAMFlash MemoryEEPROMNVRAMRTC (Real Time Clock)64-bit Hardware SerialNumberBuilt-in Watchdog TimerI/O Expansion SlotsCommunication InterfaceCOM1 (Console)EthernetCOM Port FormatsSpeedParityLED IndicatorsTxD/RxDMechanicalPDS-81180186, 80 MHz or compatible512 KB512 KB16 KB---Yes1 SlotData Bit 7, 8Stop BitSystemPowerESD ProtectionProtectionRequired Supply VoltagePower ConsumptionFlammabilityDimensions(W x L x H, Unit: mm)InstallationEnvironmentOperating TemperatureStorage TemperatureHumidityRS-232 (TxD, RxD, GND)2-port 10/100 Base-TX Ethernet Switch(Auto-negotiating, auto MDI/MDI-X,LED indicator)115200 bps max.None, Even, Odd1Yes (for COM1 console port)YesYes (with Frame Ground)Power Reverse Polarity Protection+10 VDC ~ +30 VDC (non-regulated)0.6 A @ 5 V for CPU and Backplane,1.0 A @ 5 V for Plug-in Modules,Total: 8 WFire Retardant Materials (UL94-V0 Level)64 x 110 x 120DIN-Rail-25 °C ~ +75 °C-40 °C ~ +80 °CPDS-8212 Slots95 x 110 x 132DIN-Rail orWall mounting5 ~ 95% RH, non-condensing3-5-2<strong>ICP</strong> <strong>DAS</strong> CO., LTDProfessional Provider of High Quality Industrial Computer Products and Data Acquisition Systems

Industrial Communication & Networking Products CatalogDimensions (Unit: mm)PDS-8113110.089.564.037.235.637.237.235.637.21111PDS-821Pin AssignmentsInitRunLink/ActPort110/100MLink/ActPort210/100MSysTxD120.0Left Side View Front View Right Side View Rear ViewBottom ViewTop View110.090.6695.078.6RxDF.G.N.C.GNDTxDRxDIGND+Vs1222-port Ethernet Switch132Left Side View Front View Right Side View Rear ViewBottom ViewTop ViewOrdering InformationPDS-811 CRPDS-821 CRAccessoriesCA-0910MDR-20-24NS-205 CR98.597.5Programmable Device Server with 1 Expansion Slot(RoHS). Includes One CA-0910 Cable.Programmable Device Server with 2 Expansion Slots(RoHS). Includes One CA-0910 Cable.9-Pin Female D-Sub & 3-wire RS-232 Cable, 1 m Cable24 VDC/1 A, 24 W Power Supply with DIN-Rail MountingUnmanaged 5-port Industrial Ethernet Switch (RoHS)90.1 19.919.890.6Programmable Device Servers (Serial-to-Ethernet) PDS-800 Programmable Device Servers PDS-811/PDS-8215CFDC +10 ~ 30 VDCWebsite: http://www.icpdas.com E-mail: service@icpdas.com 3-5-3

Programmable Device Server with I/O Expansion Slot(s)3Programmable Device Servers (Serial-to-Ethernet) PDS-800 Programmable Device Servers5CFPDS-842/PDS-882PDS-842/PDS-882Programmable Device Server with I/O Expansion Slot(s)<strong>Introduction</strong>The PDS-842 and PDS-882 programmable device servers (PDS) are compact,modular, intelligent, rugged, and are designed for networkingRS-232/422/485 serial devices to an Ethernet network. The PDS-842 has 4I/O expansion slots, while the PDS-882 has 8 I/O expansion slots that can beused to attach various 2- or 4-port serial communication modules. Therefore,a maximum of 16 serial ports can be installed on the PDS-842 or a maximumof 32 serial ports can be installed on the PDS-882.By using the PDS-842 or PDS-882, users can transparentlyaccess serial devices over the Internet.This PDS, coupled with a large built-in RAM buffer, allowsfor fast transmission and prevents congestion of serialdata on the network. A built-in powerful 32-bit RISCprocessor offers exceptional performance at low powerconsumption.The PDS-842 and PDS-882 provides two Ethernet ports, which can be used toimplement redundant Ethernet communication and separate Ethernetcommunication (one for global Internet, one for private Ethernet). To preventthe PDS-842 and PDS-882 from failing due to power loss, the power moduleis designed with two inputs, so that the module can continue working even ifone power input fails, and, meanwhile, there is a relay output available forinforming users about the power failure.Applications‧Factory Automation‧Building Automation‧Home AutomationRelay OutputPDS-842PWR1PWR2Back-up Power supply+24 VDC Power supplyFeaturesLinux kernel 2.6.19 InsideStandard PDS-8x2 SDK for Windows and Linux operating systemsIncorporate Serial Devices in an Ethernet network"Virtual COM" extends PC COM portsVirtual COM for 32-bit and 64-bit Windows XP/2003/Vista/7Programmable Internet/Ethernet ControllerWatchdog Timer suitable for use in harsh environmentsDual-LAN, 10/100 Base-TX Ethernet(Auto-negotiating, auto MDI/MDI-X, LED indicator)Power Reverse Polarity ProtectionDB-9 RS-232 console portESD Protection and Frame Ground DesignLow power consumptionMade from fire retardant materials (UL94-V0 Level)pSystem SpecificationsCOM Port FormatsSpeedParityMechanicalpRS-232Data Bit 7, 8Stop BitFlammabilityDimensions(W x L x H, Unit: mm)Installation( )ModelsPDS-842PDS-882CPUPXA270 or compatibleCPU(32-bit and 520 MHz)SDRAM64 MBFlash Memory64 MBEEPROM16 KBNVRAM-RTC (Real Time Clock) No64-bit Hardware SerialYesNumberBuilt-in Watchdog Timer YesI/O Expansion Slots 4 Slots8 SlotsProgrammable1LED IndicatorCommunication InterfaceCOM1 (Console)COM2EthernetPowerESD ProtectionProtectionRequired Supply VoltageRS-485 (D+, D-); 3000 VDC isolatedRJ-45 x 2, Dual 10/100 Base-TX EthernetController (Auto-negotiating,auto MDI/MDI-X, LED indicator)115200 bps max.None, Even, Odd1Yes (with Frame Ground)Power Reverse Polarity ProtectionRedundant Power Inputs Yes, with one relay for warning alarmPower ConsumptionEnvironmentOperating TemperatureStorage TemperatureHumidity+18 VDC ~ +48 VDC8.4 W(0.35 A @ 24 VDC)Fire Retardant Materials (UL94-V0 Level)188 x 132 x 111DIN-Rail or Wall mounting-25 °C ~ +75 °C-30 °C ~ +85 °C5 ~ 90% RH, non-condensing9.1 W(0.38 A @ 24 VDC)312 x 132 x 1113-5-4<strong>ICP</strong> <strong>DAS</strong> CO., LTDProfessional Provider of High Quality Industrial Computer Products and Data Acquisition Systems

Industrial Communication & Networking Products CatalogDimensions (Unit: mm)PDS-842PDS-8823188171.9132.0Front View122.0Bottom ViewRear ViewPin AssignmentsCOM1: RS-23216TxD 27RxD3849GND 5Terminal BlockPWR1Redundant Power 1P.GNDPWR2Redundant Power 2P.GNDR.COMRelayR.NOD+RS-485DCOM2Frame GroundF.G.312295.8132.0122.0PDS-842/882111.090.911.037.235.637.211.0Left Side ViewRight Side ViewOrdering InformationPDS-842 Programmable Device Server with 4 Expansion SlotsPDS-882 Programmable Device Server with 8 Expansion SlotsAccessoriesKA-52F 24 VDC/1.04 A, 25 W Power SupplyDIN-KA52F 24 VDC/1.04 A, 25 W Power Supply with Din-Rail MountingMDR-60-24 24 VDC/2.5 A, 60 W Power Supply with DIN-Rail MountingCA-0915 9-Pin Male-Female D-Sub Cable, 1.5 m CableNS-205 CR Unmanaged 5-port Industrial Ethernet Switch (RoHS)Programmable Device Servers (Serial-to-Ethernet) PDS-800 Programmable Device Servers PDS-842/PDS-8825CFWebsite: http://www.icpdas.com E-mail: service@icpdas.com 3-5-5

Communication I/O Modules3RS-232 InterfaceFeaturesProgrammable Device Servers (Serial-to-Ethernet) PDS-800 Programmable Device Servers5CFI-8112iW<strong>Introduction</strong>I-8112iW-G2-port Isolated RS-232 ModuleThe I-8112iW-G provides 2 isolated RS-232 serial ports. It is equipped with a128-byte hardware FIFO for each port and offers speeds up to 115.2 kbpswith support for full-duplex communication.In the harsh industrial environment, the onboard ESD protection devices candivert this potentially damaging charge away from sensitive circuitry andprotect the I-8112iW from permanent damage.The serial communication modules are designed for use with intelligentdevices like bar code readers, serial printers, intelligent sensors,instrumentation equipment, computers, and almost any device with anRS-232 or RS-422/485 port.I/O SpecificationsRS-232 InterfaceNumber of PortsInterfaceControllerInterruptBusConnectorIntra-module Isolated,Field to LogicESD ProtectionSoftware2TxD, RxD, RTS, CTS, DSR, DTR, DCD, RI,GND16C950 CompatibleSpeed: 115200 bps max.Data Bit: 5, 6, 7, 8Stop Bit: 1, 1.5, 2Parity: None, Even, Odd, Mark, SpaceFIFO: Internal 128 bytes for each portShared InterruptParallel I/O ModuleDB-9 (Male)2500 VrmsSoftwareSupports interrupt driven software librarySupports VxCOM library+/-4 kV (Contact for each channel)High-profile Module2500 Vrms IsolationSerial Port with +/-4 kV ESD ProtectionInternal 128-byte Hardware FIFO for each PortBaud Rate of up to 115200 bpsLED Indicators for TxD, RxD and Power StatusRoHS Compliant with no HalogenLow power consumptionMade from fire retardant materials (UL94-V0 Level)Applications‧Factory Automation‧Building Automation‧Home AutomationSystem SpecificationsLED IndicatorsPower1 LEDTxD2 LEDsRxD2 LEDsPowerPower Consumption 1.5 WMechanicalDimensions (W x L x H) 31 mm x 86 mm x 114 mmEnvironmentOperating Temperature -25 °C ~ +75 °CStorage Temperature -30 °C ~ +80 °CHumidity10 ~ 95% RH, non-condensing3-5-6<strong>ICP</strong> <strong>DAS</strong> CO., LTDProfessional Provider of High Quality Industrial Computer Products and Data Acquisition Systems

Industrial Communication & Networking Products CatalogWiringDTE Device (Computer) DB9 DTE to DCE Connections DCE Device (Modem) DB9Pin# DB9 RS-232 Signal Names Signal DirectionPin# DB9 RS-232 Signal Names#1 Carrier Detector#2 Transmit Data#3 Receive Data#1 Carrier Detector#2 Receive Data#3 Transmit Data#4 Data Terminal Ready#5 Signal Ground/Common (SG)#6 Data Set Ready#7 Request to Send#8 Clear to Send#9 Ring IndicatorSoldered to DB9 Metal-Shield3-wire RS-232 WiringRS-232 MasterTxDRxDGNDFGNDPin AssignmentsTx1 Tx25-8112iW2-port Isolated RS-232I-8112iW-G CRRx1 Rx2Port11 65Port2991 6PinAssignmentGND1DTR1TxD1RxD1DCD1 01Port1PinAssignmentOrdering InformationTerminal05040302GND2 05DTR2 04TxD2 03RxD2 02DCD2 01Port2DCDRxDTxDDTRGNDDSRRTSCTSRIFGNDTerminalNo.2-port Isolated RS-232 Module (RoHS)RS-232 DeviceRxDTxDGNDFGNDPinAssignment09 RI108 CTS107 RTS106 DSR19-Pin MaleD-Sub ConnectorNo.PinAssignment09 RI108 CTS207 RTS206 DSR29-Pin MaleD-Sub ConnectorDimensions (Unit: mm)101.2AccessoriesCA-09154.1#4 Data Set Ready#5 Signal Ground/Common (SG)#6 Data Terminal Ready#7 Clear to Send#8 Request to Send#9 Ring IndicatorSoldered to DB9 Metal-Shield4.371.368.336.386114319-Pin Male-Female D-Sub Cable, 1.5 mDCDTxDRxDDSRGNDDTRCTSRTSRIFGND3Programmable Device Servers (Serial-to-Ethernet) PDS-800 Programmable Device Servers I-8112iW5CFWebsite: http://www.icpdas.com E-mail: service@icpdas.com 3-5-7

Communication I/O Modules3RS-232 InterfaceFeaturesProgrammable Device Servers (Serial-to-Ethernet) PDS-800 Programmable Device Servers5CFI-8114W-G/I-8114iW-G<strong>Introduction</strong>I-8114W-G: 4-port RS-232 ModuleI-8114iW-G: 4-port Isolated S-232 ModuleThe I-8114W-G provides 4 non-isolated RS-232 serial ports, while theI-8114iW-G provides 4 isolated RS-232 serial ports. It is equipped with a128-byte hardware FIFO for each port and offers speeds up to 115.2 kbpswith support for full-duplex communication.In the harsh industrial environment, the onboard ESD protection devices candivert this potentially damaging charge away from sensitive circuitry andprotect the I-8114W/I-8114iW from permanent damage.The serial communication modules are designed for use with intelligentdevices like bar code readers, serial printers, intelligent sensors,instrumentation equipment, computers, and almost any device with anRS-232 or RS-422/485 port.I/O SpecificationsModelsRS-232 InterfaceNumber of PortsInterfaceControllerI-8114W4TxD, RxD, RTS, CTS,DSR, DTR, DCD, RI,GND16C950 CompatibleSpeed: 115200 bps max.Data Bit: 5, 6, 7, 8Stop Bit: 1, 1.5, 2I-8114iWTxD, RxD, RTS, CTS,GNDParity: None, Even, Odd, Mark, SpaceFIFO: Internal 128 bytes for each portInterruptShared InterruptBusParallel I/O ModuleConnectorDB-37 (Female)Intra-module Isolated,Field to Logic- 2500 VrmsESD Protection +/-4 kV (Contact for each channel)High-profile Module2500 Vrms Isolation for I-8114iWSerial Port with +/-4 kV ESD ProtectionInternal 128-byte Hardware FIFO for each PortBaud Rate of up to 115200 bpsLED Indicators for TxD, RxD and Power StatusRoHS Compliant with no HalogenLow power consumptionMade from fire retardant materials (UL94-V0 Level)Applications‧Factory Automation‧Building Automation‧Home AutomationSystem SpecificationsModels I-8114W I-8114iWLED IndicatorsPowerTxDRxDPower1 LED4 LEDs4 LEDsPower ConsumptionMechanical1.25 W1.75 WDimensions (W x L x H) 31 mm x 85 mm x 114 mmEnvironmentOperating TemperatureStorage TemperatureHumidity-25 °C ~ +75 °C-30 °C ~ +80 °C10 ~ 95% RH, non-condensingI-8114W/I-8114iWSoftwareSoftwareSupports interrupt driven software librarySupports VxCOM library3-5-8<strong>ICP</strong> <strong>DAS</strong> CO., LTDProfessional Provider of High Quality Industrial Computer Products and Data Acquisition Systems

Industrial Communication & Networking Products CatalogTx1 Tx2 Tx3 Tx4 Rx1 Rx2 Rx3 Rx41WiringPin Assignments-8114W4-port RS-2322019 37PinAssignmentN.C.DCD3GNDCTS3RxD3RI4DTR4DSR4RTS4TxD4DCD2GND 12CTS2 13RxD2 14RI1DTR1DSR1RTS1Terminal010203040506070809101115161718TxD1 19Dimensions (Unit: mm)101.2DTE Device (Computer) DB9 DTE to DCE Connections DCE Device (Modem) DB9Pin# DB9 RS-232 Signal Names Signal DirectionPin# DB9 RS-232 Signal Names#1 Carrier Detector#2 Transmit Data#3 Receive Data#1 Carrier Detector#2 Receive Data#3 Transmit Data#4 Data Terminal Ready#5 Signal Ground/Common (SG)#6 Data Set Ready#7 Request to Send#8 Clear to Send#9 Ring IndicatorSoldered to DB9 Metal-Shield3-wire RS-232 WiringRS-232 MasterTxDRxDGNDFGND4.14.371.368.38536.3114DCDRxDTxDDTRGNDDSRRTSCTSRIFGND31No.RS-232 DeviceRxDTxDGNDFGNDPinAssignment20 RI321 DTR322 DSR323 RTS324 TxD325 DCD426 GND27 CTS428 RxD429 RI230 DTR231 DSR232 RTS233 TxD234 DCD135 GND36 CTS137 RxD137-Pin FemaleD-Sub ConnectorTx1 Tx2 Tx3 Tx4 Rx1 Rx2 Rx3 Rx41-8114iW4-port Isolated RS-2322019 37PinAssignmentN.C.N.C.GND3CTS3RxD3N.C.N.C.N.C.RTS4TxD4N.C.GND2 12CTS2 13RxD2 14N.C.N.C.N.C.RTS1Terminal010203040506070809101115161718TxD1 19Ordering InformationI-8114W-G CR 4-port RS-232 Module (RoHS)4-port RS-232 Module (RoHS)I-8114W-G/D2 CRIncludes One CA-9-3705 CableNo.PinAssignment20 N.C.21 N.C.22 N.C.23 RTS324 TxD325 N.C.26 GND427 CTS428 RxD429 N.C.30 N.C.31 N.C.32 RTS233 TxD234 N.C.35 GND136 CTS137 RxD137-Pin FemaleD-Sub ConnectorI-8114iW-G CR 4-port Isolated RS-232 Module (RoHS)4-port Isolated RS-232 Module (RoHS)I-8114iW-G/D2 CRIncludes One CA-9-3705 CableAccessoriesCA-4002CA-9-3705#4 Data Set Ready#5 Signal Ground/Common (SG)#6 Data Terminal Ready#7 Clear to Send#8 Request to Send#9 Ring IndicatorSoldered to DB9 Metal-Shield37-Pin Male D-Sub Connector with Plastic Cover.DB-37 Male (D-Sub) to 4-port DB-9 Male (D-Sub) Cable0.3 m Cable for I-8114W-G/I-8114iW-G (90°)DCDTxDRxDDSRGNDDTRCTSRTSRIFGND3Programmable Device Servers (Serial-to-Ethernet) PDS-800 Programmable Device Servers I-8114W/I-8114iW5CFWebsite: http://www.icpdas.com E-mail: service@icpdas.com 3-5-9

Communication I/O Modules3RS-422/485 InterfaceFeaturesProgrammable Device Servers (Serial-to-Ethernet) PDS-800 Programmable Device Servers5CFI-8142iW/I-8144iWI-8142iW-G/I-8144iW-GI-8142iW-G: 2-port Isolated RS-422/485 ModuleI-8144iW-G: 4-port Isolated RS-422/485 Module<strong>Introduction</strong>The I-8142iW-G provides 2 isolated RS-422/485 serial ports, while theI-8144iW-G provides 4 isolated RS-422/485 serial ports. It is equipped with a128-byte hardware FIFO for each port and offers speeds up to 115.2 kbpswith support for RS-422 full-duplex communication.In the harsh industrial environment, the onboard ESD protection devices candivert this potentially damaging charge away from sensitive circuitry andprotect the I-8142iW/I-8144iW from permanent damage.The serial communication modules are designed for use with intelligentdevices like bar code readers, serial printers, intelligent sensors,instrumentation equipment, computers, and almost any device with anRS-232 or RS-422/485 port.I/O SpecificationsModels I-8142iW I-8144iWRS-422/485 InterfaceNumber of Ports 24Interface2-wire Cabling/4-wire CablingTransfer Distance4-wire CablingControllerIsolated RS-422/485 (The RS-422 and RS-485 cannot be used simultaneously)RS-422: TxD+, TxD-, RxD+, RxD-, GNDRS-485: D+, D-, GNDBelden 8941 (2P twisted-pair cable)/Belden 8942 (4P twisted-pair cable),If different cables are used, the transmissiondistance may changeMax. of 1,200 m at 9.6 kbps;Max. of 400 m at 115.2 kbpsMax. of 256 devices. in a single RS-485network without using a repeater16C950 CompatibleSpeed: 115200 bps max.Data Bit: 5, 6, 7, 8Stop Bit: 1, 1.5, 2Parity: None, Even, Odd, Mark, SpaceFIFO: Internal 128 bytes for each portSelf-Tuner Asic inside YesInterruptShared InterruptBusParallel I/O ModuleConnectorRemovable 20-Pin Terminal BlockIntra-module Isolated,2500 VrmsField to LogicESD Protection +/-4 kV (Contact for each channel)High-profile Module2500 Vrms IsolationSerial Port with +/-4 kV ESD ProtectionInternal 128-byte Hardware FIFO for each PortBaud Rate of up to 115200 bpsLED Indicators for TxD, RxD and Power StatusBuilt-in Self-Tuner or Auto-Direction ControlRoHS Compliant with no HalogenLow power consumptionMade from fire retardant materials (UL94-V0 Level)Applications‧Factory Automation‧Building Automation‧Home AutomationSystem SpecificationsModels I-8142iW I-8144iWLED IndicatorsPowerTxDRxDPowerPower ConsumptionMechanicalSoftwareSoftware1 LED2 LEDs2 LEDsDimensions (W x L x H) 30 mm x 102 mm x 115 mmEnvironmentOperating Temperature -25 °C ~ +75 °CStorage Temperature -30 °C ~ +80 °CHumidity10 ~ 95% RH, non-condensingSupports interrupt driven software librarySupports VxCOM library4 LEDs4 LEDs1.5 W1.75 W(Without Resistor) (Without Resistor)2 W3 W(With 2 Resistors, (With 4 Resistors,1/4 Watt, 120 Ω 5%) 1/4 Watt, 120 Ω 5%)3-5-10<strong>ICP</strong> <strong>DAS</strong> CO., LTDProfessional Provider of High Quality Industrial Computer Products and Data Acquisition Systems

Industrial Communication & Networking Products CatalogWiring2-wire RS-485 WiringRS-485 MasterDATA+(B)DATA-(A)GNDFGND2-wire Only DeviceDevice 1 Device 2Device 3DATA+(B)DATA-(A)GNDFGNDPin Assignments-8142iW2-port Isolated RS-422/485Tx1 Tx2120Dimensions (Unit: mm)101.24.1Rx1 Rx212 154.371.368.3102Terminal No.36.3DATA+(B)DATA-(A)GNDFGND01 D1+/TxD1+02 D1-/TxD1-03 RxD1+04 RxD1-05 GND106 D2+/TxD2+07 D2-/TxD2-08 RxD2+09 RxD2-10 GND211 N.C.12 N.C.13 N.C.14 N.C.15 N.C.16 N.C.17 N.C.18 N.C.19 N.C.20 N.C.Pin Assignment11530DATA+(B)DATA-(A)GNDFGNDTwisted Pair Wiring plus Ground-8144iW4-port Isolated RS-422/485Tx1 Tx2 Tx3 Tx4 Rx1 Rx2 Rx3 Rx412012 15I-8142iW-G CRI-8144iW-G CR4-wire RS-422 WiringRS-422 MasterTxD+(B)TxD-(A)RxD+(B)RxD-(A)GNDFGNDTerminal No.Ordering Information01 D1+/TxD1+02 D1-/TxD1-03 RxD1+04 RxD1-05 GND106 D2+/TxD2+07 D2-/TxD2-08 RxD2+09 RxD2-10 GND211 D3+/TxD3+12 D3-/TxD3-13 RxD3+14 RxD3-15 GND316 D4+/TxD4+17 D4-/TxD4-18 RxD4+19 RxD4-20 GND42-port Isolated RS-422/485 Module (RoHS)4-port Isolated RS-422/485 Module (RoHS)RS-422 DeviceRxD+(B)RxD-(A)TxD+(B)TxD-(A)GNDFGNDPin Assignment3Programmable Device Servers (Serial-to-Ethernet) PDS-800 Programmable Device Servers I-8142iW/I-8144iW5CFWebsite: http://www.icpdas.com E-mail: service@icpdas.com 3-5-11

Programmable Serial-to-Fiber Device Server33.6. Programmable Serial-to-Fiber Device ServerProgrammable Device Servers (Serial-to-Ethernet) Programmable Serial-to-Fiber Device Server6CF<strong>Introduction</strong>PDS-220FxProgrammable Device Server with1 RS-232, 1 RS-422/485 and 1 Fiber portsFeaturesAdds optical fiber connectivity to serial devices"Virtual COM" extends PC COM portsVirtual COM for 32-bit and 64-bit Windows XP/2003/Vista/7Powerful programmable device serverWatchdog timer suitable for use in harsh environmentsPower reverse polarity protectionSerial port +/-4 kV ESD protection circuitSelf-tuner ASIC controller on the RS-485 portRoHS compliant with no halogenBuilt-in high performance MiniOS7 from <strong>ICP</strong> <strong>DAS</strong>100 Base-FX (SC/ST connectors)ODM service is availableLow power consumptionMade from fire retardant materials (UL94-V0 level)/ ,( )( g g, / , )The PDS-220Fx series is a family of Programmable Device Servers, also known as "Serial-to-Fiber gateway”, that are designed for adding optical fiberconnectivity to RS-232/422/485 devices.The fiber-optic communications permits transmission over longer distances than other forms of communications because of the signals travel along themwith less loss and no crosstalk. It has following important features:• Immunity to electromagnetic interference (EMI) — Motors, relays, welders and other industrial equipment generate a tremendous amount of electricalnoise that can cause major problems with copper cabling.• High electrical resistance, making it safe to use near high-voltage equipment or between areas with different earth potentials.• No sparks — important in flammable or explosive gas environments.• Not electromagnetically radiating, and difficult to tap without disrupting the signal — important in high-security environments.Because of these reasons, optical fibers have largely replaced copper wire communications in core networks in the developed world.The user-friendly VxComm Driver/Utility allows users to easily turn the built-in COM ports of the PDS-220Fx series into standard COM ports on a PC. Byvirtue of its protocol independence, a small-core OS and high flexibility, the PDS-220Fx series is able to meet the demands of every network-enabledapplication.The PDS-220Fx series includes a powerful and reliable Xserver programming structure that allows you to design your robust Ethernet applications in oneday. The built-in, high-performance MiniOS7 boots the PDS-220Fx up in just one second and gives you fastest responses.The PDS-220Fx is equipped with 1 RS-232 port and 1 RS-422/485 port. The removable onboard terminal block connector is designed for easy and robustwiring in industrial situations.NS-208FiberEthernetPDS-220FxPC + VxCommPowerSupply 7000 #01 7000 #FF...PDS-220FxCOM2NS-200AFxCOM1ApplicationsFactory, Building and Home AutomationCOM3COM43-6-1<strong>ICP</strong> <strong>DAS</strong> CO., LTDProfessional Provider of High Quality Industrial Computer Products and Data Acquisition Systems

Industrial Communication & Networking Products CatalogSystem SpecificationsModelsCPUCPUSRAMFlashEEPROMBuilt-in Watchdog TimerInit PinCommunication InterfaceCOM1COM2Fiber PortModeDistanceCOM Port FormatsUARTParityBaud RateLink/ActMechanicalPDS-220FT80186, 80 MHz or compatible512 KB512 KB; Erase unit is one sector (64 KB); 100,000 erase/write cycles16 KB; Data retention: 40 years; 1,000,000 erase/write cyclesYesYesData Bit 7, 8Stop BitLED IndicatorsSystemPowerPower InputPower ConsumptionProtectionFrame GNDFlammabilityDimensions (W x L x H)InstallationMale DB-9, 5-wire RS-232 (RxD, TxD, CTS, RTS, GND); Note: +/- 4 kV ESD ProtectionRemovable Terminal Block2-wire RS-485 (D+, D-, GND) with Self-tuner ASIC or 4-wire RS-422 (TxD+, TxD-, RxD+, RxD-, GND)Note: +/- 4 kV ESD Protection100 Base-FX, ST connector 100 Base-FX, SC connector16c550 or compatibleNone, Even, Odd, Mark, Space1, 2115200 bps max.GreenRed+12 VDC ~ +48 VDC (non-regulated)0.14 A @ 24 VDCPower Reverse Polarity ProtectionYes, for EMS ProtectionFire Retardant Materials (UL94-V0 Level)31 mm x 121 mm x 157 mm 31 mm x 123 mm x 157 mmDIN-RailEnvironmentOperating Temperature -25 °C ~ +75 °CStorage Temperature -30 °C ~ +85 °CHumidityFiber CablesWavelengthMin. TX OutputBudgetMulti-mode: 50/125, 62.5/125 or 100/140 μm1300 or 1310nm- 20 dBmMax. TX Output -14 dBmMax. RX Sensitivity -32 dBmMax. RX Overload-8 dBm12 dBm2 km, (62.5/125 μm recommended) for full duplex10 ~ 90% RH, non-condensingPDS-220FC PDS-220FCS PDS-220FCS-60Single mode: 8.3/125, 8.7/125, 9/125 or 10/125μm- 15 dBm - 5 dBm- 8 dBm 0 dBm- 34 dBm - 35 dBm- 5 dBm19 dBm 30 dBm30 km, (9/125 μm recommended) 60 km, (9/125 μm recommended)for full duplexfor full duplex3Programmable Device Servers (Serial-to-Ethernet) Programmable Serial-to-Fiber Device Server PDS-220Fx6CFWebsite: http://www.icpdas.com E-mail: service@icpdas.com 3-6-2

Programmable Serial-to-Fiber Device Server3Programmable Device Servers (Serial-to-Ethernet) Programmable Serial-to-Fiber Device Server6CFPin AssignmentsLink/ActFO151Sys.100 Base-FXCOM1(RS-232)COM2(RS-422/485)WiringRxTx96PinAssignmentGND--TxDRxD5-wire RS-232 Connection (DB-9)--Terminal No.DTE (Computer) DCE (Modem)3. TxD4. DTR3. RxD4. DSR5. GND 5. GND7. RTS8. CTSFGND7. CTS8. RTSFGNDTerminal0504030201No.09 --08 CTS07 RTS06 --COM1: Male DB-9 Connector01 TxD+/D+02 TxD-/D-03 RxD+04 RxD-05 GNDPin AssignmentCOM2: Removable Terminal BlockPinAssignment4-wire RS-422 WiringRS-422 MasterTxD+(B)TxD-(A)RxD+(B)RxD-(A)GNDFGNDInitFlashLockRS-422 DeviceRxD+(B)RxD-(A)TxD+(B)TxD-(A)GNDFGNDPower Input SW1Terminal No.03 PWR02 P.GND01 F.G.Pin AssignmentPower Input: Removable Terminal BlockFiber Optic WiringMasterRxTxDeviceTxRx2-wire RS-485 WiringDevice 1 Device 2Device 3PDS-220FxRS-485 MasterDATA+(B)DATA-(A)GNDFGNDDATA+(B)DATA-(A)GND2-wire Only DeviceFGNDDATA+(B)DATA-(A)GNDFGNDDATA+(B)DATA-(A)GNDFGNDTwisted Pair Wiring plus Ground3-6-3<strong>ICP</strong> <strong>DAS</strong> CO., LTDProfessional Provider of High Quality Industrial Computer Products and Data Acquisition Systems

Industrial Communication & Networking Products CatalogDimensions (Unit: mm)PDS-220FT3112. Side ViewPDS-220FC/FCS/FCS-60Front ViewRight Side ViewRear View Bottom View123.0112. Side ViewFront ViewRight Side ViewRear View Bottom ViewOrdering InformationPDS-220FT CRProgrammable Device Server with 1 RS-232, 1 RS-422/485 and 1 Multi-mode ST Fiber Ports (RoHS)PDS-220FC CRProgrammable Device Server with 1 RS-232, 1 RS-422/485 and 1 Multi-mode SC Fiber Ports (RoHS)PDS-220FCS CR Programmable Device Server with 1 RS-232, 1 RS-422/485 and 1 Single-mode SC Fiber Ports (RoHS)PDS-220FCS-60 CR Programmable Device Server with 1 RS-232, 1 RS-422/485 and 1 Single-mode SC Fiber Ports (RoHS)AccessoriesGPSU06U-6 CR24 VDC/0.25 A, 6 W Power SupplyMDR-20-24 CR24 VDC/1 A, 24 W Power Supply with DIN-RailCA-09039-Pin Female D-Sub and RS-232 Connector Cable, 30 cm CableCA-0910NS-200AFT CR9-Pin Female D-Sub and 3-wire RS-232 Cable, 1 m CableIndustrial 10/100 Base-T to 100 Base-FX Media Converter; 1 multi-mode ST connector (RoHS)NS-200AFC CRIndustrial 10/100 Base-T to 100 Base-FX Media Converter; 1 multi-mode SC connector (RoHS)NS-200AFCS CR Industrial 10/100 Base-T to 100 Base-FX Media Converter; 1 single mode SC connector (RoHS)NS-200AFCS-40T CR Industrial 10/100 Base-T to 100 Base-FX Media Converter; 1 (40Km)single mode SC connector (RoHS)NS-205 CRUnmanaged 5-Port Industrial Ethernet Switch (RoHS)DIN-KA52F-48 CR 48V/0.52A, 25 W Power Supply with Din-Rail Mounting (RoHS, for NS-205PSE)Top ViewTop ViewProgrammable Device Servers (Serial-to-Ethernet) Programmable Serial-to-Fiber Device Server PDS-220Fx6CFWebsite: http://www.icpdas.com E-mail: service@icpdas.com 3-6-4

Tiny Serial-to-Ethernet Device Server and Modbus Gateway33.7. Tiny Serial-to-Ethernet Device Server and Modbus GatewayProgrammable Device Servers (Serial-to-Ethernet)<strong>Introduction</strong>tDS-700 SeriesTiny Serial-to-Ethernet Device ServerFeaturesIncorporates any RS-232/422/485 serial device in EthernetIncludes a VxComm Driver for 32/64-bit Windows XP/2003/Vista/7Supports pair-connection (serial-bridge, serial-tunnel) applicationsContains a 32-bit MCU that efficiently handles network traffic10/100 Base-TX Ethernet, RJ-45 x1(Auto-negotiating, auto MDI/MDIX, LED Indicators)Includes redundant power inputs: PoE and DC jackAllows automatic RS-485 direction controlSupports TCP, UDP, HTTP, DHCP, BOOTP and TFTP protocolsSupports UDP responder for device discoveryAllows easy firmware updates via the EthernetContains a tiny Web server for configurationMale DB-9 or terminal block connector for easy wiringTiny form-factor and low power consumptionRoHS compliant with no HalogenMade from fire retardant materials (UL94-V0 Level)Cost-effective Device Servers7The tDS-700 is a series of Serial-to-Ethernet device servers designed to add Ethernet and Internet connectivity to any RS-232 andRS-422/485 device, and to eliminate the cable length limitation of legacy serial communication. By using the VxComm Driver/Utility,the built-in COM port of the tDS-700 series can be virtualized to a standard PC COM port in Windows. Therefore, users cantransparently access or monitor serial devices over the Internet/Ethernet without software modification.CTiny Serial-to-Ethernet Device Server and Modbus GatewaydbuCuCFtDS/tGW-7003-7-1<strong>ICP</strong> <strong>DAS</strong> CO., LTDProfessional Provider of High Quality Industrial Computer Products and Data Acquisition Systems

Industrial Communication & Networking Products CatalogThe VxComm Driver/Utility supports the most popular operatingsystem in the world, including 32-bit and 64-bit Windows7/Vista/2008/2003/XP. The virtual COM works transparently and isprotocol independent, enabling perfect integration with your currentcentral computer. The utility provides an easy configurationinterface that can be used to quickly create and map virtual COMports to one or several tDS-700 modules. In addition, the utilitycontains a built-in terminal program, so users can send/receivecommand/data via the terminal program for easy testing.The tDS-700 device servers can be used to create apair-connection application (as well as serial-bridge orserial-tunnel), and can then route data over TCP/IP between twoserial devices, which is useful when connecting mainframecomputers, servers or other serial devices that do notthemselves have Ethernet capability. By virtue of its protocolindependence and flexibility, the tDS-700 meets the demands ofvirtually any network-enabled application.DHCP minimizes configuration errors caused by manual IP addressconfiguration, such as address conflicts caused by the assignmentof an IP address to more than one computer or device at the sametime. The tDS-700 supports the DHCP client function, which allowsthe tDS-700 to easily obtain the necessary TCP/IP configurationinformation from a DHCP server. The tDS-700 also contains aUDP responder that transmits its IP address information inresponse to a UDP search from the VxComm Utility, making localmanagement more efficient.The tDS-700 features a powerful 32-bit MCU to enable efficient handling of network traffic. It also has a built-in web server thatprovides an intuitive web management interface to allow users to modify the settings of the module, including DHCP/Static IP,gateway/mask and serial ports.Based on an amazing tiny form-factor, the tDS-700 achieves the maximum space savings that allows it to be easily installed anywhere,even directly attached to a serial device or embedded into a machine.The tDS-700 series also contains a built-in CPU watchdog, which automatically resets the CPU if the built-in firmware is operatingabnormally, or if there is no communication between the tDS-700 and the host for a predefined period of time (system timeout). Thisis an important feature that ensures the tDS-700 operates continuously, even in harsh environments.The tDS-700 offers true IEEE 802.3af-compliant (classification, Class1) Power over Ethernet (PoE) functionality using a standardcategory 5 Ethernet cable to receive powerfrom a PoE switch such as the NS-205PSE.If there is no PoE switch on site, thetDS-700 will also accept power inputLow PowerConsumptionfrom a DC adapter. The tDS-700 isdesigned for ultra-low powerconsumption, reducing hiddencosts from increasing fuel andelectricity prices, especially when youhave a huge amount of device servers installed. Reducing theamount of electricity consumed by choosing energy-efficientequipment can have a positive impact on maintaining a greenenvironment.The tDS-712 is equipped with a male DB-9 connector, while othermodels are equipped with a removable terminal block connector toallow easy wiring, and also supports automatic RS-485 directioncontrol when sending and receiving data.The tDS-700 has the same basic Serial-to-Ethernet gateway andvirtual COM functions as the PPDS-700-MTCP series, as shown inthe right-hand-side comparison table.EthernetProgrammableVirtual COMApplications‧Factory Automation‧Building Automation‧Home Automation‧Remote Diagnosisand ManagementtDS-700 Series10/100 M, PoE-YesPPDS-700-MTCP Series10/100 M, PoEYesYesVirtual I/O-YesDHCPYesYesWeb Configuration YesYesUDP SearchYesYesModbus Gateway -YesMulti-client-YesRemarks Cost-effective-3Programmable Device Servers (Serial-to-Ethernet) Tiny Serial-to-Ethernet Device Server and Modbus GatewaytDS/tGW-7007buFCFWebsite: http://www.icpdas.com E-mail: service@icpdas.com 3-7-2

Tiny Serial-to-Ethernet Device Server and Modbus Gateway3Programmable Device Servers (Serial-to-Ethernet)<strong>Introduction</strong>tGW-700 SeriesTiny Modbus/TCP to RTU/ASCII GatewayFeaturesCost-effective Modbus/TCP to RTU/ASCII GatewaySupports Modbus/TCP master and slaveSupports Modbus RTU/ASCII master and slaveContains a 32-bit MCU that efficiently handles network traffic10/100 Base-TX Ethernet, RJ-45 x1(Auto-negotiating, auto MDI/MDIX, LED Indicators)Includes redundant power inputs: PoE and DC jackAllows automatically RS-485 direction controlSupports TCP, UDP, HTTP, DHCP, BOOTP and TFTP protocolsSupports UDP responder for device discoveryAllows easy firmware updates via the EthernetContains a tiny Web server for configurationMale DB-9 or terminal block connector for easy wiringTiny form-factor and low power consumptionRoHS compliant with no HalogenMade from fire retardant materials (UL94-V0 Level)Modbus has become a de facto standard industrial communication protocol, and is now the most commonly available means ofconnecting industrial electronic devices. Modbus allows for communication between many devices connected to the same RS-485network, for example, a system that measures temperature and humidity and communicates the results to a computer. Modbus isoften used to connect a supervisory computer with a remote terminal unit (RTU) in supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA)systems.7CTiny Serial-to-Ethernet Device Server and Modbus GatewaydbuCuCFtDS/tGW-7003-7-3<strong>ICP</strong> <strong>DAS</strong> CO., LTDProfessional Provider of High Quality Industrial Computer Products and Data Acquisition Systems

Industrial Communication & Networking Products CatalogThe tGW-700 module is a Modbus TCP to RTU/ASCII gateway that enables a Modbus/TCP host to communicate with serial ModbusRTU/ASCII devices through an Ethernet network, and eliminates the cable length limitation of legacy serial communication devices.The module can be used to create a pair-connection application (as well as serial-bridge or serial-tunnel application), and can thenroute data over TCP/IP between two serial Modbus RTU/ASCII devices, which is useful when connecting mainframe computers,servers or other serial devices that use Modbus RTU/ASCII protocols and do not themselves have Ethernet capability.DHCP minimizes configuration errors caused by manual IPaddress configuration, such as address conflicts caused by theassignment of an IP address to more than one computer ordevice at the same time. The tGW-700 module supports theDHCP client function, which allows it to easily obtain thenecessary TCP/IP configuration information from a DHCP server.The module also contains a UDP responder that transmits its IPaddress information in response to a UDP search from theeSearch utility, making local management more efficient.The tGW-700 module features a powerful 32-bit MCU to enableefficient handling of network traffic, and also has a built-in webserver that provides an intuitive web management interfacethat allows users to modify the configuration of the module,including the DHCP/Static IP, the gateway/mask settings andthe serial port settings.The module contains a dual watchdog, including a CPU watchdog (for hardware functions) and a host watchdog (for softwarefunctions). The CPU watchdog automatically resets the CPU if the built-in firmware is operating abnormally, while the host watchdogautomatically resets the CPU if there is no communication between the module and the host (PC or PLC) for a predefined period oftime (system timeout). The dual watchdog is an important feature that ensures the module operates continuously, even in harshenvironments.Low PowerConsumptionThe tGW-700 module offers true IEEE 802.3af-compliant (classification, Class 1) Power over Ethernet (PoE)functionality using a standard category 5 Ethernet cable to receive power from a PoE switch such as theNS-205PSE. If there is no PoE switch on site, the module will also accept power input from a DC adapter.The tGW-700 module is designed for ultra-low power consumption, reducing hidden costs fromincreasing fuel and electricity prices, especially when you have a large number of modules installed.Reducing the amount of electricity consumed by choosing energy-efficient equipment can have apositive impact on maintaining a green environment.The module is equipped with a male DB-9 or a removable terminal block connector to allow easy wiring. Based on an amazing tinyform-factor, the tGW-700 achieves maximum space savings that allows it to be easily installed anywhere, even directly embedded intoa machine. It also supports automatic RS-485 direction control when sending and receiving data, thereby improving the stability of theRS-485 communication.EthernetProgrammableVirtual COMtGW-700 Series10/100 M, PoE--PPDS-700-MTCP Series10/100 M, PoEYesYesVirtual I/O-YesDHCPYesYesWeb Configuration YesYesUDP SearchYesYesModbus Gateway YesYesMulti-client-YesRemarks Cost-effective-Applications‧Factory Automation‧Building Automation‧Home Automation‧Remote Diagnosisand Management3Programmable Device Servers (Serial-to-Ethernet) Tiny Serial-to-Ethernet Device Server and Modbus GatewaytDS/tGW-7007buFCFWebsite: http://www.icpdas.com E-mail: service@icpdas.com 3-7-4

Tiny Serial-to-Ethernet Device Server and Modbus Gateway3SpecificationsModelstDS-712tGW-712tDS-722tGW-722tDS-732tGW-732tDS-715tGW-715tDS-725tGW-725tDS-735tGW-735tDS-718tGW-718tDS-724tGW-724tDS-734tGW-734Programmable Device Servers (Serial-to-Ethernet)SystemCPUCommunication InterfaceEthernetCOM1COM2COM3Self-TunerUARTCOM Port FormatBaud RateData BitParityStop BitPower32-bit MCU10/100 Base-TX, 8-pin RJ-45 x 1,(Auto-negotiating, Auto-MDI/MDIX, LED indicator)PoE (IEEE 802.3af, Class 1)5-wireRS-232--5-wireRS-2325-wireRS-232--16c550 or compatible115200 bps Max.5, 6, 7, 8None, Odd, Even, Mark, Space1, 23-wireRS-2323-wireRS-2323-wireRS-2322-wireRS-4854-wireRS-422-2-wireRS-4852-wireRS-4852-wireRS-4852-wireRS-4852-wire---RS-485Yes, automatic RS-485 direction control3-wireRS-2322-wireRS-4854-wireRS-422-2-wireRS-4855-wireRS-232-2-wireRS-4853-wireRS-2323-wireRS-232Power InputPoEDC jackIEEE 802.3af, Class 1+12 ~ 48 VDCPower Consumption0.05 A @ 24 VDCConnectorMale DB-9 x 110-Pin Removable Terminal Block x 1Mechanical7FlammabilityDimensions (W x H x D) (mm)InstallationFire Retardant Materials (UL94-V0 Level)52 x 90 x 27 52 x 95 x 27DIN-Rail mountingEnvironmentCTiny Serial-to-Ethernet Device Server and Modbus GatewaydbuCuCFOperating TemperatureStorage TemperatureHumidity-25 °C ~ +75 °C-30 °C ~ +80 °C10 ~ 90% RH, non-condensing3-wire RS-232: RxD, TxD, GND (Non-isolated)5-wire RS-232: RxD, TxD, CTS, RTS, GND (Non-isolated)2-wire RS-485: DATA+, DATA-, GND (Non-isolated)4-wire RS-422: TxD+, TxD-, RxD+, RxD-, GND (Non-isolated)tDS/tGW-7003-7-5<strong>ICP</strong> <strong>DAS</strong> CO., LTDProfessional Provider of High Quality Industrial Computer Products and Data Acquisition Systems

Industrial Communication & Networking Products CatalogPin AssignmentstDS-722/tGW-72210 F.G.09 CTS2COM2 08 RTS207 RxD206 TxD205 GND04 CTS1COM1 03 RTS102 RxD101 TxD1tDS-715/tGW-71510 F.G.09 N/A08 N/A07 N/A06 N/A05 GND04 RxD1-RS-485/03RS-422RxD1+0201TxD1-/D1-TxD1+/D1+tDS-735/tGW-73510 F.G.09 GNDCOM3 08 D3-07 D3+06 GNDCOM2 05 D2-04 D2+03 GNDCOM1 02 D1-01 D1+tDS-724/tGW-72410 F.G.09 GND08 CTS207 RTS2COM2 06 GND05 RxD204 TxD203 GNDCOM1 02 D1-01 D1+tDS-712/tGW-712COM1(MaleDB-9)09 N/A08 CTS107 RTS106 N/A05 GND04 N/A03 TxD102 RxD101 N/AtDS-732/tGW-73210 F.G.09 GNDCOM3 08 RxD307 TxD306 GNDCOM2 05 RxD204 TxD203 GNDCOM1 02 RxD101 TxD1tDS-725/tGW-72510 F.G.09 N/A08 N/A07 N/A06 GNDCOM2 05 D2-04 D2+03 GNDCOM1 02 D1-01 D1+tDS-718/tGW-71810 F.G.09 N/A08 GNDRS-23207 RxD106 TxD105 GND04 RxD1-RS-485/03RS-422RxD1+0201TxD1-/D1-TxD1+/D1+tDS-734/tGW-73410 F.G.09 GNDCOM3 08 RxD307 TxD306 GNDCOM2 05 RxD204 TxD203 GNDCOM1 02 D1-01 D1+ (Unit: mm)tDS-712/tGW-71227.0Left Side ViewtDS-715/718/722/725/732/735/724/734 & tGW-715/718/722/725/732/735/724/73435.423.06.627.0Left Side ViewtDS-700 SeriesAccessoriesCA-0915CA-0910FtDS-712 CRtDS-722 CRtDS-732 CRtDS-715 CRtDS-725 CRtDS-735 CRtDS-718 CRtDS-724 CRtDS-734 CRtGW-700 SeriestGW-712 CRtGW-722 CRtGW-732 CRtGW-715 CRtGW-725 CRtGW-735 CRCA-0910NCA-PC09FFRA05-S12-SU CRDIN-KA52F CRDIN-KA52F-48 CRNS-205 CRNS-205PSE CRNS-205PSE-24V CR52.090.0 77.4Front View52.095.0 77.4Front ViewOrdering InformationNEWNEWNEWNEWNEWNEWNEWAvailableSoonNEWNEWNEWNEWNEWNEWNEWAvailableSoonAvailableSoonRight Side ViewRight Side ViewMale DB-9 to Female DB-9 Cable, 1.5 mFemale DB-9 to Female DB-9 Cable, 1.0 mDB-9 Female-Female 3-wire Null Modem Cable, 1MDB-9 Female Connector with Plastic Cover12V/0.58A (max.) Power Supply (RoHS, for tDS/tGW-700)24V/1.04A, 25 W Power Supply with Din-Rail Mounting(RoHS, for NS-205 and NS-205PSE-24V)48V/0.52A, 25 W Power Supply with Din-Rail Mounting (RoHS, for NS-205PSE)Unmanaged 5-Port Industrial Ethernet Switch (RoHS)Rear ViewRear ViewTiny Device Server with PoE and 1 RS-232 Port (RoHS)Tiny Device Server with PoE and 2 RS-232 Ports (RoHS)Tiny Device Server with PoE and 3 RS-232 Ports (RoHS)Tiny Device Server with PoE and 1 RS-422/485 Port (RoHS)Tiny Device Server with PoE and 2 RS-485 Ports (RoHS)Tiny Device Server with PoE and 3 RS-485 Ports (RoHS)Tiny Device Server with PoE and 1 RS-232/422/485 Port (RoHS)Tiny Device Server with PoE, 1 RS-485 and 1 RS-232 Ports (RoHS)Tiny Device Server with PoE, 1 RS-485 and 2 RS-232 Ports (RoHS)Unmanaged Ethernet Switch with 4 PoE Ports and 1 RJ-45 Uplink (RoHS)Top ViewBottom ViewTop ViewBottom ViewTiny Modbus/TCP to RTU/ASCII Gateway with PoE and 1 RS-232 Port (RoHS)Tiny Modbus/TCP to RTU/ASCII Gateway with PoE and 2 RS-232 Ports (RoHS)Tiny Modbus/TCP to RTU/ASCII Gateway with PoE and 3 RS-232 Ports (RoHS)Tiny Modbus/TCP to RTU/ASCII Gateway with PoE and 1 RS-422/485 (RoHS)Tiny Modbus/TCP to RTU/ASCII Gateway with PoE and 2 RS-485 Ports (RoHS)Tiny Modbus/TCP to RTU/ASCII Gateway with PoE and 3 RS-485 Ports (RoHS)Tiny Modbus/TCP to RTU/ASCII Gateway with PoE and 1 RS-232/422/485 PorttGW-718 CR(RoHS)tGW-724 CRtGW-734 CRTiny Modbus/TCP to RTU/ASCII Gateway with PoE, 1 RS-485 and 1 RS-232 Ports(RoHS)Tiny Modbus/TCP to RTU/ASCII Gateway with PoE, 1 RS-485 and 2 RS-232 Ports(RoHS)Unmanaged 5-Port 10/100 Mbps PoE (PSE) Ethernet Switch; 24 VDC Input (RoHS)3Programmable Device Servers (Serial-to-Ethernet) Tiny Serial-to-Ethernet Device Server and Modbus GatewaytDS/tGW-7007dbuFCFWebsite: http://www.icpdas.com E-mail: service@icpdas.com 3-7-6

Modbus to Ethernet Gateway33.8. μPAC-7186EX(D)-MTCP Modbus to Ethernet GatewayProgrammable Device Servers (Serial-to-Ethernet) Modbus to Ethernet Gateway8μPAC-7186EX(D)-MTCP<strong>Introduction</strong>Modbus/RTU to Modbus/TCP GatewayThe Modbus communications protocol has become the de facto industrystandard, and is now the most commonly available means of connectingindustrial electronic devices.Modbus allows for communication between many devices connected to thesame network, for example a system that measures temperature andhumidity and communicates the results to a computer. Modbus is often usedto connect a supervisory computer with a remote terminal unit (RTU) insupervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems.The μPAC-7186EX(D)-MTCP uses a default firmware to become a singleModbus/TCP to multiple Modbus/RTU converter. You can simply use theModbus Utility to configure the device and then set the connection betweenthe SCADA or HMI software and the μPAC-7186EX(D)-MTCP.The μPAC-7186EX(D)-MTCP can also link to legacy serial devices that don'tsupport Modbus/RTU. To use this function, you need to install the VxCommdriver on the host PCs and create virtual COM ports for the remote serialports on the μPAC-7186EX(D)-MTCP. You can then directly access the remoteserial devices via the virtual COM ports.Using the Modbus SDK, users can develop their own custom Modbusfirmware, allowing extra functions and integration of serial devices. In thisway, the μPAC-7186EX(D)-MTCP becomes a powerful controller.FeaturesIncorporate Serial Devices in an Ethernet networkSupports Modbus/TCP and Modbus/RTU"Virtual COM" extends PC COM portsVirtual COM for 32-bit and 64-bit Windows XP/2003/Vista/7Programmable Internet/Ethernet ControllerWatchdog Timer suitable for use in harsh environments10/100 Base-TX (Auto-negotiating, auto MDI/MDI-X, LED indicator)Power Reverse Polarity Protection CircuitRS-485 Port ESD Protection CircuitSelf-Tuner ASIC Controller on the RS-485 Port5-digit LED Display (for versions with a display)RoHS Compliant with no HalogenBuilt-in High Performance MiniOS7 from <strong>ICP</strong> <strong>DAS</strong>Low power consumptionMade / from fire retardant , materials (UL94-V0 Level)( g g, / , )CFThe μPAC-7186EX(D)-MTCP contains a built-in operating system, the MiniOS7,which offers a stable and high performance environment that is similar toDOS. The MiniOS7 can boot up the μPAC-7186EX(D)-MTCP within just onesecond, with the added benefit of no virus problems and a small footprint.Furthermore, the μPAC-7186EX(D)-MTCP is designed for low powerconsumption, maintenance elimination (no hard disk and no fan), and isconstructed from fire retardant materials (UL94-V0 level) with a robust case.μPAC-7186EX(D)-MTCPI/O Expansion Bus and Expansion BoardThe μPAC-7186EX(D)-MTCP supports a single I/O expansion bus for pluggingwith a X-board. <strong>ICP</strong> <strong>DAS</strong> provides many optional X-boards for the μPAC-7186EX(D)-MTCP, which offers various I/O functions, such as D/I, D/O,A/D, D/A, Timer/Counter, UART, flash memory, battery backup SRAM andAsicKey... etc.Palm-sizedPower-SavingChangeable3-8-1<strong>ICP</strong> <strong>DAS</strong> CO., LTDProfessional Provider of High Quality Industrial Computer Products and Data Acquisition Systems

Industrial Communication & Networking Products CatalogApplicationsEmbedded Internet/Ethernet ControllerSpecificationsModelsCPUμPAC-7186EX-MTCPμPAC-7186EXD-MTCPCPU80186, 80 MHz or compatibleSRAMFlash MemoryEEPROM512 KB512 KB16 KBNVRAM31 Bytes (battery backup, data valid for up to 10 years)RTC (Real Time Clock)Hardware Serial NumberBuilt-in Watchdog TimerYesYes (64-bit)YesCommunication InterfaceCOM1RS-232 (TxD, RxD, RTS, CTS, GND)COM2RS-485 (D2+, D2-, GND)Ethernet10/100 Base-TX, RJ-45 port (Auto-negotiating, auto MDI/MDI-X, LED indicator)COM Port FormatsSpeed115200 bps max.Data Bit 7, 8ParityNone, Even, OddStop BitLED Indicators5-Digit 7 Segment -SystemPowerMechanicalμPAC-7186EX-MTCPESD ProtectionProtectionRequired Supply VoltagePower ConsumptionFlammabilityDimension (W x H x D)InstallationEnvironmentHumidityCOM2EthernetOperating TemperatureStorage TemperatureNS-2051YesYes (with Frame Ground)Power Reverse Polarity Protection+10 VDC ~ +30 VDC (non-regulated)1.5 WFire Retardant Materials (UL94-V0 Level)72 mm x 123 mm x 35 mmDIN-Rail or Wall mounting-25 °C ~ +75 °C-40 °C ~ +80 °CD/A A/D DI/DOM-7000 M-7000 M-7000EthernetEthernet5 ~ 95% RH, non-condensingRS-485 with Modbus/RTUYes2.5 WOther RS-485 DeviceRU-87P43Programmable Device Servers (Serial-to-Ethernet) Modbus to Ethernet Gateway μPAC-7186EX(D)-MTCP8CFWebsite: http://www.icpdas.com E-mail: service@icpdas.com 3-8-2

Modbus to Ethernet Gateway3Pin AssignmentsμPAC-7186EX(D)-MTCPI/O Expansion BusProgrammable Device Servers (Serial-to-Ethernet) Modbus to Ethernet Gateway8Terminal No.COM1COM2WiringDimensions (Unit: mm)72.0E156.032.901 CTS102 RTS103 RxD104 TxD1Link/Act05 INIT*06 D2+07 D2-2-wire RS-485 WiringPin Assignment10/100M08 (R)+Vs09 (B)GNDRS-485 MasterDATA+(B)DATA-(A)GNDFGND2-wire Only Device56.0123.0GNDCLKOUTAINTOVCCGNDTO0TI0SCLKDIO4VCCJ101 02 GND030507091113151719Top View04 ARDY06 INT108 RESET10 RESET\12 TO114 TI116 DIO918 DIO1420 VCCCON20A JDIP20PDevice 1 Device 2Device 3DATA+(B)DATA-(A)GNDFGNDDATA+(B)DATA-(A)GNDFGNDDATA+(B)DATA-(A)GNDFGNDTwisted Pair Wiring plus Ground35MA0MA1MA2MA3MA4MA5MA6MA7INT4CS\3539.50J201 02 AD003050709111315171904 AD106 AD208 AD310 AD412 AD514 AD616 AD7CON20A JDIP20P3-wire RS-232 WiringRS-232 MasterTxDRxDGNDFGND18 WRITE\20 READ\RS-232 Device2-SCREWM3RxDTxDGNDFGND31.50Front ViewRear ViewBottom ViewDin-Rail Mounting BracketSide ViewCFμPAC-7186EX(D)-MTCPOrdering InformationμPAC-7186EX-MTCP CR μPAC-7186EX with Default Modbus/TCP Firmware (RoHS)μPAC-7186EXD-MTCP CR μPAC-7186EXD with Default Modbus/TCP Firmware (RoHS)AccessoriesGPSU06U-624 VDC/0.25 A, 6 W Power SupplyMDR-20-2424 VDC/1 A, 24 W Power Supply with DIN-Rail MountingCA-0903CA-09109-Pin Female D-Sub and RS-232 Connector Cable, 30 cm Cable9-Pin Female D-Sub and 3-wire RS-232 Cable, 1 m CableNS-205 CRUnmanaged 5-port Industrial Ethernet Switch (RoHS)3-8-3<strong>ICP</strong> <strong>DAS</strong> CO., LTDProfessional Provider of High Quality Industrial Computer Products and Data Acquisition Systems

Converters, Repeaters and Hubs4.1 RS-485 Network ConfigurationP4-1-14.2 RS-422/485 RepeatersP4-2-14.3 RS-485 Star Wiring HubP4-3-14.4 RS-232/RS-422/485 ConvertersP4-4-14.5 Intelligent Communication ControllersP4-5-14.6 USB to RS-232/422/485 ConvertersP4-6-14.7 RS-232/422/485 to Fiber Optic ConverterP4-7-1

CIRS-485 Network Configuration4Converters, Repeaters and Hubs RS-485 Network Configuration14.1. RS-485 Network Configuration<strong>ICP</strong> <strong>DAS</strong> Self-tuner ASIC Features:◆ Supports Multiple Baud Rate◆ Supports Multiple Data Format◆ Automatic RS-485 Direction ControlPCCOM2COM1RS-232I-7188XCRS-232I-7520RProgrammablePower SupplyBaud Rate: 38400Data Format: 11 BitsRS-485I-7000RS-232RS-232I-7527DPLCI-7000 I-7000I-7521RS-485RS-232RS-485Power MeterPrinterBaud Rate: 9600Data Format: 10 BitsRS-485Bar Code ReaderI-7000I-7510ARRS-485I-7000SST-2450RS-485Baud Rate: 1200Data Format: 10 BitsiP-8411Touch Screen(ADP-108T-R)I-7188RS-485Baud Rate: 19200Data Format: 10 BitsCF ICICIFI-75 510/I-7510A/I-7510ARBaud Rate: 115200Data Format: 10 BitsRS-232RS-485Wireless ModemRS-485RS-485RU-87P4I-7000RS-485SST-24504-1-1<strong>ICP</strong> <strong>DAS</strong> CO., LTDProfessional Provider of High Quality Industrial Computer Products and Data Acquisition Systems

Industrial Communication & Networking Products CatalogBus Type4PCCOM3PCCOM3Star TypeCOM1USBCOM1USBRS-485I-7000RS-232RS-485USBRS-232I-7520U4RS-232tM-7561I-7000tM-7520U RU-87P4I-7000RS-485RS-485RS-485I-7000I-752NRS-485I-7000I-7510I-7000I-7000 I-7000 I-7000RU-87P4I-7514UI-7563 I-7513RU-87P4tM-7510UI-7513UI-7000 I-7000I-7000I-752NRU-87P4RS-232RS-485USBConverters, Repeaters and Hubs RS-485 Network Configuration I-75510/I-7510A/I-7510AR1CFIF ICWebsite: http://www.icpdas.com E-mail: service@icpdas.com 4-1-2

RS-485 Repeater44.2. RS-422/485 RepeatersConverters, Repeaters and Hubs RS-422/485 Repeaters2<strong>Introduction</strong>Features2-way 2500 VDC Isolation ProtectionPower and data flow indicator for troubleshootingESD Protection for RS-485 Data LineEasy-to-use rotary switch for baud rate setting, 1200 ~ 115200 bpsPower Input, +10 ~ +30 VDCOperating Temperatures, -25 °C ~ +75 °CLow power consumptionTiny packaging fits on your DIN-RailCost-effective RepeaterThe tM-7510U repeater simply amplifies, or boosts, existing RS-485 signals to enable them to coverlonger distances. It extends the communication distance by 4000 ft. (1200 m) or increases themaximum number of bus nodes. The module provides 2500 VDC of isolation allowing you to separateand protect critical segments of the system from the rest of the RS-485 network.The tM-7510U provides a rotary switch that allows easy and quickconfiguration of baud rate from 1,200 to 115,200 bps without theneed to open the case. The fixed baud rate design offers a betterquality for data transmission over long or lossy lines or electricallynoisy environments.Comparison Table of RepeaterMode nameRS-485 Direction ControlBaud rateDimensions (W x H x D)RemarkstM-7510UIsolated RS-485 RepeatertM-7510UFixed baud rate setting1200 ~ 115200 bps52 mm x 95 mm x 27 mmCost-effectiveI-7510Automatic RS-485 Direction Control (Self-Tuner)300 ~ 115200 bps72 mm x 122 mm x 35 mmEntry-levelBaud rate 1200 ~ 115200 bpsSpecificationsCF tCtCtCFtM-7510UInterfaceSerial Interface RS-4852-wire CablingTransfer DistanceMax. Devices Supported2500 VDC Isolated VoltageConnectionLED IndicatorsPower/CommunicationPowerInput Voltage RangePower ConsumptionEnvironmentOperating TemperatureStorage TemperatureHumidityData+, Data-Belden 8941 (2P twisted-pair cable), if different cables are used, the transmission distance may changeMax. 1,200 m at 9.6 kbps; Max. 400 m at 115.2 kbps2562-way IsolatedRemovable 7-Pin Terminal Block x 1; Removable 3-Pin Terminal Block x 1Yes+10 VDC ~ +30 VDC (Non-isolated)0.6 W-25 °C ~ +75 °C-30 °C ~ +75 °C10 ~ 90% RH, non-condensing4-2-1<strong>ICP</strong> <strong>DAS</strong> CO., LTDProfessional Provider of High Quality Industrial Computer Products and Data Acquisition Systems

Industrial Communication & Networking Products CatalogApplications4RS-485 to RS-485 Repeater (Only for half duplex application)6.6Pin Assignments19.035.423.0RS-485Device27.0NOTE:D0+D0-D0+D0-+VsGNDF.G.DATA+DATA-15 mup to 4000 ftDimensions (Unit: mm)95.0RS-23277.44000ft (1.2 km)52.0tM-7520UDATA0+DATA0-Power InputtM-7510UDATA+DATAtM-7510URS-485PWRDATA1+DATA1-Isolation SideD1+D1-ISO.GNDTop ViewLeft Side View Front ViewRight Side View Rear ViewBottom ViewtM-7510UI-7000 Series I-7000 SeriesRx/Tx4000ft (1.2 km)I-7514UiP-8411RS-485DeviceRSW1DSW1Converters, Repeaters and Hubs RS-422/485 Repeaters tM-7510U2CFtF tCOrdering InformationAccessoriestM-7510U CRIsolated RS-485 Repeater (RoHS)GPSU06U-6 24 VDC/0.25 A, 6 W Power SupplyDIN-KA52F 24 VDC/1.04 A, 25 W Power Supply with Din-Rail MountingWebsite: http://www.icpdas.com E-mail: service@icpdas.com 4-2-2

CIRS-422/485 Repeater4FeaturesConverters, Repeaters and Hubs RS-422/485 Repeaters2CF ICICIFI-7510/I-7510A/I-7510ARI-7510/I-7510A/I-7510ARI-7510: Isolated RS-485 RepeaterI-7510A: Isolated RS-422/485 Repeater/ConverterI-7510AR: Three Way Isolated RS-422/485 Repeater/Converter<strong>Introduction</strong>SpecificationsAutomatic RS-485 Direction Control2-way 3000 VDC Isolation Protection for I-7510/I-7510A3-way 3000 VDC Isolation Protection for I-7510ARESD Protection for RS-485 Data LineTransmission Speed of up to 115200 bpsPower Input, +10 ~ +30 VDCOperating Temperatures, -25 °C ~ +75 °CDIN-RailThe I-7510/I-7510A provides 2-way optical isolation between one piece of RS-422/RS-485 equipmentand the rest of the system. It can also be used as a repeater to extend the transmission of an existingnetwork. Additionally, an RS-485 system can be expanded beyond the 256 node limitation imposed bythe standard. It can also be used to convert a four-wire RS-422 signal into a 2-wire RS-485 signal, andvice versa.The I-7510AR is exactly the same as the I-7510A, except for the isolation site. The isolation site of theI-7510A is located in the input interface circuit, but the isolation site of the I-7510AR is located in theinput and output interface circuit. In other words the I-7510AR is 3-way isolation repeater module.ModelsInterfaceSerial InterfaceRS-422RS-4852-wire Cabling/4-wire CablingTransfer DistanceMax. Devices SupportedSelf-Tuner Asic InsideSpeedESD Protection3000 VDC Isolated VoltageConnectionLED IndicatorsPower/CommunicationPowerInput Voltage RangePower ConsumptionMechanicalCasingFlammabilityDimensions (W x H x D)InstallationEnvironmentOperating TemperatureStorage TemperatureHumidityI-7510-Data+, Data-Belden 8941 (2P twisted-pair cable)/Belden 8942 (4P twisted-pair cable), if different cables are used,the transmission distance may changeMax. 1,200 m at 9.6 kbps; Max. 400 m at 115.2 kbps256Yes300 ~ 115200 bpsYes2-way IsolatedRemovable 10-Pin Terminal Block x 2Yes+10 VDC ~ +30 VDC (Non-isolated)2.16 WPlasticFire Retardant Materials (UL94-V0 Level)72 mm x 122 mm x 35 mmDIN-Rail-25 °C ~ +75 °C-30 °C ~ +75 °C10 ~ 90% RH, non-condensingI-7510ATxD+, TxD-, RxD+, RxD-I-7510ARThe RS-422 and RS-485 cannot be used simultaneously3-way Isolated4-2-3<strong>ICP</strong> <strong>DAS</strong> CO., LTDProfessional Provider of High Quality Industrial Computer Products and Data Acquisition Systems

Industrial Communication & Networking Products CatalogApplicationsRS-422 to RS-485 Converter (Only for half duplex application)420Pin AssignmentsI-7510/I-7510A/I-7510AR01 10Dimensions (Unit: mm)50.856.072.0Front View11Ordering InformationI-7510 CRI-7510A CRI-7510AR CRRS-422DeviceTxD+TxD-RxD+RxD-RS-422 to RS-422 RepeaterRS-422DeviceTxD+TxD-RxD+RxD-TerminalNo.I-7510PinAssignment4000ft (1.2 km)4000ft (1.2 km)Isolated RS-485 Repeater (RoHS)TerminalNo.Rear View20 DATA1+19 DATA1-18 --17 --16 --15 --14 --13 --12 --11 --Isolated RS-422/485 Repeater/Converter (RoHS)RxD0+RxD0-TxD0+TxD0-RS-485 to RS-485 Repeater (Only for half duplex application)RS-485Device10DATA+DATA-10212235.44000ft (1.2 km)56.0RxD0+RxD0-TxD0+TxD0-PinAssignmentThree Way Isolated RS-422/485 Repeater/Converter (RoHS)I-7510A/I-7510ARI-7510/I-7510A/I-7510ARI-7510A/I-7510ARTerminalNo.Top ViewBottom ViewDATA1+DATA1-DATA1+DATA1-TxD1+TxD1-RxD1+RxD1-I-7510APinAssignmentRxD0-01 DATA0+RS-48502 DATA0-03 --04 RxD0+05 RxD0-RS-42206 TxD0+07 TxD0-08 --09 (R)+Vs10 (B)GND7235Accessories4000ft (1.2 km)4000ft (1.2 km)4000ft (1.2 km)I-7510ARPinAssignmentDATA0+--TxD0+RxD0+DATA0+DATA0-DATA0-TxD0---(R)+Vs(B)GND3539.5DATA+DATA-DATA+DATA-RxD+RxD-TxD+TxD-Din-Rail Mounting BracketRS-485DeviceRS-485DeviceRS-422DeviceI-7510A/7510AR01 DATA+02 DATA-03 --04 --05 --06 --07 --08 --09 (R)+Vs10 (B)GNDTerminal PinNo. Assignment20 DATA1+RS-48519 DATA1-18 --17 TxD1+16 TxD1-RS-42215 RxD1+14 RxD1-13 --12 --11 --2-SCREWM331.5Side ViewGPSU06U-6 24 VDC/0.25 A, 6 W Power SupplyDIN-KA52F 24 VDC/1.04 A, 25 W Power Supply with Din-Rail MountingConverters, Repeaters and Hubs RS-422/485 Repeaters I-7510/I-7510A/I-7510AR2CFIF ICWebsite: http://www.icpdas.com E-mail: service@icpdas.com 4-2-4

RS-485 Star Wiring Hub44.3 RS-485 Star Wiring HubConverters, Repeaters and Hubs RS-485 Star Wiring Hub3CFI-7514U<strong>Introduction</strong>SpecificationsI-7514UIsolated 4 Channels RS-485 Active HubFeaturesTrue RS-485 Star Wiring HubIndependent RS-485 driver for each channelPower and data flow indicator for troubleshootingAutomatic RS-485 Direction ControlEasy-to-use rotary switch for fixed baud rate setting,1200 ~ 115200 bps120 Ω termination resistor for each channelPower Input, +10 ~ +30 VDCOperating Temperatures, -25 °C ~ +75 °CDIN-RailRS-485 Active HubThe I-7514U is a 4-ch RS-485 active star wiring hub, it has 4 independent RS-485 output channels and one RS-485 input channel. Each outputchannel is equipped with an individual driver. The data from a master to the input channel will simultaneously be forwarded to all the four outputchannels.Baud Rate SettingThe I-7514U provides 2 modes of baud rate setting, one is Self-Tuner mode and the other is fixed baud rate mode. The Self-Tuner mode cansupport Multiple Baud Rate and Multiple Data Format. The Self-Tuner design is exactly the same as I-7513 and I-7510 series.The Fixed baud rate mode offers a better quality for data transmission over long or lossy lines or electrically noisy environments.RS-485 Short-CircuitThe Short-circuit protection can automatically shut off the breakdown channel, this kind of design can suffice to protect the communication system.When a connected RS-485 equipment breaks down, the breakdown channel will be isolated to ensure that other equipments work normally.Termination resistorsIn some critical environments, you may need to add termination resistors to prevent the reflection of serial signals.The I-7514U includes a 120 Ω termination resistor for each channel by jumper selectable (Default disable).LED IndicatorsThe I-7514U has 6 LED to indicate the power status and network traffic.The TxD/RxD LED will flash when the unit is being sent out or received data.InterfaceInput (Master)Output (Slave)2-wire CablingTransfer DistanceMax. Devices SupportedSelf-Tuner Asic InsideSpeedESD Protection2500 VDC isolation on CH1~CH4ConnectionLED IndicatorsPower/CommunicationPowerInput Voltage RangePower ConsumptionMechanicalCasingFlammabilityDimensions (W x H x D)InstallationEnvironmentOperating TemperatureStorage TemperatureHumidity1 RS-485 Channel: Data+, Data-4 RS-485 Channels: Data+, Data-Belden 8941 (2P twisted-pair cable), if different cables are used, the transmission distance may changeMax. 1,200 m at 9.6 kbps; Max. 400 m at 115.2 kbps256 (Each channel)Yes300 ~ 115200 bps via Self-Tuner mode; 1200 ~ 115200 bps via Fixed Baud Rate modeYesYesRemovable 10-Pin Terminal Block x 1; Removable 6-Pin Terminal Block x 1Yes+10 VDC ~ +30 VDC (Non-isolated)1.2 WPlasticFire Retardant Materials (UL94-V0 Level)72 mm x 122 mm x 35 mmDIN-Rail-25 °C ~ +75 °C-30 °C ~ +80 °C10 ~ 90% RH, non-condensing4-3-1<strong>ICP</strong> <strong>DAS</strong> CO., LTDProfessional Provider of High Quality Industrial Computer Products and Data Acquisition Systems

Industrial Communication & Networking Products CatalogNOTE:ApplicationsPCRS-232I-752015 mup to 4000 ftTerminalNo.I-7520 I-7514UTxDD+ D0+ (Master) Power InputRxDRS-232 GNDIsolation SideD- D0 -(Slave) Isolation SidetM Series01 D1+02 D1-03 D2+04 D2-05 D3+06 D3-07 D4+08 D4-09 N.C.16PinAssignment10 ISO.GNDDevice 3 Device 2 Device 1D+D-11I-7514U01 10CH1CH2CH3CH4Power InputTerminalNo.D+D-PinAssignment11 D0-12 D0+CH013 D0-14 D0+15 (R)+Vs16 (B)GNDD+D-Device 6 Device 5 Device 4D+D -I-7514URS-485Pin AssignmentsI-7514UI-7000 Series I-7000 Series tM SeriesD+D -I-7000 SeriesiP-8411D+D -tM SeriesD1 -D1+D2 -D2+56.0Front ViewOrdering InformationI-7514U-G CRAccessoriesGPSU06U-6DIN-KA52FD3 -D3+101.2120.0D4 -D4+Internal I/O Structure(Master)D0+D2-D0-+10 ~ +30 VDC+VsGNDRS-485Driver5VPowerDATA0DATA0DATA0DATA035.4Self-TunerASICD0+D0 -D1 -D1+DATA1DATA2DATA3DATA4DC72.056.0Rear ViewI-7514U(Master) Power Input(Slave)D2 -D2+Isolation SideD3 -D3+To other networks of devicesor another I-7514U.Device 8D+D-Device 7RS-485Driver2500 VDCIsolationD+D -Isolated 4 Channels RS-485 Active Hub (Gray Cover) (RoHS)Isolated 4 Channels RS-485 Active Hub (Gray Cover) (RoHS)24 VDC/1.04 A, 25 W Power Supply with Din-Rail MountingDCRS-485DriverRS-485DriverRS-485DriverD4 -D4+(Slave)D2+D4+D4-D3+D1+D1-D3-Active transmission control is provided by the hub for outbound messages from theMaster input. All channels transmit simultaneously.Dimensions (Unit: mm)3539.5Din-RailMountingBracket4Converters, Repeaters and Hubs RS-485 Star Wiring Hub I-7514U3CFWebsite: http://www.icpdas.com E-mail: service@icpdas.com 4-3-2

RS-485 Star Wiring Hub4FeaturesConverters, Repeaters and Hubs RS-485 Star Wiring Hub3CFI-7513<strong>Introduction</strong>SpecificationsInterfaceInputOutput2-wire CablingTransfer DistanceMax. Devices SupportedSelf-Tuner Asic InsideSpeedESD Protection3000 VDC Three Way IsolatedProtectionConnectionLED IndicatorsPower/CommunicationPowerInput Voltage RangePower ConsumptionMechanicalCasingFlammabilityDimensions (W x H x D)InstallationEnvironmentOperating TemperatureStorage TemperatureHumidityI-7513Three Way Isolated RS-485 Active Star Wiring HubThe I-7513 is a 3-ch RS-485 Active Star Wiring Hub.The unit has three independent RS-485 outputchannels, each with their own driver, which cantransmit signals across 4,000 ft (1200 m) of cable oneach channel.The I-7513 includes both Hub and Repeater functions,so each output channel can be connected to anotherhub.The isolation site of the I-7513 is located in the inputand output interface circuit. In other words, theI-7513 is a three-way isolation module.1 RS-485 Channel: Data+, Data-3 RS-485 Channels: Data+, Data-Belden 8941 (2P twisted-pair cable), if different cables are used, the transmission distance may changeMax. 1,200 m at 9.6 kbps; Max. 400 m at 115.2 kbps256 (Each channel)Yes300 ~ 115200 bpsYesYesRemovable 10-Pin Terminal Block x 2Yes+10 VDC ~ +30 VDC (Non-isolated)2.16 WPlasticFire Retardant Materials (UL94-V0 Level)72 mm x 122 mm x 35 mmDIN-Rail-25 °C ~ +75 °C-30 °C ~ +75 °C10 ~ 90% RH, non-condensingNOTE:RS-485 Active Star Wiring ApplicationsAutomatic RS-485 Direction Control3000 VDC Three Way Isolation ProtectionESD Protection for the RS-485 Data LinePower Input, +10 ~ +30 VDCOperating Temperatures, -25 °C ~ +75 °CDIN-RailApplicationsRS-23215 mup to 4000 ftI-7520I-7000 SeriesRS-485I-7513I-7000 Series I-7000 SeriesI-7000 SeriesI-7513iP-84114-3-3<strong>ICP</strong> <strong>DAS</strong> CO., LTDProfessional Provider of High Quality Industrial Computer Products and Data Acquisition Systems

Industrial Communication & Networking Products CatalogInternal I/O Structure4Dimensions (Unit: mm)50.856.072.0Front ViewPin AssignmentsTerminalNo.10102122PinAssignment01 DATA+02 DATA-03 --04 --05 --06 --07 --08 --09 (R)+Vs10 (B)GND20(Master)DATA0+DATA2+DATA2-DATA0-+10 ~ +30 VDC+VsGND35.4I-75131101 1056.0Rear ViewRS-485Driver5VPowerTerminalNo.20 DATA1+19 DATA1-18 --17 --16 --15 DATA2+14 DATA2-13 --DATA0DATA0DATA0PinAssignment12 DATA3+11 DATA3-Self-TunerASIC3000 VDCIsolationDCDATA1DATA2DATA3DC72DCTop ViewBottom ViewDC35Ordering InformationI-7513 CRI-7513-G CRRS-485DriverRS-485DriverRS-485Driver3000 VDCIsolationAccessoriesDin-Rail Mounting BracketThree Way Isolated RS-485 Active Star Wiring Hub(RoHS)(Slave)DATA1+DATA1-DATA3+DATA3-Active transmission control is provided by the hub for outbound messages from theMaster input. All channels transmit simultaneously.3539.5Three Way Isolated RS-485 Active Star Wiring Hub(Gray Cover) (RoHS)2-SCREWM331.5Side ViewGPSU06U-6 24 VDC/0.25 A, 6 W Power SupplyDIN-KA52F 24 VDC/1.04 A, 25 W Power Supply with Din-Rail MountingConverters, Repeaters and Hubs RS-485 Star Wiring Hub I-75133CFWebsite: http://www.icpdas.com E-mail: service@icpdas.com 4-3-4

RS-485 Converter44.4. RS-232/RS-422/485 ConvertersConverters, Repeaters and Hubs RS-232/RS-422/485 Converters4CFtM-7520U<strong>Introduction</strong>SpecificationstM-7520UIsolated RS-232 to RS-485 ConverterFeatures2-way 2500 VDC Isolation ProtectionPower and data flow indicator for troubleshootingESD Protection for RS-485 Data LineEasy-to-use rotary switch for baud rate setting, 1200 ~ 115200 bpsPower Input, +10 ~ +30 VDCOperating Temperatures, -25 °C ~ +75 °CLow power consumptionTiny packaging fits on your DIN-RailCost-effective ConverterMost industrial computer systems provide standard RS-232 serial ports with limited transmission speed,range, and networking capabilities. The RS-485 standards overcome these limitations by using differentialvoltage lines for data and control signals. The tM-7520U transparently converts RS-232 signals into isolatedRS-485 signal with no need to change any hardware or software. This lets you easily build an industrialgrade, long-distance communication system using standard PC hardware. The module provides 2500 VDC ofoptical isolation allowing you to separate and protect critical segments of the system from the rest of theRS-485 network.The tM-7520U provides a rotary switch that allows easy and quickconfiguration of baud rate from 1,200 to 115,200 bps without theneed to open the case. The fixed baud rate design offers a betterquality for data transmission over long or lossy lines or electricallynoisy environments.Comparison Table of ConverterMode nameRS-485 Direction ControlBaud rateDimensions (W x H x D)RemarkstM-7520UFixed baud rate setting1200 ~ 115200 bps52 mm x 92 mm x 27 mmCost-effectiveBaud rate 1200 ~ 115200 bpsI-7520Automatic RS-485 Direction Control (Self-Tuner)300 ~ 115200 bps72 mm x 118 mm x 35 mmEntry-levelInterfaceInputRS-232: TxD, RxD and GNDOutputRS-485: Data+, Data-2-wire CablingBelden 8941 (2P twisted-pair cable), if different cables are used, the transmission distance may changeTransfer DistanceMax. 1,200 m at 9.6 kbps; Max. 400 m at 115.2 kbpsMax. Devices Supported 2562500 VDC Isolated Protection YesConnectionRemovable 4-Pin Terminal Block x 1; 9-Pin Female D-Sub x 1LED IndicatorsPower/CommunicationYesPowerInput Voltage Range+10 VDC ~ +30 VDC (Non-isolated)Power Consumption0.6 WEnvironmentOperating Temperature-25 °C ~ +75 °CStorage Temperature-30 °C ~ +75 °CHumidity10 ~ 90% RH, non-condensing4-4-1<strong>ICP</strong> <strong>DAS</strong> CO., LTDProfessional Provider of High Quality Industrial Computer Products and Data Acquisition Systems

Industrial Communication & Networking Products Catalog19.035.423.06.6ApplicationsPCOrdering InformationtM-7520U CRtM-7520U-CA CRRS-232tM-7520UTxDRxDGNDIsolation SidePower InputDimensions (Unit: mm)27.0NOTE:Pin AssignmentsD+D-+VsGNDRSW1DSW1tM Series15 mup to 4000 ft92.0RS-232tM-7520U77.452.0D+D-tM SeriesRS-485I-7514UtM-7520UIsolated RS-232 to RS-485 Converter (RoHS)tM-7520U CR with CA-0915 cable x 1 (RoHS)PWRI-7000 SeriesAccessoriesD0+D0 -D1 -D1+I-7514U(Master) Power Input(Slave)D2 -D2+Isolation SideD3 -D3+To other networks of devicesor I-7514U.Left Side View Front ViewRight Side View Rear ViewBottom ViewtM SeriestM SeriesI-7514UI-7000 Series I-7000 Series tM SeriesRx/TxPinAssignment-- 01TxD 02RxD 03-- 04GND 05Terminal No.PinAssignment06 --07 --08 --09 --RS-232: Female DB-9 ConnectorD4 -D4+iP-8411Top ViewGPSU06U-6 24 VDC/0.25 A, 6 W Power Supply24 VDC/1.04 A, 25 W Power Supply with Din-RailDIN-KA52FMountingtM-7510U CR Isolated RS-485 Repeater (RoHS)CA-0915 9-Pin Male-Female D-Sub Cable, 1.5 m4Converters, Repeaters and Hubs RS-232/RS-422/485 Converters tM-7520U4CFWebsite: http://www.icpdas.com E-mail: service@icpdas.com 4-4-2

RS-485 Star Wiring Hub4FeaturesConverters, Repeaters and Hubs RS-232/RS-422/485 Converters4CFI-7520U4I-7520U4Isolated RS-232 to 4 Channels RS-485 Active Star Wiring Hub<strong>Introduction</strong>SpecificationsTrue RS-485 Star Wiring HubIndependent RS-485 driver for each channelPower and data flow indicator for troubleshootingAutomatic RS-485 Direction ControlEasy-to-use rotary switch for fixed baud rate setting,1200 ~ 115200 bps120 Ω termination resistor for each channelPower Input, +10 ~ +30 VDCOperating Temperatures, -25 °C ~ +75 °CDIN-RailRS-485 Active HubThe I-7520U4 is isolated RS-232 to 4-ch RS-485 active star wiring hub, it has 4 independent RS-485 output channels and one RS-485 inputchannel. Each output channel is equipped with an individual driver. The data from a master to the input channel will simultaneously beforwarded to all the four output channels.Baud Rate SettingThe I-7520U4 provides 2 modes of baud rate setting, one is Self-Tuner mode and the other is fixed baud rate mode. The Self-Tuner modecan support Multiple Baud Rate and Multiple Data Format.The Self-Tuner design is exactly the same as I-7520 series.The Fixed baud rate mode offers a better quality for data transmission over long or lossy lines or electrically noisy environments.RS-485 Short-CircuitThe Short-circuit protection can automatically shut off the breakdown channel, this kind of design can suffice to protect the communicationsystem. When a connected RS-485 equipment breaks down, the breakdown channel will be isolated to ensure that other equipments worknormally.Termination resistorsIn some critical environments, you may need to add termination resistors to prevent the reflection of serial signals.The I-7520U4 includes a 120Ω termination resistor for each channel by jumper selectable (Default disable).LED IndicatorsThe I-7520U4 has 6 LED to indicate the power status and network traffic.The TxD/RxD LED will flash when the unit is being sent out or received data.InterfaceInputOutput2-wire CablingTransfer DistanceMax. Devices SupportedSelf-Tuner Asic InsideSpeedESD Protection2500 VDC Three Way IsolatedProtectionConnectionLED IndicatorsPower/CommunicationPowerInput Voltage RangePower ConsumptionMechanicalCasingFlammabilityDimensions (W x H x D)InstallationEnvironmentOperating TemperatureStorage TemperatureHumidity1 RS-232 Channel: TxD, RxD and GND4 RS-485 Channels: Data+, Data-Belden 8941 (2P twisted-pair cable), if different cables are used, the transmission distance may changeMax. 1,200 m at 9.6 kbps; Max. 400 m at 115.2 kbps256 (Each channel)Yes300 ~ 115200 bps via Self-Tuner mode; 1200 ~ 115200 bps via Fixed Baud Rate modeYesYesRemovable 10-Pin Terminal Block x 1; 9-Pin Female D-Sub x 1Yes+10 VDC ~ +30 VDC (Non-isolated)1.2 WPlasticFire Retardant Materials (UL94-V0 Level)72 mm x 118 mm x 35 mmDIN-Rail-25 °C ~ +75 °C-30 °C ~ +75 °C10 ~ 90% RH, non-condensing4-4-3<strong>ICP</strong> <strong>DAS</strong> CO., LTDProfessional Provider of High Quality Industrial Computer Products and Data Acquisition Systems

Industrial Communication & Networking Products CatalogApplicationsPCRS-232TxDRxDGNDIsolation SideDevice 3 Device 2 Device 1D+D -I-7520U4Power InputD+D -D+D -Device 6 Device 5 Device 4D+D -Ordering InformationD+D -Dimensions (Unit: mm)56.0Front View101.2117.0Pin Assignments35.4TerminalNo.RS-485D1+D1 -D2+D2 -D3+D3 -D4+D4 -72.056.0Rear View01 D1+02D+D -PinAssignmentD1-03 D2+04 D2-05 D3+06 D3-07 D4+08 D4-09 (R)+Vs10 (B)GND35PinAssignment-- 01TxD 02RxD 03-- 04GND 05Top ViewBottom ViewTerminal No.PinAssignment06 --07 --08 --09 --RS-232: Female DB-9 ConnectorD0+D0 -D1 -D1+AccessoriesI-7514U(Master) Power Input(Slave)D2 -D2+To other networks ofdevices or I-7514U.Device 8D+D -3539.5Isolation SideD3 -D3+Din-Rail Mounting BracketRS-232I-7520U401 10Device 7D+D -D4 -D4+2-SCREWM331.5Side View4Converters, Repeaters and Hubs RS-232/RS-422/485 Converters I-7520U44CFIsolated RS-232 to 4 Channels RS-485 Active HubI-7520U4-G CR(Gray Cover) (RoHS)I-7520U4-CA-G CR I-7520U4-G CR with CA-0915 cable x 1GPSU06U-6 24 VDC/0.25 A, 6 W Power SupplyDIN-KA52F 24 VDC/1.04 A, 25 W Power Supply with Din-Rail MountingI-7510 CR Isolated RS-485 Repeater (RoHS)CA-0915 9-Pin Male-Female D-Sub Cable, 1.5 mWebsite: http://www.icpdas.com E-mail: service@icpdas.com 4-4-4

RS-232 to RS-422/485 Converter Card4FeaturesConverters, Repeaters and Hubs RS-232/RS-422/485 Converters4PCCCCCFPCISA-7520R/PCISA-7520R<strong>Introduction</strong>ApplicationsSpecificationsNo External Power Supply requiredNo Driver installation requiredAutomatic RS-485 Direction Control3000 VDC Isolation ProtectionESD Protection for the RS-232/422/485 Data LineTransmission Speed of up to 115200 bpsCan be used in an ISA Bus, a PCI Bus or any system with anRS-232 InterfaceThe PCISA-7520A series is exactly the same as I-7520A series except for the PCI and ISA Interfaceand is designed for easy installation. The PCISA-7520A series is equipped with both an RS-232 serialport and an RS-485 serial port. The RS-232 port is designed to communicate with the local Host PC,the RS-485 is designed to communicate with the remote IO module.TxDRxDGNDPCISA-7520R/PCISA-7520ARPCISA-7520R: Isolated RS-232 to RS-485 Converter CardPCISA-7520AR: Isolated RS-232 to RS-422/485 Converter CardPower InputModelsInterfacePCISA-7520RSerial InterfaceIsolation SideDATA+DATA-RS-232RS-422RS-4852-wire Cabling/4-wire CablingTransfer DistanceMax. Devices SupportedSelf-Tuner Asic InsideSpeedESD ProtectionIsolated VoltageRS-232ConnectionRS-422/485PowerInput Voltage RangePower ConsumptionMechanicalDimensions (L x W x D)EnvironmentOperating TemperatureStorage TemperatureHumidityDevice 1DATA+Device 2DATA+Twisted Pair WiringPCISA-7520RTxD, RxD, GND-Data+, Data-0 °C ~ +50 °C-20 °C ~ +70 °CDevice 3DATA+0 ~ 90% RH, non-condensingDATA-DATA-DATA-TxDRxDGNDPower InputPCISA-7520ARIsolation SideTxD+TxD-RxD+RxD-Belden 8941 (2P twisted-pair cable)/Belden 8942 (4P twisted-pair cable), when different cables are used,the transmission distance may changeMax. 1,200 m at 9.6 kbps; Max. 400 m at 115.2 kbps256 (Without repeater)Yes300 ~ 115200 bpsYes3000 VDC on the RS-422/485 side9-Pin Female D-Sub x 19-Pin Male D-Sub x 1+5 VDC from the PC1.0 W118 mm x 72 mm x 22 mmPCISA-7520ARRS-422 DeviceRxD+RxD-TxD+TxD-TxD+, TxD-, RxD+, RxD-The RS-422 and RS-485 cannot be used simultaneously4-4-5<strong>ICP</strong> <strong>DAS</strong> CO., LTDProfessional Provider of High Quality Industrial Computer Products and Data Acquisition Systems

Industrial Communication & Networking Products CatalogPin AssignmentsPCISA-7520R4PCI BusPCISA-7520RPCISA-7520ARCN2 1 56 9ISA BusDimensions (Unit: mm)71.2Ordering InformationCN1(For RS-232)CN2(For RS-422/485)PCISA-7520R CR Isolated RS-232 to RS-485 Converter Card (RoHS)PCISA-7520AR CR Isolated RS-232 to RS-422/485 Converter Card (RoHS)118105.1111Pin01020304 NC0506070809PCISA-7520ARPin 2-wire for RS-485 4-wire for RS-422010203 NC040506070809DATA+Rx-DATA-NCDATA+NCDATA-NC2210.518.4Accessories2-wire for RS-485121Tx+Rx+Tx-I-7510 CR Isolated RS-485 Repeater (RoHS)I-7510A CR Isolated RS-422/485 Repeater (RoHS)CA-0915 9-Pin Male-Female D-Sub Cable, 1.5 mConverters, Repeaters and Hubs RS-232/RS-422/485 Converters PCISA-7520R/PCISA-7520AR4PCIFCFWebsite: http://www.icpdas.com E-mail: service@icpdas.com 4-4-6

RS-232 to RS-422/485 Converters4FeaturesConverters, Repeaters and Hubs RS-232/RS-422/485 Converters4CFI-7520(R)/I-7520A(R)I-7520/I-7520AI-7520R/I-7520ARI-7520: Isolated RS-232 to RS-485 ConverterI-7520A: Isolated RS-232 to RS-422/485 ConverterI-7520R: RS-232 to Isolated RS-485 ConverterI-7520AR: RS-232 to Isolated RS-422/485 Converter<strong>Introduction</strong>SpecificationsAutomatic RS-485 Direction Control3000 VDC Isolation Protection on the RS-485 sideESD Protection for the RS-232/422/485 Data LineTransmission Speed of up to 115200 bpsPower Input, +10 ~ +30 VDCOperating Temperatures, -25 °C ~ +75 °CDIN-RailMost industrial computer systems provide standard RS-232 serial ports. Though widely accepted, RS-232 haslimited transmission speed, range, and networking capabilities. The RS-422 and RS-485 standards overcomethese limitations by using differential voltage lines for data and control signals, which transparently convertsRS-232 signals into isolated RS-422 or RS-485 signal with no need to change any hardware or software. TheI-7520/I-7520A lets you easily build an industrial grade, long-distance communication system using standardPC hardware.The design of the isolation between the I-7520 and the I-7520R/AR is different. If the user wants to supplypower from the PLC/PC, the I-7520R/AR should be used, otherwise the isolation will be broken. Refer to theI-7000 bus converter manual for detailed information.ModelsInterfaceSerial Interface2-wire Cabling/4-wire CablingTransfer DistanceMax. Devices SupportedSelf-Tuner Asic InsideSpeedESD ProtectionMechanicalEnvironmentOperating TemperatureStorage TemperatureHumidityRS-232RS-422RS-4853000 VDC Isolated VoltageConnectionLED IndicatorsPower/CommunicationPowerInput Voltage RangePower ConsumptionCasingFlammabilityDimensions (W x H x D)InstallationRS-232RS-422/485I-7520TxD, RxD, GND-Data+, Data-Belden 8941 (2P twisted-pair cable)/Belden 8942 (4P twisted-pair cable), if different cables are used,the transmission distance may changeMax. 1,200 m for at speed 9.6 kbps; Max. 400 m at 115.2 kbps256 (Without repeater)Yes300 ~ 115200 bpsYesOn RS-232 side On RS-485 side On RS-232 side On RS-485 side9-Pin Female D-SubRemovable 10-Pin Terminal BlockYes+10 VDC ~ +30 VDC (Non-isolated)1.2 WPlasticFire Retardant Materials (UL94-V0 Level)72 mm x 118 mm x 35 mmDIN-Rail-25 °C ~ +75 °C-30 °C ~ +75 °C10 ~ 90% RH, non-condensingI-7520RI-7520AI-7520ARTxD+, TxD-, RxD+, RxD-The RS-422 and RS-485 cannot be used simultaneously4-4-7<strong>ICP</strong> <strong>DAS</strong> CO., LTDProfessional Provider of High Quality Industrial Computer Products and Data Acquisition Systems

Industrial Communication & Networking Products CatalogApplicationsTxDRxDGNDIsolation SidePower InputTxDRxDGNDPower InputPin AssignmentsI-7520/I-7520R03 --04 --05 --06 --07 --08 --Dimensions (Unit: mm)56.072.0Front ViewI-7520 Device 1 Device 2 Device 3I-7520R09 (R)+Vs10 (B)GNDDATA+DATA-Isolation SideDATA+DATA-6.0101118PinAssignmentDATA+Ordering InformationTwisted Pair WiringRear ViewRS-232I-7520I-7520AI-7520RI-7520AR01 10I-7520 CR Isolated RS-232 to RS-485 Converter (RoHS)I-7520A CR Isolated RS-232 to RS-422/485 Converter (RoHS)I-7520-G CR Isolated RS-232 to RS-485 Converter (Gray Cover) (RoHS)I-7520A-G CR Isolated RS-232 to RS-422/485 Converter (Gray Cover) (RoHS)I-7520R CR RS-232 to Isolated RS-485 Converter (RoHS)I-7520AR CR RS-232 to Isolated RS-422/485 Converter (RoHS)I-7520R-G CR RS-232 to Isolated RS-485 Converter (Gray Cover) (RoHS)I-7520AR-G CR RS-232 to Isolated RS-422/485 Converter (Gray Cover) (RoHS)Device 1DATA+-- 01TxD 02RxD 03-- 04GND 0535.4DATA+Device 2DATA+Twisted Pair WiringTerminal No.56.0PinAssignment06 --07 --08 --09 --RS-232: Female DB-9 ConnectorDATA+07 RxD-/DATA2-DATA-DATA-DATA-Device 3DATA+35I-7520ATxDIsolation SiteRxDGNDTxD+Isolation SideTxD-RxD+RxD-Power InputDATA-DATA-DATA-Top ViewBottom ViewTxDRxDGNDPower InputI-7520A/I-7520ARTerminal PinNo. AssignmentRS-48501 DATA+02 DATA-Terminal PinNo. Assignment01 DATA1+RS-48502 DATA1-RS-422/485I-7520AR03 --04 TxD+05 TxD-Accessories06 RxD+/DATA2+08 --09 (R)+Vs10 (B)GNDIsolation SideTxD+TxD-RxD+RxD-3539.5PinAssignmentDin-Rail Mounting Bracket-- 01TxD 02RxD 03-- 04GND 05Terminal No.2-SCREWM3RS-422 DeviceRxD+RxD-TxD+TxD-RS-422 DeviceRxD+RxD-TxD+TxD-06 --07 --08 --09 --31.5Side ViewPinAssignmentRS-232: Female DB-9 ConnectorGPSU06U-6 24 VDC/0.25 A, 6 W Power SupplyDIN-KA52F 24 VDC/1.04 A, 25 W Power Supply with Din-Rail MountingI-7510 CR Isolated RS-485 Repeater (RoHS)I-7510A CR Isolated RS-422/485 Repeater (RoHS)CA-0915 9-Pin Male-Female D-Sub Cable, 1.5 m4Converters, Repeaters and Hubs RS-232/RS-422/485 Converters I-7520(R)/I-7520A(R)4CFWebsite: http://www.icpdas.com E-mail: service@icpdas.com 4-4-8

Isolated RS-232 to RS-232 Converter4FeaturesConverters, Repeaters and Hubs RS-232/RS-422/485 Converters4CFI-7551<strong>Introduction</strong>The I-7551 Photo coupler provides a complete fullduplex(including control signal) electrical isolationchannel between two RS-232 devices. This isolation isan important consideration if a system uses differentpower sources, has noisy signals, or must operate atdifferent ground potentials.The I-7551 provides the option of reconfiguring whichcontrol signal is used. CTS can be selected instead ofDSR, and RTS instead of DTR.The I-7551 incorporates two DC-to-DC converters, theisolation site of the I-7551 is located in the input andoutput interface circuit. In other words, the I-7551 is3-way isolated RS-232 to RS-232 converter.SpecificationsMechanicalEnvironmentOperating TemperatureStorage TemperatureHumidity-25 °C ~ +75 °C-30 °C ~ +75 °C10 ~ 90% RH, non-condensing3000 VDC 3-way Isolation ProtectionESD ProtectionTransmission Speed of up 115200 bpsPower Input, +10 ~ +30 VDCOperating Temperatures, -25 °C ~ +75 °CDIN-RailApplicationsInterfaceTxD, RxD, CTS, RTS, GND (Default) or TxD, RxD, DSR, DTR, GNDInputJumpers JP1 and JP2 are used to select the RS-232 input source typeOutputTxD, RxD, CTS, RTS, GND (Default) or TxD, RxD, DSR, DTR, GNDTransfer DistanceMax. 15 M at 115200 bpsSpeed300 ~ 115200 bpsESD Protection3000 VDC Three Way IsolatedYesYesProtectionConnectionRS-232 Input 9-Pin Female D-SubRS-232 Output 9-Pin Male D-SubLED IndicatorsPower/CommunicationPowerInput Voltage RangePower ConsumptionCasingFlammabilityDimensions (W x H x D)InstallationI-7551Isolated RS-232 to RS-232 ConverterYes+10 VDC ~ +30 VDC (Non-isolated)1.2 WPlasticFire Retardant Materials (UL94-V0 Level)72 mm x 118 mm x 35 mmDIN-RailHost PCRS-232Max. Distance 15 mRS-232Max. Distance 15 mI-7551RS-232 to RS-232 ConverteriP-84114-4-9<strong>ICP</strong> <strong>DAS</strong> CO., LTDProfessional Provider of High Quality Industrial Computer Products and Data Acquisition Systems

Intelligent Communication Controllers44.5. Intelligent Communication ControllersConverters, Repeaters and Hubs Intelligent Communication Controllers5<strong>Introduction</strong>I-752N SeriesFeaturesBuilt-in "Addressable RS-485 to RS-232 Converter" firmwareProgrammable Intelligent Communication ControllerSupports about 30 well-defined commandsSupports Dual-Watchdog commandsSupports power-up and safe value for DOWatchdog timer provides fault tolerance and recoveryLow power consumptionR.O.C. Invention Patent No. 086674, No.103060 and No. 132457Made from fire retardant materials (UL94-V0 Level)There are many RS-232 devices in industry applications. Nowadays it becomes important to link all those RS-232 devices together for automation andinformation. Usually those RS-232 devices are far away from the host-PC and widely distributed in the factory. So it is not a good idea to use multi-serial cardsto connect all these RS-232 devices together. The I-752N series product can be used to link multiple RS-232 devices by a single RS-485 network. The RS-485is famous for its easy maintenance, simple cabling, stable, reliable and low cost.Onboard 1 KB Queue bufferThe I-752N series module is equipped with a 1 KB queue buffer for its local RS-232 device. All input data can be stored in the queue buffer until the Host PChas time to read it. This feature allows the Host PC to link to thousands of RS-232 devices without any loss of data.3000V isolation on RS-485 sideCOM2 of the I-752N modules is an isolated RS-485 port with 3000 VDC isolation, which protects the local RS-232 devices from transient noises coming fromthe RS-485 network.Self-Tuner ASIC insideIntelligent Communication ControllerThe built-in Self-Tuner ASIC on an RS-485 port can auto detect and control the send/receive direction of the RS-485 network. Thus, there is no need forapplication programs to be concerned about direction control of the RS-485 network.Can be used as Addressable RS-485 to RS-232 ConverterMost RS-232 devices don't support device addressing. The <strong>ICP</strong> <strong>DAS</strong> I-752Nmodule assigns a unique address for each RS-232 device installed. When HostPC sends a command with a device address to the RS-485 network, thedestination I-752N module will remove the address field, and then pass theother commands to the specified local RS-232 devices. The response from thelocal RS-232 devices will be returned to the Host PC via the I-752N.ApplicationsFactory, Building and Home AutomationPCRS-232Power MeterMaster-type Addressable RS-485 to RS-232 ConverterCFI-752N SeriesThe <strong>ICP</strong> <strong>DAS</strong> I-752N product is unique. In that they are Master-type converterswhich use our R.O.C. Patent086674, while most other converters are Slave-type,which are helpless without a Host PC. In real industrial applications, many usersare not satisfied with Slave-type converters as they cannot be adapted toindividual requirement.The powerful I-752N series analyzes the local RS-232 devices, DI and DOwithout the need for a Host PC. Refer to Applications 5 ~ 9 for more informationin the manual.Can be used as RS-232 to RS-485 Device ServerThe Device Server is an appliance that networking any device with a serialcommunication port. The I-752N series Intelligent Communication Controllerallows the RS-232 serial devices to connect to the RS-485 network. Also, thereare PDS series products available from <strong>ICP</strong> <strong>DAS</strong>, which provide Ethernetconnectivity for serial devices.USBRS-485I-7563RS-485I-752NRS-232RS-232RS-232RFID ReaderBar Code ReaderPLC4-5-1<strong>ICP</strong> <strong>DAS</strong> CO., LTDProfessional Provider of High Quality Industrial Computer Products and Data Acquisition Systems

Industrial Communication & Networking Products CatalogI/O SpecificationsModels I-7521(D)I-7522(D) I-7523(D) I-7522A(D) I-7524(D) I-7527(D)User-Defined I/OI/O Channel 3 - - - - -Digital OutputDI ChannelInput TypeOff VoltageOn VoltageDigital OutputDO ChannelOutput TypeLoad VoltageLoad CurrentSystem SpecificationsModels I-7521(D)I-7522(D) I-7523(D) I-7522A(D) I-7524(D) I-7527(D)SystemCPUSRAMFlashEEPROMReal-Time ClockWatchdog TimerOperating SystemCommunication InterfaceCOM1COM2COM3COM4COM5COM6COM7COM8Baud RateData BitParityStop BitConnectorLED IndicatorsLED DisplayPowerProtectionPower RequirementPower ConsumptionMechanicalCasingFlammabilityEnvironmentOperating TemperatureStorage TemperatureHumidity80188, 20 MHz128 KB512 KB2 KB-YesMiniOS75-wire RS-232 or 2-wire RS-485Isolated 2-wire RS-4852-wire RS-485-5-wire RS-232 5-wire RS-232 4-wire RS-422 5-wire RS-232 3-wire RS-232-- 3-wire RS-232 - 5-wire RS-232 3-wire RS-232-- - - 5-wire RS-232 3-wire RS-232-- - - - 3-wire RS-232-- - - - 3-wire RS-232-- - - - 3-wire RS-232300 ~ 115200 bpsCOM1 ~ COM2: 7 or 8COM3 ~ COM8: 5, 6, 7 or 8COM1 ~ COM2: None, Even, OddCOM3 ~ COM8: None, Even, Odd, Mark , SpaceCOM1 ~ COM2: 1 or 2 (data bit must be 7)COM3 ~ COM8: 1 or 2Male DB-9 x 113-Pin screw terminal block x 1(for 16 ~ 26 AWG wires; 3.81 mm pitch)5-digit 7-segment LED display for D versionsFire Retardant Materials (UL94-V0 Level)Dimensions (W x H x D) 72 mm x 118 mm x 35 mmInstallation22 1 5 1 1Source (Dry Type), Common Ground, non-isolated+1 V max.+3.5 VDC ~ +30 VDC31 - 5 1 1Open Collector (Sink/NPN), non-isolated+30 VDC max.100 mA max.Power input reverse polarity protectionUnregulated +10 VDC ~ 30 VDC2 W (without display), 3 W (with display)PlasticDIN-Rail-25 °C ~ +75 °C-40 °C ~ +80 °C0 ~ 90% RH, non-condensingNote:3-wire RS-232: RxD, TxD, GND5-wire RS-232: RxD, TxD, CTS, RTS, GND2-wire RS-485: DATA+, DATA-, GND; Self-Tuner insideIsolated 2-wire RS-485: DATA+, DATA-; Self-Tuner inside; 3000 VDC Isolation4-wire RS-422: RxD+, RxD-, TxD+, TxD-, GND80188, 40 MHz256 KBYes14-Pin screw terminal block x 2(for 16 ~ 22 AWG wires; 3.5 mm pitch)72 mm x 120 mm x 35 mm4Converters, Repeaters and Hubs Intelligent Communication Controllers I-752N Series5CFWebsite: http://www.icpdas.com E-mail: service@icpdas.com 4-5-2

Intelligent Communication Controllers4Converters, Repeaters and Hubs Intelligent Communication Controllers5CFI-752N SeriesPin Assignments0113I-7521/I-7521DTerminalNo.TerminalNo.I-7521I-7522I-7523PinAssignment01 X302 X203 X104 DO3DO 05 DO206 DO107 DI3DI 08 DI209 INIT*COM210 (Y)D2+11 (G)D2-Power 12 (R)+VsInput 13 (B)GNDI-7522/I-7522DTerminalNo.PinAssignment01 CTS302 RTS3COM3 03 RxD304 TxD305 GNDDO 06 DO1DI07 DI308 DI209 INIT*COM210 (Y)D2+11 (G)D2-Power 12 (R)+VsInput 13 (B)GNDI-7523/I-7523DPinAssignment01 CTS302 RTS3COM3 03 RxD304 TxD305 GNDCOM406 TxD407 RxD4DI 08 DI209 INIT*COM210 (Y)D2+11 (G)D2-Power 12 (R)+VsInput 13 (B)GNDPinAssignmentGNDN.C.RxDTxDData+ 01PinAssignmentCOM1RS-232/RS-485Terminal No.0504030209 Data-08 RTS07 CTS06 N.C.COM1: RS-232Male DB-9 ConnectorGND 05N.C. 04RxD 03TxD 02Data+ 01PinAssignmentTerminal No.PinAssignment09 Data-08 RTS07 CTS06 N.C.COM1: RS-232Male DB-9 ConnectorGND 05N.C. 04RxD 03TxD 02Data+ 01Terminal No.PinAssignment09 Data-08 RTS07 CTS06 N.C.COM1: RS-232Male DB-9 ConnectorPinAssignment0114I-7522A/I-7522ADTerminalNo.TerminalNo.PinAssignmentDO 01 DODI 02 DI03 D1+04 D1-05 CTS1COM1 06 RTS107 GND08 TxD109 RxD110 INIT*COM211 (Y)D2+12 (G)D2-Power 13 (R)+VsInput 14 (B)GNDI-7524/I-7524DTerminalNo.DODIPinAssignmentDO 01 DODI 02 DI03 D1+04 D1-05 CTS1COM1 06 RTS107 GND08 TxD109 RxD110 INIT*COM211 (Y)D2+12 (G)D2-Power 13 (R)+VsInput 14 (B)GNDI-7527A/I-7527ADPowerInputPinAssignment01 DO02 DI03 D1+04 D1-05 CTS1COM1 06 RTS107 GND08 TxD109 RxD110 INIT*COM211 (Y)D2+12 (G)D2-13 (R)+Vs14 (B)GNDI-7522AI-7524I-7527TerminalNo.TerminalNo.TerminalNo.X507X505X5062815PinAssignment28 DO327 DO2DO 26 DO125 DO024 DO.PWR23 GND22 DI3DI21 DI220 DI119 DI018 RxD3-COM317 RxD3+16 TxD3-15 TxD3+PinAssignment28 RxD5COM527 TxD526 RTS525 CTS524 GND23 RxD4COM422 TxD421 RTS420 CTS419 GND18 RxD3COM317 TxD316 RTS315 CTS3PinAssignment28 TxD8COM7/827 RxD826 TxD725 RxD724 GND23 TxD6COM5/622 RxD621 TxD520 RxD519 GND18 TxD4COM3/417 RxD416 TxD315 RxD34-5-3<strong>ICP</strong> <strong>DAS</strong> CO., LTDProfessional Provider of High Quality Industrial Computer Products and Data Acquisition Systems

Industrial Communication & Networking Products CatalogDimensions (Unit: mm)I-7521(D)/I-7522(D)/I-7523(D)6.00 53531.50411Wiring2-wireRS-485 WiringRS-485 MasterDATA+(B)DATA-(A)GND2-wire Only Device3-wire RS-232 WiringRS-232 MasterTxDRxDGNDInput TypeRelayContactTTL/CMOSLogicOpenCollectorOutput TypeDrive RelayResistanceLoad565059.7472Front ViewI-7522A(D)/I-7524(D)/I-7527(D)509.045658.1572Front ViewLogic Level Low+-OnRelay CloseLogic GNDDevice 1 Device 2 Device 3DATA+(B)DATA-(A)GNDDATA+(B)DATA-(A)GNDTwisted Pair Wiring plus GroundDATA+(B)DATA-(A)GNDRS-232 DeviceRxDTxDGNDDO Command as 1 DO Command as 0Relay ONRelay Off+DO.PWR+DO.PWR--DOxDOxDO.GNDDO.GND+-101101DI Value as 0 DI Value as 1Relay ON118DIxGNDDO.PWRDOxDO.GND+-+-Relay OffVoltage < 1V Voltage > 3.5VDIxGNDOpen Collector On35.435.4DIxGND56.025.60Rear View56.0025.60Rear ViewRelay OpenLogic Level HighLogic GNDOff118.0120Open Collector OffDIxGNDDIxGNDDIxGND3535DO.PWRDOxDO.GNDTop ViewBottom ViewTop ViewBottom View4-wire RS-422 WiringRS-422 MasterTxD+(B)TxD-(A)RxD+(B)RxD-(A)GNDOrdering InformationI-7521 CRI-7521D CRIntelligent Communication Controller (RoHS)I-7521 with DisplayI-7522 CRI-7522D CRIntelligent Communication Controller (RoHS)I-7522 with DisplayI-7522A CR Intelligent Communication Controller (RoHS)I-7522AD CR I-7522A with DisplayI-7523 CR Intelligent Communication Controller (RoHS)I-7523D CR I-7523 with DisplayI-7524 CR Intelligent Communication Controller (RoHS)I-7524D CR I-7524 with DisplayI-7527 CR Intelligent Communication Controller (RoHS)I-7527D CR I-7527 with DisplayAccessoriesGPSU06U-6MDR-20-24KA-52FDIN-KA52F24 VDC/0.25 A, 6 W Power SupplyRS-422 DeviceRxD+(B)RxD-(A)TxD+(B)TxD-(A)GND24 VDC/1 A, 24 W Power Supply with DIN-Rail Mounting24 VDC/1.04 A, 25 W Power Supply24 VDC/1.04 A, 25 W Power Supply with Din-RailMounting39.50Din-Rail Mounting Bracket3539.50Din-Rail Mounting Bracket2-SCREWM32-SCREWM3Side View31.50Side ViewConverters, Repeaters and Hubs Intelligent Communication Controllers I-752N Series5CFWebsite: http://www.icpdas.com E-mail: service@icpdas.com 4-5-4

USB to RS-232 Converter44.6. USB to RS-232/422/485 ConvertersConverters, Repeaters and Hubs USB to RS-232/422/485 Converters6CFI-7560<strong>Introduction</strong>The I-7560 contains a Windows serial com port via it's USBconnection and is compatible with new and legacy RS-232devices. USB Plug-and-Play allows easy serial port expansionand requires no IRQ, DMA, or I/O port resources.The I-7560 features a full set of RS-232 modem data andcontrol signals (TxD, RxD, RTS, CTS, DSR, DTR, DCD, RI andGND) on it's PC compatible DB-9 male connector. It alsofeatures a high-speed 115200 bps transmission rate.The I-7560 is powered from the USB bus and no additionalpower supply is needed.SoftwareSpecificationsInterfaceUSBRS-232SpeedRS-232ConnectionUSBCable IncludedLED IndicatorsPowerPowerInput Voltage RangePower ConsumptionMechanicalCasingFlammabilityDimensions (W x H x D)EnvironmentOperating TemperatureStorage TemperatureHumidityI-7560USB to RS-232 ConverterDriverWindows 98/ME/2000/XP/Vista (32/64-bit)/7 (32/64-bit)/Linux-25 °C ~ +75 °C-30 °C ~ +75 °C10 ~ 90% RH, non-condensingApplicationsLaptopCompatibility: USB 1.1 and 2.0 standardsTxD, RxD, RTS, CTS, DSR, DTR, DCD, RI and GND; non-isolated300 ~ 115200 bps9-Pin Male D-SubType BCA-USB18 (1.8 m Cable) x 1Yes+5 VDC from USB0.3 WPlasticFire Retardant Materials (UL94-V0 Level)33 mm x 60 mm x 15 mmFeaturesFully Compliant with the USB 1.1/2.0 (High Speed)No External Power Supply requiredAutomatic RS-485 Direction ControlOperating Temperatures, -25 °C ~ +75 °CDriver Supports Windows 98/ME/2000/XP/Vista (32/64-bit)/7 (32/64-bit)/LinuxUSBI-7560USB to RS-232 ConverterRS-232RS-232InterfaceModemiP-8441I-7560 with CA-USB18 I-7560 with iP-8441 I-7560 with ModemPLC4-6-1<strong>ICP</strong> <strong>DAS</strong> CO., LTDProfessional Provider of High Quality Industrial Computer Products and Data Acquisition Systems

Industrial Communication & Networking Products CatalogInternal I/O Structure4Pin AssignmentsCN2 16Pin Signal Mode010203040506070809DCDRxDTxDDTRGNDDSRRTSCTSRIData Carrier DetectReceive DataTransmit DataData Term ReadyGroundData Set ReadyRequest To SendClear To SendRing IndicatorInputInputOutputOutput--InputOutputInputInputOrdering InformationI-7560 CR USB to RS-232 Converter (RoHS)VBUSDATA0+DATA0-USB to Series ChipGND59DCD (Pin 1)DSR (Pin 6)RxD (Pin 2)RTS (Pin 7)TxD (Pin 3)RS-232 DriverCTS (Pin 8)DTR (Pin 4)RI (Pin 9)GND (Pin 5)Dimensions (Unit: mm)1560546018.6Front ViewRight Side View33Top ViewBottom View15Converters, Repeaters and Hubs USB to RS-232/422/485 Converters I-75606CFAccessoriesUSB-2560 CRCA-USB18Industrial 4-port USB 2.0 HubUSB Type A to Type B CableWebsite: http://www.icpdas.com E-mail: service@icpdas.com 4-6-2

USB to RS-485 Converter4FeaturesConverters, Repeaters and Hubs USB to RS-232/422/485 Converters6CFtM-7561<strong>Introduction</strong>Fully Compliant with the USB 1.1/2.0 (High Speed)No External Power Supply requiredPower and data flow indicator for troubleshootingAutomatic RS-485 Direction Control2500 VDC Isolation Protection on the RS-485 sideOperating Temperatures, -25 °C ~ +75 °CDriver Supports Windows 98/ME/2000/XP/Vista (32/64-bit)/7 (32/64-bit)/LinuxCost-effective ConverterThe tM-7561 is a cost-effective USB to RS-485 converter. Connecting the tM-7561 to a PC, you get one RS-485 portthat allows you to access RS-485 devices through the USB interface. Like the I-7520, the tM-7561 contains "Self-Tuner" chip auto-tunes the baud rate and data format to the RS-485 network. The tM-7561 module derives its powerfrom the USB port and doesn't need external power adapter.SpecificationstM-7561USB to Isolated RS-485 ConverterComparison Table of ConverterMode nameSerial InterfaceDimensions (W x H x D)RemarkstM-7561Only RS-48552 mm x 87 mm x 27 mmCost-effective, Entry-levelInterfaceUSBCompatibility: USB 1.1 and 2.0 standardsRS-485Data+, Data-Belden 8941 (2P twisted-pair cable),2-wire cablingif different cables are used, the transmissiondistance may changeRS-485 Transfer Max. 1,200 m at 9.6 kbps; Max. 400 m atDistance115.2 kbpsMaximum Supported256 (Without repeater)RS-485 DevicesSelf-Tuner Asic Inside YesSpeed300 ~ 115200 bpsConnectionRS-485 Removable 7-Pin Terminal BlockUSB Type BCable IncludedCA-USB18 (1.8 m Cable) x 1LED IndicatorsPower/Communication YesPowerInput Voltage RangePower Consumption+5 VDC from USB0.4 WMechanicalCasingFlammabilityPlasticFire Retardant Materials (UL94-V0 Level)Dimensions (W x H x D) 52 mm x 87 mm x 27 mmInstallationDIN-RailEnvironmentOperating TemperatureStorage Temperature-25 °C ~ +75 °C-30 °C ~ +75 °CHumidity10 ~ 90% RH, non-condensingLow power consumptionTiny packaging fits on your DIN-RailApplicationsiP-8411SoftwareDriverI-7561RS-232/422/48572 mm x 115 mm x 35 mmEntry-levelCOM3USBRS-232tM-7561USB to RS-485 ConverterI-7000 SeriesI-7520RS-485I-7510SST-2450Windows 98/ME/2000/XP/Vista (32/64-bit)/7 (32/64-bit)/LinuxSST-24504-6-3<strong>ICP</strong> <strong>DAS</strong> CO., LTDProfessional Provider of High Quality Industrial Computer Products and Data Acquisition Systems

Industrial Communication & Networking Products Catalog19.035.422.86.7Internal I/O StructurePin AssignmentsDATA+DATA-N/AN/AN/AN/AISO.GNDDimensions (Unit: mm)27.0Left Side View Front ViewRight Side View Rear ViewBottom ViewOrdering InformationtM-7561 CRInclude Cable87.0 77.4DATA1-VBUSDATA0+DATA0-GND52.0USBtoSeriesChipDC DC2500 VDCIsolationtM-7561USB to Isolated RS-485 Converter (RoHS)CA-USB18 (1.8 m Cable) x 1PWR2500 VDCPhoto-isolationSelf-TunerASICRx/TxRS-485 DriverUSBDATA1+ISO.GNDTerminal resistorOff OnTop View4Converters, Repeaters and Hubs USB to RS-232/422/485 Converters tM-75616CFAccessoriesUSB-2560 CRCA-USB18Industrial 4-port USB 2.0 HubUSB Type A to Type B CableWebsite: http://www.icpdas.com E-mail: service@icpdas.com 4-6-4

USB to RS-232/422/485 Converters4FeaturesConverters, Repeaters and Hubs USB to RS-232/422/485 Converters6CFI-7561<strong>Introduction</strong>The I-7561 is a cost-effective module for transferring serialdata via USB. It allows you to connect your serial devices tosystems that use a USB interface. Connecting the I-7561 toa PC, you get one RS-232/422/485 port. Like the I-7520A,the I-7561 contains "Self-Tuner" chip auto-tunes the BaudRate and data format to the RS-485 network.The I-7561module derives its power from the USB port and doesn'tneed any power adapter.SoftwareI-7561USB to Isolated RS-232/422/485 ConverterDriverWindows 98/ME/2000/XP/Vista (32/64-bit)/7 (32/64-bit)/LinuxSpecificationsInterfaceUSBSerial Interface2-wire cabling/4-wire cablingSpeedConnectionCable IncludedLED IndicatorsPowerPowerInput Voltage RangePower ConsumptionMechanicalCasingFlammabilityDimensions (W x H x D)InstallationEnvironmentOperating TemperatureStorage TemperatureHumidityRS-232RS-422RS-485RS-422/485 Transfer DistanceCompatibility: USB 1.1 and 2.0 standardsTxD, RxD, GNDMaximum Supported RS-485 Devices 256 (Without repeater)Self-Tuner Asic Inside (RS-485)RS-232/422/485USBTxD+, TxD-, RxD+, RxD-Data+, Data-the transmission distance may change300 ~ 115200 bpsRemovable 10-Pin Terminal BlockType BCA-USB18 (1.8 m Cable) x 1Yes+5 VDC from USBPlasticFire Retardant Materials (UL94-V0 Level)72 mm x 115 mm x 35 mmDIN-Rail-25 °C ~ +75 °C-30 °C ~ +75 °C10 ~ 90% RH, non-condensingFully Compliant with the USB 1.1/2.0 (High Speed)No External Power Supply requiredAutomatic RS-485 Direction Control3000 VDC Isolation Protection on the RS-232/422/485 sideESD Protection for the RS-232/422/485 Data LineOperating Temperatures, -25 °C ~ +75 °CDriver Supports Windows 98/ME/2000/XP/Vista (32/64-bit)/7 (32/64-bit)/LinuxDIN-RailApplicationsiP-8411Max. 1,200 m at 9.6 kbps; Max. 400 m at 115.2 kbpsYesCOM3USBRS-232I-7561USB to RS-232/422/485 ConverterI-7000 SeriesI-7520RS-485I-7510Belden 8941 (2P twisted-pair cable)/Belden 8942 (4P twisted-pair cable), if different cables are used,0.5 WSST-2450The RS-232, RS-422 and RS-485 cannot be used simultaneouslySST-24504-6-5<strong>ICP</strong> <strong>DAS</strong> CO., LTDProfessional Provider of High Quality Industrial Computer Products and Data Acquisition Systems

Industrial Communication & Networking Products CatalogInternal I/O Structure4Dimensions (Unit: mm)56.072.0Front ViewPin AssignmentsUSBI-756101 1010111535.4RS-485RS-422/485RS-232TxD1 +/-VBUSDATA0+DATA0-GNDTerminalNo.01 DATA+0256.0Rear ViewDATA-03 TxD+04 TxD-05 RxD+/DATA2+07 TxD08 RxD09 (B)GND10 (B)GNDUSBtoSeriesChipDC DC3000 VDCIsolationPinAssignment3000 VDCPhoto-isolationSelf-TunerASICTop ViewBottom ViewOrdering InformationI-7561 CRRS-485 DriverRS-422 DriverRS-232 Driver35I-7561-G CRInclude CableAccessoriesUSB-2560 CRCA-USB18Din-Rail Mounting BracketUSB to RS-232/422/485 Converter (RoHS)USB to RS-232/422/485 Converter (Gray Cover)(RoHS)DATA1+06 RxD-/DATA2-DATA1-RxD1 +/-RxDRxDGND3539.5CA-USB18 (1.8 m Cable) x 1Industrial 4-port USB 2.0 HubUSB Type A to Type B Cable2-SCREWM331.5Side ViewConverters, Repeaters and Hubs USB to RS-232/422/485 Converters I-75616CFWebsite: http://www.icpdas.com E-mail: service@icpdas.com 4-6-6

USB to RS-485 Active Star Wiring Converter4FeaturesConverters, Repeaters and Hubs USB to RS-232/422/485 Converters6CFI-7563<strong>Introduction</strong>The I-7563 is a cost-effective module for transferring serialdata via USB. It allows you to connect your serial devices tosystems that use a USB interface. Connecting the I-7563 toa PC. The I-7563 contains "Self-Tuner" This chip autotunesthe Baud Rate and data format to the RS-485network. The I-7563 module derives its power from theUSB port and doesn't need any power adapter.Do you have any RS-485 wiring problems I-7563 is a USBto 1-channel RS-485 converter with a 3-way RS-485 Hub.Each channel contains its own RS-485 driver IC, so it cansupport star-shaped wiring.SpecificationsInterfaceUSBRS-4852-wire cablingUSB to Isolated RS-485 Active Star Wiring ConverterRS-485 Transfer DistanceSpeedCable IncludedMechanicalEnvironmentOperating TemperatureStorage TemperatureHumidityI-7563Compatibility: USB 1.1 and 2.0 standardsMaximum Supported RS-485 Devices Max. of 256 devicesSelf-Tuner Asic Inside for RS-485ConnectionLED IndicatorsPowerPowerInput Voltage RangePower ConsumptionCasingFlammabilityDimensions (W x H x D)InstallationRS-485USB3 Channels: For active star wiring applicationsData1+, Data1-Data2+, Data2-Data3+, Data3-Max. 1,200 m at 9.6 kbps; Max. 400 m at 115.2 kbpsYes300 ~ 115200 bpsRemovable 10-Pin Terminal BlockType BCA-USB18 (1.8 m Cable) x 1Yes+5 VDC from USBPlasticFire Retardant Materials (UL94-V0 Level)72 mm x 115 mm x 35 mmDIN-Rail-25 °C ~ +75 °C-30 °C ~ +75 °C10 ~ 90% RH, non-condensingFully Compliant with USB 1.1/2.0 (High Speed)No External Power Supply requiredRS-485 Active Star Wiring ApplicationsAutomatic RS-485 Direction Control3000 VDC Isolation Protection on the RS-485 sideESD Protection for the RS-485 Data LineOperating Temperatures, -25 °C ~ +75 °CDriver Supports Windows 98/ME/2000/XP/Vista (32/64-bit)/7 (32/64-bit)/LinuxDIN-RailApplicationsI-7000 SeriesUSBI-7563RS-485I-7000 Series I-7000 SeriesI-7513Belden 8941 (2P twisted-pair cable), if different cables are used, the transmission distance may change0.5 WI-7000 SeriesRU-87P44-6-7<strong>ICP</strong> <strong>DAS</strong> CO., LTDProfessional Provider of High Quality Industrial Computer Products and Data Acquisition Systems

Industrial Communication & Networking Products CatalogInternal I/O Structure4Pin AssignmentsUSBI-756301 10RS-485RS-485RS-485DATA3-VBUSDATA0+DATA0-GNDDimensions (Unit: mm)56.072.0Front View10111535.4TerminalNo.01 DATA3+0203 --04 --DATA3-05 DATA2-06 DATA2+07 --08 --10 DATA1+USBtoSeriesChipDC DC3000 VDCIsolation56.0Rear ViewPinAssignment3000 VDCPhoto-isolationSelf-TunerASICTop ViewBottom ViewRS-485 DriverRS-485 DriverRS-485 Driver35Ordering InformationI-7563 CRI-7563-G CRInclude CableAccessoriesUSB-2560 CRCA-USB18DATA1+DATA2+DATA3+09 DATA1-DATA1-DATA2-3539.5Din-Rail Mounting BracketUSB to Isolated RS-485 Active Star WiringConverter (RoHS)USB to Isolated RS-485 Active Star WiringConverter (Gray Cover) (RoHS)CA-USB18 (1.8 m Cable) x 1Industrial 4-port USB 2.0 HubUSB Type A to Type B Cable2-SCREWM331.5Side ViewConverters, Repeaters and Hubs USB to RS-232/422/485 Converters I-75636CFWebsite: http://www.icpdas.com E-mail: service@icpdas.com 4-6-8

RS-232/422/485 to Fiber Optic Converter44.6. RS-232/422/485 to Fiber Optic ConverterConverters, Repeaters and Hubs RS-232/422/485 to Fiber Optic Converter7CFI-2541<strong>Introduction</strong>SpecificationsInterfaceFiber InterfaceSerial Interface2-wire Cabling/4-wire CablingRS-422/485 Transfer DistanceSelf-Tuner Asic InsideSpeedESD ProtectionMechanicalEnvironmentOperating TemperatureStorage TemperatureHumidityFiber PortWavelengthFiber CableDistanceMulti Mode; ST Connector850 nm50/125, 62.5/125, 100/140 μm2 km, (62.5/125 μm recommended)Maximum Supported RS-485 Devices 256 (Without repeater)RS-232/422/485 ConnectionLED IndicatorsPower/CommunicationPowerInput Voltage RangePower ConsumptionCasingFlammabilityDimensions (W x L x H)InstallationRS-232RS-422RS-485I-2541RS-232/422/485 to Fiber Optic ConverterTxD, RxD, GNDTxD+, TxD-, RxD+, RxD-Data+, Data-Belden 8941 (2P twisted-pair cable)/Belden 8942 (4P twisted-pair cable), if different cables are used,the transmission distance may changeMax. 1,200 m at 9.6 kbps; Max. 400 m at 115.2 kbpsYes300 ~ 115200 bpsYesRemovable 8-Pin Terminal BlockYes+10 VDC ~ +30 VDC (Non-isolated)1.9 WPlasticFire Retardant Materials (UL94-V0 Level)33 mm x 89 mm x 107 mmDIN-Rail-25 °C ~ +75 °C-30 °C ~ +75 °C10 ~ 90% RH, non-condensingFeaturesAutomatic RS-485 Direction ControlOptical fibers enable transmission of 2 kmAvoids lightning strikes and EMI/RFI interferenceESD Protection for the RS-232/422/485 Data LinePower Input, +10 ~ +30 VDCOperating Temperatures, -25 °C ~ +75 °CDIN-RailThe I-2541 is an RS-232/422/485 to fiber optic converter that secures data transmission byusing fiber optic transmission to provide immunity from EMI/RFI interference. The I-2541 isused for RS-232/422 point-to-point connections and RS-485 multi-drop applications fortransmitting a signal up to 2 km (6,600 ft) and is the perfect solution for applications wheretransmission must be protected from electrical exposure, surges or chemical corrosion.The RS-232, RS-422 and RS-485 cannot be used simultaneously4-7-1<strong>ICP</strong> <strong>DAS</strong> CO., LTDProfessional Provider of High Quality Industrial Computer Products and Data Acquisition Systems

Industrial Communication & Networking Products CatalogInternal I/O Structure439.035.424.68.012345678TxD04 RxD-Accessories05 NCFiberTxD +/-RxDSelf-Tuner DriverRxD +/- RS-422 DriverASICTxDRxDRS-232 DriverGND+10 ~ +30 VDC+Vs5VGNDPower89. Side View Front View Right Side View Rear View Bottom View Top ViewOrdering InformationTerminalPinI-2541 CR RS-232/422/485 to Fiber Optic ConverterPOWERNo. AssignmentTDRDTxD Fiber TxDRxD Fiber RxDTxD01 TxD+/DATA+RxD02 TxD-/DATA-03 RxD+Dimensions (Unit: mm)Pin AssignmentsDATA+DATA-06 GND07 TxD08 RxDRS-485 DriverGPSU06U-6DIN-KA52F24 VDC/0.25 A, 6 W Power Supply24 VDC/1.04 A, 25 W Power Supply with Din-RailMountingConverters, Repeaters and Hubs RS-232/422/485 to Fiber Optic Converter I-25417CFWebsite: http://www.icpdas.com E-mail: service@icpdas.com 4-7-2

Converters4ApplicationsAn illustration of the I-2541 for RS-485 DevicesRS-232Converters, Repeaters and Hubs RS-232/422/485 to Fiber Optic Converter7CFDTRDSRRTSCTSRxDTxDGNDRS-232TxDRxDGNDI-7520 I-2541I-2541RS-485RS-485FiberFiberRS-485I-7520 I-2541I-2541 Other RS-485 DevicesDATA+DATA+Note 1: Note 2:15 m The RS-485 signal is 2-wire mode (DATA+, DATA-)up to 4000 ft2 kmDTRDSRRTSCTSRxDTxDGNDRS-232RS-232TxDRxDGNDNote 1: Note 2:Note 1:15 m2 kmRS-422TxDRxDFiberRxDTxDI-7520A I-2541I-2541RS-422FiberRS-485Note 3:I-7520: RS-232 to RS-485 ConverterRS-422RS-422I-7520 I-2541I-2541 Other RS-422 Devices15 m The RS-422 signal is 4-wire mode (TxD+, TxD-, RxD+, RxD-)up to 4000 ft2 kmDTRDSRRTSCTSRxDTxDGNDRS-232RS-232RS-232TxDRxDGNDI-2541 I-2541FiberFiberTxDRxDRxDTxDRS-422An illustration of the I-2541 for RS-422 DevicesNote 3:I-7520A: RS-232 to RS-485/422 ConverterRS-232RS-232DATA-DATA-DATA+DATA-DATA+DATA-TxD+TxD-RxD+RxD-RxD+RxD-TxD+TxD-TxD+TxD-RxD+RxD-RxD+RxD-TxD+TxD-PLCiP-8411I-2541 I-2541 Other RS-232 DevicesTxDRxDI-2541 I-2541FiberAn illustration of the I-2541 for RS-232 DevicesRxDTxDRS-232TxDRxDGNDRxDTxDGNDRU-87P4An illustration of the I-2541 for RS-232/422/485 DevicesRU-87P4PLCRS-485I-2541DTRDSRRTSCTSRxDTxDGNDRS-232TxDRxDGNDI-2541 I-2541TxDRxDFiberRxDTxDTxDRxDGNDRS-232RS-422RxDTxDGNDDATA+DATA-DATA+DATA-iP-8411RU-87P4PLCNote 1:15 mup to 4000 ft2 kmNote 2:The RS-232/422/485 cannot be used simultaneouslyRS-485TxD+TxD-RxD+RxD-RxD+RxD-TxD+TxD-iP-84114-7-3<strong>ICP</strong> <strong>DAS</strong> CO., LTDProfessional Provider of High Quality Industrial Computer Products and Data Acquisition Systems

Fieldbus Solutions5.1 OverviewP5-1-15.2 CAN bus <strong>Introduction</strong> & ProductsP5-2-15.3 CANopen <strong>Introduction</strong> & ProductsP5-3-15.4 DeviceNet <strong>Introduction</strong> & ProductsP5-4-15.5 J1939 <strong>Introduction</strong> & ProductsP5-5-15.6 PROFIBUS <strong>Introduction</strong> & ProductsP5-6-15.7 HART <strong>Introduction</strong> & ProductsP5-7-15.8 EtherNet/IP <strong>Introduction</strong> & ProductsP5-8-15.9 BACnet <strong>Introduction</strong> & ProductsP5-9-1

Overview5Fieldbus Solutions Overview15.1. OverviewFieldbus is an industrial network system for real-time distributed control. It is a way to connect instrumentsin a manufacturing plant. Fieldbus works on a network structure which typically allows daisy-chain, star,ring, branch, and tree network topologies. Fieldbus reduces both the length and the number of cablesrequired. Fieldbus has many major advantages to all applications of automation. The technology of fieldbusis mature and well accepted in various fields in markets. <strong>ICP</strong> <strong>DAS</strong> has focused on these fieldbus productsfor several years and offers various fieldbus solutions in different industrial applications, covering theentire scope of process and manufacturing automation: CAN bus, CANopen, DeviceNet, J1939, PROFIBUS,HART, EtherNet/IP and BACnet applications<strong>ICP</strong> <strong>DAS</strong>’s Fieldbus Development Services group has been involved in the design and development ofindustrial Fieldbus and industrial Ethernet products for our customers for several years. We have theexpertise to bring these bring these fieldbus products to your system. As the members of the CiA, ODVAand PI, we have the various latest Fieldbus and industrial Ethernet development tool and understand thedetails of all the steps required to bring the products to your need.CFSolutions for Fieldbus and industrial EthernetIn order to solve various communication problems in different Fieldbus and industrial Ethernet applications,<strong>ICP</strong> <strong>DAS</strong> provides converters, gateways, PC based, and PAC based solutions of Fieldbus and industrialEthernet for users. Users can choose corresponding solutions depending on various field applications.OverviewPC-based solutions PAC solutions Converter solutions Gateway solutions5-1-1<strong>ICP</strong> <strong>DAS</strong> CO., LTDProfessional Provider of High Quality Industrial Computer Products and Data Acquisition Systems

Industrial Communication & Networking Products Catalog5.2. CAN bus <strong>Introduction</strong> & ProductsThe Controller Area Network (CAN) is a serial communication way, which efficiently supports distributedreal-time control with a very high level of security. It provides error process mechanisms and messagepriority concepts. The features can improve the network reliability and transmission efficiency. Furthermore,CAN bus supplies the multi-master capabilities, and is especially suited for networking “intelligent”devices as well as sensors and actuators within a system or sub-system.Speed & Distance<strong>Introduction</strong>Selection GuideModel NameCAN bus ConvertersI-2532I-2533I-7531I-7532I-2534I-7530I-7530A-MRI-7530AI-7530-FTI-7540DI-7540D-WFI-7565I-7565-H1I-7565-H2CAN bus PACI-7188XBD-CANuPAC-7186EXD-CANArbitrationDescriptionCAN bus to Fiber ConverterCAN bus to Fiber BridgeCAN bus Isolated RepeaterCAN bus Bridge4-port CAN bus SwitchCAN bus to RS-232 ConverterCAN bus to RS-232/RS-485/RS-422 ConverterCAN bus to RS-232/RS-485/RS-422 ConverterLow Speed Fault Tolerance CAN bus to RS-232 ConverterEthernet to CAN/RS-232/RS-485 ConverterCAN bus to Wi-Fi ConverterUSB to CAN bus ConverterHigh Performance USB to CAN bus ConverterHigh Performance USB to 2-port CAN bus ConverterCAN/RS-232/RS-485 Programmable Automation ControllerEthernet/CAN/RS-232/RS-485 Programmable Automation ControllerIntelligent CAN bus Modules (For ViewPAC, WinPAC, XPAC,...)I-8120WIntelligent 1-port CAN bus communication Module with Parallel BusI-87120Intelligent 1-port CAN bus communication Module with Serial BusCAN bus Communication CardsPISO-CM100U-DPISO-CM100U-TIntelligent 1-port CAN bus Universal PCI Interface CardPCM-CAN100-D 1-port CAN bus PCI-104 CardPCM-CAN200 2-port CAN bus PCI-104 CardPCM-CAN200P 2-port CAN bus PC-104+ CardPEX-CAN200i-DPEX-CAN200i-T2-port CAN bus PCI Express x 1 Interface CardPISO-CAN200U-DPISO-CAN200U-T2-port CAN bus Universal PCI Interface CardPISO-CAN400U-DPISO-CAN400U-T4-port CAN bus Universal PCI Interface CardPage5-2-25-2-35-2-45-2-45-2-45-2-55-2-65Fieldbus Solutions CAN bus <strong>Introduction</strong> & Products Overview2CFWebsite: http://www.icpdas.com E-mail: service@icpdas.com 5-2-1

CAN bus Product Showcase5Fieldbus Solutions CAN bus <strong>Introduction</strong> & Products2CACACCFCAN bus Product ShowcaseCAN bus Converters<strong>ICP</strong> <strong>DAS</strong> provides all kinds of communication interfaces for CAN bus. There are RS-232, RS-485, RS-422,Ethernet, USB and fiber interfaces for various CAN applications. Also, the CAN series bridge and repeaterare <strong>ICP</strong> <strong>DAS</strong>’s CAN series products to enhance the CAN applications flexibility.CAN bus to Fiber ConverterI-2532 is a CAN to fiber optic converter thatsecures data transmission by using fiber optictransmission to provide immunity from EMS/RFIinterference, which is designed to extend highCAN bus signals onto fiber optic cables.I-2532 CRCompatible with CAN specification 2.0 parts A and BFully compatible with the ISO 11898-2 standardSupport several kinds of baud rate from 10 kbps to 500 kbps2500 Vrms photo couple isolation on the CAN sideDIP switch for 120 Ω terminator resistor of CAN busWatchdog inside3 kV galvanic isolationFiber Port: ST (Multi-mode)Wave Length: 850 nmFiber Cable: 62.5/125 μmOne CAN and one fiber channelConfigure CAN Baud by rotary switchCAN bus Isolated RepeaterI-7531 is a CAN repeater used to establish aphysical coupling of two or more segments of aCAN bus system. Users can implement tree orstar topologies as well as for long drop lines withI-7531.I-7531 CRCompatible with CAN specification 2.0 parts A and BFully compatible with the ISO 11898-2 standardSupport several kinds of baud rate from 10 kbps to 800 kbps2500 Vrms photo couple isolation on the CAN sideJumper for 120 Ω terminator resistor of CAN busWatchdog inside3 kV galvanic isolation among the power supply and two CANchannelsTwo CAN channelsAuto-baud detectionUp to 100 nodes on each CAN portRemovable terminal blockMount easily on DIN-Rail4-port CAN bus SwitchThe I-2534 is a local CAN switch used toestablish a connection between for CAN busbranches in a CAN network. It solves theproblems of the daisy chain topology of the CANbus. The transmission distance limitation ofeach CAN port of the I-2534 is independent,which means the total network distance can beextended.I-2534 CR4 CAN communication portsFully compatible with the ISO 11898-2 standardCompatible with CAN specification 2.0 parts A and BRotary switch for the baud rate of each CAN portSupport baud rate: 10 k, 20 k, 50 k, 125 k, 250 k, 500 k, 800 k,1 M bpsSupports all CAN application layer protocols based on ISO11898-2 standardMessage filter of each CAN port is configurableJumper for 120 Ω terminator resistor of CAN bus3 kV DC-DC isolation2500 Vrms isolationPower requirement Unregulated +10 VDC ~ +30 VDCOperation tempature range -20 °C ~ +80 °CHumidity range 0 ~ 95% RH, non-condensingCAN bus to Fiber BridgeI-2533 is a local CAN bridge used to establish aconnection between two CAN bus system viafiber optic. By using I-2533, the transmissiondistance limitation of the CAN bus system willnot reduced because of CAN baud rate. It meansthat the total network distance can be extended.This feature helps users’ applications morepowerful and flexible.I-2533 CRFiber Port: ST (Multi-mode)Wave Length: 850 nmFiber Cable: 62.5/125 μmMaximum transmission distance up to 2 km at any CAN baud rate82C250 CAN transceiver2500 Vrms iCoupler isolation on the CAN sideSupport both CAN 2.0A and CAN 2.0BFully compatible with the ISO 11898-2 standardBuild-in switch for 120 Ω terminator resistorUp to 100 CAN nodes on each channelRotary switch for CAN baud rate configurationAllow user-defined baud rateFiber broken line detectionUtility tool for message filter configurationCAN bus BridgeI-7532 is a CAN bridge to coupling differentsegments which can be different baud rates. Italso can isolate the electronic disturancesbetween both sides. That can protect the nodesof one side from another.CAN bus to RS-232 ConverterI-7530 is designed to unleash the power of CANbus via RS-232 communication method. Itconverts messages between CAN networks andRS-232 networks.I-7532 CRCompatible with CAN specification 2.0 parts A and BFully compatible with the ISO 11898-2 standardSupport several kinds of baud rate from 10 kbps to 1 Mbps2500 Vrms photo couple isolation on the CAN sideJumper for 120 Ω terminator resistor of CAN busExtern the CAN working distance3 kV galvanic isolation between two CAN channelsTwo CAN channelsConfigure CAN Baud of each channel by rotary switchUp to 100 nodes on each CAN portRemovable terminal blockMount easily on DIN-RailI-7530 CRCompatible with CAN specification 2.0 parts A and BFully compatible with the ISO 11898-2 standardSupport several kinds of baud rate from 10 kbps to 1 Mbps2500 Vrms photo couple isolation on the CAN sideJumper for 120 Ω terminator resistor of CAN busWatchdog inside3 kV galvanic isolationOne CAN port and one RS-232 portConfigure CAN and RS-232 parameters by utilitySupport transparent communication modeMount easily on DIN-Rail5-2-2<strong>ICP</strong> <strong>DAS</strong> CO., LTDProfessional Provider of High Quality Industrial Computer Products and Data Acquisition Systems

Industrial Communication & Networking Products CatalogCAN bus to RS-232/RS-485/RS-422 ConverterThe I-7530A-MR is a kind of CAN bus to RS-232/485/422 converter. Similar with I-7530A, I-7530A-MR CRit provides a way to connect CAN networks withprogrammable RS-232/485/422 devices.Specially, the I-7530A-MR provides Modbusprotocol. This helps PLCs, HMIs, and SCADAsaccessing CAN networks more easily andconveniently.Fully compatible with the ISO 11898-2 standardProgrammable CAN bus baud rate from 5 kbps to 1 Mbps oruser-defined baud rateSupport CAN bus acceptance filter configurationSupport firmware update via UARTProvide utility tool for users module setting and CAN buscommunication testing convenientlyBuilt-in jumper to select 120 ohm terminal resisterPower, data flow and error indicator for CAN and UARTHardware Watchdog designConvert CAN message to specific ASCII command stringConvert specific ASCII command string to CAN messagesProvide pair-connection communication between theRS-232/485/422 devices via CAN busProvide Modbus RTU command for Modbus master device toaccess CAN messages.Low Speed Fault Tolerance CAN bus to RS-232 ConverterI-7530-FT is a CAN/RS-232 low speed faulttolerant converter. It can resist more noise inharsh environment, and even access CANmessages with single line of CAN bus. It can beused in the application of CAN bus monitoring,building automation, remote data acquisition,laboratory equipment & research, factoryautomation, etc.CAN bus to Wi-Fi ConverterThe I-7540D-WF supports the wirelesstransmission of CAN data between two CANnetworks or between a CAN network and an802.11b/g WLAN network. It provides thefunction of CAN to WLAN converter and thewireless transparent transmission method on theCAN bus network.I-7530-FT CRMicroprocessor inside with 20 MHzBuilt-in CAN/RS-232 converter firmwareFully compatible with ISO 11898-3 standardMax transmission speed up to 125 kbps for CAN and 115.2 kbpsfor RS-232Support both CAN 2.0A and CAN 2.0BBuild-in RS-232/CAN FIFO buffersPower, data flow and error indicator for CAN and RS-232Hardware watchdog designI-7540D-WFIEEE 802.11a/b/g compliantWireless data transmission via WLANTwo different operation modes: infrastructureand ad-hocPoint to point or point to multi-points connection via wireless LANSupports WEP, WPA and WPA2 encryption for wireless LANCompatible with CAN specification 2.0 parts A and BConnect CAN networks via a WLAN bridgeCommunication efficiency: one-way is up to 700 fps(client->server, server->client), two-way 350 fps(clientserver)Wireless communication: 100 m (Without PA)/300 m (With PA)CAN bus to RS-232/485/422 ConverterI-7530A is designed to unleash the power of CANbus via RS-232/485/422 communicationmethod. It correctly converts messages betweenCAN and RS-232/485/422 networks.Ethernet to CAN/RS-232/RS-485 ConverterI-7540D is a solution that enables CAN networksto be coupled together over theInternet/Ethernet, whereby remote monitoringand control is possible. The I-7540D controlsnetworked communication and makes atransparent CAN-based application interfaceavailable to the user.I-7540D CRCompatible with CAN specification 2.0 parts A and BFully compatible with the ISO 11898-2 standardSupport several kinds of baud rate from 10 kbps to 1 Mbps2500 Vrms photo couple isolation on the CAN sideJumper for 120 Ω terminator resistor of CAN busWatchdog inside10/100 Base-T Ethernet port1 kV galvanic isolationOne CAN, RS-232, RS-485 and Ethernet channelsConfigure CAN, RS-232 and RS-485 parameters by web pageProvide max. 25 Ethernet clients connectionSupport for Virtual COM technologyUSB to CAN ConverterI-7565 is a cost-effective device for connectingthe CAN bus to PC via the standard USBinterface.I-7530A CRCompatible with CAN specification 2.0 parts A and BFully compatible with the ISO 11898-2 standardSupport several kinds of baud rate from 10 kbps to 1 Mbps2500 Vrms photo couple isolation on the CAN sideJumper for 120 Ω terminator resistor of CAN busWatchdog inside3 kV galvanic isolationOne CAN, RS-232, RS-422, and RS-485 channelsConfigure CAN and serial COM parameters by utilitySupport transparent communication modeMount easily on DIN-RailI-7565 CRCompatible with CAN specification 2.0 parts A and BFully compatible with the ISO 11898-2 standardSupport several kinds of baud rate from 10 kbps to 1 Mbps2500 Vrms photo couple isolation on the CAN sideJumper for 120 Ω terminator resistor of CAN busWatchdog insideFully compliant with USB 1.1/2.0 (Full Speed)3 kV galvanic isolationPowered by USB portOne CAN port and one USB channelSupport Windows 98/ME/2000/XP and Linux driversMount easily on DIN-Rai5Fieldbus Solutions CAN bus <strong>Introduction</strong> & Products CAN bus Product Showcase2CAFCFWebsite: http://www.icpdas.com E-mail: service@icpdas.com 5-2-3

CAN bus Product Showcase5Fieldbus Solutions CAN bus <strong>Introduction</strong> & Products2CACACCFCAN bus Product ShowcaseHigh Performance USB to CAN bus ConverterI-7565-H1 is a cost-efficient device for couplingone CAN channel to USB interface. With itspowerful 32-bit microcontroller, transmissionand reception processes can be controlled lossfree.OS Support: Window 98/2K/XP/Vista, LinuxCAN bus PACCAN/RS-232/RS-485 Programmable Automation ControllerI-7188XBD-CAN PACs (ProgrammableAutomation Controller) are powered by 80186,40 MHz CPU with 512 KB SRAM and Flash. It canbe applied to various applications because of itsCAN port, RS-232 port and RS-485 port. Usescan program their application program flexiblywith C/C++ language based on the built-inMiniOS7 operation system.Standalone CAN Interface Expansion ModuleI-8120W has one CAN communication port with5-Pin screw terminal connector, and is useful fora wide range of CAN applications. Users candesign the various applications betweendifferent communication protocols. It supportsWinPAC-8000, XPAC-8000 and ViewPAC seriesPACs.I-7565-H1 CRFully compatible with the ISO 11898-2 standardCompatible with CAN specification 2.0 parts A and BNo external power supply (powered by USB)Integrated with one CAN bus interfaceProgrammable CAN bus baud rate from 5 kbps to 1 MbpsBuilt-in jumper for 120 Ω terminal resister of CAN bus2500 Vrms photo-coupler isolation on the CAN side3 kV galvanic isolation among the power supplySupport CAN bus acceptance filter configurationProvide configuration utility to transmit/receive CAN messagesMax. data flow for a single channel: 3000 fps (standard frame)Removable terminal block, Mount easily on DIN-RailI-7188XBD-CANCR2500 Vrms photo-isolation protection. on CAN busCompatible with CAN specification 2.0 parts A and B.Programmable transfer rate up to 1 Mbps.Jumper for 120 Ω terminator resistor for CAN channel64-bit hardware unique serial number insideCOM driver support interrupt & 1 k QUEUE input bufferCOM port: COM1, COM2Built-in RTC, NVRAM, EEPROMOne digital Input channel and one open collector output channelBuilt-in self-tuner ASIC controller on RS-485 port7-segment LED displayBuilt-in <strong>ICP</strong> <strong>DAS</strong>’s MiniOS7Support the CAN bus instead of the X-bus, so it can not beadd-on any X-boardIntelligent CAN bus ModulesI-8120W CRCompatible with CAN specification 2.0 parts A and BFully compatible with the ISO 11898-2 standardSupport several kinds of baud rate from 10 kbps to 1 Mbps2500 Vrms photo couple isolation on the CAN sideDIP switch for 120 Ω terminator resistor of CAN busWatchdog inside3 kV galvanic isolationOne CAN channel expansion for WinPAC-8000, XPAC-8000, andViewPAC series PACsProvide C/C++ function libraries and demos80 MHz 186 CPU inside8 K DPRAM insideParallel bus communication with main unitHigh Performance USB to 2-port CAN bus ConverterI-7565-H2 is a cost-efficient device for couplingtwo CAN channels to USB interface. With itspowerful 32-bit microcontroller, transmissionand reception processes can be controlled lossfree.OS Support: Window 98/2K/XP/Vista, LinuxEthernet/CAN/RS-232/RS-485 Programmable Automation ControllerμPAC-7186EXD-CAN PACs (programmableAutomation controller) are powered by 80186,80 MHz CPU with 512 KB SRAM and Flash. It canadapt to the many applications because of itsCAN, RS-232, RS-485 and Ethernet interfaces.Uses can program their application programflexibly with C/C++ language based on theMiniOS7 operation system.Standalone CAN Interface Expansion ModuleI-87120 is developed to expand the CANfunctions of <strong>ICP</strong> <strong>DAS</strong> products. However, theuser-defined firmware supported by I-87120can help users to set up the specific applicationeasily. It supports WinPAC-8000, LinPAC-8000,XPAC-8000 and ViewPAC series PACs.I-7565-H2 CRFully compatible with the ISO 11898-2 standardCompatible with CAN specification 2.0 parts A and BNo external power supply (powered by USB)Integrated with two CAN bus interfacesProgrammable CAN bus baud rate from 5 kbps to 1 MbpsBuilt-in jumper for 120 Ω terminal resister of CAN bus2500 Vrms photo-coupler isolation on the CAN side3 kV galvanic isolation among the power supplySupport CAN bus acceptance filter configurationProvide configuration utility to transmit/receive CAN messagesMax. data flow for a single channel: 3000 fps (standard frame)Removable terminal block, Mount easily on DIN-RailuPAC-7186EXD-CAN CREmbedded MiniOS7, anti-virusSupports a variety of TCP/IP features, including TCP, UDP, IP,ICMP, ARP10/100 Base-T EthernetSupport for Virtual COM configuration1000 VDC voltage protection on CAN side.Compatible with CAN specification 2.0 parts A and BProgrammable transfer rate up to 1 Mbps.Jumper for 120 Ω terminator resistor for CAN channel64-bit hardware unique serial number insideCOM port: COM1, COM2Built-in RTC, NVRAM, EEPROMBuilt-in self-tuner ASIC controller on RS-485 port7-segment LED displayI-87120 CRCompatible with CAN specification 2.0 parts A and BFully compatible with the ISO 11898-2 standardSupport several kinds of baud rate from 10 kbps to 1 Mbps2500 Vrms photo couple isolation on the CAN sideDIP switch for 120 Ω terminator resistor of CAN busWatchdog inside3 kV galvanic isolationOne CAN channel expansion for WinPAC-8000, LinPAC-8000,XPAC-8000, and ViewPAC series PACsProvide C/C++ function libraries and demos80 MHz 186 CPU insideSerial bus communication with main unitAllow user-designed firmware5-2-4<strong>ICP</strong> <strong>DAS</strong> CO., LTDProfessional Provider of High Quality Industrial Computer Products and Data Acquisition Systems

Industrial Communication & Networking Products CatalogCAN bus Communication CardsIntelligent CAN Communication CardPISO-CM100U built-in 80186, 80 MHz, CPUrepresents a very powerful CAN card to processthe real-time CAN messages providing the openstructure for users to program in it to satisfy thehigh performance system.OS Support: Windows 2K/XP/VistaUniversal PCI card, supports both 5 V and 3.3 V PCI busCompatible with CAN specification 2.0 parts A and BFully compatible with the ISO 11898-2 standardSupport several kinds of baud rate from 10 kbps to 1 Mbps2500 Vrms photo-couple isolation on the CAN sideBuilt-in jumper for 120 Ω terminator resistor of CAN busComply with 33 MHz 32-bit 5 V (or universal) PCI bus3 kV galvanic isolation2/4 independent CAN portsDirect memory mapping to the CAN controllerProvide VB, VC++, Delphi, Borland C++ builder demosSupport LabVIEW and <strong>DAS</strong>YLab driversPCI-104 CAN Communication CardThe PCM-CAN200 is a CAN solution with PCI-104interface. It complies with CAN 2.0A and CAN2.0B specification, and can cover a wide range ofCAN applications. The PCM-CAN200 providestwo CAN ports. Both of them use the 9-PinD-Sub connectors.OS Support:Win2K/XP/Vista/7/CE, Linux 2.6.31 ~ 2.6.34PCI-104 compliant9-Pin male D-Sub connectorCompatible with CAN 2.0 parts A and BFully compatible with ISO 11898-2 standardSupport CAN bard from 10 kbps ~ 1 Mbps2500 Vrms photo couple isolation on the CAN busBuilt-in jumper to select 120 Ω terminal resister3 kV galvanic isolation2 independent CAN channelsDirect memory mapping to the CAN controllerProvide VB6.0, VC++6.0, Delphi, BCB6.0 demosDriver for RTX, Linux, and Windows 2K/XP/WinCEPCI Express CAN Communication CardThe PEX-CAN200i series has 2 independentCAN ports with 5-Pin screw terminal connectoror 9-Pin D-Sub connector with PCI Express x 1bus. Every CAN channel has isolation protectioncircuit.OS Support:Win2K/XP/Vista/7, Linux 2.6.31 ~ 2.6.34PISO-CM100U-D CRPISO-CM100U-T CRPCM-CAN200 CRPEX-CAN200i-D CRPEX-CAN200i-T CRCompatible with CAN specification 2.0 parts A and BFully compatible with the ISO 11898-2 standardSupport several kinds of baud rate from 10 kbps to 1 Mbps2500 Vrms photo-couple isolation on the CAN sideBuilt-in jumper for 120 Ω terminator resistor of CAN busX1 link PCI Express3 kV galvanic isolation2 independent CAN channelsDirect memory mapping to the CAN controllerProvide VB, VC++, Delphi, Borland C++ builder demosSupport LabVIEW and <strong>DAS</strong>YLab driversPCI-104 CAN Communication CardThe PCM-CAN100 is a CAN solution with PCI-104interface. It complies with CAN 2.0A and CAN PCM-CAN100-D CR2.0B specification, and can cover a wide range ofCAN applications. The PCM-CAN100 providesone CAN port and one bypass CAN port. Both ofthem use the 9-Pin D-Sub connectors.OS Support:Win2K/XP/Vista/7/CE, Linux 2.6.31 ~ 2.6.34PCI-104 compliant9-Pin male D-Sub connectorCompatible with CAN 2.0 parts A and BFully compatible with ISO 11898-2 standardSupport CAN bard from 10 kbps ~ 1 Mbps2500 Vrms photo couple isolation on the CAN busBuilt-in jumper to select 120 Ω terminal resister3 kV galvanic isolation1 independent CAN channel and 1 bypass CAN channelDirect memory mapping to the CAN controllerProvide VB6.0, VC++6.0, Delphi, BCB6.0 demosDriver for RTX, Linux, and Windows 2K/XP/WinCEPC-104+ CAN Communication CardPCM-CAN200P has 2 independent CAN portswith 9-Pin D-Sub connector compatible PC-104+specification.OS Support:Win2K/XP/Vista/7/CE, Linux 2.6.31 ~ 2.6.34PC-104+ compliant9-Pin D-Sub connectorCompatible with CAN specification 2.0 parts A and BFully compatible with ISO 11898-2 standardSupport CAN bard rate from 10 kbps to 1 Mbps2500 Vrms photo-couple isolation on the CAN busBuilt-in jumper for 120 Ω terminator resistor of CAN bus3 kV galvanic isolation2 independent CAN portsDirect memory mapping to the CAN controllerProvide VB, VC++, Delphi, BC++ demosDriver support Windows 2K/XP/WinCE and VistaUniversal PCI CAN Communication CardPISO-CAN200U with universal PCI interface hastwo independent CAN bus communication portswith 5-Pin screw terminal connector or 9-PinD-Sub connector.OS Support:Win2K/XP/Vista/7, Linux 2.6.31 ~ 2.6.34PCM-CAN200P CRPISO-CAN200U-D CRPISO-CAN200U-T CRUniversal PCI card, supports both 5 V and 3.3 V PCI bus.Compatible with CAN specification 2.0 parts A and BFully compatible with the ISO 11898-2 standardSupport several kinds of baud rate from 10 kbps to 1 Mbps2500 Vrms photo-couple isolation on the CAN sideBuilt-in jumper for 120 Ω terminator resistor of CAN busComply with 33 MHz 32-bit 5 V universal PCI bus3 kV galvanic isolation2 independent CAN channelsDirect memory mapping to the CAN controllerProvide VB, VC++, Delphi, Borland C++ builder demosSupport LabVIEW and <strong>DAS</strong>YLab drivers5Fieldbus Solutions CAN bus <strong>Introduction</strong> & Products CAN bus Product Showcase2CAFCFWebsite: http://www.icpdas.com E-mail: service@icpdas.com 5-2-5

CAN bus Product Showcase5Fieldbus Solutions CAN bus <strong>Introduction</strong> & Products2Universal PCI CAN Communication CardPISO-CAN400U with universal PCI interface hasfour independent CAN bus communication portswith 5-Pin screw terminal connector or 9-PinD-Sub connector.OS Support:Win2K/XP/Vista/7, Linux 2.6.31 ~ 2.6.34Software SupportPISO-CAN400U-D CRPISO-CAN400U-T CRUniversal PCI card, supports both 5 V and 3.3 V PCI bus.Compatible with CAN specification 2.0 parts A and BFully compatible with the ISO 11898-2 standardSupport several kinds of baud rate from 10 kbps to 1 Mbps2500 Vrms photo-couple isolation on the CAN sideBuilt-in jumper for 120 Ω terminator resistor of CAN busComply with 33 MHz 32-bit 5 V universal PCI bus3 kV galvanic isolation4 independent CAN channelsDirect memory mapping to the CAN controllerProvide VB, VC++, Delphi, Borland C++ builder demosSupport LabVIEW and <strong>DAS</strong>YLab driversHigh Performance USB to 2-port CAN busI-7565-H2 is a cost-efficient device for couplingtwo CAN channel to USB interface. With itspowerful 32-bit microcontroller, transmissionand reception processes can be controlledloss-free.OS Support: Window 98/2K/XP/Vista, LinuxI-7Fully compatible with the ISO 11898-2 standardCompatible with CAN specification 2.0 parts A and BNo external power supply (powered by USB)Integrated with two CAN bus interfaceProgrammable CAN bus baud rate from 5 kbps to 1 MbpsBuilt-in jumper for 120 Ω terminal resister of CAN bus2500 Vrms photo-coupler isolation on the CAN side3 kV galvanic isolation among the power supplySupport CAN bus acceptance filter configurationProvide configuration utility to transmit/receive CAN messagesMax. data flow for a single channel: 3000 fps (standard frame)Removable terminal block, Mount easily on DIN-RailCACACCFCAN bus Product Showcase5-2-6<strong>ICP</strong> <strong>DAS</strong> CO., LTDProfessional Provider of High Quality Industrial Computer Products and Data Acquisition Systems

Industrial Communication & Networking Products Catalog5.3. CANopen <strong>Introduction</strong> & ProductsCANopen is a CAN-based application layer protocol. Originally, CANopen was designed for motion-orientedmachine control networks, such as handling systems, then was developed as a standardized embeddednetwork with highly flexible configuration capabilities. By now it is used in many various fields, such asmedical equipment, off-road vehicles, maritime electronics, public transportation, building automation,etc.CANopen Features◆ Allow multi-master architecture on one bus◆ 10 k, 20 k, 125 k, 250 k, 500 k, 800 k, 1 Mbpsbaud rate◆ The bus length is from 25 m (1 Mbps) to 5 km(10 kbps)◆ Easy access to all device parameters◆ Device synchronization◆ Cyclic and event-driven data transfer◆ Up to 128 nodes can be participated in thesame CANopen network◆ Support Guarding and Heartbeat protectionmechanism<strong>Introduction</strong>Selection GuideModel NameCANopen Converter and GatewaysI-7565-CPMI-7231DI-7232DGW-7433DDescriptionUSB to 1-port CANopen Master ConverterCANopen Slave/DCON Master GatewayCANopen Slave/Modbus RTU Master GatewayCANopen Master/Modbus TCP&RTU Slave GatewayIntelligent CANopen Communication Modules (For ViewPAC, WinPAC, XPAC,...)I-87123Intelligent 1-port CANopen Master Communication Module with serialbusI-8123WHigh Performance Intelligent 1-port CANopen Master CommunicationModule with Parallel busIntelligent CANopen Communication CardsPISO-CPM100U-DPISO-CPM100U-TIntelligent 1-port CANopen Master Universal PCI interface CardPISO-CPS100U-DPISO-CPS100U-TIntelligent 1-port CANopen Slave Universal PCI interface CardPCM-CAN100-D 1-port CAN bus PCI-104 Card with CANopen Master LibraryPCM-CAN200 2-port CAN bus PCI-104 Card with CANopen Master LibraryPCM-CAN200P 2-port CAN bus PC-104+ Card with CANopen Master LibraryPEX-CAN200i-D 2-port CAN bus PCI Express x 1 Interface Card with CANopenPEX-CAN200i-T Master LibraryPISO-CAN200U-D 2-port CAN bus Universal PCI Interface Card with CANopenPISO-CAN200U-T Master LibraryPISO-CAN400U-DPISO-CAN400U-T4-port CAN bus Universal PCI Interface Card with CANopenMaster LibraryNote: The detail about CANopen remote I/O modules, please refer to the website:http://www.icpdas.com/products/Remote_IO/can_bus/canopen_series.htmPage5-3-25-3-25-3-35-3-45Fieldbus Solutions CANopen <strong>Introduction</strong> & Products CANopen Product Showcase3CAFCFWebsite: http://www.icpdas.com E-mail: service@icpdas.com 5-3-1

CANopen Product Showcase5Fieldbus Solutions CANopen <strong>Introduction</strong> & Products3CACACCACF FCANopen Product ShowcaseCANopen Converter and GatewaysUSB/CANopen Master ConverterI-7565-CPM is an USB to CANopen masterconvertor. It can use on USB slot of PC ornotebook easily and does not need any extrapower. I-7565-CPM can represent an economicsolution of CANopen application and be aCANopen master device on the CANopennetwork.CANopen Slave/Modbus RTU Master GatewayI-7232D is one of <strong>ICP</strong> <strong>DAS</strong> CAN bus products.The device allows a CANopen master to accessthe Modbus slave devices on some Modbus RTUnetwork.I-7232D CRCANopen Version: DS-301 v4.02Device Profile: DSP-401 v2.01Error Control: Node Guarding protocolEmergency Message: Yes2500 Vrms photo couple isolation on the CAN sideJumper for 120 Ω terminator resistor of CAN busWatchdog insideNMT: SlavePDO: Event-triggered, RTR, cyclic, acyclic SYNC and dynamic PDOMappingNo of SDOs: 1 server, 0 clientProduct EDS file dynamically by utilitySupport max. 10 Modbus RTU series modules1 kV galvanic isolationIntelligent CANopen Communication ModulesStandalone CANopen Master Expansion ModuleI-87123 main control unit is specially designedfor the master device of CANopen protocol. Itsupplies many features for users, such asdynamic PDO, EMCY object, error output value,SYNC object, …and etc. It supports WinPAC-8000, LinPAC-8000, XPAC-8000 and ViewPACseries PACs.I-7565-CPM CRFully compliant with USB 1.1/2.0 (Full Speed)No external power supply is requiredCANopen Version: DS301, version 4.02Baud Rate: 10 k, 20 k, 50 k, 125 k, 250 k, 500 k, 800 k, 1 MbpsNMT error control support Node Guarding protocolSYNC producer 1 ms ~ 65535 msSupport dynamic PDO/SDO segment protocol/EDS fileSlave Node: 127 nodes max.Support Auto-scan slave device functionSupport on-line adding and removing devicesSupport save and load commandStatus LED: RUN, MS, NSFree utility to configure I-7565-CPM and update firmwareWindows 2000/XP drivers supportedI-87123 CRCANopen Version: DS-301 v4.02Error Control: Node Guarding protocolEmergency Message: Yes2500 Vrms photo couple isolation on the CAN sideDIP switch for 120 Ω terminator resistor of CAN busWatchdog insideNMT: MasterPDO: Event-triggered, RTR, cyclic, acyclic SYNC and dynamic PDOMappingOne CANopen master interface expansion for WinPAC-8000,LinPAC-8000, XPAC-8000, and ViewPAC series PACsProvide C/C++ function libraries and demosSerial bus communication3 kV galvanic isolationCANopen Slave/DCON Master GatewayBy using I-7231D to convert the electric signalsand messages from DCON to CANopen protocol,the DCON I/O modules can be upgraded toCANopen system to secure high reliability andstability.I-7231D CRCANopen Version: DS-301 v4.02Device Profile: DSP-401 v2.01Error Control: Node Guarding protocolEmergency Message: Yes2500 Vrms photo couple isolation on the CAN sideJumper for 120 Ω terminator resistor of CAN busWatchdog insideNMT: SlavePDO: Event-triggered, RTR, cyclic, acyclic SYNC and dynamic PDOMappingNo of SDOs: 1 server, 0 clientProduct EDS file dynamically by utilitySupport max. 15 I-7000/I-87K I/O series modules1 kV galvanic isolationCANopen Master/Modbus Server GatewayGW-7433D is a CANopen master device. Itsupports PDO and SDO functions to GW-7433D CRcommunicate with slave devices. From the viewof Modbus TCP & RTU network, GW-7433D playsa Modbus TCP server or Modbus RTU slave roleto receive/response the commands fromModbus TCP client or Modbus RTU masterprotocols.CANopen Version: DS-301 v4.02Device Profile: DSP-401 v2.01Error Control: Node Guarding protocolEmergency Message: Yes2500 Vrms photo couple isolation on the CAN sideJumper for 120 Ω terminator resistor of CAN busWatchdog insideNMT: MasterPDO: Event-triggered, RTRSupport max. 50 TxPDOs, 50 RxPDOs, 15 SDOs to SDO serverAllow 5 Modbus TCP masters to access GW-7433 simultaneouslyConfiguration by utility via Ethernet1 kV galvanic isolationStandalone CANopen Master Expansion ModuleThe I-8123W is a high price/performanceCANopen master which follows CiA CANopenspecification DS-301 V4.02. The inside CPU canprocess the CANopen protocol. With <strong>ICP</strong> <strong>DAS</strong>PACs, it can be generally applied in the industrialautomation, building automation, vehicle, andembedded control network.I-8123W CRNMT Master.CANopen Version: DS-301 V4.02Support Node Guarding and Heartbeat Consumer error controlprotocolProvide EMCY and NMT Error Control interrupt service functionProvide “master listen mode”Provide Dynamic PDO, acyclic and cyclic transmissionSupport ViewPAC and WinPAC series MCU5-3-2<strong>ICP</strong> <strong>DAS</strong> CO., LTDProfessional Provider of High Quality Industrial Computer Products and Data Acquisition Systems

Industrial Communication & Networking Products CatalogIntelligent CANopen Communication CardsIntelligent 1-port CANopen Master CardPISO-CPM100U gives a very powerful andeconomic CANopen master solution of PC-basedapplication. With the built-in 80186, 80 MHzCPU, this card can be applied in hightransmission CANopen applications.PISO-CPM100U-D CRPISO-CPM100U-T CRUniversal PCI card, supports both 5 V and 3.3 V PCI busCANopen Version: DS-301 v4.02Error Control: Node Guarding protocolEmergency Message: Yes2500 Vrms photo-couple isolation on the CAN sideBuilt-in jumper for 120 Ω terminator resistor of CAN busBuilt-in watchdogNMT: MasterPDO: Event-triggered, RTR, cyclic, acyclic SYNC and dynamic PDOMappingSupport multi-master architecture80186, 80 MHz CPU inside3 kV galvanic isolationPCI-104 CAN Communication CardThe PCM-CAN100 is a CAN solution with PCI-104interface. It complies with CAN 2.0A and CAN PCM-CAN100-D CR2.0B specification. The PCM-CAN100 providesone CAN port and one bypass CAN port. Itprovides CANopen lib for users to developCANopen applications easily.OS Support:Win2K/XP/Vista/7, Linux 2.6.31 ~ 2.6.34PCI-104 compliant9-Pin male D-Sub connectorCompatible with CAN 2.0 parts A and BFully compatible with ISO 11898-2 standardSupport CAN bard from 10 kbps ~ 1 Mbps2500 Vrms photo couple isolation on the CAN busBuilt-in jumper to select 120 Ω terminal resister3 kV galvanic isolation1 independent CAN channel and 1 bypass CAN channelDirect memory mapping to the CAN controllerProvide VB6.0, VC++6.0, Delphi, BCB6.0 demosDriver for Win2K/XP/Vista/7, Linux 2.6.31 ~ 2.6.34PC-104+ CAN Communication CardPCM-CAN200P has 2 independent CAN portswith 9-Pin D-Sub connector compatible PC-104+specification. It provides CANopen master libfor users to develop CANopen applicationseasily.OS Support:Win2K/XP/Vista/7, Linux 2.6.31 ~ 2.6.34PC-104+ compliant9-Pin D-Sub connectorCompatible with CAN specification 2.0 parts A and BFully compatible with ISO 11898-2 standardSupport CAN bard rate from 10 kbps to 1 Mbps2500 Vrms photo-couple isolation on the CAN busBuilt-in jumper for 120 Ω terminator resistor of CAN bus3 kV galvanic isolation2 independent CAN portsDirect memory mapping to the CAN controllerProvide VB, VC++, Delphi, BC++ demosDriver for Win2K/XP/Vista/7, Linux 2.6.31 ~ 2.6.34PCM-CAN200P CRIntelligent 1-port CANopen Slave CardPISO-CPS100U is an especially programmableCANopen Slave card. It provides a universal PCIinterface and one CAN communication port. Itfollows the CANopen specification DS-301 andDSP-401. With the built-in 80186, 80 MHz CPU,this card can be applied in high transmissionapplications.OS Support: Windows 2K/XP/VistaPISO-CPS100U-D CRPISO-CPS100U-T CRUniversal PCI card, supports both 5 V and 3.3 V PCI busCPU: 80186, 80 MHzBuilt-in Dual-watchdog protectionCANopen Version: DS301, version 4.02CANopen profile: DSP401, version 2.01Baud Rate (bps): 10 k, 20 k, 50 k, 125 k, 250 k, 500 k, 800 k, 1MbpsNMT Error Control: Node Guarding protocol & Heartbeat protocolSYNC consumerSupport dynamic PDO.Support SDO segment protocolProgrammable 512 bytes input data and 512 bytes output dataSupport Save and Load commandStatus LED: RUN, ERRFree utility to configure PISO-CPS100U and update firmwareProduce EDS file dynamicallyWindows 2000/XP drivers supportedPCI-104 CAN Communication CardThe PCM-CAN200 is a CAN solution with PCI-104interface. It complies with CAN 2.0A and CAN2.0B specification. The PCM-CAN200 providestwo CAN ports. It provides CANopen lib for usersto develop CANopen applications easily.OS Support:Win2K/XP/Vista/7, Linux 2.6.31 ~ 2.6.34PCI-104 compliant9-Pin male D-Sub connectorCompatible with CAN 2.0 parts A and BFully compatible with ISO 11898-2 standardSupport CAN bard from 10 kbps ~ 1 Mbps2500 Vrms photo couple isolation on the CAN busBuilt-in jumper to select 120 Ω terminal resister3 kV galvanic isolation2 independent CAN channelsDirect memory mapping to the CAN controllerProvide VB6.0, VC++6.0, Delphi, BCB6.0 demosDriver for Win2K/XP/Vista/7, Linux 2.6.31 ~ 2.6.34PCI Express CAN Communication CardThe PEX-CAN200i series has 2 independent CANports with 5-Pin screw terminal connector or9-Pin D-Sub connector with PCI Express x 1 bus.Every CAN channel has isolation protectioncircuit. It provides CANopen master lib for usersto develop CANopen applications easily.OS Support:Win2K/XP/Vista/7, Linux 2.6.31 ~ 2.6.34PCM-CAN200 CRPEX-CAN200i-D CRPEX-CAN200i-T CRCompatible with CAN specification 2.0 parts A and BFully compatible with the ISO 11898-2 standardSupport several kinds of baud rate from 10 kbps to 1 Mbps2500 Vrms photo-couple isolation on the CAN sideBuilt-in jumper for 120 Ω terminator resistor of CAN busX1 link PCI Express3 kV galvanic isolation2 independent CAN channelsDirect memory mapping to the CAN controllerProvide VB, VC++, Delphi, Borland C++ builder demos5Fieldbus Solutions CANopen <strong>Introduction</strong> & Products CANopen Product Showcase3CAFCFWebsite: http://www.icpdas.com E-mail: service@icpdas.com 5-3-3

CANopen Product Showcase5Fieldbus Solutions CANopen <strong>Introduction</strong> & Products3Universal PCI CAN Communication CardPISO-CAN200U with universal PCI interface hastwo independent CAN bus communication portswith 5-Pin screw terminal connector or 9-PinD-Sub connector. It provides CANopen masterlib for users to develop CANopen applicationseasily.OS Support:Win2K/XP/Vista/7, Linux 2.6.31 ~ 2.6.34Universal PCI card, supports both 5 V and 3.3 V PCI bus.Compatible with CAN specification 2.0 parts A and BFully compatible with the ISO 11898-2 standardSupport several kinds of baud rate from 10 kbps to 1 Mbps2500 Vrms photo-couple isolation on the CAN sideBuilt-in jumper for 120 Ω terminator resistor of CAN busComply with 33 MHz 32-bit 5 V universal PCI bus3 kV galvanic isolation2 independent CAN channelsDirect memory mapping to the CAN controllerProvide VB, VC++, Delphi, Borland C++ builder demosApplicationsPISO-CAN200U-D CRPISO-CAN200U-T CRUniversal PCI CAN Communication CardPISO-CAN400U with universal PCI interface hasfour independent CAN bus communication portswith 5-Pin screw terminal connector or 9-PinD-Sub connector. It provides CANopen masterlib for users to develop CANopen applicationseasily.OS Support:Win2K/XP/Vista/7, Linux 2.6.31 ~ 2.6.34PISO-CAN400U-D CRPISO-CAN400U-T CRUniversal PCI card, supports both 5 V and 3.3 V PCI bus.Compatible with CAN specification 2.0 parts A and BFully compatible with the ISO 11898-2 standardSupport several kinds of baud rate from 10 kbps to 1 Mbps2500 Vrms photo-couple isolation on the CAN sideBuilt-in jumper for 120 Ω terminator resistor of CAN busComply with 33 MHz 32-bit 5 V universal PCI bus3 kV galvanic isolation4 independent CAN channelsDirect memory mapping to the CAN controllerProvide VB, VC++, Delphi, Borland C++ builder demosCACACCACF FCANopen Product Showcase5-3-4<strong>ICP</strong> <strong>DAS</strong> CO., LTDProfessional Provider of High Quality Industrial Computer Products and Data Acquisition Systems

Industrial Communication & Networking Products Catalog5.4. DeviceNet <strong>Introduction</strong> & ProductsThe DeviceNet network based on CAN bus is aflexible open and low-cost option which you can useto connect industrial devices to a network and toeliminate costly and time-consuming hardwiring.Direct connectivity improves communication andprovides device-level diagnosis or easy accessibilitythrough hardwired I/O interfaces.DeviceNet Features◆ Trunk line, drop line configuration◆ Node removal without breaking trunk line◆ Up to 64 addressable nodes◆ Signal and 24 VDC power in the same cable◆ Selectable data rates (125 k, 250 k, 500 kbps)◆ 120 Ω terminal at each trunk line end<strong>Introduction</strong>Selection GuideModel NameDeviceNet Converter and GatewaysI-7565-DNMI-7241DI-7242DGW-7243DGW-7434DDescriptionUSB to 1-port DeviceNet Master ConverterDeviceNet Slave/DCON Master GatewayDeviceNet Slave/Modbus RTU Master GatewayDeviceNet Slave/Modbus TCP & RTU Master GatewayDeviceNet Master/Modbus TCP & RTU Slave GatewayIntelligent DeviceNet Modules (For ViewPAC, WinPAC, XPAC,...)I-87124Intelligent 1-port DeviceNet Master Communication Module withSerial busI-8124WHigh Performance Intelligent 1-port DeviceNet Master CommunicationModule with Parallel bus5-4-3Intelligent DeviceNet Communication CardsPISO-DNM100U-DPISO-DNM100U-TIntelligent 1-port DeviceNet Master Universal PCI interface CardPISO-DNS100U-DPISO-DNS100U-TIntelligent 1-port DeviceNet Slave Universal PCI interface Card 5-4-3PCM-CAN100-D 1-port CAN bus PCI-104 Card with DeviceNet Master LibraryPCM-CAN200 2-port CAN bus PCI-104 Card with DeviceNet Master LibraryPCM-CAN200P 2-port CAN bus PC-104+ Card with DeviceNet Master LibraryPEX-CAN200i-D 2-port CAN bus PCI Express x 1 Interface Card with DeviceNetPEX-CAN200i-T Master LibraryPISO-CAN200U-D 2-port CAN bus Universal PCI Interface Card with DeviceNet5-4-4PISO-CAN200U-T Master LibraryPISO-CAN400U-DPISO-CAN400U-T4-port CAN bus Universal PCI Interface Card with DeviceNetMaster LibraryNote: The detail about DeviceNet remote I/O modules, please refer to the website:http://www.icpdas.com/products/Remote_IO/can_bus/devicenet_series.htmPage5-4-25Fieldbus Solutions DeviceNet <strong>Introduction</strong> & Products DeviceeNet Product Showcase4evFCFWebsite: http://www.icpdas.com E-mail: service@icpdas.com 5-4-1

DeviceNet Product Showcase5Fieldbus Solutions DeviceNet <strong>Introduction</strong> & Products4evCvCDevCFDeviceNet Product ShowcaseFDeviceNet Converter and GatewaysUSB/DeviceNet Master ConverterI-7565-DNM is a DeviceNet master solution forUSB interface built-in 80186, 80 MHz CPU. It caneasily control/configure DeviceNet slave nodesvia PC.I-7565-DNM CRComply with DeviceNet specification volume I, release 2.0 &volume II, release 2.0Support Predefined Master/Slave Connection Set(Group2 Only Server)I/O Operating Modes: Polling, Bit-Strobe, Change of State/Cyclic2500 Vrms photo-couple isolation on the CAN sideBuilt-in jumper for 120 Ω terminator resistor of CAN busBuilt-in watchdogSupport UCMM functionProvide on-line adding device into and removing device fromnetworkSupport auto-scan slave device functionAuto-reconnect when the connection is brokenProvide C/C++ function libraries and demos3 kV galvanic isolationDeviceNet Slave/Modbus RTU Master GatewayI-7242D allows a master located on a DeviceNetnetwork to enter into a dialogue with the slaveson a Modbus RTU network In DeviceNetnetwork. It’s a Group 2 Only Slave device, andsupports “Predefined Master/Slave ConnectionSet”.I-7242D CRComply with DeviceNet specification volume I, release 2.0 &volume II, release 2.0Support Predefined Master/Slave Connection Set(Group2 Only Server)I/O operating modes: Polling, Bit-Strobe, Change of State/Cyclic2500 Vrms photo couple isolation on the CAN sideJumper for 120 Ω terminator resistor of CAN busWatchdog insideProvide dynamic Assembly Objects mappingSupport Offline Connection Set, Device Heartbeat message andDevice Shutdown messageAllow to configure Explicit Message by using Modbus RTU protocolProduct EDS file dynamically by utilitySupport max 10 Modbus RTU series modules1 kV galvanic isolationDeviceNet Master/Modbus TCP & RTU Slave GatewayThe GW-7434D is a DeviceNet master to ModbusTCP/RTU master gateway device, and is appliedfor connecting an existing DeviceNet network toEthernet-base PLCs and PC-based system. TheGW-7434D supports “Predefined Master/SlaveConnection Set” and “Group 2 Only Server”functions.GW-7434D CRSupports maximum DeviceNet devices up to 63Predefined Master/Slave Connection SetSupports one Poll, one Bit-Strobe, one COS or one Cyclic IOconnection for each DeviceNet deviceSupports on-line adding device into and removing device fromnetworkConverts single Modbus TCP to multi Modbus RTU devices, settingby UtilitySupports VxComm technique for every COM ports of controllers,setting by UtilitySupports Modbus RTU to DeviceNet master, setting by UtilityAllows multi-client access simultaneouslyDeviceNet Slave/DCON Master GatewayI-7241D is one of DeviceNet products in <strong>ICP</strong><strong>DAS</strong>. The device offers the communicationgateway between DeviceNet and DCONprotocol.I-7241D CRComply with DeviceNet specification volume I, release 2.0 &volume II, release 2.0Support Predefined Master/Slave Connection Set(Group2 Only Server)I/O operating modes: Polling, Bit-Strobe, Change of State/Cyclic2500 Vrms photo couple isolation on the CAN sideJumper for 120 Ω terminator resistor of CAN busWatchdog insideProvide dynamic Assembly Objects mappingSupport Offline Connection Set, Device Heartbeat message andDevice Shutdown messageProduct EDS file dynamically by utilitySupport max. 15 I-7000/I-87K I/O series modulesMAC ID & Baud: Configuration by utility or DeviceNet messages1 kV galvanic isolationDeviceNet Slave/Modbus TCP & RTU Master GatewayThe GW-7243D is one of DeviceNet products in<strong>ICP</strong> <strong>DAS</strong> and it stands as a DeviceNet slave to GW-7243D CRModbus TCP/RTU/ASCII master gateway device.In DeviceNet network, it functions as a “Group 2Only Server” device. In Modbus network, GW-7243D sends request messages to access theModbus slave as a master by DeviceNet objectdefinition.Group 2 Only Server DeviceNet subscriberSupport Explicit and Poll ConnectionUser can select the Modbus RTU/ASCII protocol for each COMportMaximum support 10 Modbus RTU/ASCII commands for eachCOM portMaximum support 4 Modbus TCP devicesMaximum support 5 Modbus TCP commands for each ModbusTCP deviceSupport Modbus function codes:0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x0F and 0x10Maximum support 2048 channels DI, 2048 channels DO, 1024channels AI and 1024 channels AO for each Modbus TCP deviceStandalone DeviceNet Master Expansion ModuleThe I-8124W is a DeviceNet master module,and provides an economic DeviceNet mastersolution of DeviceNet applications. It supportsGroup 2 and UCMM 內 容 太 functions 多 需 刪 減 simultaneously.By means of the <strong>ICP</strong> <strong>DAS</strong> PAC(programmableautomation controller), it is able to be appliedi n the industrial automation, buildingautomation, vehicle, and embedded controlI-8124W CRDeviceNet Version: Volume I & II, Release 2.0Programmable Master MAC ID and Baud Rate.Baud Rate: 125 K, 250 K, 500 kbpsSupport Group 2 and UCMM connectionI/O Operating Modes: Poll, Bit-Strobe, Change of State / CyclicI/O Length: 512 bytes max. (Input/Output) per slaveSlave Node: 63 nodes max.Support Auto-Search slave device function.Support on-line adding and removing devicesSupport Auto-detect Group 2 and UCMM deviceAuto-Reconnect when the connection is brokenStatus LED: RUN, MS, NS5-4-2<strong>ICP</strong> <strong>DAS</strong> CO., LTDProfessional Provider of High Quality Industrial Computer Products and Data Acquisition Systems

Industrial Communication & Networking Products CatalogIntelligent DeviceNet Communication ModulesStandalone DeviceNet Master Expansion ModuleI-87124 can represent an economic solution ofDeviceNet application and a DeviceNet masterdevice on the DeviceNet network. I-87124supports Group 2 and UCMM functions tocommunication with slave devices. It supportsWinPAC-8000, LinPAC-8000, XPAC-8000 andiPAC-8000 series.I-87124 CRDeviceNet Version: Volume I & II, Release 2.0Programmable Master MAC ID and Baud RateBaud Rate: 125 K, 250 K, 500 KSupport Group 2 and UCMM connectionI/O Operating Modes: Poll, Bit-Strobe, Change of State/CyclicI/O Length: 512 bytes max. (Input/Output) per slaveSlave Node: 63 nodes max.Support Auto-Search slave device functionSupport on-line adding and removing devicesSupport Auto-detect Group 2 and UCMM deviceAuto-Reconnect when the connection is brokenStatus LED: RUN, MS, NSIntelligent DeviceNet Communication CardsIntelligent 1-port DeviceNet Master CardPISO-DNM100U has completed DeviceNetmaster function according to DeviceNet Group 2only server. With the built-in 80186, 80 MHzCPU, this card can be applied in hightransmission DeviceNet applications.OS Support: Windwos 2K/XP/VistaUniversal PCI card, supports both 5 V and 3.3 V PCI busComply with DeviceNet specification volume I, release 2.0 &volume II, release 2.0Support Predefined Master/Slave Connection Set(Group 2 only server)I/O Operating Modes: Polling, Bit-Strobe, Change of State/Cyclic2500 Vrms photo-couple isolation on the CAN sideBuilt-in jumper for 120 Ω terminator resistor of CAN busBuilt-in watchdogSupport UCMM functionProvide on-line adding device into and removing device fromnetworkSupport auto-scan slave device functionAuto-reconnect when the connection is broken3 kV galvanic isolation 80186, 80 MHz CPU insidePCI-104 CAN Communication CardPISO-DNM100U-D CRPISO-DNM100U-T CRThe PCM-CAN100 is a CAN solution with PCI-104interface. It complies with CAN 2.0A and CAN PCM-CAN100-D CR2.0B specification. The PCM-CAN100 providesone CAN port and one bypass CAN port. Itprovides CANopen lib for users to developCANopen applications easily.OS Support:Win2K/XP/Vista/7, Linux 2.6.31 ~ 2.6.34PCI-104 compliant9-Pin male D-Sub connectorCompatible with CAN 2.0 parts A and BFully compatible with ISO 11898-2 standardupport CAN bard from 10 kbps ~ 1 Mbps2500 Vrms photo couple isolation on the CAN busBuilt-in jumper to select 120 Ω terminal resister3 kV galvanic isolation1 independent CAN channel and 1 bypass CAN channelDirect memory mapping to the CAN controllerProvide VB6.0, VC++6.0, Delphi, BCB6.0 demosDriver for Win2K/XP/Vista/7, Linux 2.6.31 ~ 2.6.34Standalone DeviceNet Master Expansion ModuleThe I-8124W is a CPU-inside module, andprovides an economic DeviceNet master solutionof DeviceNet applications. It supports Group 2and UCMM functions simultaneously. By meansof the <strong>ICP</strong> <strong>DAS</strong> PACs, it is able to be applied inthe industrial automation, building automation,vehicle, and embedded control network.I-8124W CRDeviceNet Version: Volume I & II, Release 2.0Programmable Master MAC ID and Baud Rate.Baud Rate: 125 K, 250 K, 500 kbpsSupport Group 2 and UCMM connectionI/O Operating Modes: Poll, Bit-Strobe, Change of State/CyclicI/O Length: 512 bytes max. (Input/Output) per slaveSlave Node: 63 nodes max.Support Auto-Search slave device function.Support on-line adding and removing devicesSupport Auto-detect Group 2 and UCMM deviceAuto-Reconnect when the connection is brokenStatus LED: RUN, MS, NSIntelligent 1-port DeviceNet Slave CardPISO-DNS100U has completed DeviceNet slavefunction according to DeviceNet Group 2 onlyserver. With the built-in 80186, 80 MHz CPU, thiscard can be applied in high transmissionapplications. The amazing function is that 10slave nodes are implemented inside the PISO-DNS100U.OS Support: Windwos 2K/XP/VistaUniversal PCI card, supports both 5 V and 3.3 V PCI busDeviceNet Version: Volume I & II, Release 2.0Programmable Slave MAC ID and baud rateBaud Rate: 125 k, 250 k, 500 kbpsSupport Group 2 only ServerI/O Modes: Poll, Bit-Strobe, Change of State/CyclicI/O Length: 512 bytes max. (Input/Output) per slaveSlave Node: Max. 10 nodes inside the cardNot Support UCMMLED: Status, ERRPCI-104 CAN Communication CardThe PCM-CAN200 is a CAN solution with PCI-104interface. It complies with CAN 2.0A and CAN2.0B specification. The PCM-CAN200 providestwo CAN ports. It provides CANopen lib for usersto develop CANopen applications easily.OS Support:Win2K/XP/Vista/7, Linux 2.6.31 ~ 2.6.34PCI-104 compliant9-Pin male D-Sub connectorCompatible with CAN 2.0 parts A and BFully compatible with ISO 11898-2 standardSupport CAN bard from 10 kbps ~ 1 Mbps2500 Vrms photo couple isolation on the CAN busBuilt-in jumper to select 120 Ω terminal resister3 kV galvanic isolation2 independent CAN channelsDirect memory mapping to the CAN controllerProvide VB6.0, VC++6.0, Delphi, BCB6.0 demosDriver for Win2K/XP/Vista/7, Linux 2.6.31 ~ 2.6.34PISO-DNS100U-D CRPISO-DNS100U-T CRPCM-CAN200 CR5Fieldbus Solutions DeviceNet <strong>Introduction</strong> & Products DeviceNet Product Showcase4evFCFWebsite: http://www.icpdas.com E-mail: service@icpdas.com 5-4-3

DeviceNet Product Showcase5Fieldbus Solutions DeviceNet <strong>Introduction</strong> & Products4evCvCDevCFDeviceNet Product ShowcaseFPC-104+ CAN Communication CardPCM-CAN200P has 2 independent CAN portswith 9-Pin D-Sub connector compatible PC-104+specification. It provides DeviceNet master libfor users to develop DeviceNet applicationseasily.OS Support:Win2K/XP/Vista/7, Linux 2.6.3 1 ~ 2.6.34PC-104+ compliant9-Pin D-Sub connectorCompatible with CAN specification 2.0 parts A and BFully compatible with ISO 11898-2 standardSupport CAN bard rate from 10 kbps to 1 Mbps2500 Vrms photo-couple isolation on the CAN busBuilt-in jumper for 120 Ω terminator resistor of CAN bus3 kV galvanic isolation2 independent CAN portsDirect memory mapping to the CAN controllerProvide VB, VC++, Delphi, BC++ demosDriver for Win2K/XP/Vista/7, Linux 2.6.31 ~ 2.6.34Universal PCI CAN Communication CardPISO-CAN200U with universal PCI interface hastwo independent CAN bus communication portswith 5-Pin screw terminal connector or 9-PinD-Sub connector. It provides DeviceNet masterlib for users to develop DeviceNet applicationseasily.OS Support:Win2K/XP/Vista/7, Linux 2.6.31 ~ 2.6.34Standalone DeviceNet Master Expansion ModuleI-87124 can represent an economic solution ofDeviceNet application and a DeviceNetmaster device on the DeviceNet network.I-87124 supports Group 2 and UCMM functionsto communication with slave devices. Itsupports WinPAC-8 000, LinPAC-8 000,XPAC-8000 and iPAC-8000 series.PCM-CAN200P CRPISO-CAN200U-D CRPISO-CAN200U-T CRUniversal PCI card, supports both 5 V and 3.3 V PCI bus.Compatible with CAN specification 2.0 parts A and BFully compatible with the ISO 11898-2 standardSupport several kinds of baud rate from 10 kbps to 1 Mbps2500 Vrms photo-couple isolation on the CAN sideBuilt-in jumper for 120 Ω terminator resistor of CAN busComply with 33 MHz 32-bit 5 V universal PCI bus3 kV galvanic isolation2 independent CAN channelsDirect memory mapping to the CAN controllerProvide VB, VC++, Delphi, Borland C++ builder demosI-87124 CRDeviceNet Version: Volume I & II, Release 2.0Programmable Master MAC ID and Baud RateBaud Rate: 125 K, 250 K, 500 KSupport Group 2 and UCMM connectionI/O Operating Modes: Poll, Bit-Strobe, Change of State/CyclicI/O Length: 512 bytes max. (Input/Output) per slaveSlave Node: 63 nodes max.Support Auto-Search slave device functionSupport on-line adding and removing devicesSupport Auto-detect Group 2 and UCMM deviceAuto-Reconnect when the connection is brokenStatus LED: RUN, MS, NSPCI Express CAN Communication CardThe PEX-CAN200i series has 2 independent CANports with 5-Pin screw terminal connector or9-Pin D-Sub connector with PCI Express x 1 bus.Every CAN channel has isolation protectioncircuit. It provides DeviceNet master lib for usersto develop DeviceNet applications easily.OS Support:Win2K/XP/Vista/7, Linux 2.6.31 ~ 2.6.34Universal PCI CAN Communication CardPISO-CAN400U with universal PCI interface hasfour independent CAN bus communication portswith 5-Pin screw terminal connector or 9-PinD-Sub connector. It provides DeviceNet masterlib for users to develop DeviceNet applicationseasily.OS Support:Win2K/XP/Vista/7, Linux 2.6.31 ~ 2.6.34Universal PCI card, supports both 5 V and 3.3 V PCI bus.Compatible with CAN specification 2.0 parts A and BFully compatible with the ISO 11898-2 standardSupport several kinds of baud rate from 10 kbps to 1 Mbps2500 Vrms photo-couple isolation on the CAN sideBuilt-in jumper for 120 Ω terminator resistor of CAN busComply with 33 MHz 32-bit 5 V universal PCI bus3 kV galvanic isolation4 independent CAN channelsDirect memory mapping to the CAN controllerProvide VB, VC++, Delphi, Borland C++ builder demosStandalone DeviceNet Master Expansion ModuleThe I-8124W is a DeviceNet master module,and provides an economic DeviceNet mastersolution of DeviceNet applications. It supportsGroup 2 and UCMM 內 容 太 functions 多 需 刪 減 simultaneously.By means of the <strong>ICP</strong> <strong>DAS</strong> PAC(programmableautomation controller), it is able to be appliedi n the industrial automation, buildingautomation, vehicle, and embedded controlPEX-CAN200i-D CRPEX-CAN200i-T CRCompatible with CAN specification 2.0 parts A and BFully compatible with the ISO 11898-2 standardSupport several kinds of baud rate from 10 kbps to 1 Mbps2500 Vrms photo-couple isolation on the CAN sideBuilt-in jumper for 120 Ω terminator resistor of CAN busX1 link PCI Express3 kV galvanic isolation2 independent CAN channelsDirect memory mapping to the CAN controllerProvide VB, VC++, Delphi, Borland C++ builder demosPISO-CAN400U-D CRPISO-CAN400U-T CRI-8124W CRDeviceNet Version: Volume I & II, Release 2.0Programmable Master MAC ID and Baud Rate.Baud Rate: 125 K, 250 K, 500 kbpsSupport Group 2 and UCMM connectionI/O Operating Modes: Poll, Bit-Strobe, Change of State / CyclicI/O Length: 512 bytes max. (Input/Output) per slaveSlave Node: 63 nodes max.Support Auto-Search slave device function.Support on-line adding and removing devicesSupport Auto-detect Group 2 and UCMM deviceAuto-Reconnect when the connection is brokenStatus LED: RUN, MS, NS5-4-4<strong>ICP</strong> <strong>DAS</strong> CO., LTDProfessional Provider of High Quality Industrial Computer Products and Data Acquisition Systems

Industrial Communication & Networking Products Catalog5.5. J1939 <strong>Introduction</strong> & ProductsJ1939 is the vehicle bus standard used for communication and diagnostics among vehicle components,originally by the car and heavy duty truck industry in the United States. Because of the success of applyingin vehicles, J1939 has become the accepted industry standard and the vehicle network technology of choicefor off-highway machines in applications such as construction, material handling, and forestry machines.It is a higher-layer protocol based on Controller Area Network (CAN), which provides serial data communicationsbetween microprocessor systems (ECU) in any kind of heavy duty vehicles. The messagesexchanged between these units can be data such as vehicle road speed, torque control message from thetransmission to the engine, oil temperature, and many more.J1939 Features◆ Higher-layer protocol based on CAN bus◆ The speed is nearly always 250 kbit/s◆ 29-bit identifier CAN 2.0B◆ Used in heavy-duty vehicles◆ Peer-to-peer and broadcast communication◆ Transport protocols for up to 1785 data bytes◆ Network management◆ Definition of parameter groups<strong>Introduction</strong>Selection GuideModel NameJ1939 GatewaysGW-7228GW-7238J1939 GatewaysJ1939 to Modbus RTU Slave GatewayThe GW-7228 is a solution that provides aprotocol conversion between J1939 and Modbus GW-7228 CRRTU. For J1939 network, the GW-7228 supportsPDU1, PDU2, broadcast and destination specifictype of J1939 messages. From the view ofModbus RTU network, the GW-7228 is a ModbusRTU slave to reply the request from Modbus RTUmaster.Provide PWR/J1939/MODBUS indication LEDBuilt-in jumper to select 120 Ω terminal resisterWatchdog insideTransmission and reception of all types of J1939 messages,including PDU1, PDU2, broadcast and destination specific.J1939 Transport Protocol for transmission and reception of largemessages (9 - 1785 bytes).Support BAM of Connection Management Message.Network addresses management.Support RS-232, RS-485 and RS-422 interfaces.Support Modbus RTU slave protocol.Configurable for Modbus Network ID (1 ~ 250).DescriptionJ1939 to Modbus RTU Slave GatewayJ1939 to Modbus TCP Server/RTU Slave GatewayPage5-5-1J1939 to Modbus TCP Server/RTU Slave GatewayThe GW-7238 is a gateway that providesconversion between J1939 and Modbus GW-7238 CRTCP/RTU protocol. For J1939 network, the GW-7238 supports PDU1, PDU2, broadcast anddestination specific type of J1939 messages. ForModbus TCP/RTU network, the GW-7238 is aModbus TCP server/RTU slave to reply therequest from Modbus TCP client/RTU master.Provides PWR/J1939/MODBUS indication LEDsBuilt-in jumper to select 120 Ω terminal resisterWatchdog insideTransmission and reception of all types of J1939 messages,including PDU1, PDU2, broadcast and destination specific.J1939 Transport Protocol for transmission and reception of largemessages (9 - 1785 bytes).Supports BAM of Connection Management Message.Network addresses management.Supports RS-232, RS-485 and Ethernet interfaces.Supports Modbus TCP server/RTU slave protocol.Configurable for Modbus Network ID (1 ~ 250).Allows 5 Modbus/TCP clients’ simultaneous accesses.5Fieldbus Solutions J1939 <strong>Introduction</strong> & Products J1939 Product Showcase5CFWebsite: http://www.icpdas.com E-mail: service@icpdas.com 5-5-1

Overview5Fieldbus Solutions PROFIBUS <strong>Introduction</strong> & Products65.6. PROFIBUS <strong>Introduction</strong> & ProductsPROFIBUS (PROCESS FIELD BUS) which is anchored in the international standards IEC 61158 and IEC61784, is an open, digital communication system with a wide range of applications, particularly in the fieldsof factory and process automation. It is suitable for both fast, time-critical applications and complexcommunication tasks. <strong>ICP</strong> <strong>DAS</strong> provides a lot PROFIBUS DP products and help the user develop PROFIBUSapplication system easily. We have been developing and studying PROFIBUS DP for years. <strong>ICP</strong> <strong>DAS</strong> willalways secure user’s industrial safety and stable automation system as our missionThese fieldbus solutions also support multi-drop networking of devices on a single twisted-pair cableproviding substantial cost savings in:‧Reduced wiring‧Commissioning and installation‧Plant operations and improved quality‧MaintenancePROFIBUS Features◆ Baud rate up to 12 Mbit/s◆ Maximum 244 bytes input and 244 bytes outputper slave◆ Slave configuration and parameters are setfrom the master side by GSD file◆ Allow multi-master system◆ Fast cyclic data communication between masterand slave◆ 124 slaves can be put in data exchange◆ 32 stations on one segmentROCF FPROFIBBUS Product Showcase<strong>Introduction</strong>Selection GuideModel NamePROFIBUS ConvertersI-7550PROFIBUS GatewaysGW-7552GW-7553PROFIBUS to RS-232/485/422 ConverterPROFIBUS/Modbus RTU GatewayPROFIBUS/Modbus TCP GatewayDescriptionNote: The detail about PROFIBUS remote I/O modules, please refer to the website:http://www.icpdas.com/products/Industrial/profibus/profi_intro.htmPage5-6-25-6-25-6-1<strong>ICP</strong> <strong>DAS</strong> CO., LTDProfessional Provider of High Quality Industrial Computer Products and Data Acquisition Systems

Industrial Communication & Networking Products CatalogPROFIBUS ConvertersPROFIBUS to RS-232/485/422 ConverterI-7550 converter is specially designed for theslave device of PROFIBUS DP protocol. It offersRS-232, RS-422 and RS-485 three kinds ofcommunication way. With the Hybrid COM 1design, users can readily choose one type of comport to use.PROFIBUS GatewaysCANopen Slave/Modbus RTU Master GatewayI-7232D is one of <strong>ICP</strong> <strong>DAS</strong> CAN busproducts. The device allows a CANopen masterto access the Modbus slave devices on someModbus RTU network.I-7550 CRProtocol & Hierarchy: DP-V0 SlaveDetect transmission rate (9.6 to 12000 kbps) on PROFIBUSautomatically128 bytes max. input data length128 bytes max. output data lengthPROFIBUS address 0 ~ 126 set by DIP switchSupport several kinds of baud for COM1 from 1.2 to 115.2 kbpsNetwork Isolation Protection: High Speed iCoupler3000 VDC isolation protection on PROFIBUS sidePROFIBUS/Modbus RTU GatewayGW-7552 Gateway is specially designed for theslave device of PROFIBUS DP protocol. It allowsthe PROFIBUS master to access the Modbusdevices.GW-7552 CRProtocol & Hierarchy: DP-V0 SlaveDetect transmission rate (9.6 to 12000 kbps) on PROFIBUSautomatically128 bytes max. input data length130 bytes max. output data lengthSupport Modbus Master and Modbus Slave both modeSupport RTU and ASCII Modbus formatPROFIBUS address 0 ~ 126 set by DIP switchSupport several kinds of baud for COM1 from 2.4 to 115.2 kbpsNetwork Isolation Protection: High Speed iCoupler3000 VDC isolation protection on PROFIBUS sideI-7232 CRCANopen Version: DS-301 v4.01Device Profile: DSP-401 v2.0Error Control: Node Guarding protocolEmergency Message: Yes2500 Vrms photo couple isolation on the CAN sideJumper for 120 Ω terminator resistor of CAN busWatchdog insideNMT: SlavePDO: Event-triggered, RTR, cyclic, acyclic SYNC and dynamic PDOMappingNo of SDOs: 1 server, 0 clientProduct EDS file dynamically by utilitySupport max. 10 Modbus RTU series modules1 kV galvanic isolationPROFIBUS/Modbus TCP GatewayGW-7553 Gateway is specially designed for theslave device of PROFIBUS DP protocol allows thePROFIBUS master to access the Modbus TCPdevices.CANopen Master/Modbus Server GatewayGW-7433D is a CANopen master device. Itsupports PDO and SDO functions tocommunicate with slave devices. From the viewof Modbus TCP & RTU network, GW-7433Dplays a Modbus TCP server or Modbus RTUslave role to receive/response the commandsfrom Modbus TCP client or Modbus RTUmaster.GW-7553 CRProtocol & Hierarchy: DP-V0 SlaveDetect transmission rate (9.6 to 12000 kbps) on PROFIBUSautomaticallySupport one 10/100 Base-TX Ethernet portSupport one RS-232 port (3-wire or 5-wire)128 bytes max. input data length131 bytes max. output data lengthSupport Modbus TCP/RTU/ASCII master/slave protocolPROFIBUS address 0 ~ 126 set by DIP switchNetwork Isolation Protection: 2500 Vrms High Speed iCoupler3000 VDC isolation protection on PROFIBUS sideGW-7433D CRCANopen Version: DS-301 v4.01Device Profile: DSP-401 v2.0Error Control: Node Guarding protocolEmergency Message: Yes2500 Vrms photo couple isolation on the CAN sideJumper for 120 Ω terminator resistor of CAN busWatchdog insideNMT: MasterPDO: Event-triggered, RTRSupport max. 50 TxPDOs, 50 RxPDOs, 15 SDOs to SDO serverAllow 5 Modbus TCP masters to access GW-7433 simultaneouslyConfiguration by utility via Ethernet1 kV galvanic isolation5Fieldbus Solutions PROFIBUS <strong>Introduction</strong> & Products PROFIBUS Product Showcase6ROFCFWebsite: http://www.icpdas.com E-mail: service@icpdas.com 5-6-2

Overview5Fieldbus Solutions HART <strong>Introduction</strong> & Products7???C?C???CF????????????????????F5.7. HART <strong>Introduction</strong> & ProductsHART Field Communications Protocol extends this4 ~ 20 mA standard to enhance communicationwith smart field instruments. The protocolpreserves the 4 ~ 20 mA signal and enables twowaydigital communications to occur withoutdisturbing the integrity of the 4 ~ 20 mA signal.Unlike other communication technologies, theHART protocol can maintain compatibility withexisting 4 ~ 20 mA systems with a uniquelybackward compatible solution.Here are two main operational modes of HART instruments: analog/digital mode, and multi-drop mode.Peer-to-Peer modeThe analog and digital signals can be communicated in this mode. Here the digital signals are overlaid onthe 4 ~ 20 mA loop current. Both the 4 ~ 20 mA current and the digital signal are valid output valuesfrom the instrument. The polling address of the instrument is set to "0". Only one instrument can be puton each instrument cable signal pair.Multi-drop mode (digital)In this mode, only the digital signals are used. The analog loop current is fixed at 4 mA. In multi-drop modeit is possible to have up to 15 instruments on one signal cable. The polling addresses of the instrumentswill be in the range 1 ~ 15. Each meter needs to have a unique address.HART Features◆ Relatively easy to understand and use, the HART protocol provides access to the wealth of additionalinformation (variables, diagnostics, calibration, etc.)◆ HART is a no risk solution for enhanced field communication.◆ Compatibility with standard 4 ~ 20 mA wiring◆ Simultaneous transmission of digital data◆ Risk reduction through a highly accurate and robust protocol◆ Increase Plant Availability◆ Reduce Maintenance Costs◆ Improve regulatory compliance<strong>Introduction</strong>Selection GuideModel NameDescriptionPageHART GatewayHART-710Modbus to HART Gateway5-7-2HART ModuleI-87H17W HART module for PAC5-7-2HART ConverterI-75H0 USB to HART Converter5-7-25-7-1<strong>ICP</strong> <strong>DAS</strong> CO., LTDProfessional Provider of High Quality Industrial Computer Products and Data Acquisition Systems

Industrial Communication & Networking Products CatalogHART GatewaysModbus to HART Gateway5The HART-710 Gateway is specially designed forthe master device of HART protocol. It allows the HART-710 CRModbus master device to access the HART slavedevices. These HART devices may be atransmitter, an actuator, a current output deviceand so forth. In addition, we also provide theutility software for users to configure the HART-710.Support HART Short/Long frameSupport HART Burst modeAllow two HART MastersWorking in point-to-point or multi-drop HART modeConnecting up to 16 HART modulesSupport Modbus RTU and ASCII formatSupport Modbus Slave modeIsolated COM 1: RS-232/422/485Provide LED indicatorsBuilt-in Watchdog4 kV ESD ProtectionHART ModuleHART module for PACThe I-87H17W is a HART analog input module. Itis a data acquisition and control modules,providing analog-to-digital, and HighwayAddressable Remote Transducer. It can beremotely controlled via DCON protocolannounced by <strong>ICP</strong> <strong>DAS</strong>. The I-87H17W alsoprovides APIs for users’ programs on PCs orPACs of <strong>ICP</strong> <strong>DAS</strong>.Support 4 ~ 20 mA current inputSupport HART protocol2- or 4-wire transmittersWith a built-in resistor,Changeable sampling rateOpen wire detection4 kV ESD protection2500 VDC intra-module isolationRoHS complianceHART ConverterUSB to HART ConverterThe I-75H0 is a USB to HART converter speciallydesigned for the master device of HARTprotocol. It allows users to access the HARTslave by using virtual COM-port. These HARTslave devices may be a transmitter, an actuator,a current output device and so forth. In addition,we also provide the utility tool for users toconfigure the I-75H0.Support HART Short/Long frameSupport HART Burst modeAllow two HART mastersWorking in point-to-point or multi-drop HART modeConnecting up to 16 HART modulesProvide utility tool for module configurationNo external power supply (powered by USB)Support firmware update via USBProvide PWR/RUN/ERR indication LED4 kV ESD ProtectionI-87H17W CRI-75H0 CRFieldbus Solutions HART <strong>Introduction</strong> & Products HART Product Showcase7CFWebsite: http://www.icpdas.com E-mail: service@icpdas.com 5-7-2

Overview5Fieldbus Solutions EtherNet/IP <strong>Introduction</strong> & Products85.8. EtherNet/IP <strong>Introduction</strong> & ProductsEtherNet/IP is one of the open network standards, like DeviceNet and ControlNet. It is an industrialapplication layer protocol for industrial automation applications. EtherNet/IP uses all of the protocols oftraditional Ethernet including the Transport Control Protocol (TCP), the Internet Protocol (IP) and themedia access and signaling technologies. Building on standard Ethernet technologies means thatEtherNet/IP will work transparently with all the standard Ethernet devices found today. EtherNet/IPapplication layer is based on the “Common Industrial Protocol” (CIP) which is used in both DeviceNet andControlNet. This standard organizes networked devices as a collection of objects. It defines the access,behavior and extensions, which allow vastly different devices to be accessed using a common protocol.Building on these protocols, EtherNet/IP provides a seam-less integrated system from the Industrial floorto the enterprise network.EtherNet/IP uses all the transport and control protocols of standard Ethernet including the TransportControl Protocol (TCP), the User Datagram Protocol (UDP), the Internet Protocol (IP) and the media accessand signaling technologies found in off-the-shelf Ethernet technology. Building on these standard communicationtechnologies means that EtherNet/IP works transparently with all the standard Ethernet devicesfound in today's market-place.EtherNet/IP Features???C?C???CF????????????????????F◆ Offer Producer-Consumer service that enable users to control, configure and collect data.◆ Uses exiting IEEE standards for Ethernet physical layer and data link layer◆ Provide flexible installation options leveraging commercially available industrial infrastructure products,including copper, fiber, fiber ring and wireless solutions.◆ Provide robust physical layer options for industrial environments and includes the use of sealed RJ-45and M12-4 D-coding connector.◆ Compatible with general communication standards, including OPC, TCP/IP, HTTP, FTP, SNMP, DHCP.◆ Use TCP port number 44818 for explicit messaging and UDP port number 2222 for implicit messaging◆ Transfer of basic I/O data via UDP-based implicit messaging◆ Uploading and downloading of parameters, programs and recipes via TCP◆ Polled, cyclic and change-of-state monitoring via UDP◆ One-to-one (unicast), one-to-many (multicast), and one-to-all (broadcast) communication via TCP5-8-1<strong>ICP</strong> <strong>DAS</strong> CO., LTDProfessional Provider of High Quality Industrial Computer Products and Data Acquisition Systems

Industrial Communication & Networking Products CatalogEtherNet/IP GatewaysEtherNet/IP server to Modbus RTU master Gateway5The IPGW-710 (EtherNet/IP server to Modbus RTU master Gateway) converts a network of Modbus RTU Slave devices toa single node of I/O on an EtherNet/IP network. For EtherNet/IP Systems Register data read from Modbus RTU slave nodesis presented to an EtherNet/IP Client device as Input data. Output data transmitted by an EtherNet/IP Client is used toupdate the register data of Modbus RTU Slave devices. The entire network of Modbus RTU Slave devices appears to theEtherNet/IP Client as a single node of EtherNet/IP slave.General Features EtherNet/IP Features Modbus FeaturesPowerful 32-bit MCU handles efficientnetwork trafficking10/100 Base-TX Ethernet, RJ-45 x1(Auto-negotiating, auto MDI/MDIX, LEDIndicators)Redundant power inputs:PoE (IEEE 802.3af, Class 1) and DC jackAutomatically RS-485 direction controlSupports ARP, TCP, UDP, ICMP, DHCP, BOOTPand TFTP protocolsEasy firmware update via EthernetTerminal block connector for easy wiringTiny form-factor and low power consumptionRoHS compliant with no HalogenMade from fire retardant materials(UL94-V0 Level)ApplicationsEthernet Protocol: EtherNet/IP ServerMaximum number of Explicit Messagingconnections: 6Supported I/O connection methods:Transport and trigger: Exclusive-Owner,CyclicOriginal to Target Type: POINT2POINTTarget to Original Type: POINT2POINT,MULTICASTDevice Configuration Option: CustomSoftwareAddress Configuration: DHCP, CustomSoftwareMaximum EtherNet/IP Input/Output datasize: 500 bytesMaximum Modbus RTU slave data mapped toEtherNet/IP input data: 500 bytesMaximum EtherNet/IP output data mappedto Modbus RTU slave devices: 500 bytesIPGW-710 CRModbus Protocol: Modbus RTU MasterMaximum support 30 Modbus RTU slavedevicesSupported Modbus RTU Function Codes:01hex: Read Output Status02hex: Read Input Status03hex: Read Multiple Data Registers04hex: Read Input Registers0Fhex: Write Multiple Bits10hex: Write Multiple Data RegisterMaximum data size per Modbus slave device:240 bytesFieldbus Solutions EtherNet/IP <strong>Introduction</strong> & Products EtherNet/IP Product Showcase8erFCFWebsite: http://www.icpdas.com E-mail: service@icpdas.com 5-8-2

Overview & Product Showcase5Fieldbus Solutions BACnet <strong>Introduction</strong> & Products95.9. BACnet <strong>Introduction</strong> & ProductsBACnet is a communications protocol for building automation and controlnetworks. It is an ASHRAE, ANSI, and ISO standard protocol.BACnet was designed to allow communication of building automation andcontrol systems for applications such as heating, ventilating, and airconditioningcontrol, lighting control, access control, and fire detection systems and their associatedequipment. The BACnet protocol provides mechanisms for computerized building automation devices toexchange information, regardless of the particular building service they perform.BACnet Features◆ Designed specifically for building automation control◆ Conformance to ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 135-2008 or ISO 16484-5◆ A completely non-proprietary open communication software standard◆ Support several different physical and link layers(BACnet/IP, Ethernet, ARCNET, MS/TP, PTP and LonTalk)◆ All data in a BACnet system is represented in terms of "objects", "properties" and "services"◆ Scalability and choice of compatibility with other systems and vendors<strong>Introduction</strong>Selection GuideModel NameBACnet GatewaysBMGW-510BMGW-511BACnet GatewaysDescriptionBACnet/IP Server to Modbus RTU Master GatewayBACnet/IP Server to Modbus TCP Client GatewayBACnet/IP Server to Modbus RTU Master GatewayBMGW-510 is a fully configurable universalModbus RTU to BACnet/IP gateway. The BMGW-510 CRBMGW-510 includes BACnet/IP Server andModbus RTU Master which is used to makeModbus RTU devices accessible on a BACnetnetwork.Quickly and Cost Effectively integrate networksProvide PWR/Communication Status indication LEDRead/Write any standard Modbus registers via BACnetFully Compliant with BACnet/IP Server and Modbus RTU MasterBIBB (BACnet Interoperability Building Blocks) supported:DS-RP-B, DS-RPM-B, DS-WP-B, DS-WPM-B, DS-COV-B, DM-DDB-B,DM-DOB-B, DM-DCC-B, DM-TS-B, DM-UTC-B, DM-RD-BBACnet object supported: AI, AO, AV, BI, BO, BV, MSI, MSO, MSVSupports Modbus coils, input register, holding registersBaud rates supported: 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600,and 115200 bpsNo Programming RequiredModbus register mapping table configured via web interfacePage5-9-1BACnet/IP Server to Modbus TCP Client GatewayBMGW-511 is a fully configurable universalModbus TCP to BACnet/IP gateway. The BMGW-511 CRBMGW-511 includes BACnet/IP Server andModbus TCP client which is used to makeModbus TCP devices accessible on a BACnetnetwork.Quickly and Cost Effectively integrate networksProvide PWR/Communication Status indication LEDRead/Write any standard Modbus registers via BACnetFully Compliant with BACnet/IP Server and Modbus TCP ClientBIBB (BACnet Interoperability Building Blocks) supported:DS-RP-B, DS-RPM-B, DS-WP-B, DS-WPM-B, DS-COV-B, DM-DDB-B,DM-DOB-B, DM-DCC-B, DM-TS-B, DM-UTC-B, DM-RD-BBACnet object supported: AI, AO, AV, BI, BO, BV, MSI, MSO, MSVSupports Modbus coils, input register, holding registers10/100 Base-TX Ethernet ControllerNo Programming RequiredModbus register mapping table configured via web interface???C?C???CF????????????????????F5-9-1<strong>ICP</strong> <strong>DAS</strong> CO., LTDProfessional Provider of High Quality Industrial Computer Products and Data Acquisition Systems

Ethernet Switches6.1 OverviewP6-1-16.2 Product ShowcaseP6-2-1

Overview6Ethernet Switches Overview16.1. OverviewEthernet is an ideal medium to transport large volumes of data, at speed, across great distances.Previously, multiple networks carrying specific protocols were installed side by side to carry out uniquetasks. This inevitably led to project costs increasing as additional fiber optic or copper cables were installedto deal with the increasing volume of data. Using Ethernet, a single fiber optic cable can carry multipleprotocols. Furthermore, manufacturers are exporting their legacy protocols onto Ethernet, designing newIP based communication protocols and providing embedded Web-Pages within devices that offer real-timeinformation using simple tools like Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator.Early Ethernet were based on a hub or repeater. These units have no intelligence and therefore are unableto identify any information contained within the Header frame of an Ethernet packet. This means that it isnot capable of determining which port to send the frame to. Therefore, every frame is sent to every port.A switch, like a hub, has to forward and receive packets from one network or device to another. The switchcould forward all packets, but if this was the case it would have similar behaviour to a hub. It would bemore intelligent if the switch only forwarded packets which needed to travel from one network or deviceto another.CFOverviewThere are many poorly designed switches existing in the market, and most of them are fragile, easy tocollapse, and always suffer from transmission delay and unreliable communication conditions due to packetcollisions or other issues. Users who have bad experiences with those poor switches should try our highquality ones. <strong>ICP</strong> <strong>DAS</strong>'s switches only choose “REAL INDUSTRIAL” grade switch chips that are temperaturetolerant and highly reliable. They are all well-designed by skilled engineers and passed very strict communicationand environment tests. All our switches can serve for a long life and guarantee to functionperfectly under harsh environments.6-1-1<strong>ICP</strong> <strong>DAS</strong> CO., LTDProfessional Provider of High Quality Industrial Computer Products and Data Acquisition Systems

Industrial Communication & Networking Products CatalogManaged Switch for Industrial Ethernet ApplicationThe managed switch can be configured through RS-232 port via serial console or Ethernet port using telnetor Web browser. In addition, the switch supports a lot of powerful managed functions, such as 802.1QTag-based VLAN, Port-based VLAN, 802.1p QoS (Quality of Service), Port Trunking, Spanning Tree, CableTesting and Port Mirroring.Built-in <strong>ICP</strong> <strong>DAS</strong> Cyber-Ring technique enables multiple switches to be placed into a redundant ring. Theswitch detects and recovers from a fiber or copper link failure within approximately 50 ms – for the majorityof applications a seamless process. Modbus/TCP, Modbus/RTU and OPC supported, SCADA application canmonitor status of Ethernet and fiber port with Modbus or OPC protocol.6Ethernet Switches Overview Overview1CFWebsite: http://www.icpdas.com E-mail: service@icpdas.com 6-1-2

Overview6Ethernet Switches Overview1Unmanaged Ethernet SwitchIndustrial rated switches are intended to beinstalled in both harsh climatic environments andnoisy electrical installations. Such switches are anexcellent example of true industrial designprinciplesVery high operating temperatures (down to-40 °C and up to 75 °C)DIN-RailWide DC operating voltagesMedia ConverterThe utilization of fiber optic data transmission forindustrial automation and process control hasbecome increasingly popular over the pastdecade. A basic fiber optic system, using anoptical transceiver circuit and fiber optic media,offers a wide array of benefits that are notavailable with traditional copper conductors.CFIP67 Waterproof SwitchIP67 Ethernet Switches are designed for use inindustrial waterproof/harsh environments. Therugged packaging and IP67 connectors guaranteea total protection that can withstand a variety ofextreme conditions such as high temperatures,extreme shocks & vibrations, dust particles oreven liquid immersion. They can be directlymounted to any machine or convenient flatsurface.Overview6-1-3<strong>ICP</strong> <strong>DAS</strong> CO., LTDProfessional Provider of High Quality Industrial Computer Products and Data Acquisition Systems

Industrial Communication & Networking Products CatalogReal-time Redundant Ring SwitchThe Real-time Redundant Ring Switch offers fault-tolerant industrial Ethernet with ring network topology.The built-in <strong>ICP</strong> <strong>DAS</strong> proprietary Cyber-Ring technology detects and recovers from a fiber or copper linkfailure within approximately 50 ms – for the majority of applications a seamless process. Modbus/TCP,Modbus/RTU and OPC supported, SCADA application can monitor status of Ethernet and fiber port withModbus or OPC protocol. And, the relay output facility can deliver warning signal while dual power ornetwork link fails.Ring SwitchSCADAManaged Ethernet SwitchModbus/TCPModbus/RTURing SwitchBackup pathRing SwitchRing SwitchThe <strong>ICP</strong> <strong>DAS</strong> Managed Switch provides a cost-effective managed Ethernet solution for industrial controland automation. It provides lots of powerful managed functions, such as 802.1Q Tag-based VLAN, PortbasedVLAN, 802.1p QoS (Quality of Service), Port Trunking, Spanning Tree, Cable Testing and PortMirroring. These managed functions can be configured through RS-232 port via serial console or Ethernetport using telnet or Web browser. In addition, the built-in Cyber-Ring technology offers real-time faulttolerantring topology to increase the reliability and performance of network. It is an ideal Managed Switchfor industrial environments.6Ethernet Switches Overview Overview1CFWebsite: http://www.icpdas.com E-mail: service@icpdas.com 6-1-4

Overview6Ethernet Switches Overview1Cyber-Ring Ethernet Self-healing TechnologyIt is undoubted that the power of an Ethernet LAN (Local Area Network) is tremendous when applied to factory flooror industrial automation applications. However, you cannot just use commercial Ethernet switch there. Harsh environmentwill become a challenge to your switch, and, in many case, fault-tolerant network is also a must. To satisfy these,<strong>ICP</strong> <strong>DAS</strong>’s Cyber-Ring technology provides you a rugged fault-tolerant, plug and play Ethernet solution.The <strong>ICP</strong> <strong>DAS</strong>’s proprietary Cyber-Ring self-healingEthernet technology can establish industrial Ethernetwith high reliability and fault-tolerant capability. It canRSM-405F Features SeriesHigh reliability and fault-tolerantReal-time deterministic performanceScalable and flexible ring topologyCost-effective industrial redundant Ethernet solutionPlug and playSCADAModbus/TCPModbus/RTUemploy a ring topology network over either copper orfiber optic cable. While standard STP typically requires20s to 30s for network structure reconfigurationfollowing a link failure, Cyber-Ring technology reducesthis downtime to within half a second. Averageexperience indicates a typical fault recovery time is 300ms for Cyber-Ring fault-tolerant network.Ring SwitchBackup pathRing SwitchRing SwitchRing SwitchRSM-405F Recovery Time SeriesThe recovery time of Cyber-Ring network consists of two parts, fault detected time and reconfiguration time. Recoverytime of Cyber-Ring network is associated with the number of switches of the network and Cyber-Ring technology offersa variable preconfigured recovery time to support a wide range of number of switches. Typically, the recovery time ofCyber-Ring network with ten switches is less than 300 ms.CFOverviewFault Detected TimeFault detected time is defined as the time from theoccurrence of the fault until fault detected. There is amaster switch of Cyber-Ring network checks the healthcondition of Cyber-Ring network periodically. If activepath is not response after a preconfigured period oftime, the master assumes that active path is failed andinvokes reconfiguration mechanism to redirect trafficsto the backup path.Reconfiguration TimeThe reconfiguration time of Cyber-Ring network is lessthan 5 ms per switch. For example, a Cyber-Ring faulttolerantnetwork that is comprised of ten switches, theexpected worst case reconfiguration time will be 50ms. When a fault is detected, the Cyber-Ring networkwill reconfigure to provide alternative traffic path of thering within 50 ms.6-1-5<strong>ICP</strong> <strong>DAS</strong> CO., LTDProfessional Provider of High Quality Industrial Computer Products and Data Acquisition Systems

Industrial Communication & Networking Products Catalog6.2. Product ShowcaseUnmanaged Ethernet Switches5-port 10/100 Base-TXThe NS-205 series has 5 Ethernet Switchingports that support 10/100 Base-TX, with a10/100M auto negotiation feature and autoMDI/MDI-X function.NS-205 CRNS-205A CRSeriesAutomatic MDI/MDI-X crossover for plug-and-playEach port supports both 10/100 Mbps speed auto negotiationStore-and-forward architectureFull duplex IEEE 802.3x and half duplex backpressure flow controlIntegrated look-up engine with dedicated 1024 unicast MACaddressesStore-and-forward architectureSupports +10 VDC ~ +30 VDC for NS-205Supports +12 VDC ~ +48 VDC for NS-205AReverse Polarity ProtectionOperating temperature range: -40 °C ~ +75 °CDIN-Rail5-port 10/100/1000 Base-TThe NS-205G is 5-port unmanaged gigabitswitch that support 10/100/1000 Base-T, with a10/100/1000M auto negotiation feature andauto MDI/MDI-X function. It can connect 5workstations and automatically switch thetransmission speed (10 Mbps or 100 Mbps or1000 Mbps) for corresponding connections.NS-205G CRPower saving TechnologyAutomatic MDI/MDI-X crossover for plug-and-playEach port supports 10/100 and 1000 Mbps speed auto negotiationStore-and-forward architecture10 Gbps high performance memory bandwidthFull duplex IEEE 802.3x and half duplex backpressure flow controlPower Inputs +10 VDC ~ +30 VDCOperating temperature range: -40 °C ~ +75 °CDIN-Rail4-port 10/100 Base-TX and 100 Base-FX FiberThe NS-205F/NSM-205F series is a Unmanaged4-port Industrial Ethernet (10/100 Base-TX) toFiber Port (100 Base-FX) switch that securesdata transmission by using fiber optictransmission to provide immunity from EMI/RFIinterference.NS(M)-205F CRSeriesAutomatic MDI/MDI-X crossover for plug-and-playEach port supports both 10/100 Mbps speed auto negotiationStore-and-forward architectureFull duplex IEEE 802.3x and half duplex backpressure flow control3.2 Gbps high performance memory bandwidthFrame buffer memory: 512 KbitIntegrated look-up engine with dedicated 1024 unicast MACaddressesSupports +10 VDC ~ +30 VDCOperating temperature range: 0 °C ~ +70 °C8-port 10/100 Base-TXThe NS-208/NSM-108 series has 8 EthernetSwitching ports that support 10/100 Base-TX,with a 10/100M auto negotiation feature andauto MDI/MDI-X function.8-port 10/100/100 Base-TThe NS-208G/NSM-208G series has 8 EthernetSwitching ports that support 10/100/1000Base-T, with a 10/100/1000M auto negotiationfeature and auto MDI/MDI-X function. It canconnect 8 workstations and automaticallyswitches the transmission speed (10 Mbps or100 Mbps or 1000 Mbps) for correspondingconnections.NS(M)-208G CRNS(M)-208AG CRSeriesAutomatic MDI/MDI-X crossover for plug-and-playEach port supports 10/100 and 1000 Mbps speed auto negotiationStore-and-forward architectureFull duplex IEEE 802.3x and half duplex backpressure flow control16 Gbps high performance memory bandwidthSupports +10 VDC ~ +30 VDC for NS-208G and NSM-208GSupports +12 VDC ~ +48 VDC for NS-208AG and NSM-208AGOperating temperature range: -40 °C ~ +75 °CDIN-Rail4-port 10/100 Base-TX and Dual 100 Base-FX FiberThe NS-206F/NSM-206F series is a Unmanaged4-port Industrial 10/100 Base-TX and Dual 100Base-FX Switch that secures data transmissionby using fiber optic transmission to provideimmunity from EMI/RFI interference.NS-208 CRNSM-108 CRSeriesAutomatic MDI/MDI-X crossover for plug-and-playEach port supports both 10/100 Mbps speed auto negotiationStore-and-forward architectureFull duplex IEEE 802.3x and half duplex backpressure flow control2 Gbps high performance memory bandwidthPower Inputs +10 VDC ~ +30 VDCOperating temperature range: -40 °C ~ +75 °CDIN-RailNS(M)-206F CRSeriesAutomatic MDI/MDI-X crossover for plug-and-playEach port supports both 10/100 Mbps speed auto negotiationStore-and-forward architectureFull duplex IEEE 802.3x and half duplex backpressure flow control1.6 Gbps high performance memory bandwidthFrame buffer memory: 256 KbitIntegrated look-up engine with dedicated 1024 unicast MACaddressesSupports +10 VDC ~ +30 VDCOperating temperature range: 0 °C ~ +70 °CDin-Rail6Ethernet Switches Product Showcase Product Showcase2CFWebsite: http://www.icpdas.com E-mail: service@icpdas.com 6-2-1

Product Showcase6Ethernet Switches Product Showcase28-port 10/100 Base-TX and 100 Base-FX FiberThe NS-209F/NSM-209F series is a Unmanaged8-port Industrial 10/100 Base-TX and one 100Base-FX Switch that secures data transmissionby using fiber optic transmission to provideimmunity from EMI/RFI interference.NS-209F CR SeriesAutomatic MDI/MDI-X crossover for plug-and-playEach port supports both 10/100 Mbps speed auto negotiationStore-and-forward architectureFull duplex IEEE 802.3x and half duplex backpressure flow control2 Gbps high performance memory bandwidthIntegrated look-up engine with dedicated 2048 unicast MACaddressesSupports +12 VDC ~ +48 VDCOperating temperature range: 0 °C ~ +70 °CDIN-Rail4-port PoE and 1 RJ-45 UplinkThe NS-205PSE is a 5-port unmanaged PoE(Power over Ethernet) Industrial EthernetSwitch, it supports 4-PoE Port which areclassified as power source equipments (PSE).NSM-209F CR SeriesNS-205PSE CRNS-205PSE-24V CRSeriesAutomatic MDI/MDI-X crossover for plug-and-playEach port supports both 10/100 Mbps speed auto negotiationStore-and-forward architectureFull duplex IEEE 802.3x and half duplex backpressure flow control3.2 Gbps high performance memory bandwidthSupports +46 VDC ~ +55 VDC for NS-205PSESupports +18 VDC ~ +32 VDC for NS/NSM-205PSE-24VOperating temperature range: -40 °C ~ +75 °CDIN-RailIEEE 802.3af compliant PoE ports4-PoE Port with power sourcing equipment (PSE) operationAuto-detection of PD (powered devices) and automatic powermanagement over-temperature, over-current andover/under-voltage detection5-port 10/100 Base-TX with IP67 CasingNS-205-IP67 Ethernet switch are designed foruse in industrial waterproof/harsh environments.4-port PoE and 100 Base-FX FiberThe NS-205PF is a 5-port unmanaged PoE(Power over Ethernet) Industrial EthernetSwitch, it supports 4-PoE Port which areclassified as power source equipments (PSE).NS-205-IP67 CRSeriesAutomatic MDI/MDI-X crossover for plug-and-playEach port supports both 10/100 Mbps speed auto negotiationStore-and-forward architectureFull duplex IEEE 802.3x and half duplex backpressure flow control1.4 Gbps high performance memory bandwidthIntegrated look-up engine with dedicated 1024 unicast MACaddressesSupports +10 VDC ~ +30 VDC with 1 kV isolationReverse Polarity ProtectionPlastic casing with IP67Operating temperature range: -10 °C ~ +60 °CDin-RailNS-205PF CRSeriesAutomatic MDI/MDI-X crossover for plug-and-playEach port supports both 10/100 Mbps speed auto negotiationStore-and-forward architectureFull duplex IEEE 802.3x and half duplex backpressure flow control3.2 Gbps high performance memory bandwidthPower Inputs +46 VDC ~ +55 VDCOperating temperature range: -30 °C ~ +75 °CDIN-RailIEEE 802.3af compliant PoE ports4-PoE Port with power sourcing equipment (PSE) operationAuto-detection of PD (powered devices) and automatic powermanagement over-temperature, over-current andover/under-voltage detection4-port PoE and 4 RJ-45 UplinkThe NS(M)-208PSE-4 is a 8-port unmanaged PoE(Power over Ethernet) Industrial EthernetSwitch, it supports 4-PoE Port which areclassified as power source equipments (PSE).NS-208PSE-4 CRNSM-208PSE-4 CR8-port PoEThe NS(M)-208PSE is a 8-port unmanaged PoE NS-208PSE CR(Power over Ethernet) Industrial EthernetNSM-208PSE CRSwitch, it supports 8-PoE Port which areclassified as power source equipments (PSE).CFProduct ShowcaseAutomatic MDI/MDI-X crossover for plug-and-playEach port supports both 10/100 Mbps speed auto negotiationStore-and-forward architectureFull duplex IEEE 802.3x and half duplex backpressure flow control3.2 Gbps high performance memory bandwidthPower Inputs +46 VDC ~ +55 VDCOperating temperature range: -40 °C ~ +75 °CDIN-RailIEEE 802.3af compliant PoE ports4-PoE Port with power sourcing equipment (PSE) operationAuto-detection of PD (powered devices) and automatic powermanagement over-temperature, over-current andover/under-voltage detectionAutomatic MDI/MDI-X crossover for plug-and-playEach port supports both 10/100 Mbps speed auto negotiationStore-and-forward architectureFull duplex IEEE 802.3x and half duplex backpressure flow control3.2 Gbps high performance memory bandwidthPower Inputs +46 VDC ~ +55 VDCOperating temperature range: -40 °C ~ +75 °CDIN-RailIEEE 802.3af compliant PoE ports4-PoE Port with power sourcing equipment (PSE) operationAuto-detection of PD (powered devices) and automatic powermanagement over-temperature, over-current andover/under-voltage detection6-2-2<strong>ICP</strong> <strong>DAS</strong> CO., LTDProfessional Provider of High Quality Industrial Computer Products and Data Acquisition Systems

Industrial Communication & Networking Products CatalogManaged Ethernet Switches5-port Real-time Redundant Ring Switch5-port Real-time Redundant Ring Switch with 2-Fiber Port6The RS-405/RSM-405 series is a 5-port IndustrialEthernet (10/100 Base-TX) Real-TimeRedundant Ring Switch.RS(M)-405 CRSeriesAutomatic MDI/MDI-X crossover for plug-and-playEach port supports both 10/100 Mbps speed auto negotiationStore-and-forward architectureFull duplex IEEE 802.3x and half duplex backpressure flow control3.2 Gbps high performance memory bandwidthFrame buffer memory: 1 MbitIntegrated look-up engine with dedicated 2048 unicast MACaddressesRedundant Power Inputs +10 VDC ~ +30 VDCPower failure alarm by relay outputOperating temperature range: -40 °C ~ +75 °CDIN-Rail8-port Real-time Redundant Ring SwitchThe RS-408/RSM-408 series is an 8-portIndustrial Ethernet (10/100 Base-TX) Real-TimeRedundant Ring Switch.RS(M)-408 CRSeriesAutomatic MDI/MDI-X crossover for plug-and-playEach port supports both 10/100 Mbps speed auto negotiationStore-and-forward architectureFull duplex IEEE 802.3x and half duplex backpressure flow control3.2 Gbps high performance memory bandwidthFrame buffer memory: 1 MbitIntegrated look-up engine with dedicated 2048 unicast MACaddressesRedundant Power Inputs +10 VDC ~ +30 VDCPower failure alarm by relay outputOperating temperature range: -40 °C ~ +75 °CDIN-Rail8-port Industrial Ethernet Layer 2 Managed Switch with 2-Fiber PortThe MSM-508F series is an 8-port IndustrialEthernet Layer 2 Managed Switch with 2-FiberPort that secures data transmission by usingfiber optic transmission to provide immunityfrom EMI/RFI interference.MSM-508F CRSeriesAutomatic MDI/MDI-X crossover for plug-and-playEach port supports 10/100 and 1000 Mbps speed auto negotiationStore-and-forward architectureFull duplex IEEE 802.3x and half duplex backpressure flow control3.2 Gbps high performance memory bandwidthFrame buffer memory: 1 MbitIntegrated look-up engine with dedicated 2048 unicast MACaddressesSupports +12 VDC ~ +48 VDCPower failure alarm by relay outputOperating temperature range: 0 °C ~ +70 °CDIN-Rail mount and Screw hole for wall mounting kitThe RS-405F/RSM-405F series is a 5-portIndustrial Ethernet Real-Time Redundant RingSwitch with 2-Fiber Port that secures datatransmission by using fiber optic transmission toprovide immunity from EMI/RFI interference.RS(M)-405F CRSeriesAutomatic MDI/MDI-X crossover for plug-and-playEach port supports both 10/100 Mbps speed auto negotiationStore-and-forward architectureFull duplex IEEE 802.3x and half duplex backpressure flow control3.2 Gbps high performance memory bandwidthFrame buffer memory: 512 KbitIntegrated look-up engine with dedicated 1024 unicast MACaddressesRedundant Power Inputs +10 VDC ~ +30 VDCPower failure alarm by relay outputOperating temperature range: 0 °C ~ +70 °C8-port Industrial Ethernet Layer 2 Managed SwitchThe MSM-508 is an 8-port Industrial Ethernet(10/100 Base-TX) Layer 2 Managed Switch.MSM-508 supports 10/100M auto negotiationfeature and auto MDI/MDI-X function.Automatic MDI/MDI-X crossover for plug-and-playEach port supports both 10/100 Mbps speed auto negotiationStore-and-forward architectureFull duplex IEEE 802.3x and half duplex backpressure flow control3.2 Gbps high performance memory bandwidthFrame buffer memory: 1 MbitIntegrated look-up engine with dedicated 2048 unicast MACaddressesSupports +12 VDC ~ +48 VDCPower failure alarm by relay outputOperating temperature range: -40 °C ~ +75 °CDIN-Rail mount and Screw hole for wall mounting kit4-Port 10/100 Base-TX with 100 Base-FX FiberThe NS-205F/NSM-205F series is a Unmanaged4-Port Industrial Ethernet (10/100 Base-TX) toFiber Port (100 Base-FX) switch that securesdata transmission by using fiber optictransmission to provide immunity from EMI/RFIinterference.MSM-508 CRNS/NSM-205F CRSeriesAutomatic MDI/MDI-X crossover for plug-and-playEach port supports both 10/100 Mbps speed auto negotiationStore-and-forward architectureFull duplex IEEE 802.3x and half duplex backpressure flow control3.2 Gbps high performance memory bandwidthFrame buffer memory: 512 KbitIntegrated look-up engine with dedicated 1024 unicast MACaddressesSupports +10 VDC ~ +30 VDCSupports operating temperatures from 0 °C ~ +70 °CEthernet Switches Product Showcase Product Showcase2CFWebsite: http://www.icpdas.com E-mail: service@icpdas.com 6-2-3

Product Showcase6Ethernet Switches Product Showcase2Media Converters10/100 Base-TX to 100 Base-FXThe NS-200F series is a Ethernet (10/100 Base-TX) to Media (100 Base-FX) converter. TheEthernet supports 10/100M auto negotiationfeature and auto MDI/MDI-X function.NS-200F CRSeriesAutomatic MDI/MDI-X crossover for plug-and-playSupports both 10/100 Mbps speed auto negotiationStore-and-forward architectureFull duplex IEEE 802.3x flow control1.4 Gbps high performance memory bandwidthFrame buffer memory: 256 KbitIntegrated look-up engine with dedicated 1024 unicast MACaddressesSupports +10 VDC ~ +30 VDCReverse Polarity ProtectionOperating temperature range: 0 °C ~ +70 °CDIN-RailSingle-Strand 10/100 Base-TX to 100 Base-FXUsing the fiber optic medium for Ethernetapplications has become more popular due tofiber optic's excellent physical features,especially for long distance networks.NS-200WDM CRSeriesAutomatic MDI/MDI-X crossover for plug-and-playSupports both 10/100 Mbps speed auto negotiationStore-and-forward architectureFull duplex IEEE 802.3x and half duplex backpressure flow control1.4 Gbps high performance memory bandwidthIntegrated look-up engine with dedicated 1024 unicast MACaddressesSupports +12 VDC ~ +48 VDCReverse Polarity ProtectionOperating temperature range: 0 °C ~ +70 °CDIN-Rail1000 Base-T to 1000 Base-SX/LXThe NS-200G series provides one RJ-45 autosensing 10/100/1000 Base-T port and one 1000Base-SX/LX SFP port. The RJ-45 port is full/halfduplex capable.Automatic MDI/MDI-X crossover for plug-and-playStore-and-forward architectureFull duplex IEEE 802.3xSupports +12 VDC ~ +48 VDCReverse Polarity ProtectionOperating temperature range: 0 °C ~ +70 °CDIN-Rail8-Port 10/100 Base-TXThe NS-208/NSM-108 series has 8 EthernetSwitching ports that support 10/100 Base-TX,with a 10/100M auto negotiation feature andauto MDI/MDI-X function.NS-200G CRSeriesNS/NSM-208 CRSeriesAutomatic MDI/MDI-X crossover for plug-and-playEach port supports both 10/100 Mbps speed auto negotiationStore-and-forward architectureFull duplex IEEE 802.3x and half duplex backpressure flow control2 Gbps high performance memory bandwidthPower Inputs +10 VDC ~ +30 VDCSupports operating temperatures from -40 °C ~ +75 °CDIN-RailCFProduct Showcase8-Port 10/100/100 Base-TThe NS-208G/NSM-208G series has 8 EthernetSwitching ports that support 10/100/1000Base-T, with a 10/100/1000M auto negotiationfeature and auto MDI/MDI-X function. It canconnect 8 workstations and automaticallyswitches the transmission speed (10 Mbps or100 Mbps or 1000 Mbps) for correspondingconnections.NS-208G/NSM-108G CRSeriesAutomatic MDI/MDI-X crossover for plug-and-playEach port supports 10/100 and 1000 Mbps speed auto negotiationStore-and-forward architectureFull duplex IEEE 802.3x and half duplex backpressure flow control16 Gbps high performance memory bandwidthPower Inputs +10 VDC ~ +30 VDCSupports operating temperatures from -40 °C ~ +75 °CDIN-Rail4-Port 10/100 Base-TX with 100 Base-FX FiberThe NS-205F/NSM-205F series is a Unmanaged4-Port Industrial Ethernet (10/100 Base-TX) toFiber Port (100 Base-FX) switch that securesdata transmission by using fiber optictransmission to provide immunity from EMI/RFIinterference.NS/NSM-205F CRSeriesAutomatic MDI/MDI-X crossover for plug-and-playEach port supports both 10/100 Mbps speed auto negotiationStore-and-forward architectureFull duplex IEEE 802.3x and half duplex backpressure flow control3.2 Gbps high performance memory bandwidthFrame buffer memory: 512 KbitIntegrated look-up engine with dedicated 1024 unicast MACaddressesSupports +10 VDC ~ +30 VDCSupports operating temperatures from 0 °C ~ +70 °C6-2-4<strong>ICP</strong> <strong>DAS</strong> CO., LTDProfessional Provider of High Quality Industrial Computer Products and Data Acquisition Systems

Accessories7.1 CablesP7-1-17.2 Power SuppliesP7-2-17.3 Terminal Boards & ConnectorP7-3-17.4 HubP7-4-1

Cables77.1. CablesAccessoriesPin AssignmentsPurpleRTS: Pin 7WhiteCTS: Pin 8RedTxD: Pin 3BlackRxD: Pin 2YellowGND: Pin 5Link/ActE110/100MCTS1 1RTS1RxD1TxD1INIT*D2+D2-(R)+Vs(B)GND 9COM1COM2Programmable Device ServerMiniOS 7S-700CA-0903Ordering InformationCA-09039-Pin Female D-Sub and RS-232 Connector Cable, 30 cmPin Assignments1CA-090910Pin 9Pin 5Pin 6Pin 1Ordering InformationCA-090910 9-Pin Female D-Sub Cable for RS-422 Connector, 1 mTxD-TxD+RxD+RxD-GNDRTS-RTS+CTS+CTS-TxD- : Pin 1TxD+ : Pin 2RxD+ : Pin 3RxD- : Pin 4GND : Pin 5RTS- : Pin 6RTS+ : Pin 7CTS+ : Pin 8CTS- : Pin 9CablesPin AssignmentsLink/ActBlackRxD: Pin 3RedTxD: Pin 2GND: Pin 5 White10/100MCTS1RTS1RxD1TxD1INIT*D2+D2-COM1E1COM21Programmable Device ServerMiniOS 7S-700(R)+Vs(B)GND 9CA-0910Ordering InformationCA-09109-Pin Female D-Sub and 3-wire RS-232 Cable, 1 mCA-0910FPin AssignmentsCFCab CCCCCblesCA-09159-wire Pin-to-Pin ConnectionCA-0910FCA-0915Ordering InformationCA-0910F 9-Pin Female-Female D-Sub Cable, 1 mCA-09159-Pin Male-Female D-Sub Cable, 1.5 m7-1-1<strong>ICP</strong> <strong>DAS</strong> CO., LTDProfessional Provider of High Quality Industrial Computer Products and Data Acquisition Systems

Industrial Communication & Networking Products Catalog7CA-9-2505DCA-9-3705CA-9-3715DCA-9-3705CA-9-3715DPin AssignmentN.C.DCD3GNDCTS3RxD3RI4DTR4DSR4RTS4TxD4DCD2GNDPin AssignmentsPin Assignment TerminalN/A01N/A02COM8_GND 03N/A04COM7_GND 05N/A06COM6_GND 07N/A08COM5_GND 09N/A10COM4_GND 11N/A12COM3_GND 13CTS2 13RxD214RI115DTR116DSR117RTS118TxD1 19Ordering InformationCA-9-3705CA-9-3715DTerminal010203040506070809101112No.14 COM8_RxD15 COM8_TxD16 COM7_RxD17 COM7_TxD18 COM6_RxD19 COM6_TxD20 COM5_RxD21 COM5_TxD22 COM4_RxD23 COM4_TxD24 COM3_RxD25 COM3_TxDShield F.G.25-Pin Male D-Sub ConnectorOrdering InformationCA-9-2505DPin AssignmentsNo.Pin Assignment20 RI321 DTR322 DSR323 RTS324 TxD325 DCD426 GND27 CTS428 RxD429 RI230 DTR231 DSR232 RTS233 TxD234 DCD135 GND36 CTS137 RxD1RS-232 Female DB-37 ConnectorPin Assignments4Pin AssignmentPin AssignmentGND--TxDRxD--Male DB-25 to 6 Male DB-9 Cable, 0.5 mPin AssignmentGNDDTRTxDRxDDCDMale DB-37 to 4 Male DB-9 Cable (90°), 0.3 mMale DB-37 to 4 Male DB-9 Cable (180°), 1.5 m3 2Type A11 24 3Type BTerminal0504030201Terminal050403020109 --08 --07 --06 --No.09 RI08 CTS07 RTS06 DSRPin AssignmentRS-232 Female DB-25 to Male DB-9 ConnectorPin AssignmentRS-232 Female DB-37 to Male DB-9 ConnectorPin1234NameVCCD-D+GNDNo.Description+5VData-Data+GroundAccessories Cables CabblesCC1CFCA-USB18Ordering InformationCA-USB18USB Type A to Type B Cable, 1.8 mWebsite: http://www.icpdas.com E-mail: service@icpdas.com 7-1-2

Power Supplies77.2. Power SuppliesAccessoriesKA-52FKA-52F-48DIN-KA52FDIN-KA52F-48KA-52F/DIN-KA52FKA52F-48/DIN-KA52F-48SpecificationsModelsInputRangeFrequencyOutputPowerMechanicalDimensions(W x H x D, Unit: mm)KA-52F-48DIN-KA52F-48100 ~ 250 AC50 Hz ~ 60 Hz24 VDC/1.04 A max., 25 WInstallationNo-mountingEnvironmentalOperating Temperature 0 °C ~ +50 °CStorage Temperature -20 °C ~ +85 °COrdering InformationKA-52FDIN-KA52FKA-52F DIN-KA52F KA-52F-48 DIN-KA52F-4854 x 93 x 36 68 x 107 x 5048 VDC/0.52 A max., 25 W54 x 93 x 36DIN-Rail Mounting No-mounting24 VDC/1.04 A, 25 W Power Supply24 VDC/1.04 A, 25 W Power Supply with Din-Rail Mounting48 VDC/0.52 A, 25 W Power Supply48 VDC/0.52 A, 25 W Power Supply with Din-Rail Mounting68 x 107 x 50DIN-Rail Mounting2Power SuppliesGPSU06U-6SpecificationsInputRangeFrequencyOutputPower24 VDC/0.25 A max., 6 WMechanicalDimensions (W x H x D) 32 mm x 66 mm x 68 mmInstallationNo-mountingEnvironmentalOperating Temperature 0 °C ~ +40 °CStorage Temperature -20 °C ~ +85 °COrdering InformationGPSU06U-6100 ~ 250 AC50 Hz ~ 60 Hz24 VDC/0.25 A, 6 W Power SupplyCF PCPCPFPow CP wer SuppliesMDR-60-24/MDR-60-48MDR-20-24MDR-20-24MDR-60-24MDR-60-48SpecificationsModelsMDR-20-24 MDR-60-24 MDR-60-48InputRangeFrequencyOutputPowerMechanicalDimensions(W x H x D)(Unit: mm)Installation100 ~ 250 AC50 Hz ~ 60 Hz24 VDC/1 A max., 24 W22.5 x 90 x 100DIN-Rail Mounting24 VDC/2.5 A max., 60 W40 x 90 x 10048 VDC/1.25 A max., 60 W40 x 90 x 100EnvironmentalOperating TemperatureStorage Temperature-20 °C ~ +70 °C-20 °C ~ +85 °COrdering InformationMDR-20-24MDR-60-24MDR-60-4824 VDC/1 A, 24 W Power Supply with DIN-Rail Mounting24 VDC/2.5 A, 60 W Power Supply with DIN-Rail Mounting48 VDC/1.25 A, 60 W Power Supply with DIN-Rail Mounting7-2-1<strong>ICP</strong> <strong>DAS</strong> CO., LTDProfessional Provider of High Quality Industrial Computer Products and Data Acquisition Systems

Industrial Communication & Networking Products CatalogDR-120-487.3. Terminal Boards & ConnectorDN-09-2DN-09-2FDN-09-2DN-09-2FCA-4002DR-120-24DR-120-48DR-120-24CA-0915CA-0910FSpecificationsModelsInputRangeFrequencyOrdering InformationDR-120-48DR-120-24Dimensions (Unit: mm)3522.7 9.6Ordering InformationDN-09-2DN-09-2FCA-PC09FDR-120-4888 ~ 264 AC47 ~ 63 HzOutputPower48 VDC/2.5 A max., 120 WMechanicalDimensions (W x H x D) 65 mm x 125 mm x 100 mmInstallationDIN-Rail MountingEnvironmentalOperating Temperature -10 °C ~ +60 °CStorage Temperature -20 °C ~ +85 °C48 VDC/2.5 A, 120 W Power Supply with DIN-Rail Mounting24 VDC/5.0 A, 120 W Power Supply with DIN-Rail Mounting10385.596Left Side View Front View Right Side ViewDR-120-2424 VDC/5.0 A max., 120 W-25 °C ~ +85 °CTop ViewRear ViewI/O Connector Block with DIN-Rail Mounting and Two 9-Pin Male HeaderIncludes: CA-0915 x 2 (9-Pin Male-Female D-Sub Cable 1.5 M)I/O Connector Block with DIN-Rail Mounting and Two 9-Pin Male HeaderIncludes: CA-0910F x 2 (9-Pin Female-Female D-Sub Cable 1.0 M)Ordering InformationBottom ViewCA-4002 37-Pin Male D-Sub Connector with Plastic CoverCA-PC09F 9-Pin Female D-Sub Connector with Plastic Cover7Accessories Terminal Boards & Connector Terminal Boards & Connector3CFWebsite: http://www.icpdas.com E-mail: service@icpdas.com 7-3-1

Hub77.4. HubAccessoriesFeaturesCompliant with USB Specification Revision 2.0Built-in NEC uPD720114 USB 2.0 Hub ControllerSupports High-speed (480 Mbps) and Full-speed (12 Mbps)Provides 4 Downstream PortsOnly Supports Self-powered Mode+12 ~ 48 VDC Power Input (power adapter included)Supports Downstream Port Status with LEDDIN-RailUSB-25604-port Industrial USB 2.0 Hub4<strong>Introduction</strong>The USB-2560 allows you to add multiple high performance USB 2.0 peripheral devices to your computer (Or XP-8000 series). It supports the USB 2.0high-speed mode that can achieve 480 Mbps data transmitting rate.The USB-2560 only supports self-powered mode (drawing power from an external power supply). Externally powered USB hubs are the only way toguarantee the broadest compatibility for USB devices.SpecificationsHubCFUSB-2560InterfacePortsCompatibilityTransfer SpeedSupply CurrentInclude CablePower Supply Included(USB-2560/S Only)LED IndicatorsPowerDownstream PortsPowerInput Voltage RangePower ConsumptionPower Input ConnectionMechanicalCasingFlammabilityDimensions (W x L x H)InstallationEnvironmentOperating TemperatureStorage TemperatureHumidityUpstream x 1 (Type B)Downstream x 4 (Type A)Universal serial busSpecification Rev. 2.0/1.1/1.0480 Mbit/s-high speed mode12 Mbit/s- full speed mode1.5 Mbit/s-low speed mode500 mA max. per portCA-USB18 (1.8 m Cable) x 1GPSU06U-6 x 1 for 250 mA per port1 LED4 LEDs+12 ~ +48 VDC0.25 A @ 24 VDC for 250 mA per port0.5 A @ 24 VDC for 500 mA per portRemovable 3-Pin Terminal BlockPlasticUL 94V-0 materials33 mm x 78 mm x 107 mmDIN-Rail0 °C ~ +70 °C-20 °C ~ +80 °C10 ~ 90% RH, non-condensingOrdering InformationAccessoriesUSB-2560 CR4-port Industrial USB 2.0 Hub (RoHS)DIN-KA52F24 VDC/1.04 A, 25 W Power Supply with DIN-Rail MountingUSB-2560/S CR4-port Industrial USB 2.0 Hub with GPSU06U-6(Power Supply) (RoHS)MDR-20-2424 VDC/1 A, 24 W Power Supply with DIN-Rail Mounting7-4-1<strong>ICP</strong> <strong>DAS</strong> CO., LTDProfessional Provider of High Quality Industrial Computer Products and Data Acquisition Systems

Related Products8.1 Wireless Networking SolutionsP8-1-1

Wireless Networking Solutions88.1. Wireless Networking Solutions<strong>Introduction</strong>Wireless LAN ConverterRelated Products Wireless Networking Solutions1http://www.icpdas.com/products/GSM_GPRS/wireless/t-316.htmThe applications of 802.11b wireless LAN are getting more andmore popular by more and more mature technology. It's notonly faster than the industrial traditional transmission i.e.RS-232, RS-485, RS-422 etc, but also able to reduce thetroublesomely wiring works. It also has higher mobility thanEthernet network.Our T-316 is an Ethernet LAN to wireless LAN converter. Inaddition to the above advantages, it doesn't need to install anysoftware or drivers when you use it. The setting process is verysimple. Users don't need to modify the current hardwaresystem or current running program to enjoy the benefits ofwireless transmission.<strong>Introduction</strong>Wireless Modemhttp://www.icpdas.com/products/GSM_GPRS/wireless/sst-2450.htmSST-2450 is a spread spectrum radio modem with an RS-232/RS-485 interface port. It is designed for data acquisitionand control applications between a host and remote sensors. Itis also useful for those applications where the installation ofcable wire is inconvenient. The SST-2450 can be used not onlyin peer-to-peer mode, but also in a multi-point structure.The SST-2450 is based on a direct sequence spread spectrumand RF technology, operating In the ISM bands with aFrequency Range of 2410.496 MHz ~ 2471.936 MHz. TheChannel Spacing is 4.096 MHz.SST-900 is a radio frequency modem with an RS-232/RS-485interface port. It supports both peer-to-peer and multi-pointstructure modes. The SST-900 operates in the ISM bands witha Frequency Range of 902 MHz ~ 928 MHz. The ChannelSpacing is 1.5 MHz.CFEKAN-MD1048-1-1<strong>ICP</strong> <strong>DAS</strong> CO., LTDProfessional Provider of High Quality Industrial Computer Products and Data Acquisition Systems

Industrial Communication & Networking Products Catalog<strong>Introduction</strong>Industrial GSM/GPRS Modemshttp://m2m.icpdas.com/gtm-201.htmlThe GTM-201 series is industrial Quad-band GSM/GPRSmodems with RS-232 and USB interfaces that work onfrequencies of GSM 850 MHz, EGSM 900 MHz, DCS 1800 MHzand PCS 1900 MHz. The modems utilizes the GSM/GPRSnetwork for convenient and inexpensive data transfer fromremote instruments, meters, computers or control systems ineither live data or packet data. GTM-201 series has theintegrated TCP/IP stack so that even simple controllers withserial communications ports can connect to the modemwithout the need for special driver implementation.<strong>Introduction</strong>Intelligent GPRS/GSM Moduleshttp://m2m.icpdas.com/product.htmlThe GT-500 series GSM Module is GSM remote control andalarm system allows users to use their mobile phone tomonitor and control the business from any location. Its alarmfacilities provide a flexible way to distribute critical alarminformation to any number of mobile phone users.GT-53x are intelligent SMS and GSM modules for industryapplications with the external Li-Batteray backup power. Theyfeature SMS tunnel, SMS contorl, and voice alarm function forusers to apply in remote SMS/GSM control system.The GT-54x are an intelligent Active GPRS Remote TerminalUnits. Within the high performance 32 bit CPU, the GT-54xseries is suit for the hard industrial environment. It featuresGPRS/GSM module, 6 digital inputs, 2 digital outputs, 1 analoginput, 2 RS-232, 1 RS-485, SD interface and GPS.1-AI, 3-DO, 6-DIRS-485Modbus RTU8-AI, 3-DO, 3-DIRS-485Modbus RTUGT-540G-4500 RTU(Li-ionBatterybackup)E-mailGPRSEthernetActive push dataInternetFixed IPRegistering in M2M RTU Center automaticallySCADAEZ Data LoggerM2M RTU CenterM2M OPC server8Related Products Wireless Networking Solutions EKAN-MD1041CFWebsite: http://www.icpdas.com E-mail: service@icpdas.com 8-1-2

Wireless Networking Solutions8Related Products Wireless Networking Solutions1<strong>Introduction</strong>Multi-function GPRS/GSM PACshttp://m2m.icpdas.com/product.htmlThe G-4500 series provided by <strong>ICP</strong> <strong>DAS</strong> is M2M (machine tomachine) mini programmable controller with a cellulartransceiver. It can monitor industrial equipment that sends livedata to the monitoring system, and provides real-time status ofequipments. With optional GPS model, the G-4500 turns into aGPS tracking system. Also, it works well management systemor maritime system.<strong>Introduction</strong>ZigBee Converter and Repeaterhttp://www.icpdas.com/products/GSM_GPRS/wireless/solutions.htm#6ZigBee is a specification based on the IEEE 802.15.4 standardfor wireless personal area networks (WPANs). ZigBee operatesin the ISM radio bands and its focus is to define a generalpurpose,inexpensive, self-organizing, mesh network that canbe used for industrial control, embedded sensing, medical datacollection, smoke and intruder warning, building automation,home automation, and domotics, etc.ZigBee uses a basic master-slave configuration that is suited tothe static star networks of many infrequently used devices thattalk via small data packets. Up to 254 nodes are allowed.<strong>ICP</strong> <strong>DAS</strong> provides many ZigBee solutions such as Ethernet/RS-232/485 to ZigBee Converters, ZigBee Repeater and ZigBeeWireless I/O modules.CFEKAN-MD1048-1-3<strong>ICP</strong> <strong>DAS</strong> CO., LTDProfessional Provider of High Quality Industrial Computer Products and Data Acquisition Systems

Model IndexModel Name Page Model Name PageBIBMGW-510 5-9-1 I-2532 5-2-2BMGW-511 5-9-1 I-2533 5-2-2I-2534 5-2-2CI-2541 4-7-1CA-0903 7-1-1 I-7188XBD-CAN 5-2-4CA-090910 7-1-1 I-7231D 5-3-2CA-0910 7-1-1 I-7232D 5-3-2CA-0910F 7-1-1 I-7241D 5-4-2CA-0915 7-1-1 I-7242D 5-4-2CA-4002 7-3-1 I-7510 series 4-2-3CA-9-2505D 7-1-2 I-7513 4-3-3CA-9-3705 7-1-2 I-7514U 4-3-1CA-9-3715D 7-1-2 I-7520 series 4-4-7CA-PC09F 7-3-1 I-7520U4 4-4-3CA-USB18 7-1-2 I-752N series 4-5-1I-7530 5-2-2DI-7530A 5-2-3DIN-KA52F 7-2-1 I-7530A-MR 5-2-3DIN-KA52F-48 7-2-1 I-7530-FT 5-2-3DN-09-2 7-3-1 I-7531 5-2-2DN-09-2F 7-3-1 I-7532 5-2-2DR-120-24 7-3-1 I-7540D 5-2-3DR-120-48 7-3-1 I-7540D-WF 5-2-3DS-712 3-3-1 I-7550 5-6-2DS-715 3-3-3 I-7551 4-4-7I-7560 4-6-1GI-7561 4-6-5G-4500 series 8-1-3 I-7563 4-6-7GPSU06U-6 7-2-1 I-7565 5-2-3GT-530 8-1-2 I-7565-CPM 5-3-2GT-540 8-1-2 I-7565-DNM 5-4-2GTM-201 series 8-1-2 I-7565-H1 5-2-4GW-7228 5-5-1 I-7565-H2 5-2-4GW-7238 5-5-1 I-75H0 5-7-2GW-7243D 5-4-2 I-8112iW 3-5-6GW-7433D 5-3-2 I-8114 series 3-5-8GW-7434D 5-4-2 I-8120W 5-2-4GW-7552 5-6-2 I-8123W 5-3-2GW-7553 5-6-2 I-8124W 5-4-3I-8142iW 3-5-10HI-8144iW 3-5-10HART-710 5-7-2 I-87120 5-2-4I-87123 5-3-2I-87124 5-4-3I-87H17W 5-7-2IPGW-710 5-8-2

Model Name Page Model Name PageKPKA-52F 7-2-1 PISO-CPM100U series 5-3-3KA-52F-48 7-2-1 PISO-CPS100U series 5-3-3PISO-DNM100U series 5-4-3MPISO-DNS100U series 5-4-3MDR series 7-2-1 PPDS-712-MTCP 3-3-1MSM-508 6-2-3PPDS-715-MTCP 3-3-3MSM-508F series 6-2-3PPDS(M)-700-MTCP series 3-2-1PPDS-700-IP67 series 3-4-1NNS(M)-205F series 6-2-1RNS(M)-206F series 6-2-1RS(M)-400 series 6-2-3NS(M)-208AG 6-2-1NS(M)-208G 6-2-1SNS(M)-208PSE-4 6-2-2 SST-2450 8-1-1NS(M)-208PSE 6-2-2 SST-900 8-1-1NS(M)-209F series 6-2-2NS-200F series 6-2-4TNS-200G series 6-2-4 T-316 8-1-1NS-200WDM series 6-2-4 tDS-700 series 3-7-1NS-205(A) 6-2-1tM-7510U 4-2-1NS-205G 6-2-1tM-7520U 4-4-1NS-205-IP67 6-2-2tM-7561 4-6-3NS-205PSE(-24V) 6-2-2tGW-700 series 3-7-3NS-205PF series 6-2-2NS-208 6-2-1UNSM-108 6-2-1USB-2560 7-4-1uPAC-7186EXD-CAN 5-2-4PμPAC-7186EX(D)-MTCP 3-8-1PCISA-7520AR 4-4-3PCISA-7520R 4-4-3VPCM-CAN100-D 5-2-5VEX-112 series 2-2-1PCM-CAN200 5-2-5VEX-114 series 2-2-3PCM-CAN200P 5-2-5VEX-118 series 2-1-4PDS-220Fx series 3-6-1VEX-142 series 2-2-5PDS(M)-700 series 3-2-1VEX-144 series 2-2-7PDS-811 3-5-2VEX-148 series 2-1-4PDS-821 3-5-2VXC-112 series 2-2-1PDS-842 3-5-4VXC-114 series 2-2-3PDS-882 3-5-4VXC-118 series 2-1-4PEX-CAN200i series 5-2-5VXC-142 series 2-2-5PISO-CAN200U series 5-2-5VXC-144 series 2-2-7PISO-CAN400U series 5-2-6VXC-148 series 2-1-4PISO-CM100U series 5-2-5VXC-182iU 2-2-9

Industrial Ethernet SwitchFull CatalogShort FormUnmanaged Ethernet SwitchesMedia ConvertersIP67 Waterproof SwitchesReal-time Redundant Ring SwitchesManaged Ethernet SwitchesCyber-Ring Ethernet Self-healing TechnologyWinPAC-8000I-8000 Series Compact PACI-7188 Series Palm-size PACI-7000 Series Remote I/O ModulesM-7000 Series Remote I/O Modules(Modbus & DCON Protocols Supported)SG-3000 Signal Conditioner ModulesWireless LAN and GSM/GPRS ModemIndustrial Ethernet SwitchesIndustrial Data Acquisitionfor ISA and PCI Bus Full CatalogFieldbus SolutionsFull CatalogMulti-port Serial Communication BoardsCAN bus Communication BoardsPCI/ISA Data Acquisition and I/O BoardsPCI bus Battery-Backup Memory BoardsDaughter Boards & AccessoriesMotion Control & Watchdog BoardsSignal Conditioning & Power ModulesFRnet Remote I/O ProductsLED DisplayCAN bus Communication ConvertersCAN bus Communication PACCAN bus Communication ModulesCAN bus Communication BoardsCANopen Communication GatewaysCANopen Remote I/O UnitsCANopen Communication ModulesCANopen Communication BoardsDeviceNet Communication GatewaysDeviceNet Remote I/O UnitsDeviceNet Communication ModulesDeviceNet Communication BoardsPROFIBUS CovertersPROFIBUS GatewaysPROFIBUS Remote I/O UnitsPalm-size PACsFull CatalogNew Members inI/O Cards Short FormμPAC — microPACμPAC-7186 E Series Advance Ethernet μPACμPAC-7186 G Series Advance ISaGRAF SoftLogic μPACI-7188 E Series Ethernet μPACI-7188 X Series non-Ethernet μPACI-7188 G Series ISaGRAF SoftLogic μPACExpansion SolutionsExpansion Board: X-boardExpansion Unit: RU-87Pn UnitsPCI Express CardsUniversal PCI CardsAnalog Input and Output CardsDigital Input and Output CardsMulti-port Serial Cards

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