Indonesian Customs Tariff Book

Indonesian Customs Tariff Book

Indonesian Customs Tariff Book


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macrosoma, Sepiola spp.) and squid(Ommastrephes spp., Loligo spp., Nototodarusspp., Sepioteuthis spp.) :0307.41.000 --Live, fresh or chilled 20.00307.49 --Other :0307.49.100 ---Frozen 15.00307.49.900 ---Other 20.0-Octopus (Octopus spp.) :0307.51.000 --Live, fresh or chilled 20.00307.59 --Other :0307.59.100 ---Frozen 15.00307.59.900 ---Other 20.00307.60.000 -Snails, other than sea snails 20.0-Other, including flours, meals and pelletsof aquatic invertebrates other than crustaceans,fit for human consumption :0307.91.000 --Live, fresh or chilled 20.00307.99 --Other :0307.99.400 ---Jelly fish 20.00307.99.900 ---Other 20.004.01 Milk and cream, not concentrated nor containingadded sugar or other sweetening matter.0401.10.000 -Of a fat content, by weight, not exceeding 20.01%0401.20.000 -Of a fat content, by weight, exceeding 1% 20.0but not exceeding 6%0401.30.000 -Of a fat content, by weight, exceeding 6% 20.004.02 Milk and cream, concentrated or containingadded sugar or other sweetening matter.0402.10 -In powder, granules or other solid forms, ofa fat content,by weight, not exceeding 1.5% :0402.10.100 --In powder form, in packing of 12.5 kg net 5.0 ITor more0402.10.900 --Other 20.0 IT-In powder, granules or other solid forms, ofa fat content, by weight, exceeding 1.5% :0402.21 --Not containing added sugar or other sweeteningmatter :---In powder form, in packing of 25 kg net ormore :0402.21.110 ----For infants 20.00402.21.190 ----Other 20.0 IT0402.21.900 ---Other 20.00402.29.000 --Other 20.0 IT-Other :0402.91.000 --Not containing added sugar or other 25.0sweetening matter0402.99.000 --Other 25.004.03 Buttermilk, curdled milk and cream, yoghurt,kephir and other fermented or acidified milkand cream,whether or not concentrated or con-

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