Indonesian Customs Tariff Book

Indonesian Customs Tariff Book

Indonesian Customs Tariff Book


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painters' fillings3214.90.000 -Other 15.032.15 Printing ink, writing or drawing ink and otherinks, whether or not concentrated or solid.-Printing ink :3215.11.000 --Black 15.03215.19.000 --Other 15.03215.90 -Other :3215.90.100 --Writing, drawing and marking ink 15.03215.90.200 --Carbon mass for one time carbon paper 5.03215.90.900 --Other 20.033.01 Essential oils (terpeneless or not), includingconcretes and absolutes; resinoids; extractedoleoresins; cocentrates of essentialoils in fats, in fixed oils, in waxes or thelike, obtained by enfleurage or maceration;terpenic by products of the deterpenation ofessential oils; aqueous distillates and aqueoussolutions of essential oils.-Essential oils of citrus fruit :3301.11.000 --Of bergamot 5.03301.12.000 --Of orange 5.03301.13.000 --Of lemon 5.03301.14.000 --Of lime 5.03301.19.000 --Other 5.0-Essential oils other than those of citrusfruit :3301.21.000 --Of geranium 5.03301.22.000 --Of jasmin 5.03301.23.000 --Of lavender or of lavandin 5.03301.24.000 --Of peppermint (Mentha piperita) 0.03301.25.000 --Of other mints 5.03301.26.000 --Of vetiver 15.03301.29 --Other :---Of citronela :3301.29.210 ----Lemon grass of citronella 5.03301.29.290 ----Other 15.03301.29.400 ---Of patchouli 15.0---Other :3301.29.910 ----Of nutmeg 5.03301.29.920 ----Of cinnamon 5.03301.29.930 ----Of ginger 5.03301.29.940 ----Of cardamon 5.03301.29.950 ----Of fennel 5.03301.29.960 ----Of palmarose 5.03301.29.990 ----Other 15.03301.30.000 -Resinoids 15.03301.90 -Other :3301.90.300 --Aqueous distillates and aqueous solutions 20.0of essential oils suitable for medicinaluses3301.90.900 --Other 5.0

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