Indonesian Customs Tariff Book

Indonesian Customs Tariff Book

Indonesian Customs Tariff Book


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2820.90.000 -Other 5.028.21 Iron oxides and hydroxides; earth colourscontaining 70% or more by weight of combinediron evaluated as Fe2O3.2821.10 -Iron oxides and hydroxides :2821.10.100 --Iron oxides 5.02821.10.200 --Iron hydroxides 5.02821.20.000 -Earth colours 5.028.22 Cobalt oxides and hydroxides; commercial -cobalt oxides.2822.00.100 -Cobalt oxides 0.02822.00.900 -Other 5.02823.00.000 Titanium oxides. 0.028.24 Lead oxides; red lead and orange lead.2824.10.000 -Lead monoxide (litharge, massicot) 5.02824.20.000 -Red lead and orange lead 5.02824.90.000 -Other 5.028.25 Hydrazine and hydroxylamine and their inorganicsalts; other inorganic bases; other metaloxides,hydroxides and peroxides.2825.10 -Hydrazine and hydroxylamine and their inor -ganic salts :2825.10.100 --Hydrazine 0.02825.10.900 --Other 5.02825.20.000 -Lithium oxide and hydroxide 5.02825.30.000 -Vanadium oxides and hydroxides 5.02825.40.000 -Nickel oxides and hydroxides 5.02825.50.000 -Copper oxides and hydroxides 5.02825.60.000 -Germanium oxides and zirconium dioxide 5.02825.70.000 -Molybdenum oxides and hydroxides 5.02825.80.000 -Antimony oxides 5.02825.90.000 -Other 5.028.26 Fluorides; fluorosilicates, fluoroaluminatesand other complex fluorine salt.-Fluorides :2826.11.000 --Of ammonium or of sodium 10.02826.12.000 --Of aluminium 10.02826.19.000 --Other 10.02826.20.000 -Fluorosilicates of sodium or of potassium 5.02826.30.000 -Sodium hexafluoroaluminate (synthetic cryo- 5.0lite)2826.90.000 -Other 5.028.27 Chlorides, chloride oxides and chloride hydroxides;bromides and bromide oxides; iodidesand iodide oxides.2827.10.000 -Ammonium chloride 0.02827.20.000 -Calcium chloride 5.0

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