Indonesian Customs Tariff Book

Indonesian Customs Tariff Book

Indonesian Customs Tariff Book


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4911.99.000 --Other 25.05001.00.000 Silk-worm cocoons suitable for reeling. 5.05002.00.000 Raw silk (not thrown). 5.050.03 Silk waste (including cocoons unsuitable forreeling, yarn waste and garnetted stock).5003.10.000 -Not carded or combed 5.0 IU LIMBAH5003.90.000 -Other 5.0 IU LIMBAH5004.00.000 Silk yarn (other than yarn spun from silk 5.0waste) not put up for retail sale.5005.00.000 Yarn spun from silk waste, not put up for 0.0retail sale.50.06 Silk yarn and yarn spun from silk waste, putup for retail sale; silk-worm gut.5006.00.100 -Silk yarn and yarn spun from silk waste put 10.0up for retail sale5006.00.200 -Silk worm gut 10.050.07 Woven fabrics of silk or of silk waste.5007.10 -Fabrics of noil silk :5007.10.100 --Unbleached 10.05007.10.200 --Bleached 10.05007.10.900 --Other 25.05007.20 -Other fabrics, containing 85% or more byweight of silk or of silk waste other thannoil silk :5007.20.100 --Unbleached 10.05007.20.200 --Bleached 10.05007.20.900 --Other 25.05007.90 -Other fabrics :5007.90.100 --Unbleached 10.05007.90.200 --Bleached 10.05007.90.900 --Other 25.051.01 Wool, not carded or combed.-Greasy, including fleece-washed wool :5101.11.000 --Shorn wool 5.05101.19.000 --Other 5.0-Degreased, not carbonised :5101.21.000 --Shorn wool 5.05101.29.000 --Other 5.05101.30.000 -Carbonised 5.051.02 Fine or coarse animal hair, not carded orcombed.5102.10.000 -Fine animal hair 5.05102.20.000 -Coarse animal hair 5.051.03 Waste of wool or of fine or coarse animal

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