Indonesian Customs Tariff Book

Indonesian Customs Tariff Book

Indonesian Customs Tariff Book


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of which more than 95% by weight of totalfibre content consists of wood fibres obtainedby a chemical prosess :4804.52.100 ---For formica industry 5.04804.52.900 ---Other 10.04804.59 --Other :4804.59.100 ---For formica industry 5.04804.59.900 ---Other 10.048.05 Other uncoated paper and paperboard, in rollsor sheets, not further worked or processedthan as specified in Note 2 to this Chapter.4805.10.000 -Semi-chemical flutting paper (corrugating 15.0medium)-Multi-ply paper and paperboard :4805.21.000 --Each layer bleached 10.04805.22.000 --With only one outer layer bleached 10.04805.23.000 --Having three or more layers, of which only 10.0the two outer layers are bleached4805.29.000 --Other 10.04805.30.000 -Sulphite wrapping paper 15.04805.40.000 -Filter paper and paperboard 5.04805.50.000 -Felt paper and paperboard 10.04805.60 -Other paper and paperboard, weighing 150g/m² or less :4805.60.200 --Overlay paper for formica industry 5.04805.60.900 --Other 10.04805.70.000 -Other paper and paperboard, weighing more 15.0than 150 g/m² but less than 225 g/m²4805.80.000 -Other paper and paperboard weighing 225 g/m² 15.0or more48.06 Vegetable parchment, greaseproof papers,tracing papers and glassine and other glazedtransparent or translucent papers, in rollsor sheets.4806.10.000 -Vegetable parchment 10.04806.20.000 -Greaseproof papers 10.04806.30.000 -Tracing papers 10.04806.40.000 -Glassine and other glazed transparent or 10.0translucent papers48.07 Composite paper and paperboard (made bysticking flat layers of paper or paperboardtogether with an adhesive), not surface coatedor impregnated, whether or not internallyreinforced, in rolls or sheets.4807.10.000 -Paper and paperboard, laminated internally 10.0with bitumen, tar or asphalt4807.90.000 -Other 10.048.08 Paper and paperboard, corrugated (with orwithout glued flat surface sheets), creped,crinkled, embossed or perforated, in rolls or

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