Teacher's Guide - The Curriculum Project

Teacher's Guide - The Curriculum Project

Teacher's Guide - The Curriculum Project

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Glossary (cont’d)legitimacy (noun): legal status, recognition.to liberalise (verb): to make more free, reducerestrictions.liberalisation (noun): making more free,removing controls.life expectancy (noun): the average amount oftime that someone can expect to liveliteracy (noun): being able to read and write.logging (noun): cutting down treesmangrove (noun): a species of trees that livesnear water, often in swamps.to maximise (verb): to make as big as possible.to monitor (verb): to oversee, check.to nationalise (verb): when the government takesownership of private companies.to negotiate (verb): to discuss in order to reachan agreement.non-legitimate (adj): not lawful.to obtain (verb): to get, acquire.to occupy (verb): to enter and take control of aplace.opposition (noun): resistance, disagreement.to override (verb): to dominate, have priorityparamilitary (noun, adj): a semi-official orauxiliary military force.pension (noun): income paid to people after theyretire, by governments or from private funds.plentiful (adj): available in large quantities.poverty (noun): the state of being poor.predictably (adverb): in a way that people cantell what is going to happen.product (noun): anything that is produced.to protest (verb): to argue against, object.publicity (noun): information about somethingin the news/media.pus (noun): yellow liquid that comes out of awound or sore.to rank (verb): to put in order.relative (adj): considered in relation tosomething else, proportionate.to relax (verb): to make less strict.repetitive (adj): repeated many times.resource (noun): store, supply.restriction (noun): limitation.rural (adj): countryside (opposite of ‘urban’).sanctions (noun): cutting of economic links to acountry.sector (noun): a part of the economyto segregate (verb): to divide.self-sufficient (adj): not dependent on anyoneelse.severely (adverb): badly.to shrink (verb): to get smaller.slave (noun): a person who is owned by anotherperson, and usually used for labour.slum (noun): an overcrowded, poor part of atown or city with bad housing.to specialise: to focus on a small number of tasks.lternative.specialisation (noun): focusing on a small numberof tasks which one becomes very good at.subsititute (adj): replacement, asupreme (adj): highest, most powerful.surplus (noun): extra.to survive (verb): to stay alive.technique (noun): a way of doing something.tear gas: gas that stings your eyes, used by policeto break up crowds.territory (noun): geographic area claimedunder a particular law or authority.totalitarian (adj): the state having total control.transparent (adj): free from deceit, clear.unification (noun): joining together.unique (adj): different from all the others.unprecedented (adj): something which has neverhappened before.unrestrained (adj): without any limitation, free.violation (noun): an action against the law.wages (noun): salary, income, pay.<strong>The</strong> <strong>Curriculum</strong> <strong>Project</strong> ECONOMICS: an introduction - Teacher’s <strong>Guide</strong>77

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