Teacher's Guide - The Curriculum Project

Teacher's Guide - The Curriculum Project

Teacher's Guide - The Curriculum Project

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Production (cont’d)Labout specialisationPre-teach: intensive agriculture (adj):production of a lot of food from a small area of landusing farm machinery and chemical fertilisers; specialisation (noun): focusing on a smallnumber of tasks which one becomes very good at.Ask students to read the text. Give them about 5 minutes. <strong>The</strong>y should write downany words that they don’t know. Elicit any words that students don’t know. Ask ifthey can guess the meaning. If not, give them a dictionary to look it up and tellthe class, or tell them yourself.Pairwork1. Put the students into pairs and ask them to think about what kinds of labourspecialisation exist in their community. Give them 5-10 minute to discuss and writedown their ideas. <strong>The</strong>n, elicit one idea from each pair and check agreementwith the class.3. CAPITALMake sure that the students understand that capital includes money and tools.Both are used to produce things. Without money you cannot buy the materialsneeded for production. Without tools it is difficult, or even impossible, to producemany things.a. Money capitalAsk students to read the text about ‘Money capital’.Pairwork2. Nang Htay. Ask students to read the paragraph about Nang Htay. <strong>The</strong>n, in pairsask them to answer the questions.Pre-teach: profit (noun): money made from sales after all expenses (stock/goods, buildingrent, salaries, etc.).a. How much money capital has Nang Htay used to open her shop?Answer: 25,000 + 3,000 = 28,000 bahtb. How much profit does she make each month?12,000 (monthly sales) - 4,000 (new stock) - 5,000 (salary) - 2,000 (transport, maintenance, taxes) =1,000 baht profit.c. How long will it take her to repay her investment (money capital) with her profits?It will take Nang Htay 28 months to repay her money capital investment with her monthly profits(1000 baht profit per month x 28 months = 28,000 baht).Capital Goods. Ask a student to read aloud the text about capital goods. Whatcapital goods can they see in the picture?Answer: buffalo and ploughGroupwork3. Put the students into groups and ask them to brainstorm a list of money andcapital goods used in their school. Give them 5-10 minutes then elicit ideas fromeach group in turn.Money capital: funding from an Education Department, or NGO.Capital goods: buildings, whiteboards, chairs, tables, notebooks, textbooks, pens, computers, musicalinstruments, sports equipment...<strong>The</strong> <strong>Curriculum</strong> <strong>Project</strong> ECONOMICS: an introduction - Teacher’s <strong>Guide</strong>34

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