TM9-2815-226-34-1 - JATONKAM35s HOME ON THE WEB

TM9-2815-226-34-1 - JATONKAM35s HOME ON THE WEB

TM9-2815-226-34-1 - JATONKAM35s HOME ON THE WEB

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TM 9-<strong>2815</strong>-<strong>226</strong>-<strong>34</strong>-1Section XIV. CAM FOLLOWER HOUSING ASSEMBLY REPAIR3-38. DISASSEMBLE CAM FOLLOWER HOUSING ASSEMBLYWARNING• COMPRESSED AIR USED FOR CLEANING PURPOSES WILL NOT EXCEED 30 PSI(207 KPA). USE <strong>ON</strong>LY WITH EFFECTIVE CHIP GUARDING AND PERS<strong>ON</strong>ALPROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT (GOGGLES, SHIELD, GLOVES, ETC.).• P-D-680 SOLVENT IS POTENTIALLY DANGEROUS. AVOID PROL<strong>ON</strong>GED ORREPEATED C<strong>ON</strong>TACT WITH SKIN. KEEP AWAY FROM FLAME OR EXCESSIVEHEAT.a. Clean housing and cam follower assembly with solvent. Dry with compressed air.b. Disassemble cam follower housing assembly.NOTEEach housing has two cam follower shafts.(1) Remove two lockscrews securing shafts to housing.(2) With sharp pointed prick punch, punch hole in center of housing expansion cup plug.3-212

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