TM9-2815-226-34-1 - JATONKAM35s HOME ON THE WEB

TM9-2815-226-34-1 - JATONKAM35s HOME ON THE WEB

TM9-2815-226-34-1 - JATONKAM35s HOME ON THE WEB

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TM 9-<strong>2815</strong>-<strong>226</strong>-<strong>34</strong>-1(21) Aline sleeve in top of water hole and carefully tap in sleeve with driver until it bottoms.NOTESalvage sleeve will protrude above surface of head.(22) With flat mill file, carefully file sleeve flush with head surface. If proper sleeve is not available, heavy walled7/16 in. (11.112 mm) inside diameter copper tubing may be used. Tuoing must provide 0.002 to 0.005 in.(0.050 to 0.127 mm) press fit. Overall length should be approximately 1/2 in. (12.70 mm).WARNINGCOMPRESSED AIR USED FOR CLEANING PURPOSES WILL NOT EXCEED 30 PSI(207 KPA). USE <strong>ON</strong>LY WITH EFFECTIVE CHIP GUARDING AND PERS<strong>ON</strong>ALPROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT (GOGGLES, SHIELD, GLOVES, ETC).(23) Thoroughly clean water passages with compressed air to remove cuttings and filings.3-174

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