Complementarities between urban and rural areas in promoting ...

Complementarities between urban and rural areas in promoting ...

Complementarities between urban and rural areas in promoting ...


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COMPLEMENTARITIES BETWEEN URBAN AND RURAL AREAS IN PROMOTING EMPLOYMENT AND SOCIAL INCLUSION— 12 —FIRST PILLAR: EMPLOYABILITYIn the area of local employment policy <strong>in</strong>Germany, this pillar is the best developed of thefour <strong>and</strong> has the greatest importance <strong>in</strong> quantitativeterms The start<strong>in</strong>g po<strong>in</strong>t for many localauthorities is to tackle long-term unemployment<strong>and</strong> dependency on social welfare. As aconsequence, there have been a number ofemployment schemes created such as: youth<strong>in</strong>sertion schemes <strong>and</strong> job creation programmesfor the long-term unemployed. These providethe unemployed with the skills to return to thelabour market <strong>and</strong> firms <strong>in</strong> the local communityor region go on to recruit the beneficiaries ofthis tra<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g. Cologne, <strong>in</strong> particular, is wellknown for its good practice <strong>in</strong> this area. This cityalso serves as a model for the current discussionof the social system <strong>in</strong> Germany. Other examples<strong>in</strong>clude Bielefeld, Bremen, Offenbach <strong>and</strong> GiessenCounty. Inclusion policies are also important <strong>in</strong>this context. In Offenbach, for example, 30% ofthe population are immigrants <strong>and</strong> considerableeffort is made to br<strong>in</strong>g them <strong>in</strong>to the labour market.Measures <strong>in</strong>clude <strong>in</strong>ter-cultural job coach<strong>in</strong>g<strong>and</strong> specific job creation.SECOND PILLAR: ENTREPRENEURSHIPA recent development is the tra<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g <strong>and</strong> coach<strong>in</strong>gof new <strong>and</strong> potential entrepreneursamong the former unemployed. In Germany therehas been surpris<strong>in</strong>g success through the build<strong>in</strong>gof bus<strong>in</strong>ess <strong>in</strong>cubators. Recent <strong>in</strong>novations<strong>in</strong> the field of local employment policy by microloanschemes are still at an early stage due torestrictive national law. Nevertheless, local strategiesare available to facilitate the build<strong>in</strong>g ofmicro-schemes that can be used by new bus<strong>in</strong>esses.University sp<strong>in</strong>-offs are also becom<strong>in</strong>gvery important. Local authorities <strong>in</strong> Offenbachwork closely with a local college to try to supportstudents while they receive tra<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>entrepreneurship. Neighbourhood renewal <strong>in</strong>itiativesare be<strong>in</strong>g implemented <strong>in</strong> most Germancities <strong>and</strong> it is becom<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>creas<strong>in</strong>gly importantto <strong>in</strong>corporate an economic element to theserenewal strategies. One feature of this economicdimension is to support bus<strong>in</strong>ess <strong>in</strong>itiatives <strong>and</strong>new local bus<strong>in</strong>esses.THIRD PILLAR: ADAPTABILITYAdaptability can be supported on the local levelthrough the provision of local counsell<strong>in</strong>g servicesfor those <strong>in</strong> employment. Information isprovided on successful adaptation to chang<strong>in</strong>grequirements with<strong>in</strong> the workplace. The idea ofopen learn<strong>in</strong>g centres has been adapted from theUK <strong>and</strong> the USA, creat<strong>in</strong>g learn<strong>in</strong>g facilities <strong>in</strong>downtown <strong>areas</strong> <strong>in</strong> <strong>in</strong>ner cities where people canhave free access to e-learn<strong>in</strong>g <strong>and</strong> self-learn<strong>in</strong>gmaterial <strong>and</strong> counsell<strong>in</strong>g services. In a number ofcities, tailor-made tra<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g measures have beendesigned especially for small <strong>and</strong> medium-sizedenterprises <strong>and</strong> local authorities. Good practiceexamples for this can be found <strong>in</strong> Graz, Offenbach<strong>and</strong> Stuttgart.FOURTH PILLAR: EQUAL OPPORTUNITIESThe f<strong>in</strong>al pillar of the guidel<strong>in</strong>es prioritises equalopportunities, with the tw<strong>in</strong> social <strong>and</strong> economicobjective of modernis<strong>in</strong>g societies so thatwomen <strong>and</strong> men can work on equal terms withequal responsibilities, to develop the full growthcapacities of European economies. It recognisesboth the social need to counter discrim<strong>in</strong>ation<strong>and</strong> <strong>in</strong>equalities <strong>between</strong> women <strong>and</strong> men, <strong>and</strong>the economic loss result<strong>in</strong>g from not mak<strong>in</strong>g full<strong>and</strong> effective use of the productive capacities ofall sections of the population.In addition to this focus on clos<strong>in</strong>g the gendergap <strong>in</strong> Europe’s economic <strong>and</strong> social life, thispillar emphasises the <strong>in</strong>tegration of people withdisabilities <strong>in</strong>to work<strong>in</strong>g life. This is an importantfirst step towards recognition that the full <strong>in</strong>tegrationof disabled people is a fundamental issueof equal opportunities. This, <strong>in</strong> turn, is also amove towards a wider implementation <strong>in</strong> theemployment field of the important new antidiscrim<strong>in</strong>ationclause of the Amsterdam Treaty.

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