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<strong>SCIENCES</strong> <strong>PO</strong> <strong>AVENIR</strong> <strong>MISSION</strong> <strong>TO</strong> <strong>GENEVA</strong>, <strong>SWITZERLAND</strong>World Health Organization (WHO) 3Internship Programme in GenevaStaff and ConsultantsJunior Professional Officers (J<strong>PO</strong>)Current vacanciesThe Providing for Health Initiative (P4H)UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency 5Internship ProgrammeUnited Nations Volunteer (UNV)United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS)ConsultancyThe Junior Professionnal Officer Programme (J<strong>PO</strong>)International Organization for Migrations (IOM) 7InternshipsAssociate ExpertsWorld Economic Forum (WEF) 8InternshipsGlobal Leadership Fellow ProgrammeFull time positions : entry‐level positionsWorld Trade Organization (W<strong>TO</strong>) 10Internship ProgrammesFull time positionsMedia 21 12Internships & ProfileInternational Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) 13InternshipsFull Time PositionsUnited Nations of Geneva (UNOG) 14InternshipsUN Vacancies : Temporary Contracts and Entry Level PositionsThe Associate Expert ProgrammeUnited Nations Volunteer (UNV)Louis Vuitton (LVMH Group) 16Antinea Foundation 1711, 12, 13 June, 20121

General overviewGeneva, Switzerland hosts a high number of international organizations, NGOs, think tanks but alsolots of private companies especially in the luxury sector (jewelry & watches) and bankings.As a consequence, there are lots of internship and full time position opportunities. Yet, thecompetition is hard as candidates come from every continent to seize opportunities in Geneva.Linguistic skills are important : as you are in a French‐speaking environment, French is most of thetime important not to say required. French is one of the official langagues of the UN. English isrequired for any international career. For private sector, German is a often a must as 60% of theSwiss population is German speaking.Geneva is quite a small city. One must pay attention to his/her behavior as the community is small. Ifyou do not behave properly while working and while going out with friends, your acts and actionscould threaten your legitimacy. Reputation does count in your professional career.Keep in mind that living in Swizterland and Geneva is expensive. It is difficult to find a place to rentand rentings are expensive. You may decide to live on the French side : it is a bit cheaper but youneed to commute (the closest town is at 15 minutes by commom transportation). Medical fees arealso extremely high : you definitely need insurance coverage. Before leaving Sciences Po, make sureyou have a medical insurance.A Sciences Po Avenir representative went to Geneva from June 11 to June 13, 2012 to meet withpotential employers. You will find hereafter the employers met and the opportunities given.11, 12, 13 June, 20122

WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION (WHO)« WHO is the directing and coordinating authority for health within the United Nations system. It isresponsible for providing leadership on global health matters, shaping the health research agenda,setting norms and standards, articulating evidence‐based policy options, providing technical supportto countries and monitoring and assessing health trends.We are a diverse workforce of some 8,500 people representing more than 150 nationalities workingin 147 countries. We have six regional offices and a headquarters located in Geneva, Switzerland.In line with our mission to provide global leadership in public health, we employ health specialists,medical doctors, scientists, epidemiologists and also people with expertise in administration andfinance, information systems, economics, health statistics as well as emergency preparedness andresponse. »ProfileTo get a chance to be recruited by the WHO, you need to gain legitimacy and credibility. Doing aninternship in the WHO is a good way to develop competencies, gain insight of the WHO and create /strengthen your WHO network. Yet, doing an internship does not guarantee to be recruited as staff.You can also gain credibility in doing other kind of experiences in the health sector (consultingcompanies, NGOs, cooperation actors, associations, governments, private sector, other internationalorganizations, etc.) Field experiences are strong assets and will definitely make a difference.Internship Programme in Geneva (Headquarter)Sciences Po master and PhD students are eligible for internships. Undergrads are not (you must havecompleted a BA to apply). Please check out the requirements and application process.All applications remain active for a period of 6 months. Applicants are asked to reapply if they werenot offered an internship after this period, yet remain interested in being considered for aninternship.NB. Please, note that if you are interested in internships in regional or country offices, you need tocontact directly that regional office : African Region, Region of the Americas, South‐East Asia Region,Eastern Mediterranean Region, Western Pacific Region, Regional Office for Europe.Staff and ConsultantsStaff are grouped in two broad categories: Professional (P) i or General Service staff (G). Staff arehired on different contracts : « continuing service », « fixed term contract » for 2 years maximum,« temporary contract » for 11 months with a necessary 1‐month‐cooling period.Consultants are generally senior candidates : they hold an APW (Agreement for Performance ofWork). APW are usually short‐term contracts for a specific piece of work / a specific project.Whatever the contract, one can be dismissed with immediate effect. Due to crisis context, 20% of thestaff was dismissed within a year (both consultants and staffs).11, 12, 13 June, 20123

The recruitment process takes several months as it involves a number of steps which may includescreening, written test, interviews, assessment centre. Please take this into consideration whenapplying.Junior Professional Officer (J<strong>PO</strong>)The Junior Professional Officer (J<strong>PO</strong>) Programme provides young professionals at an early stage intheir career with practical experience in multi‐lateral technical co‐operation. J<strong>PO</strong>s are sponsored bytheir respective governments: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Japan,Korea, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland.In WHO, J<strong>PO</strong>s serve at country offices, regional offices and at Geneva headquarters. Under thesupervision of a senior staff member, J<strong>PO</strong>s work with international and national staff and areinvolved in the identification, design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of WHOprogrammes.It is a very competitive selection process : you must prepair yourself to get a chance to be selected(resume with appropriate key words, cover letter underlying your motivations, recommandationletters if any).Current vacanciesBesides J<strong>PO</strong>, you may find other opportunities under « Current Vacancies » (for Professional andGeneral Categories – Staff and Consultants ‐ APW : Agreement for the Performance of Work).The Providing for Health (P4H) Initiative« P4H is a partnership of governments and organizations engaged in supporting low and middleincome countries on social health protection.P4H promotes and supports the development of sustainable, equitable and efficient health systemsfor social health protection. Extension of social protection in health is the key strategy to reducefinancial barriers to access health care and moving towards universal coverage.This is pursued by supporting countries in developing:Financing mechanisms that ensure equitable access to needed quality health services withoutthe risk of severe financial consequencesA set of measures against ill‐health related cost of treatment, social distress, loss ofproductivity and loss of earnings due to inability to work. »If you are interested in doing an internship in « health financing », within the P4H team in the WHO,please send your application (resume + cover letter) to faustine.chevet@sciences‐po.fr « mentioningP4H Internship »11, 12, 13 June, 20124

UNHCR the UN Refugee Agency« The agency is mandated to lead and co‐ordinate international action to protect refugees andresolve refugee problems worldwide. Its primary purpose is to safeguard the rights and well‐being ofrefugees. A staff of some 7,685 people in more than 125 countries continues to help some 33.9 millionpersons. »Internship ProgrammeInternships are not only available in Geneva and Budapest offices but also in fields offices. You mustapply online . Managers will source candidates out of a database (choose relevant key words to befished out). HR are not involved in the interns recruitments. Besides applying online, you are stronglyadvised to contact managers directly (send your resume and cover letter) to sell and marketyourself. There are internships from 2 to 6 months all the year through depending on specific needsand projects. Your application will be kept for 6 months in the database (you need to reapply after 6months if still interested).Be aware that interns may only be hired as staff or consultant 6 months after the internship hasbeen completed (a cooling period is mandatory).United Nations Volunteer (UNV)To be hired as a UN Volunteer for the UNHCR, a first experience within the UNHCR and/or NGO is areal asset.Check out the UNV current opportunities in various thematic areasUnited Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS)UNOPS contracts is a good option to consider. You may indeed work for the UNHCR under a UNOPScontract. UNOPS opportunities are to be taken into account (especially when budgets are tight) : youare not paid by the UNHCR but by UNOPS. There are two types of UNOPS contracts : UN staffcontracts and Individual Contractor Agreements (ICAs).Look at vacancies online.ConsultancyUniversity Fellows, who are already accomplished professionals in their fields, would normally beissued consultancy contracts rather than an internship contract while working for UNHCR.Being a consultant or an intern does not change the external applicant status of the person inrelation to job openings which are advertised externally.A consultant is a recognized specialist in a specific field hired by UNHCR under a temporary contract.Consultants are not UNHCR staff members. There are different types of consultants : the Locally‐Hired International Consultant, has been introduced, in addition to International and NationalConsultants.11, 12, 13 June, 20125

A consultancy contract shall not exceed 11 months followed by a 1‐month cooling period. Followingthe break‐in‐service, the same individual may be re‐engaged until reaching a total period of 24months in a 36‐month period.The Junior Officer Professional Programme (J<strong>PO</strong>)« The Junior Professional Officer is an opportunity for young university graduates and young qualifiedprofessionals to obtain exposure to UNHCR's humanitarian work in the field or at headquarters inGeneva. Annually, some 80 J<strong>PO</strong>s are sponsored by 15 governments ii under the J<strong>PO</strong> programme.Some governments iii also sponsor J<strong>PO</strong>s from other countries under a Developing Country Scheme.Most J<strong>PO</strong> assignments last from two to four years. »Selection are done by each government. You need to apply through your respective ministry. Eachgovernment will establish a shortlist of national candidates to be sent to UNHCR for final decision. Beaware that the whole process takes a few months.Note that specific donors may agree with financing J<strong>PO</strong>s for developing countries. In that case,candidates must apply directly through the UNHCR website (Vacancy Announcements) iv .11, 12, 13 June, 20126

INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR MIGRATION (IOM)« Established in 1951, IOM is the leading inter‐governmental organization in the field of migrationand works closely with governmental, intergovernmental and non‐governmental partners.With 146 member states, a further 13 states holding observer status and offices in over 100 countries,IOM is dedicated to promoting humane and orderly migration for the benefit of all. It does so byproviding services and advice to governments and migrants. »There are two types of contracts within the IOM : Fixed‐term‐contract for one year and short termcontracts (from 3 to 9 months) called « Special contracts ».There are two staff categories : Professional (P‐1 through to P‐5, and Directors at D‐1 level) andGeneral Service for support functions (G‐1 to G‐7). « Although IOM is not a part of the UnitedNations, it follows the job classification and compensation system regulated by the International CivilServant Commission (ICSC), as established by the United Nations General Assembly [and] the the jobclassification of the United Nations Common General Service Standard for Geneva‐basedOrganizations. »InternshipsEach year, the IOM takes a few interns. Look at internship opportunities online.You may also send your application to faustine.chevet@sciences‐po.fr especially if you are interestedin internships within the « Migration and Environment » desk.Associate Experts« The Programme consists of separate agreements between IOM and certain donor countries. So farAE agreements have been signed with the “Agence intergouvernementale de la Francophonie”,Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Italy, Japan, Korea, the Netherlands, Sweden,Switzerland and USA. »Each donor has its own criteria selection and own recruitment process. You need to apply directly onthe donor website.11, 12, 13 June, 20127

WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM (WEF)« The World Economic Forum is an independent international organization committed to improvingthe state of the world by engaging business, political, academic and other leaders of society to shapeglobal, regional and industry agendas. »Incorporated as a not‐for‐profit foundation in 1971, the headquarter is based in Geneva, Switzerlandbut there are smaller offices in Beijing, Tokyo and NYC.Around 400 people are fully dedicated and contribute to WEF’s missions. The WEF values « a highlyspirited, diverse, impartial and independent workforce, attracting people of more than 55nationalities from business, consulting, NGOs, international institutions, academia, research, publicadministration and diplomacy. »Each year the World Economic Forum organises the Davos Forum. Besides, many other events areimplemented such as Regional Forum on diverse topics like Climate Change, Corporate Gender Gap,Disaster Management, Energy, Global Health, Private Investors, etc. The aim of the World EconomicForum is to promote relations between governments, NGOs and businesses « to commit together toimproving the state of the world ».The World Economic Forum is organized around several pillars : Private Sector, GovernmentsRelations (PPP v ), Regional pillars with Regional Forum (for instance, the World Economic Forum onthe Middle East, North Africa and Eurasia 2012 organized in Istanbul), and Experts (usuallyacademics).InternshipsPlease, note there is no internship program within the WEF. However, there are had hoc internshipopportunities depending on projects and needs. There are summer internships in the New Yorkoffice. All the internship positions are posted on the career website.Global Leadership Fellow ProgrammeEvery year a cohort of high potentials join the WEF within the Global Leadership Fellows Programme.This programme combines a full‐time position within the WEF and courses in academic partners. Youare enrolled for 3 years. Selection process is as follow : Behavioural interview, Emotional IntelligenceTest & Personality Test.At the end of the 3‐year‐period, you may choose to carry on working for the WEF or decide to go foranother positions (consulting, international organizations, business, politics, strategy, etc.). If youwant to stay within the World Economic Forum, you will thus be assessed by a committee made ofyour manager, the programme manager and an independent assessment center representative.Profile11, 12, 13 June, 20128

It is not designed for students nor young graduates as candidates need a few years of experience.This program is to identify future top leaders, to train them and develop skills to achieve professionalexcellence.Experience in civil society, private sector and/ or public sector (PPP), fields experience are valued.For young graduates, there are « entry‐level positions ». All the positions are posted on the careerwebsite. Do not hesitate to apply.Full time positionsFor entry‐level positions, you may look at « Team Coordinator, Associate, Senior Associate »opportunities on the website.11, 12, 13 June, 20129

WORLD TRADE ORGANIZATION (W<strong>TO</strong>)« It is an organization for trade opening. It is a forum for governments to negotiate tradeagreements. It is a place for them to settle trade disputes. It operates a system of trade rules.Essentially, the W<strong>TO</strong> is a place where member governments try to sort out the trade problems theyface with each other. »It was created in 1995 and now gathers 155 member countries and 640 staffs. Geneva is theheadquarter. Its Director General is Pascal Lamy, a Sciences Po alumnus.« The W<strong>TO</strong> and the Millennium Development Goals : International trade can lead to economic growthand development, and the World Trade Organization (W<strong>TO</strong>) is very much at the forefront of efforts tomake this happen for developing countries. The main goal that concerns the W<strong>TO</strong> is MDG 8, buildinga global partnership for development. However, W<strong>TO</strong> activities are also relevant to other goals, suchas MDG 1, whose aim is to eradicate extreme poverty and hunger. In fact, the MDGs cannot be seenin isolation: they are all interconnected. »English, French and Spanish are the official languages of the W<strong>TO</strong>. Note that staff are expected to beable to work in at least two of these. Moreover, knowing French is a good asset as this is thelanguage of the Geneva area, which is the sole location of the W<strong>TO</strong>.Internship Programmes:‐ The W<strong>TO</strong> Internships‐ The W<strong>TO</strong> Accessions Internship Program also known as « the China Programme »‐ Other Trainee Programmes and InternshipsThe W<strong>TO</strong> HR advice to Sciences Po students :« As the W<strong>TO</strong> receive lots of applications every year, candidates should customize their resume withrelevant key‐words, appropriate experience. When you apply online, fill in the form and payattention to details ». Your application will be kept in a roster for 12 months. If you keep an interestin an internship within the W<strong>TO</strong>, you need to reapply every 12 months.Each year, the W<strong>TO</strong> takes 75 interns. There are no internships for undergraduates.Geneva is the sole location of the W<strong>TO</strong> : do not expect internships in field offices !Full time positionsThere is no real programme for young graduates such as Young Professional Programmes, JuniorProfessional Officer, etc. Yet, all vacancies are posted on line without any exception. You arestrongly advised to apply online with an had oc application.Among all the listed opportunities, you may look at entry level positions such as « Officer »,« Analyst ».11, 12, 13 June, 201210

NB : Please, note that there is no quotas in terms of recruitments. Candidates are only selected onmerit, on an open transparent process. It is a fair competition where every single outstandingcandidate has a chance to be sorted out. The recruitment process is on an evidence based decisionmaking. As a consequence, you must emphasize on your competencies, what you have done up tonow in terms of actions and skills developped.11, 12, 13 June, 201211

MEDIA 21« Media21 is a Geneva‐based initiative launched in 2006 by a team of international journalists toexpand and improve media coverage of key global issues, including climate change, the environment,human rights, migration, peace‐keeping and security, public health, trade, corporate socialresponsibility. »ProfileYou are rigorous and committed, with strong capacities in writing and analizing.You have shown a deep interest in diplomacy and journalism.You are fluent in English and French. Other languages are a plus.For internships, you may send your application to faustine.chevet@sciences‐po.fr11, 12, 13 June, 201212

INTERNATIONAL COMMITTEE OF THE RED CROSS (ICRC)« The ICRC, established in 1863, works worldwide to provide humanitarian help for people affected byconflict and armed violence and to promote the laws that protect victims of war. Based in Geneva,Switzerland, it employs some 12,000 people in 80 countries». 1,453 are expatriates, 9908 aredelegates in the field and 823 staffs are based in Geneva.« The ICRC is committed to responding rapidly and efficiently to the humanitarian needs of peopleaffected by armed conflict or by a natural disaster occurring in a conflict area. » ICRC actions are thusin various sectors such as Health and Health Care, Economic Security, Water & Habitat, Protectingcivilians, etc.All vacancies are posted online, including internships. Internships are paid and usually for long period(12 months).ProfileEnglish is always a must, French is either a must or, at least, important. Linguistic skills in Arabic arecurrently strong assets : as positions depend on emergencies in the field and the evolution of ICRC’sactivities , ICRC maintains a strong presence througout Middle East countries (Egypt, Syria, Iraq,Yemen, …). Yet, for each position, linguistic skills will always be mentioned within the profiledescription but keep in mind that the local language is always required.Field experience is extremely important. You should first start looking at field opportunities (either inICRC, NGOs or international organisations for instance) before looking for positions in headquarters.While in the field, you will face complexe situations and develop specific skills to gain credibility forheadquarters positions. Look at Delegate positions under vacancies and take a look at therecruitment process.Duty station : « Staff are assigned to duty stations on the basis of events in the countries in conflictand the needs of humanitarian operations. In principle, they are not free to choose where they willcarry out their missions. The ICRC can decide to change the duty station at any time, if thecircumstances so require. »Opportunities – Internships / Full time positionsFor internships within the Multilateral Organisations, Policy and Humanitarian Action, MOPHA, youmay send applications to internship.mopha@icrc.org (with faustine.chevet@sciences‐po.fr in Cc).For full time positions, please look at :http://www.icrc.org/eng/who‐we‐are/jobs/index.jsphttp://www.icrc.org/eng/who‐we‐are/jobs/vacancies/index.jsphttp://www.icrc.org/eng/resources/documents/misc/job‐application‐procedure.htm1311, 12, 13 June, 2012

UNITED NATION OFFICE AT <strong>GENEVA</strong> (UNOG)The UN are in Geneva but also in New York City, Nairobi, Vienna, Addis Ababa, Bangkok, Beirut,Santiago, Arusha and The Hague.To have a good insight of the United Nations of Geneva (UNOG), please have a look at the UNfamilies in Geneva.UNOG InternshipsThe UNOG Internship Programme in only meant to manage internships in its Geneva offices. Thereare no internships for College students as you need to have completed, at leat, a BA to apply.Information are to be found online. Please check conditions out and send your application by emailto : internship@unog.chBesides, if you are interested in an internship in HR, within the Chief of Human ResourcesManagement Service of the United Nations Office at Geneva’ s team, send your application to :faustine.chevet@sciences‐po.frNB : For internships in other offices, please look at each website as they all have separate internshiparrangements : NYC for the United Nations Headquarters Internship Programme and internships inthe Office of Legal Affairs , Vienna, Nairobi, Addis Ababa, Bangkok, Beirut, Santiago, Arusha and TheHague)UN vacanciesStaff members in the Professional (P) and the Director (D) categories are normally internationallyrecruited and are expected to serve at different duty stations throughout their career with theOrganization.For entry level positions, look at P2 (minimum 2 years of work experience, but no professionalexperience required for the Young Professional Programme) and P3 (minimum 5 years of workexperience).Linguistic skills are essential. There are six official languages: Arabic, Chinese, English, French,Russian and Spanish. Two of these, English and French, are the working languages. To work for theUnited Nations you need to have excellent command of either English or French and to work in theUNOG, both French and English are important as Geneva is in a French speaking area. Knowledge ofany other language (especially when working in the field) is a plus but not always necessary.The variety of job opportunities is huge in the UN : Economic and Social Development ; Managementand Operation Support ; Political and Peace Support, Communication Technology ; Legal ; etc.UNOG temporary contracts (short‐term contracts) :The United Nations Office at Geneva has been looking for candidates of Arabic, Chinese, English,French, Russian or Spanish mother tongue for short‐term contracts for text processing.Entry Level Positions in the UN11, 12, 13 June, 201214

The Young Professional Programme recruitment examination. Keep in mind that if you are selectedafter quite a long selection cycle, you will be proposed a position either in headquarters or in fieldoffices. Should you refuse the position, you will not be given another option. You would have to gothrough the next recruitment examination again and start the whole process from scratch.The Associate Expert ProgrammeCandidates must apply directly through the 18 donor countries (the number of donor countries maychange from a year to the other depending on budgets and needs). You need to be a national of thedonor country to apply. Yet, a few donors agree with financing nationals of developing countries(Italy, the Netherlands and Spain for 2012).There are positions in Political Sciences, Administration (HR, etc), International Relations, Law,Sociology, Statistics, …United Nations Volunteer (UNV)Check out the UNV current opportunities in various thematic areas11, 12, 13 June, 201215

LOUIS VUIT<strong>TO</strong>N (LVMH group)There are 8 Louis Vuitton stores in Switzerland (150 people) and the headquarter is based in Geneva(more than 20 people work for the headquarter). The biggest two stores are Geneva (35 people) andZurich.Customers are locals, expatriates and tourists. 60% of the Swiss are German.For any career in support functions, you need to go through the retail path. It is important tounderstand how a store is managed, who the clients are, etc. to be a good marketer for instance. It iscommon to start a career in retail functions before going to suppport functions.« Manager in Training Programme »This integration programme lasts over 18 months. The aim is to train future managers to lead a teamwithin a store. It goes through 3 phases : stock management & sales ; process performance ; categorymanagement.Functional and geographical mobility is strongly favored within LV and the LVMH group.InternshipsThere are 3 interns in marketing and communication all the year through (6 months minimum). Youmay send you application (resume and cover letter) to faustine.chevet@sciences‐po.frAll internships are paid (stipends are based on the Geneva cost of living).Profile :Interest in luxury and retail (strong retail culture)French (this is a French company), English (for international clients), German (for German speakingclients – 60% of the Swis are German speaking and they are the wealthiest). Stong interest in theNancy campus and the dual degree with St Gallen university.11, 12, 13 June, 201216

ANTINEA FOUNDATIONThe Antinea Foundation is a non‐profit organisation based in Geneva (Carouge), Switzerland. Its goalis to preserve the oceans. The project is articulated around a sailing boat named « Fleur de Passion »whose objective has been to navigate around the Earth over 10 years. This expediation is known as« Changing Oceans Expeditions » has been lead in cooperation with the International Union forConservation of Nature (IUCN) and received the patronage of UNESCO in 2008.For internship application, please send your resume and cover letter to faustine.chevet@sciencespo.friFrom P1 to P6ii Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Korea, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Spain,Sweden, Switzerland, and USAiii Belgium, the Netherlands and Italyiv The only exception to date within this procedure is with the Italian Government: http://www.undesa.it/v Public‐Private Partnership11, 12, 13 June, 201217

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