construction & landbased - Leeds City College

construction & landbased - Leeds City College construction & landbased - Leeds City College
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Where to start?For some people it’s easy knowing what to study.If you really want to be a Plumber, then studyingDance may not be the right choice... and vice-versa.If you’re not sure what you can do, want to do orhow to do it, we have a few tips to help you decide.Consider the following when choosingyour course:• Your Skills and TalentsThink about where your strengths lie. You mightwant to list them or sit and talk them throughwith somebody who knows you well, like a friendor family member or a teacher.• Your Hobbies and InterestsThink about what interests you. Things are easier tolearn when we have a genuine interest in the subjectarea. Try to make links between your hobbies andinterests and the courses on offer. Talking to yourfamily or friends can be helpful here.• Entry RequirementsAll of our courses require that you can show whatskills and talents you have to offer, and that youcan show a genuine interest in the subject. Forsome courses you will need to have qualificationsand be able to show evidence of these. The entryrequirements for all of our courses appear in theCollege Prospectuses, on the College website andon the Leeds Pathways website.Please check that you meet the entryrequirements for the course that you apply for.• Your Career or Job IdeasIf you have a specific career or job idea, it isimportant to make sure that your choice of coursewill help you to achieve this. Some people choosetheir career first and this determines the course theyapply for. Some choose a course that they know theywill find interesting and then explore their careeroptions later. There is no right or wrong approach tothis but help and support is available.• Essential Skills Required for WorkWe want to make sure that everyone has thechance to improve or consolidate their skillsrequired for work and/or HE. All students whohaven’t achieved A*-C in Maths, English and ICTwill be able to study Functional Skills or GCSEsin these areas at a level appropriate to you.Employers tell us that these are essential to work.They will also have the opportunity to developtheir ‘employability’ skills – self-management,team working, problem solving, business andcustomer awareness, positive attitude – as part oftheir learning | | 0113 386 1997 25

Where to start?For some people it’s easy knowing what to study.If you really want to be a Plumber, then studyingDance may not be the right choice... and vice-versa.If you’re not sure what you can do, want to do orhow to do it, we have a few tips to help you decide.Consider the following when choosingyour course:• Your Skills and TalentsThink about where your strengths lie. You mightwant to list them or sit and talk them throughwith somebody who knows you well, like a friendor family member or a teacher.• Your Hobbies and InterestsThink about what interests you. Things are easier tolearn when we have a genuine interest in the subjectarea. Try to make links between your hobbies andinterests and the courses on offer. Talking to yourfamily or friends can be helpful here.• Entry RequirementsAll of our courses require that you can show whatskills and talents you have to offer, and that youcan show a genuine interest in the subject. Forsome courses you will need to have qualificationsand be able to show evidence of these. The entryrequirements for all of our courses appear in the<strong>College</strong> Prospectuses, on the <strong>College</strong> website andon the <strong>Leeds</strong> Pathways website.Please check that you meet the entryrequirements for the course that you apply for.• Your Career or Job IdeasIf you have a specific career or job idea, it isimportant to make sure that your choice of coursewill help you to achieve this. Some people choosetheir career first and this determines the course theyapply for. Some choose a course that they know theywill find interesting and then explore their careeroptions later. There is no right or wrong approach tothis but help and support is available.• Essential Skills Required for WorkWe want to make sure that everyone has thechance to improve or consolidate their skillsrequired for work and/or HE. All students whohaven’t achieved A*-C in Maths, English and ICTwill be able to study Functional Skills or GCSEsin these areas at a level appropriate to you.Employers tell us that these are essential to work.They will also have the opportunity to developtheir ‘employability’ skills – self-management,team working, problem solving, business andcustomer awareness, positive attitude – as part oftheir learning | | 0113 386 1997 25

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