construction & landbased - Leeds City College

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Animal magicIn April 2012 students from the Foundation Degree in Animal Health &Welfare and the Foundation Degree in Wildlife Management & Conservationjoined tutor, Laura Overton, on the trip of a lifetime to South Africa.During their 10 day trip they visited Pretoria Zoo, Moholoholo Game Reserve and WildlifeRehabilitation Centre, Kamai Reptile Park and the Kruger National Park. Highlights of theexperience were meeting 4 week old cheetah cubs, a sleep out in a bird hide in the Kruger Park,two rhino close encounters, feeding a pack of wild dogs, learning to identify hundreds of birdsand discovering South African food and culture. It is hoped that this will be an annual trip withthe next date set for March 2013.water wingsEach year students completing the BSc(Hons) in Animal Management take partin Marine Mammal Rescue training andbecome qualified marine mammal medicswith the British Divers Marine Life Rescue.This takes place on Scarborough beachand simulates a real rescue of a seal pup,common dolphin and stranded pilot whale,that weighs 2 tonnes!

“The tutors are reallyfriendly. I like workingwith the animals as weget to feed, clean andgroom them.”Daniel - Entry Level Animal CarechrisFoundation Learning Bricklaying“I was out of work for a year and decidedto attend a bricklaying course to improvemy chances of employment. I am enjoyingall aspects of college life.”Sam BloomLevel 1 Conservation“I like the respect from tutors when theyteach me. I enjoy the outdoor activitieslike rebuilding the boardwalks.”JohnLevel 2 NVQ Diploma Bricklaying“I am attending college to gainqualifications to enable me to workabroad.”Daniel HaighLevel 1 Animal Care“I enjoy doing animal care it’s fun withthe animals and making new friend. Thecollege is great and the tutors are helpfulif we are struggling with our course.”Gemma WheelerEntry Level Horticulture“It’s amazing because its outside andgrowing nice flowers in the polytunnels.And then we plant them outside or sellthem in the shop.”

Animal magicIn April 2012 students from the Foundation Degree in Animal Health &Welfare and the Foundation Degree in Wildlife Management & Conservationjoined tutor, Laura Overton, on the trip of a lifetime to South Africa.During their 10 day trip they visited Pretoria Zoo, Moholoholo Game Reserve and WildlifeRehabilitation Centre, Kamai Reptile Park and the Kruger National Park. Highlights of theexperience were meeting 4 week old cheetah cubs, a sleep out in a bird hide in the Kruger Park,two rhino close encounters, feeding a pack of wild dogs, learning to identify hundreds of birdsand discovering South African food and culture. It is hoped that this will be an annual trip withthe next date set for March 2013.water wingsEach year students completing the BSc(Hons) in Animal Management take partin Marine Mammal Rescue training andbecome qualified marine mammal medicswith the British Divers Marine Life Rescue.This takes place on Scarborough beachand simulates a real rescue of a seal pup,common dolphin and stranded pilot whale,that weighs 2 tonnes!

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