Promoting the Rights of Children with Disabilities, UNICEF

Promoting the Rights of Children with Disabilities, UNICEF

Promoting the Rights of Children with Disabilities, UNICEF

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<strong>of</strong> all legislation in order to ensure its conformity<strong>with</strong> <strong>the</strong>se standards, in particular <strong>the</strong> inclusion <strong>of</strong>children and adults <strong>with</strong> disabilities. All relevantlegislation and regulations should include a prohibition<strong>of</strong> discrimination on grounds <strong>of</strong> disability.2. Provide for effective remedies in case <strong>of</strong> violations<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> rights <strong>of</strong> children <strong>with</strong> disabilities andensure that <strong>the</strong>se remedies are accessible to allchildren, families and caregivers.3. Develop a national plan <strong>of</strong> action that integrates<strong>the</strong> relevant provisions <strong>of</strong> all applicable internationalinstruments. Such plans should specifymeasurable and timebound targets as well asevaluation indicators, and should be resourcedaccordingly.4. Create a focal point for disability in each relevantdepartment, as well as a high-level multisectoralCoordinating Committee, <strong>with</strong> members drawnfrom relevant ministries and organizations <strong>of</strong> persons<strong>with</strong> disabilities. This committee should beempowered to initiate proposals, suggest policiesand monitor progress.5. Develop independent monitoring mechanisms,such as an Ombudsperson or <strong>Children</strong>’s Commissioner,and ensure that children and families areaware <strong>of</strong> and fully supported in gaining access tosuch mechanisms.6. Make concerted efforts to ensure that <strong>the</strong> necessaryresources are allocated to and for children<strong>with</strong> disabilities and <strong>the</strong>ir families. This includesfree primary and secondary education in accessiblebuildings, training <strong>of</strong> teachers and o<strong>the</strong>r pr<strong>of</strong>essionals,financial support and social security.Each child should be provided <strong>with</strong> appropriateindividual support, including assistive devices,sign language, Braille materials and a differentiatedand accessible curriculum.7. Establish programmes for <strong>the</strong> deinstitutionalization<strong>of</strong> children <strong>with</strong> disabilities, placing <strong>the</strong>m <strong>with</strong><strong>the</strong>ir families or <strong>with</strong> foster families who shouldbe assisted <strong>with</strong> pr<strong>of</strong>essional and financial support.National standards <strong>of</strong> care and appropriatetraining should be in place and rigorously monitoredto safeguard <strong>the</strong> rights <strong>of</strong> those childrenthat remain in institutions.8. Conduct awareness-raising and educational campaignsfor <strong>the</strong> public, as well as specific groups<strong>of</strong> pr<strong>of</strong>essionals, <strong>with</strong> <strong>the</strong> aim <strong>of</strong> preventing andaddressing <strong>the</strong> de facto discrimination <strong>of</strong> children<strong>with</strong> disabilities.9. Implement a system <strong>of</strong> community services andsupport for children <strong>with</strong> disabilities.10. Ensure that organizations <strong>of</strong> persons <strong>with</strong> disabilitiesare consulted in relevant planning and policymaking, and are duly represented and financiallysupported in extending <strong>the</strong>ir activities. <strong>Children</strong><strong>with</strong> disabilities should be supported in making<strong>the</strong>ir voices heard.Such actions taken by governments will promote andfacilitate <strong>the</strong> efforts by families and communities insupport <strong>of</strong> children <strong>with</strong> disabilities.ConclusionsIn countries <strong>the</strong> world over children <strong>with</strong> disabilitiesand <strong>the</strong>ir families continue to face discrimination andare not yet fully able to enjoy <strong>the</strong>ir basic human rights.The inclusion <strong>of</strong> children <strong>with</strong> disabilities is a matter <strong>of</strong>social justice and an essential investment in <strong>the</strong> future<strong>of</strong> society. It is not based on charity or goodwill but isan integral element <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> expression and realization<strong>of</strong> universal human rights.The last two decades have witnessed a ga<strong>the</strong>ringglobal momentum for change. Many countries havealready begun to reform <strong>the</strong>ir laws and structures andto remove barriers to <strong>the</strong> participation <strong>of</strong> persons <strong>with</strong>disabilities as full members <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>ir communities.The Convention on <strong>the</strong> <strong>Rights</strong> <strong>of</strong> Persons <strong>with</strong> <strong>Disabilities</strong>,building upon <strong>the</strong> existing provisions <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Conventionon <strong>the</strong> <strong>Rights</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Child, opens a new erain securing <strong>the</strong> rights <strong>of</strong> children <strong>with</strong> disabilities and<strong>the</strong>ir families. Toge<strong>the</strong>r <strong>with</strong> <strong>the</strong> Millennium Agendaand o<strong>the</strong>r international initiatives, <strong>the</strong>se internationalstandards lay <strong>the</strong> foundation for each country and communityto undertake a fundamental review <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> situation<strong>of</strong> children and adults <strong>with</strong> disabilities and to takespecific steps to promote <strong>the</strong>ir inclusion in society.Innocenti Digest No. 13<strong>Promoting</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Rights</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Children</strong> <strong>with</strong> <strong>Disabilities</strong>v

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