Zambia Demographic and Health Survey 2001-2002 - Measure DHS

Zambia Demographic and Health Survey 2001-2002 - Measure DHS

Zambia Demographic and Health Survey 2001-2002 - Measure DHS


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Figure 2.5 Trends in Percentage of Households with Electricityby Residence, <strong>Zambia</strong> 1992-<strong>2002</strong>444540393050 Percent 1992 1996 <strong>2001</strong>-<strong>2002</strong>2019171710032Urban Rural TotalResidence3Sanitation FacilitiesMost households in <strong>Zambia</strong> (53 percent) use traditional pit latrines: 50 percent in urban areas <strong>and</strong> 55percent in rural areas. Flush toilets are mainly found in urban areas <strong>and</strong> are used by 42 percent of householdscompared with 2 percent in rural areas. Overall, one in three households in <strong>Zambia</strong> have no toilet facilities.This problem is more common in rural areas (43 percent) than in urban areas (5 percent).Type of FlooringThe type of material used for flooring is a proxy indicator of the economic level of the household aswell as an indicator of potential exposure to disease-causing agents. Households in rural areas have poorerquality floors than those in urban areas as can be seen from Table 2.7. Results show that more households inrural areas have floors made of earth/mud/dung (86 percent) than in urban areas (18 percent), while morehouseholds in urban areas have floors made of concrete or cement (71 percent) than in rural areas (13percent).2.6 HOUSEHOLD DURABLE GOODSRespondents were asked about ownership of particular household goods such as radios <strong>and</strong> televisionsets (to assess access to media), refrigerators (to assess food storage), telephones or cellular phones (to assessother means of communication), <strong>and</strong> modes of transport (bicycle, motorcycle, car). Ownership of these itemsis also indicative of the household’s social <strong>and</strong> economic well-being. Results from Table 2.8 show that 42percent of households own a radio, (61 percent in urban areas <strong>and</strong> 31 percent in rural areas) <strong>and</strong> 19 percentown a television (48 percent in urban areas <strong>and</strong> 4 percent in rural areas). Four percent own a telephone or cellphone (10 percent in urban areas <strong>and</strong> less than 1 percent in rural areas). Ten percent of households own arefrigerator. Televisions, refrigerators, <strong>and</strong> telephones or cell phones are mostly restricted to urban areas,presumably due to lack of electricity <strong>and</strong>/or financial resources in rural areas.22 | Characteristics of Households <strong>and</strong> Respondents

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