Zambia Demographic and Health Survey 2001-2002 - Measure DHS

Zambia Demographic and Health Survey 2001-2002 - Measure DHS

Zambia Demographic and Health Survey 2001-2002 - Measure DHS


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This report summarises the findings of the <strong>2001</strong>-<strong>2002</strong> <strong>Zambia</strong> <strong>Demographic</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Health</strong> <strong>Survey</strong> (Z<strong>DHS</strong>) carriedout by the Central Statistical Office in partnership with the Central Board of <strong>Health</strong>. ORC Macro provided financial <strong>and</strong>technical assistance for the survey through the USAID-funded MEASURE <strong>DHS</strong>+ programme, which is designed toassist developing countries to collect data on fertility, family planning, <strong>and</strong> maternal <strong>and</strong> child health. Additional fundingfor the Z<strong>DHS</strong> was received from the Government of Japan through a trust fund managed by the United NationsDevelopment Programme (UNDP) <strong>and</strong> through bilateral agreements between the Government of the Republic of <strong>Zambia</strong><strong>and</strong> the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) <strong>and</strong> the Danish International Development Agency (DANIDA). Theopinions expressed are those of the authors <strong>and</strong> do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID, UNDP, UNFPA orDANIDA.Additional information about the Z<strong>DHS</strong> may be obtained from the Central Statistical Office, P.O. Box 31908,Lusaka, Tel: 260-1-251377/85; fax: 260-1253468. Additional information about the MEASURE <strong>DHS</strong>+ project may beobtained by contacting: MEASURE <strong>DHS</strong>+, ORC Macro, 11785 Beltsville Drive, Suite 300, Calverton, MD 20705(telephone 301-572-0200; fax 301-572-0999; e-mail: reports@macroint.com; internet: www.measuredhs.com).Suggested citation:Central Statistical Office [<strong>Zambia</strong>], Central Board of <strong>Health</strong> [<strong>Zambia</strong>], <strong>and</strong> ORC Macro. 2003. <strong>Zambia</strong> <strong>Demographic</strong> <strong>and</strong><strong>Health</strong> <strong>Survey</strong> <strong>2001</strong>-<strong>2002</strong>. Calverton, Maryl<strong>and</strong>, USA: Central Statistical Office, Central Board of <strong>Health</strong>, <strong>and</strong> ORCMacro.

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