Zambia Demographic and Health Survey 2001-2002 - Measure DHS

Zambia Demographic and Health Survey 2001-2002 - Measure DHS

Zambia Demographic and Health Survey 2001-2002 - Measure DHS


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NO. QUESTIONS AND FILTERS CODING CATEGORIES SKIP511 Now I want to ask you about your wife’s/partner’s views onfamily planning. Do you think that your wife/partner approves ordisapproves of couples using a contraceptive method to avoidpregnancy?IF MORE THAN ONE WIFE, ASK ABOUT THE YOUNGEST.512 How often have you talked to your wife/partner about familyplanning in the past year?513 Do you think your wife/partner wants the same number ofchildren that you want, or does she want more or fewer thanyou want?514 In the last few months have you heard about family planning:On the radio?On the television?In a newspaper or magazine?515 Have you ever heard of an oral contraceptive pill calledSafeplan?APPROVES ....................... 1DISAPPROVES .................... 2DON’T KNOW ..................... 8NEVER .......................... 1ONCE OR TWICE ................... 2MORE OFTEN ..................... 3SAME NUMBER .................... 1MORE CHILDREN ................... 2FEWER CHILDREN .................. 3DON’T KNOW ..................... 8YES NORADIO .....................1 2TELEVISION ................1 2NEWSPAPER OR MAGAZINE ...1 2YES ............................. 1NO .............................. 2NOT SURE ........................ 8516 In the last six months, have you listened to the followingprograms on the radio:YESNOYour <strong>Health</strong> Matters?Lifeline?AIDS <strong>and</strong> the Family?Our Neighbourhood?YOUR HEALTH MATTERS .....1 2LIFELINE ...................1 2AIDS AND THE FAMILY .......1 2OUR NEIGHBORHOOD ........1 2517 In the last six months, have you seen any of the followingprograms on television:YESNOYour <strong>Health</strong> Matters?Lifeline?Soul City?X-Plosion?YOUR HEALTH MATTERS .....1 2LIFELINE ...................1 2SOUL CITY .................1 2X-PLOSION .................1 2518 Have you ever seen a newspaper called “Trendsetters” aimedat young people?519 Is there a Neighborhood <strong>Health</strong> Committee (NHC) in yourneighborhood?YES ............................. 1NO .............................. 2DON’T KNOW ..................... 8YES ............................. 1NO .............................. 2DON’T KNOW ..................... 8),)2

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