Zambia Demographic and Health Survey 2001-2002 - Measure DHS

Zambia Demographic and Health Survey 2001-2002 - Measure DHS

Zambia Demographic and Health Survey 2001-2002 - Measure DHS


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307 Why do you think(METHOD) is not agood method for acouple to use if theywant to plan theirfamily?RECORD ALLREASONS MENTIONED.TOO EXPENSIVE ...... A),AGAINST RELIGION ... B)1MAY HARM WOMEN’S *HEALTH ........... C)1HAS SIDE EFFECTS .. D)1INCREASES *PROMISCUITY ...... E)1CAN CAUSE *STERILITY ......... F)1METHOD CAN FAIL .... G)1BABY IN DANGER IF *PREGNANCY *OCCURS .......... H)1INVOLVES DOCTOR/ *MED. PERSONNEL. .... I)**OTHER X)1(SPECIFY) *DON’T KNOW ........ Y)1(GO TO 304 IN =)))))))-NEXT COLUMN)TOO EXPENSIVE ....... A),AGAINST RELIGION .... B)1MAY HARM WOMEN’S *HEALTH ............ C)1HAS SIDE EFFECTS .... D)1INCREASES *PROMISCUITY ....... E)1CAN CAUSE *STERILITY ......... F)1METHOD CAN FAIL ..... G)1BABY IN DANGER IF *PREGNANCY *OCCURS ............ H)1INVOLVES DOCTOR/ *MED. PERSONNEL. ..... I)1*OTHER X)1(SPECIFY) *DON’T KNOW ......... Y)1(GO TO 304 IN =)))))))-NEXT COLUMN)Why do you think femalesterilization is not a goodmethod for a couple to use ifthey do not want any morechildren?TOO EXPENSIVE .........AAGAINST RELIGION ......BMAY HARM WOMEN’SHEALTH ..............CHAS SIDE EFFECTS ......DINCREASESPROMISCUITY ......... ECANNOT HAVECHILDREN AGAIN ...... FMETHOD CAN FAIL .......GINVOLVES DOCTOR/MED. PERSONNEL. .......ICAN LEAD TO MED.COMPLICATIONS ....... JOTHERX(SPECIFY)DON’T KNOW ...........Y9

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