Zambia Demographic and Health Survey 2001-2002 - Measure DHS

Zambia Demographic and Health Survey 2001-2002 - Measure DHS

Zambia Demographic and Health Survey 2001-2002 - Measure DHS


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NO. QUESTIONS AND FILTERS CODING CATEGORIES SKIP607 CHECK 602:WANTS TO HAVE +)),A/ANOTHER CHILD /))-?You have said that you do notwant (a/another) child soon, butyou are not using any method toavoid pregnancy.Can you tell me why?Any other reason?RECORD ALL REASONSMENTIONED.WANTS NO MORE/ +)),NONE /))-?You have said that you do notwant any (more) children, but youare not using any method to avoidpregnancy.Can you tell me why?Any other reason?NOT MARRIED ....................AFERTILITY-RELATED REASONSNOT HAVING SEX ...............BINFREQUENT SEX ...............CMENOPAUSAL/HYSTERECTOMY. ...DINFERTILE ...................... EPOSTPARTUM AMENORRHEIC ..... FBREASTFEEDING ................GFATALISTIC ....................HOPPOSITION TO USERESPONDENT OPPOSED ...........IHUSBAND/PARTNER OPPOSED .... JOTHERS OPPOSED ..............KRELIGIOUS PROHIBITION .......... LLACK OF KNOWLEDGEKNOWS NO METHOD .............MKNOWS NO SOURCE .............NMETHOD-RELATED REASONSHEALTH CONCERNS .............OFEAR OF SIDE EFFECTS .......... PLACK OF ACCESS/TOO FAR ......QCOSTS TOO MUCH ..............RINCONVENIENT TO USE ...........SINTERFERES WITH BODY’S NORMALPROCESSES .................. TOTHERX(SPECIFY)DON’T KNOW ....................Z608 In the next few weeks, if you discovered that you were pregnant,would that be a big problem, a small problem, or no problem for you?BIG PROBLEM .................... 1SMALL PROBLEM ................. 2NO PROBLEM .................... 3SAYS SHE CAN’T GET PREGNANT/NOT HAVING SEX .............. 4609 CHECK 310: USING A CONTRACEPTIVE METHOD?NOT +))), NO, NOT +))), YES, CURRENTLY +))),ASKED /)))- CURRENTLY /)))- USING .)))2))))))))))))))))))))))))? USING ?))

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