Zambia Demographic and Health Survey 2001-2002 - Measure DHS

Zambia Demographic and Health Survey 2001-2002 - Measure DHS

Zambia Demographic and Health Survey 2001-2002 - Measure DHS


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NO QUESTIONS AND FILTERS CODING CATEGORIES SKIP492 Now I would like to ask you about liquids (NAME FROM Q. 491) drank yesterday.In total, how many times yesterday during the day or at night did (NAME FROMQ. 491) drink (ITEM)?YESTERDAY/LAST NIGHTa Plain water? ab Commercially produced infant formula? bc Any other milk such as tinned, powdered, or fresh animal milk? cd Fruit juice? deAny other liquids such as sugar water, tea, coffee, carbonated drinks, or soupbroth?IF 7 OR MORE TIMES, RECORD ‘7'.IF DON’T KNOW, RECORD ‘8'.e493 Now I would like to ask you about the types of foods (NAME FROM Q. 491) ateyesterday.YESTERDAY/LAST NIGHTabcdIn total, how many times yesterday during the day or at night did (NAME FROMQ. 491) eat (ITEM)?Any food made from grains like maize, millet, sorghum, rice, wheat, or othergrains?Pumpkin, red or yellow yams or squash, carrots, or yellow or orange sweetpotatoes?Any other food made from roots or tubers like white potatoes, white yams,manioc, cassava, or other local roots/tuber?Any green leafy vegetables like spinach, wild spinach, cassava leaves, sweetpotato leaves, pumpkin leaves, black jack leaves, bean leaves?abcde Mango or papaya? efAny other fruits <strong>and</strong> vegetables like bananas, apples/sauce, green beans,avocados, tomatoes, oranges, m<strong>and</strong>arines, citrus fruits, lemons, wild fruits <strong>and</strong>vegetables?fg Meat, chicken, fish, kapenta, chisense, caterpillars, or eggs? ghLegumes, lentils, beans, soybeans, pulses, peanuts, or pounded pumpkinseeds?hi Any food prepared with oil, fat, or butter? iIF 7 OR MORE TIMES, RECORD ‘7'.IF DON’T KNOW, RECORD ‘8'.494 In your whole life, how many tetanus injections have you received? +)))0))),NO OF TIMES . *!!!*!!!*.)))2)))-DON’T KNOW ....... 98496 Do you currently smoke cigarettes or tobacco?IF YES: What type of tobacco do you smoke?RECORD ALL TYPES MENTIONED.YES, CIGARETTES ....AYES, PIPE ...........BYES, OTHERTOBACCO .........CNO .................Y497 CHECK 496:CODE ‘A’ CIRCLED +))), CODE ‘A’ NOT +))),/)))- CIRCLED .)))2))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))?))

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