Zambia Demographic and Health Survey 2001-2002 - Measure DHS

Zambia Demographic and Health Survey 2001-2002 - Measure DHS

Zambia Demographic and Health Survey 2001-2002 - Measure DHS


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LAST BIRTHNEXT-TO-LAST BIRTHNAMENAME465AHow was vitamin A given?RECORD ALL MENTIONED.DO NOT READ RESPONSES TORESPONDENT.BLUE/RED CAPSULE TAKENWHOLE .....................ACAPSULE CUT WITH SCISSORS ..BCAPSULE CUT WITHRAZOR/SURGICAL BLADE ......CCAPSULE PRICKED WITH NEEDLE DOTHERX(SPECIFY)BLUE/RED CAPSULE TAKENWHOLE .....................ACAPSULE CUT WITH SCISSORS ..BCAPSULE CUT WITHRAZOR/SURGICAL BLADE ......CCAPSULE PRICKED WITH NEEDLE DOTHERX(SPECIFY)465BDid (NAME) receive any immunizationsduring this campaign?YES ........................ 1NO ......................... 2(SKIP TO 465D)=)))))))1DON’T KNOW ................ 8YES ........................ 1NO ......................... 2(SKIP TO 465D)=)))))))1DON’T KNOW ................ 8465Cdid (NAME) receive:YES NO DKYES NO DKBCG ..............................POLIO .............................DPT ...............................MEASLES ..........................BCG. . . . . 1 2 8POLIO. . . . 1 2 8DPT. . . . . . 1 2 8MEASLES. 1 2 8BCG. . . . . 1 2 8POLIO. . . . 1 2 8DPT. . . . . . 1 2 8MEASLES. 1 2 8465D CHECK 465:“YES"“NO/DON’T KNOW”IN 465 IN 465+)), +)),/))- /))-? ?You told me that In the last six(NAME) received a months, did (NAME)Vitamin A capsule. receive a Vitamin ADid this happen in red or blue capsule?the last six months?466 Has (NAME) been ill with a fever at anytime in the last 2 weeks?YES ........................ 1NO ......................... 2DON’T KNOW ................ 8YES ........................ 1NO ......................... 2(SKIP TO 467)=)))))))1DON’T KNOW ................ 8YES ........................ 1NO ......................... 2DON’T KNOW ................ 8YES ........................ 1NO ......................... 2(SKIP TO 467)=)))))))1DON’T KNOW ................ 8466A Does (NAME) have a fever now? YES ........................ 1NO ......................... 2DON’T KNOW ................ 8YES ........................ 1NO ......................... 2DON’T KNOW ................ 8467 Has (NAME) had an illness with acough at any time in the last 2 weeks?468 When (NAME) had an illness with acough, did he/she breathe faster thanusual with short, rapid breaths?YES ........................ 1NO ......................... 2(SKIP TO 469)=)))))))1DON’T KNOW ................ 8YES ........................ 1NO ......................... 2DON’T KNOW ................ 8YES ........................ 1NO ......................... 2(SKIP TO 469)=)))))))1DON’T KNOW ................ 8YES ........................ 1NO ......................... 2DON’T KNOW ................ 8469 CHECK 466 AND 467:FEVER OR COUGH?“YES” IN 466OR 467+)),/))-?OTHER +)),/))-*?(SKIP TO 475)“YES” IN 466OR 467+)),/))-?OTHER +)),/))-*?(SKIP TO 475)470 Did you seek advice or treatment forthe fever/cough?YES ........................ 1NO ......................... 2(SKIP TO 471A)=)))))))-YES ........................ 1NO ......................... 2(SKIP TO 471A)=)))))))-25

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