Zambia Demographic and Health Survey 2001-2002 - Measure DHS

Zambia Demographic and Health Survey 2001-2002 - Measure DHS

Zambia Demographic and Health Survey 2001-2002 - Measure DHS


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407AWhere did the first antenatal visit takeplace?IF SOURCE IS HOSPITAL, HEALTHCENTER, OR CLINIC, WRITE THE NAMEOF THE PLACE. PROBE TO IDENTIFYTHE TYPE OF SOURCE AND CIRCLETHE APPROPRIATE CODE.(NAME OF PLACE)HOMEYOUR HOME .............. 11OTHER HOME ............. 12PUBLIC SECTORGOVT. HOSPITAL .......... 21GOVT. HEALTH CENTER .... 22GOVT. HEALTH POST ...... 23OTHER PUBLIC 26(SPECIFY)PRIVATE MEDICAL SECTORPVT. HOSPITAL/SURGERY ... 31MISSION HOSPITAL/CLINIC ... 32WORK PLACE ............. 33OTHER PVT.MEDICAL 36(SPECIFY)OTHER 96(SPECIFY)408 How many months pregnant were youwhen you first received antenatal carefor this pregnancy?+)))0))),MONTHS ............. *!!!*!!!*.)))2)))-DON’T KNOW ............... 98NAMELAST BIRTHNEXT-TO-LAST-BIRTHNAME409 How many times did you receiveantenatal care during this pregnancy?+)))0))),NO. OF TIMES ........ *!!!*!!!*.)))2)))-DON’T KNOW ............... 98410 CHECK 409:NUMBER OF TIMES RECEIVEDANTENATAL CAREONCE+))),/)))-?(SKIP TO 412)MORE THANONCE OR DK+))),/)))-?411 How many months pregnant were youthe last time you received antenatalcare?+)))0))),MONTHS ............. *!!!*!!!*.)))2)))-DON’T KNOW ............... 98412 During this pregnancy, were any of thefollowing done at least once?YESNO412AWere you weighed?Was your height measured?Was your blood pressure measured?Did you give a urine sample?Did you give a blood sample?During this pregnancy, were youoffered counseling <strong>and</strong> testing for thevirus that causes AIDS?WEIGHT ..............1 2HEIGHT ..............1 2BLOOD PRESSURE .....1 2URINE SAMPLE ........1 2BLOOD SAMPLE .......1 2YES ........................ 1NO ......................... 2DON’T KNOW ................ 8414A CHECK 407A:DID RESPONDENT RECEIVEANTENATAL CARE AT HOME?CARE +)), CARE AT +)),AT /))- FACILITY .))1HOME ? (SKIP TO 415)=))-17

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