Zambia Demographic and Health Survey 2001-2002 - Measure DHS

Zambia Demographic and Health Survey 2001-2002 - Measure DHS

Zambia Demographic and Health Survey 2001-2002 - Measure DHS


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NO. QUESTIONS AND FILTERS CODING CATEGORIES SKIP32 What is the main source of energy used for cooking? ELECTRICITY ..................01GAS ..........................02SOLAR ........................03PARAFFIN / KEROSENE..........04COAL, LIGNITE .................05CHARCOAL ....................06WOOD ........................07COW DUNG ....................08OTHER 96(SPECIFY)33 MAIN MATERIAL OF THE FLOOR.RECORD OBSERVATION.34 Does any member of your household own:A bicycle?A motorcycle or motor scooter?A car or truck?35 Does your household own any mosquito nets that can be used toprotect against mosquitoes while sleeping?NATURAL FLOOREARTH / MUD / DUNG ..........11RUDIMENTARY FLOORWOOD PLANKS...............21FINISHED FLOORPARQUET / WOOD TILES ......31BRICK ......................32TERRAZO / CERAMIC TILES ....33CONCRETE / CEMENT .........34CARPET.....................35OTHER 96(SPECIFY)YES NOBICYCLE ..................1 2MOTORCYCLE/SCOOTER ....1 2CAR/TRUCK ................1 2YES ...........................1NO ............................2 ))< 4236 How many mosquito nets does your household own? +)))),NUMBER OF NETS ........... *!!!!*.))))-ASK THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS FOR EACH NET.NET # 1 NET #2 NET #337How long ago did your household obtain the mosquito net?MOs AGO = MONTHS AGO.IF LESS THAN 1 MONTH, RECORD ‘00'.+))))0)))),MOs . *!!! !*! !*AGO .))))2))))-MORE THAN 3YEARS AGO . 96+))))0)))),MOs . *!!! !*! !*AGO .))))2))))-MORE THAN 3YEARS AGO . 96+))))0)))),MOs *!!! !*! !*AGO .))))2))))-MORE THAN 3YEARS AGO 9638 Was the mosquito net treated with insecticide to repel mosquitoes orbugs when you obtained it?YES ......... 1NO .......... 2NOT SURE .... 8YES ......... 1NO .......... 2NOT SURE .... 8YES ........ 1NO ......... 2NOT SURE . . . 839 Since you got the mosquito net, was it ever soaked or dipped in aliquid to repel mosquitoes or bugs?YES ......... 1NO .......... 2NOT SURE .... 8YES ......... 1NO .......... 2NOT SURE .... 8YES ........ 1NO ......... 2NOT SURE . . . 840 Who slept under this mosquito net last night?LINE NO LINE NO LINE NORECORD THE RESPECTIVE LINE NUMBER FROM THEHOUSEHOLD SCHEDULE.41 GO BACK TO37 IN NEXTCOLUMN;OR, IF NOMORE NETS,GO TO 42.GO BACK TO37 IN NEXTCOLUMN;OR, IF NOMORE NETS,GO TO 42.GO TO 42.7

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