Zambia Demographic and Health Survey 2001-2002 - Measure DHS

Zambia Demographic and Health Survey 2001-2002 - Measure DHS

Zambia Demographic and Health Survey 2001-2002 - Measure DHS


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Table 14.7 Syphilis prevalence by background characteristicsPrevalence of syphilis among women <strong>and</strong> men age 15-49 (<strong>and</strong> men age 15-59), bybackground characteristics, <strong>Zambia</strong> <strong>2001</strong>-<strong>2002</strong>Women Men TotalPercentsyphilispositivePercentsyphilispositivePercentsyphilispositiveBackgroundcharacteristicsNumbertestedNumbertestedNumbertestedResidenceUrban 7.7 797 9.4 660 8.5 1,457Rural 5.7 1,236 6.5 1,033 6.1 2,269ProvinceCentral 3.0 168 2.2 133 2.7 302Copperbelt 9.0 417 10.6 343 9.7 761Eastern 7.8 248 11.0 214 9.3 462Luapula 7.5 154 7.5 121 7.5 275Lusaka 8.5 292 11.5 257 9.9 548Northern 1.9 279 2.3 231 2.1 510North-Western 6.9 90 5.4 75 6.3 165Southern 3.3 217 5.2 187 4.1 404Western 8.8 167 6.7 133 7.9 300EducationNo education 8.2 232 11.2 80 9.0 312Primary 6.8 1,193 6.8 865 6.8 2,058Secondary/higher 5.2 608 8.2 749 6.9 1,357Total 15-49 6.5 2,033 7.7 1,693 7.0 3,726Total 15-59 na na 7.4 1,842 na nana = Not applicableTable 14.8 shows syphilis prevalence by age, sex, <strong>and</strong> urban-rural residence. The proportion whotested positive for syphilis rises rapidly with age, from a low of 2 percent to a peak of 11 percent in the25-29 age group, <strong>and</strong> then falls slightly to a level of 8 percent for respondents age 30 <strong>and</strong> above. Lookingat urban-rural differentials, syphilis prevalence is generally higher among urban women <strong>and</strong> men in allage groups compared with rural women <strong>and</strong> men. In urban areas, syphilis prevalence reaches its peakamong women age 20-24, while in rural areas it peaks among those age 25-29. Among men, the proportionpositive for syphilis is highest in the 25-29 age group.232 | Prevalence of HIV <strong>and</strong> Syphilis

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