Zambia Demographic and Health Survey 2001-2002 - Measure DHS

Zambia Demographic and Health Survey 2001-2002 - Measure DHS

Zambia Demographic and Health Survey 2001-2002 - Measure DHS


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PREVALENCE OF HIV AND SYPHILIS 14Kumbutso Dzekedzeke<strong>Zambia</strong> has used the antenatal care (ANC) sentinel surveillance data as a principal means ofmonitoring the spread of HIV for almost a decade (Fylkesnes et al., 1998). The ANC sentinel surveillancesystem includes both urban <strong>and</strong> rural sites with at least two sites in each of the country’s nine provinces.Over time, there has grown a need to exp<strong>and</strong> the tools for monitoring HIV trends in the generalpopulation with population-based surveys.UNAIDS recommends carrying out population-based surveys in catchment areas of ANC sentinelsurveillance sites to calibrate the results of routine surveillance systems (UNAIDS/WHO Working Groupon Global HIV/AIDS <strong>and</strong> STI Surveillance, 2000). A number of population-based surveys have been carriedout in specific catchment areas of the ANC sentinelsurveillance system in <strong>Zambia</strong> to calibrate the results ofthe ANC system to the general population <strong>and</strong> to monitorHIV trends in the general population. (For a comparisonof ANC surveillance estimates <strong>and</strong> the Z<strong>DHS</strong> rates, seeSection 14.4.) However, the <strong>2001</strong>-<strong>2002</strong> Z<strong>DHS</strong> is the firstnationally-representative population-based survey to estimatethe prevalence of HIV in <strong>Zambia</strong>. In addition to HIVtesting, syphilis was included from among other sexuallytransmitted infections (STIs) because it is an importantbio-marker of the prevalence of STIs which are a majorrisk factor in the heterosexual transmission of HIV in the<strong>Zambia</strong>n population.In the Z<strong>DHS</strong>, all women <strong>and</strong> men interviewed inthe one-half of households selected for the men’s surveywere asked to volunteer for a syphilis <strong>and</strong> HIV test of theirvenous blood. Consent was sought separately for thesyphilis <strong>and</strong> HIV tests such that respondents could refuseor agree to take one or both of the two tests. Test resultsfor syphilis have been linked to other variables collectedduring the survey while those for HIV are unlinked. A fulldescription of the sample collection, testing, <strong>and</strong> syphilistreatment procedures is discussed in Chapter 1.14.1 COVERAGE FOR HIV AND SYPHILIS TESTING14.1.1 Coverage for Syphilis Testing by ResidenceTables 14.1 <strong>and</strong> 14.2 summarise coverage rates forthe syphilis testing component of the Z<strong>DHS</strong> by residence.Among the women <strong>and</strong> men eligible for testing, 76 percentconsented to the syphilis test, 15 percent refused to betested, <strong>and</strong> 6 percent were absent from the household whenTable 14.1 Coverage for syphilis testing by urbanruralresidence (unweighted)Percent distribution of de facto women <strong>and</strong> meneligible for syphilis testing by testing status, accordingto urban-rural residence, <strong>Zambia</strong> <strong>2001</strong>-<strong>2002</strong>ResidenceTesting status Urban Rural TotalWomen 15-49Tested 79.6 79.1 79.2Refused 15.1 15.6 15.4Absent/other 3.2 3.0 3.0Interviewed in <strong>DHS</strong> 1.7 0.7 1.0Not interviewed in <strong>DHS</strong> 1.5 2.3 2.0Result missing 2.1 2.4 2.3Total 100.0 100.0 100.0Unweighted number 873 1,816 2,689Men 15-59Tested 66.5 76.5 73.1Refused 15.6 14.5 14.8Absent/other 13.3 5.4 8.1Interviewed in <strong>DHS</strong> 3.6 0.9 1.8Not interviewed in <strong>DHS</strong> 9.7 4.6 6.3Result missing 4.7 3.6 4.0Total 100.0 100.0 100.0Unweighted number 814 1,604 2,418Total 15-49Tested 73.4 77.8 76.4Refused 15.3 15.1 15.1Absent/other 8.1 4.2 5.5Interviewed in <strong>DHS</strong> 2.6 0.8 1.4Not interviewed in <strong>DHS</strong> 5.5 3.4 4.1Result missing 3.2 2.9 3.0Total 100.0 100.0 100.0Unweighted number 1,631 3,297 4,928the nurse/nurse counselor visited. The <strong>2001</strong>-<strong>2002</strong> Z<strong>DHS</strong> household record did not include a syphilis resultcode for the remaining individuals (3 percent). Most of the latter individuals were not interviewed inthe <strong>2001</strong>-<strong>2002</strong> Z<strong>DHS</strong>, so it is likely they were also absent at the time the household was visited for thetesting.Prevalence of HIV <strong>and</strong> Syphilis | 225

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