Zambia Demographic and Health Survey 2001-2002 - Measure DHS

Zambia Demographic and Health Survey 2001-2002 - Measure DHS

Zambia Demographic and Health Survey 2001-2002 - Measure DHS


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Table 13.14.2 Knowledge of symptoms of STDs: menPercentage of men with knowledge of symptoms associated with sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) in a man <strong>and</strong> in awoman, by background characteristics, <strong>Zambia</strong> <strong>2001</strong>-<strong>2002</strong>–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––Knowledge of symptomsKnowledge of symptomsof STDs in a manof STDs in a woman––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––No No Two or No Two orknow- symptoms One more symptoms One more NumberBackground ledge men- symptom symptoms men- symptom symptoms ofcharacteristic of STDs tioned mentioned mentioned tioned mentioned mentioned men–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––Age15-19 29.6 15.8 20.8 33.7 30.2 16.1 24.1 45920-24 5.1 6.9 22.2 65.8 32.6 19.5 42.7 34625-29 4.0 6.8 12.7 76.6 32.1 13.4 50.5 36130-39 2.2 7.5 12.8 77.5 30.2 14.4 53.2 52340-49 3.7 8.0 7.4 80.9 27.5 9.1 59.7 28750-59 4.7 7.2 14.4 73.6 23.4 15.3 56.6 171Marital statusNever married 20.1 12.7 21.7 45.6 33.8 17.0 29.1 782Ever had sex 12.4 11.2 24.4 52.0 35.9 18.3 33.4 579Never had sex 42.0 17.0 13.9 27.1 27.9 13.2 16.9 202Married/living together 3.1 7.2 11.8 78.0 27.9 13.1 55.9 1,248Divorced/separated/widowed 2.4 6.0 11.8 79.8 26.2 18.7 52.7 116ResidenceUrban 6.2 10.4 18.1 65.3 38.8 16.2 38.9 851Rural 11.3 8.3 13.6 66.9 24.2 13.9 50.6 1,294ProvinceCentral 9.8 4.7 17.0 68.5 14.9 18.1 57.2 165Copperbelt 9.0 13.5 17.3 60.2 41.7 16.2 33.1 447Eastern 6.6 7.4 11.7 74.2 21.1 13.7 58.6 268Luapula 5.5 3.3 9.9 81.2 14.9 8.3 71.3 166Lusaka 7.9 14.2 18.0 59.8 41.4 15.9 34.7 314Northern 8.6 9.8 12.5 69.1 36.1 8.9 46.5 292North-Western 12.2 2.5 26.9 58.4 8.0 26.1 53.8 93Southern 16.6 4.4 16.6 62.4 37.6 19.0 26.8 232Western 8.9 9.6 12.1 69.4 12.7 12.1 66.2 169EducationNo education 23.0 9.1 14.3 53.6 21.4 12.2 43.4 108Primary 12.9 9.3 15.5 62.3 27.4 15.2 44.5 1,100Secondary 3.9 9.5 16.2 70.4 34.4 14.7 47.1 808Higher 0.0 5.5 10.1 84.4 32.2 14.3 53.5 129Total 9.2 9.1 15.4 66.3 30.0 14.8 46.0 2,145Among both women <strong>and</strong> men, the younger age group (15-19) is less likely to have knowledgeabout STIs than the older age groups. Rural men <strong>and</strong> women are less likely to be knowledgeable aboutSTIs than their urban counterparts. However, in Luapula province, a rural province, the proportion ofwomen <strong>and</strong> men who know two or more symptoms of STIs is higher than most other provinces. There isa strong positive relationship between level of education <strong>and</strong> knowledge of STIs.Similar proportions of men <strong>and</strong> women report no knowledge of STIs. Not surprisingly, men aremore familiar with male symptoms of STI <strong>and</strong> women with female symptoms. Those who report neverhaving sex or not being married are less familiar with STIs. Rural respondents are more likely than theirurban counterparts to report no knowledge of STIs. However, urban males are less familiar with femaleSTI symptoms than their rural counterparts.AIDS/HIV/STI-Related Knowledge <strong>and</strong> Behaviour | 215

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