Zambia Demographic and Health Survey 2001-2002 - Measure DHS

Zambia Demographic and Health Survey 2001-2002 - Measure DHS

Zambia Demographic and Health Survey 2001-2002 - Measure DHS


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Table 13.10 Men's attitudes toward condomsPercentage of men who agree with specific statements about condoms, by background characteristics, <strong>Zambia</strong><strong>2001</strong>-<strong>2002</strong>–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––Percentage of men who agree with the following statements about condoms:––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––Condomsare A womanCondoms Condoms effective in has no Condomsdecrease are preventing right to area man’s incon- A condom HIV <strong>and</strong> tell a man effective inBackground sexual venient can be <strong>and</strong> other to use a preventing Numbercharacteristic pleasure to use reused diseases condom pregnancy of men––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––Age15-19 39.1 27.4 6.5 70.3 34.3 70.8 45920-24 52.5 37.8 6.6 75.4 36.1 89.4 34625-29 59.6 41.3 7.2 81.4 38.5 91.1 36130-34 56.6 46.9 7.8 84.4 34.5 91.5 28135-39 61.4 47.1 4.8 77.3 29.1 84.6 24140-44 51.9 44.3 2.6 83.8 36.9 90.2 17445-49 46.6 48.5 8.8 75.1 40.8 85.2 11350-54 46.3 51.5 3.9 68.2 40.8 76.5 10055-59 46.2 53.9 5.4 71.6 46.8 76.2 71ResidenceUrban 52.5 42.8 6.6 78.1 26.2 88.6 851Rural 50.8 39.3 6.0 76.1 42.5 81.4 1,294ProvinceCentral 47.5 26.4 4.0 73.9 55.4 76.1 165Copperbelt 51.9 44.4 9.4 75.2 23.7 85.3 447Eastern 31.2 27.0 11.3 72.7 46.9 87.9 268Luapula 61.9 37.0 1.7 81.2 34.8 88.4 166Lusaka 55.6 46.4 3.3 82.0 25.5 89.1 314Northern 59.0 56.0 7.6 71.3 47.7 80.7 292North-Western 44.5 43.3 1.7 74.8 28.2 81.1 93Southern 60.5 33.7 4.4 90.7 40.0 91.7 232Western 47.1 41.4 4.5 69.4 31.8 68.2 169EducationNo education 44.1 38.3 8.0 64.8 45.7 69.2 108Primary 52.3 43.1 6.3 77.5 42.5 81.1 1,100Secondary 51.8 38.3 6.0 78.0 30.1 90.7 808Higher 48.7 36.7 5.8 75.5 9.8 83.7 129Condom useUsed at last sex 56.4 37.4 7.4 84.3 33.2 95.6 339Ever used (not at last sex) 63.8 43.7 8.2 85.7 32.0 92.3 693Never used 42.4 39.8 4.7 69.2 39.4 75.8 1,113Current marital statusNever married 43.7 31.5 6.1 71.0 33.3 77.0 782Married/living together 56.0 46.1 6.3 80.2 37.3 88.4 1,248Divorced/separated /widowed 55.9 44.6 7.1 81.4 40.1 88.0 115Total 51.5 40.7 6.2 76.9 36.0 84.3 2,145There are no major variations in most of men’s attitudes towards condoms between rural <strong>and</strong> urbanareas, except that men in rural areas are almost twice as likely to think that a woman has no right totell a man to use a condom as those in urban areas. The proportion of male respondents holding this viewdecreases with increasing level of education.AIDS/HIV/STI-Related Knowledge <strong>and</strong> Behaviour | 209

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