Zambia Demographic and Health Survey 2001-2002 - Measure DHS

Zambia Demographic and Health Survey 2001-2002 - Measure DHS

Zambia Demographic and Health Survey 2001-2002 - Measure DHS


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Table 13.4 Knowledge of HIV/AIDS-related issuesPercentage of women <strong>and</strong> men who gave specific responses to questions on various HIV/AIDS-related issues, according to backgroundcharacteristics, <strong>Zambia</strong> <strong>2001</strong>-<strong>2002</strong>––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––Percentage of women who:Percentage of men who:–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––Say Know Say Knowa healthy- Know HIV can be trans- someone a healthy- Know HIV can be trans- someonelooking mitted from mother to child personally looking mitted from mother to child personallyperson ––––––––––––––––––––– who has person ––––––––––––––––––––– who hascan have Through AIDS or Number can have Through AIDS or NumberBackground the During During breast- has died of the During During breast- has died ofcharacteristic AIDS virus delivery pregnancy feeding of AIDS women AIDS virus delivery pregnancy feeding of AIDS men––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––Age15-19 69.1 53.1 68.1 58.8 68.9 1,811 65.6 47.2 62.1 49.1 62.1 45920-24 79.4 65.1 78.7 71.7 79.3 1,664 82.8 63.9 80.8 67.2 69.6 34625-29 80.8 67.7 81.0 73.3 81.2 1,376 84.8 67.4 81.5 69.5 78.5 36130-39 81.1 71.2 83.5 77.1 82.9 1,738 83.3 69.1 84.3 69.0 83.1 52340-49 75.8 72.0 84.3 75.6 85.9 1,069 82.9 73.7 82.4 70.8 80.7 28750-59 na na na na na na 78.6 70.8 86.4 70.3 87.1 171Marital statusNever married 71.7 54.7 69.3 59.2 70.1 1,897 73.4 54.2 69.3 56.8 66.5 782Ever had sex 75.2 59.7 72.1 65.7 74.2 990 77.0 57.0 72.9 59.2 70.4 579Never had sex 67.8 49.4 66.1 52.2 65.6 907 63.3 46.1 59.0 49.9 55.3 202Married or living together 78.7 68.5 81.0 74.7 82.3 4,694 82.7 69.9 83.5 69.4 81.5 1,248Divorced/separated/widowed 79.7 68.5 83.8 73.7 80.0 1,067 81.0 67.7 85.5 70.6 74.3 116ResidenceUrban 86.9 65.8 81.1 73.1 82.1 3,073 86.7 65.1 80.0 59.7 79.0 851Rural 70.5 64.7 76.7 69.1 76.8 4,585 74.3 63.4 77.4 68.3 73.5 1,294ProvinceCentral 82.7 60.3 80.4 70.5 75.3 562 89.9 68.8 81.5 70.7 80.1 165Copperbelt 85.0 65.2 83.5 72.2 80.8 1,544 86.1 69.9 83.5 63.2 82.0 447Eastern 80.9 65.8 75.7 74.5 80.4 926 84.8 69.9 74.6 70.7 84.8 268Luapula 76.4 70.4 81.6 74.4 86.7 622 70.7 48.1 81.8 63.0 79.0 166Lusaka 90.7 65.7 77.6 74.6 85.6 1,132 88.7 49.0 69.0 48.5 74.5 314Northern 67.6 65.0 74.3 61.7 83.7 1,040 69.7 78.0 90.2 75.5 90.5 292North-Western 74.7 78.7 84.7 83.5 84.9 354 73.9 71.0 80.7 72.7 77.3 93Southern 70.6 62.5 81.2 70.9 67.2 814 71.2 49.8 69.8 59.0 56.6 232Western 50.1 58.0 67.7 59.3 60.6 663 63.1 70.1 72.6 72.0 38.9 169EducationNo education 59.8 57.0 67.5 63.0 71.4 925 61.7 51.5 61.9 58.2 61.3 108Primary 74.1 64.3 79.2 71.6 78.8 4,439 71.6 60.0 74.4 63.1 72.1 1,100Secondary 88.9 68.4 82.8 71.5 81.3 2,061 89.1 68.7 85.5 67.0 79.9 808Higher 97.2 82.8 71.1 77.6 90.7 234 97.8 80.2 82.1 72.2 92.1 129Total 77.1 65.1 78.5 70.7 78.9 7,658 79.2 64.1 78.4 64.9 75.7 2,145––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––na = Not applicable13.4 PERCEPTION OF HIV/AIDS13.4.1 Discussion of HIV/AIDS with PartnersDiscussion of HIV/AIDS with a spouse or partner is important in preventing HIV infection of eitheror both members of a couple. Currently married respondents <strong>and</strong> those living with a partner wereasked whether they had ever discussed HIV/AIDS prevention with their partners.Table 13.5 shows that 68 percent of women <strong>and</strong> 87 percent of men report ever having discussedHIV/AIDS prevention with their partners. The proportion of women who reported having discussedHIV\AIDS prevention with their partners varies with age, residence <strong>and</strong> level of education. Older women,those residing in urban areas <strong>and</strong> more educated women <strong>and</strong> men are more likely to discuss AIDS preventionwith their partners.200 | AIDS/HIV/STI-Related Knowledge <strong>and</strong> Behaviour

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