Zambia Demographic and Health Survey 2001-2002 - Measure DHS

Zambia Demographic and Health Survey 2001-2002 - Measure DHS

Zambia Demographic and Health Survey 2001-2002 - Measure DHS


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Figure 12.1 Experience of Sexual Violence AmongEver-Married Women171314101073020 Percent In union Separated/divorced WidowedEver experienced sexual violence Experienced sexual violence in the past 12 monthsZ<strong>DHS</strong> <strong>2001</strong>-<strong>2002</strong>Urban ever-married women reportedly experience slightly higher levels of sexual violence ever <strong>and</strong> inthe past year when compared to their rural counterparts. Among provinces, Lusaka <strong>and</strong> Western have thehighest proportion of ever-married women who report having been forced by a man to have sexual intercoursewith him against their will ever <strong>and</strong> in the past year, while Central <strong>and</strong> Luapula the lowest.Notably, the proportion of ever-married women reporting sexual violence by a man ever <strong>and</strong> in thepast year increases with women’s education.Western province has the highest proportion of never-married women reporting experience of sexualviolence ever (29 percent) <strong>and</strong> in the past 12 months (20 percent), while Eastern province has the lowest(8 percent <strong>and</strong> 3 percent, respectively).Never-married women with no education are somewhat less likely to have experienced sexualviolence by a man ever <strong>and</strong> in the past year (13 percent <strong>and</strong> 8 percent, respectively) than those with primaryeducation (18 percent <strong>and</strong> 14 percent, respectively). Ever experience of sexual violence by a man continues toincrease for women with secondary education before dropping slightly for those with higher education, whileexperience of sexual violence in the past year generally decreases with increasing level of women’s education.12.7 PERPETRATORS AND FREQUENCY OF SEXUAL VIOLENCE IN THE PAST 12 MONTHSTable 12.6 shows the percentage of women who report sexual violence by a man, by perpetrator(s) ofthe violence, according to their current marital status.Among ever-married women, current husb<strong>and</strong>/partner is reportedly the most common perpetrator ofsexual violence (37 percent), followed by a male friend (16 percent). More than one out of ten ever-marriedwomen report having been forced to have sexual intercourse by a current boyfriend <strong>and</strong> a similar proportionby a stranger (13 percent each).192 | Violence against Women

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