CACHE Qualification Specification

CACHE Qualification Specification CACHE Qualification Specification


LD 302: Support person-centred thinking and planningLearning outcomesThe learner will:Assessment criteriaThe learner can:Evidencerecorde.g. pagenumber &methodAssessorjudgementachievedInitial and date1.6. Describe the key features ofdifferent styles of personcentredplanning and thecontexts in which they aremost useful.1.7. Describe examples of personcentredthinking tools, theirpurpose, how and when eachone might be used.1.8. Explain the different ways thatone page profiles are used.2. Understand the contextwithin which person-centredthinking and planning takesplace.2.1. Interpret current policy,legislation and guidanceunderpinning person-centredthinking and planning.2.2. Analyse the relationshipbetween person-centredplanning and thecommissioning and delivery ofservices.2.3. Describe how person-centredplanning and person-centredreviews influence strategiccommissioning.2.4. Explain what a personcentredteam is.2.5. Explain how person-centredthinking can be used within ateam.2.6. Analyse how to achievesuccessful implementation ofperson-centred thinking andplanning across anorganisation.© CACHE 2013 Version 2.0 50

LD 302: Support person-centred thinking and planningLearning outcomesThe learner will:Assessment criteriaThe learner can:Evidencerecorde.g. pagenumber &methodAssessorjudgementachievedInitial and date2.7. Describe the role of themanager in implementingperson-centred thinking andplanning.2.8. Explain how this relates to therole of a facilitator.3. Understand own role inperson-centred planning.3.1. Explain the range of ways touse person-centred thinking,planning and reviews in ownrole:• with individuals• as a team member• as part of an organisation.3.2. Explain the different personcentredthinking skills requiredto support individuals.3.3. Identify challenges that maybe faced in implementingperson-centred thinking,planning and reviews in ownwork.3.4. Describe how challenges inimplementing person-centredthinking, planning and reviewsmight be overcome.4. Be able to apply personcentredplanning in relationto own life.4.1. Demonstrate how to use aperson-centred thinking tool inrelation to own life to identifywhat is working and notworking.4.2. Describe what other personcentredthinking tools would beuseful in own life.4.3. Evaluate which person-centredthinking tools could be used tothink more about owncommunity connections.© CACHE 2013 Version 2.0 51

LD 302: Support person-centred thinking and planningLearning outcomesThe learner will:Assessment criteriaThe learner can:Evidencerecorde.g. pagenumber &methodAssessorjudgementachievedInitial and date2.7. Describe the role of themanager in implementingperson-centred thinking andplanning.2.8. Explain how this relates to therole of a facilitator.3. Understand own role inperson-centred planning.3.1. Explain the range of ways touse person-centred thinking,planning and reviews in ownrole:• with individuals• as a team member• as part of an organisation.3.2. Explain the different personcentredthinking skills requiredto support individuals.3.3. Identify challenges that maybe faced in implementingperson-centred thinking,planning and reviews in ownwork.3.4. Describe how challenges inimplementing person-centredthinking, planning and reviewsmight be overcome.4. Be able to apply personcentredplanning in relationto own life.4.1. Demonstrate how to use aperson-centred thinking tool inrelation to own life to identifywhat is working and notworking.4.2. Describe what other personcentredthinking tools would beuseful in own life.4.3. Evaluate which person-centredthinking tools could be used tothink more about owncommunity connections.© <strong>CACHE</strong> 2013 Version 2.0 51

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