CACHE Qualification Specification

CACHE Qualification Specification CACHE Qualification Specification


LD 201: Understand the context of supporting individuals with learning disabilitiesLD 201: Understand the context of supportingindividuals with learning disabilitiesUnit reference K/601/5315 Level 2Credit value 4 GLH 35Unit aimThis unit explores the meaning of learning disability and considers issuesclosely linked with learning disability support. These include anawareness of how the attitudes and beliefs of others affect individualswho have learning disabilities. The unit introduces themes of inclusion,human rights, advocacy, empowerment and active participation and alsoconsiders the central place of communication in working with individualswho have learning disabilities.Learner name:CACHE Centre no:CACHE PIN:ULN:Learning outcomesThe learner will:Assessment criteriaThe learner can:Evidencerecorde.g. pagenumber &methodAssessorjudgementachievedInitial and date1. Understand the legislationand policies that supportthe human rights andinclusion of individualswith learning disabilities.1.1. Identify legislation and policiesthat are designed to promotethe human rights, inclusion,equal life chances andcitizenship of individuals withlearning disabilities.1.2. Explain how this legislationand policies influence the dayto-dayexperiences ofindividuals with learningdisabilities and their families.2. Understand the nature andcharacteristics of learningdisability.2.1. Explain what is meant by‘learning disability’.2.2. Give examples of causes oflearning disabilities.2.3. Describe the medical andsocial models of disability.© CACHE 2013 Version 2.0 41

LD 201: Understand the context of supporting individuals with learning disabilitiesLD 201: Understand the context of supportingindividuals with learning disabilitiesUnit reference K/601/5315 Level 2Credit value 4 GLH 35Unit aimThis unit explores the meaning of learning disability and considers issuesclosely linked with learning disability support. These include anawareness of how the attitudes and beliefs of others affect individualswho have learning disabilities. The unit introduces themes of inclusion,human rights, advocacy, empowerment and active participation and alsoconsiders the central place of communication in working with individualswho have learning disabilities.Learner name:<strong>CACHE</strong> Centre no:<strong>CACHE</strong> PIN:ULN:Learning outcomesThe learner will:Assessment criteriaThe learner can:Evidencerecorde.g. pagenumber &methodAssessorjudgementachievedInitial and date1. Understand the legislationand policies that supportthe human rights andinclusion of individualswith learning disabilities.1.1. Identify legislation and policiesthat are designed to promotethe human rights, inclusion,equal life chances andcitizenship of individuals withlearning disabilities.1.2. Explain how this legislationand policies influence the dayto-dayexperiences ofindividuals with learningdisabilities and their families.2. Understand the nature andcharacteristics of learningdisability.2.1. Explain what is meant by‘learning disability’.2.2. Give examples of causes oflearning disabilities.2.3. Describe the medical andsocial models of disability.© <strong>CACHE</strong> 2013 Version 2.0 41

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