The Boundary Element Method for the Helmholtz Equation ... - FEI VÅ B

The Boundary Element Method for the Helmholtz Equation ... - FEI VÅ B The Boundary Element Method for the Helmholtz Equation ... - FEI VÅ B


62 4 Discretization and Numerical Realizationand the system of linear equationsD κ,h g D =− 1 2 MT h − KT κ,h g N ,given by the matrices (4.14), (4.8) and (4.9). Again, the transpositions do not involve thecomplex conjugation.4.3.6 Exterior Mixed Boundary Value ProblemLastly, let us consider the exterior mixed boundary value problem (3.53). Similarly asin the case of the interior mixed problem we use the symmetric approach given by thevariational formulationa(s, t, q, r) = F (q, r) for all q ∈ H −1/2 (Γ D ), r ∈ H 1/2 (Γ N ) (4.22)with unknown functions s ∈ H −1/2 (Γ D ), t ∈ H 1/2 (Γ N ), the bilinear forma(s, t, q, r) := ⟨V κ s, q⟩ ΓD − ⟨K κ t, q⟩ ΓD + ⟨K ∗ κs, r⟩ ΓN + ⟨D κ t, r⟩ ΓNthe right-hand sideF (q, r) := − 1 2 I + K κ ˜g D , q − ⟨V κ˜g N , q⟩ ΓD + − 1 Γ D2 I − K∗ κ ˜g N , r − ⟨D κ˜g D , r⟩ ΓNΓ Nand some fixed prolongations of the Cauchy data ˜g D , ˜g N . Inserting the discretized functionss h , t h from (4.16) and the prolongations ˜g D , ˜g N from (4.17) into (4.22) we obtain the systemof Galerkin equationsa(s h , t h , ψ k , ϕ l ) = F (ψ k , ϕ l )for all k ∈ E D , l ∈ N Nand the related system of linear equationsVκ,h −K κ,h s −¯V κ,h − 1 ¯M 2 h + ¯K κ,h gN=D κ,h t ¯M T h − ¯KT κ,h−¯D κ,h g DK T κ,h− 1 2with the matrices defined in Section 4.3.3. The transpositions in the above given systemdo not involve the complex conjugation of the elements.4.4 Integration over Boundary ElementsThere are several approaches to the computation of the double integrals arising from theGalerkin discretization of the boundary integral equations. One way is to use a numericalquadrature for both integrals. It should be, however, noted, that numerical integrationintroduces an additional error and one has to be cautious when dealing with singularitiesin the integrands. As a workaround to this problem the Duffy transformation proposed in

63[8] (see also [16]) can be used. However, we will not describe this technique and will preferanalytic integration when possible.Due to the complexity of the integrands it seems impossible to compute both integralsanalytically. However, it is possible to integrate the inner integral analytically and for theremaining one use a suitable quadrature scheme. In this section we describe a combinationof analytic and numerical integration as proposed in [17].4.4.1 Numerical IntegrationIn the following text we assume the discretization of ∂Ω given by∂Ω ≈Eτ k ,where τ k are triangles in R 3 . Recall from (4.1) and (4.2), that for every element τ we havethe parametrisationk=1R(ξ) := x 1 + Rξ = x 1 + x 2 − x 1 ξ 1 + x 3 − x 1 ξ 2for ξ ∈ ˆτ,where ˆτ denotes the reference triangle (see Figure 4.1a)ˆτ := {ξ ∈ R 2 : 0 < ξ 1 < 1, 0 < ξ 2 < 1 − ξ 1 }.For an arbitrary function f defined on τ we thus havef(x) ds x = f(R(ξ)) x 2 − x 1 × x 3 − x 1 dsξ = 2∆ ττˆτˆτˆf(ξ) ds ξwith ˆf(ξ) := f(R(ξ)) and ∆ τ denoting the surface of the triangle τ, i.e.,∆ τ = 1 ds x .Hence, it is only sufficient to develop a quadrature scheme corresponding to the referencetriangle ˆτ. We approximate the integration asˆττˆf(ξ) ds ξ ≈ 1 2Mω k ˆf(ξ k )k=1with unknown parameters ω k and ξ k ∈ ˆτ for k ∈ {1, . . . , M}.In numerical examples presented in the last section we use a 7-point scheme, which isexact for polynomials up to order 5, i.e., for functions in the linear space P 5 (ˆτ) := span ξ1ξ a 2b , 0 ≤ a + b ≤ 5.

62 4 Discretization and Numerical Realizationand <strong>the</strong> system of linear equationsD κ,h g D =− 1 2 MT h − KT κ,h g N ,given by <strong>the</strong> matrices (4.14), (4.8) and (4.9). Again, <strong>the</strong> transpositions do not involve <strong>the</strong>complex conjugation.4.3.6 Exterior Mixed <strong>Boundary</strong> Value ProblemLastly, let us consider <strong>the</strong> exterior mixed boundary value problem (3.53). Similarly asin <strong>the</strong> case of <strong>the</strong> interior mixed problem we use <strong>the</strong> symmetric approach given by <strong>the</strong>variational <strong>for</strong>mulationa(s, t, q, r) = F (q, r) <strong>for</strong> all q ∈ H −1/2 (Γ D ), r ∈ H 1/2 (Γ N ) (4.22)with unknown functions s ∈ H −1/2 (Γ D ), t ∈ H 1/2 (Γ N ), <strong>the</strong> bilinear <strong>for</strong>ma(s, t, q, r) := ⟨V κ s, q⟩ ΓD − ⟨K κ t, q⟩ ΓD + ⟨K ∗ κs, r⟩ ΓN + ⟨D κ t, r⟩ ΓN<strong>the</strong> right-hand sideF (q, r) := − 1 2 I + K κ ˜g D , q − ⟨V κ˜g N , q⟩ ΓD + − 1 Γ D2 I − K∗ κ ˜g N , r − ⟨D κ˜g D , r⟩ ΓNΓ Nand some fixed prolongations of <strong>the</strong> Cauchy data ˜g D , ˜g N . Inserting <strong>the</strong> discretized functionss h , t h from (4.16) and <strong>the</strong> prolongations ˜g D , ˜g N from (4.17) into (4.22) we obtain <strong>the</strong> systemof Galerkin equationsa(s h , t h , ψ k , ϕ l ) = F (ψ k , ϕ l )<strong>for</strong> all k ∈ E D , l ∈ N Nand <strong>the</strong> related system of linear equationsVκ,h −K κ,h s −¯V κ,h − 1 ¯M 2 h + ¯K κ,h gN=D κ,h t ¯M T h − ¯KT κ,h−¯D κ,h g DK T κ,h− 1 2with <strong>the</strong> matrices defined in Section 4.3.3. <strong>The</strong> transpositions in <strong>the</strong> above given systemdo not involve <strong>the</strong> complex conjugation of <strong>the</strong> elements.4.4 Integration over <strong>Boundary</strong> <strong>Element</strong>s<strong>The</strong>re are several approaches to <strong>the</strong> computation of <strong>the</strong> double integrals arising from <strong>the</strong>Galerkin discretization of <strong>the</strong> boundary integral equations. One way is to use a numericalquadrature <strong>for</strong> both integrals. It should be, however, noted, that numerical integrationintroduces an additional error and one has to be cautious when dealing with singularitiesin <strong>the</strong> integrands. As a workaround to this problem <strong>the</strong> Duffy trans<strong>for</strong>mation proposed in

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