The Boundary Element Method for the Helmholtz Equation ... - FEI VÅ B

The Boundary Element Method for the Helmholtz Equation ... - FEI VÅ B The Boundary Element Method for the Helmholtz Equation ... - FEI VÅ B


36 3 Boundary Integral Equationswith the Calderon projection matrix 1C int := 2 I − K κV κD κ12 I + K∗ κFor the solution in an unbounded domain we have the formula.u = W κ γ 0,ext u − V κ γ 1,ext u in Ω ext .Applying the Dirichlet and Neumann trace operators, respectively, and using properties(3.12), (3.10) and the definitions of the boundary integral operators V κ and D κ we get 1γ 0,ext u =2 I + K κ γ 0,ext u − V κ γ 1,ext u on ∂Ω ext , (3.17)γ 1,ext u = −D κ γ 0,ext u + 12 I − K∗ κγ 1,ext u on ∂Ω ext . (3.18)Again, the boundary integral equations (3.17), (3.18) can be rewritten as γ 0,ext uγ 1,ext = C ext γ 0,ext uu γ 1,ext uwith the Calderon projection matrix 1C ext := 2 I + K κ−V κ1−D κ 2 I − K∗ κTheorem 3.16. The Calderon operators C int and C ext are projection operators, i.e.,.(C int ) 2 = C int (C ext ) 2 = C ext .Proof. The proof is analogous to the proof of Lemma 6.18 in [18].Corollary 3.17. For the boundary integral operators we have the following identities 1 1V κ D κ = κ2 I + K 2 I − K κ ,D κ V κ = 12 I + K∗ κ 12 I − K∗ κD κ K κ = K ∗ κD κ ,K κ V κ = V κ K ∗ κ.Proof. The relations follow directly from the comparison of the matrices (C int ) 2 and C int .,

37The following theorems are standard results of functional analysis and will be usedto prove solvability of boundary integral equations studied in the next sections. In thetheorems we assume that X denotes a Hilbert space.Theorem 3.18 (Lax-Milgram Lemma). Let A: X → X ∗ denote a linear, bounded andX-elliptic operator. Then for any f ∈ X ∗ there exists a unique element u ∈ X satisfyingMoreover, there holds the estimatewith the ellipticity constant c A 1 .Au = f.∥u∥ X ≤ 1c A ∥f∥ X ∗1Proof. For the proof of the Lax-Milgram Lemma see [18], proof following Theorem 3.4 orany standard functional analysis textbook.Theorem 3.19 (Fredholm Alternative). Let K : X → X denote a compact operator. Eitherthe homogeneous equation(I − K)u = 0has a nontrivial solution u ∈ X or the inhomogeneous problem(I − K)u = fhas a unique solution u ∈ X for all f ∈ X. In the latter case there exists a constant c ∈ R +such that∥u∥ X ≤ c∥f∥ X for all f ∈ X.Proof. For the proof of the Fredholm Alternative see, e.g., [7], Theorem 2.2.9.Theorem 3.20. Let A: X → X ∗ denote a linear, bounded and coercive operator and letA be injective, i.e., from Au = 0 it follows u = 0. Then for every f ∈ X ∗ there exists aunique solution to the equationAu = f. (3.19)Moreover, there exists a constant c ∈ R + such that∥u∥ X ≤ c∥f∥ X ∗ for all f ∈ X ∗ . (3.20)Proof. From coercivity of A we know that there exists a compact operator C such that thelinear operator D := A + C : X → X ∗ is X-elliptic. From the Lax-Milgram Lemma 3.18we get that there exists the inverse operator D −1 : X ∗ → X. Therefore, we obtain thatthe equation (3.19) is equivalent toBu = D −1 f

36 3 <strong>Boundary</strong> Integral <strong>Equation</strong>swith <strong>the</strong> Calderon projection matrix 1C int := 2 I − K κV κD κ12 I + K∗ κFor <strong>the</strong> solution in an unbounded domain we have <strong>the</strong> <strong>for</strong>mula.u = W κ γ 0,ext u − V κ γ 1,ext u in Ω ext .Applying <strong>the</strong> Dirichlet and Neumann trace operators, respectively, and using properties(3.12), (3.10) and <strong>the</strong> definitions of <strong>the</strong> boundary integral operators V κ and D κ we get 1γ 0,ext u =2 I + K κ γ 0,ext u − V κ γ 1,ext u on ∂Ω ext , (3.17)γ 1,ext u = −D κ γ 0,ext u + 12 I − K∗ κγ 1,ext u on ∂Ω ext . (3.18)Again, <strong>the</strong> boundary integral equations (3.17), (3.18) can be rewritten as γ 0,ext uγ 1,ext = C ext γ 0,ext uu γ 1,ext uwith <strong>the</strong> Calderon projection matrix 1C ext := 2 I + K κ−V κ1−D κ 2 I − K∗ κ<strong>The</strong>orem 3.16. <strong>The</strong> Calderon operators C int and C ext are projection operators, i.e.,.(C int ) 2 = C int (C ext ) 2 = C ext .Proof. <strong>The</strong> proof is analogous to <strong>the</strong> proof of Lemma 6.18 in [18].Corollary 3.17. For <strong>the</strong> boundary integral operators we have <strong>the</strong> following identities 1 1V κ D κ = κ2 I + K 2 I − K κ ,D κ V κ = 12 I + K∗ κ 12 I − K∗ κD κ K κ = K ∗ κD κ ,K κ V κ = V κ K ∗ κ.Proof. <strong>The</strong> relations follow directly from <strong>the</strong> comparison of <strong>the</strong> matrices (C int ) 2 and C int .,

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