The Learning and Skills Council's Annual Report and Accounts for ...

The Learning and Skills Council's Annual Report and Accounts for ... The Learning and Skills Council's Annual Report and Accounts for ...
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Our Working PracticesStakeholdercommunicationsTo achieve our goals, the LSC dependson working effectively with a largenumber of stakeholders and partners.All our work is based on two-waycommunication and open andtransparent working practices.Colleges and trainingprovidersIn the last year, we have workedalongside LSC-funded trainingproviders and colleges to ensurethat they are informed about – andinvolved in – our programmes andthe policy decisions behind them. Wehave close working relationships, andsupport providers in joint activities.EmployersIn recognition of the importancewe place on our relationships withemployers, we have developed anumber of channels over the years forcommunicating with employers andsharing ideas and approaches.We work with large employers throughour dedicated National EmployerService, and with other employersthrough LSC programmes such asTrain to Gain and the NationalApprenticeship Service. Our staff workwith employers at a national, regionaland local level, and maintain directrelationships with key employersand the organisations that representthem. We have regular meetings withgroups such as the CBI, the Instituteof Directors, the British Chambers ofCommerce and the Federation of SmallBusinesses, and attend and speak atrelevant employer conferences. We alsoensure that employers are regularlyconsulted about decisions concerninglearning and skills delivery.Third sectorWe work closely with a range of thirdsector stakeholders, as providers andemployers and as a source of expertiseand valuable feedback on learningand skills delivery, particularly tounderrepresented and disadvantagedgroups. The LSC also has a Third SectorAdvisory Group to its National Council,chaired by National Council memberDame Mary Marsh.Opinion formersWe have identified a number ofbusiness and education leaders,politicians and representative groupswho we know are particularlyinterested in our work, and wemaintain regular contact with them.This is done through small discussionforums and events, face-to-facemeetings and specialist newsletters.LearnersLearners naturally play a vital role inshaping our work, our policies and ourapproach. The LSC is advised by theNational Learner Panel, which acts asthe voice of the learner. The panel ismade up of independent volunteersinvolved in all aspects of furthereducation as learners, giving learnersa voice at national level.Other partnersWe work with a range of deliverypartners in different sectors. Detailsof our relationships with them can befound in our Statement of Priorities.Equality anddiversityLike many other public sectororganisations, promoting equalopportunities is one of our coreresponsibilities – both in the waywe treat our own staff and in thestandards that we apply to (anddemand of) the learning and skillssector. We have a statutory duty toreport annually on our actions towardsprogressing equality and diversity inaccordance with Section 42 of theLearning and Skills Act 2000. Ourcontribution here discharges that duty.In April 2007 we published our firstthree-year Single Equality Scheme, ourstrategy to place equality and diversityat the heart of everything we do –from the learning we fund to the waywe support our workforce. We havesince commissioned and published ourfirst annual review of the scheme.In 2008, we completed a majorsupport programme for learning andskills providers: 487 provider staffattended seminars which helped themto develop single equality approaches,while 50 engaged in action workingprojects, where they received tailoredsupport to address specific equalityissues.We have made substantial progresstowards assessing all of our policiesfor their impact on equality. Over100 policies have undergone initialscreening, and full impact assessmentshave been published for:• the Framework for Excellence•our Statutory Intervention Policy,and•demand-led funding and the UKVocational Qualifications ReformProgramme – Sub Programme 3.We have trained over 100 membersof staff on how to use our equalityimpact assessment framework.Through this framework, all HR policieshave now had an initial screening, andkey policies have been reviewed.36 LSC Annual Report and Accounts 2008–09

Learners and providersAs part of the Single Equality Scheme,we put in place equality and diversityimpact measures to ensure moreequal outcomes for the learnerswe fund. We have commissioneda review of progress against thesemeasures, which will be published insummer 2009.Our Single Equality Schemecommitted us to going beyondthe requirements of legislation. Inparticular, we set out our intentionto work with the sector and supportproviders in developing their ownequality schemes and in takingpractical steps to tackle inequalities.The LSC workforceAs part of the Single EqualityScheme, we set ourselves a numberof equality goals which aim to makeour workforce more representative.We are making substantial progresstowards achieving these, and havealready surpassed two of our goalsfor 2010: the proportion of womenin middle and senior roles is now at52 per cent and the proportion of allstaff from black and minority ethnicbackgrounds is now at 14 per cent, upfrom 7.2 per cent in 2002.We have now made the first of thesegoals more challenging by focusing onthe most senior roles, 48 per cent ofwhich are filled by women. We haveexceeded our goal of 7.6 per cent ofmiddle and senior roles being filled bystaff from black and minority ethnicbackgrounds. This now stands at10 per cent.To ensure that our workforce practicesare fair, we have established aWorkforce Equality and DiversitySteering Group, made up of staff fromacross the organisation. This group hasalso been involved in consultationssuch as how we meet the MindfulEmployer Charter, which the LSCsigned up to in 2007.We remain committed to increasingthe proportion of staff declaringa disability or limiting illness. Thefigure remains low at 3.4 per centbut has improved. To this end, weare raising awareness among ourstaff, encouraging them to talk abouttheir need for support and makingreasonable adjustments for staff withdisabilities.BenchmarkingachievementsAccording to benchmarking tools fromthe Employers’ Forum on Disability,Race for Opportunity and OpportunityNow, we have already madesubstantial achievements against ourHR action plan.•Monitoring – we now have inplace a comprehensive employeemonitoring system, which enablesthe LSC to report on the diversity ofour workforce in line with the publicduty requirements.•Case management – informationfrom any incidents is now reviewedand used for learning to improvepeople management and reducerisks to the LSC.•Improving personal data – wehave completed a regional eventto encourage more employees –particularly those with disabilities– to declare their personal data.Following the event, there was aclear improvement in the data forthe region.• Mindful Employer Charter –our Chief Executive signed theCharter, which commits the LSC tosupporting the mental health andwell-being of our employees.•Consultation and action plan –we have developed an action planto implement the principles of theCharter, and it has been approvedby our HR leadership team.•Equal pay – we implemented equalpay audits in 2008 and 2009 andare committed to undertaking thisexercise annually, which links toour responsibilities under our SingleEquality Scheme.•Dignity at Work – we havesuccessfully implemented a pilotDignity at Work programme acrossone region and have made theresource available to all employees,which will be supported by ane-learning tool.•Health and well-being – a similarpiece of work has been completedaround managing health andwell-being in the workplace and isavailable regionally.As a result of these achievements,Race for Opportunity ranked the LSCin the top 10 most improved publicsector organisations in 2008. Wehave also been showcased, throughbenchmarking networks, as anexemplar of good practice in the publicsector, particularly in our approach toequality impact assessment and theSingle Equality Scheme.Leadership and GovernanceLSC Annual Report and Accounts 2008–09 37

Learners <strong>and</strong> providersAs part of the Single Equality Scheme,we put in place equality <strong>and</strong> diversityimpact measures to ensure moreequal outcomes <strong>for</strong> the learnerswe fund. We have commissioneda review of progress against thesemeasures, which will be published insummer 2009.Our Single Equality Schemecommitted us to going beyondthe requirements of legislation. Inparticular, we set out our intentionto work with the sector <strong>and</strong> supportproviders in developing their ownequality schemes <strong>and</strong> in takingpractical steps to tackle inequalities.<strong>The</strong> LSC work<strong>for</strong>ceAs part of the Single EqualityScheme, we set ourselves a numberof equality goals which aim to makeour work<strong>for</strong>ce more representative.We are making substantial progresstowards achieving these, <strong>and</strong> havealready surpassed two of our goals<strong>for</strong> 2010: the proportion of womenin middle <strong>and</strong> senior roles is now at52 per cent <strong>and</strong> the proportion of allstaff from black <strong>and</strong> minority ethnicbackgrounds is now at 14 per cent, upfrom 7.2 per cent in 2002.We have now made the first of thesegoals more challenging by focusing onthe most senior roles, 48 per cent ofwhich are filled by women. We haveexceeded our goal of 7.6 per cent ofmiddle <strong>and</strong> senior roles being filled bystaff from black <strong>and</strong> minority ethnicbackgrounds. This now st<strong>and</strong>s at10 per cent.To ensure that our work<strong>for</strong>ce practicesare fair, we have established aWork<strong>for</strong>ce Equality <strong>and</strong> DiversitySteering Group, made up of staff fromacross the organisation. This group hasalso been involved in consultationssuch as how we meet the MindfulEmployer Charter, which the LSCsigned up to in 2007.We remain committed to increasingthe proportion of staff declaringa disability or limiting illness. <strong>The</strong>figure remains low at 3.4 per centbut has improved. To this end, weare raising awareness among ourstaff, encouraging them to talk abouttheir need <strong>for</strong> support <strong>and</strong> makingreasonable adjustments <strong>for</strong> staff withdisabilities.BenchmarkingachievementsAccording to benchmarking tools fromthe Employers’ Forum on Disability,Race <strong>for</strong> Opportunity <strong>and</strong> OpportunityNow, we have already madesubstantial achievements against ourHR action plan.•Monitoring – we now have inplace a comprehensive employeemonitoring system, which enablesthe LSC to report on the diversity ofour work<strong>for</strong>ce in line with the publicduty requirements.•Case management – in<strong>for</strong>mationfrom any incidents is now reviewed<strong>and</strong> used <strong>for</strong> learning to improvepeople management <strong>and</strong> reducerisks to the LSC.•Improving personal data – wehave completed a regional eventto encourage more employees –particularly those with disabilities– to declare their personal data.Following the event, there was aclear improvement in the data <strong>for</strong>the region.• Mindful Employer Charter –our Chief Executive signed theCharter, which commits the LSC tosupporting the mental health <strong>and</strong>well-being of our employees.•Consultation <strong>and</strong> action plan –we have developed an action planto implement the principles of theCharter, <strong>and</strong> it has been approvedby our HR leadership team.•Equal pay – we implemented equalpay audits in 2008 <strong>and</strong> 2009 <strong>and</strong>are committed to undertaking thisexercise annually, which links toour responsibilities under our SingleEquality Scheme.•Dignity at Work – we havesuccessfully implemented a pilotDignity at Work programme acrossone region <strong>and</strong> have made theresource available to all employees,which will be supported by ane-learning tool.•Health <strong>and</strong> well-being – a similarpiece of work has been completedaround managing health <strong>and</strong>well-being in the workplace <strong>and</strong> isavailable regionally.As a result of these achievements,Race <strong>for</strong> Opportunity ranked the LSCin the top 10 most improved publicsector organisations in 2008. Wehave also been showcased, throughbenchmarking networks, as anexemplar of good practice in the publicsector, particularly in our approach toequality impact assessment <strong>and</strong> theSingle Equality Scheme.Leadership <strong>and</strong> GovernanceLSC <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Accounts</strong> 2008–09 37

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