Untitled - Kroll GmbH

Untitled - Kroll GmbH Untitled - Kroll GmbH

Approved in a thousand waysand indestructible:the mobile warm air heatersfrom <strong>Kroll</strong>You will find the suitable heaterfor every request:The power range goes from22 kW to 173 kW.The <strong>Kroll</strong> mobile warm air heatersare perfect…n for heating halls, tents, sites…n for keeping greenhouses,warehouses etc. frost freen as additional heating duringthe cold seasonn for drying new buildingsn etc.The <strong>Kroll</strong> mobile warm air heatersare…… immediately ready for use –everywhere. The models type M 25and M 50 have an integrated oiltank and a heating cartridge.This makes them independent,space-saving and immediatelyready for use. The types M 70 toM 150 have a fuel supply pipe anda heated filter as standard and canalso immediately be used using anexternal fuel tank.… reliableThanks to the quality-brand oilburner and the powerful fan, aneffective and efficient heating isensured.… economical and reliableThe quality-brand oil burner andthe silent, yet powerful fan convertover 90 % of the energy into heat.… robustThe high-quality materials and engineeringguarantee a long lifespan.… easy to maintainAll relevant elements and controlsare easily accessible.… efficientThe larger types M 50 to M 200 areequipped with high-power radialfans so they are particularly suitableto warm air hose systems. Thishelps to heat tents or building sitesefficiently from the outside.Accessories:n warm air hoses: they can beconnected either via an adaptorpiece or via a distribution piecen room thermostat for automaticoperation.These heaters are also approvedfor operation with gas!

Our mobile warm air heatersare economical, reliable andcan be used everywhereTechnical data M 25 M 25 R M 50 M 70 M 100 M 150 M 200Rated heat load kW 25 25 51 71 100 140 188Nominal heating efficiency kW 22 22 46 64 90 125 173Air delivery m³/ h 1150 1150 2900 4740 5400 7300 12000External pressure Pa 80 80 170 180 150 150 150Oil consumption kg/h 2,1 2,1 4,3 6,0 8,4 11,8 15,8Electrical power consumption kW 0,376 0,376 0,69 1,47 1,38 1,38 2,9Electrical connection V / A 230/1,3 230/1,3 230/4,4 230/6,4 230/6,1 230/6,1 230/13,5Flue gas pipe Ø mm 100 100 130 180 180 180 180Air outlet opening Ø mm 285 285 385 445 550 550 550Tank content liter 27 27 46 ― ― ― ―Weight without burner kg 62 62 108 134 190 270 330DimensionsWidthmm520520600760920940940Depthmm1060106013501470185023202400Heightmm90090010501090126013401570

Mobile warm air heaters:compact,easy to serviceand stackableThe mobile warm air heatersof the M-K serie have the wellprovencharacteristics of all<strong>Kroll</strong> heaters.Thanks to their axial fans with anextraordinary air delivery,a reliable and efficient heating isguaranteed. The M-K serie offersheating powers from 25,5 kW to137 kW so you will find the rightheater for every requirement.A solid construction and wellprovenengineering guaranteea fault-free operation.Furthermore, they have importantadvantages:n The units are of compactconstruction, the wheels do notdisturb, so they are space-savingand easily stackable.n Due to their construction,maintenance and service workis very easy: the burner is easilyaccessible.n All important elements of theburner are protected againstdamage or bad weather bya burner cover.n The M 25 K and M 50 K have apre-heated nozzle connectionwhich improves the combustioneven with small nozzles.n All units have an oil pre-heatingdevice making them quicklyready for use also at very lowambient temperatures.n The single-line fuel supply pipewith automatic ventilationensures a smooth and comfortableoperation.n The snap-closings at the oil pipesmake the heaters even morequickly ready for use.n The units are manufactured ingalvanized sheet metal andpowder-coated.n The combustion chamber andthe heat exchanger are madeof stainless steel.n For an easy transport, all modelsare equipped with a jack ring.Technical data M 25 K M 50 K M 70 K M 100 K M 150 KRated heat load kW 28 50 70 100 150Nominal heating efficiency kW 25,5 45,5 64 91,5 137Air delivery m³/ h 1790 2900 4540 6050 8550Oil consumption kg/h 2,36 4,22 5,9 8,43 12,48Electrical power consumption kW 0,3 0,45 0,75 0,92 1,68Electrical connection V / A 230/1,3 230/2,3 230/3,8 230/4,6 230/7,8Flue gas pipe Ø mm 130 130 180 180 180Air outlet opening Ø mm 300 400 400 520 555Weight kg 131 164 198 230 310DimensionsWidthDepthHeightmmmmmm520159098063017501050670185011607701950124587023951310

The mobile heatingunit HM 200 from <strong>Kroll</strong>:Immediately availableheatMobility and there with quickreadiness for operation is themain characteristic of the <strong>Kroll</strong>mobile heating unit HM 200.It is extremely suitable for use invarious locations, such as tents,major construction sites, warehousesetc., and as additional,temporary or replacementheating unit.The <strong>Kroll</strong> heating unit HM 200 iscompactly constructed.There are no parts or connections,such as the air inlet/exhaust,protruding over the area of theHM 200, making the unit easilystackable, transportable andreducing the opportunity for anydamage. It can easily be movedby a fork lift, with its“pallet-type“base it can easily be movedwherever it is needed. It fits on astandard lorry and is easily andsafely stackable, a fact, that isespecially interesting for rentalcompanies.All components of the unit, suchas the burner, ventilator, controlbox etc. are enclosed within therobust housing. The heating unit istherefore protected against abuseor misuse by any unauthorisedpersons.Various burners options areavailable: kerosene, gas, multi-oilor rapeseed-oil.The heating unit works economically:The energy-transmission iseffected directly without a mediumlike water or vapour, eliminatingany danger of freezing.This direct firing converts up to 92 %of the energy into heat.The unit can operate in variousconfigurations with recirculatedair,fresh-air or a mixture of both.The high pressure of 350 Pa allowsthe connection of long ductingsor pipes. The warm-air distributioncan be effected via one or morewarm air ducts at the same time.This feature gives you more optionsin locating the unit on site. Thehousing is galvanised, and paintedin a colour similar to RAL 7047.The installation is easy to maintain,all component parts arepositioned in a clearly arrangedmanner, and, thanks to removableside-panels, easy to reach.Technical data HM 200Rated heat load kW 188Rated heating power kW 173Air rate m³/ h 10.500Pressure max. Pa 350Consumption max.Heating oil ELPropaneNatural gasAccessories available to completethe HM 200 package:n heating cartridge for tank topreheat the oil.n room thermostat for close controlof the area to be heated.n weekly timer for day/nightcontrol of the unit.kg/hkg/hkg/h15,814,521,1Temperature increase (ΔT) Kelvin 60Absorption of electrical power kW 3,25Electrical connection V / N /A 400 / 3 / 13,5Fuses (to be done by customer) A 3 x 16Flue gas pipe Ø mm 180Air intake and outlet Ø mm 550Length / width / height mm 2400/820/1450Weight kg 615

Warm air heatersin special designThe robust mobile warm air heatersfrom <strong>Kroll</strong> with a heating powerrange from 18 to 36,8 kW areperfect to heat and ventilate:n tentsn sheltersn etc.They are highly appreaciated byvarious disaster control organizationssuch asn The Red Crossn the armyn etc.The mobile warm air heaters from<strong>Kroll</strong> are…… designed for operation at extremelycold ambient temperatures.They can be operated at a temperatureof up to –32°C, due to theirpre-heated oil filter, their specialthermostat and their stainless steelcombustion chamber.So you can create heat also underthe most extreme conditions.… reliableOur warm air heaters are robustand well-engineered.Safe opera-tion is ensured by thepre-heated oil filter and the oiltanks.Technical data MP 20 MP 40Combustible heating oil heating oilRated heat load kW 20 40Rated heat power kW 18,2 36,8Air delivery m³/h 1.150 2.100Rise in temperature (ΔT) Kelvin 55 55Oil consumption kg/h 1,68 3,37Electrical consumption kW 0,6 1,0Electrical connection V/Hz 230/50-60 230/50-60Protection class IP 44 IP 44Weight kg ca. 80 ca. 125Tank content liter – –

Approved for thousand times:the mobile warm air heatersfor extreme operation… economical and environmentallyfriendly. The use ofquality-brand oil burners and silent,but powerful fans converts over90 % of the energy into heat.… easy to use<strong>Kroll</strong> offers a room thermostat foreven more energy saving andmore comfortable operation.Accessories:n Room thermostatn CO monitor: Via a CO monitor,the value of CO in the room ischecked. If this value becomestoo high, the burner automaticallystops.n Warm air hoses:These can be connected viaa connection piece or atransition piece.More colours on request.Technical data MM 25 MM 50Combustible heating oil heating oilRated heat load kW 27 51Rated heat power kW 24 46Air delivery m³/h 1.150 2.900Rise in temperature (ΔT) Kelvin 78 54Oil consumption kg/h 2,3 4,0Electrical consumption kW 0,376 0,740Electrical connection V/A 230 / 1,75 230 / 3,8Protection class IP 44 IP 44Weight kg 73 125Tank content liter 27 27

With theses “cannons”,heating is very simpleOil heaters with flue gas pipe.They are suitable for closed and poorly ventilated rooms. Fuel supplyfrom the integrated tank via an integrated compressor withthe models “MAK”.Technical data MAK 15 MAK 25 MAK 40 MA 37 MA 55 MA 85Rated heat load kW 14,50 26 38,55 36 52 84Rated heat power kW 11,80 21 31,88 31,70 45,80 73,10Fan power m³/h 650 800 1200 2000 2500 4500Oil consumption kg/h 1,15 2,20 3,05 2,88 4,16 6,64Electrical consumption Watt 180 390 520 460 460 800Electrical connection V/A 230/1,7 230/2,0 230/2,0 230/3,0 230/3,0 230/6,0Flue gas pipe Ø mm 100 140 150 150 150 150Tank content liter 30 46 46 51 51 100Length mm 860 930 1065 1188 1405 1680Width mm 485 560 560 620 620 690Height mm 570 625 625 790 790 938Weight kg 35 43 40 70 76 121Air outlet opening Ø mm 209 259 259 308 308 443

The <strong>Kroll</strong> oil heaters convinceby their versatilityOil heaters without flue gas pipe.They are suitable for outdoor use orin well-ventilated rooms and have a degree of efficiency of 100 %.Fuel supply from the integrated tank via an integrated compressorwith the models “GK”.With the models “GP” via an integrated high-pressure pump.Technical data GK 20 GK 28 GK 40 GK 60 GP 67 GP 115Rated heat load kW 23 26 38,55 61 66 115Fan power m³/h 400 500 1050 1300 2800 4800Oil consuption kg/h 1,97 2,37 3,64 4,85 5,22 9,12Electrical consuption Watt 230 280 380 550 460 800Electrical connection V/A 230/1,0 230/1,6 230/2,0 230/3,0 230/3,0 230/6,0Tank content liter 21 30 46 46 51 100Lenght mm 830 860 930 1065 1405 1680Width mm 430 485 560 560 620 690Height mm 465 530 615 625 750 898Weight kg 26 31 37 65 65 101

<strong>Kroll</strong> radiant heater:instant heat whereand whenever youneed it…The infrared oil heater IR 33 ispractical, well proven and wellengineered. It gives warmthwhere it is needed without airmovement.It is particular suitable for dryingdamp walls and corners, de-icingof machines and tubes, as well asdust free drying of materials…The IR 33 is ideal for any situationand will soon become indispensablefor you.Wherever you need dust freeheating, the IR 33 is the perfectsolution.The unit is quickly and flexiblyapplicable.You just need a plugand you can start it. Heating duringthe night is no problem – withthe integrated oil tank the IR 33 isindependent.The heating radiator has acompact size and does not needa lot of space.The radiator isvariably rotable.The use of a quality burner andthe high temperature ensures,that almost all exhaust fumes areburned away, thecombustion is almost free ofexhaust furmes and therefore youcan use the IR 33 in well-ventilatedrooms.The solid construction of the waterproof stainless-steel housing andthe high quality glowing grille ofheat resistant stainless-steel, givesthe IR 33 a long life.Its maintenance cost is low.The diagram shows thetemperature in relation to theobject to be heated.Technical data IR 33Heating power kW 33Oil consumption kg/h 2,78Tank content liter 46Electrical connection V/A 220/1,5Weight kg 98Dimensions20°C40°C60°C80°C100°C120°CWidthLengthHeight3 м2 м1 мambient temperature0°Cmmmmmm680940990

The <strong>Kroll</strong> gas fired heatersmeet your wishes…They are …… environmentally beneficialBy nature, gas is an ecologicallybeneficial fuel. <strong>Kroll</strong> gas firedheaters burn almost inodorouslyand are nearly residue free.… efficientThe units burn with high efficiency.A room thermostat can bedelivered so that energy will besaved.… variableThe standard of performanceranges from 10 to 113 kW.This means it is the appropriate unitfor any possible place of operation.… sophisticatedEvery unit has got a pressurecontroller. End fittings will bedelivered as well. All of them arein accordance with the GermanIndustrial Norm DIN 30697, thus inaccordance with the EuropeanNorm CE.… safeThe gas flame is permanentlysuper vised by thermocouples.The gas supply stops immediatelyas soon as the gas flame wouldgo out.And the thermostat prevents theunit from overheating.… unlikely to require muchmaintenance.Robust technology and extremelyhigh manufacturing quality ensureflawless operation.Тechnical data P 10 P 15P 30PX 30 VAP 43PX 43 VAP 60PX 60 VAP 80PX 80 VAP 100PX 100 VAHeating power kW 10-10,8 19,0 12,4-31,2 26,6-43,5 34,9-58,4 50,0-52,1 59-113Fitting pressure bar 0,3 0,7 1,5 2,0 2,0 2,0 2,0Fan power m³/h 300 300 750 850 1800 2450 330Motor power Watt 50 50 90 90 110 130 130Electrical connection V/Hz 220/50 220/50 220/50 220/50 220/50 220/50 220/50Length mm 390 490 530 690 780 925 925Width mm 180 180 280 280 370 270 370Height mm 270 270 400 400 520 520 520Weight kg 5 6 11,5 13 20 23 23Consumption kg/h 0,78 1,35 0,98-2,46 2,1- 3,43 2,75-4,61 3,95-6,48 4,16-8,22

The large hood reflectsheat to an areaof about 6 mIn the cool transition periodsspring and autumn, the <strong>Kroll</strong>patio heater quickly becomesindispensible.The unit is perfect for the heatingof balconies, terraces, outdoorareas of pubs, market stands etc.The principle is simple and convincing:The patio heater (run by LPG)distributes the infra red heat down.The heater is easy to install andquickly ready for operation. Thegas bottle and the connectionparts are hidden in the foot.The gas supply is done by thelow-pressure controller withhose-breaking protection.The piezo ignition reliably starts theheater, the heating power can beadjusted continuouslyby a adjustment knob.The delivered gas protectionvalve interrupts the gas supply incase the heater should teppleover.The <strong>Kroll</strong> patio heater providesheating for industrial and privateoutdoor areas during the coldtransition periods.The large hood reflects the heat toan area of about 6 m. Operation ischeap, environmentally beneficialand efficient with LPG.Dismounting the heater is alsosimple. For transport or storage,the support can be pushedtogether to about 1,60 m overallheigth.High-quality material such asstainless steel and aluminium givethe heater its good look and granta long lifespan.New: With gas protection valveand hose-breaking protection!DIN EN 14543: 2005Technical dataW 12 VAOperation with LPG (propane or butane) mbar 50Heating power kW 6,5 – 12,5Consumption g/ h 510 – 780Weight kg ca. 17Height mm 2265Hood diameter mm 950

The robust electricheaters from <strong>Kroll</strong>…… are universalThe electric fan heaters are perfectfor use in rather small rooms and inrooms of medium size. The smallertypes are the ideal extra heaters inlarge rooms.They are designed for beingoperated in workshops, nurseries,shops, exhibition rooms, warehouses,site huts, or elsewhere onbuilding sites. There, they providecomfortable heat in spring and inautumn or if there is a suddenonset of cold weather. They canbe used as frostcontrol, too.… are economicalThe heat is dispensed efficientlyand concentratedly to theambient air by a powerful fan.… are comfortableThe electric fan heaters do not useup any oxygen. They do not giveoff any unpleasant smell at all.Because of this, they can alsobe operated in rooms which havebad or even no means ofventilation. They are ready for useeverywhere, and at once.Temperature can be adjustedand is controlled by a thermostat.In summer, they can be used forventilating rooms as well.… are rugged and safeAll appliances are VDE-checkedand thermally protected. Nothingcan burn out.The enclosed heating elementshave got a stainless jacket, theboxes consist of galvanized steelsheet and, in addition, they arestove-enamelled.They are stable and would nottilt over, if someone might bumpagainst it.… are mobileThanks to their small dimensionsthe electric fan heaters can betaken everywhere.You will finda place for them even in veryconfined space, and they will notstand in the way.Technical data E 3 E 8 E 12 E 18Heating power kW 3 4/8 6/12 12/18Air delivery m³/ h 185 420 735 960Temperature rise (ΔT) Kelvin 48 28/56 24/48 36,5/55Electrical connection V 230 400/3N 400/3N 400/3NElectrical consumption A 13,5 12 16,5 24,5DimensionsLengthWidhtHightmmmmmm330185270530285395666320435666320435Weight kg 6,35 15,5 20,5 23,5

Heat for concreteThe <strong>Kroll</strong> concrete silo heatingsystems do not only solve theproblem of frozen aggregatesbut also allow the productionof warm concrete during thefreezing periods.<strong>Kroll</strong> concrete silo heating systemsensure a trouble-free mixing inwinter. In the building trade, thecold season generates a lot ofproblems.Snow and frost cause delays oreven bring processes to a standstill.In this respect, the problems offrozen aggregates and freezingwater are of crucial importance.In order to solve this problem, <strong>Kroll</strong>offers tailor-made heating systemsfor concrete mixing plants.<strong>Kroll</strong> concrete silo heating systemsare individual.They can be integrated into all silotypes,e.g., tower silos, tandem silosor star silos.The concrete silo heating systemsare delivered as a unit of hot-airand hot-water heater.If necessary, all single elementscan be delivered separately.All single elements can also beintegrated stationary into existingrooms.The power specifications will befitted to each specific project.Air heater withhigh-pressure fanHot air ~ 85 °CAmbienttemperaturemax. -25°CWater heatercontent: 950 – 3.000 lSupply finishKROLLMixing water(warm)Heatingcircle flowHot water boilerSTB 120°CMixing water(cold)

Hot air for aggregatesThe hot air heating unit WLThis unit serves to warm upconstruction aggregates.The hot air is fed through pipesinto the silo chamber and there,under high pressure, is blown atthe aggregates through specialnozzles. The volume of air can beregulated separately for every silochamber by using dampers.The construction aggregates maybe washed at any time evenduring severe frost.The following types of combustiblesare possible:n Oil (with oil burner)n Gas (with gas burner)n Thermal oil with heat exchangern Thermal oil/air heat exchanger(e.g., in existing thermal oilheating systems)n Steam with heat exchangern Steam/air heat exchanger(e.g., in existing steamgenerators)The hot air medium has thefollowing advantages:n The unit does not freezen No additional moisture is mixedwith the aggregatesn No warm-water preparationis necessaryn You do not have to supervisethe unit all the timen Automatic operation andlittle space neededHot air heating systems (Extract of the programme)Type WL 100 WL 160 WL 220 WL 320 WL 480Air volume m³/ h 2650 4600 6200 9000 12000Temperature of outblown air °C 89 87,5 87,5 90 87,5Heating power kW 92 158 213 317 480Fan pressure Pa 5370 5370 6850 7410 6850other power ranges on requestIt supplies warm water for the mixingprocedure as well as for the transportinside the mixing vehicles.The control of the mixing watertemperatures is done from thecontrol desk of the mixing master.Warm water unit (Extract of the programme)Type 950 1500 2000 2500 3000Tank content liter 950 1500 2000 2500 3000Power kW 100-180 140 -240 180-300 220-420 220-420Max. continuous outputat 45 °C/10 °Cat 70 °C/10 °Cl/hl/h442025805900344073704300103206020<strong>Kroll</strong> has got many years of experience by engineering many reliablyworking units. Profit from our knowledge!103206020

<strong>Kroll</strong> <strong>GmbH</strong>Pfarrgartenstrasse 46D – 71737 Kirchberg / MurrPhone 0049 (0)7144 / 830 200Fax 0049 (0)7144 / 830 201e-mail vertrieb@kroll.deweb www.kroll.deMobile warm air heaters 10/10Technical data subject to change without notice.More information on the <strong>Kroll</strong>product range on: www.kroll.de

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