Object Viewer User's Guide - Platforma Internetowa ASTOR

Object Viewer User's Guide - Platforma Internetowa ASTOR Object Viewer User's Guide - Platforma Internetowa ASTOR

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26 Chapter 3 Modifying Attribute ValuesSetting an ApplicationObject Off ScanOff scan is the run-time state that indicates that an object isidle and not ready to run.Because WinPlatforms host AppEngines, you must ensurethat all AppEngines hosted by the WinPlatform are off scanbefore setting the WinPlatform off scan. An error messageappears if you try to set a WinPlatform off scan while itshosted AppEngines are still on scan.Although AppEngines host other objects, it is not necessaryfor all the objects to be off scan before setting the AppEngineoff scan. When you set an AppEngine off scan, all of itshosted objects are automatically set off scan.To set an ApplicationObject off scan1 Select the object in the console tree.2 In the details pane, right-click the ScanStateCmdattribute and click Modify. The Modify Boolean Valuedialog box appears.3 Assuming the current value is True (on scan), click theFalse option button, click Apply and then click OK.Note that the ScanState attribute’s value in the detailspane remains True (on scan).4 To update the attribute value to False, select it.Object Viewer User’s Guide

27IndexAadding a watch window 18Advanced CommunicationManagement 17ApplicationObjectsoff scan 26onscan 25attribute properties 21attributes in a Watch Window,viewing 17availability of Object Viewer 8Ccategory properties 22closing Object Viewer 11communication errors 15configuration errors 16Eerrorscommunication 15configuration 16failed requests 15Ffailed requests 15finding objects 10Mmodifying attribute values 23modifying attributes in the watchwindow 24Nnavigating in Object Viewer 9OObject Vieweravailability 8closing 11navigating 9starting 8operational errors 16Rremoving attributes from watchwindows 19Ssetting ApplicationObjectsoff scan 26on scan 25setting objectsoff scan 26on scan 25Object Viewer User’s Guide

27IndexAadding a watch window 18Advanced CommunicationManagement 17Application<strong>Object</strong>soff scan 26onscan 25attribute properties 21attributes in a Watch Window,viewing 17availability of <strong>Object</strong> <strong>Viewer</strong> 8Ccategory properties 22closing <strong>Object</strong> <strong>Viewer</strong> 11communication errors 15configuration errors 16Eerrorscommunication 15configuration 16failed requests 15Ffailed requests 15finding objects 10Mmodifying attribute values 23modifying attributes in the watchwindow 24Nnavigating in <strong>Object</strong> <strong>Viewer</strong> 9O<strong>Object</strong> <strong>Viewer</strong>availability 8closing 11navigating 9starting 8operational errors 16Rremoving attributes from watchwindows 19Ssetting Application<strong>Object</strong>soff scan 26on scan 25setting objectsoff scan 26on scan 25<strong>Object</strong> <strong>Viewer</strong> User’s <strong>Guide</strong>

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