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AN ANNEX PUBLISHING & PRINTING INC. PUBLICATION • VOLUME 47 • ISSUE 1<strong>Electrical</strong><strong>Business</strong>DECEMBER/JANUARY 2010/11SURPRISED?We think you will be.See Page 5.Also in this issue...• The BlueBook 2011Buyers’ Guide• Better specs = betterwork trucks• PV installationsand safetyUntitled-10 112/8/10 4:01:46 PMDidalienshijack oursatellite?PM # 40065710What was causing 4000stores to lose the music?

Plan to attend the Superbowlof <strong>Electrical</strong> Safetyfrom the editorThe target audience isyou! ... Really, anyonewhose job or passioninvolves worker safety.Several weeks ago, Mike Doherty, health& safety consultant, Core PreventionServices with the InfrastructureHealth & Safety Association (a recentamalgamation of safety associations,which includes the <strong>Electrical</strong> & UtilitiesSafety Association (E&USA), visited ourstudios to discuss the upcoming Superbowlof <strong>Electrical</strong> Safety (tinyurl.com/28omcno).Mike is also chair of the CSA Z462 workplace electricalstandard, and a senior member of the IEEE. TheSuperbowl of <strong>Electrical</strong> Safety is actually the IEEEIndustry Application Society’s (IAS’s) 18th annual <strong>Electrical</strong>Safety Workshop—five days of intense interactionwith more than 400 people who share a passion for preventingelectrical injuries in the workplace, coming thisJanuary to Toronto.And EBMag is proud to be a Supporter and MediaPartner of the Workshop.Since its inception in Toronto in September 1991, theIEEE IAS <strong>Electrical</strong> Safety Workshop has provided thepremier international forum to enable and acceleratechange in the electrical safety culture, explained Mike.The ESW’s mission is to accelerate the application ofbreakthrough improvements in human factors, technologyand managing systems that reduce risk of electricalinjuries; to stimulate innovation in overcoming barriers;and to change and advance the electrical safety culture toenable sustainable improvements in prevention of electricalaccidents and injuries.The event includes two special keynote speakers:Darryl Hill, Ph.D., CSP, vice-president safety & healthABB, president American Society of Safety Engineers;and Joel Fish, MD, chief medical officer, St.John’s Rehab Hospital. (You’ll remember him fromEBMag’s documentary, “The Road to Recovery”.)In addition, the workshop includes more than 25leading-edge presentations from recognized industryexperts on occupational electrical safety; more than 60exhibitors featuring the latest in products and servicesvital to electrical injury prevention and protection; tutorialsand technical tours.The event provides a forum for people to meet andexchange ideas for preventing electrical accidents andinjuries in the workplace; accelerate advancements in thedevelopment and application of technology, work practices,standards and regulations, and link professionalsand centres of excellence in industry, engineering, governmentand medicine.The target audience is you! ... People involved inelectrical safety in areas of interest such as facilitiesconstruction, operation and maintenance; facilities andprocess design; inherently safer products and equipment;electrical safety services; regulations and standards; riskmanagement, and so many others. Really, anyone whosejob or passion involves worker safety.To learn more, be sure to watch Mike’s studiovisit (tinyurl.com/28omcno), and visit tinyurl.com/ESWJan2011.ContentsDEPARTMENTSCover photo courtesy NASAOn the coverand page 6Did aliens hijack oursatellite?What was causing 4000 storesto lose the music?After 15 years of problemfreeoperation, the satellitetransmittedpre-programmedmusic in one multi-national’s4000 stores simultaneously andquite suddenly stopped beingcorrectly received, becoming adistorted musical mess in alllocations. What was causing4000 stores to lose the music?8 Photovoltaic installations, protection and the codeThe PV market is enjoying good times in a lot of jurisdictions, but with thisgrowth comes responsibility. One thing the industry must not lose sight of issafety, as there has already been one death attributed to solar installations.10 Hazards due to extension cord misuseYes, even something as simple as an extension cord—something we all take forgranted—can cause serious trouble when misused. In fact, there have been fivefatalities, and numerous fires over the past 10 years associated with the misuseof extension cords in Ontario alone.13 The BlueBook 2011 Buyers’ GuideIntegrated within the pages of <strong>Electrical</strong> <strong>Business</strong>, The BlueBook Buyers’ Guideis your one-stop shop for all things electrical and low-voltage.45 Get better work trucks by writing better specificationsYou are constantly looking for ways to improve the quality and productivity ofyour work trucks while reducing your maintenance and operating costs. Oneof the best strategies to accomplish these goals is to improve the equipmentspecification process.4 Industry News11 Mind Your SafetyPoor thinking cannot be defended44 It’s Your <strong>Business</strong>Guarantees and risk reversal47 Calendar48 Products50 Code FileHazardous Locations - Section 1850 The Code Conundrumpage 48www.EBMag.com • December/January 2010/11 • 3

Didalienshijack oursatellite?What was causing4000 stores to losethe music?Photo courtesy NASAPatrick J. Lynch, P.Eng.My company is involved in providing “earthbound”engineered solutions to electrical systemproblems, so how on earth did we get involved ina problem that included satellites in outer space?BackgroundOne of our long-time clients frantically came to us insheer desperation, describing its perplexing outer spaceelectrical system problem that needed to be quicklysolved. The client is a large, North American multinationalchain of stores that uses a satellite to “bounce”secure electronic information (i.e. credit card, storeinventory status, pre-programmed music) between eachof its 4000 stores and the corporate head office’s computersystem.After 15 years of problem-free operation, thetransmitted pre-programmed music in the storessimultaneously and quite suddenly stopped being correctlyreceived, becoming a distorted musical mess inall 4000 stores.The corporate head office executives were extremelyworried. If the transmitted satellite music system wentdown this week, would the secure credit card or inventorycontrol systems fail next week?They needed this issue quickly resolved before theproblem had a chance to spread.Which begged the question: after 15 years ofsuccessful operation, what changed to cause thissatellite problem?1. Have the satellite’s electronic boards been hit byspace debris?2. Has the satellite shifted slightly in orbit?3. Have additional orbiting satellites been added, andtheir own electrical transmissions now interferingwith our satellite?These were all questions for which the executives desperatelysought answers.We agreed to quickly undertake this project to look6 • December/January 2010/11 • www.EBMag.com

for strictly any potential “earth-bound” electricalsystem problems.The fact that all 4000 stores were simultaneously“knocked out” led us to suspect itmust be a centralized problem.The programmed music, including any storecommercials are loaded into electronic equipmentlocated in the client’s main corporateoffice computer room. The music, credit card,inventory control data are all then “electronicallymerged” in this computer room, then sentout to the stores via the satellite uplink dish.Questions were then asked about any newmusic equipment or satellite uplink equipmentthat had been recently added. Theanswer was a definite NO.Were any new computer servers, processorsrecently added. Again, the answer was aresounding NO.After many hours of grilling the computerroom facility people, they finally rememberedthat, yes, one new piece of equipmentwas recently added: a large air-conditioner.They didn’t think to mention it beforebecause they thought it insignificant. It wasonly an air-conditioner, after all!The unit was a typical, standard data processingroom air-conditioning unit; about30 tons, 100kW. It was the eighth in a seriesof air-conditioners for this space. There wasnever a problem with the other seven unitsworking, so is it possible that adding theeighth is the root of the problem?Action planWe momentarily turned off this eighth airconditionerunit, and we had music in ourears... pure, undistorted music. Calls to themost easterly and westerly stores acrossNorth America confirmed the music wasbeing received loud and clear again.We didn’t have to entertain the notion ofsending Tom Hanks or Tommy Lee Jonesinto outer space to fix a satellite. The satellitewas fine; the earth-bound electrical systemshowever, had somehow been compromised.So, what was so unique about this one particularair-conditioning unit?With suspect air-conditioner unit turned on,our harmonic frequency analysis of the voltageand currents revealed the unit was producinghigh-frequency components and sendingthem back to the main electrical supply feeder.Measurements on the air-conditioner groundwiring also indicated the presence of conductedhigh-frequency components.The air-conditioner copper water andrefrigerant piping were measured next. They,too, displayed high-frequency ground currentcomponents. It was really bad at this site; eventhe metal T-bar ceiling in the computer roomhad high-frequency ground current componentsrunning through it (see Figure 1).The computer room music electronicupload and satellite uplink devices werephysically located within 30 ft of this airconditionerunit. Performing a frequencyanalysis on these devices also confirmedthe same ‘DNA fingerprinted’ signalcontamination.Would the credit card and inventory controlsystems be next to fail?A quick review of the electrical schematicsfor this air-conditioner unit revealed it to be astate-of-the-art, frequency-controlled unit. Theother air-conditioner units in this computerroom used ‘old’, standard control technology.Solution plansThis ‘new technology’ culprit has been identified.What are the solutions?1. Remove this air-conditioner unit andreplace it with conventional technology.2. Modify the unit to reduce the generatedelectrical interference.3. Leave the air-conditioner in place anddesign filters for any affected computerroom circuits.FIGURE 1: Typical high-frequency-contaminatedcomputer room grounding, copper refrigerationlines and satellite uplink signals.• Vertical scale log. 10 db/division• With the eighth A/C turned off, all of the abovehigh-frequency contamination disappears.• Higher frequencies present are:6163 Hz 30,014 Hz12,040 Hz 36,170 Hz18,081 Hz 42,204 Hz23,800 Hz 48,254 HzOur client decided to implement Option #3and filter only the affected electronic circuits.We specified all the necessary specializedfiltering equipment required for this satelliteuplink system.The stores’ music system has been restoredand now continues to play, distortion free.Credit card and inventory systems are correctlyfunctioning.Patrick J. Lynch, P.Eng., has been the president ofPower Line Systems Engineering Inc. since 1986. Hegraduated <strong>Electrical</strong> Engineering from the Universityof Waterloo in 1975, and has successfully directedPower Line’s completion of over 1100 complex electricalengineering site disturbance investigations aroundthe globe. Visit www.powerlinesystems.ca.NorthernCables_EB_Sep_10.indd 18/20/10 9:33:41 AMwww.EBMag.com • December/January 2010/11 • 7

Lew SileckySome markets are cool, thanks to a down economy, but thePV (photovoltaic) industry is hot and sunny! The PVmarket has hit Ontario like a freight train (or a blinding rayof light!). That said, there are a lot of new companies beingformed overnight to “ride the wave”, but with this growth comesresponsibility. One thing the industry must not lose sight of issafety. There has already been one death attributed to solar installations—a30-year old solar installer slipped to his death inCalifornia in April 2010.These are not the PV cells you may have played with in highschool or as a hobbyist, but solar arrays that can deliver anywherefrom 50vDC up to over 600vDC. That’s some serious voltage!To understand the protection needs, we must understand theworkings of the photocell itself. The photovoltaic cell is a semiconductorthat captures specific electromagnetic radiation fromthe sun. Simply put, the make-up of the PV is such that it allowsthese specific particles (called photons) to penetrate the semiconductorand, as they bounce around, voila! Energy is created.Okay, enough about the boring physics stuff. What aboutthe protection?Since the PVs are semiconductors and susceptible to damagefrom short circuits and overloads, a fast-acting OCPD (overcurrentprotective device) should be used. This device usually goes inthe combiner box, collector box—essentially, the part of the PVsystem where all the PV wires get connected.There may be numerous wires coming from a large PVarray. The combiner box gives a clean method of connectingall of these wires safely, and can include surge protection anda means of isolation between the PV array and the inverter.Figure 1 demonstrates how all the components of the system areinterconnected.In Figure 1, the combiner box is referred to as the DC box.Protection is required in the DC box or combiner box, theinverter, and in the AC box. It is not uncommon to see combinerboxes with numerous inputs—up to as many as 50 or so. Typicalcombiner boxes have about 12 to 24 inputs. Remember, we arestill on the DC side of the inverter, so we have both positive andnegative wires that somehow need to be connected.In most cases, the positive wires are individually protected bythe OCPD. The negative and positive wires are bundled togetherinto a distribution block; both positive and negative can then besent to the inverter with one single cable.Section 50 of the Canadian <strong>Electrical</strong> Code outlines therequirements for solar photovoltaic systems. This section refers toSection 14; specifically, to Rules 14-414 Connection to differentcircuits and 14-700 Restriction of use. Section 14-200, Fuses and14-300, Circuit Breakers, deal with protective devices, more specificallyto overcurrent protection. Nowhere in these sections isthe protection of DC circuits mentioned, so it is vital to pay specialattention to overcurrent protection, especially on the DC side.Since we’re dealing with both DC and AC voltages, there areusually two different types of protection. For the most part, weare concerned about the DC fuse protection. DC protection isrequired in the combiner box for most installations (other thanresidential), and usually comes in the form of a fuse rated foreither 600vDC or 1000vDC. The fuses are mounted in fuse holders,which should be of a fingersafe design, and are typically amidget dimension.8 • December/January 2010/11 • www.EBMag.com

These fuses are specifically manufactured to provide a high degree of protectionfor the PV array. Typical ampere ratings are 5, 8 and 10, although thesefuses are available right up to a maximum of 30 amperes. As mentioned earlier,the PV array is made up of a number of solar panels that we can considersemiconductors; for this reason, the fuses providing protection need to be verycurrent limiting. (Current limitation is the fuses’ ability to clear a fault withoutdamaging components.)A typical combiner box may have a continuous current rating of a few tensof amperes to hundreds of amperes. This is possible because the PV array ismade up of several solar panels, usually connected in series-parallel to get thepower required by the design; the efficiency of solar cells is only about 24.7%,so a large surface area is required to collect all those photons.Additionally, the combiner box may have surge protection. Surge protectionis required, not only for protection against lightning, but alsoovervoltage. Since PV arrays are mounted mostly into aluminum frames upon the roof of a building, they are susceptible to lightening strikes. We allknow what happens when your plasma TV or other electronics are not surgeprotected; again, overvoltage.When the outside temperature drops below 25°C, the value of the opencircuitvoltage on the PV array increases. Table 690.7 from NEC Article 690shows that when the temperature falls to -40°C, the factor for open-circuitvoltage is 1.25. It is not uncommon to see these temperatures in North America(especially when you factor wind chill). The surge protector will ‘clamp’ theinput voltage to the defined value of the make and model of the manufacturer.(Just make sure it is approved to UL 1449 3rd Edition, and has a CSA markdenoting its approval to this standard.)Which leads us to the switch issue. Most combiner boxes do not have anoutput switch. When they do, it needs to be a 600vDC load break switch withan ampere rating suitable for the continuous rating of the PV system.Now comes the grounding issue. The negative wires of the PV array aretypically grounded. CEC Rule 50-020 refers to Section 84, Interconnectionof electric power production sources, where the grounding and bondingrequirements may be found. What we need to recognize is that the PV arrayis typically mounted in an aluminum frame to which a copper grounding wireneeds to be attached.There are known issues with a copper-aluminum mix, the major onebeing electrolysis, leading to degradation of the connection point and,ultimately, failure. (There are numerous articles relating to grounding andbonding on PV systems and there is another great story to be told here...by an grounding expert!)As the PV market continues to grow, we have a responsibility to ensure itgrows safely. One way to ensure this happens is to be compliant with the codesand standards related to photovoltaic systems. The Solar Photovoltaic Systemas referred to in NEC Article 690 is called the AC module system, whichconsists of three major elements already discussed. NEC Article 690 is a gooddocument to use when determining the requirements for PV systems (whilesupplementing with information from CEC Section 50).Leaders within the solar industry have recognized that improved standardsare required, and are working to make enhancements. The reason? Safety forthe systems, but more importantly, safety for our workers!As the PV market continues to grow, we have aresponsibility to ensure it grows safely. One way toensure this happens is to be compliant with the codesand standards related to photovoltaic systems.FIGURE 1FIGURE 2Lew Silecky is the manager of technical sales & marketing with Mersen (formerlyFerraz Shawmut), and can be reached at lew.silecky@mersen.com.3M_EB_Feb_2010.indd 1www.EBMag.com • December/January 1/7/10 3:52:55 PM 2010/11 • 9

Hazards due to extensioncord misuseHow often do you considerextension cord safety?Photo courtesy Coleman Cable.The misuse of extension cords has contributedto increasing reports ofelectrical fires in Ontario over the pastyear. Do not become a statistic. Therehave been five fatalities, and numerous fires inOntario over the past 10 years associated withthe misuse of extension cords.The <strong>Electrical</strong> Safety Authority (ESA)warns consumers to use extension cords safely.Follow these important rules. Only use extensioncords:That are rated for the particular taskSelect the appropriate cord for the application.Not all cords are created equal; some aredesigned for exterior use, others interior useonly; some for hard usage in wet locations,others not.Graybar Canada is Growing!Graybar Canada, an employee-owned company, is awholesale distributor for thousands of items from leadingmanufacturers of electrical and communications & dataproducts. The following positions are available:Warehouse Support: Kitchener, ON Moncton, NB New Glasgow, NS Markham, ON Niagara Falls, ON Mississauga, ON Florenceville, NBLighting SalesSpecialist: Ottawa, ONInside Sales: Hamilton, ON Calgary, AB Dartmouth, NS Truro, NS Kitchener, ON Grand Falls, NLAccount Managers: Ottawa, ON (2) Kitchener, ONVisit www.graybarcanada.com for more detailsTo apply, please send an email to the respective addressbelow and include the position in the subject line withlocation and the job competition code “EBM.”Atlantic: hrdept@graybarcanada.comOntario: jobs@graybarcanada.comWest: jobswest@graybarcanada.comFor temporary installationsFlexible extension cords must never takethe place of permanent wiring; they arenot designed or intended for permanentinstallations. Once the task has beencompleted, the cord should always bedisconnected and properly stored awayfor future use.For portable electrical equipmentAlways follow the manufacturer’sinstructions.Failure to use and maintain extensioncords in the manner for which theywere intended may create a fire or shockhazard that puts you and others at risk.Safe use of extension cordsESA encourages consumers to ask thefollowing questions before using anextension cord:• Will I use the cord indoors oroutdoors?• What is the total current or wattagerating of the appliances I’ll use withthe cord?• How far is the nearest outlet fromwhere I’ll be working?Will I use the cord indoorsor outdoors?The first step in determining which extensioncord you will need is deciding whetheryou will be using the appliance indoors oroutdoors. Extension cords that can be usedoutdoors are clearly marked “Suitable forUse with Outdoor Appliances”. Never usean indoor extension cord outside; it couldresult in an electric shock or fire hazard.When you are working outdoors, purchasean outdoor-rated extension cord—it’s asmall price to pay for safety.The Ontario <strong>Electrical</strong> Safety Coderequires all receptacles on residentialproperties located outdoors below 2.5m be protected by ground fault circuitinterrupter (GFCI). Please ensure allportable electrical equipment used outdoorshas GFCI protection, as your lifemay depend on it.What is the total current or wattagerating of the appliances I’ll use withthe cord?Extension cords are labelled with valuableinformation as to the use, size,current and wattage rating of the cord.Cords are offered in many lengths, andare marked with a size/gauge. When youdo not have a properly rated cord, purchasea new extension cord; again, a smallprice to pay for safety.How far is the nearest outlet fromwhere I’ll be working?To determine the gauge you will need,you have to determine how long thelength of cord needed. A cord, based onits gauge, can power an appliance of acertain wattage only at specific distances.As the cord gets longer, the current-carryingcapacity of the cord gets lower. Forexample, a 16-ga extension cord less than50 ft in length can power a 1625W appliance.A 16-ga cord longer than 50 ft canonly power an appliance up to 1250W.When you plan on using the extensioncord for two or more appliances, youmust add the wattage rating for all appliancesused on the cord to determine thegauge needed.Power barsNot unlike extension cords, power barsare also widely misused. The safety stepslisted above are required to determinewhether the power bar you have is suitablefor your intended application. ESArecommends you purchase power barswith a minimum 14-ga copper conductorto ensure a higher level of safety. Thepractice of daisy-chaining power bars isnot recommended by ESA.Contributed by the <strong>Electrical</strong> SafetyAuthority, whose mandate under Ontario’sElectricity Act and the Safety &ConsumerStatutes Administration Act and Regulationsmake ESA responsible for regulating thesafe use of electricity and equipment inOntario, enforcing the Ontario <strong>Electrical</strong>Safety Code, and appointing inspectors. Visitwww.esasafe.com.10 • December/January 2010/11 • www.EBMag.comUntitled-2 112/1/10 4:02:46 PM

Dave Smithmind your safetyPoor thinking cannotbe defendedThe way to win a court case is to not go tocourt in the first place (unless, of course,you’re trying to sue someone’s butt off).No one wants to have an accident ontheir watch but, as a senior management team,you need to ensure your corporate actions provideyour legal team with a bulletproof case oflegal defensibility.You have two goals after an accident:1. Avoid Criminal Code charges afforded byBill C-45.2. Reduce your provincial health & safetycharges.Most successful companies work hard toprovide their workforce with the tools andsystems they need to prevent accidents; shouldone occur, you need to be able to prove thatdiligence. “Beyond a reasonable doubt” is themetric we have inherited from our Englishheritage, and that works to your advantage inCriminal Code cases. The lack of this standardcoupled with the wishy-washiness of provincialregulations make it impossible to avoid thosecharges, but you want to ensure you reducethose “Throw-The-Book-At-Him” CriminalCode charges.In every class I teach, participants complainthat management’s due diligence activitiesare merely practicing corporate CYA; theydo not accept that management may simplybe fulfilling its legal responsibility (the sameresponsibility that, at some point, passes to theworkforce). There are few things more horriblethan a workplace fatality, so it is imperative thatsenior management walk the walk in health &safety. When you don’t grease your bearings,they fail; when you don’t protect your workers,they get hurt. It is all good business—the lackof the latter costs you far more than a lack ofthe former.Problems often occur at the mid-managementlevel, which is under the radar of seniormanagement. I regularly see issues involvingour new Canadian Workplace <strong>Electrical</strong> Safetystandard, CSA Z462; numerous mid-managersout there are selecting only those parts of thestandard that fit their needs while blithelyignoring others.For instance, Table 4 (commonly called the‘task tables’) is continuously used in completeignorance of the limitations imposed on itsuse—both in Z462, and its counterpart, Table70E 130.7(C)(9) of NFPA 70E. The use ofProblems often occur at the midmanagementlevel, which is underthe radar of senior management...numerous mid-managers out thereare selecting only those parts of thestandard that fit their needs whileblithely ignoring others.these tables is clearly limited by the SpecificNotes at the end of each, which dictate boththe maximum short circuit current and themaximum fault clearing times associated withequipment. Exceeding either maximum rendersthe tables insufficient to protect your workers,and triggers a requirement for an arc flashhazard analysis to determine the proper protectionneeded.Too many mid-managers are still subjectingworkers to unknown protection by claimingthat the tables are sufficient when they are not,and refusing to implement a proper study.Another common fallacy is the extent ofthe Flash Protection Boundary when a dooris closed or the equipment cover is in place.There is no argument that the FPB of open,energized equipment extends beyond the faceof the equipment, but too many mid-managersare claiming that, when the door or cover arein place, that is the Flash Protection Boundary.When the equipment is not designed towithstand and contain an arc flash, the door orcover will merely slow the event by a fractionof a second; then it will become part of thegeneral shrapnel blasting workers.Some mid-managers are saving pennies whilerisking lives, limbs and enormous corporatelosses with poor thinking, leaving senior managementstranded on an indefensible limb. AmI talking about your company?Until next time, be ready, be careful andbe safe.Canada Training Group has been providing consultingservices to industry since 1980; Dave Smith,the president, can be reached at davesmith@canadatraining-group.ca.At www.canada-training-group.ca, you will find this article (and others) available toyou. Feel free to use them to support your own safetyprogram and other initiatives.A pioneer in the design of teck cablefittings, the Thomas & BettsSTAR TECK ® product line remainsan indisputable industry standard tothis day.All STAR TECK ® fittings are designedand manufactured in Canada forCanada.STAR TECK ® cable fittings.A tradition of industry firsts.is a Proud Supporter and Media Partner of the:18th IEEE IAS <strong>Electrical</strong> Safety WorkshopJanuary 24-28, Toronto, Ont. • Visit http://tinyurl.com/ESWJan2011www.EBMag.comUntitled-9 1• December/January 2010/11 • 1112/8/10 4:00:37 PM

The only comprehensiveBUYERS’ GUIDE for theelectrical and communicationsmarkets in Canada

Canada's <strong>Electrical</strong> and Datacom Source GuideContentsEditorAnthony Capkun - acapkun@annexweb.comPublisherJohn MacPherson -jmacpherson@annexweb.comAccount ManagerScott Hoy - shoy@annexweb.comArt DirectorSvetlana Avrutin - savrutin@annexweb.comProduction ManagerAlice Chen - achen@annexweb.comCreative DirectorEinar Rice - erice@annexweb.comSubscriber Customer ServiceRepresentativeDonna Koivisto - dkoivisto@annexweb.comPresidentMike Fredericks -mfredericks@annexweb.com240 Edward Street, Aurora, ON L4G 3S9Tel: 905-727-0077 Fax: 905-727-0017The contents of The BlueBook are copyright©2010 by Annex Publishing & Printing Inc.and may not be reproduced in whole or partwithout written consent. Annex Publishing &Printing Inc. disclaims any warranty as to theaccuracy, completeness or currency of thecontents of this publication and disclaimsall liability in respect of the results of anyaction taken or not taken in reliance uponinformation in this publication.16243435364142MANUFACTURERSWant to find all the players who make the productswe use and love? Check out the manufacturer pagesto find them all.DISTRIBUTORSWhere would we be without our distributor partners?Check out this section to find your distributor ofchoice in the areas where you live and work. Thissection is laid out according to province/territory,then alphabetically by distributor.SALES AGENTSWe rely on our manufacturer reps to help us findthe solutions we need. Check them out here.ASSOCIATIONSWhat would our industry be without the variousassociations that bring us closer together. Whatgroups could you belong to?PRODUCTSCan’t figure out who makes the products you need?Visit this section and peruse our product categoriesto find the job partner that’s just right for you.TRAINING, EDUCATION &SERVICE PROVIDERSThe industry is ever evolving, always changing.Visit these pages to find the partners you need tostay at the top of your game.WEB PROFILESCheck out this page to find treasure troves of onlineinformation!Send address changes to:ELECTRICAL BUSINESS240 Edward Street, Aurora, ON L4G 3S9Printed in CanadaFrom the Publishers of:Not here but think you should be?We’ll put out the call again for information for The BlueBook nextyear, Summer 2011. At that point, be sure to fill out your particularsonline at EBmag.com or use the fax-back form that appearsin the pages of <strong>Electrical</strong> <strong>Business</strong> to be included inThe BlueBook 2012 edition.www.EBMag.com • December/January 2010/11 • 15

MANUFACTURERS3M CANADAPO Box 5757London, ON N6A 4T1T: 800-410-6880F: 519-452-6080W: www.3m.ca/electrical#AA-D TECHNOLOGIES860 Garden St.Elyria, OH 44035T: 800-321-7914F: 440-322-1001W: www.adtechnologies.comA-RISE PIPE SUPPORT, INC.B-1300 Alameda Ave,Fircrest, WA 98466T: 253-565-1140F: 253-565-1700W: www.arisepipesupport.comABB2117, 32nd av.Lachine, QC H8T 3J1T: 514-420-3100F: 514-420-3138W: www.abb.com/lowvoltageABEL ELECTRIC187 York Rd.Dundas, ON L9H 1M9T: 905-627-4811F: 905-627-4811ABSOPULSE ELECTRONICS LTD.110 Walgreen Rd.Ottawa, ON K0A 1L0T: 613-836-3511F: 613-836-7488W: www.absopulse.comACCUBID SYSTEMS7725 Jane St.Concord, ON L4K 1X4T: 800-222-8243F: 866-511-1362W: www.accubid.comACE MANUFACTURING METALS LTD.Box 500Bittern Lake, AB T0C 0L0T: 780-352-7145F: 780-352-7147W: www.acemfg.comACME ENGINEERING PRODUCTS LTD.5706 ave. RoyalmountMontreal, QC H4P 1K5T: 514-342-5656F: 514-342-3131W: www.acmeprod.comACR SYSTEMS INC.210-12960 84 Ave.Surrey, BC V3W 1K7T: 604-591-1128F: 604-591-2252W: www.acrsystems.comACUITY BRANDS LIGHTING CANADA, INC.10-9040 Leslie St.Richmond Hill, ON L4B 3M4T: 905-707-5830F: 905-707-5695W: www.abl-gtasales.comAcuity Brands is the leading provider of innovative,technologically advanced, sustainable lightingproducts and lighting-related solutions. Our lightingheritage goes back to 1898 and our vision for thefuture knows no limit.ADC TELECOMMUNICATIONS INC.23 rue OrioleKirkland, QC H9H 4S2T: 514-249-3573W: www.adc.comADVANCED ENERGY NETWORKS INC.7131 Edwards Blvd.Mississauga, ON L5S 1Z2T: 905-564-7615F: 905-564-7680W: www.advancedenergynetworks.comAEG POWER SOLUTIONS INC.2680 Fourteenth Ave., Unit 1 & 2Markham, ON L3R 5B2T: 905-480-5151F: 905-480-9356W: www.aegpowersolutions.comAEMC INSTRUMENTS200 Foxborough Blvd.Foxborough, MA 02035T: 508-698-2115F: 508-698-2118W: www.aemc.comAERO-TECH LIGHT BULB CO.534 Pratt Ave.Schaumburg, IL 60193T: 847-352-4900F: 847-352-4999W: www.aerolights.comAEROFLO INC.12-205 Matheson Blvd. E.Mississauga, ON L4Z 3E3T: 905-890-6192F: 905-890-6193W: www.aerofl o.comAFOP275 Gibraltar Dr.Sunnyvale, CA 94089T: 408-736-6900F: 408-736-4882W: www.afop.comAGILENT TECHNOLOGIES2660 Matheson Blvd. E.Mississauga, ON L4W 5M2T: 877-894-4414W: www.agilent.comAIR KING LTD.110 Glidden Rd.Brampton, ON L6T 2J3T: 905-456-2033F: 905-456-1015W: www.airkinglimited.comALCAN CABLE602-2700 Matheson Blvd. E., East TowerMississauga, ON L4W 5H7T: 905-206-6900F: 905-206-6907W: www.cable.alcan.comALPHA WIRE711 Lidgerwood Ave.Elizabeth, NJ 07202T: 908-587-4077W: www.alphawire.comAMAC EQUIPMENT LTD.110 Industrial Rd.Richmond Hill, ON L4C 2Y3T: 905-884-1423F: 905-884-1420W: www.amace.caAMERCABLE350 Bailey Rd.El Dorado, AR 71730T: 870-862-4919F: 870-862-9613W: www.amercable.comAMERICAN ACCESS TECHNOLOGIES, INC.6670 Spring Lake Rd.Keystone Heights, FL 32656T: 352-473-6673F: 352-473-6572W: www.aatk.comAMERICAN FIBERTEK INC.120 Belmont Dr.Somerset, NJ 08873-1204T: 732-302-0660F: 732-302-0667W: www.americanfi bertek.comAMERICAN INSULATED WIRE CORP.(A LEVITON COMPANY)6595 Kitimat Rd.Mississauga, ON L5N 4J4T: 905-826-5505F: 905-826-6501W: www.wirecableandcords.comAMUNEAL MANUFACTURING CORP.4737 Darrah St.Philadelphia, PA 19124T: 800-755-9843F: 215-743-1715W: www.amuneal.comANALYGAS SYSTEMS450 Midwest Rd.Toronto, ON M1P 3A9T: 416-759-2241F: 416-757-8096W: www.analygas.comANALYTIC SYSTEMS8128 River WayDelta, BC V4G 1K5T: 604-946-9981F: 604-946-9983W: www.analyticsystems.comANAMET CANADA INC.PO Box 550Colborne, ON K0K 1S0T: 905-355-2122F: 905-355-3110W: www.anametcanada.comANDREW CANADA INC.606 Beech St. W.Whitby, ON L1N 5S2T: 905-668-3348F: 905-668-8590W: www.andrew.comFAST, SIMPLE ANDPOWERFULLY VERSATILE.THE WAY LABEL MAKING SHOULD BE.ANRITSU ELECTRONICS LTD.120-700 Silver Seven Rd.Kanata, ON K2V 1C3T: 800-267-4878F: 613-591-1006W: www.anritsu.com Simple to operate Packed with functionalities Touch & drag label design Stand alone operationAnd the best part? This printer makeslabels in two steps. All you need to do isjust type and hit print – it’s really that easy.SAMPLE PACK &ONLINE DEMO VIDEOSwww.BradyCanada.ca/bbp31ARANI SYSTEMS CORP.129-8925, Blvd. St. LaurentMontreal, QC H2N 1M5T: 514-903-2296F: 514-903-2297W: www.arani.caARLINGTON INDUSTRIES1 Stauffer Industrial ParkScranton, PA 18517T: 800-233-4717F: 570-562-0646W: www.aifi ttings.comARROW FASTENER COMPANY271 Mayhill St.Saddle Brook, NJ 07663T: 201-843-6906F: 201-843-3911W: www.arrowfastener.comARTCRAFT ELECTRIC LTD.8050 Torbram Rd.Bramalea, ON L6T 3T2T: 905-791-1551F: 905-791-7381W: www.artcraftlighting.comSD111516 • December/January 2010/11 • www.EBMag.comUntitled-1 111/15/10 9:10:01 AM

MANUFACTURERSCHATSWORTH PRODUCTS, INC.31425 Agoura Rd.Westlake Village, CA 91361T: 800-834-4969W: www.chatsworth.comCHLORIDE SYSTEMS272 W. Stag Park Service Rd.Burgaw, NC 28425T: 910-259-1000F: 800-258-8803W: www.chloridesys.comCLEMTECH CONSULTATION107-813 Beriault St.Longueuil, QC J4G 1X7T: 450-651-4844F: 450-646-5950COLUMBIA-MBF6560 Northwest Dr.Mississauga, ON L4V 1P2T: 905-362-0180F: 905-362-0186COMMSCOPE ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS350-1300 E. Lookout Dr.Richardson, TX 75082T: 972-792-3000W: www.commscope.comCOMPOSITE POWER GROUP250 West Beaver Creek Rd.Richmond Hill, ON L4B 1C7T: 905-763-7355F: 905-763-6550W: www.compow.comCONTRETRON INC.6440 Notre Dame St. W.Montreal, QC H4C 1V4T: 888-933-5752F: 514-933-4128W: www.cablelocators.comCONTROL TECHNOLOGY CORP.25 South St.Hopkinton, MA 01748T: 508-435-9595F: 508-435-2373W: www.ctc-control.comCOOPER INDUSTRIES5925 McLaughlin Rd.Mississauga, ON L5R 1B8T: 905-507-4000F: 905-568-7049W: www.cooperindustries.comCRISTAL CONTROLS LTD.2025 Lavoisier no. 135Quebec, QC G1N 4L6T: 800-681-9590F: 418-681-7393W: www.cristalcontrols.comManufacturer of Low voltage lighting controls, monitoringand energy management. SCR Power Controls,Thermostats, Steps controllersCRITERION INSTRUMENTS LTD.30 Progress Ave.Toronto, ON M1P 4W8T: 416-299-6666F: 416-299-8398W: www.criterioninstr.comCUMMINS POWER GENERATION1400 73rd Ave. NEMinneapolis, MN 55432T: 763-574-5000F: 763-574-5298W: www.cumminspower.comCUSTOM LIGHTING LTD.7923 Coronet Rd. N.W.Edmonton, AB T6E 4N7T: 780-463-8014F: 780-463-2216W: www.customlightingltd.comCXTEC5404 South Bay Rd.Syracuse, NY 13221T: 800-767-3282F: 315-455-1800W: www.cxtec.comDDANFOSS MOTOR CONTROLS7880 Tranmere Dr.Mississauga, ON L5S 1L9T: 905-676-6000F: 905-676-8980W: www.namc.danfoss.comDECA CABLES INC.150 North Murray St.Trenton, ON K8V 5W6T: 613-392-3585F: 613-392-7908W: www.decacables.comDELTA TRANSFORMERS1311 A Ampere St.Boucherville, QC J4B 5Z5T: 800-663-3582F: 877-449-9115W: www.delta.xfo.comDEMATIC LIMITED200-6711 Mississauga Rd.Mississauga, ON L5N 2W3T: 905-363-6970F: 905-363-6969W: www.dematic.usDIMONOFF1375 Frank Carrel no. 14Quebec, QC G1N 2E7T: 418-681-9590F: 418-681-7393W: www.dimonoff.comDIMPLEX NORTH AMERICA1367 Industrial Rd.Cambridge, ON N1R 7G8T: 519-650-3630F: 519-650-3651W: www.dimplex.comDOMTECH INC.40 East Davis St.Trenton, ON K8V 6S4T: 888-278-8258F: 613-394-5372W: www.domtech.netDRAKA CANADA3-17 Woodyatt DriveBrantford, ON N3R 7K3T: 800-488-5794F: 905-820-2922W: www.wirecableandcords.comDROMEY DESIGN INC.68 McDonagh Cres.Thorold, ON L2V 4G5T: 905-685-3801F: 905-685-3119W: www.dromeydesign.comDUCT-O-WIRE CANADA LTD.10-1445 Norjohn CourtBurlington, ON L7L 0E6T: 905-331-2612F: 905-331-6639W: www.ductowire.comEEASTERN WIRE & CONDUIT28 Sims Cres.Richmond Hill, ON L4B 1C9T: 905-731-0338F: 905-731-9570W: www.easternwire.comEATON5050 MainwayBurlington, ON L7L 5Z1T: 800-268-3578F: 905-333-2724W: www.eatoncanada.caEATON POWER QUALITY LTD.380 Carlingview Dr.Toronto, ON M9W 5X9T: 416-798-0112F: 416-798-3532W: www.powerware.comECONOFROST REFLECTIVE NIGHT COVERSPO Box 40Shawnigan Lake, BC V0R 2W0T: 250-743-1222F: 250-743-1221W: www.econofrost.comEDISON LIGHTING GROUP LTD.2-1303 Ringwell DrNewmarket, ON L3Y 8T9T: 905-830-0339F: 800-667-9302W: www.edisonlighting.caEGS ELECTRICAL GROUP CANADA LTD.99 Union St.Elmira, ON N3B 3L7T: 519-669-9222F: 519-669-6389W: www.egscanada.comELECTRO CABLES INC.9 Riverside Dr., PO Box 276Trenton, ON K8V 5R5T: 888-353-2876F: 613-394-4101W: www.electrocables.comELECTROTEK LTD.1016 34 Ave. SECalgary, AB T2G 1V4T: 403-287-2200F: 403-287-3808W: www.electrotekltd.comEMERSON CONTROL TECHNIQUES9999 Hwy. 48Markham, ON L3P 3J3T: 905-201-4699F: 905-201-4694W: www.emersonct.comENGINEERED LIGHTING PRODUCTS10768 Lower Azusa Rd.El Monte, CA 91731T: 626-579-0943F: 626-579-6803W: www.elplighting.comENSTAR7-11460 Voyageur WayRichmond, BC V6X 3E1T: 604-276-8641ERICO34600 Solon Rd.Cleveland, OH 44139T: 440-248-0100F: 440-248-0723W: www.erico.comERICSON MANUFACTURING CO.4215 Hamann ParkwayWilloughby, OH 44094T: 800-374-2766F: 440-951-1867W: www.ericson.comESIC TECHNOLOGIES130-145 Renfrew Dr.Markham, ON L3R 9R6T: 905-305-0923F: 905-305-0924EXFO400 Godin Ave.Quebec City, QC G1M 2K2T: 800-663-3936F: 418-683-2170EXIDE TECHNOLOGIES INDUSTRIAL ENERGY3-6950 Creditview Rd.Mississauga, ON L5N 0A6T: 905-286-3866W: www.exide.comEXM MANUFACTURING LTD.870 Michele-BohecBlainville, QC J7C 5E2T: 450-979-4373F: 866-325-6485W: www.exmweb.comEXTECH INSTRUMENTS285 Bear Hill Rd.Waltham, MA 02451T: 781-890-7440F: 781-890-7864W: www.extech.comFFEDERAL SIGNAL CORPORATION2645 Federal Signal Dr.University Park, IL 60466T: 708-534-3400F: 708-534-4852W: www.federalsignal-indust.comFERRAZ SHAWMUT CANADA INC.88 Horner Ave.Toronto, ON M8Z 5Y3T: 416-252-9371F: 416-252-6572W: www.ferrazshawmut.comFIRWIN CORP.1685 Flint Rd.North York, ON M3J 2W8T: 416-745-9389F: 416-745-0782W: www.fi rwin.comFLIR SYSTEMS CANADA LTD.125-5230 South Service Rd.Burlington, ON L7L 5K2T: 800-613-0507F: 905-639-5488W: www.fl ir.caFLUKE ELECTRONICS CANADA1-400 Britannia Rd. E.Mississauga, ON L4Z 1X9T: 800-363-5853W: www.fl ukecanada.caFluke Electronics Canada (www.fl ukecanada.ca)offers complete families of professional test tools,including power quality, thermography, digital multimeters,clamp meters, insulation resistance testers,portable oscilloscopes, thermometers, process testingequipment and accessories, as well as educationaland training resources.FLUKE NETWORKS CANADA1-400 Britannia Rd. E.Mississauga, ON L4Z 1X9T: 800-363-5853F: 905-890-6866W: www.fl ukenetworks.caFluke Networks provides innovative solutions for thetesting, monitoring and analysis of enterprise andtelecommunications networks and the installationand certifi cation of the fi ber and copper foundationof those networks.FORESIGHT LIGHTING INC.3940 Griffi thSaint-Laurent, QC H4T 1A7T: 514-595-7177F: 514-595-7277W: www.foresightlighting.comFULHAM COMPANY INC.2967 Lotus CourtCoquitlam, BC V3B 7B3T: 604-288-2609F: 604-648-9065W: www.fulham.comFUSETEK599 Norris Crt.Kingston, ON K7P 2R9T: 800-479-3875F: 800-866-7690W: www.fusetek.comwww.EBMag.com • December/January 2010/11 • 19GGARDEL METAL PRODUCTS INC.140 West Beaver Creek Rd.Richmond Hill, ON L4B 1C2T: 905-881-7992F: 905-881-6413W: www.gardel.on.caGE ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION2300 Meadowvale BlvdMississauga, ON L5N 5P9T: 800-GE 1STOPF: 905-858-5783W: www.geindustrial.comCalgary, AB..............403-214-4683Edmonton, AB.............780-432-8091Vancouver................604-451-3209Winnipeg, MB.............204-958-9771Regina, SK...............306-790-9500St. Laurent, QC..........514-215-2658Toronto, ON..............905-858-5237All Inquiries..........1-800-431-7867GE LIGHTING468 South Service Rd. E.Oakville, ON L6K 2X6T: 877-259-0941F: 905-849-2907W: www.gelighting.comCalgary, AB..............403-214-4435Vancouver, BC............604-451-3216Montreal, QC.............514-215-2742Ontario..................877-259-0941Winnipeg, MB ..........204-694-1339New Brunswick/PEI........506-867-3342Dartmouth, NS ..........902-463-6852Saskatoon, SK............306-791-0266Ottawa, ON...............613-761-1188

MANUFACTURERSGE MULTILIN215 Anderson Ave.Markham, ON L6E 1B3T: 905-294-6222F: 905-201-2098W: www.gemultilin.comGE SECURITY625 6th St. E.Owen Sound, ON N4K 5P8T: 519-376-2430F: 519-372-1581W: www.gesecurity.comGENERAL TRANSFORMER CORP.717 Cooper Dr.Wylie, TX 75098T: 972-442-1285F: 972-442-5764W: www.generaltransformer.comGENSCO EQUIPMENT53 Carlaw Ave.Toronto, ON M4M 2R6T: 416-465-7521F: 416-465-4489W: www.genscoequip.comGENTEC INC.2625 Dalton St.Ste Foy, QC G1P 3S9T: 418-651-8002F: 418-651-6695W: www.gentec.caGEORGE KELK CORPORATION48 Lesmill Rd.Toronto, ON M3B 2T5T: 416-445-5850F: 416-445-5972W: www.kelk.comGLOSYNERGY15-100 Leek CrescentRichmond Hill, ONT: 647-293-2057F: 905-707-8863W: www.glosynergyled.comGREENLITE CORP.102-115 Brunswick Blvd.Pointe Claire, QC H9R 5N2T: 514-695-9090F: 514-695-9093W: www.greenlite.caGUELPH TWINES LTD.50 Crimea St.Guelph, ON N1H 6J6T: 888-771-9140F: 519-821-9756W: www.guelphtwines.comGUTH LIGHTING COMPANY200-1324 Washington Ave.St. Louis, MO 63103-1940T: 314-533-3200F: 314-533-9127W: www.guth.comHHAMMOND MANUFACTURING CO. LTD.394 Edinburgh Rd. N.Guelph, ON N1H 1E5T: 187-753-5328F: 519-822-0715W: www.hammondmfg.comHAMMOND POWER SOLUTIONS INC.595 Southgate DriveGuelph, ON N1G 3W6T: 519-822-2441F: 519-822-9701W: hammondpowersolutions.comHARGER LIGHTING & GROUNDING301 Zeigler Dr.Graysike, IL 60030T: 800-842-7437W: www.harger.comHB ETLIN/ETLIN-DANIELS1850 Wilson Ave.Toronto, ON M9M 1A1T: 416-741-7336F: 416-741-9104W: www.etlin.comHELLERMANNTYTON CANADA4-205 Industrial Pkwy. N.Aurora, ON L4G 4C4T: 905-726-1221F: 905-726-8538W: www.hellermann.tyton.comHID GLOBAL620-115 George St.Oakville, ON L6J 0A2T: 800-237-7769F: 905-842-4846W: www.hidcorp.comHITACHI CABLE MANCHESTER, INC.900 Holt Ave.Manchester, NH 03109T: 603-669-4347F: 603-669-9621W: www.hcm.hitachi.comHOLOPHANE CANADA INC.9040 Leslie St., Ste. 208-211Richmond Hil, ON L4B 3M4T: 905-707-5830F: 905-707-5695W: www.holophane.comHUBBELL CANADA LP - LIGHTING DIVISION870 Brock Rd. S.Pickering, ON L1W 1Z8T: 905-839-1138F: 905-839-9108W: www.hubbellonline.comHUBBELL CANADA LP - ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS870 Brock Rd. S.Pickering, ON L1W 1Z8T: 905-839-1138F: 905-839-9108W: www.hubbellonline.comHYPERLINE SYSTEMS CANADA LTD.1877 Mayors WayMetcalfe, ON K0A 2P0T: 161-382-1006F: 161-382-1975W: www.hyperlines.comICONOPOWER LTD.1230 Old Innes Rd., Units 411-412Ottawa, ON K1B 3V3T: 613-744-3670F: 613-744-8452W: www.iconopower.comIED LIMITED PARTNERSHIP II2195 Dunwin Dr.Mississauga, ON L5L 1X2T: 905-607-6600F: 905-607-9201W: www.ied.caILSCO OF CANADA CO.1050 Lakeshore Rd. E.Mississauga, ON L5E 1E4T: 905-274-2341F: 905-274-2689W: www.ilsco.comINDUSTRIAL POWER & CONTROL INC.2299 Kenmore Ave.Buffalo, NY 14207T: 888-822-2024F: 519-822-2140W: www.ipandc.comINITIATIVE1605-10 Bay St.Toronto, ON M5J 2R8T: 416-933-5816F: 416-933-5864INOVONICS WIRELESS CORPORATION315 CTC Blvd.Louisville, CO 80027T: 303-939-9336F: 303-939-8977W: www.inovonics.comINTERMEC TECHNOLOGIES CANADA LTD.7065 Tranmere Dr.Mississauga, ON L5S 1M2T: 905-673-9333F: 905-673-3974W: www.intermec.caINTERNATIONAL INNOVATIVE SYSTEMS1-934 Queen St.Sault Ste. Marie, ON P6A 2B9T: 705-759-4862F: 705-759-7083W: www.tpscanada.caINVENTRONICS LTD1420 Van Horne Ave. E.Brandon, MB R7A 7B6T: 204-728-2001F: 204-726-0807W: www.inventronics.comIPEX INC.6810 Invader Cres.Mississauga, ON L5T 2B6T: 800-268-4664F: 905-670-1512W: www.ipexinc.com20 • December/January 2010/11 • www.EBMag.comIIPLC VANTERAPO Box 334, 90 Main St.Elie, MB R0H 0H0T: 866-353-2785F: 204-353-2119W: www.iplc.comITS ENCLOSURES271 Westech Dr.Mt. Pleasant, PA 15666T: 800-423-9911F: 724-696-3333W: www.itsenclosures.comJACKSON POWER & ELECTRIC LTD.9744-60 Ave.Edmonton, AB T6E 0C5T: 780-435-9275F: 780-436-0308W: www.jacksonpower.comJJEFFERSON ELECTRIC9650 Franklin Dr. S.Franklin, WI 53132T: 414-209-1620F: 414-209-1621W: www.jeffersonelectric.comJKOM TECHNOLOGIES6198 Main St.Stouffville, ON L4A 2S5T: 416-949-4940F: 905-640-5859W: www.jkom.caKK2C INDUSTRIAL AUTOMATION INC.21 Hamptons Heath NWCalgary, AB T3A 5E8T: 403-210-0699F: 403-243-3163W: www.k2ciautomation.comKCS5410 Richmond Rd.Ottawa, ON K2R 1G7T: 613-271-0988F: 613-271-0977W: www.kingscross.netKIDDE CANADA INC.340 Four Valley Dr.Vaughan, ON L4K 5Z1T: 905-695-6060F: 905-660-4670W: www.kiddecanada.comKLEIN TOOLS450 Bond St , PO Box 1418Lincolnshire, IL 60069-1418T: 847-821-5500F: 847-478-0625W: www.kleintools.comKNAACK MANUFACTURING CO.420 E. Terra Cotta Ave.Crystal Lake, IL 60014T: 815-459-6020F: 800-334-2981W: www.knaack.comKUBOTA CANADA LTD.5900 14th Ave.Markham, ON L3S 4K4T: 905-294-7477F: 905-294-1554W: www.engine.kubota.ne.jp/english/LAPP CANADA10-3505 Laird Rd.Mississauga, ON L5L 5Y7T: 905-820-5492F: 905-820-6516W: www.lappcanada.comLEDALITE ARCHITECTURAL PRODUCTS19750 92A Ave.Langley, BC V1M 3B2T: 604-888-6811F: 604-888-2003W: www.ledalite.comLEDTRONICS, INC.23105 Kashiwa CTTorrance, CA 90505T: 310-534-1505F: 310-534-1424W: www.ledtronics.com/LEGRAND CANADA INC.570 Applewood Cres.Vaughan, ON L4K 4B4T: 905-738-9195F: 905-760-8641W: www.legrandna.comLLEVITON MANUFACTURING OF CANADA LTD.165 boul. HymusPointe-Claire, QC H9R 1E9T: 514-954-1840F: 514-954-1853W: www.leviton.comLeviton Manufacturing of Canada Ltd. is the only companyin the Canadian marketplace to offer a completerange of products, from electrical wiring devices tolighting controls and network solutions products.LGI LIGHTING GROUP INC.9040 Leslie St., Units 10-12Richmond Hill, ON L4B 3M4T: 905-886-8967F: 905-886-7973W: www.lightinggroup.caLIGHTGUARD LIGHTING LTD.14-5200 Dixie Rd.Mississauga, ON L4W 1E4T: 905-602-1512F: 905-625-5970W: www.lightguard.comLIGHTING NELSON & GARRETT INC.106 Birmingham St.Toronto, ON M8V 4E6T: 416-463-0050F: 416-463-9882W: www.lightingnag.comLIND EQUIPMENT LTD.90B Centurian DriveMarkham, ON L3R 8C4T: 905-475-5086F: 905-475-4098W: www.lindequipment.netLINEAR150-1950 Camino Vida RobleCarlsbad, CA 92008T: 800-421-1587F: 760-931-1340W: www.linearcorp.comLITELINE CORPORATION8 Abacus RoadBrampton, ON L6T 5B7T: 416-996-1856F: 905-794-1990W: www.liteline.comLITETRONICS INTERNATIONAL INC.4101 W. 123rd St.Alsip, IL 60803T: 708-389-8000F: 708-371-0627W: www.litetronics.comLO-COST NAMETAG & ENGRAVING INC.17560 60 Ave.Surrey, BC V3S 1T8T: 604-574-0006F: 604-576-0006W: www.locostnametag.comManufacturer of name tags, electrical name plates,lamicoids, plastic labels & small signs. Fast & economical.24 hour service available.LOCWELD INC.50 Iberville Ave.Candiac, QC J5R 1J5T: 450-659-9661F: 450-444-3111W: www.locweld.comLOVATO ELECTRIC CORPORATION3200 Jacques Bureau Ave.Laval, QC H7P 0A9T: 450-681-9200F: 450-681-9884W: www.lovato.caLUMAX INDUSTRIES INC.Chestnut Ave. & Fourth St., PO Box 991Altoona, PA 16603-0991T: 814-944-2537F: 814-944-6413W: www.lumaxlighting.comLUMID7940 Jean-Brillon St.Montreal, QC H8N 2L5T: 514-524-1831F: 514-524-2409W: www.lumid.comLUTRON7200 Suter Rd.Coopersburg, PA 18036-1299T: 610-282-3800

MANUFACTURERSLUXO LAMP LTD.1908 St RegisDorval, QC H9P 1H6T: 800-361-3993F: 800-567-9215W: www.luxo.caLYNN VALLEY MANUFACTURING140 Progress Dr., Units 2-4Gravenhurst, ON P1P 1X4T: 705-687-8816F: 705-687-0196W: www.lynnvalleymfg.comMM. K. MORSE COMPANYPO Box 8677, 11011 11th St. S.E.Canton, OH 44707T: 330-453-8187F: 330-453-1111W: www.mkmorse.comM.G.B. ELECTRIC INC.51 St. PierreSt-Pie, QC J0H 1W0T: 450-772-5608F: 450-772-6150W: www.mgbelectric.comMAGIC LITE LTD.2526 Speers Rd., Units 4-9Oakville, ON L6L 5M2T: 905-825-9592F: 905-825-8334W: www.magiclite.comMAGNA IV ENGINEERING (BC) LTD.110-2071 Kingsway Ave.Port Coquitlam, BC V3C 1T2T: 604-944-6697F: 604-944-1271W: www.magnaiv.caMANUFACTURERS MARKETING GROUP (R)631 Griffi th St.London, ON N6K 2S5T: 519-472-3158F: 519-472-3158W: www.sunrisco.comMASTER PROMOTIONS LTD.48 Broad St., PO Box 565Saint John, NB E2L 3Z8T: 888-454-7469F: 506-658-0750W: www.masterpromotions.caMELTRIC CORPORATION4 Serpentine St.Copper Cliff, ON P0M 1N0T: 800-461-4076W: www.meltric.comMICROMO14881 Evergreen Ave.Clearwater, FL 33762-3008T: 800-807-9166F: 727-573-5918W: www.micromo.comMIDDLE ATLANTIC PRODUCTS CANADA INC.113 Iber Rd.Ottawa, ON K2S 1E7T: 613-836-2501F: 613-836-2690W: www.middleatlantic.caMILLS ARCHITECTURAL LIGHTING106 Birmingham St., PO Box 333 Postal Stn. FToronto, ON M4Y 2L7T: 800-268-1526F: 416-463-9882W: www.millslighting.comMILWAUKEE ELECTRIC TOOL CANADA LTD.202-7303 Warden Ave.Markham, ON L3R 5Y6T: 905-479-4355F: 905-948-2348W: www.milwaukeetool.comMINE SAFETY APPLIANCES CANADA222-5535 Eglinton Ave. W.Toronto, ON M9C 5K5T: 416-620-4225F: 416-620-9697W: www.msanet.comMINETEC CONTROLS2825 HalpernSt-Laurent, QC H4S 1P8T: 514-337-1410F: 514-337-0636W: www.minetec.caMODULAR POWER SYSTEMS INC.103 Orenda Rd.Brampton, ON L6W 1V7T: 905-457-8767F: 905-457-8767W: www.modular-power-systems.comMOELLER ELECTRIC LTD.7275 Rapistan Crt.Mississauga, ON L5N 5Z4T: 905-542-2323F: 905-542-2321W: www.moeller.caMOLEX INCORPORATED2222 Wellington CourtLisle, IL 60515T: 630-527-4539W: www.molex.comMOSAK EMK2300 PowerDrummondville, QC J2C 7Z4T: 819-477-6661F: 819-477-6898MP HUSKY CORP.204 Old Piedmont Hwy.Greenville, SC 29605T: 864-234-4800F: 864-234-4822W: www.mphusky.comMULTI-TECH SYSTEMS, INC.2205 Woodale Dr.Mounds View, MN 55112T: 763-785-3500F: 763-785-9874W: www.multitech.comMVA POWER INC.1 Holly Rd.Montreal, QC H3X 3K6T: 450-589-0445F: 450-589-0733W: www.mvapower.comNNELSON FIRESTOP PRODUCTS4135 S. 100th East Ave., Ste. 100Tulsa, OK 74146T: 800-331-7325F: 918-627-2941W: www.nelsonfi restop.comNEWLINK CABLING SYSTEMS21-11701 NW 102 Rd.Medley, FL 33178F: 305-477-8262NEXANS CANADA INC.140 Allstate ParkwayMarkham, ON L3R 0Z7T: 905-944-4346F: 905-944-4330W: www.nexans.caNICA-POWER BATTERY CORP.14-5155 Spectrum WayMississauga, ON L4W 5A1T: 905-624-0000F: 905-624-5060W: www.nicapower.comNORTHERN CABLES INC.50 California Ave., PO Box 1564Brockville, ON K6V 6E6T: 613-345-1594F: 613-345-3147W: www.northerncables.comNORTHERN LIGHTS ENERGY SYSTEMS LTD.#900 Hwy 548CRichards Landing, ON P0R 1J0T: 705-246-2073W: www.sunlinksolartracker.comNORTHERN TECHNOLOGIES95 Konrad Cres.Markham, ON L3R 8T8T: 905-475-9320F: 905-475-5719W: www.northerntech.comNORTHERN TRANSFORMER INC.163 Jardin Dr.Concord, ON L4K 1X5T: 905-669-1853F: 905-669-9728W: www.northerntransformer.comNSI INDUSTRIES9730 Northcross Center Dr.Huntersville, NC 28078T: 800-321-5847F: 800-841-5566W: www.nsiindustries.comO-M690-14163 Rte. 117Mirabel, QC J7J 1M3T: 450-979-2275F: 450-979-4110W: www.om6.comOMEGA976 Bergar St.Laval, QC H7L 5A1T: 514-856-6928F: 514-856-6886W: www.omega.caOMRON885 Milner Ave.Toronto, ON M1B 5V8T: 866-986-6766F: 416-286-6648W: www.omron.caOOSRAM SYLVANIA LTD.2001 Drew Rd.Mississauga, ON L5S 1S4T: 905-673-6171F: 905-671-5584W: www.sylvania.comOSRAM SYLVANIA LTD. provides innovative andenvironmentally responsible lighting products thatproduce more light while consuming less power including;compact fl uorescent, halogen, metal halideand high pressure sodium lamps, LED light sourcesand electronic and magnetic ballasts.OUELLET CANADA INC.180 3rd Ave.L’Islet, QC G0R 2C0T: 418-247-3947F: 800-662-7801W: www.ouellet.comPPANASONIC CANADA INC.5770 Ambler Dr.Mississauga, ON L4W 2T3T: 905-624-5010F: 905-238-2443W: www.panasonic.caPANDUIT CANADA CORP.400-85 Enterprise Blvd.Markham, ON L3R 3J8T: 905-475-6922F: 905-475-6998W: www.panduit.comHammondPS_EB_March10.indd 1PASS & SEYMOUR LEGRAND CANADA570 Applewood Cres.Vaughan, ON L4K 4B4T: 905-738-9195F: 905-738-9721W: www.legrand.caPEERLESS ELECTRIC CO. LTD.9145 rue BoivinLasalle, QC H8R 2E5T: 514-595-1671F: 514-595-4411W: www.peerless-electric.comPHENIX TECHNOLOGIES INC.75 Speicher Dr.Accident, MD 21520T: 301-746-8118F: 301-895-5570W: www.phenixtech.comPHILIPS LIGHTING CANADA281 Hillmount Dr.Markham, ON L6C 2S3T: 905-201-4500F: 905-887-7939W: www.philips.comPHOENIX CONTACT LTD.235 Watline Ave.Mississauga, ON L4Z 1P3T: 800-890-2820F: 905-890-0180W: www.phoenixcontact.caPINNACLE SYSTEMS INC.PO Box 9305Pittsburgh, PA 15225T: 412-262-3950F: 412-262-4055W: www.pinnaclesystems.comPMMI INTERNATIONAL LTD.6-1147 Bellamy Rd. N.Scarborough, ON M1H 1H6T: 416-289-0588F: 416-289-0396W: www.pmmiintl.comPOWER SURVEY INTERNATIONAL7880 Trans-Canada Hwy.Montreal, QC H4T 1A5T: 514-333-8392F: 514-333-8395W: www.powersurvey.comPRIME INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS INC.118-14273 Knox WayRichmond, BC V6V 2Z4T: 604-821-1758F: 604-821-1735W: www.prime-mfg.comwww.EBMag.com • December/January 2010/11 • 211/29/10 9:44:35 AM

MANUFACTURERSVALUELIGHT612 Gordon Baker Rd.Toronto, ON M2H 3B4T: 416-497-3039F: 416-352-5322W: www.valuelight.comVVENTURE LIGHTING CANADA6889 Rexwood Rd., Units 6 & 7Mississauga, ON L4V 1R2T: 905-678-6291F: 905-678-2879W: www.venturelighting.comVERITEQ INSTRUMENTS100-13775 Commerce Pkwy.Richmond, BC V6V 2V4T: 800-683-8374F: 604-273-2874W: www.veriteq.comVIGILANT TECHNICAL SALES LTD.28 Symonds Ave.St. John’s, NF A1E 5B1T: 709-753-6685F: 709-753-7759VIRELEC LTD.2-4020B Sladeview Cres.Mississauga, ON L5L 6B1T: 905-569-8030F: 905-569-6364W: www.virelec.comVISIONEERING CORP.35 Oak St.Toronto, ON M9N 1A1T: 416-245-7991VISTA ELECTRICAL PRODUCTSP.O. Box 178Montreal, QC H9R 5P9T: 800-685-8518F: 800-357-3717VISTA PROFESSIONAL OUTDOOR LIGHTING1625 Surveyor Ave.Simi Valley, CA 93063T: 705-431-0045F: 705-436-4555W: www.vistapro.comWW.A.C. LIGHTING COMPANY615 South St.Garden City, NY 11530T: 516-515-5000F: 800-526-2585W: www.waclighting.comWAGO CORPORATIONN120 W19129 Freistadt Rd., PO Box 1015Germantown, WI 53022T: 262-255-6222F: 262-255-3232W: www.wago.usWALDMANN LIGHTING9 W Century Dr.Wheeling, IL 60090T: 800-634-0007F: 847-520-1730W: www.waldmannlighting.comWAVELL ELECTRIC LTD.170 Sheldon Dr.Cambridge , ON N1R 7K1T: 519-620-2085F: 519-620-2127W: www.wavell.comWEG MOTORS & DRIVES / VJ PAMENSKY CANADA INC.64 Samor Rd.Toronto, ON M6A 1J7T: 877-726-3675F: 416-781-4352W: www.pamensky.comWEIDMULLER10 Spy CourtMarkham, ON L3R 5H6T: 888-309-8541F: 877-300-5635W: www.weidmuller.caWERA TOOLS3-730 South Service Rd.Stoney Creek, ON L8E 5S7T: 800-267-5541F: 877-650-9372W: www.weratools.comWHEATLAND TUBE COMPANYOne Council Ave.Wheatland, PA 16161T: 800-257-8182F: 724-346-7260W: www.wheatland.comWIELAND ELECTRIC INC.2889 Brighton Rd.Oakville, ON LCH 6C9T: 905-829-8414F: 905-829-8413W: www.wieland-electric.caWILLETT MANUFACTURING LTD.311B Kensington Ave., PO Box 340Estevan, SK S4A 2A4T: 306-637-4420F: 306-634-9904W: www.willett.caWIREMOLD/LEGRAND570 Applewood Cres.Vaughan, ON L4K 4B4T: 905-738-9195F: 905-738-9721W: www.legrand.caWOODHEAD, DIVISION OF MOLEX1090 Brevik PlaceMississauga, ON L4W 3Y5T: 905-624-6518F: 905-624-9151W: www.woodhead.caYOKOGAWA CORPORATION OF AMERICA2 Dart Rd.Newnan, GA 30265T: 770-254-0400F: 770-254-1337W: www.yokogawa.com/usYZZ-TRAUQ INC.CP 2628Morin Heights, QC J0R 1H0T: 450-226-6997F: 450-226-5837W: www.z-trauq.comDISTRIBUTORSALBERTAALLTRA ENGINEERING SERVICES LTD.201, 334-53 Ave. S.E.Calgary, AB T2H 0N3T: 403-287-1510F: 403-243-8623ANIXTER CANADACalgary, AB ..................................... 403-250-9646Edmonton, AB ................................. 780-452-8171W: www.anixter.comBARTLE & GIBSON CO. LTD.13475 Fort Rd.Edmonton, AB T5A 1C6T: 780-472-2850F: 780-476-6686Airdrie, AB ...................................... 403-945-9481Barrhead, AB .................................. 780-674-4255Calgary, AB ..................................... 403-291-1099Calgary, AB ..................................... 403-216-6717Edmonton, AB ................................. 780-483-1411Edmonton, AB ................................. 780-437-7767Edson, AB ....................................... 780-723-6180Fort McMurray, AB .......................... 780-743-4476Hinton, AB ....................................... 780-865-4800Lethbridge, AB ................................ 403-320-0411Lloydminster, AB ............................. 780-875-2683Medicine Hat, AB ............................ 403-527-3565Peace River, AB ............................... 780-624-4050Spruce Grove, AB ............................ 780-962-4891Wetaskiwin, AB ............................... 780-352-3722W: www.bartlegibson.comBREWS SUPPLY LTD.12203 40 St. SECalgary, AB T2Z 4E6T: 403-243-1144F: 403-243-2975Edmonton, AB ................................. 780-452-3730Grande Prairie, AB .......................... 780-814-8234Medicine Hat, AB ............................ 403-526-2773Red Deer, AB .................................. 403-343-6950W: www.brewssupply.comCENTURYVALLEN4810-92 Ave.Edmonton, AB T6B 2X4T: 780-468-3366Bonnyville, AB ................................. 780-826-3131Calgary, AB ..................................... 403-287-1690Edmonton EG, AB............................ 780-468-3366Edmonton ES, AB ............................ 780-430-4000Edmonton WE, AB ........................... 780-454-0471Fort McMurray, AB .......................... 780-743-4336Grande Prairie, AB .......................... 780-532-0843Lethbridge, AB ................................ 403-329-4747Medicine Hat, AB ............................ 403-526-6461Nisku, AB ........................................ 780-986-1525Red Deer, AB .................................. 403-343-6671W: www.centuryvallen.comDELCO WIRE AND CABLE LTD.Cakgary, AB .................................... 800-649-7916W: www.delcowire.comECS ELECTRICAL CABLE SUPPLY LTD.Calgary, AB ..................................... 403-250-9211Edmonton, AB ................................. 780-436-9380W: www.ecswire.comEECOL ELECTRIC63 Sunpark Dr. S.E.Calgary, AB T2X 3V4T: 403-253-1952F: 403-252-6441Airdrie, AB ...................................... 403-945-9761Bonnyville, AB ................................. 780-826-7220Brooks, AB ...................................... 403-362-3008Calgary, AB ..................................... 403-243-5594Calgary, AB ..................................... 403-236-2182Calgary, AB ..................................... 403-250-3330Edmonton, AB ................................. 780-468-6141Edmonton, AB ................................. 780-451-6481Fort McMurray, AB .......................... 780-791-1835Grande Prairie, AB .......................... 780-532-8750High Level, AB ................................ 780-926-4839Lethbridge, AB ................................ 403-328-2353Lloydminster, AB ............................. 780-871-4603Medicine Hat, AB ............................ 403-527-7189Peace River, AB ............................... 780-624-2288Red Deer, AB .................................. 403-343-3101Slave Lake, AB ................................ 780-805-8880W: www.eecol.comELECTRICAL WHOLESALERS EDMONTON LTD.(EWEL)14830 124 Ave.Edmonton, AB T5L 3B3T: 780-451-2311F: 780-455-1504Edmonton South, AB ....................780-432-2400Sherwood Park, AB ......................780-417-9770W: www.ewel.ca24 • December/January 2010/11 • www.EBMag.comELECTRIC POWER GENERATING EQUIPMENT INC.14650-118 Ave.Edmonton, AB T5L 2M8T: 800-385-4421W: www.raylewpower.comELECTRO SONIC INC.Calgary, AB ..................................... 403-255-9550W: www.e-sonic.comENGRAVER’S EXPRESS INC.Calgary, AB ..................................... 403-569-0400W: www.engraversexpress.comSales & service of Epilog & Vision engraving & markingsystems. A complete line of engraving materials,tape & cutters for the trade including EnCore lamicoids.Sign frame holders, wall brackets, markingtags, legend plates, switch tags.Everything for electrical labels. Four warehouses toserve you better.FALVO ELECTRICAL SUPPLY LTD.5838-87A St.Edmonton, AB T6E-5Z1T: 780-466-8078F: 780-468-1181W: www.falvo.comG2 SOLAR CORP.2-1911 25A St. S.W.Calgary , AB T3E 1Y6T: 403-451-9065F: 800-690-2392W: www.g2solarcorp.comGESCAN PRAIRIES5005-12A St. S.E.Calgary, AB T2G 5L5T: 403-253-7171F: 403-255-7141Airdrie, AB ...................................... 403-945-9993Calgary, AB ..................................... 403-253-7171Edmonton, AB ................................. 780-455-7171Fort McMurray, AB .......................... 780-743-8342Grande Prairie, AB .......................... 780-539-7750Lethbridge, AB ................................ 403-327-4184Red Deer, AB .................................. 403-343-9465W: www.gescan.comGRAYBAR CANADA105-2765 48 Avenue NECalgary, AB T3J 5M9T: 403-250-5554F: 403-250-2050Calgary, AB ..................................... 403-250-5554Edmonton, AB ................................. 780-701-4530W: www.graybarcanada.comGUILLEVIN INTERNATIONAL COMPANYCalgary, AB ..................................... 403-287-0155Calgary, AB ..................................... 403-287-1680Calgary, AB ..................................... 403-769-0630Calgary, AB ..................................... 403-287-5721Edmonton, AB ................................. 780-454-3535Edmonton, AB ................................. 780-469-5497Edmonton, AB ................................. 780-451-3999Lethbridge, AB ................................ 403-320-2422Medicine Hat, AB ............................ 403-529-2444W: www.guillevin.comHALO METRICS INC.Calgary - Regional Offi ce, AB .......1-800-667-9199W: www.halometrics.comHD SUPPLY LITEMORCalgary, AB ...................................... 403.253.7033Edmonton, AB .................................. 780.451.6525W: www.litemor.comINTERFAST INC.Calgary, AB ..................................... 877-572-2893W: www.interfast.caLORD ELECTRICAL INDUSTRIAL DISTRIBUTORSLTD.9757 54 Ave.Edmonton, AB T6E 5J4T: 708-438-5878F: 780-436-2405Calgary, AB ..................................... 403-236-9893W: www.lordelec.comNEDCO HEAD OFFICE (DIV. OF REXEL CANADAELECTRICAL INC.)Calgary, AB ..................................... 403-508-7999Edmonton, AB ................................. 780-465-9511Fort McMurray, AB .......................... 780-743-3461Lloydminster, AB ............................. 780-875-1335Red Deer, AB .................................. 403-348-5162W: www.nedco.caON POWER SYSTEMS INC.Calgary, AB ..................................... 403-568-6600W: www.onpower.comONTOR LIMITEDCalgary, AB ..................................... 403-585-5339Edmonton, AB ..................................403 585-5339W: www.ontor.comTEXCANCalgary, AB ..................................... 416-974-0830Edmonton, AB ................................. 780-944-9331W: www.texcan.com

DISTRIBUTORSWAINBEE LIMITEDCalgary, AB ..................................... 403-236-1133Edmonton, AB ................................. 780-434-9528W: www.wainbee.comWESCO DISTRIBUTION CANADA LPCalgary, AB ..................................... 403-253-7561Edmonton, AB ................................. 780-452-7920Fort McMurray, AB .......................... 780-799-4337Grande Prairie, AB .......................... 780-539-2110Red Deer, AB .................................. 403-343-2113W: www.wesco.caWESTBURNE ELECTRIC (WEST)3724-8 St. SECalgary, AB T2G 3A7T: 403-243-4214F: 403-214-6238Calgary (Airport), AB ....................... 403-250-9497Calgary (Foothills), AB ..................... 403-279-5100Cranbrook, AB ................................ 250-426-6263Edmonton (North), AB ..................... 780-452-3131Edmonton (Projects), AB ................. 780-733-2249Edmonton (South), AB ..................... 780-469-0475Fort McMurray, AB .......................... 780-743-0378Grande Prairie, AB .......................... 780-532-9021Lethbridge, AB ................................ 403-327-8561Lloydminster, AB ............................. 780-875-6236Medicine Hat, AB ............................ 403-526-2866Red Deer, AB .................................. 403-343-2155Whitecourt, AB ................................ 780-778-3605W: www.westburne.caBRITISH COLUMBIAANIXTER CANADARichmond, BC ................................. 604-276-0366W: www.anixter.comBARTLE & GIBSON CO. LTD.Chilliwack, BC ................................ 604-792-0866Courtenay, BC ................................. 250-334-0645Kelowna, BC ................................... 250-769-3101Langford, BC .................................. 250-389-1073Maple Ridge, BC ............................. 604-467-1535Nanaimo, BC .................................. 250-758-1771North Vancouver, BC ....................... 604-988-4141Prince George, BC .......................... 250-562-5505Saanich, BC .................................... 250-727-9976Surrey, BC ...................................... 604-502-9122Vancouver, BC ................................ 604-253-2779Whistler, BC .................................... 604-932-4871W: www.bartlegibson.comCENTURYVALLENElkford, BC...................................... 250-865-7555Trail, BC .......................................... 250-364-2573W: www.centuryvallen.comCESCO ELECTRICAL SUPPLY LTD.110A-3430 Brighton Ave.Burnaby, BC V5A 3H4T: 604-294-4604F: 604-294-2905W: www.cescoelectrical.comE.B. HORSMAN & SON17855 66 Ave.Cloverdale, BC V3S 7X1T: 604-576-9916F: 604-576-3099Campbell River, BC ......................... 250-287-9265Courtenay, BC ................................. 250-334-0338Cranbrook, BC ................................ 250-489-4591Dawson Creek, BC .......................... 250-782-4896Duncan, BC .................................... 250-748-3377Fort Nelson, BC ............................... 250-233-8570Kamloops, BC ................................. 250-374-3191Langley, BC .................................... 604-533-1275Parksville, BC.................................. 250-954-1797Penticton, BC .................................. 250-492-4032Prince George, BC .......................... 250-563-0575Richmond, BC ................................. 604-273-1981Surrey, BC ...................................... 604-596-7111Terrace, BC ..................................... 250-635-6379Vernon, BC...................................... 250-545-2191Williams Lake, BC ........................... 250-392-7795W: www.ebhorsman.comECS ELECTRICAL CABLE SUPPLY LTD.13330 Maycrest WayRichmond, BC V6V 2J7T: 604-276-9913F: 604-276-9915Vancouver, BC ................................ 604-276-9473Victoria, BC ..................................... 250-361-9199W: www.ecswire.comEECOL ELECTRICChilliwack, BC ................................ 604-792-9244Courtenay, BC ................................. 250-338-5100Cranbrook, BC ................................ 250-426-2555Fort St. John, BC ............................. 250-261-6776Kamloops, BC ................................. 250-372-0630Kelowna, BC ................................... 250-762-0557Langley, BC .................................... 604-539-2400North Vancouver, BC ....................... 604-984-4194Port Coquitlam, BC ......................... 604-942-2625Prince George, BC .......................... 250-562-8888Sechelt, BC ..................................... 604-740-8855Smithers, BC .................................. 250-847-8880Surrey, BC ...................................... 604-502-5670Vancouver, BC ................................ 604-294-5141Victoria, BC ..................................... 250-475-7578Victoria, BC ..................................... 250-474-1201W: www.eecol.comELECTRO SONIC INC.New Westminster, BC ..................... 604-273-2911W: www.e-sonic.comENGRAVER’S EXPRESS INC.705-20381 62 Ave.Langley, BC V3A 5E6T: 604-533-3467F: 604-533-0229Langley, BC .................................... 604-533-3467W: www.engraversexpress.comSales & service of Epilog & Vision engraving & markingsystems. A complete line of engraving materials,tape & cutters for the trade including EnCore lamicoids.Sign frame holders, wall brackets, markingtags, legend plates, switch tags.Everything for electrical labels. Four warehouses toserve you better.GESCAN BC2441 United Blvd.Coquitlam, BC V3K 6A8T: 604-472-7130F: 604-472-7150Abbotsford, BC ............................... 604-850-3550Chilliwack, BC ................................ 604-792-5554Coquitlam, BC ................................. 604-472-7130Kelowna, BC ................................... 250-860-2334Langford, BC .................................. 250-391-4600Langley, BC .................................... 604-576-8544North Vancouver, BC ....................... 604-984-2577Penticton, BC .................................. 250-490-8009Surrey, BC ...................................... 604-596-5515Trail, BC .......................................... 250-364-1221Vancouver, BC ................................ 604-874-8556Westbank, BC ................................. 250-769-6262Whistler, BC .................................... 604-938-1135W: www.gescan.comGRAYBAR CANADABurnaby, BC .................................... 604-676-4400W: www.graybarcanada.comGUILLEVIN INTERNATIONAL COMPANYAbbotsford, BC ............................... 604-853-0791Burnaby, BC .................................... 604-438-8661Campbell River, BC ......................... 250-286-1055Campbell River, BC ......................... 604-438-8661Castlegar, BC .................................. 250-365-7774Coquitlam, BC ................................. 604-395-3000Cranbrook, BC ................................ 250-489-3424Cranbrook, BC ................................ 250-426-2267Fort St. John, BC ............................. 250-785-8038Fort St. John, BC ............................. 250-785-3375Kamloops, BC ................................. 250-374-0044Kamloops, BC ................................. 250-374-2454Kelowna, BC ................................... 250-860-2259Langley, BC .................................... 604-532-8636Nanaimo, BC .................................. 250-758-3362Nanaimo, BC .................................. 250-758-9184Port Coquitlam, BC ......................... 604-464-7024Prince George, BC .......................... 250-960-4350Prince George, BC .......................... 250-960-4300Surrey, BC ...................................... 604-590-6787Trail, BC .......................................... 250-364-2526Vancouver, BC ................................ 604-879-3535W: www.guillevin.comHALO METRICS INC.Vancouver - Head Offi ce, BC .......... 800-667-9199W: www.halometrics.comHD SUPPLY LITEMORCoquitlam, BC ................................. 604-945-7131W: www.litemor.comINTERFAST INC.Vancouver, BC ................................ 800-663-0938W: www.interfast.caLIGHT RESOURCE24 West 2nd Ave.Vancouver, BC V5Y 1B3T: 604-688-7541F: 604-688-7597W: www.light-resource.comNEDCO HEAD OFFICE (DIV. OF REXEL CANADAELECTRICAL INC.)4455 No. 6 Rd.Richmond, BC V6V 1P8T: 604-231-4600F: 604-273-5567Chilliwack, BC ................................ 604-792-4233Langley, BC .................................... 604-530-0771Nanaimo, BC .................................. 250-756-1177North Vancouver, BC ....................... 604-985-0466Penticton, BC .................................. 250-492-8365Prince George, BC .......................... 250-563-1292Quesnel, BC .................................... 250-992-6008Richmond, BC ................................. 604-231-4600Surrey, BC ...................................... 604-501-2244Vancouver, BC ................................ 604-899-0229Vernon, BC...................................... 250-545-5391Victora, BC ...................................... 250-383-1116W: www.nedco.caON POWER SYSTEMS INC.Vancouver, BC ................................ 250-452-9913W: www.onpower.comPOWERWRIGHT CANADA INCLangley, BC .................................... 778-588-7417W: www.powerwright.comTEXCAN1420 Derwent WayDelta, BC V3M 6H9T: 604-528-3600F: 604-528-3790Delta, BC ........................................ 604-528-3600W: www.texcan.comWAINBEE LIMITEDPrince George, BC .......................... 250-564-3230Vancouver, BC ................................ 604-278-4288W: www.wainbee.comWESCO DISTRIBUTION CANADA LPAbbotsford, BC ............................... 604-859-3111Burnaby, BC .................................... 604-299-5566Castlegar, BC .................................. 250-365-0545Fort St. John, BC ............................. 250-261-6738Kamloops, BC ................................. 250-374-2112Kelowna, BC ................................... 250-862-8200Nanaimo, BC .................................. 250-758-1777Prince George, BC .......................... 250-562-3306Richmond, BC ................................. 604-270-7873Surrey, BC ...................................... 604-599-1100Vancouver, BC ................................ 604-215-2078Victoria, BC ..................................... 250-382-7265W: www.wesco.caWESTBURNE ELECTRIC (WEST)Abbotsford, BC ............................... 604-864-9444Burnaby, BC .................................... 604-205-2700Courtenay, BC ................................. 250-334-3148Fort St-John, BC ............................. 250-785-8905Kamloops, BC ................................. 250-374-1331Kelowna, BC ................................... 250-860-4988Kitimat, BC ..................................... 250-632-2148Nanaimo, BC .................................. 250-716-1333North Vancouver, BC ....................... 604-985-9531Port Albernie, BC ............................. 250-723-2451Prince George, BC .......................... 250-562-3111Richmond, BC ................................. 604-270-0450Squamish, BC ................................. 604-892-9330Surrey, BC ...................................... 604-574-7882Victoria, BC ..................................... 250-475-1900W: www.westburne.caWHITE RADIOBurnaby, BC .................................... 800-667-7670W: www.whiteradio.comMANITOBAANIXTER CANADAWinnipeg, MB ................................. 204-633-6631W: www.anixter.comB.A. ROBINSON CO. LTD. ELECTRICAL590 King Edward St.Winnipeg, MB R3H 0S2T: 204-452-2741F: 204-284-8495Brandon, MB .................................. 204-728-3560Steinbach, MB ................................ 204-326-2000Winkler, MB .................................... 204-331-4433Winnipeg, MB ................................. 204-452-2741Winnipeg, MB ................................. 204-452-4531W: www.barobinson.com/electricalCENTURYVALLENWinnipeg, MB ................................. 204-668-8886W: www.centuryvallen.comCHOICE ELECTRICAL SUPPLYWinnipeg , MB ................................ 204-783-2333DEL’S DISTRIBUTORS LTD.1400 Wall St.Winnipeg, MB R3E 2S3T: 204-775-0696F: 204-772-1461W: www.delsdistributors.caEECOL ELECTRICBrandon, MB .................................. 204-728-7238Flin Flon, MB .................................. 204-687-6565The Pas, MB ................................... 204-623-2699Thompson, MB ............................... 204-677-3445Winkler, MB .................................... 204-325-6464Winnipeg, MB ................................. 204-774-2800W: www.eecol.comEG PENNER200 Park Rd. W.Steinbach, MB R5G 1A1T: 204-326-1325F: 204-326-5590W: www.web.egpenner.comELECTRO SONIC INC.Winnipeg, MB ................................. 204-783-3105W: www.e-sonic.comGESCAN PRAIRIESWinnipeg, MB ................................. 204-668-8886W: www.gescan.comwww.EBMag.com • December/January 2010/11 • 25


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DISTRIBUTORSHD SUPPLY LITEMORWinnipeg, MB .................................. 204.633.1933W: www.litemor.comKVA DYNAMO INC.572 McTavish St.Winnipeg, MB R2J 2W5T: 204-237-4490F: 204-233-5306W: www.kvadynamo.comNEDCO HEAD OFFICE (DIV. OF REXEL CANADAELECTRICAL INC.)Winnipeg, MB ................................. 204-694-1313W: www.nedco.caTEXCANWinnipeg, MB ................................. 204-982-9290W: www.texcan.comTOROMONT CAT POWER SYSTEMSBrandon, MB .................................. 204-571-2460Dryden, MB .................................... 807-223-4505Elie, MB .......................................... 204-353-3850Thompson, MB ............................... 204-677-1975Winnipeg, MB ................................. 204-453-4343W: www.toromontpowersystems.comWAINBEE LIMITEDWinnipeg, MB ................................. 204-632-4558W: www.wainbee.comWESCO DISTRIBUTION CANADA LPWinnipeg, MB ................................. 204-633-3000W: www.wesco.caWESTBURNE ELECTRIC (MIDWEST)1-1650 Notre Dame Ave.Winnipeg, MB R3H 0Y7T: 204-954-9900F: 204-954-9898Brandon, MB .................................. 204-571-2333Dauphin, MB ................................... 204-638-5328St. Boniface (Winnipeg), MB ........... 204-954-9901Thompson, MB ............................... 204-778-7041Winnipeg, MB ................................. 204-954-9900W: www.westburne.caBIRD-STAIRS670 Wilsey Rd.Fredericton, NB E3B 7K4T: 506-453-9915F: 506-453-0513W: www.birdstairs.caEDDY GROUP LIMITED662 Saint Anne St.Bathurst, NB E2A 3Z1T: 506-546-6631NEW BRUNSWICKF: 506-546-7322Bathurst, NB ................................... 506-546-6631Fredericton, NB ............................... 506-443-5700Miramichi, NB ................................. 506-622-1754Saint John, NB ................................ 506-634-3020W: www.eddygroup.comGRAYBAR CANADA /HARRIS & ROOME SUPPLYBathurst, NB ................................... 506-548-2922Florenceville, NB ............................. 506-392-6084Fredericton, NB ............................... 506-458-8265Moncton, NB ................................... 506-853-8188Saint John, NB ................................ 506-634-2094W: www.graybarcanada.comGREY-BRUCE ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC.Moncton, NB ................................... 506-386-5418W: www.greybruceelectric.comGUILLEVIN INTERNATIONAL COMPANYBathurst, NB ................................... 506-546-8220Miramichi, NB ................................. 506-622-2846Moncton, NB ................................... 506-856-9170W: www.guillevin.comBALLASTS ARE OUR BUSINESS.INVENTEX INC.Moncton, NB ................................... 506-386-7006W: www.inventex.comThe missing part to your puzzle – genuine replacementparts, h.v.a.c/industrial elements/repair or re build ductheaters.LITECO INC.351 Carleton St.Fredricton, NB E3B 3T8T: 506-458-9333F: 506-458-9527Dieppe, NB ..................................... 506-382-5713Moncton, NB ................................... 506-857-4171Saint John, NB ................................ 506-458-1600Sussex, NB ..................................... 506-433-1334W: www.liteco.caNEDCO ATLANTIC HQFREDERICTON, NB .......................... 506-457-9020MONCTON, NB................................ 506-853-8676SAINT JOHN, NB ............................. 506-634-0497W: www.nedco.caSOURCE ATLANTIC331 Chesley Dr., PO Box 967Saint John, NB E2L 4E4T: 506-632-1000F: 506-633-1000Bathurst, NB ................................... 506-548-4411Moncton, NB ................................... 506-635-5695Saint John, NB ................................ 506-635-5695Tracy, NB ........................................ 506-368-7311W: www.sourceatlantic.caWESCO DISTRIBUTION CANADA LPMoncton, NB ................................... 506-857-8600W: www.wesco.caWESTBURNE ELECTRIC (QUEBEC)Edmunston, NB ............................... 506-737-8849W: www.westburne.caULTRASAVE offers awide range of ballastsfor electronic andmagnetic fluorescent,as well as HID applications.Contact us today tofind out more aboutour latest additions.www.ultrasave.caULTRASAVE LIGHTING LTD. | T 905.940.0888 | F 905.940.0338 | Toll-Free Number 1 866.733.9217R E S I D E N T I A L C O M M E R C I A L R E T A I L I N S T I T U T I O N A L28 • December/January 2010/11 • www.EBMag.comUltrasave_EB_March_2010.indd 1T8 ELECTRONICBALLASTSEnergy efficient ballastsavailable in high, normaland low ballast factor.Meet most CanadianHydro rebate programrequirements.CFL ELECTRONICBALLASTSOperate 1 or 2 CFL13/18/26/32/42Wlamps, of various types.T5/T5HO ELECTRONICBALLASTSProgrammed rapid startignition with lamp EOLprotection circuit and90°C case temperaturerating. T5HO series alsoavailable with auto-resetthermal protection.ELECTRONICHID BALLASTSComplete range of120-277 and 347Vmodels, side/bottommount versions.1/4/10 10:14:30 AMNEWFOUNDLANDANIXTER CANADASt. John’s, NL ................................. 709-754-0300W: www.anixter.comECS ELECTRICAL CABLE SUPPLY LTD.St. John’s, NL ................................. 709-754-0888W: www.ecswire.comGRAYBAR CANADA /HARRIS & ROOME SUPPLYCorner Brook, NL ............................ 709-632-7315Grand Falls - Windsor, NL ............... 709-489-4161St. John’s, NL ................................. 709-722-6161Wabush, NL .................................... 709-282-3555W: www.graybarcanada.comGUILLEVIN INTERNATIONAL COMPANYCorner Brook, NL ............................ 709-639-7194Goose Bay, NL ................................ 709-896-3361Grand Falls, NL ............................... 709-489-5704St. John’s, NL ................................. 709-722-1420W: www.guillevin.comNEDCO ATLANTIC HQSt. John’s , NL ................................ 709-722-1301W: www.nedco.caTOROMONT CAT POWER SYSTEMSCorner Brook, NL ............................ 709-634-8258Grand Falls-Windsor, NL ................. 709-489-2131Happy Valley-Goose Bay,Labrador, NL ................................... 709-896-5864St. John’s, NL ................................. 709-722-5660W: www.toromontpowersystems.comWESCO DISTRIBUTION CANADA LPSt. John’s, NL ................................. 709-726-9073W: www.wesco.ca

DISTRIBUTORSNOVA SCOTIAANIXTER CANADADartmouth, NS ................................ 902-468-8411W: www.anixter.comBIRD-STAIRSDartmouth, NS ................................ 902-468-1218Halifax , NS ..................................... 902-455-1663W: www.birdstairs.caEDDY GROUP LIMITEDAmherst, NS ................................... 902-667-5125Halifax, NS ...................................... 902-450-3033Truro, NS ........................................ 902-895-2851W: www.eddygroup.comGRAYBAR CANADA /HARRIS & ROOME SUPPLY3600 Joseph Howe Dr., PO Box 9078, Stn. AHalifax, NS B3K 5M7T: 902-457-8787F: 902-445-5808Bridgewater, NS .............................. 902-543-9155Dartmouth, NS ................................ 902-468-6665Halifax, NS ...................................... 902-443-8311Kentville, NS ................................... 902-678-2800New Glasgow, NS ........................... 902-755-4673Sydney, NS ..................................... 902-564-5504Truro, NS ........................................ 902-893-4251Yarmouth, NS.................................. 902-742-6771W: www.graybarcanada.comGUILLEVIN INTERNATIONAL COMPANYDartmouth, NS ................................ 902-468-7211Halifax, NS ...................................... 902-454-7477Liverpool, NS .................................. 902-354-2886W: www.guillevin.comHD SUPPLY LITEMORDartmouth, NS ................................. 902.468.1043W: www.litemor.comLITECO INC.Bridgewater, NS .............................. 902-543-6800Dartmouth, NS ................................ 902-482-1550Halifax, NS ...................................... 902-420-2300Kentville, NS ................................... 902-678-2491Truro, NS ........................................ 902-893-4201Yarmouth, NS.................................. 902-742-9201W: www.liteco.caNEDCO ATLANTIC HQ19 Gurholt Dr.Dartmouth, NS B3B 1J8T: 902-450-2100F: 902-450-5073Bridgewater, NS .............................. 902-543-1112Dartmouth, NS ................................ 902-481-2740Halifax, NS ...................................... 902-484-3000Kentville, NS ................................... 902-679-4237New Glasgow, NS ........................... 902-753-2903Sydney, NS ..................................... 902-564-2645W: www.nedco.caPOWRMATIC OF CANADA LTD.Halifax, NS ...................................... 902-454-8684W: www.powrmatic.caSOURCE ATLANTICDartmouth, NS ................................ 902-494-5054Halifax, NS ...................................... 902-494-5266Sydney, NS ..................................... 902-567-3030Truro, NS ........................................ 902-897-0787W: www.sourceatlantic.caWAINBEE LIMITEDDartmouth, NS ................................ 902-468-1787W: www.wainbee.comWESCO DISTRIBUTION CANADA LPDartmouth, NS ................................ 902-468-5851Sydney, NS ..................................... 902-562-5556W: www.wesco.caNORTHWEST TERRITORIESBARTLE & GIBSON CO. LTD.Yellowknife, NT ............................... 867-920-2248W: www.bartlegibson.comEECOL ELECTRICYellowknife, NT ............................... 867-873-3964W: www.eecol.comWESTBURNE ELECTRIC (WEST)Yellowknife, NT ............................... 867-669-9690W: www.westburne.caNUNAVUTTOROMONT CAT POWER SYSTEMSCambridge Bay, NU ......................... 867-983-2041Iqaluit, NU ....................................... 867-979-4178Rankin Inlet, NU .............................. 867-645-3422W: www.toromontpowersystems.comONTARIOABSOLUTE STAINLESS FASTENERS1-2800 Argentia Rd.Mississauga, ON L5N 8L2T: 905-567-8182F: 905-567-4664W: www.absofast.comACCESS CONTROL SALES LTD.161 Lakeshore Rd. E.Mississauga, ON L5G 4T9T: 800-567-1041F: 905-274-5552W: www.accesscontrolsales.comADVANCED MOTION & CONTROLS LTD.26 Saunders Rd.Barrie, ON L4N 9A8T: 705-726-2260F: 705-726-5829Mississauga, ON ............................. 905-501-8011Waterloo, ON .................................. 519-888-7844W: www.advancedmotion.comALPHA CONTROLS & INSTRUMENTATION6-361 Steelcase Rd. W.Markham, ON L3R 3V8T: 905-477-2133F: 905-477-4219W: www.alphacontrols.comALTECON DATA COMMUNICATIONS7510 Bath Rd.Mississauga, ON L4T 1L2T: 905-677-6500F: 905-677-6505W: www.altecon.comAMS ALLTRONICS INC.1352 Sagewood Cres.Oakville, ON L6M 4H4T: 905-844-5772F: 905-844-6263W: www.hard-to-fi nd.netANIXTER CANADA200 Foster Cres.Mississauga, ON L5R 3Y5T: 905-568-8999F: 905-568-4470Hamilton, ON .................................. 905-573-0446London, ON..................................... 519-681-5130Ottawa, ON ..................................... 613-729-3611Sudbury, ON ................................... 705-560-4800Thunder Bay, ON............................. 807-623-8666W: www.anixter.comANOMET INC.Unit 25, 18 Regan Rd.Brampton, ON L7A 1C2T: 905-840-6868F: 905-840-6862W: www.anomet.comAPTOLUTION19-9033 Leslie St.Richmond Hill, ON L4B 4K3T: 905-907-8535F: 905-907-4775W: www.aptolution.comARMATEK AUTOMATION INC.55 Judson St.Toronto, ON M8Z 1A4T: 416-251-3111F: 416-251-1951W: www.armatek.comAUTOMATION SUPPLY INC.2-38 McBrine PlaceKitchener, ON N2R 1G8T: 519-579-8512F: 519-579-0671W: www.automationsupply.caAUTOMATION SURPLUS INC.2-100 Sheldon Dr.Cambridge, ON N1R 7S7T: 519-622-8585F: 519-622-3929W: www.automationsurplusinc.comAVAD INDUSTRIAL SALES INC.2925-2 Poole CourtVal Caron, ON P3N 1B3T: 705-897-2584F: 705-897-2913W: www.avad.caBEL VOLT SALES LTD.1350 Birchmount Rd.Toronto, ON M1P 2E4T: 416-757-2277F: 416-757-9595W: www.belvolt.comBREWS SUPPLY LTD.Utilities (Mississauga) ..................... 905-564-1116W: www.brewssupply.comCABLE PROTECTION SYSTEMS INC.2A-50 Craig St.Brantford, ON N3R 7J1T: 519-756-4600F: 519-756-3500W: www.cable-protection.comCABLEFLEX INC.448 Dell St.Sudbury, ON P3B 2M4T: 705-674-5887F: 705-674-5067W: www.cablefl exinc.comCAPELLA TELECOMMUNICATIONS INC.747 Monaghan Rd.Peterborough, ON K9J 5K2T: 800-668-0175F: 705-748-4535W: www.capella.caCENTURYVALLENCambridge, ON ............................... 519-658-4182Mississauga, ON ............................. 905-565-1686St. Catharines, ON .......................... 905-688-1866W: www.centuryvallen.comCERCO CABLEMississauga, ON ............................. 905-670-3777W: www.cercocable.comCHADWICK ELECTRIC SUPPLY LIMITED65 Nebo Rd.Hamilton, ON L8W 2C9T: 905-318-6069F: 905-318-1158W: www.chadwickelectric.caCHESS CONTROLS INC.4 Serpentine St.Copper Cliff, ON P0M 1N0T: 705-682-2828F: 705-682-0847W: www.chesscontrols.comCOMPREVAC INC.3067 Jarrow Ave.Mississauga, ON L4X 2C6T: 905-624-4096F: 905-624-4099W: www.comprevac.comCONNECTRIC SYSTEMS INC.28-207 Edgeley Blvd.Concord, ON L4K 4B5T: 905-669-0080F: 905-669-0082W: www.connectric.comCORDS CANADA LTD.62 Densley Ave.Toronto, ON M6M 5E1T: 416-242-6811F: 416-242-6819W: www.cordscanada.comCORNWALL POWER EQUIPMENT17339 Cornwall Ctr. Rd.Cornwall, ON K6K 1K6T: 613-938-8816F: 613-938-4802W: www.cpec.caCSI POWER & ENVIRONMENTAL INC.850 Brock Rd. S., Unit 3Pickering, ON L1W 1Z8T: 800-465-1771W: www.csipower.comDALTCO ELECTRIC & SUPPLY (1979) LTD.26 Lappan’s Lane, PO Box 817Kingston, ON K7L 4X6T: 613-546-3677F: 613-547-4121Brockville Ontario, ON ..................... 613-345-1411Kanata, ON ..................................... 613-592-5511W: www.daltco.comDAVIS CONTROLS LTD.2200 Bristol CircleOakville, ON L6H 5R3T: 905-829-2000F: 905-829-2630W: www.daviscontrols.comDELCO WIRE AND CABLE LTD.1 Saramia Cres.Concord, ON L4K 3S6T: 905-669-2476F: 905-669-6869W: www.delcowire.comDIVERSIFIED VENTURES13-100 Ironside Cres.Scarborough, ON M1X 1M9T: 416-293-8989F: 416-293-8840W: www.dventures.caDIXON ELECTRIC (1983) LTD.1158 Lorne St.Sudbury, ON P3C 4S9T: 705-674-1981F: 705-674-2428North Bay, ON ................................. 705-474-9797Sault Ste. Marie, ON ....................... 705-541-9503Sudbury, ON ................................... 705-674-1981Timmins, ON ................................... 705-264-6100W: www.dixonelectric.caEARL O’NEIL ELECTRIC SUPPLY LIMITED150 Creditview Rd.Woodbridge, ON L4L 9N4T: 416-798-7722F: 416-798-7606ECS ELECTRICAL CABLE SUPPLY LTD.Hamilton, ON .................................. 905-385-1777Ottawa, ON ..................................... 613-282-4174Toronto, ON .................................... 905-607-3232W: www.ecswire.comEECOL ELECTRICDryden, ON ..................................... 807-223-5331Kenora, ON ..................................... 807-468-5070Red Lake, ON ................................. 807-727-1955Thunder Bay, ON............................. 807-344-5300W: www.eecol.comELECTRA SUPPLY INC.29 Cherry Blossom Rd.Cambridge, ON N3H 4R7T: 519-650-1182F: 519-650-1186London, ON..................................... 519-659-6117Windsor, ON .................................... 519-945-7550ELECTRO RENT CORPORATION1-210 Brunel Rd.Mississauga, ON L4Z 1T5T: 905-361-0943F: 905-361-0232W: www.electrorent.comELECTRO SONIC INC.1100 Gordon Baker Rd.Toronto, ON M2H 3B3T: 416-494-1666F: 416-496-3030Ottawa, ON ..................................... 613-728-8333W: www.e-sonic.comELECTROMATE39-4300 Steeles Ave. W.Woodbridge, ON L4L 4C2T: 905-850-7447F: 905-850-7451W: www.electromate.comELECTROWIND2 Taggart St., PO Box 713Guelph, ON N1H 6L3T: 519-836-2280F: 519-836-6629W: www.electro-wind.comELECTROZAD SUPPLY COMPANY LIMITED2900 Jefferson Blvd., PO Box 3340Windsor, ON N8N 2M4T: 519-944-2900F: 519-944-2221Chatham, ON .................................. 519-351-9777London, ON..................................... 519-452-3444London, ON..................................... 519-667-1442Sarnia, ON ...................................... 519-336-8550W: www.electrozad.comENGRAVER’S EXPRESS INC.Mississauga, ON ............................. 905-602-5900W: www.engraversexpress.comSales & service of Epilog & Vision engraving & markingsystems. A complete line of engraving materials,tape & cutters for the trade including EnCore lamicoids.Sign frame holders, wall brackets, markingtags, legend plates, switch tags.Everything for electrical labels. Four warehouses toserve you better.ESPO ELECTRICAL SUPPLY INC.2-1182 South Service Rd. W.Oakville, ON L6L 5T7T: 905-465-1662F: 905-465-1665W: www.espoelectric.ocmwww.EBMag.com • December/January 2010/11 • 29

DISTRIBUTORSESTATE LIGHTING & ELECTRICAL SUPPLY190 Bovaird Dr. W., Units 53-56Brampton, ON L7A 1A2T: 905-874-1022F: 905-874-0095W: www.estatelighting.caFRANKLIN EMPIRE INC.Hamilton, ON .................................. 905-578-3330Newmarket, ON .............................. 905-853-0911Ottawa, ON ..................................... 613-596-1144Scarborough, ON ............................ 416-299-4443Toronto, ON .................................... 416-248-0176W: www.feinc.comGERRIE ELECTRIC WHOLESALE LIMITED4104 South Service Rd.Burlington, ON L7L 4X5T: 905-681-3656F: 905-681-1774Bolton, ON ...................................... 905-857-9288Brantford, ON ................................. 519-754-1166Burlington, ON ................................ 905-681-3660Cambridge, ON ............................... 519-740-2912Concord, ON ................................... 416-213-7111Georgetown, ON ............................. 905-877-2264Guelph, ON ..................................... 519-823-8442Hamilton, ON .................................. 905-548-0388Kitchener, ON .................................. 519-893-1932London (Hyde Park, Tesco), ON ....... 519-641-4321London (Tesco Electric), ON ............ 519-659-1234Milton, ON ...................................... 905-878-8406Mississauga, ON ............................. 905-625-3118Oakville, ON .................................... 905-845-2461Oakville, ON .................................... 905-845-2891Simcoe, ON .................................... 519-428-1514St. Thomas (Tesco), ON ................... 519-633-1400St. Catharines, ON .......................... 905-688-4212Welland, ON .................................... 905-732-4473Woodstock (Tesco), ON ................... 519-539-4789W: www.gerrie.comGESCAN ONTARIO8160 Parkhill Dr.Milton, ON L9T 5V7T: 905-693-6311F: 905-693-6315Thunder Bay, ON............................. 807-623-8404W: www.gescanontario.comGORD GRANT ELECTRIC SUPPLY868 Falconbridge Rd.Sudbury, ON P3A 5K7T: 705-560-4170F: 705-560-5447GRAYBAR CANADA130 Hayward Ave.Kitchener, ON N2C 2E4T: 519-576-4050F: 519-576-2402Guelph, ON ..................................... 519-821-2580Hamilton, ON .................................. 905-547-8040Kitchener, ON .................................. 519-576-4050Markham, ON ................................. 905-752-0767Mississagua, ON ............................. 905-507-0533Niagara Falls, ON ............................ 905-374-1113Ottawa, ON ..................................... 613-688-0124Windsor, ON .................................... 519-944-4414W: www.graybarcanada.comGREY-BRUCE ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC.1475 2nd Ave. E.Owen Sound, ON N4K 5P3T: 519-376-4120F: 519-376-7203W: www.greybruceelectric.comGUILLEVIN175 Richmond Rd.Ottawa, ON K1Z 6W3T: 613-722-4611F: 613-722-4550W: www.guillevin.comGUILLEVIN INTERNATIONAL COMPANYBelleville, ON .................................. 613-962-5321Cambridge, ON ............................... 519-740-7100Cobourg, ON ................................... 905-372-6881Cornwall, ON .................................. 613-938-8433Fort Frances, ON ............................. 807-274-3243Guelph, ON ..................................... 519-763-8899Hamilton, ON .................................. 905-544-1900Kingston, ON .................................. 613-544-1071Kirkland Lake, ON ........................... 705-567-3251Kitchener, ON .................................. 519-576-7580London, ON..................................... 519-673-1800Mississauga, ON ............................. 905-795-0499Oshawa, ON ................................... 905-723-2291Ottawa, ON ..................................... 613-722-4611Peterborough, ON ........................... 705-742-8831Sarnia, ON ...................................... 519-332-2025Sault Ste Marie, ON ........................ 705-254-6461St Catharines, ON ........................... 905-684-4305St Thomas, ON ............................... 519-633-8446Sudbury, ON ................................... 705-675-8815Thunder Bay, ON............................. 807-345-7789Toronto, ON .................................... 905-760-0777Toronto, ON .................................... 905-624-5476Windsor, ON .................................... 519-969-9170W: www.guillevin.comHALO METRICS INC.14-3600B Laird Rd.Mississauga, ON L5L 6A7T: 905-828-2588F: 905-828-6131Toronto (Regional Offi ce), ON .......... 800-667-3390W: www.halometrics.comHARWELL ELECTRIC SUPPLY2525 Tedlo St.Mississauga, ON L5A 4A8T: 905-848-0060F: 905-848-0059Aurora, ON ...................................... 905-727-3661Brampton, ON ................................. 905-456-2622Rexdale-Etobicoke, ON ................... 416-749-1620W: www.harwellelectric.comHD SUPPLY LITEMOR100 Galcat Dr.Vaughan, ON L4L 0B9T: 905-264-5058London, ON...................................... 519.652.3550Ottawa, ON ...................................... 613.726.6666Vaughan, ON................................... 905.850.4345W: www.litemor.comHOUSE OF ELECTRICAL880 Milner Ave.Scarborough, ON M1B 5N7T: 416-724-2033F: 416-724-4459Concord, ON ................................... 905-417-1311Mississauga, ON ............................. 905-670-5656W: www.houseofelectrical.comHUDCO ELECTRIC SUPPLY LTD.17-2901 Steeles Ave. W.,Toronto, ON M3J 3A5T: 416-663-5475F: 416-661-6885Barrie, ON ....................................... 705-719-7555Mississauga, ON ............................. 905-362-2002Toronto, ON .................................... 416-663-5475W: www.hudco.caI-L FOCUS INC.270-3044 Bloor St. W.Toronto, ON M8X 2Y8T: 416-604-7552W: www.infolinkcanada.comIBIS ELECTRO-PRODUCTS CORP.2A-50 Craig St.,Brantford, ON N3R 7J1T: 519-756-4299F: 519-756-3299W: www.ibisep.comIDEAL SUPPLY CO LTD.1045 Wallace Ave. N.Listowel, ON N4W 3H7T: 519-291-1060F: 519-291-3170Barrie, ON ....................................... 705-728-5911Collingwood, ON ............................. 705-445-9311Goderich, ON .................................. 519-524-8389Hanover, ON.................................... 519-364-2960Huntsville, ON ................................. 705-789-1818Kincardine, ON................................ 519-396-3381Midland, ON .................................... 705-526-5488Orangeville, ON ............................... 519-941-1510Orillia, ON ....................................... 705-325-1335Owen Sound, ON ............................ 519-371-0810Stratford, ON .................................. 519-273-0650Woodstock, ON ............................... 519-539-7483W: www.idealsupply.comIDEAL INDUSTRIES (CANADA) CORP.33 Fuller Rd.Ajax, ON L1S 2E1T: 905-683-3400F: 905-683-0209W: www.idealindustries.caINDEPENDENT ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC.48 Milner Ave.Scarborough, ON M1S 3P8T: 416-291-0048F: 416-291-0087Concord, ON ................................... 905-669-7448Scarborough, ON ............................ 416-291-0048W: www.independentelectric.caINTERFAST INC.22 Worcester Rd.Toronto, ON M9W 5X2T: 416-674-0770F: 416-674-5240W: www.interfast.caINTERNATIONAL INNOVATIVE SYSTEMSPO Box 1056Bradford, ON L3Z 2B5T: 905-775-7474F: 905-775-6208London, ON..................................... 519-505-4862Ottawa, ON ..................................... 613-244-1595W: www.tpscanada.caINVENTEX INC.Rexdale, ON .................................... 416-743-3970W: www.inventex.comTHE MISSING PART TO YOUR PUZZLEGENUINE REPLACEMENT PARTSH.V.A.C / INDUSTRIAL ELEMENTS/REPAIR OR REBUILD DUCT HEATERSJENALEX INC. ERGONOMIC PRODUCTS3266 Yonge St.Toronto, ON M4N 3P6T: 416-485-9487F: 416-485-7417W: www.jenalex.caJOMAR ELECTRIC CO. LTD.777 St. Clarens Ave.Toronto, ON M6H 3X3T: 416-536-2194F: 416-536-6608Toronto, ON .....................................416 536-2194W: www.jomarelectric.comKING CABLE CANADA CORP.58-812 Pitt St.Cornwall, ON K6J 5R6T: 888-623-5060F: 613-932-7450W: www.kingcable.comL.J. FLEMING LTD.10 Windsor Ave.Leamington, ON N8H 3W3T: 519-326-4496F: 519-326-5174MARCHAND ELECTRICAL CO. LTD.1283 Algoma Rd.Ottawa, ON K1B 3W7T: 613-749-2279F: 613-749-9952W: www.marchandelectric.comMGM ELECTRIC LIMITED724 MacDonell St.Thunder Bay, ON P7B 4A6T: 807-345-7767F: 807-345-7432Dryden, ON ..................................... 807-223-5636W: www.mgm-electric.comNEDCO (DIV. OF REXEL CANADA ELECTRICALINC.)5600 Keaton Cres.Mississauga, ON L5R 3G3T: 905-568-2425F: 905-507-6612Barrie, ON ....................................... 705-726-0211Belleville, ON .................................. 613-966-7777Bracebridge, ON ............................. 705-645-7200Brampton, ON ................................. 905-450-0310Brantford, ON ................................. 519-759-3595Brockville, ON ................................. 613-342-0600Burlington, ON ................................ 905-632-3088Cambridge, ON ............................... 519-624-8488Chatham, ON .................................. 519-354-5222Cobourg, ON ................................... 905-372-2297Concord, ON ................................... 905-738-4672Etobicoke, ON ................................. 416-252-5638Hamilton, ON .................................. 905-528-0261Keaton (Mississauga HQ), ON ......... 905-568-2425Keele, ON ....................................... 416-241-3551Kingston, ON .................................. 613-546-2661Kirkland Lake, ON ........................... 705-567-2375Kitchener, ON .................................. 519-624-8488Lindsay, ON .................................... 705-878-7000London, ON..................................... 519-438-3344Markham, ON ................................. 905-475-7602Milton, ON ...................................... 905-876-3757Mississauga - LDC, ON ................... 905-568-5044Mississauga- Southwest, ON ........... 905-828-4525Newmarket, ON .............................. 905-836-0900Niagara Falls, ON ............................ 905-356-6672North Bay, ON ................................. 705-474-3120Oakville, ON .................................... 905-827-4421Orillia, ON ....................................... 705-325-9993Oshawa, ON ................................... 905-721-8400Perth, ON ........................................ 613-267-3560Peterborough, ON ........................... 705-742-0434Queens Quay, ON............................ 416-593-7132Rexdale, ON .................................... 416-745-0773Sault Ste. Marie, ON ....................... 705-949-7025Scarborough, ON ............................ 416-439-4290St. Catharines, ON .......................... 905-938-7394Sudbury, ON ................................... 705-560-2800Timmins, ON ................................... 705-264-4293Windsor, ON .................................... 519-974-0099W: www.nedco.caNGI TECHNOLOGIES INC.2A-50 Craig St.Brantford, ON N3R 7J1T: 519-756-4600F: 519-756-3500W: www.ngitech.comNORONT ELECTRICAL SALES INC.448 Dell St.Sudbury, ON P3B 2M4T: 705-674-3532ON POWER SYSTEMS INC.Ottawa, ON ..................................... 613-795-3472Toronto, ON .................................... 905-881-6644W: www.onpower.comONTOR LIMITED12 Leswyn Rd.Toronto, ON M6A 1K3T: 416-781-5286F: 416-781-7680Burlington, ON ................................ 905-592-9858Kitchener, ON .................................. 519-579-4259Mississauga, ON ............................. 905-461-9535W: www.ontor.comOSSO ELECTRIC SUPPLIES725 Bloor St. W.Oshawa, ON L1J 5Y6T: 905-576-1700Ajax, ON ......................................... 905-428-2446Barrie, ON ....................................... 705-726-7306Belleville, ON .................................. 613-968-5531Cambridge, ON ............................... 519-658-4182Kingston, ON .................................. 613-546-4997Lindsay, ON .................................... 705-324-6500Markham, ON ................................. 905-752-0500Oshawa, ON ................................... 905-576-4166Peterborough, ON ........................... 705-741-3430W: www.ossoelectric.comPAUL WOLF ELECTRIC & LIGHTING SUPPLY425 Alliance Ave.Toronto, ON M6N 2J1T: 416-504-8195F: 416-504-6891Toronto, ON .................................... 416-504-8194W: www.paulwolf.comPOWERWRIGHT CANADA INC25 Romina DrConcord, ON L4K 4Z9T: 905-790-3100F: 905-532-9196W: www.powerwright.comPOWRMATIC OF CANADA LTD.Ottawa, ON ..................................... 613-230-7160Toronto, ON .................................... 416-744-7206W: www.powrmatic.caPROVINCE ELECTRIC SUPPLY LTD.425-6 Superior Blvd.Mississauga, ON L5T 2W5T: 905-795-1795F: 905-795-1796Concord, ON ................................... 905-760-1211Toronto, ON .................................... 416-213-9009W: www.province-electric.comRCC ELECTRONICS101 - 1515 Matheson Blvd. E.Mississauga, ON L4W2P5T: 905-238-6848F: 905-238-6849W: www.rcce.comRCC Electronics provides quality Test & Measurementsolutions for Canada’s Power Utilities, IndustrialMfg, Mining, Forestry and Contractors since1983.RELAY ELECTRICAL SUPPLY INC.256 Hamilton Cres.Dorchester, ON N0L 1G4T: 519-268-3588F: 519-268-2535W: www.relayelectrical.caRG SPEED CONTROL DEVICES LTD.5-643 Chrislea Rd.Woodbridge, ON L4L 8A3T: 905-856-6724F: 905-856-6725W: www.rgspeed.comRG Speed Control offers you a full range of productsand services that has made us one of the mosttrusted names in power transmission, motion control,motors and controls. We’ve found through experiencethat every customer is different and everysituation is unique.30 • December/January 2010/11 • www.EBMag.com

DISTRIBUTORSROBERTSON ELECTRIC WHOLESALE 2008LIMITED290 Vaughan Valley Blvd.Vaughan, ON L4H 3C3T: 905-856-9311F: 905-856-9317W: www.robertson-electric.comROBINSON SOLUTIONS INC.5-121 Granton Dr.Richmond Hill, ON L4B 3N4T: 905-889-5852F: 905-889-6312Kingston, ON .................................. 613-634-7552Ottawa, ON ..................................... 613-249-9674W: www.robinsonsolutions.comRS ELECTRICAL SUPPLY5-150 Britannia Rd. E.Mississauga, ON L4Z 2A2T: 186-698-0737F: 905-501-7471Mississauga, ON ............................. 905-501-1510W: www.rselectricalsupply.comHuntsville, ON ................................. 705-788-0866Markham, ON ................................. 905-948-0441Newmarket, ON .............................. 905-953-9960Woodbridge, ON ............................. 905-856-8824W: www.torbramelectric.comTOROMONT CAT POWER SYSTEMS3131 Hwy 7 West, Bldg. A, PO Box 5511Concord, ON L4K 1B7T: 416-667-5758F: 416-667-5514Barrie, ON ....................................... 705-436-7770Cambridge, ON ............................... 519-650-1211Concord, ON ................................... 416-667-5758Hamilton, ON .................................. 905-561-5901London, ON..................................... 519-681-1900Orillia, ON ....................................... 705-327-1801Ottawa, ON ..................................... 613-836-5171Owen Sound, ON ............................ 519-376-2365Peterborough, ON ........................... 705-742-2436Sault Ste. Marie, ON ....................... 705-759-2444South Porcupine, ON ...................... 705-235-6504St. Catharines, ON .......................... 905-688-6224Sudbury, ON ................................... 705-692-4764Thunder Bay, ON............................. 807-475-7535Timmins, ON ................................... 705-268-9900Windsor, ON .................................... 519-737-7386W: www.toromontpowersystems.comTRADE ELECTRIC-DIVISION OF SONEPARCANADA INC.99 Sante Dr.Concord, ON L4K 3C4T: 416-213-7111F: 416-213-7136Brampton, ON ................................. 905-595-1270W: www.tradeelectric.comTRANS CANADA WIRE & CABLE CO.56-812 Pitt St.Cornwall, ON K6J 5R6T: 613-932-9450F: 613-932-7450W: www.transcanadawireandcable.comTVC CANADA CORP.280 Hillmount Rd.Markham, ON L6C 3A1T: 905-477-7772F: 905-477-9665W: www.tvccanada.comVICKERS-WARNICK LTD.342 Dewitt Rd. N.Stoney Creek, ON L8E 2T2T: 905-662-7737F: 905-662-9424Mississauga, ON ............................. 905-507-6153Waterloo, ON .................................. 519-884-8946W: www.vickers-warnick.comSESCO - HD SUPPLY601 Ormont Dr.Toronto, ON M9L 2W6T: 416-745-9292Brampton, ON ................................. 905-451-4550Downtown Toronto, ON ................... 416-961-4550Etobicoke, ON ................................. 416-259-4228Hamilton, ON .................................. 905-575-7577W: www.sesco.caSTORED ENERGY BATTERIES & SYSTEMS INC.38 Commerce Cres.Acton, ON L7J 2X3T: 519-853-4000F: 519-853-3166W: www.storedenergy.comGoodbyeto Wrapping & TapingSUPREME LIGHTING & ELECTRICAL SUPPLY LTD.9 Laidlaw Blvd.Markham, ON L3P 1W5T: 905-477-3113F: 905-471-7360W: www.supremelighting.caTECHNICAL SYSTEMS 2002 INC.PO Box 650Waterdown, ON L0R 2H0T: 866-327-8731F: 905-575-0386W: www.technical-sys.comTELONIX COMMUNICATIONS INC.15-305 Industrial Parkway S.Aurora, ON L4G 6X7T: 905-727-2991F: 905-727-3050W: www.telonix.caTESCO ELECTRIC SUPPLY1183 Frances St.London, ON N5W 2L9T: 519-659-1234F: 519-659-8338Hyde Park, ON ................................ 519-641-4321St. Thomas, ON ............................... 519-633-1400Woodstock, ON ............................... 519-539-4789W: www.tescoelectric.comTEXCANBrampton, ON ................................. 905-595-3451Sarnia, ON ...................................... 519-339-0144W: www.texcan.comTHE WIRING MART LTD.53 Bertrand Ave.Scarborough, ON M1L 4P3T: 416-752-7360F: 416-752-2470Ajax, ON ......................................... 905-683-4020W: www.wiringmart.comTORBRAM ELECTRIC SUPPLY10B-1030 Confederation St.Sarnia, ON N7S 6H1T: 519-337-4799F: 519-336-7186W: www.torbramelectric.comTORBRAM ELECTRIC SUPPLY (SCARBOROUGHNORTH)2721 Markham Rd.Scarborough, ON M1X 1L5T: 416-332-0112F: 416-332-0115Barrie, ON ....................................... 705-725-0333Collingwood, ON ............................. 705-446-2661Downsview, ON .............................. 416-635-8448Ipex_EB_April10.indd 1A PVC alternative for installing wall boxesin poured-in-place concrete, the NEW Kwikon ®Concrete Wall Box arrives at the jobsite readyto install…no more time-consuming wrappingand taping work required. The uniqueprotective film covers the box opening toprevent concrete entry during the pour andcomes with external Kwikon ENT hubs for easyconduit connections.PVC Conduit & Fittings ENT FittingsPower & Communication DuctCdn. Toll Free: 1-866-473-9462 | www.ipexelectrical.comTough Products for Tough Environments ®Products manufactured by IPEX <strong>Electrical</strong> Inc. Cor-Line ® , Kwikon ® and SuperDuct ® are trademarks of IPEX Branding Inc.www.EBMag.com • December/January 2010/11 • 313/22/10 2:17:22 PM

DISTRIBUTORSWAINBEE LIMITED5789 Coopers Ave.Mississauga, ON L4Z 3S6T: 905-568-1700F: 905-568-0083Kitchener, ON .................................. 519-748-5391Mississauga, ON ............................. 905-568-1700North Bay, ON ................................. 705-472-4244W: www.wainbee.comWESCO DISTRIBUTION CANADA LP475 Hood Rd.Markham, ON L3R 0S8T: 866-937-2622Hamilton, ON .................................. 905-545-0313Kingston, ON .................................. 613-389-1662Kitchener, ON .................................. 519-893-6630London, ON..................................... 519-659-9990Mississauga, ON ............................. 905-890-3344Ottawa, ON ..................................... 613-733-2500Sarnia, ON ...................................... 519-336-0722Sudbury, ON ................................... 705-673-8413Thunder Bay, ON............................. 807-622-0638Timmins, ON ................................... 705-264-5566Windsor, ON .................................... 519-948-9888W: www.wesco.caWESTBURNE ELECTRIC (MIDWEST)Kenora, ON ..................................... 807-548-4266Thunder Bay, ON............................. 807-344-3100W: www.westburne.caWESTBURNE RUDDY ELECTRIC301 Ambassador Dr.Mississauga, ON L5T 2J3T: 905-565-2985F: 905-565-6838Ajax, ON ......................................... 905-426-7682Barrie, ON ....................................... 705-726-2331Belleville, ON .................................. 613-968-5746Bracebridge, ON ............................. 705-645-8288Brampton, ON ................................. 905-796-6138Brantford, ON ................................. 519-759-7300Brockville, ON ................................. 613-345-1857Burlington, ON ................................ 905-681-7110Cambridge, ON ............................... 519-623-6710Cobourg, ON ................................... 905-373-1717Collingwood, ON ............................. 705-445-2582Cornwall, ON .................................. 613-933-1075Goderich, ON .................................. 519-524-9801Guelph, ON ..................................... 519-821-4020Hamilton, ON .................................. 905-574-8688Kingston, ON .................................. 613-546-5400Kitchener, ON .................................. 519-893-1711Lindsay, ON .................................... 705-324-6301London, ON..................................... 519-434-5755Midland, ON .................................... 705-526-3710Mississauga (Ambassador), ON ...... 905-670-2800Mississauga (Laird), ON .................. 905-608-1010Newmarket, ON .............................. 905-895-8625Spikeshield ® Surge Protective DevicesDo you really want totrust a low cost SPDto protect yourexpensiveequipment?North Bay, ON ................................. 705-472-0590Orangeville, ON ............................... 519-941-2006Oshawa, ON ................................... 905-576-7100Ottawa East, ON ............................. 613-747-9573Ottawa West, ON ............................ 613-225-9910Owen Sound, ON ............................ 519-376-4310Parry Sound, ON ............................. 705-746-1140Pembroke, ON ................................ 613-735-1015Peterborough, ON ........................... 705-743-1313Sarnia, ON ...................................... 519-336-0015Sault Ste. Marie, ON ....................... 705-949-5994Simcoe, ON .................................... 519-428-0650Smiths Falls, ON ............................. 613-283-2270St. Catharines, ON .......................... 905-988-3881St. Thomas, ON ............................... 519-633-6613Stoney Creek, ON ........................... 905-662-6468Strathroy, ON .................................. 519-245-2300Sudbury, ON ................................... 705-560-2111Tillsonburg, ON ............................... 519-842-3651Timmins, ON ................................... 705-267-1436Toronto (East Mall), ON ................... 416-503-4778Toronto (Keele), ON .......................416-635-2999Toronto (Queen’s Quay), ON ...........416-863-1444Toronto (Scarborough), ON ............416-751-4310Vaughan, ON................................... 905-879-2642Waterloo, ON .................................. 519-746-0330Woodstock, ON ............................... 519-539-8588W: www.westburne.caWESTERN EQUIPMENT LIMITED97 St. Clair St., PO Box 340Chatham, ON N7M 5K4T: 888-352-0530F: 888-354-4220Windsor, ON .................................... 866-945-4520W: www.westernequipment.comWHITE RADIO940 Gateway Dr.Burlington, ON L7L 5K7T: 905-632-6894F: 905-632-6981W: www.whiteradio.comPRINCE EDWARD ISLANDGRAYBAR CANADA /HARRIS & ROOME SUPPLYCharlottetown, PE ........................... 902-566-1404W: www.graybarcanada.comGUILLEVIN INTERNATIONAL COMPANYSherwood, PE ................................. 902-368-1363W: www.guillevin.comLITECO INC.Charlottetown, PE ........................... 902-368-3013W: www.liteco.caNEDCO ATLANTIC HQCharlottetown, PE ........................... 902-566-3434W: www.nedco.caQUEBECABSOLUTE STAINLESS FASTENERSMontreal, QC .................................. 438-884-7849W: www.absofast.comALPHA CONTROLS & INSTRUMENTATIONRosemere, QC ................................ 888-621-3626W: www.alphacontrols.comANIXTER CANADALachine, QC .................................... 514-636-3636Rouyn-Noranda, QC ........................ 819-797-1942Ste-Foy, QC .................................... 418-657-5748W: www.anixter.comARMATEK AUTOMATION INC.St Laurent, QC ................................ 514-332-5200W: www.armatek.comwww.hubbellonline.comHUBBELL ®...your best Line of DefenceBENOIT JALBERT INC.104-44 rue du sautSainte-Helene-de-Breakeyville, QC G0S 1E3T: 418-832-4016F: 418-832-0293W: www.benoitjalbert.comCENTRE DE DISTRIBUTION ELECTRIQUE LTD.298, De Martigny O.Saint-Jerome, QC J7Y 4C9T: 450-438-1263F: 450-438-3728Laval, QC ........................................ 450-687-5795Montreal, QC .................................. 514-253-5844W: www.cde.qc.caCERCO CABLE1014 Cote de LiesseMontreal, QC H9P 1A3T: 514-631-4331F: 514-631-0590W: www.cercocable.comCHESS CONTROLS INC.Rouyn Noranda, QC ........................ 819-764-4157W: www.chesscontrols.com32 • December/January 2010/11 • www.EBMag.comHubbell_EB_Jan09.indd HubbellWiring_EB_March10.indd 112/11/10 12/16/08 1:31:55 10:47:11 PM AM

DISTRIBUTORSCOMPONETICS LTD1580 rue BeaulacSt. Laurent, QC H4R 1W8T: 514-331-9930F: 514-331-1498W: www.componetics.comDEK CANADA1928 St-Regis Blvd.Dorval, QC H9P 1H6T: 514-685-5800F: 514-685-5804W: www.dekcanada.comDESCHÈNES & FILS LTÈE8335 Saint-Michel Blvd.Montreal, QC H1Z 3E6T: 514-374-3110F: 514-374-5141Joliette, QC ..................................... 450-759-8880Laval, QC ........................................ 450-629-3939Montreal, QC .................................. 514-932-3191Pointe-Claire, QC ............................ 514-630-6330Saint-Hubert, QC ............................ 450-656-2223Saint-Hyacinthe, QC ....................... 450-773-4450Saint-Jérôme, QC ........................... 450-432-5550Sherbrooke, QC .............................. 819-823-1000W: www.deschenes.caDORVALEC INC.2120, 32e av.Lachine, QC H8T 3H7T: 800-361-0241F: 514-631-2432W: www.dorvalec.comDUBO ÉLECTRIQUE LIMITÈE5780 rue Ontario e.Montreal, QC H1N 0A2T: 514-255-7711F: 514-255-1559Laval, QC ........................................ 450-902-0137Saint-Hubert, QC ............................ 450-656-7700Sainte-Adèle, QC ............................ 450-229-4409Trois-Rivières, QC ........................... 819-840-1711W: www.dubo.qc.caECS ELECTRICAL CABLE SUPPLY LTD.Montreal, QC .................................. 450-663-7995W: www.ecswire.comELECTRO SONIC INC.St. Laurent, QC ............................... 514-748-7942W: www.e-sonic.comELECTROWINDSt Laurent, QC ................................ 800-361-6448W: www.electro-wind.comENGRAVER’S EXPRESS INC.Montreal, QC .................................. 514-339-5555W: www.engraversexpress.comSales & service of Epilog & Vision engraving & markingsystems. A complete line of engraving materials,tape & cutters for the trade including EnCore lamicoids.Sign frame holders, wall brackets, markingtags, legend plates, switch tags.Everything for electrical labels. Four warehouses toserve you better.ÉLECTRO BEAUCE INC.2250, 90 rue Saint-GeorgesQuËbec, QC G5Y 7J7T: 418-228-5505F: 418-228-5630W: www.electrobeauce.comFRANKLIN EMPIRE INC.8421 Darnley Rd.Mont-Royal, QC H4T 2B2T: 514-341-3720F: 514-341-3907Alma, QC ........................................ 418-480-1950Chicoutimi, QC ................................ 418-545-8313Kahnawake, QC .............................. 450-632-4407Laval, QC ........................................ 450-667-6400Longueuil, QC ................................. 450-928-0002Mont-Tremblant, QC ....................... 819-429-6010Quebec, QC .................................... 418-683-1725Sherbrooke, QC .............................. 819-780-1541Three-Rivers, QC ............................ 819-375-1613W: www.feinc.comFUTURPLUS19925 ch Sainte-MarieSainte-Anne-De-Bellevue, QC H9X 3Y3T: 514-426-3635F: 514-428-7050GRAY ELECTRIC3539 Thimens Blvd.Saint-Laurent, QC H4R 1V5T: 514-849-6081F: 514-849-6622W: www.grayelectrique.comGUILLEVIN INTERNATIONAL COMPANY301-6555 Metropolitian Blvd. E.Montreal, QC H1P 3H3T: 514-329-2100F: 514-329-2200Anjou, QC ....................................... 514-355-7582Beauce, QC ..................................... 418-228-7247Chicoutimi, QC ................................ 418-543-4459Drummondville, QC ........................ 819-474-3919Gatineau, QC .................................. 819-777-4717Granby, QC ..................................... 450-372-5469Joliette, QC ..................................... 450-752-1455Lachenaie, QC ................................ 450-471-4405Laval, QC ........................................ 450-667-3800Levis, QC ........................................ 418-833-4110Longueuil, QC ................................. 450-679-7725Quebec, QC .................................... 418-626-3600Rimouski, QC .................................. 418-724-7555Riviere-du-Loup, QC ....................... 418-862-2803Rouyn-Noranda, QC ........................ 819-797-0442Sherbrooke, QC .............................. 819-346-3916St-Hyacinthe, QC ............................ 450-774-6429St-Laurent, QC ................................ 514-340-1700Tracy, QC ........................................ 450-746-0775Trois-Rivieres, QC ........................... 819-375-4877Val d’Or, QC .................................... 819-825-0142Valleyfi eld, QC ................................ 450-377-5774Victoriaville, QC .............................. 819-752-3766W: www.guillevin.comHALO METRICS INC.Quebec (Regional Offi ce), QC .......... 514-603-3390W: www.halometrics.comHD SUPPLY LITEMORQuebec City, QC ............................... 418.683.2244Ville St. Laurent, QC ........................ 514.738.2433W: www.litemor.comI-L FOCUS INC.Montreal, QC .................................. 416-604-7552W: www.infolinkcanada.comINTERFAST INC.Montreal, QC .................................. 800-363-7923W: www.interfast.caINVENTEX INC.12047 LaurentienMontreal, QC H4K 1M8T: 514-334-6790F: 514-331-9190Quebec, QC .................................... 418-683-1292W: www.inventex.comThe Missing Part to Your Puzzle • Genuine ReplacementParts • HVAC • Industrial Elements • Repair orRebuild • Duct HeatersJ.D. PARÈ ELECTRIQUE INC.2300 rue BellefeuilleTrois-Rivieres, QC G9A 3Y9T: 819-373-4235F: 819-373-8148W: www.pareelectrique.comLONGTEST1405, Saint-AntoineSaint-Hyacinthe, QC J2S 3L1T: 450-774-3661F: 450-773-8797W: www.longtest.comLUMEN117 boul. HymusPointe-Claire, QC H9R 1E5T: 514-426-9460F: 514-697-4293Alma, QC ........................................ 418-668-8336Amos, QC ....................................... 819-732-6436Anjou, QC ....................................... 514-493-4127Baie-Comeau, QC ........................... 418-296-9320Chicoutimi, QC ................................ 418-693-1343Drummondville, QC ........................ 819-477-5933Gatineau, QC .................................. 819-771-7411Grandby, QC ................................... 450-776-6333Havre-Saint-Pierre, QC ................... 418-538-0839Joliette, QC ..................................... 450-759-8160Lachenaie, QC ................................ 450-471-4561Laval, QC ........................................ 450-629-4561Lévis, QC ........................................ 418-833-1344Longueuil, QC ................................. 450-679-3460Montréal, QC .................................. 514-341-7711Québec, QC .................................... 418-627-5943Rimouski, QC .................................. 418-723-0969Rivière du Loup, QC ........................ 418-867-8515Saint Eustache, QC ......................... 450-472-6160Saint-Jérôme, QC ........................... 450-436-3225Saint-Jean, QC ............................... 450-346-1320Sept-Iles, QC .................................. 418-962-7773Sherbrooke, QC .............................. 819-566-0966Sorel-Tracy, QC ............................... 450-742-3771Trois-Rivières, QC ........................... 819-374-5013Val D’Or, QC .................................... 819-825-6555Victoriaville, QC .............................. 819-758-6205W: www.lumen.caMARCHAND ELECTRICAL CO. LTD.Gatineau, QC .................................. 819-561-0185W: www.marchandelectric.comNEDCO QUEBEC505 Locke St.St-Laurent, QC H4T 1X7T: 514-341-3700F: 514-739-4462Baie-Comeau, QC ........................... 418-296-0514Brossard, QC .................................. 450-444-2583Chicoutimi, QC ................................ 418-543-4418Drummondville Maska, QC ............. 819-477-2147Gatineau, QC .................................. 819-771-8341Kanata, QC ..................................... 613-836-7515Laval, QC ........................................ 450-668-8140Locke St, St. Laurent, QC ................ 514-341-3700Ottawa, QC ..................................... 613-247-7500Quebec, QC .................................... 418-624-2435Sept-Iles, QC .................................. 418-962-3421Sherbrooke, QC .............................. 819-569-9086St-Jean, QC .................................... 450-348-8750St-Jerome, QC ................................ 450-438-2000St-Eustache, QC ............................. 450-491-7337Trois-Rivieres, QC ........................... 819-691-3188Val d’Or, QC .................................... 819-825-2460Valleyfi eld, QC ................................ 450-371-5575W: www.nedco.caON POWER SYSTEMS INC.1120 Blvd. LafayetteLongueuil, QC J4K 3B3T: 450-442-0000F: 450-442-0980Montreal, QC .................................. 800-363-9133W: www.onpower.comONTOR LIMITEDQuebec, QC .................................... 418-527-0227W: www.ontor.comPHENIX - GROUPE DISTRIBUTION ÉLECTRIQUE1459, Cure LabelleLaval, QC H7V-2V9T: 450-687-4449F: 450-687-3516POWRMATIC OF CANADA LTD.9500 Ray-Lawson Blvd.Montreal, QC H1J 1L1T: 514-493-6400F: 514-493-8722Quebec, QC .................................... 418-683-2708W: www.powrmatic.caPRIMASAT COMMUNICATIONS INC.696, Montée Montrougeau, suite 302Laval, QC H7P 5L1T: 514-664-4697F: 514-664-4697W: www.primasat.caPRIMO INSTRUMENT INC.4407, Rue CharleroiMontreal, QC H1H 1T6T: 888-774-6665F: 866-328-7835W: www.primoinc.comPTS ELECTRIQUE LT150 av. du VoyageurPointe Claire, QC H9R 6A8T: 514-429-6000F: 514-429-6787W: www.ptselectrique.comROUSSEAU WALKER & ASSOCIATES INC.101-1000 rue Fernand-DufourQuebec, QC G1M 3B1T: 418-527-5011F: 418-527-4680W: www.rousseauwalker.comTRADELCO INC.266 Laval St. S.Granby, QC J2G 7H9T: 450-375-1551F: 450-375-0701W: www.tradelco.qc.caTRISPEC COMMUNICATIONS INC.8500 Pascal-GagnonSt-Lèonard, QC H1P 1Y4T: 514-328-2025F: 514-328-6078W: www.trispec.comWAINBEE LIMITEDChicoutimi, QC ................................ 418-698-4884Pointe Claire, QC ............................. 514-697-8810Quebec, QC .................................... 418-683-1956W: www.wainbee.comWESCO DISTRIBUTION CANADA LPBaie-Comeau, QC ........................... 418-296-8232Chicoutimi, QC ................................ 418-549-0368Dorval, QC ...................................... 514-421-1919Dorval, QC ...................................... 514-685-0555Laval, QC ........................................ 450-901-3031Longueuil, QC ................................. 450-928-9372Quebec, QC .................................... 418-527-8855Rimouski, QC .................................. 418-724-9224Sept-Iles, QC .................................. 418-962-6552Sherbrooke, QC .............................. 819-823-9918St. Jean-sur-Richelieu, QC .............. 450-347-5324St. Laurent, QC ............................... 514-343-8383Trois-Rivieres, QC ........................... 819-691-4212Val-d’Or, QC .................................... 819-824-8877W: www.wesco.caWESTBURNE ELECTRIC (QUEBEC)10045 boul. Henri Bourassa o.St-Laurent, QC H4S 1A1T: 514-337-5331F: 514-332-9177Anjou, QC ....................................... 514-788-5333Drummondville, QC ........................ 819-477-6112Granby, QC ..................................... 450-375-7370Joliette, QC ..................................... 450-759-4313Jonquière, QC ................................. 418-547-2130Laval, QC ........................................ 450-663-5333Longueuil, QC ................................. 450-651-9200New Richmond, QC ........................ 418-392-4401Rosemont, QC ................................ 514-729-5331Rouyn, QC ...................................... 819-764-6771Saint-Georges-de-Beauce, QC ....... 418-228-6421Saint-Jérôme, QC ........................... 450-436-5553Sherbrooke, QC .............................. 819-562-2660Trois-Rivières, QC ........................... 819-378-4071Val-d’Or, QC .................................... 819-825-7272Valleyfi eld, QC ................................ 450-373-8573Vanier, QC ....................................... 418-627-7201W: www.westburne.caSASKATCHEWANANIXTER CANADASaskatoon, SK ................................ 306-931-8422W: www.anixter.comCENTURYVALLENRegina, SK ...................................... 306-721-2223Saskatoon, SK ................................ 306-242-1166W: www.centuryvallen.comCHOICE ELECTRICAL SUPPLY3238 Faithfull Ave.Saskatoon, SK S7K 8H3T: 306-657-2424F: 306-955-3655Regina, SK ...................................... 306-545-7840Swift Current, SK ............................ 306-778-3959EECOL ELECTRIEstevan, SK .................................... 306-634-3641Moose Jaw, SK ............................... 306-694-1000North Battleford, SK ........................ 306-445-1104Prince Albert, SK ............................. 306-764-9311Regina, SK ...................................... 306-525-2317Saskatoon, SK ................................ 306-933-3030Swift Current, SK ............................ 306-773-9307Yorkton, SK ..................................... 306-782-4044W: www.eecol.comGESCAN PRAIRIESEstevan, SK .................................... 306-634-8655Regina, SK ...................................... 306-569-0661Saskatoon, SK ................................ 306-931-0077W: www.gescan.comHD SUPPLY LITEMORSaskatoon, SK ................................ 306-665-2852W: www.litemor.comKVA DYNAMO INC.Saskatoon, SK ................................ 306-651-0400W: www.kvadynamo.comNEDCO HEAD OFFICE (DIV. OF REXEL CANADAELECTRICAL INC.)Regina, SK ...................................... 306-525-2531Saskatoon, SK ................................ 306-653-5020W: www.nedco.caTEXCANSaskatoon, SK ................................ 306-933-3169W: www.texcan.comWAINBEE LIMITEDSaskatoon, SK ................................ 306-652-1433W: www.wainbee.comWESCO DISTRIBUTION CANADA LPRegina, SK ...................................... 306-525-5841Saskatoon, SK ................................ 306-242-1296W: www.wesco.caWESTBURNE ELECTRIC (MIDWEST)Esterhazy, SK ...............................1-306-745-3603Estevan, SK .................................... 306-634-7225Prince Albert, SK ............................. 306-922-4545Regina, SK ...................................... 306-721-2500Saskatoon, SK ................................ 306-933-2992W: www.westburne.caYUKONEECOL ELECTRICWhitehorse, YT ............................... 867-633-7711W: www.eecol.comGUILLEVIN INTERNATIONAL COMPANYWhitehorse, YT ............................... 867-667-6468W: www.guillevin.comwww.EBMag.com • December/January 2010/11 • 33

ASSOCIATIONSAAIEQ - ASSOCIATION DE L’INDUSTRIE ÉLECTRIQUEDU QUÉBEC320-2000 Mansfi eld St.Montreal, QC H3A 2Y9T: 514-281-0615F: 514-281-7965W: www.aieq.netALBERTA ELECTRICAL LEAGUEBox 80091, Towerlane POAirdrie, AB T4B 2V8T: 800-642-5508F: 403-280-6287W: www.elecleague.ab.caBBCEA - BC ELECTRICAL ASSOCIATION224-3989 Henning Dr.Burnaby, BC V5C 6N5T: 604-291-7708F: 604-291-7795W: www.bcea.bc.caELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS ASSOCIATION OFSASKATCHEWAN1939 Elphinstone St.Regina, SK S4T 3N3T: 306-525-0171F: 306-347-8595W: www.ecas.caELECTRO-FEDERATION CANADA200-5800 Explorer Dr.Mississauga, ON L4W 5K9T: 905-602-8877F: 905-602-5686W: www.electrofed.comINDEPENDENT CONTRACTORS AND BUSINESSESASSOCIATION OF BRITISH COLUMBIA211-3823 Henning Dr.IBurnaby, BC V5C 6P3T: 604-298-7795W: www.icba.caMMANITOBA ELECTRICAL LEAGUE104-780 Wellington Ave.Winnipeg, MB R3H 1B3T: 204-783-4125F: 204-783-4216W: www.meleague.netNOVA SCOTIA ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORSASSOCIATIONPO Box 20125CSP Spayfi eld, Halifax, NS B3R 2K9T: 204-783-4125NOONTARIO ELECTRICAL LEAGUE300-180 Attwell DriveEtobicoke, ON M9W 6A9T: 905-238-1382F: 905-238-1420W: www.oel.orgONTARIO ENERGY NETWORK38-19 Kenview Blvd.Brampton, ON L6T 5G6T: 905-602-6712W: www.ontarioenergynetwork.orgSASKATCHEWAN ELECTRICAL LEAGUE2909 Saskatchewan Dr.Regina, SK S4T 1H4W: www.seleague.comSBICSI8610 Hidden River ParkwayTampa, FL 33637-1000T: 813-979-1991F: 813-971-4311W: www.bicsi.orgCCANADIAN COPPER AND BRASS DEVELOPMENTASSOCIATION415-49 The Donway W.Don Mills, ON M3C 3M9T: 877-640-0946F: 416-391-3823W: www.coppercanada.caCANADIAN ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORSASSOCIATION460-170 Attwell Dr.Toronto, ON M9W 5Z5T: 416-675-3226F: 416-675-7736W: www.ceca.orgCONSTRUCTION ASSOCIATION OF NOVA SCOTIA<strong>Electrical</strong> Contractors Section, 3-260 Brownlow Ave.Dartmouth, NS B3B 1V9T: 902-468-2267F: 902-468-2470W: www.cans.ns.caCORPORATION DES MAÎTRES ÉLECTRICIENSDU QUÉBEC (CMEQ)5925 boul. DecarieMontreal, QC H3W 3C9T: 514-738-2184F: 514-738-2192W: www.cmeq.orgEELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS ASSOCIATION OFALBERTA11235 120 St.Edmonton, AB T5G 2X9T: 800-252-9375F: 780-455-9815W: www.ecaa.ab.caELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS ASSOCIATION OFBRITISH COLUMBIA201-3989 Henning Dr.Burnaby, BC V5C 6N5T: 604-294-4123F: 604-294-4120W: www.eca.bc.caELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS ASSOCIATION OFNEW BRUNSWICKPO Box 322Fredericton, NB E3B 4Y9T: 506-452-7627F: 506-452-1786W: www.eca.nb.caELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS ASSOCIATION OFONTARIO460-170 Attwell Dr.Toronto, ON M9W 5Z5T: 416-675-3226F: 416-675-7736W: www.ecao.orgUntitled-3 1www.EBMag.com • December/January 2010/11 • 3511/17/10 11:55:36 AM

PRODUCT LISTINGSCOMPUTERSAUTOMATION DEVICESDimonoffOmronPhoenix Contact Ltd.Rockwell Automation, Inc.Siemens Canada LimitedCOUNTERCarlo Gavazzi Canada Inc.OmronZ-Trauq Inc.ENCODERSCooper IndustriesInternational Innovative SystemsLGI Lighting Group Inc.OmronMOTION CONTROL DEVICESBenshaw Canada Controls Inc.Control Technology Corp.Cooper IndustriesEatonGE <strong>Electrical</strong> DistributionInternational Innovative SystemsKCSLGI Lighting Group Inc.Northern Lights Energy Systems Ltd.Ouellet Canada Inc.Pinnacle Systems Inc.Schneider ElectricSEW Eurodrive Co. of Canada Ltd.Siemens Canada LimitedWAGO CorporationWEG Motors & Drives / VJ Pamensky Canada Inc.Z-Trauq Inc.PILOT DEVICESABBAutomation Control Inc.Carlo Gavazzi Canada Inc.Cooper IndustriesEatonGE <strong>Electrical</strong> DistributionIntermec Technologies Canada Ltd.International Innovative SystemsMinetec ControlsOmronSiemens Canada LimitedStaticon Ltd.PLCBlack Box Canada CorporationCCI Thermal TechnologiesControl Technology Corp.EatonIPLC VanteraNICA-Power Battery Corp.OmronPhoenix Contact Ltd.Robertson Bright Inc.Schneider ElectricSiemens Canada LimitedThe Panel Shop Inc.WAGO CorporationPROXIMITY DEVICESCarlo Gavazzi Canada Inc.Control Technology Corp.Cooper IndustriesEatonInternational Innovative SystemsOmronSiemens Canada LimitedTechspan Industries Inc.Z-Trauq Inc.ROBOTICSControl Technology Corp.Dematic LimitedInternational Innovative SystemsNICA-Power Battery Corp.Ouellet Canada Inc.SENSORSAcme Engineering Products Ltd.Black Box Canada CorporationCarlo Gavazzi Canada Inc.CCI Thermal TechnologiesEatonOmronSchneider ElectricSiemens Canada LimitedTempoTech Controls Inc.Z-Trauq Inc.TIMERSCarlo Gavazzi Canada Inc.CCI Thermal TechnologiesGE <strong>Electrical</strong> DistributionLovato Electric CorporationNSI IndustriesOmronWeidmullerZ-Trauq Inc.VISION SYSTEMSCooper IndustriesInternational Innovative SystemsOmronWAGO Corporation36 • December/January 2010/11 • www.EBMag.comBOXES & ENCLOSURESCABINETS/TROUGHS/METER SOCKETSAbel ElectricAce Manufacturing Metals Ltd.Cooper IndustriesEatonEGS <strong>Electrical</strong> Group Canada Ltd.Gardel Metal Products Inc.Hammond Manufacturing Co. Ltd.International Innovative SystemsInventronics LtdMVA Power Inc.Panduit Canada Corp.Power Survey InternationalREX Power MagneticsRittal Systems LtdThomas & Betts Canada Ltd.Transglobal Systems of Canada Inc.Wavell Electric Ltd.DATACOM RACKS/CABINETS/ENCLOSURESBeldenBlack Box Canada CorporationCableOrganizer.com, Inc.Carlo Gavazzi Canada Inc.CCI Thermal TechnologiesChannel VisionChatsworth Products, Inc.EXM Manufacturing Ltd.FusetekGardel Metal Products Inc.Hammond Manufacturing Co. Ltd.Inventronics LtdLinearModular Power Systems Inc.Panduit Canada Corp.Power Survey InternationalRalston Metal Products Ltd.Storm Copper Components, Co.SuttleTevelec LimitedTransglobal Systems of Canada Inc.WAGO CorporationWeidmullerWillett Manufacturing Ltd.OUTLET BOXES/WALLPLATESBeldenBlack Box Canada CorporationEricson Manufacturing Co.Hubbell Canada LP - <strong>Electrical</strong> SystemsInventronics LtdLegrand Canada Inc.LinearPanduit Canada Corp.Rab Design Lighting Inc.Tevelec LimitedThomas & Betts Canada Ltd.Transglobal Systems of Canada Inc.Vista <strong>Electrical</strong> ProductsPULL/SPLICE BOXESADC Telecommunications Inc.BeldenHammond Manufacturing Co. Ltd.Panduit Canada Corp.Transglobal Systems of Canada Inc.CONDUIT & CONNECTORSCABLE FITTINGSAbel ElectricCommScope Enterprise SolutionsCooper IndustriesPanduit Canada Corp.Rack-A-TiersStaticon Ltd.Storm Copper Components, Co.Techspan Industries Inc.Thomas & Betts Canada Ltd.Vista <strong>Electrical</strong> ProductsCONDUITA-D TechnologiesAnamet Canada Inc.ERICOSuperior Flexible Conduits Inc.Techspan Industries Inc.Thomas & Betts Canada Ltd.Wavell Electric Ltd.Wheatland Tube CompanyCONNECTORS3M CanadaAFOPBurndy Canada Inc.Channel VisionERICOEricson Manufacturing Co.HB Etlin/Etlin-DanielsIdeal Industries (Canada) Corp.Northern TechnologiesPanduit Canada Corp.Phoenix Contact Ltd.Storm Copper Components, Co.Techspan Industries Inc.Tevelec LimitedThomas & Betts Canada Ltd.Vista <strong>Electrical</strong> ProductsWAGO CorporationWeidmullerGROUNDING DEVICESBurndy Canada Inc.ERICOIlsco of Canada Co.Lind Equipment Ltd.MVA Power Inc.NSI IndustriesPanduit Canada Corp.Storm Copper Components, Co.Techspan Industries Inc.Thomas & Betts Canada Ltd.BREAKERS-ICIABBEatonGE <strong>Electrical</strong> DistributionSchneider ElectricSiemens Canada LimitedWeidmullerDISTRIBUTIONBREAKERS-RESIDENTIALEatonGE <strong>Electrical</strong> DistributionSchneider ElectricSiemens Canada LimitedPANELS-ICIEatonGE <strong>Electrical</strong> DistributionJackson Power & Electric Ltd.Modular Power Systems Inc.Schneider ElectricSiemens Canada LimitedPANELS-RESIDENTIALChannel VisionCooper IndustriesEatonGE <strong>Electrical</strong> DistributionIntermec Technologies Canada Ltd.Schneider ElectricSiemens Canada LimitedSAFETY SWITCHESCarlo Gavazzi Canada Inc.Cooper IndustriesEatonEGS <strong>Electrical</strong> Group Canada Ltd.GE <strong>Electrical</strong> DistributionIntermec Technologies Canada Ltd.International Innovative SystemsLGI Lighting Group Inc.Schneider ElectricSiemens Canada LimitedStaticon Ltd.SERVICE ENTRANCE SWITCHESCooper IndustriesEatonEricson Manufacturing Co.GE <strong>Electrical</strong> DistributionIntermec Technologies Canada Ltd.Siemens Canada LimitedSERVICE MASTSCooper IndustriesThomas & Betts Canada Ltd.HEATING CABLESHVAC3M CanadaBritech Corp.Cooper IndustriesEGS <strong>Electrical</strong> Group Canada Ltd.ERICORittal Systems LtdTherma-Ray Inc.Tyco Thermal ControlsHEATING CONTROLSAcme Engineering Products Ltd.Aube TechnologiesBritech Corp.Carlo Gavazzi Canada Inc.CCI Thermal TechnologiesControl Technology Corp.Cooper IndustriesDimplex North AmericaERICOESIC TechnologiesThomas & Betts Canada Ltd.Tyco Thermal ControlsHEATING EQUIPMENTAcme Engineering Products Ltd.Advanced Energy Networks Inc.ASB Heating Elements Ltd.CCI Thermal TechnologiesCooper IndustriesERICOKCSTherma-Ray Inc.Thomas & Betts Canada Ltd.Vista <strong>Electrical</strong> ProductsVENTILATING EQUIPMENTABBAdvanced Energy Networks Inc.Aerofl o Inc.CCI Thermal TechnologiesCooper IndustriesERICOManufacturers Marketing Group (R)Panasonic Canada Inc.Prime Industrial Products Inc.Staticon Ltd.Thomas & Betts Canada Ltd.INFORMATION TRANSPORTSYSTEMS (ITS)BALUNS/ADAPTERS & FILTERSAzco Technologies Inc.Black Box Canada CorporationChannel VisionSuttleTransglobal Systems of Canada Inc.

PRODUCT LISTINGSCUSTOMIZED CABLE ASSEMBLIESAbel ElectricADC Telecommunications Inc.BeldenBlack Box Canada CorporationCooper IndustriesTevelec LimitedTransglobal Systems of Canada Inc.ELECTRO-OPTIC INTERFACESCooper IndustriesTransglobal Systems of Canada Inc.ENTRANCE TERMINALSAbel ElectricADC Telecommunications Inc.Cooper IndustriesTransglobal Systems of Canada Inc.HUBS; RIDGES & ROUTERSBlack Box Canada CorporationChannel VisionMulti-Tech Systems, Inc.Transglobal Systems of Canada Inc.MODEMS & TRANSCEIVERSADC Telecommunications Inc.Azco Technologies Inc.Black Box Canada CorporationMulti-Tech Systems, Inc.Transglobal Systems of Canada Inc.Transition NetworksMULTIPLEXER EQUIPMENTCooper IndustriesYokogawa Corporation of AmericaPUNCH-DOWN BLOCKSADC Telecommunications Inc.BeldenTransglobal Systems of Canada Inc.SIGNAL REPEATER/CONVERTER/CONCENTRATOR/ MULTIPLEXERSBlack Box Canada CorporationTransition NetworksWeidmullerSPLICE CLOSURESADC Telecommunications Inc.BeldenCooper IndustriesTransglobal Systems of Canada Inc.DISCHARGEGE LightingLiteline CorporationOSRAM SYLVANIA Ltd.Philips Lighting CanadaPulsar Technologies Inc.Standard Products Inc.Turolight Inc.Venture Lighting CanadaFLUORESCENTLIGHT SOURCESBartco Lighting, Inc.Bermis Inc.Cooper IndustriesEconofrost Refl ective Night CoversEGS <strong>Electrical</strong> Group Canada Ltd.GE LightingLind Equipment Ltd.Liteline CorporationOSRAM SYLVANIA Ltd.Philips Lighting CanadaPromolux Lighting InternationalPulsar Technologies Inc.Shat-R-Shield Inc.Standard Products Inc.Techspan Industries Inc.Turolight Inc.ValuelightVisioneering Corp.W.A.C. Lighting CompanyINCANDESCENTBermis Inc.Cooper IndustriesEGS <strong>Electrical</strong> Group Canada Ltd.GE LightingLind Equipment Ltd.Liteline CorporationOSRAM SYLVANIA Ltd.Philips Lighting CanadaPulsar Technologies Inc.Shat-R-Shield Inc.Standard Products Inc.Turolight Inc.W.A.C. Lighting CompanyLEDAdvanced Energy Networks Inc.Arani Systems Corp.Federal Signal CorporationFusetekGE LightingLind Equipment Ltd.Liteline CorporationMagic Lite Ltd.Northern Lights Energy Systems Ltd.OSRAM SYLVANIA Ltd.Philips Lighting CanadaPulsar Technologies Inc.SPI Systems Ltd.Standard Products Inc.Techspan Industries Inc.Turolight Inc.SPECIALTYAdvanced Energy Networks Inc.Bartco Lighting, Inc.Bermis Inc.Cooper IndustriesEconofrost Refl ective Night CoversEGS <strong>Electrical</strong> Group Canada Ltd.GE LightingIntermec Technologies Canada Ltd.Lind Equipment Ltd.Magic Lite Ltd.NICA-Power Battery Corp.OSRAM SYLVANIA Ltd.Panasonic Canada Inc.Philips Lighting CanadaPromolux Lighting InternationalPulsar Technologies Inc.Shat-R-Shield Inc.ShawFlexStandard Products Inc.Turolight Inc.USHIO Canada Inc.W.A.C. Lighting CompanyDISCHARGELIGHTING BALLASTSAcuity Brands Lighting Canada, Inc.Brownsburg ElectronikOSRAM SYLVANIA Ltd.Philips Lighting CanadaSOLA Canada Lighting & Power Inc.Standard Products Inc.Universal Lighting TechnologiesVenture Lighting CanadaELECTRONICAbsopulse Electronics Ltd.Bermis Inc.Brownsburg ElectronikCooper IndustriesHB Etlin/Etlin-DanielsOSRAM SYLVANIA Ltd.Philips Lighting CanadaROMLight International (Canada) Inc.SOLA Canada Lighting & Power Inc.Standard Products Inc.Ultrasave Lighting Ltd.Universal Lighting TechnologiesW.A.C. Lighting CompanyFLUORESCENTChloride SystemsHB Etlin/Etlin-DanielsOSRAM SYLVANIA Ltd.Philips Lighting CanadaSOLA Canada Lighting & Power Inc.Standard Products Inc.Ultrasave Lighting Ltd.Universal Lighting TechnologiesW.A.C. Lighting CompanyICILIGHTING CONTROLSAcuity Brands Lighting Canada, Inc.Aube TechnologiesCristal Controls Ltd.DimonoffNSI IndustriesSchneider ElectricSPI Systems Ltd.Vigilant Technical Sales Ltd.RESIDENTIALAube TechnologiesCaplugsEatonGeorge Kelk CorporationLegrand Canada Inc.Leviton Manufacturing of Canada Ltd.NSI IndustriesRay Electric LimitedVista <strong>Electrical</strong> ProductsSENSING DEVICESCooper IndustriesEatonHB Etlin/Etlin-DanielsLedalite Architectural ProductsLedtronics, Inc.Legrand Canada Inc.Pinnacle Systems Inc.WAGO CorporationCUSTOMLIGHTING FIXTURESBartco Lighting, Inc.Beghelli Canada Inc.B.L. Innovative LightingCaplugsCooper IndustriesCustom Lighting Ltd.Edison Lighting Group Ltd.EGS <strong>Electrical</strong> Group Canada Ltd.Gensco EquipmentGeorge Kelk CorporationHubbell Canada LP - Lighting DivisionLedalite Architectural ProductsLedtronics, Inc.Lighting Nelson & Garrett Inc.Lumax Industries Inc.LumidMagic Lite Ltd.Mills Architectural LightingPulsar Technologies Inc.Rab Design Lighting Inc.Ray Electric LimitedValuelightVigilant Technical Sales Ltd.Visioneering Corp.Waldmann LightingICIAcuity Brands Lighting Canada, Inc.Arani Systems Corp.Custom Lighting Ltd.Foresight Lighting Inc.Jackson Power & Electric Ltd.Liteline CorporationLumax Industries Inc.Luxo Lamp Ltd.Rebelle Architectural LightingROMLight International (Canada) Inc.Ruud Lighting Canada / BetaLEDVista Professional Outdoor LightingLANDSCAPEAcuity Brands Lighting Canada, Inc.Cooper IndustriesHB Etlin/Etlin-DanielsHubbell Canada LP - Lighting DivisionMagic Lite Ltd.Rab Design Lighting Inc.Rebelle Architectural LightingVigilant Technical Sales Ltd.Vista Professional Outdoor LightingPOLESAcuity Brands Lighting Canada, Inc.Cooper IndustriesEGS <strong>Electrical</strong> Group Canada Ltd.George Kelk CorporationRab Design Lighting Inc.Rebelle Architectural LightingRuud Lighting Canada / BetaLEDThomas & Betts Canada Ltd.Vigilant Technical Sales Ltd.RESIDENTIALAcuity Brands Lighting Canada, Inc.Arani Systems Corp.Artcraft Electric Ltd.Engineered Lighting ProductsHubbell Canada LP - Lighting DivisionLiteline CorporationLumax Industries Inc.Magic Lite Ltd.Rab Design Lighting Inc.Turolight Inc.Vista Professional Outdoor LightingW.A.C. Lighting CompanyROADWAYAcuity Brands Lighting Canada, Inc.Arani Systems Corp.Cooper IndustriesRab Design Lighting Inc.Ruud Lighting Canada / BetaLEDSPI Systems Ltd.Turolight Inc.SECURITY/SAFETYAcuity Brands Lighting Canada, Inc.Bartco Lighting, Inc.Beghelli Canada Inc.Chloride SystemsCooper IndustriesEGS <strong>Electrical</strong> Group Canada Ltd.Federal Signal CorporationGeorge Kelk CorporationHubbell Canada LP - Lighting DivisionHubbell Canada LP - <strong>Electrical</strong> SystemsNSI IndustriesRab Design Lighting Inc.Ruud Lighting Canada / BetaLEDThomas & Betts Canada Ltd.Vista <strong>Electrical</strong> ProductsVista Professional Outdoor LightingLOUVERSLIGHTING MISCELLANEOUSCooper IndustriesDimonoffGreenlite Corp.Promolux Lighting InternationalStandard Products Inc.Vigilant Technical Sales Ltd.LOWERING DEVICESCooper IndustriesMOUNTING DEVICESCooper IndustriesCristal Controls Ltd.HB Etlin/Etlin-DanielsREFLECTORSBartco Lighting, Inc.Cooper IndustriesCustom Lighting Ltd.Philips Lighting CanadaStandard Products Inc.Visioneering Corp.MOTORS & MOTOR CONTROLSFUSE BLOCKSAutomation Control Inc.Cooper IndustriesEatonFusetekGE <strong>Electrical</strong> DistributionIntermec Technologies Canada Ltd.Legrand Canada Inc.Rittal Systems LtdStaticon Ltd.www.EBMag.com • December/January 2010/11 • 37

PRODUCT LISTINGSTechspan Industries Inc.WeidmullerYokogawa Corporation of AmericaMOTOR CONTACTOR/STARTER/CTRL.Automation Control Inc.B & M Manufacturing Inc.Benshaw Canada Controls Inc.Cooper IndustriesEatonEGS <strong>Electrical</strong> Group Canada Ltd.Ferraz Shawmut Canada Inc.GE <strong>Electrical</strong> DistributionHubbell Canada LP - <strong>Electrical</strong> SystemsIntermec Technologies Canada Ltd.International Innovative SystemsJackson Power & Electric Ltd.Legrand Canada Inc.Lovato Electric CorporationM.G.B. Electric Inc.Meltric CorporationMinetec ControlsModular Power Systems Inc.Phoenix Contact Ltd.Schneider ElectricSiemens Canada LimitedStaticon Ltd.Techspan Industries Inc.The Panel Shop Inc.WAGO CorporationWEG Motors & Drives / VJ Pamensky Canada Inc.Willett Manufacturing Ltd.MOTORSAutomation Control Inc.Brook Crompton Ltd.Cooper IndustriesFederal Signal CorporationIntermec Technologies Canada Ltd.International Innovative SystemsKCSMICROMOMinetec ControlsOmronRockwell Automation, Inc.SEW Eurodrive Co. of Canada Ltd.WEG Motors & Drives / VJ Pamensky Canada Inc.PILOT DEVICESCarlo Gavazzi Canada Inc.EatonFusetekGE <strong>Electrical</strong> DistributionLovato Electric CorporationSiemens Canada LimitedTechspan Industries Inc.Wavell Electric Ltd.RELAYSAutomation Control Inc.Carlo Gavazzi Canada Inc.Cooper IndustriesEatonFerraz Shawmut Canada Inc.GE <strong>Electrical</strong> DistributionIntermec Technologies Canada Ltd.International Innovative SystemsOmronRenfrew Electric Co Ltd.Schneider ElectricTechspan Industries Inc.WAGO CorporationWEG Motors & Drives / VJ Pamensky Canada Inc.WeidmullerYokogawa Corporation of AmericaZ-Trauq Inc.VARIABLE FREQUENCY DRIVESABBAutomation Control Inc.Cooper IndustriesEatonGE <strong>Electrical</strong> DistributionIndustrial Power & Control Inc.International Innovative SystemsKCSLGI Lighting Group Inc.Lovato Electric CorporationMinetec ControlsOmronSchneider ElectricSEW Eurodrive Co. of Canada Ltd.Siemens Canada LimitedWEG Motors & Drives / VJ Pamensky Canada Inc.38 • December/January 2010/11 • www.EBMag.comPERSONAL PROTECTIVEEQUIPMENTBELTS/HARNESSES/LANYARDS; ETC.3M CanadaAMAC Equipment Ltd.Capital Safety GroupIndustrial Power & Control Inc.Lynn Valley ManufacturingCLOTHING/FOOTWEAR/GLOVESCertifi ed Insulated Products Corp.Lynn Valley ManufacturingPMMI International Ltd.Salisbury by HoneywellHEAD PROTECTION3M CanadaCertifi ed Insulated Products Corp.Lynn Valley ManufacturingPMMI International Ltd.Salisbury by HoneywellPOWER CONDITIONING/QUALITYLINE CONDITIONERSAbsopulse Electronics Ltd.Cooper IndustriesEatonIndustrial Power & Control Inc.Intermec Technologies Canada Ltd.PEAK-LIMITING DEVICESCooper IndustriesEatonIntermec Technologies Canada Ltd.POWER DISTURBANCE MONITORSACR Systems Inc.Cooper IndustriesEatonFluke Electronics CanadaIntermec Technologies Canada Ltd.NICA-Power Battery Corp.POWER FACTOR CORRECTORSAbsopulse Electronics Ltd.Advanced Energy Networks Inc.Cooper IndustriesEatonGE <strong>Electrical</strong> DistributionIconopower Ltd.Intermec Technologies Canada Ltd.Power Survey InternationalSchneider ElectricVigilant Technical Sales Ltd.POWER LINE FILTERSCooper IndustriesGE <strong>Electrical</strong> DistributionIntermec Technologies Canada Ltd.NICA-Power Battery Corp.Phoenix Contact Ltd.Power Survey InternationalSPECIALTY TRANSFORMERSAdvanced Energy Networks Inc.Atlas Transformer Inc.Brownsburg ElectronikCooper IndustriesEatonGE <strong>Electrical</strong> DistributionIntermec Technologies Canada Ltd.K2C Industrial Automation Inc.NICA-Power Battery Corp.REX Power MagneticsYokogawa Corporation of AmericaZ-Trauq Inc.TRANSIENT SUPPRESSORSCooper IndustriesEatonERICOGE <strong>Electrical</strong> DistributionIntermec Technologies Canada Ltd.International Innovative SystemsNICA-Power Battery Corp.Phoenix Contact Ltd.R3&A LimitedRoxtec Inc.POWER SOURCES BACK-UPBATTERIES/SUPPLIESAbsopulse Electronics Ltd.Advanced Energy Networks Inc.AEG Power Solutions Inc.Analytic SystemsC-CAN Power Systems Inc.Cooper IndustriesExide Technologies Industrial EnergyIntermec Technologies Canada Ltd.NICA-Power Battery Corp.Northern Lights Energy Systems Ltd.OmronRittal Systems LtdStaticon Ltd.Storm Copper Components, Co.GENERATORSAdvanced Energy Networks Inc.Caterpillar Inc.Cooper IndustriesEatonIntermec Technologies Canada Ltd.K2C Industrial Automation Inc.Kubota Canada Ltd.NICA-Power Battery Corp.WEG Motors & Drives / VJ Pamensky Canada Inc.UPSAEG Power Solutions Inc.Black Box Canada CorporationCaterpillar Inc.Chloride SystemsEatonGE <strong>Electrical</strong> DistributionNICA-Power Battery Corp.Rittal Systems LtdSchneider ElectricBREAKERSPROTECTIVE DEVICESEatonFusetekGE <strong>Electrical</strong> DistributionMVA Power Inc.WeidmullerFIRESTOP SYSTEMS3M CanadaEatonLegrand Canada Inc.NSI IndustriesFUSES/FUSE CLAMPSADC Telecommunications Inc.EatonFusetekTechspan Industries Inc.PROTECTION RELAYSCarlo Gavazzi Canada Inc.Cooper IndustriesEatonGE <strong>Electrical</strong> DistributionInternational Innovative SystemsModular Power Systems Inc.OmronRenfrew Electric Co Ltd.Schneider ElectricVirelec Ltd.WeidmullerYokogawa Corporation of AmericaZ-Trauq Inc.PROTECTIVE COVERSCooper IndustriesFirwin Corp.Lind Equipment Ltd.Vista <strong>Electrical</strong> ProductsSAFETY SWITCHESCarlo Gavazzi Canada Inc.EatonGE <strong>Electrical</strong> DistributionIndustrial Power & Control Inc.OmronSchneider ElectricWavell Electric Ltd.SURGE SUPPRESSORSCooper IndustriesEatonEGS <strong>Electrical</strong> Group Canada Ltd.ERICOGE <strong>Electrical</strong> DistributionHubbell Canada LP - <strong>Electrical</strong> SystemsInternational Innovative SystemsLegrand Canada Inc.LGI Lighting Group Inc.NICA-Power Battery Corp.R3&A LimitedRoxtec Inc.Staticon Ltd.Vista <strong>Electrical</strong> ProductsWAGO CorporationWeidmullerBUS DUCTRACEWAY & DUCTCooper IndustriesEatonGE <strong>Electrical</strong> DistributionIndustrial Power & Control Inc.MP Husky Corp.Panduit Canada Corp.United Wire & Cable Inc.CABLE TRAYBlack Box Canada CorporationChalfant Manufacturing CompanyChatsworth Products, Inc.FusetekLegrand Canada Inc.MP Husky Corp.Panduit Canada Corp.Ralston Metal Products Ltd.Thomas & Betts Canada Ltd.Trans Canada Electro Ltd.United Wire & Cable Inc.Wavell Electric Ltd.FLOOR BOXESAzco Technologies Inc.Cooper IndustriesLegrand Canada Inc.Thomas & Betts Canada Ltd.INTEGRATED RACEWAY SYSTEMSCooper IndustriesLegrand Canada Inc.Panduit Canada Corp.Thomas & Betts Canada Ltd.LAY-IN DUCTAbel ElectricCooper IndustriesEXM Manufacturing Ltd.Hammond Manufacturing Co. Ltd.Legrand Canada Inc.Panduit Canada Corp.Ralston Metal Products Ltd.RACEWAYADC Telecommunications Inc.Azco Technologies Inc.BeldenPanduit Canada Corp.Techspan Industries Inc.

PRODUCT LISTINGSUNDERFLOOR DUCTADC Telecommunications Inc.Azco Technologies Inc.Cooper IndustriesLegrand Canada Inc.MVA Power Inc.Panduit Canada Corp.WIRE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMSAbel ElectricAnamet Canada Inc.Azco Technologies Inc.BeldenBlack Box Canada CorporationBurndy Canada Inc.CableOrganizer.com, Inc.Chatsworth Products, Inc.Cooper IndustriesERICOFirwin Corp.FusetekHammond Manufacturing Co. Ltd.HB Etlin/Etlin-DanielsHubbell Canada LP - <strong>Electrical</strong> SystemsIndustrial Power & Control Inc.Legrand Canada Inc.NSI IndustriesPanduit Canada Corp.Phoenix Contact Ltd.Staticon Ltd.Techspan Industries Inc.Thomas & Betts Canada Ltd.ANNUNCIATORSSIGNALLING DEVICESCooper IndustriesFederal Signal CorporationGE SecurityNSI IndustriesCLOCKSCooper IndustriesGE SecurityFIRE ALARM EQUIPMENTCooper IndustriesFederal Signal CorporationGE SecurityKidde Canada Inc.INTERCOMSCamden Door ControlsCooper IndustriesFederal Signal CorporationGE SecurityLegrand Canada Inc.MONITORING/SIGNALLING EQUIPMENTAbel ElectricACR Systems Inc.Camden Door ControlsCooper IndustriesFederal Signal CorporationGE <strong>Electrical</strong> DistributionGE SecurityMine Safety Appliances CanadaNICA-Power Battery Corp.Ralston Metal Products Ltd.Staticon Ltd.SAFETY DEVICESAbel ElectricCarlo Gavazzi Canada Inc.Cooper IndustriesFederal Signal CorporationGE SecurityIndustrial Power & Control Inc.International Innovative SystemsLegrand Canada Inc.Mine Safety Appliances CanadaNSI IndustriesSchneider ElectricSiemens Canada LimitedTecno-KebecSOFTWARE & DATACABLE MANAGEMENT SOFTWARECooper IndustriesRittal Systems LtdEDI SOFTWARECristal Controls Ltd.Federal Signal CorporationELECTRICAL MAINTENANCEEatonYokogawa Corporation of AmericaELECTRICAL SYSTEM DESIGNDromey Design Inc.EatonRockwell Automation, Inc.ELECTRICAL SYSTEM SIMULATION & ANALYSISDromey Design Inc.EatonYokogawa Corporation of AmericaESTIMATING SOFTWAREAccubid SystemsINVENTORY SOFTWAREDematic LimitedLIGHTING SOFTWARECooper IndustriesDimonoffPRICING DATAEatonTEST & MEASUREMENTCALIBRATION SYSTEMSAnritsu Electronics Ltd.Cooper IndustriesCriterion Instruments Ltd.EatonExtech InstrumentsFluke Electronics CanadaGE MultilinIntermec Technologies Canada Ltd.NICA-Power Battery Corp.TempoTech Controls Inc.Yokogawa Corporation of AmericaDETECTORSAnalygas SystemsAnritsu Electronics Ltd.Cooper IndustriesExtech InstrumentsFluke Electronics CanadaIntermec Technologies Canada Ltd.MVA Power Inc.NICA-Power Battery Corp.TempoTech Controls Inc.UE Systems Inc.LIGHT METERSAEMC InstrumentsCooper IndustriesExtech InstrumentsIntermec Technologies Canada Ltd.MEASURING EQUIPMENTAbsopulse Electronics Ltd.ACR Systems Inc.AEMC InstrumentsAgilent TechnologiesAnritsu Electronics Ltd.Berkeley Varitronics Systems Inc.CableOrganizer.com, Inc.Cooper IndustriesEatonExtech InstrumentsFluke Electronics CanadaIntermec Technologies Canada Ltd.NICA-Power Battery Corp.OmronPhenix Technologies Inc.TempoTech Controls Inc.Timberland Equipment Ltd.Veriteq InstrumentsYokogawa Corporation of AmericaZ-Trauq Inc.METERSACR Systems Inc.AEMC InstrumentsAgilent TechnologiesAnritsu Electronics Ltd.Brunelle Instruments Inc.Contretron Inc.EatonExtech InstrumentsFLIR Systems Canada Ltd.Fluke Electronics CanadaIdeal Industries (Canada) Corp.Quadlogic Meters Canada Inc.Quick Cable Canada Ltd.Z-Trauq Inc.NETWORK TESTING EQUIPMENTAEMC InstrumentsAnritsu Electronics Ltd.Berkeley Varitronics Systems Inc.Black Box Canada CorporationCableOrganizer.com, Inc.Fluke Electronics CanadaFluke Networks CanadaOSCILLOSCOPESAEMC InstrumentsAgilent TechnologiesExtech InstrumentsFluke Electronics CanadaIntermec Technologies Canada Ltd.NICA-Power Battery Corp.SPECIALTY3M CanadaACR Systems Inc.Anritsu Electronics Ltd.Fluke Electronics CanadaRenfrew Electric Co Ltd.TempoTech Controls Inc.Z-Trauq Inc.WAVEFORM ANALYZERSAgilent TechnologiesAnritsu Electronics Ltd.Cooper IndustriesIntermec Technologies Canada Ltd.NICA-Power Battery Corp.ACCESSORIESTOOLS3M CanadaBurndy Canada Inc.Cooper IndustriesFluke Electronics CanadaIntermec Technologies Canada Ltd.NICA-Power Battery Corp.NSI IndustriesRHINO Professional Labeling ToolsTevelec LimitedTimberland Equipment Ltd.Wera ToolsYokogawa Corporation of AmericaHAND TOOLSAbel ElectricAero-Tech Light Bulb Co.AMAC Equipment Ltd.Arrow Fastener CompanyBurndy Canada Inc.Certifi ed Insulated Products Corp.Channel VisionChannellockCooper IndustriesEmerson Control TechniquesGE MultilinGuth Lighting CompanyIdeal Industries (Canada) Corp.Klein ToolsM. K. Morse CompanyPanduit Canada Corp.Phoenix Contact Ltd.RAB LightingSalisbury by HoneywellStaticon Ltd.Techspan Industries Inc.Thomas & Betts Canada Ltd.Transglobal Systems of Canada Inc.WAGO CorporationWeidmullerWera ToolsPOWER TOOLSAero-Tech Light Bulb Co.Burndy Canada Inc.Cooper IndustriesEmerson Control TechniquesGE MultilinM. K. Morse CompanyPanasonic Canada Inc.RAB LightingSPECIALTY TOOLSAMAC Equipment Ltd.Band-N-Go Inc.Burndy Canada Inc.Capital Safety GroupContretron Inc.FLIR Systems Canada Ltd.Fluke Electronics CanadaMVA Power Inc.PMMI International Ltd.Quick Cable Canada Ltd.Rack-A-TiersThomas & Betts Canada Ltd.Timberland Equipment Ltd.Transglobal Systems of Canada Inc.WeidmullerACCESSORIESTRANSFORMERSAdvanced Energy Networks Inc.Brownsburg ElectronikEatonHB Etlin/Etlin-DanielsStorm Copper Components, Co.Vista Professional Outdoor LightingZ-Trauq Inc.SWITCHGEARCaterpillar Inc.Cooper IndustriesEatonGE <strong>Electrical</strong> DistributionIntermec Technologies Canada Ltd.M.G.B. Electric Inc.MVA Power Inc.NICA-Power Battery Corp.Thomas & Betts Canada Ltd.TRANSFORMERSAdvanced Energy Networks Inc.Atlas Transformer Inc.Brownsburg ElectronikCam Tran Co. Ltd.Cooper IndustriesDelta TransformersEatonEGS <strong>Electrical</strong> Group Canada Ltd.Ericson Manufacturing Co.GE <strong>Electrical</strong> DistributionHammond Manufacturing Co. Ltd.Jefferson ElectricM.G.B. Electric Inc.NICA-Power Battery Corp.Northern Transformer Inc.REX Power MagneticsSchneider ElectricStandard Products Inc.Surplec Inc.Vigilant Technical Sales Ltd.WEG Motors & Drives / VJ Pamensky Canada Inc.Willett Manufacturing Ltd.Yokogawa Corporation of AmericaZ-Trauq Inc.www.EBMag.com • December/January 2010/11 • 39

PRODUCT LISTINGSHARDWARE & POLESUTILITYBand-N-Go Inc.LOCWELD Inc.MVA Power Inc.Thomas & Betts Canada Ltd.INSTALLATION EQUIPMENT/DEVICESAMAC Equipment Ltd.Industrial Power & Control Inc.MVA Power Inc.Timberland Equipment Ltd.Z-Trauq Inc.UTILITY PRODUCTS3M CanadaBand-N-Go Inc.Brady CanadaCooper IndustriesEastern Wire & ConduitEatonGE MultilinGuth Lighting CompanyIntermec Technologies Canada Ltd.LOCWELD Inc.Modular Power Systems Inc.MVA Power Inc.NICA-Power Battery Corp.ShawFlexStorm Copper Components, Co.Techspan Industries Inc.Thomas & Betts Canada Ltd.Timberland Equipment Ltd.Trans Canada Electro Ltd.Z-Trauq Inc.ACCESSORIESVEHICLES & EQUIPMENTTimberland Equipment Ltd.EQUIPMENTA-D TechnologiesAMAC Equipment Ltd.Kubota Canada Ltd.Schleuniger, Inc.Timberland Equipment Ltd.VEHICLESAMAC Equipment Ltd.BUILDING WIREWIRE & CABLEAlcan CableAlpha WireBeldenCerro WireCooper IndustriesDomtech Inc.Electro Cables Inc.Industrial Power & Control Inc.Intermec Technologies Canada Ltd.Nexans Canada Inc.Northern Cables Inc.Southwire Canada CompanyTechspan Industries Inc.Tevelec LimitedTransglobal Systems of Canada Inc.BUSBARBurndy Canada Inc.EXM Manufacturing Ltd.Hammond Manufacturing Co. Ltd.Iconopower Ltd.Industrial Power & Control Inc.Storm Copper Components, Co.Tevelec LimitedCABLE ASSEMBLIESADC Telecommunications Inc.AFOPAlcan CableBeldenBerk-Tek, A Nexans CompanyCommScope Enterprise SolutionsCooper IndustriesIntermec Technologies Canada Ltd.Jackson Power & Electric Ltd.Quick Cable Canada Ltd.Southwire Canada CompanyTevelec LimitedTimes Fiber Canada LimitedTransglobal Systems of Canada Inc.COAXIAL CABLEAlpha WireBeldenCommScope Enterprise SolutionsElectro Cables Inc.Superior Essex Communications LPTevelec LimitedTimes Fiber Canada LimitedTrans Canada Electro Ltd.Transglobal Systems of Canada Inc.DATA CABLINGADC Telecommunications Inc.BeldenBerk-Tek, A Nexans CompanyBlack Box Canada CorporationElectro Cables Inc.Panduit Canada Corp.Siemens Canada LimitedSilver FoxTevelec LimitedTransglobal Systems of Canada Inc.FIBER OPTIC CABLINGADC Telecommunications Inc.Alpha WireBeldenBerk-Tek, A Nexans CompanyCableOrganizer.com, Inc.CommScope Enterprise SolutionsCXtecO-m6Phoenix Contact Ltd.Superior Essex Communications LPTevelec LimitedTimes Fiber Canada LimitedTransglobal Systems of Canada Inc.United Wire & Cable Inc.HIGH-VOLTAGE CABLEAlcan CableDuct-O-Wire Canada Ltd.Nexans Canada Inc.Quick Cable Canada Ltd.Southwire Canada CompanyTevelec LimitedTrans Canada Electro Ltd.United Wire & Cable Inc.LINE CORDS & FEEDER CABLEAlcan CableBeldenJackson Power & Electric Ltd.Nexans Canada Inc.Quick Cable Canada Ltd.Southwire Canada CompanyTevelec LimitedTransglobal Systems of Canada Inc.OCTOPUS CABLESCooper IndustriesTevelec LimitedTransglobal Systems of Canada Inc.PORTABLE WIRECooper IndustriesCummins Power GenerationDomtech Inc.Draka CanadaIntermec Technologies Canada Ltd.Tevelec LimitedTrans Canada Electro Ltd.PREMISE WIRE & CABLEADC Telecommunications Inc.BeldenBerk-Tek, A Nexans CompanyCommScope Enterprise SolutionsCXtecDomtech Inc.Electro Cables Inc.Hubbell Canada LP - <strong>Electrical</strong> SystemsStorm Copper Components, Co.Superior Essex Communications LPTevelec LimitedTimes Fiber Canada LimitedTransglobal Systems of Canada Inc.SPECIALTY CABLES3M CanadaAlcan CableAlpha WireAzco Technologies Inc.BeldenBlack Box Canada CorporationCommScope Enterprise SolutionsCooper IndustriesCummins Power GenerationCXtecDomtech Inc.Draka CanadaElectro Cables Inc.Iconopower Ltd.Industrial Power & Control Inc.Intermec Technologies Canada Ltd.LGI Lighting Group Inc.Nexans Canada Inc.Northern Cables Inc.Quick Cable Canada Ltd.Southwire Canada CompanyTevelec LimitedTimes Fiber Canada LimitedTrans Canada Electro Ltd.Transglobal Systems of Canada Inc.United Wire & Cable Inc.STRUCTURED CABLING SYSTEMSBeldenBlack Box Canada CorporationChannel VisionChatsworth Products, Inc.CommScope Enterprise SolutionsCooper IndustriesCXtecElectro Cables Inc.Hyperline Systems Canada Ltd.Industrial Power & Control Inc.Legrand Canada Inc.MP Husky Corp.Panduit Canada Corp.Tevelec LimitedTransglobal Systems of Canada Inc.SYSTEMS CABLEBeldenCommScope Enterprise SolutionsCooper IndustriesIntermec Technologies Canada Ltd.Phoenix Contact Ltd.Southwire Canada CompanyTevelec LimitedTransglobal Systems of Canada Inc.United Wire & Cable Inc.Wiremold/LegrandWIRING DEVICES & ACCESSORIESCABLE TIES3M CanadaBand-N-Go Inc.BeldenChatsworth Products, Inc.EatonFusetekHB Etlin/Etlin-DanielsIdeal Industries (Canada) Corp.NSI IndustriesPanduit Canada Corp.Quick Cable Canada Ltd.Techspan Industries Inc.Tevelec LimitedThomas & Betts Canada Ltd.Transglobal Systems of Canada Inc.Vista <strong>Electrical</strong> ProductsCOMPOUNDS & SEALANT3M CanadaAMAC Equipment Ltd.Cooper IndustriesThomas & Betts Canada Ltd.CONTACT CLEANERS3M CanadaCooper IndustriesThomas & Betts Canada Ltd.Transglobal Systems of Canada Inc.FASTENERSBand-N-Go Inc.Chatsworth Products, Inc.Cooper IndustriesERICOHB Etlin/Etlin-DanielsQuick Cable Canada Ltd.Techspan Industries Inc.Thomas & Betts Canada Ltd.Transglobal Systems of Canada Inc.Vista <strong>Electrical</strong> ProductsINSULATING EQUIPMENT3M CanadaCooper IndustriesFirwin Corp.Industrial Power & Control Inc.Storm Copper Components, Co.TEXIT Canada Inc.Thomas & Betts Canada Ltd.MARKERS/DEVICES & LABELLING/LABELS3M CanadaAMAC Equipment Ltd.Azco Technologies Inc.Banner Guard, Div of Reef IndustriesBeldenBrother CanadaLo-Cost Nametag & Engraving Inc.NSI IndustriesPanduit Canada Corp.Phoenix Contact Ltd.RHINO Professional Labeling ToolsSchleuniger, Inc.Silver FoxTech Products, Inc.Techspan Industries Inc.TEXIT Canada Inc.Thomas & Betts Canada Ltd.Transglobal Systems of Canada Inc.WeidmullerMISCELLANEOUS3M CanadaBurndy Canada Inc.Guelph Twines Ltd.Industrial Power & Control Inc.Lind Equipment Ltd.NSI IndustriesPass & Seymour Legrand CanadaQuick Cable Canada Ltd.Tevelec LimitedTransglobal Systems of Canada Inc.RECEPTACLES/PLATES/SWITCHES; ETC.BeldenChannel VisionEricson Manufacturing Co.Hubbell Canada LP - <strong>Electrical</strong> SystemsJackson Power & Electric Ltd.Legrand Canada Inc.Leviton Manufacturing of Canada Ltd.Techspan Industries Inc.Thomas & Betts Canada Ltd.Transglobal Systems of Canada Inc.Vista <strong>Electrical</strong> ProductsSOLDER & RELATED DEVICESCooper IndustriesIntermec Technologies Canada Ltd.TAPES3M CanadaA-D TechnologiesCooper IndustriesGuth Lighting CompanyNSI IndustriesTechspan Industries Inc.Thomas & Betts Canada Ltd.Transglobal Systems of Canada Inc.Vigilant Technical Sales Ltd.Vista <strong>Electrical</strong> ProductsTERMINATING EQUIPMENT3M CanadaAbel ElectricBeldenBlack Box Canada CorporationChannel VisionCooper IndustriesFluke Electronics CanadaFluke Networks CanadaPanduit Canada Corp.Schleuniger, Inc.Staticon Ltd.Thomas & Betts Canada Ltd.Transglobal Systems of Canada Inc.Vigilant Technical Sales Ltd.WAGO Corporation40 • December/January 2010/11 • www.EBMag.com

TRAINING, EDUCATION & SERVICE PROVIDERSALLPRISER LTD.322 La Rose Ave.Etobicoke, ON M9P 1B9T: 416-247-8219F: 416-247-4961W: www.allpriser.comATN INTERNATIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES1913-8 Lee Centre Dr.Scarborough, ON M1H 3H8T: 661-317-4580F: 661-951-7184ACCANADA TRAINING GROUP102 First Ave.Turtleford, SK S0M 2Y0T: 800-661-1663F: 306-845-3233W: www.canada-training-group.caELECTRICAL INDUSTRY TRAINING CENTRE200-3623 29 Street NortheastCalgary, AB T1Y 5W4T: 403-291-2787F: 403-291-7027W: www.eitca.caEELECTRICIAN LICENSE550 Eglinton Ave. W., PO Box 38101Toronto, ON M5N 3A8T: 416-319-3299F: 416-849-4224W: www.electricianlicense.comGGREAT PLAINS COLLEGE701 Dominion St., PO Box 700Biggar, SK S0K 0M0T: 306-948-3363F: 306-948-2094W: www.greatplainscollege.caPRE-APPRENTICESHIP TRAINING INSTITUTE100-10 Kodiak Cres.Toronto, ON M3J 3G5T: 416-638-1025F: 416-638-3993W: www.patinstitute.caSASKATCHEWAN INSTITUTE OF APPLIEDSCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY (SIAST)400-119 4th Ave. S.Saskatoon, SK S7K 5X2T: 306-933-7331F: 306-933-5352W: www.goSIAST.comPSSIR SANDFORD FLEMING COLLEGE599 Brealey Dr.Peterborough, ON K9J 7B1T: 705-749-5530F: 705-749-5540W: www.fl emingcollege.comWWALTER DOW ASSOCIATES LIMITED139 Mulock Ave.Toronto, ON M6N 1G9T: 416-236-8880F: 416-236-9160W: www.walterdow.comCSA100-5060 Spectrum WayMississauga, ON L4W 5N6T: 800-463-6727W: www.csa.caCanadian Standards Association (CSA) is a membershipassociation serving industry, government, consumersand other interested parties in Canada andthe global marketplace. A leading developer of standardsand codes, CSA aims to enhance public safety,improve quality of life, preserve the environmentand facilitate trade. To help people understand andapply standards, CSA offers information productsand training. The Canadian Standards Association isa division of CSA Group, which also consists of CSAInternational for product testing and certifi cation,OnSpeX for consumer product evaluation services,and QMI for management systems registration.LL. STOCH AND ASSOCIATES4264 Flitter Crt.Mississauga, ON L5L 2H8T: 905-828-2262F: 905-828-2526W: www.lstoch.caLIGHT BRIGADE INC.837 Industry Dr.Tukwila, WA 98188T: 206-575-0404F: 206-575-0405W: www.lightbrigade.comTHE BENCHMARK IN ELECTRICALSAFETY INFORMATIONServices:- <strong>Electrical</strong> Industry Consulting- Training Development- <strong>Electrical</strong> Safety Assessments- Benchmarking- Feasibility Studiestraining assessments consultingContactKris Paszkowiak, P.ENG.Phone: (905) 599-2702eMail: kris.paszkowiak@gmail.comCodeSafety_mini_EB_Feb09.indd 12/11/09 2:48:30 PMCSA_half_EB_March10.indd Untitled-3 11www.EBMag.com • December/January 2010/11 • 4111/23/10 1/29/10 9:36:47 3:46:46 AM PM

WEB PROFILESwww.asbheat.comwww.flukenetworks.cawww.flukecanada.caASB Heating Elements Ltd.An Electric Heater Manufacturer,exclusively serving the Industrial Market,offering electric heaters andtemperature controls. Products includeimmersion heaters, tubular elements,and oven heaters. Fast delivery on awide range of manufactured heaters.ASB_web_BlueBook_2010.indd 1www.leviton.com10/14/09 12:41:57 PMFluke Networks provides innovative solutionsfor the installation and certification, testing,monitoring and analysis of copper, fiber andwireless networks used by enterprises andtelecommunications carriers. The company’scomprehensive line of Network SuperVisionSolutions provide network installers, owners,and maintainers with superior vision, combiningspeed, accuracy and ease of use tooptimize network performance.Fluke_web_BlueBook_09.indd 1www.sylvania.com11/27/08 9:04:19 AMFluke Electronics Canada offers completefamilies of professional test tools, includingpower quality, thermography, digital multimeters,clamp meters, insulation resistance testers,portable oscilloscopes, thermometers, processtesting equipment and accessories, as well aseducational and training resources.www.rcce.comFlukeElec_web_BlueBook_09.indd 112/17/09 5:45:07 PMLeviton Manufacturing of Canada Ltd.Leviton Manufacturing of Canada Ltd. isthe only company in the Canadianmarketplace to offer a complete range ofproducts, including switches, receptacles,connectors and lighting controls, as wellas transient surge protectors andvoice/data communication products.OSRAM SYLVANIA LTD.OSRAM SYLVANIA LTD. provides innovative andenvironmentally responsible lighting productsthat produce more light while consuming lessenergy. Find comprehensive technical andapplication information for sustainable lightingsolutions at www.sylvania.comTest Equipment solutions provided byRCC Electronics are: Recorders, DataLoggers, Power Analyzers, BreakerTimers, Transformer Ratiometers,Insulation Testers, Relay Testers,VLF Cable Diagnostics, Ultrasound.Leviton_web_BlueBook_09.indd 111/26/08 3:07:43 PMOsram_web_BlueBook_2010.indd 112/9/09 9:02:26 AMwww.rgspeed.comRG Speed Control offers you a fullrange of products and services thathas made us one of the most trustednames in power transmission, motioncontrol, motors and controls.SOLA Canada Lighting & Power Inc.SOLA Canada is a leader in lighting ballastproducts with the most complete line up of HID,Magnetic Flourescent as well as a comprehensiveline of Electronic Flourescent ballasts.SOLA Canada is also renowned for superior service,unsurpassed inventory levels and the bestquality standards in the industry.www.solacanada.comwww.standardpro.comWhether your application is commercial,industrial or retail driven, STANDARDhas the answer. For a complete listof our innovative products, visitour website at www.standardpro.com.Sola_web_BlueBook_2010.indd 110/23/09 12:28:47 PMEBMag’s bi-weekly newsletterE-Line: Your IndustryNews BroadcastE-Line delivers unique, timelyinformation that “fi lls the void”between editions of <strong>Electrical</strong> <strong>Business</strong>.Standard_webprofile_BB10.indd 112/6/10 3:59:25 PMSign up at www.EBMag.com – it’s FREE!42 • December/January 2010/11 • www.EBMag.com

CSA LISTEDBOX EXTENDERS forSET BACK ELECTRICAL BOXESBE1NEWDesign!WIRE GRABBER SUPPORTS UP TO 100 LBS for FIXTURES and more!Now it’s easier than ever to get reliable hanging support for fixtures, fixture boxes,cable tray and other static loads requiring drop wire support!Better than traditional wire-hanging methods, Wire Grabber saves time and costs much less than competitive products.Perfect for dry or wet locations, Wire Grabber’s hold onbraided wire is unaffected by oil or grease. And it holds anangular load just as secure as any other staticload up to 100 lbs.There is no spring – just tighten thescrew to engage the six points ofcontact that firmly grip the braidedwire. Once the screw is tightened,that wire is not going anywhere!Our CSA/UL ListedBox Extenders extendset back electrical boxesup to 1-1/2".Made of heavy-duty,non-conductive plastic,they level and supportwiring devices, andprotect wires againstdamage and stripping.BE1R for round oroctagonal boxes, thesingle (BE1), two-gang(BE2) for all standarddevices, switches andGFCIs – and nowthree- and four-gangbox extenders formultiple gang boxes!BE4ArlingtonBE3BE1© 2001-2010 Arlington Industries Inc.BE2BE1RTry them all for the safe, easy wayto meet CEC 12-3018 (1) for flushboxes!© 2001 Arlington Industries Inc.800/233-4717 • www.aifittings.comArlington© 2008 Arlington Industries, Inc.NEW!ArlingtonFLG3Wire Grabber800/233-4717 • www.arlnew.com Patent pending© 2010 Arlington Industries, Inc.READY TO INSTALLLISTED, 1-PIECE UNITMounts fixturessecurely toceilinggridUntitled-4 1Scranton, PA 18517 • 800/233-4717 • www.arlnew.com/420• Easy length adjustmentwithout kinking or bendingthe wire• Connector shipsfully assembledFIXTURE BOXfor SUSPENDED CEILINGSSave!Arlington’s all-metal, one-piece fixture box ships readyto install on a 24" suspended ceiling grid – no assemblyrequired!Arlington’s one-piece FS420SCL not only saves timeand money, but is tested, listed to hold up to 50 lbs.as required by the 2008 NEC.No more guessworkCompare our one-piece fixture box with untested,separate components assembled in the field. A multipieceinstallation using a separate bracket andbox with a wire attached is anunknown that is not testedor listed for support.• Position box anywherealong the bracket$4.00 EA in laborwith similar costsfor materialsvs Multi-piece AssembliesFS420SCLPatents pending• Costs less than fieldassembledcomponents• Acceptable for usein environmental airhandling spacesLOW COST CONNECTORWITH THE WIDEST CORD RANGELPCG50ArlingtonNEW!PatentedLPCG50WWhite withmatching sealing ringGrommetBEFORE tighteningGrommettightened800/233-4717 • www.aifittings.com14-3 12-314-4 12-412-212-3Cable Ranges for LPCG508/16/10 3:15:03 PMgton_EB_April10.indd Arlington-FINAL_EB_Oct_10.indd 11 3/24/10 9/15/10 3:13:58 4:46:40 PM© 2010 Arlington Industries, Inc.CABLE SPACER for Power & Low Voltage CableThe SPACER – Arlington’sversatile new cable spacerholds up to eight individualcables centeredon a 2x4.Installationis quickand easy.Just nail orCS14screw The SPACER to awood or metal stud!• Holds a single or doublerow of power or lowvoltage cables:- One to eight 14/2- One to four 14/3,12/2,10/2- One or two 12/3• Positions, fastens, routespower or datacom cable• Complies with article300.4 (d) of NECArlingtonTabfor easycenteringon 2x4Screw-onNow AvailableCS14SCCS14 &CS14SChold up toeight 14/2cables800/233-4717 • www.aifittings.comTMCS14Easy,nail oninstallationto woodArlington’s low profile cord grips offer the widest cableranges in the industry!• Superior pullout Connector Componentsresistance• Liquid and oil-tight• Non-metallicThe 1/2" connectors in this series have a combined cordrange of .100 to .750. LPCG50 (shown) works with themost common cable sizes: .200 to .472.Cable Communication SJ & S & SJTO STORange & Control Wire SJO SO22-2 18-2 18-2 18-2 18-2.20020-2 18-3 18-3 18-3 18-320-3 16-2 16-2 16-2 16-220-4 16-4 16-3 16-4 18-4to 18-2 16-3 16-4 16-3 16-3.47218-3 16-4 14-2 14-2 14-216-4 14-314-2 14-4C© Arlington Industries, Inc.

it's your businessGuarantees and risk reversalRON COLEMAN, B. Comm., FCCA CMCWhat guarantees do we provide to our customers?Which ones should we be providing?How do our guarantees differ from those ofthe competition?First of all, guaranteeing the product installed willwork as it should is a given. Everyone guarantees it,and consumers expect it from everyone.Are Are You You Ready for for AffordableOutdoor LED LED Lighting?Area LightsArea LightsWallpack on GarageWallpack on GarageOur most advanced technologyavailableOurat anmostunbelievableadvancedpricetechnologyin Canadaavailable at an unbelievable price in CanadaBollardsBollardsServices are a little harder to guarantee because theyare harder to measure but, by and large, all reputablebusinesses work toward making sure their services areup to par. If not, word will get around and the businesswill die.So what, then, should you be guaranteeing that willset you apart from the competition?Wallpack on Self StorageWallpack on Self StorageNew!Process. When you ask your customerswhat frustrates them when dealingwith you, the answer is likely to involvesomething related to the process.I asked a residential HVAC servicecontractor what he guarantees. Heanswered that the equipment is guaranteedfor X years and the labour forY years. However, when I asked his customerswhat they would like guaranteed,I got totally different responses, such as:• When I schedule the call, I wish thecontractor would tell me when he willarrive, and actually arrive at that time(to within 30 minutes).• I wish he would not leave such amess behind.• I wish I could get a clearer understandingof the cost before work starts.• I wish the technicians were dressednicer. They often look scruffy, and itmakes me nervous.These are all process issues, and allwithin a contractor’s control. I encouragethem all to build their guaranteesaround these areas.I get some resistance to these itemsbut, again, the top 25% of contractorsprovide these process guarantees.In your own business, you could dealwith the timing schedule by doing arisk reversal:We have scheduled your call for 3 p.m.today. We guarantee to arrive within 30minutes of that time. If we cannot meet thatdeadline, we will call you at least four hoursin advance to reschedule. If we fail to do that,we will reduce our bill by $25.As a manager, you need to know howoften you have to pay out the $25, andthat will give you a good indicator ofthe success (or failure) of your schedulingguarantee.Customers want assurances that workwill be done on time and on budget, andthat you respond promptly to queries...not unlike the way contractors want tobe treated by generals.www.rclighting.ca 888 722-1000 custserv@rclighting.cawww.rclighting.ca 888 722-1000 custserv@rclighting.caRon Coleman, a memberof theInstitute of CertifiedManagement Consultantsof British Columbia, justpublished his latest book,“Becoming Contractorof the Year”, whichteaches you how tomake more moneywhile having morefun. A noted speaker,he has completed many interfirmfinancial comparisons of groups of constructioncompanies in Canada and the United States. Ron’snumerous published education programs include a36-hour business management course specificallydesigned for ECABC. Visit www.ronaldcoleman.ca.RClighting_EB_Oct_10.indd 144 • December/January 2010/11 • www.EBMag.com9/14/10 12:36:39 PM

Get betterwork trucks by writingbetter specificationsBob JohnsonEvents like The Work Truck Show give fleet managers theopportunity to learn how to write better specifications and toclosely examine various vehicles and components.situation. After all, the first step in developinga specification is to determine what the jobrequirements are. If you and the end-users youwork with don’t know what you need, how canyou expect someone who is not connected withyour business to know? You must be the expert.Many fleet managers confess that they just don’tknow how to write specs. Admittedly, writing agood specification isn’t easy. You need to understandissues such as regulatory compliance; vehiclepayload and weight distribution calculations;matching truck bodies and equipment (secondunit) to the chassis; and truck powertrain design.Fortunately, there are a number of resources availableto educate fleet managers about these topics.ESW 2011Toronto Sheraton CentreJANUARY 24 - 28, 2011If you’re like most fleet managers, youare constantly looking for ways toimprove the quality and productivity ofyour work trucks, while at the sametime reducing your maintenance and operatingcosts. One of the best strategies toaccomplish these goals is to improve theequipment specification process. The specificationsyou provide to the chassis dealerand upfitter(s) who will supply your truckmountedequipment will ultimatelydetermine how productive and cost-efficientyour new work truck will be.Getting startedMore and more fleets rely on third parties,including chassis dealers, equipment distributors,body and equipment companies,and leasing companies, to provide worktruck specifications. There are a number ofreasons behind this trend, including manyfleet managers’ increased workloads; lackof knowledge about the functional requirementsof the vehicle, limited awarenessof the products available to meet thoserequirements and a simple lack of trainingin how to develop a quality specification.Chassis dealers, body and equipmentcompanies, and equipment distributors canbe valuable resources in the work truckspecification process. Many are factorytrainedand can provide recommendationsabout the best products for your applicationsbased on OEM specifications andtheir own experience working with organizationssimilar to your own.It’s up to you to apply theirexpertise and suggestions to your own Tutorials Products &Services Expo StandardsWorking Groups ExpertPresentations Technical Tours and moreRegister Now!www.ewh.ieee.org/cmte/ias-esw2011 IEEE IAS <strong>Electrical</strong> Safety WorkshopCHANGING THE ELECTRICAL SAFETY CULTURE...an international forum for changing the electrical safety cultureand serving to advance application of technology, work practices,codes and regulations to prevent electrical incidents and injuriesin the workplace...Untitled-4 111/23/10 3:53:28 PMwww.EBMag.com • December/January 2010/11 • 45

You don’t have to jump into thespec’ing process all at once. You canstart with the chassis or the second unit,whichever you are more comfortablewith, and learn the total process insteps. Qualified truck chassis dealers,equipment distributors, and body andequipment companies are willing to helpyou understand what is needed to getthe job done. Another great resourceis the National Truck EquipmentAssociation (NTEA). In addition tooffering training about developingspecifications, the NTEA providesfleet members with basic engineeringassistance and guidance through thespecification-writing process.The first step in developing any specificationis to research the requirementsfor the job that the truck and equipmentwill perform. Your equipment operatorscan help provide this information basedon their daily experience with existingvehicles. Another important source ofinformation is the maintenance shop.The people who maintain and repairyour equipment can give you valuableinsights into what typically goes wrongwith existing units. This information canhelp you design your new equipment toavoid those problems. This, in turn, willreduce your maintenance costs and preventunnecessary downtime.Once you have done your basicresearch, it is time to determine if youare going to write the specificationsyourself or involve a third party. Whenmaking this decision, remember thatthe hardest part of the entire processis the initial assessment and research.When properly referenced in a purchaseorder for a new piece of equipment, thespecification becomes the controllingdocument for the entire process. Thatmeans that by controlling the developmentof the specification, you are alsocontrolling the ultimate end product.Types of specificationsThere are a number of different typesand formats of specifications. The mostcommon types include:• Engineered: High level of detail to includespecific material and dimensional requirements,manufacturing processes, etc.• Functional: Addresses specific job requirementswith minimal other detail.• Performance: Provides specific performancerequirements (cycle times, capacities, etc.) but typicallydoes not address issues such as equipment layout.• Hybrid: Combines aspects of the other three types asappropriate to fully define a unit without becomingover-involved in detailed engineering requirements.The most common format of specifications for worktruck bodies and equipment is the hybrid. Functionaland performance specifications are also useful whenissuing requests for proposals (RFP) or requestsfor information (RFI). Truck chassis specificationsare typically a special variation of an engineeredspecification where the writer calls out specificcomponents and design requirements based on theengineering work that has already been done by thechassis manufacturer.Going beyond the various types of specifications,there are also two common formats for writing specs.These are the matrix format, where the writer listsa specific item or requirement in one column andthen provides a brief description in another column.This format works very well for chassis. The otherformat, which is popular for bodies and equipment, isthe narrative style, where the writer provides longer,more detailed descriptions for each requirement.PitfallsWhile a properly written specification can save youmoney and ensure that the finished product meetsyour requirements, a poorly written specification cancost you money. If the specification is too loose, thevendor’s product may not meet your requirementsand you could incur additional expense in the formof change orders, reduced productivity, or highermaintenance costs over the life of the unit. On theother hand, a specification that is written too tightlymay force suppliers to make changes to their standardproducts that serve no real purpose. When writingspecifications, it is critical to strike the appropriatebalance between defining exactly what you need andallowing vendors to utilize their standard componentsto the greatest extent possible.Learning moreA significant amount of information on truck specificationsis available to fleet managers through TheNational Truck Equipment Association (NTEA,www.ntea.com). Several educational sessions on worktruck specification development are slated for TheWork Truck Show 2011, which runs March 7-10at the Indiana Convention Center in Indianapolis.Topics include: designing work truck bodies andequipment, chassis specification development, powertrainanalysis, and truck frame basics.Bob Johnson is a former fleet manager and currentlyserves as director of fleet relations for the National TruckEquipment Association (NTEA). He will lead three technicalsessions on work truck specification at The WorkTruck Show 2011. Visit www.ntea.com.Hammond_EB_Jan09.indd 146 • December/January 2010/11 • www.EBMag.com1/15/09 11:58:51 AM

BICSI Winter Conference & ExhibitionJanuary 16-20, 2011, Orlando, Fla.Visit www.bicsi.org“Changing the <strong>Electrical</strong> Safety Culture”18th IEEE IAS Annual <strong>Electrical</strong> SafetyWorkshopIEEE Industry Applications SocietyJanuary 24-28, 2011, Toronto, Ont.Visit tinyurl.com/ESWJan2011<strong>Electrical</strong> <strong>Business</strong> is proud to bea Supporter and Media Partner!BC Power SymposiumJanuary 25-26, 2011, Vancouver, B.C.Visit tinyurl.com/BCPower2011Utility Products Conference & ExhibitionFebruary 1-3, 2011, San Diego, Calif.Visit www.utilityproductsexpo.comDistribuTechFebruary 1-3, 2011, San Diego, Calif.Visit www.distributech.comNETA PowerTestInterNational <strong>Electrical</strong> TestingAssociationFebruary 21-24, 2011, Washington, D.C.Visit www.powertest.orgThe Work Truck ShowNTEA (National TruckEquipment Association)March 7-10, 2011, Indianapolis, Ind.Visit www.ntea.comECAO Industry Conference<strong>Electrical</strong> ContractorsAssociation of OntarioMarch 19-26, 2011, Guanacaste,Costa RicaVisit www.ecao.orgAEL <strong>Electrical</strong> Learning ExpoAlberta <strong>Electrical</strong> League -Calgary <strong>Electrical</strong> ClubMarch 24, 2011, Red Deer, Alta.Visit www.elecleague.ab.caIAEI Spring Technical SeminarsInt’l Assoc. of <strong>Electrical</strong> Inspectors(Ontario Section)March 26, 2011, Details TBAWILL BETHERE!WILL BETHERE!WILL BETHERE!OEL <strong>Electrical</strong> Industry ConferenceOntario <strong>Electrical</strong> LeagueMay 4-7, 2011, Guelph, Ont.Visit www.oel.orgLightfairMay 15-19, 2011, Philadelphia, Pa.(New Location)Visit www.lightfair.comHalogen Freeversion availableupon requestWILL BETHERE!WILL BETHERE!calendarVisit EBMag.comand click Calendar to see an extensive list of upcoming events.You may have noticed this VIDEO ICON (the movie camera) inthe pages of <strong>Electrical</strong> <strong>Business</strong> and wondered what it’s allabout. Wonder no more! When you see the VIDEO ICON next to anitem in the magazine, it means there is an associated video on our website.Be sure to check it out! Visit www.EBMag.com and click VIDEOS.Future Building 2011March 29-31, Kingston, Ont.Visit www.futurebuilding.caEFC Annual General MeetingElectro-Federation CanadaApril 19, 2011, Toronto, Ont.Visit www.electrofed.comWILL BETHERE!WILL BETHERE!MCEEApril 20-21, 2011, Montreal, Que.Visit www.mcee.caWILL BETHERE!Lapp_EB_May10.indd 14/1/10 11:04:56 AMwww.EBMag.com • December/January 2010/11 • 47

productsStandard Products introducesT5HO fluorescents in 49 wattsStandard introduced T5HO fluorescentlamps in 49 watts, saying theyoffer ìa great alternative to 54WT5HO lamps, as you instantly save5W per lampî, without compromisingperformance, light output or life.LEDINNOVATIONALX LED AREA FAMILYluminaires elevates theuser commercial parking lotsvertical design or more over technologies.ALXW LED WALL PACKarea luminaire.AVAILABLE SUMMER 2010The 49W lamps are available in 3000K, 3500 K, 4100 K and 5000 K colourtemperatures, with a CRI (ColourRendering Index) of 85; they boast anaverage life of 35,000 hours (based ona 12-hour start) or 25,000 hours (basedon a 3-hour start), and 95% lumenmaintenance.STANDARD PRODUCTSwww.standardpro.comAPPLICATIONSRTLEDRTLED advanced LED technology provides a superior lightingenvironment.heat dissipation app3400 LUMEN PACKAGE COMING SOON3100 SERIES LED BOLLARDCANDEO ® LEDBlending Downlight Performance withLED Technologydynamic color changing LED technologywww.acuitybrands.comRT5D LEDVolumetric lighting meets LED technology in theGateway ® LEDDoM LEDThe DoM series is a provides a structurally soundhousing that is as Schneider Electric Square D ModelIII package unit substationSchneider Electric revealed itsModel III package unit substation forhealthcare facilities, data centres andindustrial environments where limitedspace is a concern. The Model III footprintis 48-in. deep by 62.75-74.75-in.wide by 90-in. tall with a total weightof less than 8000 lb. It contributes toLEED certification, says Schneider,with improved power losses and bettervoltage regulation. It allows for expansionbecause you can add new loadareas without affecting the substation.The front-accessible units can beinstalled against a wall or in a cornerwithout de-rating, and each has beenbuilt to UL safety requirements.SCHNEIDER ELECTRICwww.schneider-electric.comMilwaukee sub-compact hammerdrill-driver 2411-22Milwaukee ElectricTool Corp. expandedits M12 lithium-ion systemwith the introduction of whatit calls the industry’s first subcompacthammer drill/driver.The tool delivers 275 in-lb oftorque and 0-400/0-1500 rpm,measures 7-5/8-in. long and weighs2.8 lb. The M12 hammer drill/driver features a metal gear housingfor durability and a single-sleeve,metal-ratcheting chuck for good bitretention. An integrated ‘fuel’ gaugeand LED light provide added userconvenience. The tool is among thefirst to be powered by the recentlyintroduced RedLithium batterytechnology.MILWAUKEEwww.milwaukeetool.comGenerac CorePower Systemresidential standby generatorGenerac Power Systems Inc. hasintroduced its CorePower System forhomeowners; it boastsan all-weather compositeenclosure andcompact design. The7kW system consists ofa generator and transferswitch packagedtogether at a price point,says Generac, that is less than anyother automatic standby generator andswitch combination on the market.Additional features include: three ofthe four sides slide off for full serviceabilityaccess, and digital controllerwith LED light status and fault indicators.The 50A transfer switch featuresan 8-circuit load centre with breakers,and a 4-in. depth for flush mounting.GENERAC POWER SYSTEMSwww.generac.comUntitled-1 148 • December/January 2010/11 • www.EBMag.com9/16/10 9:43:11 AM

®NEWWANTEDMolded Case Circuit Breakers. New & Used, All Brands.Motor Control & MCC. Buckets in A&B, S.D. & W.H. & C.H.Please call, email or fax Ralph Falvo with your list.Fluke_prod2_EB_April10.indd 18/16/10 3:58:07 PMluke_prod1_EB_April10.indd Fluke_prod1_EB_Sep_10.indd 118/16/10 3:58:07 PMIntroducing the mostadvanced family ofclamp meters – ever.The 381 – True-RMS AC/DCClamp Meter – full featuredwith industry’s first detachableremote display and the 376True-RMS AC/DC designedfor testing high currentapplications in the toughestindustrial environments. Bothare shipped with the new FlukeiFlex TM flexible current probeto fit into tight spaces andexpand their measurementrange to 2500A ac.www.flukecanada.caFluke brings you thefirst affordable 320 x240 resolution infraredthermal imager builtto withstand a 6.5 footdrop. IR-Fusion® andSmartView® analyzingand reporting softwareincluded. It’s got thepicture-in-picturequality you’ll want tofind it, fix it, fast!www.flukecanada.caFALVO ELECTRICAL SUPPLY LTD.5838-87A St., Edmonton, Alberta1-800-661-8892780-466-8078 Fax 780-468-1181email: rjf@falvo.com3/18/10 11:23:26 8/16/10 AM 3:58:07 PM6/8/10 12:46:11 PMBritech_EB_April10.indd 1ElecLOADBANKSfor RENT600V,480V & 208V Genset load testingand UPS load testing equipment.Metering, Cables and tech support available.Shipped anywhere.Call 1-800-385-4421 for rates.WE BUY AND SELL GENERATORSRAYLEWPOWER SYSTEMS INC.Electric Power Generating Equipment Inc.www.raylewpower.com3/17/10 3:15:17 LStoch_EB_Aug09.indd PM1product showcaseon Engineering Services:• <strong>Electrical</strong> Utility Audits• Professional Development& Training• <strong>Electrical</strong> Fire & AccidentInvestigations• Quality ManagementConsulting & AuditingL. Stoch and AssociatesMississauga, Ontario, CanadaTel: (905) 828-2262 Fax: (905) 828-2526Email: info@lstoch.caWebsite: www.lstoch.caDon’t miss outon your next issue of<strong>Electrical</strong> <strong>Business</strong>Sign up for yourFREE SUBSCRIPTIONIt’s fast, it’s easy and it’s free!Here’s how:For fastestservice visitwww.ebmag.comand click thesubscribe buttonPM # 4 063602SECUREX/LVTFIRE ALARM ANDLV CONTROL CABLELEAD FREEwww.ebmag.comA CLB MEDIA INC. PUBLICATION • MAY 2009 • VOLUME 45 • ISSUE 5Open protocoldigital lightingAlso in this issue .7/13/09 10:07:24 AMFutureBuilding 2009 a.k.a. “We built that!”(Page 7)Learning to provide energy e ficiency services (Page 20)• ECAA enhanced Master Electrician program (Page 16)T&B_lug_EB_April09.in d 1 4/6/09 1:39:49 AMNexans_EB_April08.in d 1 3/26/08 9:32: 3 AMEB_May09_1-14.in d 1 5/14/098: 4:53 AMADVERTISER INDEXRaylew_EB_Feb09.indd 13/19/08 2:11:41 PMFalvo_EB_April08.indd 1Falvo_EB.indd 1 1/11/07 12:14:25 PM1/15/09 EB 12:11:49 subscription PM quarter page.indd 17/29/09 11:20:21 AMADVERTISERPAGEADVERTISER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PAGEADVERTISER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PAGE3M Canada . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9Acuity Brands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48Arlington Industries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43Brady Canada . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16Britech Corp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49Chess Controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25Code Safety Associates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41CSA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38,50Falvo <strong>Electrical</strong> Supply Ltd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49Flextherm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35FLIR Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17Fluke Electronics Canada . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49GE Consumer & Industrial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14Graybar Canada . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10Hammond Manufacturing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46Hammond Power Solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21Hubbell Wiring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32IED Limited Partnership . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52IEEE <strong>Electrical</strong> Safety Workshop . . . . . . . . . . 45IPEX Inc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31Lapp Canada Inc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47Leviton Manufacturing Co . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18Nexans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1Northern Cables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7Raylew Power Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49RC Lighting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44Schneider Electric . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51Southwire Canada . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26-27Standard Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2Stanpro Lighting Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23Techspan Industries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12Thomas & Betts Canada . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,5,11Ultrasave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28www.EBMag.com • December/January 2010/11 • 49

code fileLes Stoch, P.Eng.Hazardous Locations - Section 18Section 18 of the Canadian <strong>Electrical</strong> Code(CEC) contains the rules for electricalequipment and wiring in locations where:flammable vapours, gases or mists could create afire or explosion; and dusts capable of creating afire or explosion or ignitable fibres are present.Let’s review a number of requirements applicableto Class I explosive gas atmospheres whenclassified in accordance with either the EuropeanZone or North American Division methods ofclassification.CEC Rule 18-002, Special Terminology,defines an explosive gas atmosphere as:a mixture with air, under atmospheric conditions,of flammable substances in the form of gas,vapour or mist in which, after ignition, combustionspreads throughout the unconsumed mixture.In other words, you could get a fire or explosion.According to Rule 18-000, the Zone systemof classification must always be used for newinstallations where hazardous concentrations ofgases, vapours or mists are present in quantitiesthat could create a fire or explosion. Rule 18-000also goes on to say that we are permitted toQuestions and answers compiled by the <strong>Electrical</strong> Safety Authority VISIT WWW.ESASAFE.COMTackle The CodeConundrum...if you dareAnswers to this month’squestions in February’s<strong>Electrical</strong> <strong>Business</strong>.How did you dowith the last quiz?Are you a...Master Electrician ? (3 of 3)Journeyman ? (2 of 3)Apprentice ? (1 of 3)Plumber ?! (0 of 3)Question 1In branch circuits derived from a 4-wire groundedneutral system, 3 single-pole manually operablecircuit breakers shall be permitted to be usedin lieu of a 3-pole circuit breaker (provided theirhandles are interlocked with a device provided bythe manufacturer).a) Trueb) FalseQuestion 2Where single-conductor metal-sheathed cablesare installed so as to prevent the flow of sheathcurrents (in accordance with Rule 4-008), thecables shall have their sheath or armour bondedtogether and to ground at the supply end, andthereafter have their sheath or armour isolatedfrom each other and from ground.a) Trueb) FalseQuestion 3Pole-top branch circuits for outdoor floodlightinginstallations shall have overcurrent protectionrated or set at no more than [ ___ ] amps.a) 15 amps c) 60 ampsb) 40 amps d) 100 ampscontinue using the Division system for renovationsor modifications to existing facilities thatmay already have been classified by the Divisionmethod. The rules for application of the Divisionmethod of classification are found in Appendix J.When we use the Zone system of classification,hazardous locations are considered those areascontaining flammable or explosive gases, vapoursor mists. When using the Division system, youmay already have noticed a small difference—thatthe word “mists” is excluded.The Zone system of classification is arrangedinto three stages. Rule 18-006 specifies thatwithin a Zone 0, an explosive gas atmosphere ispresent continuously or for long periods. Withina Zone 1, an explosive gas atmosphere is likely,or the location is adjacent to a Zone 0. Withina Zone 2, an explosive gas atmosphere is consideredunlikely, may only be present for a shorttime, or be located next to a Zone 1 (unless preventedby positive-pressure ventilation).The Division system of classification comprisesonly two divisions. Rule J18-006 specifiesthat within a Class I, Division 1 location, anexplosive gas atmosphere is likely to occur continuously,intermittently or periodically. WithinAnswers to Code ConundrumEBMag November 2010Q-1: Ground bushings and bonding jumpersare required to bond the armour of typeACWU cable at a service entrance..b) False. Rule 10-606(2) permits the useof box connectors with standard locknutsat services for bonding the armour of thosetypes of cable incorporating an internalbonding conductor.Q-2: A trade size 16 conduit shall bepermitted to contain [ ___ ] #12 AWGTWN75 conductorsa) 9. Subrule # 12-1014(5) & Table 6.Q-3: Class [ ___ ] fuses shall be permittedwhere a standard interrupting rating of10,000A symmetrical or less is required.a) Class H fuses. Rule 14-212.a Division 2 location, an explosive gas atmosphereis unlikely, present for only a short time, or locatednext to a Division 1 location (unless prevented bypositive-pressure ventilation).You may have noticed that the Zone 2 and Division2 classifications are identical, but that Zone1 and Division 1 are somewhat different. That’sbecause the Zone system has an extra category: Zone0. Only intrinsically safe wiring and equipment maybe located within a Zone 0. These circuits are protectedby intrinsically safe barriers and do not havesufficient energy to ignite the flammable or explosivesubstances within a Zone 0.As an example, an electric lighting or motor circuitcould not be located within a Zone 0; only measurement,control or communications circuits. Theexplosive vapour above the surface of a flammableliquid within an enclosed tank could be a Zone 0.The Division system of classifying Class I locationsdoes not have the same restriction for electricalequipment installations and, therefore, the requirementsare different.The table shown in paragraph J1.2 of CEC 2009Canadian Electric Code contains valuable informationon the types of electrical equipment permittedfor use in explosive gas atmospheres, classified byeither method. Although the wording may seemdifferent, the table shows that identical types ofequipment are permitted in Zone 2 and Division 2locations. The table also shows that Class I, Divisiontypes of electrical equipment may be installed in aZone 1 location, but that Zone 1 equipment is notpermitted in a Class I, Division 1 location. That’sbecause that equipment has not been tested andapproved for Zone 0, which may be integral to someClass 1, Division 1 locations.Les Stoch is president of L. Stoch & Associates, specialists inquality management/engineering services. He is a memberof PEO, OEL and IAEI, and develops and delivers electricalcode and technical workshops for Dalhousie University. Healso developed the Master Electrician training program andexam (Ontario) for the <strong>Electrical</strong> Contractor RegistrationAgency. Visit L. Stoch & Associates online at www.lstoch.ca.Alwaysconsult the electricalinspection authorityin your province/territoryfor more specificinterpretations.Untitled-8 150 • December/January 2010/11 • www.EBMag.com11/16/10 2:59:10 PM

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