rain tank water metering for fixed/volumetric wastewater ... - Watercare

rain tank water metering for fixed/volumetric wastewater ... - Watercare rain tank water metering for fixed/volumetric wastewater ... - Watercare

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Q. Can I provide my own <strong>water</strong> meter?A. No. It is important <strong>for</strong> <strong>Watercare</strong> that a robust, reliable and accurate meter is used. Standardisingthe meter helps reduce the potential <strong>for</strong> meter reading errors. The Kent <strong>water</strong> meter is usedextensively across the <strong>Watercare</strong> network. It is well proven and each meter is certified tointernational accuracy standard (OIML R 49) which minimises the risk of problems <strong>for</strong> you and<strong>Watercare</strong>. <strong>Watercare</strong> has worked with its suppliers to make this meter and st<strong>rain</strong>er available to <strong>rain</strong><strong>tank</strong> customers at a substantially discounted price of $115 (normal retail $266).Q. Can I undertake my own <strong>water</strong> meter installation?A. No, you need to use a <strong>Watercare</strong>-approved installer. This avoids the need <strong>for</strong> a follow-upinspection and minimises the risk of problems arising as a result of installation. Furthermore, workon drinking <strong>water</strong> systems such as <strong>rain</strong> <strong>tank</strong>s is considered sanitary plumbing under the Plumbers,Gasfitters and D<strong>rain</strong>layers Act 2006 and as such must be undertaken or supervised by a certifiedplumber.Q. Where will the <strong>water</strong> meter be located?A. The meter reader will require easy, walk-up access to your property to read the <strong>water</strong> meterevery two months. Where a <strong>water</strong> pump is located inside a shed or building or under the house, theplumbing will need to be redirected so that the <strong>water</strong> meter is easy to access. Your <strong>Watercare</strong>approvedinstaller will be able to locate the <strong>water</strong> meter appropriately <strong>for</strong> you.Q. What if access to my property <strong>for</strong> meter reading is particularly difficult?A. In most cases, the meter reader should be able to access the meter. Your meter installer can letyou know whether the meter can be placed in a walk-up location <strong>for</strong> the meter reader. Pleaseensure any significant access issues are highlighted on your application <strong>for</strong>m.If your property is particularly difficult to access, and if there are significant health and safety issues<strong>for</strong> the meter reader, you may be able to install a remote meter reading device which can beattached to your <strong>water</strong> meter at your cost. However, these devices will only be approved inexceptional circumstances after initial inspection by the approved installers.Q. Can we use an automatic or remote meter reader?A. Automatic meter readers or remote meter reading is a technology promoted by some supplierswhereby a battery operated telemetry device is fitted to a compatible <strong>water</strong> meter and readremotely. <strong>Watercare</strong> uses a small number of these devices in carefully controlled circumstanceswhere there are significant health and safety issues or access problems. However, within NewZealand the technology has not yet undergone widespread uptake and implementation. <strong>Watercare</strong>is continuing to assess the use of such technology in this area.Q. Can I arrange <strong>for</strong> someone to check my property be<strong>for</strong>e I install my meter?A. In the first instance you should talk to your <strong>Watercare</strong> approved installer.Q. Can I still connect to the public metered <strong>water</strong> supply?A. Yes, if it is available in your street. An application can be made through new connections toconnect to the public <strong>water</strong> supply. Refer to ‘New Connections’ on the <strong>Watercare</strong> website or phoneour customer centre on 442 2222. Please note that a meter connection, processing fee andinfrastructure growth charge will apply.3

APPLYING TO WATERCARE FOR A CHANGE TO YOUR ACCOUNTQ. Now that my <strong>water</strong> meter is installed, how do I change to <strong>fixed</strong>/<strong>volumetric</strong> waste<strong>water</strong>charging?A. Please complete the Rain Tank Water Meter Application Form and send it to <strong>Watercare</strong> ServicesLimited, Private Bag 94010, Auckland, 2241. Alternatively you can scan the application <strong>for</strong>m andsend it to info@<strong>water</strong>.co.nz. The application <strong>for</strong>m includes your details and in<strong>for</strong>mation on theinstallation and placement of the <strong>water</strong> meter <strong>for</strong> our meter readers. The application fee <strong>for</strong>changing to <strong>fixed</strong>/<strong>volumetric</strong> waste<strong>water</strong> charging is $50 and this will be included on your <strong>Watercare</strong>bill.Q. When will I receive my first bill at the new <strong>fixed</strong>/<strong>volumetric</strong> waste<strong>water</strong> rate?A. The timing of your first <strong>fixed</strong>/<strong>volumetric</strong> bill will depend on when the meter reader is in your areafollowing the approval of your application. In some cases, it may take up to two months <strong>for</strong><strong>volumetric</strong> charges to appear on the bill.Please note, it could take a few months <strong>for</strong> your bills to settle into regular amounts as we gainin<strong>for</strong>mation about your usage and the estimation function becomes more accurate.Q. How is the <strong>fixed</strong>/<strong>volumetric</strong> waste<strong>water</strong> charge calculated?A. With a <strong>rain</strong> <strong>tank</strong> <strong>water</strong> meter, your waste<strong>water</strong> charges will have two parts:- a ‘<strong>volumetric</strong> charge’ which is based on the amount of <strong>water</strong> flowing through your <strong>rain</strong> <strong>tank</strong><strong>water</strong> meter.- a ‘<strong>fixed</strong> charge’ which is each household’s contribution to network maintenance.For this year’s rates, see <strong>Watercare</strong>’s ‘<strong>water</strong> & waste<strong>water</strong> charges’ on the websitewww.<strong>water</strong>care.co.nzQ. How do I tell if I am being billed <strong>volumetric</strong>ally?A. Under the “Details” section of your bill you will notice a reference to “Volumetric charges” and“Fixed charges”. This is because the <strong>fixed</strong>/<strong>volumetric</strong> waste<strong>water</strong> charge is made up of a <strong>fixed</strong>portion at $190 per annum and a <strong>volumetric</strong> charge at $2.281/KL.Note a KL or kilolitre is equivalent to 1000 litres.4

Q. How do I tell if my bill is an actual or an estimated reading?A. Refer to the <strong>water</strong> usage graph on the front of the bill. The small “A” or “E” will indicate whetherit is an actual or an estimate reading.Q. Can I revert back to a <strong>fixed</strong> waste<strong>water</strong> charge if my circumstances change?A. Once you move to <strong>fixed</strong>/<strong>volumetric</strong> charging <strong>for</strong> waste<strong>water</strong> you will not be able to switchbetween the two charging methods <strong>for</strong> a period of 12 months. Where a property changes hands, thenew owner can request a change back to <strong>fixed</strong> charging.METER READING AND DAY TO DAY OPERATIONQ. What if my <strong>water</strong> meter is inaccurate or malfunctioning?A. Where <strong>Watercare</strong> suspects a <strong>water</strong> meter is malfunctioning, we will notify you and require thatthe meter is tested. <strong>Watercare</strong> reserves the right to return your account to the standard <strong>fixed</strong>waste<strong>water</strong> charge after the next actual reading if the faulty meter has not been checked, repairedor replaced. The meter has a standard 12 month warranty. If you suspect a problem you shouldcontact your installer or local plumber in the first instance.Q. What if there is a leak in my <strong>water</strong> meter or pipes?A. Refer to the “checking <strong>for</strong> <strong>water</strong> leaks” section on the <strong>Watercare</strong> website which should help youto determine if there is a <strong>water</strong> leak. As a <strong>rain</strong> <strong>tank</strong> customer, you are responsible <strong>for</strong> the ownershipand maintenance of all the pipes and the <strong>water</strong> meter associated with your private <strong>rain</strong> <strong>tank</strong> system.If you have issues with a leak or other problems with your <strong>water</strong> supply, then you should contactyour installer or local plumber in the first instance. If a leak is identified and <strong>fixed</strong>, a leak rebate <strong>for</strong> aportion of the waste<strong>water</strong> charge may be available. Refer to ‘Leak Allowance’ on the website <strong>for</strong>further in<strong>for</strong>mation.Q. My <strong>water</strong> meter has just been installed and there is a problem with my <strong>water</strong> supply – who do Icall?A. Call your installer or local plumber.Q. Will I need to replace my <strong>water</strong> meter in the future?A. Yes. Water meters are mechanical devices and are subject to wear and tear. They becomeinaccurate over time and need to be replaced. Factors such as the variability of <strong>water</strong> pressure anddebris may also affect the durability of the meter. Even if your <strong>water</strong> meter is not suspected ofbeing faulty, after a prolonged period of use <strong>Watercare</strong> may request that you have your metertested and/or replaced. The normal accurate operating life of a quality <strong>water</strong> meter is estimated at15 years.Q. The gates to my house are locked – how will the meter reader get access?A. <strong>Watercare</strong>’s meter readers can offer to send a text or leave an automated phone message the daybe<strong>for</strong>e the meter is to be read so as the gate can be left unlocked. Please notify us on yourapplication <strong>for</strong>m if there is an issue with gates or other access issues such as dogs.5

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