MSC 85/26/Add.2 ANNEX 3 RESOLUTION MSC.268(85) - US Coast ...

MSC 85/26/Add.2 ANNEX 3 RESOLUTION MSC.268(85) - US Coast ... MSC 85/26/Add.2 ANNEX 3 RESOLUTION MSC.268(85) - US Coast ...
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MSC 85/26/Add.2ANNEX 3Page 68CLEAN-UPNo special requirements.EMERGENCY PROCEDURESSPECIAL EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT TO BE CARRIEDProtective clothing (gloves, overalls, headgear).Self-contained breathing apparatus.Spray nozzles.EMERGENCY PROCEDURESWear protective clothing and self-contained breathing apparatus.EMERGENCY ACTION IN THE EVENT OF FIREUse copious quantities of water, which is best applied in the form of a spray to avoid disturbing thesurface of the material. The material may fuse or melt; in which condition application of water mayresult in extensive scattering of the molten materials. Exclusion of air or the use of CO 2 will not controlthe fire. Due consideration should be given to the effect on the stability of the ship due toaccumulated water.MEDICAL FIRST AIDRefer to the Medical First Aid Guide (MFAG), as amended.I:\MSC\85\26-Add-2.doc

MSC 85/26/Add.2ANNEX 3Page 69ALUMINIUM SILICON POWDER, UNCOATED UN 1398DESCRIPTIONPowderCHARACTERISTICSANGLE OF REPOSE BULK DENSITY (kg/m 3 ) STOWAGE FACTOR (m 3 /t)Not applicable - -SIZE CLASS GROUPNot applicable 4.3 BHAZARDIn contact with water may evolve hydrogen, a flammable gas which may form explosivemixtures with air. Impurities may, under similar circumstances, produce phosphine and arsine,which are highly toxic gases. May also evolve silanes, which are toxic and may ignitespontaneously.This cargo is non-combustible or has a low fire-risk.STOWAGE & SEGREGATION“Separated from” foodstuffs and all class 8 liquids.HOLD CLEANLINESSClean and dry as relevant to the hazards of the cargo.WEATHER PRECAUTIONSThis cargo shall be kept as dry as practicable before loading, during loading and during voyage.This cargo shall not be loaded during precipitation. During loading of this cargo all non-workinghatches of the cargo spaces to which this cargo is loaded or to be loaded shall be closed.LOADINGTrim in accordance with the relevant provisions required under sections 4 and 5 of the Code.PRECAUTIONSPrior to loading this cargo, a certificate shall be provided by the manufacturer or shipper statingthat the material was stored under cover, but exposed to the weather in the particle size to beshipped, for not less than 3 days prior to shipment. The bulkheads between the cargo spaces andthe engine-room shall be gastight and shall be inspected and approved by the competentauthority. During handling of this cargo, “NO SMOKING” signs shall be posted on decks and inareas adjacent to cargo spaces and no naked lights shall be permitted in these areas. This cargoshall be loaded in cargo spaces fitted with mechanical ventilation having at least two separatefans. The total ventilation shall be at least six air changes per hour, based on the empty space.At least two sets of self-contained breathing apparatus, in addition to those required by SOLASregulation II-2/10.10, shall be provided on board.I:\MSC\85\26-Add-2.doc

<strong>MSC</strong> <strong>85</strong>/<strong>26</strong>/<strong>Add.2</strong><strong>ANNEX</strong> 3Page 69ALUMINIUM SILICON POWDER, UNCOATED UN 1398DESCRIPTIONPowderCHARACTERISTICSANGLE OF REPOSE BULK DENSITY (kg/m 3 ) STOWAGE FACTOR (m 3 /t)Not applicable - -SIZE CLASS GROUPNot applicable 4.3 BHAZARDIn contact with water may evolve hydrogen, a flammable gas which may form explosivemixtures with air. Impurities may, under similar circumstances, produce phosphine and arsine,which are highly toxic gases. May also evolve silanes, which are toxic and may ignitespontaneously.This cargo is non-combustible or has a low fire-risk.STOWAGE & SEGREGATION“Separated from” foodstuffs and all class 8 liquids.HOLD CLEANLINESSClean and dry as relevant to the hazards of the cargo.WEATHER PRECAUTIONSThis cargo shall be kept as dry as practicable before loading, during loading and during voyage.This cargo shall not be loaded during precipitation. During loading of this cargo all non-workinghatches of the cargo spaces to which this cargo is loaded or to be loaded shall be closed.LOADINGTrim in accordance with the relevant provisions required under sections 4 and 5 of the Code.PRECAUTIONSPrior to loading this cargo, a certificate shall be provided by the manufacturer or shipper statingthat the material was stored under cover, but exposed to the weather in the particle size to beshipped, for not less than 3 days prior to shipment. The bulkheads between the cargo spaces andthe engine-room shall be gastight and shall be inspected and approved by the competentauthority. During handling of this cargo, “NO SMOKING” signs shall be posted on decks and inareas adjacent to cargo spaces and no naked lights shall be permitted in these areas. This cargoshall be loaded in cargo spaces fitted with mechanical ventilation having at least two separatefans. The total ventilation shall be at least six air changes per hour, based on the empty space.At least two sets of self-contained breathing apparatus, in addition to those required by SOLASregulation II-2/10.10, shall be provided on board.I:\<strong>MSC</strong>\<strong>85</strong>\<strong>26</strong>-Add-2.doc

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