MSC 85/26/Add.2 ANNEX 3 RESOLUTION MSC.268(85) - US Coast ...

MSC 85/26/Add.2 ANNEX 3 RESOLUTION MSC.268(85) - US Coast ... MSC 85/26/Add.2 ANNEX 3 RESOLUTION MSC.268(85) - US Coast ...
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MSC 85/26/Add.2ANNEX 3Page 180ventilation. In any case mechanical ventilation shall be maintained for a reasonable period priorto discharge. Refer to the appendix to this schedule.CARRIAGEFor quantitative measurements of hydrogen, phosphine and arsine, suitable detectors for each gasor combination of gases shall be on board while this cargo is carried. The detectors shall be ofcertified safe type for use in explosive atmosphere. The concentrations of these gases in thecargo spaces carrying this cargo shall be measured regularly, during voyage, and the results ofthe measurements shall be recorded and kept on board.DISCHARGERefer to the appendix to this schedule.CLEAN-UPAfter discharge of this cargo, the cargo spaces shall be swept clean twice.Water shall not be used for cleaning of the cargo space which has contained this cargo, becauseof danger of gas.EMERGENCY PROCEDURESSPECIAL EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT TO BE CARRIEDSelf-contained breathing apparatus.EMERGENCY PROCEDURESWear self-contained breathing apparatus.EMERGENCY ACTION IN THE EVENT OF FIREBatten down and use CO 2 if available. Do not use water.MEDICAL FIRST AIDRefer to the Medical First Aid Guide (MFAG), as amended.I:\MSC\85\26-Add-2.doc

MSC 85/26/Add.2ANNEX 3Page 181APPENDIXGENERAL REQUIREMENTS FOR CARRIAGE OF FERROSILICON1. Two sets of self-contained breathing apparatus shall be carried in the ship in addition tonormal fire-fighter’s outfit.2. Gas concentrations shall be measured, during the voyage, at least once during every eighthours at each outlet ventilator and in any other accessible space adjacent to the cargospace carrying this cargo and the results shall be recorded in the log-book. Facilities shallbe provided to make accurate determinations of the gas concentrations at each outletventilator without danger to the operator.3. Ventilation fans shall be in operation at all times from commencement of loading until thecargo space is free of ferrosilicon.4. The bilge wells shall be in a clean, dry condition before loading. The bilge timbers shallbe in good condition and covered with double burlap.5. The bilge wells shall be opened up and the cargo space cleaned up after discharging.A gas check shall be made before commencement of cleaning up.DETAILED REQUIREMENTSPrior to loading, the bulkheads to the engine-room shall be inspected and approved by thecompetent authority as gastight. Satisfaction with the safety of the bilge pumping arrangementsshall be approved by the competent authority. Inadvertent pumping through machinery spacesshall be avoided.(i) Where the bilge suction valve of the cargo space is located in the machinery space thevalve shall be checked and the valve lid and seat lapped to a fine finish, as necessary.After re-assembly the valve shall be locked shut and a notice shall be placed adjacent tothe valve warning against opening without the master’s permission.(ii) All pipes passing through the cargo space shall be in good order and condition.Hold atmosphere sampling units shall be effectively blanked off.(iii) Electrical circuits for equipment in cargo spaces which is unsuitable for use in anexplosive atmosphere shall be isolated by removal of links in the system other than fuses.(iv) The cargo spaces shall be ventilated by at least two separate fans which shall beexplosion-proof and arranged so that the escaping gas flow is separated from electricalcables and components. The total ventilation shall be at least 6 air changes per hour,based on an empty cargo space.(v) Ventilator trunkings shall be in sound condition and so arranged to precludeinterconnection of the atmosphere in the cargo space with other cargo spaces,accommodation or work areas.OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS(i) Smoking and naked flame shall be prohibited on deck in the vicinity of the cargo space orin the cargo space itself during loading or discharging.(ii) Any portable lighting shall be safe for use in an explosive atmosphere.(iii) The cargo shall be kept dry and during wet weather conditions cargo handling shall besuspended and the cargo space shall be closed.(iv) Sets of self-contained breathing apparatus shall be located and stored for immediate usetogether with lifeline and a gas detector.I:\MSC\85\26-Add-2.doc

<strong>MSC</strong> <strong>85</strong>/<strong>26</strong>/<strong>Add.2</strong><strong>ANNEX</strong> 3Page 181APPENDIXGENERAL REQUIREMENTS FOR CARRIAGE OF FERROSILICON1. Two sets of self-contained breathing apparatus shall be carried in the ship in addition tonormal fire-fighter’s outfit.2. Gas concentrations shall be measured, during the voyage, at least once during every eighthours at each outlet ventilator and in any other accessible space adjacent to the cargospace carrying this cargo and the results shall be recorded in the log-book. Facilities shallbe provided to make accurate determinations of the gas concentrations at each outletventilator without danger to the operator.3. Ventilation fans shall be in operation at all times from commencement of loading until thecargo space is free of ferrosilicon.4. The bilge wells shall be in a clean, dry condition before loading. The bilge timbers shallbe in good condition and covered with double burlap.5. The bilge wells shall be opened up and the cargo space cleaned up after discharging.A gas check shall be made before commencement of cleaning up.DETAILED REQUIREMENTSPrior to loading, the bulkheads to the engine-room shall be inspected and approved by thecompetent authority as gastight. Satisfaction with the safety of the bilge pumping arrangementsshall be approved by the competent authority. Inadvertent pumping through machinery spacesshall be avoided.(i) Where the bilge suction valve of the cargo space is located in the machinery space thevalve shall be checked and the valve lid and seat lapped to a fine finish, as necessary.After re-assembly the valve shall be locked shut and a notice shall be placed adjacent tothe valve warning against opening without the master’s permission.(ii) All pipes passing through the cargo space shall be in good order and condition.Hold atmosphere sampling units shall be effectively blanked off.(iii) Electrical circuits for equipment in cargo spaces which is unsuitable for use in anexplosive atmosphere shall be isolated by removal of links in the system other than fuses.(iv) The cargo spaces shall be ventilated by at least two separate fans which shall beexplosion-proof and arranged so that the escaping gas flow is separated from electricalcables and components. The total ventilation shall be at least 6 air changes per hour,based on an empty cargo space.(v) Ventilator trunkings shall be in sound condition and so arranged to precludeinterconnection of the atmosphere in the cargo space with other cargo spaces,accommodation or work areas.OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS(i) Smoking and naked flame shall be prohibited on deck in the vicinity of the cargo space orin the cargo space itself during loading or discharging.(ii) Any portable lighting shall be safe for use in an explosive atmosphere.(iii) The cargo shall be kept dry and during wet weather conditions cargo handling shall besuspended and the cargo space shall be closed.(iv) Sets of self-contained breathing apparatus shall be located and stored for immediate usetogether with lifeline and a gas detector.I:\<strong>MSC</strong>\<strong>85</strong>\<strong>26</strong>-Add-2.doc

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