Philippine Bidding Documents - UP Baguio

Philippine Bidding Documents - UP Baguio Philippine Bidding Documents - UP Baguio


10. Clarification and Amendment of Bidding Documents10.1. Bidders who have purchased the Bidding Documents may request forclarifications on any part of the Bidding Documents for an interpretation. Such arequest must be in writing and submitted to the Procuring Entity at the addressindicated in the BDS at least ten (10) calendar days before the deadline set forthe submission and receipt of bids.10.2. Supplemental/Bid Bulletins may be issued upon the Procuring Entity’s initiativefor purposes of clarifying or modifying any provision of the Bidding Documentsnot later than seven (7) calendar days before the deadline for the submission andreceipt of bids. Any modification to the Bidding Documents shall be identified asan amendment.10.3. Any Supplemental/Bid Bulletin issued by the BAC shall also be posted on thePhilippine Government Electronic Procurement System (PhilGEPS) and thewebsite of the Procuring Entity concerned, if available. It shall be theresponsibility of all Bidders who secure the Bidding Documents to inquire andsecure Supplemental/Bid Bulletins that may be issued by the BAC. However,Bidders who have submitted bids before the issuance of the Supplemental/BidBulletin must be informed and allowed to modify or withdraw their bids inaccordance with ITB Clause 23.11. Language of BidC. Preparation of BidsThe bid, as well as all correspondence and documents relating to the bid exchanged bythe Bidder and the Procuring Entity, shall be written in English. Supporting documentsand printed literature furnished by the Bidder may be in another language provided theyare accompanied by an accurate translation in English certified by the appropriateembassy or consulate in the Philippines, in which case the English translation shallgovern for purposes of interpretation of the bid.12. Documents Comprising the Bid: Eligibility and Technical Components(Envelope1)12.1. Unless otherwise indicated in the BDS, the first envelope shall contain thefollowing eligibility and technical documents:(a) Eligibility Documents –Class “A” Documents:(i)(ii)Registration certificate from the Securities and Exchange Commission(SEC), Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) for sole proprietorship,or Cooperative Development Authority (CDA) for cooperatives, or anyproof of such registration as stated in the BDS;Mayor’s permit issued by the city or municipality where the principalplace of business of the prospective bidder is located;(iii) Statement of all its ongoing and completed government and privatecontracts within the period stated in the BDS, including contractsawarded but not yet started, if any. The statement shall include, foreach contract, the following:(iii.1) name of the contract;(iii.2) date of the contract;(iii.3) kinds of Goods;(iii.4) amount of contract and value of outstanding contracts;Page 8 of 38

(iii.5) date of delivery; and(iii.6) end-user’s acceptance or official receipt(s) issued for thecontract, if completed.(This statement shall be supported with Notice of Award and/orContract, Notice to Proceed issued by the owner.)(iv) Audited financial statements, stamped “received” by the Bureau ofInternal Revenue (BIR) or its duly accredited and authorized institutions,for the preceding calendar year, which should not be earlier than two (2)years from bid submission;(v)NFCC computation or Credit Line Certificate (CLC) in accordance withITB Clause 5.5;(vi) Certification that remittances of concerned Janitorial Agency are up-to-date:a) Certification issued by SSSb) Certification issued by Pag-ibigc) Certification issued by PhilHealth;Class “B” Document:(vii) If applicable, the JVA in case the joint venture is already in existence, orduly notarized statements from all the potential joint venture partnersstating that they will enter into and abide by the provisions of the JVA inthe instance that the bid is successful.(b) Technical Documents –(i)Bid security in accordance with ITB Clause 18. If the Bidder opts tosubmit the bid security in the form of:Form of Bid SecurityCash, Cashier’s/manager’s check,Bank Guarantee issued by aUniversal or Commercial BankAmount of Bid SecurityTwo percent (2%) of theApproved Budget for the Contract(ABC)(ii)Conformity with technical specifications, as enumerated and specified inSections VI and VII of the Bidding Documents; and(iii) Sworn statement in accordance with Section 25.2(a)(iv) of the IRR of RA9184 and using the form prescribed in Section VIII. Bidding Forms(Omnibus Sworn Statement);(iv) Other technical requirements, including but not limited to the following:(per GPPB Resolution No. 24-2007)iv.1) Organizational Set-up/Chart of the Janitorial Agencyiv.2) Agency’s recruitment and selection criteria, including the number ofJanitors and Supervisorsiv.3) Housekeeping Plan for the University of the Philippines Baguiocampusiv.5) Certification that its agency personnel have undergone variousjanitorial training courses/programs, and related skills developmentcourses;Page 9 of 38

(iii.5) date of delivery; and(iii.6) end-user’s acceptance or official receipt(s) issued for thecontract, if completed.(This statement shall be supported with Notice of Award and/orContract, Notice to Proceed issued by the owner.)(iv) Audited financial statements, stamped “received” by the Bureau ofInternal Revenue (BIR) or its duly accredited and authorized institutions,for the preceding calendar year, which should not be earlier than two (2)years from bid submission;(v)NFCC computation or Credit Line Certificate (CLC) in accordance withITB Clause 5.5;(vi) Certification that remittances of concerned Janitorial Agency are up-to-date:a) Certification issued by SSSb) Certification issued by Pag-ibigc) Certification issued by PhilHealth;Class “B” Document:(vii) If applicable, the JVA in case the joint venture is already in existence, orduly notarized statements from all the potential joint venture partnersstating that they will enter into and abide by the provisions of the JVA inthe instance that the bid is successful.(b) Technical <strong>Documents</strong> –(i)Bid security in accordance with ITB Clause 18. If the Bidder opts tosubmit the bid security in the form of:Form of Bid SecurityCash, Cashier’s/manager’s check,Bank Guarantee issued by aUniversal or Commercial BankAmount of Bid SecurityTwo percent (2%) of theApproved Budget for the Contract(ABC)(ii)Conformity with technical specifications, as enumerated and specified inSections VI and VII of the <strong>Bidding</strong> <strong>Documents</strong>; and(iii) Sworn statement in accordance with Section 25.2(a)(iv) of the IRR of RA9184 and using the form prescribed in Section VIII. <strong>Bidding</strong> Forms(Omnibus Sworn Statement);(iv) Other technical requirements, including but not limited to the following:(per GPPB Resolution No. 24-2007)iv.1) Organizational Set-up/Chart of the Janitorial Agencyiv.2) Agency’s recruitment and selection criteria, including the number ofJanitors and Supervisorsiv.3) Housekeeping Plan for the University of the <strong>Philippine</strong>s <strong>Baguio</strong>campusiv.5) Certification that its agency personnel have undergone variousjanitorial training courses/programs, and related skills developmentcourses;Page 9 of 38

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