October - Sherburne-Earlville Central School District

October - Sherburne-Earlville Central School District

October - Sherburne-Earlville Central School District


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Many colleges and universities across the nationrequire applicants to take some form of admissionsexamination. Some schools develop their ownentrance exams, but most four-year colleges anduniversities require prospective students to take theScholastic Aptitude Test (SAT 1), or the AmericanCollege Test (ACT). In addition to these, some schoolsrequire SAT 2 subject exams. Listed below are descriptionsand information regarding each of these tests.Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT 1)A. The SAT 1 is composed of eight separately timedsections (one 25 minute and one 10 minute writingsections, two 25 minute and one 20 minute criticalreading sections, and two 25 minute and one 20minute math sections. This test measures students’abilities in the following areas:1. Critical reading sections measure students’vocabulary and reading comprehension skills.2. Math sections measure students’ ability tosolve problems involving arithmetic reasoning,algebra, and geometry.3. The writing sections measure students’ abilityto identify writing errors and improve sentencesand paragraphs. The essay section measuresstudents’ ability to develop and express a pointof view.B. The SAT is accepted at most colleges for admissionand placement purposes. Check individual collegeadmissions information for specific requirements.C. Scores range from 200-800 on all three sectionswith a total combined score ranging from 600-2400.An average SAT 1 combined score is around 1500.Because the writing section of the test is newer,most colleges still only look at the combined scoreof the critical reading and math sections whenmaking admission decisions.D. Scores indicate anticipated college performanceand assist students in college selection. Informationis available in the High <strong>School</strong> Counseling Officefor students to compare their scores with the averagescores at particular colleges.E. The SAT 1 is administered several times a yearat numerous high schools (Norwich is the closesttesting site to S-E).F. Registration fee is $50. Fee waivers are available.See your counselor for eligibility requirements.College Admission ExamsG. Students must register for the SAT online atwww.collegeboard.org. SAT registration informationand sample questions, are available in the highschool counseling office.Subject Achievement Tests (SAT 2)A. SAT 2’s are given in various subjects (i.e. biology,chemistry, literature, calculus, etc.) and measurea student’s knowledge and ability to apply thatknowledge in a particular area. It is best to takethe SAT 2’s as soon after the course as possible sothat the information is fresh in your mind. If youare required to take an SAT 2 in Biology you shouldtake this test as soon as possible after you completeyour course in Biology (Living Environment) or APBiology.B. Each SAT 2 subject test is one hour in length andan individual can take up to three on any giventest date. SAT 2’s are usually administered on thesame dates as the SAT 1 (see the SAT bulletin forexact dates). A student may NOT take the SAT 1 onthe same day they are taking one or more SAT 2’s.C. Some colleges use test results for admissions decisionsand/or for placement purposes.D. The basic fee to take one or more SAT 2 is $23 plus$12 per subject test. Fee waivers are available toincome eligible students.E. Students should check with the colleges to determineif any SAT 2’s are required. If required,SAT 2’s should be taken no later than the Decembertest date of a student’s senior year.F. Students must register for SAT2’s on line atwww.collegeboard.org. Registration information andsample questions, are available in the high schoolcounseling office.American College Test (ACT)A. The ACT consists of four multiple-choice academictests, each 35-60 minutes in length, designed to testa student’s background in English language usage,mathematics, social studies reading, and naturalsciences reading. The ACT emphasizes writingskills, advanced math items, and inferential andreasoning skills through reading. It is offered withand without a writing section. Most colleges wantthe writing section so register for the ACT withwriting.➤10 THE Maroon AND White

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