Read More DNAPrint Log Entries for Prior Year of 2005 - Kerchner

Read More DNAPrint Log Entries for Prior Year of 2005 - Kerchner

Read More DNAPrint Log Entries for Prior Year of 2005 - Kerchner


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<strong>2005</strong> <strong>Entries</strong> into <strong>Kerchner</strong>'s <strong>DNAPrint</strong> Test Results <strong>Log</strong>My Expected Results <strong>for</strong> IE,EA,NA,SSAF Population Groups:My Actual <strong>DNAPrint</strong> Results <strong>for</strong> IE,EA,NA,SSAF Population Groups: 94,6,0,0<strong>DNAPrint</strong> Test and/or Euro add-on Test Version Number: 205Date <strong>DNAPrint</strong> Test and/or Euro add-on Test Was Ordered: Nov 23. <strong>2005</strong>Comments: well I took my ancestrybydna test, most unexpected results, Ive had a feeling I wasNative American from father and grandmother, both dead, so does the EA mean Im NA, Im lost,what do I do next dig up my grandmother, Im not from asiaEmail address (To use delete '-Thursday-' and add @ sign in that position): jbirkemo-Thursdayyahoo.comGuest: Layne AlbertDate-Time: Thursday, December 08, <strong>2005</strong> at 00:35:40 (CST)My Expected Results <strong>for</strong> IE,EA,NA,SSAF Population Groups: EU, AF, EA, NAM expextationswere: 87.5, 0, 0, 12.5My Actual <strong>DNAPrint</strong> Results <strong>for</strong> IE,EA,NA,SSAF Population Groups: EU, AF, EA, NAM resultswere:96, 4, 0, 0<strong>DNAPrint</strong> Test and/or Euro add-on Test Version Number: 2.5Date <strong>DNAPrint</strong> Test and/or Euro add-on Test Was Ordered: Sept <strong>2005</strong>Comments: The contour lines showed in 3 <strong>of</strong> the triangles on the triangle plot. The expectedamount <strong>of</strong> NAM was shown in the "10 fold less likely" line (the yellow contour). This also showeda likely hood <strong>of</strong> EA. The bar graph showed about 8% <strong>for</strong> 2 fold less likely.Email address (To use delete '-Thursday-' and add @ sign in that position): bcronin-Thursdaycogeco.caGuest: Larry RutledgeGuest's Website: http://dna.rutledges.infoDate-Time: Tuesday, November 29, <strong>2005</strong> at 17:48:53 (CST)My Expected Results <strong>for</strong> IE,EA,NA,SSAF Population Groups: 81,0.19.0My Actual <strong>DNAPrint</strong> Results <strong>for</strong> IE,EA,NA,SSAF Population Groups: 85,9,6,0<strong>DNAPrint</strong> Test and/or Euro add-on Test Version Number: 2.5Date <strong>DNAPrint</strong> Test and/or Euro add-on Test Was Ordered: 22 July <strong>2005</strong>Comments: These results were received October 31, <strong>2005</strong>, and are an upgrade from <strong>DNAPrint</strong> ver2.0 reported May 7 2003. Ver 2.0 results were 91% IE,9% EA, 0% NA,0% SSAF. Ver 2.5 resultsshow 85% IE,9% EA, 6% NA,0% SSAF. Expected results 81% IE,0% EA,19% NA,0% SSAF The6% NA surprisingly was deducted from the IE results in the ver 2.0 test, and the EA componentremained the same (9%). I still have no indication <strong>of</strong> EA in my ancestry. The Euro 1.0 resulltswere reported as 48% Northern European, 24% Middle Eastern, 18% Southeastern European,and 10% South Asian. My Y Haplogroup was estimated as R1B, and my mtDNA is U2. There is afamily history <strong>of</strong> NA ancestry on both, the paternal and maternal sides. I have recently found thatmy maternal line traces back to Hancock Co., TN and a probable Melungeon heritage, throughthe surname <strong>of</strong> Wallen.Email address (To use delete '-Tuesday-' and add @ sign in that position): dna_log-Tuesdayfile:///D|/KERCHNER.COM/dnaprintlog<strong>2005</strong>.htm(2 <strong>of</strong> 21)3/8/2010 8:12:17 PM

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