IndiaFirst Young India Plan - Life Insurance

IndiaFirst Young India Plan - Life Insurance

IndiaFirst Young India Plan - Life Insurance


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all future premium(s) payable on death or disabilitydue to accident of the life assured.You may choose this benefit at inception itself, to bepaid in one of the two ways as follows:Option IPaid to the policyholder/nomineeimmediately on the disability/death of thepolicyholder. In case of death, the fund valueis paid out and policy terminates.Option ii The Company pays all the future premiumsimmediately to the plan by creating unitsunder funds as exist on that time. The fundvalue will be paid at the maturity date.Hence, this benefit ensures that thebeneficiary receives the fund value asplanned by the life assured, at the end of theplan term. The beneficiary however, doesnot have any right to exercise any fundrelated option except receiving the policymoney as decided by the policyholder priorto his/her death.10. Under what circumstances is theadditional benefit equal to the sum of allfuture premium (s) payable?• In the unfortunate event of the life assured’s deathduring the plan term• In case of an unfortunate accident that causes thelife assured to be permanently and totally disabledduring the plan termDefinitions applicable to Additional Benefit onaccount of Total and Permanent Disability due toaccident only:“Accident” will mean an event or contiguous series ofevents, which are violent, unforeseen, involuntary,external and visible in nature, which causes Bodily Injury.“Bodily Injury” means Injury must be evidenced byexternal signs such as contusion, bruise and woundexcept in cases of drowning and internal injury.“Total and Permanent Disability” refers to a disability,which -• is caused by Bodily Injury resulting from an accident,and• occurs due to the said bodily injury, directly andindependently of any other causes, and• occurs within 180 days of the occurrence of suchaccident, and• completely, continuously and permanently preventsthe life assured from engaging in any work,occupation or profession to earn or obtain any wages,compensation or profit, such condition to persist forat least 6 months from the date of disabilityFor the purposes of this benefit, the loss of both arms,or of both legs, or of one arm and one leg, or of botheyes, shall be considered total and permanentdisability, without prejudice to other causes of totaland permanent disability.“Loss of an arm or a leg” will mean physical severanceof the arm at or above the wrist or physical severanceof the leg at or above the ankle which -• is caused by bodily injury resulting from an accident, and• occurs due to the said bodily injury, directly andindependently of any other causes, and• occurs within 180 days of the occurrence of suchaccident“Loss of an eye” will mean total and irrevocable loss ofsight of an eye which -• is caused by bodily injury resulting from an accident,and• occurs due to the said bodily injury, directly andindependently of any other causes, and• occurs within 180 days of the occurrence of suchaccident4

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