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Tools and Techniques of Evaluation(ii) Instructions:It should specify a particular task through the instructions. For this,appropriate directional words should be used and structured situationsshould be given.(iii) Scope:It should indicate the limit and the scope of the answer (length ofthe answer) in accordance with the estimated time and marks allottedto it.(iv) Content:The question should assess the same area of content which it intendsto assess.(v) Language:A good question is framed in a clear, precise and unambiguouslanguage, well within the comprehension of the students.(vi) Difficulty level:Continuous and Comprehensive EvaluationA question should be written keeping in view the level of the studentsfor whom it is meant. The difficulty of the question depends upon theability to be tested, the content area to be tested and the timeavailable to answer it.(vii) Assessing power:A good question must assess between the bright students and theother students.(viii) Delimited scope of the answer:The language of the question should be specific and precise so thatthe scope of the expected answer is clearly delimited or defined.(ix) Value points:Value points or marks carried by a question as a whole and also itssub parts should be clearly mentioned.68

Continuous and Comprehensive EvaluationManual for Teachers(b) Form of QuestionsThe form of question depends on the objective and the content area tobe tested. Some forms are better than the others for testing certainabilities. A good question paper should have the questions based on :-(i) Remembering - e.g. How many…? , Can you name…?, Who spoketo…?, What happened after?(ii) Understanding - e.g. How would you explain…?, Who do youthink…?, Can you clarify….?(iii) Applying - e.g. Which factors would you change if…?, From theinformation given, can you develop a set of instructions about…?,Do you know of another instance where…? Etc.(iv)Analysing - e.g. Which events could not have happened...?, Howis … similar to…?, Why did….changes occur?, What was the turningpoint?, What was the problem with…?(v) Evaluating - e.g. Is there a better solution to…?, What are thealternatives...?, What are the pros and cons of…?, How effectiveare…?, Do you think …is a good or bad thing?(vi)Creating - e.g. Can you design a….to…?, What would happenif…?, Can you see a possible solution to…?, Can you develop aproposal which would..?(c) Types of QuestionsThe answer may vary from one word to several paragraphs. Such type ofquestions are also called as ‘free-response’ questions. Supply-typequestions may be divided into four categories as follows:Types of QuestionsEssayShort answerVery short answerObjective type69

Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation<strong>Manual</strong> for Teachers(b) Form of QuestionsThe form of question depends on the objective and the content area tobe tested. Some forms are better than the others for testing certainabilities. A good question paper should have the questions based on :-(i) Remembering - e.g. How many…? , Can you name…?, Who spoketo…?, What happened after?(ii) Understanding - e.g. How would you explain…?, Who do youthink…?, Can you clarify….?(iii) Applying - e.g. Which factors would you change if…?, From theinformation given, can you develop a set of instructions about…?,Do you know of another instance where…? Etc.(iv)Analysing - e.g. Which events could not have happened...?, Howis … similar to…?, Why did….changes occur?, What was the turningpoint?, What was the problem with…?(v) Evaluating - e.g. Is there a better solution to…?, What are thealternatives...?, What are the pros and cons of…?, How effectiveare…?, Do you think …is a good or bad thing?(vi)Creating - e.g. Can you design a….to…?, What would happenif…?, Can you see a possible solution to…?, Can you develop aproposal which would..?(c) Types of QuestionsThe answer may vary from one word to several paragraphs. Such type ofquestions are also called as ‘free-response’ questions. Supply-typequestions may be divided into four categories as follows:Types of QuestionsEssayShort answerVery short answerObjective type69

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