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Assessing Co-Scholastic Areas6. Takes initiative to plan and managedifferent kinds of events like festivals,environment week, fund raisers, seminars,quizzes, arranging morning assembly etc.7. Exhibits collaboration and co-ordinationskills while executing the tasks8. Displays originality of ideas and the abilityto see them through9. Delivers assigned jobs with responsibility10. Is a keen observer and is able to takedecisionsTotalAverage/Grade5b. Health and Physical Education (Part 3B)Continuous and Comprehensive EvaluationProper development of the body is essential for the healthy growth of themind. It is therefore, necessary that the students should be examined byqualified doctors once in the session along with a follow-up session. Ifthis facility is not available general information about health i.e. height& weight, etc. could be obtained by the teacher. There are already age/sex related charts of height and weight, and teachers should use thesecharts and note observations on the basis of entries s/he makes in theReport Book.In addition to this general information, physical disabilities and diseasese.g. defective vision, maintenance of teeth, deafness, long absence dueto illness, which the teacher can detect at one’s own level, should also benoted. He/she should also bring any noticeable handicap to the noticeof the parents. In the assessment of Health Status, the recordings ofheight shall be in centimeters and the weight shall be mentioned inkilograms. The Helath Manuals (in four volumes) brought out by CBSEmust be referred to and the graded activities taken up as part of thecurriculum in school. Moreover features of Health Promoting Schools,format of Health Cards and the themes and Annexures must be adheredto. The suggested format of Health Cards has also been given in theComprehensive School Health Manual (Volume I). The Health Card recordsthe history in terms of health for all learners from the time of admissionto the school till they leave.60

Continuous and Comprehensive EvaluationManual for TeachersWhile the area of Physical Education of the curriculum will be judgingthe skills and proficiencies acquired by the students in games, sports,physical education etc, the area of Health Education will concentrate onthose aspects which constitute the criteria for determining the physicalhealth of an individual. The following aspects will be taken care of inthis area.Health Education needs to be assessed on the basis of :• Basic understanding about health• Physical fitness• Attitude development• Participation in Health and Wellness Club activitiesThe teacher’s responsibility in this area will be limited to generalobservations for being communicated to the parents and guardians onthe above aspects of health of all students.We divided this domain into two segments. One is rating certain Healthand Physical Education (HPE) related behaviours, and second isinformation on actual participation in Physical Education, Sports andGames. General discriptors for HPE are given for appraising a studenton any specific activities, these general guidelines may be modifiedaccordingly.Sl.No. Descriptors Score out of 51. Demonstrates physical fitness and agility2. Displays courage and determination3. Demonstrates flexibility of the body4. Demonstrates sportsmanship5. Follows all safety norms of games and sports6. Follows rules of the games7. Has undergone training and coaching inthe chosen sports and games items8. Makes strategic decisions within the games9. Organizes and provides leadership in thisarea10. Takes initiative and interest in PhysicalEducation and WellnessTotalAverage/Grade61

Assessing Co-Scholastic Areas6. Takes initiative to plan and managedifferent kinds of events like festivals,environment week, fund raisers, seminars,quizzes, arranging morning assembly etc.7. Exhibits collaboration and co-ordinationskills while executing the tasks8. Displays originality of ideas and the abilityto see them through9. Delivers assigned jobs with responsibility10. Is a keen observer and is able to takedecisionsTotalAverage/Grade5b. Health and Physical Education (Part 3B)Continuous and Comprehensive EvaluationProper development of the body is essential for the healthy growth of themind. It is therefore, necessary that the students should be examined byqualified doctors once in the session along with a follow-up session. Ifthis facility is not available general information about health i.e. height& weight, etc. could be obtained by the teacher. There are already age/sex related charts of height and weight, and teachers should use thesecharts and note observations on the basis of entries s/he makes in theReport Book.In addition to this general information, physical disabilities and diseasese.g. defective vision, maintenance of teeth, deafness, long absence dueto illness, which the teacher can detect at one’s own level, should also benoted. He/she should also bring any noticeable handicap to the noticeof the parents. In the assessment of Health Status, the recordings ofheight shall be in centimeters and the weight shall be mentioned inkilograms. The Helath <strong>Manual</strong>s (in four volumes) brought out by <strong>CBSE</strong>must be referred to and the graded activities taken up as part of thecurriculum in school. Moreover features of Health Promoting Schools,format of Health Cards and the themes and Annexures must be adheredto. The suggested format of Health Cards has also been given in theComprehensive School Health <strong>Manual</strong> (Volume I). The Health Card recordsthe history in terms of health for all learners from the time of admissionto the school till they leave.60

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