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Assessing Co-Scholastic AreasContinuous and Comprehensive Evaluation3. Visual and Performing Arts (Part 2C)(i) Visual ArtsSl.No.Descriptors Score out of 51. Takes an innovative and creative approach2. Shows aesthetic sensibilities3. Displays observation skills4. Demonstrates interpretation and originality5. Corelates with real life6. Shows willingness to experiment withdifferent art modes and mediums7. Sketches or paints8. Generates computer animation9. Demonstrates proportion in size and clarity10. Understands the importance of colour,balance and brightnessTotalAverage/Grade(iv) Performing ArtsSl.No.Descriptors Score out of 51. Sings and plays instrumental music2. Dances and acts in drama3. Awareness and appreciation of works of artists4. Demonstrates appreciation skills5. Participates actively in aesthetic activities atvarious levels6. Takes initiative to plan, create and directvarious creative events7. Reads and shows a degree of awareness ofparticular domain of art50

Continuous and Comprehensive EvaluationManual for Teachers8. Experiments with art forms9. Shows a high degree of imagination andinnovation10. Displays artistic temperament in all of his/her actions in school and outsideTotalAverage/Grade4a. Attitudes (Part 2D)Attitude is an important dimension in students’ lives. In this section, youwill assess students’ attitude with respect to the teachers, school-mates,and school programmes. Please follow the same practice as in theassessment of Life Skills.(i) Attitudes titudes towards TeachersSl.No.Descriptors Scores out of 51. Shows decency and courtesy to teachersinside and outside the class2. Demonstrates positive attitudes towardslearning3. Takes suggestions and criticism in theright spirit4. Respects teachers’ instructions5. Accepts norms and rules of the school6. Communicates his/her thoughts withteachers7. Confides his/her problems with teachers8. Shows honesty and sincerity towardsteachers9. Feels free to ask questions10. Helpful to teachersTotalAverage/Grade51

Assessing Co-Scholastic AreasContinuous and Comprehensive Evaluation3. Visual and Performing Arts (Part 2C)(i) Visual ArtsSl.No.Descriptors Score out of 51. Takes an innovative and creative approach2. Shows aesthetic sensibilities3. Displays observation skills4. Demonstrates interpretation and originality5. Corelates with real life6. Shows willingness to experiment withdifferent art modes and mediums7. Sketches or paints8. Generates computer animation9. Demonstrates proportion in size and clarity10. Understands the importance of colour,balance and brightnessTotalAverage/Grade(iv) Performing ArtsSl.No.Descriptors Score out of 51. Sings and plays instrumental music2. Dances and acts in drama3. Awareness and appreciation of works of artists4. Demonstrates appreciation skills5. Participates actively in aesthetic activities atvarious levels6. Takes initiative to plan, create and directvarious creative events7. Reads and shows a degree of awareness ofparticular domain of art50

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