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Annexure 3eContinuous and Comprehensive EvaluationD COMPUTER EDUCATION (CLASSES III TO V)A*A B C DS kills Very confident i n Skilled in operating and Shows excellent eye Uses computer to Needs help from theusing graphic skills, word processing skills. hand coordination in enhance his knowledge buddy to complete hisword processingoperating skills. on various topics taught assignments.and operatingUses computerskills,skills.A ptitudein selectin gExcellentand using differentcolours, creatingpictures andidentifying differentfeatures of multimedia in workpresentations.Shows speical aptitudein using tools to createshapes and lines.Works with confidenceand handles mouse a tool.Is able to combine textand graphics with helpfrom teacher.Takeson thetime to locatekeyboard.GAMES (CLASS I TO V)A SPECTSA*A B C DEnthusiasmPlays with full intrinsi c Plays with full intrinsic Plays with zeal but of his Plays but only when Always gives excusesmotivationmotivation most of the choice gamescommandedtime.DisciplineObeys all clas s Obeys all class discipline Obeys class discipline on Obeys due to fear of Lacks discipline.discipline voluntarily voluntarily most of the command and follows punishment.and plays by following time and plays by rules only suited to his Follows rules onall rules of the game.rules of the advantagewithTeam spirit Has team spirit an dplays for winningTalent(Strength,stamina andspeed)Outstandingdevelopmentand displaysperformanceof skillshighfollowing allgamesHas team spirit andplays for winning most ofthe timeExcellent development ofskills and displays highperformance most of thetime.Puts his effort,individually.Very good skilldevelopment butperforms occasionally.commanddispleasureShowson andAverage skilldevelopmentteam harmonyoff.NotaSlow skillteam player.developmentkeys142

Continuous and Comprehensive EvaluationAnnexure 3eManual for TeachersART/CRAFT (CLASSITO V)A SPECTSA*A B C DInterestShows grea tenjoyment andaptitude for drawingand painting -recognizes the valueof art.CreativityHas original drawin gand innovativcness inthe work. Showsmore feeling andexpressions in his/herwork.Shows great enjoymentand aptitude for drawingand painting - recognizesthe value of art most ofthe timeHas original drawing andinnovativeness in thework, shows morefeeling and expressionsin his/her work most ofthe time.Enjoys drawing andpainting. Showsimagination simetimeGood at reproducing.Shows feelings andemotions.Preferstobethan using hisimaginationguidedownCan communicateideas in terms ofand appeal.theeffectPrefers to reproduce whatis seen. Needs repeatedinstruction.Lacks creativity and looksfor ideas and instructionsfrom the teachers.SkillExcellent developmen tof skills and highperformanceMUSIC/DANCE (CLASSESITO V)InterestAlways very keen t olearn and follow giveninstructionsRhythmChild has a goo dsense of rhythm andkeeps pace with thebeat.MelodyChild has a goo dsense of tuneExcellent developmentskills and highperformance most oftime.Very keen to learn andfollow instructions mostof the time.oftheChild has a good senseof rhythm and sometimesfalters in keeping pacewith the beat.Child has aof tune andoccasionallygoodgoessenseoff keySkills developmentgood but performsoccasionallyNeedsand startlittledriveSometimes loseswith the beat.toispaceChild goes off key,sometimes can comeback in tune.learnVery slow skilldevelopmentSometimeinterestshowsSometimes goesbeat and cannotit up.Child has thetime but goeshigher octaveoff themakesense ofoff key inNoskills.Does notinterest.Doesrhythm.Childsensenotshow muchhavedoes notof music.thehavesensemuchof143

Annexure 3eContinuous and Comprehensive EvaluationD COMPUTER EDUCATION (CLASSES III TO V)A*A B C DS kills Very confident i n Skilled in operating and Shows excellent eye Uses computer to Needs help from theusing graphic skills, word processing skills. hand coordination in enhance his knowledge buddy to complete hisword processingoperating skills. on various topics taught assignments.and operatingUses computerskills,skills.A ptitudein selectin gExcellentand using differentcolours, creatingpictures andidentifying differentfeatures of multimedia in workpresentations.Shows speical aptitudein using tools to createshapes and lines.Works with confidenceand handles mouse a tool.Is able to combine textand graphics with helpfrom teacher.Takeson thetime to locatekeyboard.GAMES (CLASS I TO V)A SPECTSA*A B C DEnthusiasmPlays with full intrinsi c Plays with full intrinsic Plays with zeal but of his Plays but only when Always gives excusesmotivationmotivation most of the choice gamescommandedtime.DisciplineObeys all clas s Obeys all class discipline Obeys class discipline on Obeys due to fear of Lacks discipline.discipline voluntarily voluntarily most of the command and follows punishment.and plays by following time and plays by rules only suited to his Follows rules onall rules of the game.rules of the advantagewithTeam spirit Has team spirit an dplays for winningTalent(Strength,stamina andspeed)Outstandingdevelopmentand displaysperformanceof skillshighfollowing allgamesHas team spirit andplays for winning most ofthe timeExcellent development ofskills and displays highperformance most of thetime.Puts his effort,individually.Very good skilldevelopment butperforms occasionally.commanddispleasureShowson andAverage skilldevelopmentteam harmonyoff.NotaSlow skillteam player.developmentkeys142

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