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Annexure 3eContinuous and Comprehensive EvaluationB. MATHEMATICS (CLASS III TO V)ConceptUnderstands th econcepts with logicalthinking and goodreasoning skill.A*A B C DUnderstands theconcepts thoroughly.Understands theconcepts and is able toapply most of themcorrectly.Needs occasional help.Takesmoretimeinunderstanding newconcepts and requiresfrequent help.Needs help most of thetime in understanding theconcepts and logicallyapplying them.A ctivity Very confident ,original and creativein-group activities.tremendous teamHasspirit.Takeskeen interest inactivitiesdoing variousand applying theconceptssituations.toreallifeQuite creative but needsto be more innovativeand original.Takes interest butneeds to be moresystematic andorganized.Lacks initiative and isdisinterested in-groupactivity.TablesHas understood th econcept of groupingthe numbers andknows the tables byheart. Can also dododge tables.Knowsfalterstables.athelittletables butin dodgeKnows the tables butmakes mistakes in tablesof higher number. Faltersin dodge tables.Has notconceptMakesamistakestables.understoodof tables.lot ofin dodgetheHasnotCannotall.learnt thedo dodgetables.tablesatMentalability Takes immens edelight in workingwith mathematicalproblems mentally.Has a good numbersense. Quick in solvingproblems mentally.Solves mental sums withease but at times makescareless mistakes.Can perform mentalcalculations but faltersoccasionaly.Slow in solving sumsmentally.Written work Work is neat an dmethodical.Presentation is asource of inspirationfor others.Neatwork.andsystematicNeat and regularbut sometimes notthe mark.workuptoOften the work isuntidy and the figuresare shabbily drawn.Untidy work.submitting theLate inassignments.138

Continuous and Comprehensive EvaluationManual for TeachersAnnexure 3eB. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE (CLASS I & II)EnvironmentalSensitivityA*A B C DIs keen, alert andobservant; very muchaware of thesurroundingsNeeds to be awarethe surroundingsofIs quite awareenthusiasmbutlacksLacks awareness;needs to be moreand alertkeenLacksawareness.Activity /ProjectExhibitts creativityand originality throughcutting., pasting,drawing, collage-work, composingsimple poems.Makes an attemptsome help.withCan do cutting, pasting,drawing and collagework and showscreativity and originalityat times.Lacks originality andthe ratio of teacherguidance increases inproportion to the child'sapproach and interest.Theguide.teacherisaperpetualGroupdiscussionHas the spiritequiry and isin placing ones'viewpoint.ofassertiveCan ask simplequestions but needsoccasional prompting attimes.Can ask simplebut with someat times.questionspromptingCannot putideas, needscoaxing.forward hisconstantDoesgroupsilentnot take partdiscussionsspectator.inandisaENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE (CLASS III to V)EnvironmentalSensitivityHas the ability toreason, doesindependent thinking;has value appreciationfor truth and aesthetic,sensitivity/observationCan do someindependent thinking andis quite observant withreflexes of occasionalappreciation.Can attempt tosimple questionson reasoning andobservation.answerbasedHas difficulty inreasoning andobserving. Can attemptto answer simplequestions.Needsanswerprompting tosimple questions.139

Annexure 3eContinuous and Comprehensive EvaluationB. MATHEMATICS (CLASS III TO V)ConceptUnderstands th econcepts with logicalthinking and goodreasoning skill.A*A B C DUnderstands theconcepts thoroughly.Understands theconcepts and is able toapply most of themcorrectly.Needs occasional help.Takesmoretimeinunderstanding newconcepts and requiresfrequent help.Needs help most of thetime in understanding theconcepts and logicallyapplying them.A ctivity Very confident ,original and creativein-group activities.tremendous teamHasspirit.Takeskeen interest inactivitiesdoing variousand applying theconceptssituations.toreallifeQuite creative but needsto be more innovativeand original.Takes interest butneeds to be moresystematic andorganized.Lacks initiative and isdisinterested in-groupactivity.TablesHas understood th econcept of groupingthe numbers andknows the tables byheart. Can also dododge tables.Knowsfalterstables.athelittletables butin dodgeKnows the tables butmakes mistakes in tablesof higher number. Faltersin dodge tables.Has notconceptMakesamistakestables.understoodof tables.lot ofin dodgetheHasnotCannotall.learnt thedo dodgetables.tablesatMentalability Takes immens edelight in workingwith mathematicalproblems mentally.Has a good numbersense. Quick in solvingproblems mentally.Solves mental sums withease but at times makescareless mistakes.Can perform mentalcalculations but faltersoccasionaly.Slow in solving sumsmentally.Written work Work is neat an dmethodical.Presentation is asource of inspirationfor others.Neatwork.andsystematicNeat and regularbut sometimes notthe mark.workuptoOften the work isuntidy and the figuresare shabbily drawn.Untidy work.submitting theLate inassignments.138

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